Genesis 2:1-25, God Knows Our Needs

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we're gonna continue our lesson and study through the book of Genesis last week we had out pour a night of worship and prayer tonight we're going to cover Genesis chapter 2 so if you have your Bibles turn to Genesis chapter 2 our goal has been and will continue to be going through one to two chapters a week and so this week we're going to cover the entire second chapter and then we're gonna continue onward you guys ready for a Bible study let's do this Lord we know that so much is taking place here at our church and we're so thankful for what you're doing through this church and specifically Lord you meet our needs individually you meet us our needs corporately as a church in a body and we just simply pray in this moment that not only would you meet the needs that we have individually and corporately as a church but that this moment would be a sweet time and a refreshment and reminder that you are a good father and you take care of your kids and Lord we love you for that and we praise you and it's in Jesus name and all God's people said amen the break down of Genesis and what we've been doing is we're going to read a verse and we're going to continue and then we're going to expound on that and then continue after that so we're gonna go straight into Genesis chapter 2 verse 1 it says this thus the heavens and the earth and all the host of them were finished a couple weeks ago we talked about the six days of creation the detail of what God's handiwork was and now we're in the second chapter where the seventh day is approached it is done first - on the seventh day God look what it says ended his work which he had done he rested on the seventh day from all of his work which he had done verse three then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because in it he rested from all his work which God had created and made I told you guys a couple weeks ago interestingly enough atheists have pamphlets and tracts I personally am NOT the biggest fan when it comes of pamphlets and tracks it's regardless this pamphlet and tract stood out to me one atheist track said pertaining to God just say no to a God who claims to be all-powerful but then requires a nap after only six days of creating now I've learned and realized a lot especially when it comes to this subject and pertaining to that statement two things first and foremost people are ignorant but but even even people hate Jesus desperately God doesn't need naps like the way you and I think of naps the way we look at naps and approach naps it wasn't it wasn't like God was fatigued and he was like men that was a lot of work especially those whales man I'm gonna take a nap listen to this Psalm 121 3 through 4 on the screen he will not allow your foot to be moved he who keeps you will not slumber why behold he who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep we need to understand something pertaining to God when reading this when when he rested on the seventh day was for our benefit it was for you and I he was trying to create and set up a pattern for our well-being that's why it specifically says in the third verse God blessed the seventh day he sanctified it he blessed it for our it's for our advantage you guys realize that because the reality is if you don't rest there are detrimental consequences they could be damaging also it's interesting because of the seventh day or seventh in the Hebraic language means to be fool to be completed you guys have probably heard that all and growing up in the Christian Church it's the number of completion but when you look at the pattern of Judaism which is amazing by the way for Jews they work six days and then on then they're off on the seventh day for Americans for America we traditionally work five days on and then two days off through the weekend depending on your schedule and who you are and your odd crazy schedule the point is five on two Europeans interestingly enough some of Europeans work for days and then they're off three days now if any of you are anything like me and my wife can save into this two days off is unbearably unrealistic I'm always having to do something I'm I get it you guys are like you're really swirly gentlemen's because I'm always needing to work or do something or move around and it's unfortunate but it's true on paper it sounds nice to have two days off but for me personally I really have one day off and my wife is so good because after work yesterday we were gonna do some more work on the yard and she's like you're not gonna work because it's windy and we're gonna go out with our kids and we're gonna go see a movie and we're gonna relax god bless my wife because we need to rest and we need our spouses to remind us to rest we need our loved ones to remind us to rest because the reality is and let's be honest if I don't rest it affects my family if I don't create a pattern where I take breaks it affects my ministry and just to let you guys know mondays are sacred in the household of the Dre C's because I won't answer the phone if anyone calls pertaining to ministry and it's not because I don't care about you or because some crisis is taking place I realize if I don't set up that standard it's going to affect everything and I'm