Genesis 19 // Lot And Sodom

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first service he tried to take my stool away [Laughter] so here we are [Laughter] i'm a i'm a sci-fi fan i like star trek and so you know the star trek reboot where you know it's like captain kirk um loses his dad and all that stuff and spock is kissing girls you know that that whole thing yeah one of my favorite lines in there is scotty when he gets on the bridge of the enterprise he goes i like this ship it's exciting [Laughter] when i look at our world i'm just like it's exciting pretty exciting you know um i i know that uh you know anytime the the the stuff that goes on around here you know goes on in our uh country goes on uh people like to hear what i think about it not that you know i'm all that awesome but uh i i did want to address things i thought that all i was going to be talking about today was amen and a women if you don't know what that's about you need to just google that no don't google it no google no google actually bing's been pretty good anyway you can do some other stuff uh in any case um you know the the whole thing that that's going on in went on with the capital and the riots and stuff and it was a riot there was a riot there and uh you know that whole thing uh one of the things that i do in situations like this is i usually bow out from the news for a while because you're gonna have all these people going into histrionics about everything that's happening and you know the nation's falling apart which it is it's been doing that for 20 years and better but um they get into all these history onyx about stuff and then after a couple of weeks then more level heads come out you start finding out what's going on behind the scenes i have i have no idea who went into that capitol building and we're gonna find out aren't we right and so um the you know uh you got politicians who are gonna make hay of all that stuff and uh i'm i'm not saying that i don't care about what happened there but you know what you guys i came from a pretty rowdy background and i like excitement [Laughter] i don't know this whole the whole last year i mean this is the first thing that's happened in 2021 besides the amen a women thing this is the first thing that's happened in 2021 and it's like wow so we do 2020 and then this is how we start off the the next year and so i i have more of a you know again i came from a rowdy background so i have uh i guess a more of a down to earth idea about this whole thing we've had um a whole party that's been encouraging riots for months and we still got them going on over in portland and the reason i say a whole party is because these guys vote as a block and then when you have exactly the same kind of thing that takes place in in washington dc all of a sudden we have a huge problem with it and it's not that i don't have a problem with it i think if you're going to do something like that expect to go to jail and so i heard the i heard the the president said that actually i read this he he uh he's he talked about the fact that they will be put in jail the people who did this stuff and so okay um but you know when i when i look at uh i don't know when you there have been people who were have been ducking for months and so you got business people you got people in residential homes who've had all these protesters you know walking up banging on their doors screaming with bull horns in their house can you imagine you're inside your house and a crowd of people is outside doing this banging on your door and this kind of stuff goes on and they refuse to call on the police they refuse to call in the national guard they refuse to do anything about it and then what they do is they tell you that the reason that this happen is happening is because these people haven't been heard and they're fed up and so you you need to listen up and so you have business owners who've had their businesses burned down did you know that the riots that took place this this last year in 2020 it's the most expensive rioting that the the united states has ever seen it's the it's the worst situation that we've ever seen and again you you have politicians that are just giving cover for that whole thing until they have to duck and as soon as somebody comes into their office and sits down in their chair then it's a different situation altogether then you know what happens when a businessman is trying to clean up his business and writers come in and tell him to get out and you know we're taking this over and that kind of thing different thing all together and now we need to you know we need to upturn the apple cart and and fix everything now all of a sudden and i don't know i like watching people like that duck you know um just to give you a little a little um like specifics you know because i can i can say that stuff in general but um alexandria cortez said this about the riots blm rants and antifa writes she said the thing that critics of activists don't get is that they tried playing the polite language policy game and all it did was make them easier to ignore it wasn't until they made folks uncomfortable that there was traction to do anything even if it wasn't their full demands she went on and said in another tweet the whole point of protesting is to make people uncomfortable activists take that discomfort with the status quo and advocate for concrete policy changes popular support often starts small and gross to folks who complain protest demands make others uncomfortable that's the point until you do it in my office and then that's not the point and again and you know again when i when i when i look at this stuff i i don't just i don't take this stuff off the news i went and found her tweet you know her tweets and i copied those it's exactly what she said okay and so you have this incursion into the capitol and and you know somebody sat in nancy pelosi's chair and again you know you do that stuff you get arrested and so i got arrested in november 2018 uh alexandria cortez did exactly the same thing she led 200 marchers into the capitol building illegally and they went to nancy pelosi's office and occupied it two years ago and she left before they started arresting people so all these people got arrested but she did not and so you know that's a little bit of hypocrisy don't you think yeah and so i don't know when i when i look at that stuff and you know these these guys play games with everything and so i'm i'm not you know i'm not overly concerned about a lot of this stuff i am somewhat but not overly you know because uh what happens when these kinds of things go on is it doesn't really affect my life all that much not yet i'm not saying that that's not coming because they're looking at they're looking for retribution now right and so there's been some things that have happened with parlor and facebook and google and and all that kind of stuff you probably heard about all those things and and so it's a world we live in you know the bible says that the you know the society is going to unravel and and people are going to follow some maniac who thinks that he's god that's the antichrist and and that's where the world's going to go god knows this stuff and so when i um you know again when i when i look at a a lot of this stuff um it doesn't cause me um huge discomfort i mean the main things that i've been thinking about is i got to wear this stupid cast for another month and i got a lot of yard work to do i'm not going to get it done let me let me give you a couple verses just to just to kind of encourage you one of them is psalm 46 i like psalm 46 a lot in in i've used it you know i'm using it more and more as as time goes on you know because of the unrest in society but psalm 46 says this god is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble therefore we will not fear even though the earth be removed and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea has the earth been removed have the mountains been carried into the midst of the sea we will not fear i don't have to live in fear you know i've got a god who watches out for me um you know what i i don't have a problem with people who want to do self-defense and and that kind of thing i've i've had uh weapons given to me they're hunting you know i had a hunting rifle that was given to me and i had a shotgun that was given to me i have weapons and and that kind of thing and i don't i don't mind the whole mindset of defending your family and that kind of stuff but i've never had to use anything to defend my family i've got jesus and it's something that i keep in mind and we've got you know we've got things set up you know we've got a school and so it's a christian school so it's a target for crazy people and we have we have situations set up where you know we would protect the kids and that kind of thing we never had to do it because we got jesus bad guy comes in the parking lot god's probably gonna kill him and so you know i want to be responsible and yet i don't want to i don't want to become you know crazy about this stuff uh even though the earth be removed though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea though though its waters roar and be troubled though the mountains shake with its swelling say la and that means stop and think about it so those are verses you need to think about there's a river whose streams shall make glad the city of god the holy place of the tabernacle of the most high god is in the midst of her she shall not be moved god shall help her just at the break of dawn the nations raged the kingdoms were moved he uttered his voice the earth melted the lord of hosts is with us the god of jacob is our refuge and against salah it means stop and think about it and then it goes on and says come behold the works of the lord who has made desolations in the earth and so he allows these kinds of things to go on but then it says he makes war cease to the end of the earth he breaks the bow and cuts the spear in two he burns the chariot in the fire and so sometimes god uses conflict and sometimes god stops it and he stops it radically and quickly and he's good that way then he says this verse 10 be still and know that i am god i will be exalted among the nations i will be exalted in the earth is god exalted among the nations right now yeah but it's coming it's coming and then he says finally the lord of hosts is with us god of jacob is our refuge say la right and stop and think about it here's another passage actually i'm gonna i'm gonna read it to you out of the nlt uh it's in a little bit more modern english this is in uh hebrews chapter 12 25 through the end of the chapter 25-28 and it says this be careful that you do not refuse to listen to the one who is speaking for if the people of israel did not escape when they refused to listen to moses the earthly messenger we will certainly not escape if we reject the one who speaks to us from heaven when god spoke from mount sinai his voice shook the earth but now he makes another promise once again i will shake not only the earth but the heavens also this means that all of creation will be shaken and removed so that only unshakeable things will remain since we are receiving a kingdom that is unshakable let us be thankful and please god by worshiping him with holy