going to create a pattern where I can answer the phone for this and not this or that you know it's just sure - normally I won't answer because I want to protect my family time I also believe in order to rest properly you're ready Christians you need to put this into your vocabulary it is okay for you to say no to certain things not only is it okay you can't rest if you always say yes to everything and guys I'm preaching to the choir I'm talking to myself right now and Carolyn will even tell you that that it's appropriate to say no to certain things in order to protect your Sabbath continuing on to verse 4 it says in Genesis 2 this is the history of the heavens and the earth when they were created in the day that the Lord God made earth and the heavens stop there for a second I want you to notice heavens there it's not singular it's plural it's in the plural format now interestingly enough after studying the Bible and still going to be I'm going to be a student of the Bible the heavens is described in three levels three dimensions if you will some of you might find that hard to believe some of you might even refuse to believe that's true again you're entitled to be wrong but let follow me for a second what an ignorant stamen you're ruj on follow me follow me the first level of heaven that's described in the Bible is recorded in Daniel chapter 4 it's not going to be on the screen but it's described as a place where the birds of heaven soar it's of course referring to the atmosphere so the sky that's above us is one of the first references that we see recorded in the Bible the first heaven the second heaven is referring to the stars that we see and of course I'm not referring to Hollywood stars I'm referring again to what we're seen in the sky this will be on the screen Psalm 19 this speaks of this second heaven that I'm talking about Psalm 19:1 look what it says the heavens proclaim the glory of God the skies display his craftsmanship so we've got the heavens described as the atmosphere but we also have the heavens described as the Stars the third level of heaven that's described in the Bible Paul the Apostle this is wild up I love this Paul the Apostle talks about it look at the screen 2nd Corinthians 12:2 Paul says I was caught up to the third heaven 14 years ago whether I was in my body or out of my body I don't know only God knows and I'm saying it like that because if you've read that chapter the things that Paul describes is pretty wild the things he witnessed he even will admit in that passage of Scripture the things he saw were too great to even articulate he'll say it's an inexpressible words that would be unlawful to attempt to utter kippot can you imagine being the church at Corinth receiving that letter hearing Paul and reading that Paul wrote that like I witnessed the third heaven Paul that's amazing are you kidding dude describe it give us information what was it like I don't have the words I'm not even gonna attempt it it's just like come on man wait come on don't hold out Paul Paul heaven was it a big big house with lots and lots of room was there a big big table with lots and lots of food come on Paul help us air the third level of heaven is a place where believers Christians followers of Christ are promised to go before the millennial reign or the second coming of Jesus the Bible describes it as to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord so continuing on in Genesis chapter 2 Moses tells us the history of the heavens and the earth were created now look on the screen verses five and six before any plan of the field was in the earth and before any herb of the field had grown the Lord God had not caused it to rain on the earth there was no man to till the ground verse 6 but mist went up from the earth and watered the whole face of the crowd this is interesting this is actually pretty wild plants and herbs had to grow and yet we're told that God had caused it to not rain yet rain doesn't exist at this point in Genesis chapter 2 we learned from Genesis chapter and remember there was a firmament in the atmosphere it was like a water canopy if you will and we're going to learn that this water canopy that's gonna surround the entire earth is eventually going to collapse as we know it as the flood as this global altering effect on the earth the flood but before pre flood days it didn't rain and we just read it right here in Genesis chapter 2 it had never rained and yet somehow God in His amazing pre-engineered way created something so that mist came from the ground in order to water the plant life so when you're at like Whole Foods and King Soopers and you're going through Walmart and you see the little vegetation and you know section and stuff and you see the little misters they stole that from Genesis chapter two God should have patented I'm just saying but that's that's in a way how it worked and it's and it's just wild a mist went up from the earth watered the whole face of the ground God is creative God is creative verse seven back in Genesis 2 the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life look at the last part and man became a living being I can't how do you not read the Bible and just ask yourself I can't wait and I wonder if this footage is available in heaven when we get there to see this happen the way that it's described it's gonna be amazing to witness life coming into the world is amazing to witness it is it's wild I remember before Carolyn and I had our first kid before we had Jaden we were you know just like most parents were very excited we were like we're gonna watch all the documentaries ever we're gonna read all the books ever and I just have to say this really quickly everything we learn pre having the kid days but having the kid actually having the kid it's like everything was forgotten but I do remember watching these documentaries and like most naive parents made the comment we've got this figured out this parent thing before we have kids again we have no idea what we're doing even three girls later mainly me Carolyn's a champ she's the oldest of eight children she was the second mom for years but you didn't come here to hear that moving on so I remember though watching this documentary that filmed an actual birth it was it was shocking it was just kind of oh okay and I've just been honest with you guys but to actually see my kids come into the world was the most amazing thing I've ever seen it is indescribable to watch your own children come into the world and even for me I was just I you know you've watched the documentary video and you're like and then I watch my kids come into the world I was overwhelmed with not just joy but just I would I was a lost for words and I remember even crying like this is so powerful it's amazing and it does it makes you wonder at Adams creation and Eve's creation in coming to the world how amazing that's gonna be to witness but I also want to break down verse 7 for you first it says the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground guys we came from dirt ok there's no sensitive fun like song to write about that your you came from the dirt you came from the dust in fact that word Adam literally can be translated to be mean man but another translation of it is dusty some of you might find that unflattering and unfortunate I'm gonna be honest I love the idea that I came from dirt like that's where I came from Heelys it really does explain a lot and it actually doesn't bother me because the Bible also says you are fearfully and wonderfully made that marvelous are the works of God but the moment Adam was formed from the dust of the ground he was his body was there but it wasn't animated meaning it was this soulless lifeless vessel until you read the end of verse 7 and it says that God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and then it says and then man became a living being that God breathed the dust into the dust of the ground created a living soul and interestingly enough also the word breath wind and spirit all come from the same Hebraic word which is rooh ha interestingly enough also the Greek word all of these things in terms of breath wind and spirit are the same as well which is Numa they all mean the same both in the Greek in the New Testament translations and so that the inception of humanity began guys guys listen you and I began volatile fragile piles of dirt that God breathed in and created life the creator of everything saw in that moment even to this moment where we're at Wednesday night going through Genesis and every other person that's a redness man became a living being I like the King James translation man became a living soul it's a beautiful description and picture of the inception of humanity verse 8 continuing back in Genesis 2 the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden there he put the man who whom he had formed now it's easy to just kind of skim through this verse and move on but I actually find this verse to be very personal in terms of how God deals with you and I and just even reading that because notice guys it says specifically for Adam God planted a garden for him to reside in he planted it for garden because if any of you you know cuz Carolyn and I we're planning a garden right now in our own backyard and if I came up to you and I'm like we're planting a garden in our house right now you'd good for you you have way more time on your hands than I do but if I told you specifically I planted a garden for you specifically for you I don't know that's flattering that's kind of nice I mean you can't help but go back to Everclear back in the 1990's and sing the song I will buy you a garden where your flowers dead you know the words know they bloom that's not that grow just kidding so it's a flattering thing it's a flattering thing the concept and idea that God made this garden he planted it for Adam I made it for you and that is nice and all because when you think about this and then again I'm not just talking about a garden like again hey I planted you a row of strawberries we're talking about Eden here we're talking about a perfectly temperate beautiful place planted by God a perfect habitation for Adam and Eve but what's cool about that verse also guys is it just it goes to show that God knows our needs in detailed ways that what I'm going through might be specific for my specific needs but he knows specifically what you are going through right now and what what you need for your life and the pastor's can go at the pulpit and start listing them and you can say I relate with that when I don't relate with that one but it's true he knows your needs financially in marital relationally your emotional needs and he knows where you're at and we know the verse that says we have not because we ask not and we and we fail to forget that lord I just I need help finding a job that's gonna support my family I need wisdom on how to discipline my kids I need strength lord I just need wisdom from you that's going to help me through life and Jesus even will tell us in Matthew's Gospel you can look at the screen Matthew 6 8 your father knows the things that you need but look at the last part of it even before you ask him that's personal he can identify with whatever you need and he sees Adams needs right now but not only does he see his need for for a wife that's going to come up here in a second he sees that Adam has a need even just as a human recreationally which is interesting to me at least reading this that hey Adam I'm gonna plant you a garden this is going to be your job and we're told specifically he did it eastward of Eden and in this garden we find some curious trees look at verse 9 back in Genesis 2 out of the ground the Lord God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight good for food The Tree of Life was also in the midst of the garden and the tree of knowledge of good and evil I have to say this really quick next week when we're in Genesis chapter 3 guys we're going when we're in the 16th and 17th verse of that chapter we are going to in detail talk about these trees for the sake of time and in order for us to accomplish going through the entire chapter I'm going to move on but rest assured we're going to talk a lot in detail and next week when we talk about it but both of these trees suffice it to say are located in the garden it was pretty interesting because we were in Israel and our guide was even saying that there were people who continually and even today are at tempting to figure out where this place was Eden and the truth isn't we don't know we're gonna find out here based off of four rivers that are gonna be listed we know two of these rivers but geographically speaking because of this cataclysmic thing that took place called the flood we don't know where Eden was but one day we don't know and in fact during the millennial reign we're gonna see a brand new Eden there's gonna be wild guys you know we should do for Genesis we should go through Genesis and then to go to Revelation and then go to Exodus and then you know go back okay I'm kind of jumping around but moving on moving on we don't know where Eden is but verses 10 through 14 this is a just geographical glimpse of the rivers that were there or running through it verse 10 a river went out of Eden to water the garden from there it parted and became four river heads verse 11 the first name or the name of the first is paysanne it is the one which skirts the whole land you're gonna love this name hvala Carolyn we should have named one of our daughters Havel ah I'm just sayin point it out there Havel ah where there is gold verse 12 and the gold of that land is good by the way I'm to the best of my ability pronouncing these so even if I'd create an accent when describing it it's okay if I'm not getting it perfectly right my dad's up front it's not okay verse twelve bdellium and the onyx stone are there verse 13 the name of the second river is guy hung it is the one which goes around the whole land of Koosh verse 14 the name of the third river is hot deck ell or you're some of your Bibles the margin might read the Tigris it is the one which goes toward the east of Assyria the fourth River is the Euphrates so again I like I said there's four rivers that are listed here that are coming out of Edom we can we can we can identify two of these four rivers because like I stated before before the flood it seemed to have dramatically altered and changed the earth at the landscaped erased covered some of these rivers but thankfully we are aware of the Tigers we're aware of you fray T's because some of these rivers at least in the post-flood world were named after familiar pre-flood rivers by knowing his sons which we will talk about also in Genesis verse 15 the Lord God took the man put him in the Garden of Eden to tend it to keep it before the fall of man which is code for before sin entered the world basically thorns thistles the IRS country music sauerkraut none of that stuff existed none of that was here before the God flooded the earth when there was that water canopy that was in the firmament of the sky gardening was much guys listen gardening was much different than how we know it today completely many of you especially from this past weekend and Carolyn and I have been gardening when it comes to that kind of stuff in landscaping you're gonna laugh at what I'm about to say but follow me before sin affected the world and everything the earth was perfectly temperate not that that's funny but gardening was not hard work follow me follow me because we're told in this passage that God gave Adam the responsibility to tend the garden Adam this is your job see this beautiful garden I made it for you it's yours if I was Adam I really can't be just like hire a company to come in like ten I don't know in Bible College we had what's called an m1 99 you had a service work at our Bible College I had security but everyone avoided desperately landscaping because it was grueling it's a lot of work and for good reason it's not fun everyone's like anyways the m1 99 of landscaping was not fun and when I think of or at least when we think of labor and gardening especially after Carolyn and I lived in South Carolina yeah gardening means muggy hot sweaty sticky nastiness but truth be told Adam wouldn't experience the pain of work in two after the fall of man and we're specifically grana breed that he is going to earn his bread by the sweat of his brow it's gonna be hard it's not gonna be enjoyable which begs to ask the question did sweat exist before the fall of man and if it did was it Pleasant - this into the smell of your nose I don't know these are the things I think about when I'm studying the Bible it's a deep thought I know before work became painful Adam enjoyed gardening and some of you in here deal I still enjoy gardening today you find it delightful do you find it great some of you find it not boring at all and there is an expression some of you have heard to be bored to death which is such a dramatic expression in and of itself a lot of it we've already cleared this at one point it again is certainly how I feel when listening to country music I'm sorry but I'm just gonna be honest but unfortunately when I was a kid when I'm thinking about heaven and I remember even talking to dad about heaven and God and who he was and I'm gonna be honest with you when I was thinking about heaven I thought it was going to be boring follow me there's something there's a redemptive ending to this story and there aren't because of - what I've realized it's not just me that have wondered that and thought that a lot of people have wondered you know is having gonna be this place where you're just plopped on a cloud and a harps plane and you're playing the same song over and over again it's a big big eyes it'll have some lots of big play a different song I mean but really we've wondered that is heavy what's having going to be like if you picture heaven like that yes it's depressing because it gives the impression there's nothing to do follow me and yet before sin affected the entire world Adam is given the task and the responsibility to tend and dress the garden that's the King James translation of that verse to dress it to keep it God creatively kept Adam busy with work to do that wasn't painful or difficult but in fact enjoyable and I think and follow me I think God did it this way because I believe that life would be painfully boring for Adam if there was nothing to do and again when we're thinking about the future when we're thinking about being present with the Lauren we're thinking about during the millennial reign I think it's the same thing guys I think there's gonna be a lot to do when we're before the Lord and were singing with choruses of angels and people the glory of God and the attributes and the Wonder and the pleasantness and the goodness of God but I think we're gonna have lots of things to do but not only was Adam told to tend the garden verses 16 through 17 give further instructions responsibilities of what not to do in the garden look what it says verse 16 and 17 Genesis the Lord God commanded the man saying of every tree of garden you may freely eat but the tree of knowledge and could have eaten evil you shall not eat for in that day you eat of it you shall surely die I know we're ready to ask the question of all questions when it comes to this passage in this verse in this moment and that is why would God place a tree in a garden that he knew and Adam and Eve were forbidden to eat from that he knows they're going to eat from it why would he put it in there here's an idea why not just not put it in there we've asked that question and maybe some of you are even wondering that right now there and there are numerous reasons but just a couple of reasons God desired a loving relationship with Adam that was not forced in the same way that He desires our loving relationship with each person in this room so if you think about it that true love is built on this single word you ready choice we have a choice whether or not we're going to love God dedicate our life to him serve him with everything that we are and the tree of knowledge of good and evil that God is placing in the garden was a way in a way saying to Adam if you want to destroy Adam are relationship if you want to turn your back on me that's the tree that you're gonna eat from to make it happen and most of us might even think that sounds a lot like entrapment that seems unfair but first seventeen tells us why they can't eat of the tree the tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat why cuz then in the day you eat of it you're gonna die you surely are gonna die if I came up to my oldest daughter Jaden who's into gymnastics right now turning eight in July and I said Jaden listen if you try to juggle highly poisonous snakes on the roof blindfolded during a storm you are sure the coin to die you're gonna die I'm not telling her Jaden if you touch that snake I'm gonna give you the reckoning of your life not saying that I'm if I told your kids if you play on i-25 hide-and-seek you're going to die I'm not threatening your children I'm not threatening my children I'm stating the facts and the results of tampering with things that are deadly that's the reality and you know what's that but you know what's sad about that guys is that there are people and I'm wondering if there are any of you like this where you're brought up your entire life with this thought if I keep messing up God is going to hunt me down I just keep messing up and he's gonna corner me and we have this this view of God like he's a hall monitor but that's not the case at all because the Bible says surely your sin will find you out sin is what tracks you down sin is what wipes you out it's not God it's it's the sin that enters into our life that's why we have the redemptive amazing but God statements of Ephesians that you guys just went through before this book Ephesians 4 4 through 5 look at the screen but God who is rich in mercy because of his great love with which he loved as verse 5 verse 5 even when we were dead in our trespasses made us alive together with Christ for by grace you've been saved when I read Genesis chapter 2 guys I don't see an angry God who placed a tree in a garden I don't I see a loving creator that gave me John's racy the choice to fall in love with him to willingly say my sin has separated me from you and you loved me and enough to go to the cross to take on the weight of my sin even while I was still in my and the dead corrupt trespasses of my sin are going to go to the cross guys if we and people don't realize that Jesus loved us enough to not make us robotic if we wanted to eliminate the option of free will then God would have placed the tree then God wouldn't have placed the tree in the garden Adam made the choice to rebel against God God in love is going to provide a Redemption result an option through Jesus Christ because of Adam's fall thank you Jesus thank you Jesus for that that he's gonna see the end result and guys that's not hate that is that is indescribable love because God could have easily forced his love on us onto Adam on to Eve but do you know what that's called that's called a rape that is an unwilling forceful love on you but he said hey I'm gonna let you have the choice to make the option of whether you want to follow me love me with your life we blame God for being unloving and yet it would have been unloving and unjust of God to create us without a choice and maybe you are here tonight maybe some of people are listening to this podcast later and you have never made the choice to follow Jesus you may feel like you're being forced but nothing could be further from the truth that Jesus wants you to willingly without force fall into his arms and embrace him as king as Savior as forgiver of sins and say you're my dad and you and I want to serve you with my life guys there's nothing more satisfying when my girls come up to me and willingly love me because I do I'm the dad who's selfish to force his love on them I do I grab them like you can't no move you so much like that stop at but those moments when they come to me willingly it's nothing greater than that it's amazing and we're gonna see here in a moment that God loved Adam enough I saw that he was incomplete guys and he's gonna provide the need and a solution with a wife verse 18 the Lord God said it is not good that man should be alone you know what I'm gonna do he says I will make him a helper comparable to him first time in Genesis something is not good that interesting he created light it was good he created the heavens in the earth it was good he separated the day from night it was good he saw Adam was alone that's not good something is not good about that picture guys I'm thankful for that first I love that God in His infinite knowledge saw that I John Geraci was utterly incomplete without my wife Carolyn I think God for that and God never intended for man to be alone thus God gave Adam a helper ladies what do you think of that name I mean you think of it and some of you like it sounds a lot like an assistant because if I wasn't introducing Carolyn it's like I want to introduce you my wife the assistant Jonathan stop it sorry I'll be more biblical this is the helper you know what's interesting though guys when you look at this passage of Scripture at least in the Old Testament the Hebraic word for helper is the same word God uses to describe himself follow me psalm 46:1 look at the screen god is our refuge and strength a very pleasant help in trouble what's also interesting is that Jesus before he's going to ascend into the heavens it's gonna tell his disciples I'm leaving you a helper describing the Holy Spirit now the same exact hebrew word that we see here to describe the character of god is also used for you gals as well and I'm not saying that Karolina and you gals are God like not saying that but rather according to God he knew I needed you needed all the godlike help we can get guys some of you needed to be reminded this your wife is your helper and God saw that she was your helper and if you haven't been and maybe this is one of the big things you need to remind yourself think - thank God for your wife even though in those times you don't feel like she's being helpful that she is a helper and I'm gonna be honest guys I feel helpless without my wife I feel whenever I'm traveling him away from Caroline I feel utterly just not myself incomplete Adam needed a helper that would complete him someone who can balance him out thank God for that but I want you to notice that God didn't make Eva mediately he sees the need but he's not making her immediately look at verse 19 out of the ground the Lord formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air look at this transition and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them and whatever Adam called each living creature that was its name I love the wording there in verse 19 God creates the animals but looks at him and says you're gonna name them I create them you name him there you go really got me yeah what's this first one every single one you're gonna name them I shall call you the armadillo Restaurants shall be named after you duckbill platypus I was looking up I was gonna have pictures of silly animal names and show you the pictures and it literally got out of control and I had like 15 animals but for the sake of time Adam and his creativity looks at every single animal and names them which caused me to look at the origin of these animal names and then I thought oh my gosh no wonder people spend 14 years in Genesis because we could talk about it for so long but suffice it to say one by one by one Adam names the animal continuing to verse 20 Adam gives names to all the cattle to what the birds of the air - every beast of the field for Adam but for Adam there was not found to help her comparable to him imagine put yourself in Adams shoes he's just like bear male bear female cow male female Wow there's a pattern here that each animal has a companion a helper and as each one comes one by one he realized he didn't have any one do you see why God did it in the way that he did that he saw that it was not good to Adam was alone but he used the animals for him to look at himself and ask the question why don't I have someone and then what is he in in it's not in the text but I suspect he looked to God to ask those questions because we're gonna find out here in the chapters to come that there was such an intimate relationship between Adam and Eve that before the fall God and Adam and Eve had these conversations and walks through the garden before Adam started naming the animals God knew at that moment it was not good for him to be alone and the reason again I'm pointing all of that out to use because Adam doesn't realize yet until here that he needs help he needs a full complete helper so what's the solution verse 21 the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam again God's the first anesthesiologist and he slept he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh in its place verse 22 than the rib which the Lord God had taken from man he made into a woman and he brought her to the man think about this Adam deep sleep he's probably pondering like why am I not alone I'm just gonna go to sleep and then he goes to sleep God takes out a side something from his side and creates his bride interestingly enough Jesus Christ in the later future guys is going to be introduced as a bride as well and something's going to come out of his side let me explain when the Roman guard and soldier is gonna see Jesus hanging on the cross he's going to strike a spear into Jesus aside which is going to lead and not to be graphic but blood and water gushing out and in this moment when Jesus dies and the veil is torn that the Bride of Christ is born that's you and I of a church in fact I'm gonna read this quote to you I don't know who said this quote and it's not on the screen but follow me woman was not taken from man's head to be above him she was not taken from man's foot to be walked on by him she was taken from his side to be equal to him from under his arm to be protected by him and near to his heart to be loved by him there's a correlation here of how God's doing this with Adam that we're gonna see a future perfect Adam like character Jesus and what an appropriate quote especially when I hear that because the Bible makes it clear and even by Paul look at the screen and effusions 5:25 husband's love your wives just as Christ also loved the church gave himself for her so what was the first thing Adam will say to his bride when he sees her for the first time verse 23 says and Adam said well hello you it doesn't say that it doesn't say that he said this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh he was smiling guys you got to read that verse like he's smiling because he wasn't like this is now bone of my bones and flesh so he's like wow this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh he's recognizing that Eve was both like him but at the same time she's not like him and so Adam gives the distinction between even himself and her says she shall be called woman why because she was taken out of man verse 24 therefore a man shall leave his father and mother be joined to his wife the King James Version is cleave to his wife you've heard the expression leave and cleave leaving and cleaving it's it's imperative it's true both for parents and for the kids let me tell you as a parent now it's odd to think about my responsibilities to my daughters is one day going to change overnight like that that God's entrusted them to me that we train up a child wish that they should go and then we do this so that they don't depart from the Lord but there's gonna be a day where there's gonna be an evil boy looking out for my daughter saying I like her I don't care that you like her and Carolyn's gonna be like this is a good thing and I'm like you're right it's a good thing and I'm going to give the blessed wonderful permission that they're going to marry her and something's gonna happen we're now he's responsible and over her and again I'm just telling you as a parent that's weird to think about now but it's the reality but why do though why why do we leave and cleave verse 24 says a man shall leave his father and mother be joined to his wife they shall be one flesh notice the wording they shall be one flesh not should be maybe or hopefully they shall be one flesh that becoming one flesh isn't just this instant excuse me becoming one flesh isn't an instant procedure it's it's also a lifetime a process although there's the bonding and the fusing together of becoming one flesh that's initiated when the couple's first have sexual engagement yes that's true that's true but what I'm about to say is imperative and couples that have been married for a season or even at the beginning becoming one flesh is a lifelong process October Carolyn and I are celebrating 13 years of marriage we are still learning the importance of this thing called weaving in our life together or as the Bible says dwelling with my wife with understanding learning from one another and I do I love that each year that goes by I learn something new on what to do and what not to do when living and communicating with my wife and again I'm not perfected this yet and if there is any marriages any marriage counseling and good advice that I can give there's 25 hits the nail on the head look what it says they were both naked the man and his wife and they were not ashamed that's one of those that should I get a knock you don't Google but let's think about this there they have come to this place they have arrived to true intimacy in this moment they were naked and they weren't ashamed there was nothing shameful about it it wasn't like Adam was like I gotta take off my gardening outfit and sty lush garden had its they were naked and God saw that it was this beautiful picture and they weren't ashamed and it wasn't just the physical it was more than just the physical I should say there was this psychological openness of trust but they can can be completely themselves they have nothing to hide from one another that's a good thing to have it's a good thing to have proverbs 18:22 he who finds a wife finds a good thing boys he finds a good thing and he obtains favor from the Lord they they're joined in that intimacy listen carefully carefully guys they're joined in that perfect intimacy until sin enters the relationship and now it's flawed God's still going to use that flawed relationship to bring glory to himself but in this moment they know what perfect intimacy is and next week we're going to see Adam and Eve succumb again to the tree of knowledge of good and evil their nakedness is going to be exposed of animal is is going to be killed on their behalf they're gonna try to cover their nakedness with thorns and thistles and it's it's gonna be such a sad picture and as we draw to a conclusion and as the team comes up here the fundamental groundbreaking question in the entire book of Genesis if not the Bible itself is this did Adam and Eve have belly buttons we'll find out in heaven let's pray God we come before you right now and not only do we recognize that you know our needs as creations of you God you know our every thought you know our every desire and I just want to pray for not just the the fusing together of the word into our hearts with each person that's here I pray that we can come back to that ah struck reverential love for you again where we can communicate with you again where we can dine with you again where we can worship with you again that's not altered and or things in our life distracting us from having the intimacy with you and Lord as we're gonna end the night with two more songs and I pray that you would meet us where we're at that you can search into our heart in this moment so that we can find not only any Fault in us but that we can worship you again without distractions and that this can be such a sweet time of fellowship and worship with you god I thank you for the book of Genesis I thank you that you saw the needs of Adam that not only did you meet those needs but you know the needs of every person in this room and I pray that we would do as the scriptures say lay them at your feet that we cast our cares on you because you care that we would remember that we have not because we ask not and I pray for those in here that are just lacking wisdom that in this moment they can in desperation and transparency to say I need wisdom in every area of my life we just pray that this moment would be sweet as we offer worship to you we thank you lord you
Channel: Calvary South Denver
Views: 6,674
Rating: 4.78125 out of 5
Keywords: Calvary Chapel, Christianity, Bible Study, Jon Geraci, The Book of Genesis
Id: dhK7Jw-xMVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 35sec (2855 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 19 2018
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