fear and off or our god is a devouring fire and so god shakes things up and the reason that he shakes things up is so that the things that will stand are remaining and he does that personally in people's lives and he does that corporately with churches and he does it nationally with nations he shakes things up he's going to do it with the world he shakes things up so that the things that will stand will remain so what am i supposed to do and what i'm supposed to do is stand i need to be somebody that stands i need to be somebody that doesn't bow down that doesn't you know i don't know cave i need to be somebody who's got a backbone he's got a spine and who does it for righteousness sake you know what there's all kinds of people in this in this country that think that it is okay to hate people and they get outraged when you don't hate them with them and it's something to keep in mind i'm not supposed to hate people there are things that i despise or things that i think that are absolutely wrong i don't like them but the bible says that the people who are doing these things are people who need jesus right and so something that i got i've got to keep in mind i don't i don't have a i don't have blanket permission to hate anybody and nobody else does either and they certainly don't have the right to demand that i hate them with them a lot of people in our country are acting like 12 year olds in junior high you know the popular people don't like this guy and so we shouldn't like him either and that's just nonsense that's not that's nothing but juvenile and so when i when i look at situations that go on you know i was talking earlier on that i you know when i look up when i look up quotes i don't just go from what a newspaper article says if they say something about somebody i go and look up everything that the guy said and so in the case of mr trump president trump it's i look up the speech and see what the guy you know said exactly and if it's a you know somebody pick on aoc then i look up what she said exactly so i know exactly what's going on and you don't want to be doing anything else and we can make comments on these things and and we can deal with those but i i don't go along with the crowd and just you know go along and hate somebody because somebody told me to how immature is that it's just that's just sheep being led around and that is not what we do we're supposed to be standing up for righteousness you know what um you're not going to change people's lives through politics the reason that people do the things that they do is because they have a heart that goes there and what needs to be changed is the heart and so uh you know when i when i look at my own life i was going in a certain direction i would have been a complete mess what jesus did was he came in and changed my heart and now i've got this life that i never expected because of what jesus did for me that's what people need they need christ and so you're allowed to speak about politics i i don't hold to you don't talk about religion and politics obviously the religion part i don't hold to that to that whole thing i get to talk about anything that i stink and want to and if if it's if it's something that uh that applies in a search certain situation i'm i don't have a problem dealing with that and and uh but i need to be standing up for what's right i need to be standing in in places that jesus would have me stand um rebellion and um uh stubbornness is something that is condemned in scripture as being like witchcraft and idolatry unless it's for righteousness and so i don't have to go with a culture i can rebel against it it's one of the one of those places where my rebellious nature gets to come out and i don't get to be stubborn just because i want something but there needs to be a stubbornness in the people of god where they will not move in certain places and on certain issues it's like you come up against it and you just hit a wall and there's there's no movement on that on that whole thing that's exactly where christ was in issues and i'm supposed to be like jesus and so that's what i want to do i want to be like jesus so there you go i like this it's exciting [Laughter] chapter 19. we were uh we're in the book of genesis in chapter 19. let's pick it up there let's pray for the study and then um i'm just going to go through and read it as as we're going through father we again just want to come before you and lord we've been talking about politicians and whether they're democrats or whether they're republicans or whether they're you know just opportunists lord we pray for all of them god we know that you want these people we pray for those who already know you just pray that you give them a backbone and help them to stand in right places for those who don't know you lord we pray that they would come to you pray for our state also and uh just ask that you'd uh work in the governor's heart and whoever he has giving him counsel and just give that guy wisdom he needs it and lord uh for us we want again our hearts to be in right places as we're going through your word uh we just pray that we would be more like you because of the time that we spend in it and we ask that you do this in jesus name amen okay just warning you i don't i have a lot of good things to say we're in genesis 19. so it says now the two angels came to sodom in the evening and lot was sitting in the gate of sodom when lot saw them he rose to meet them and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground and we've talked about this before lot sitting in the gate of sodom means he's a leader and you see that in verse nine uh when when the guys who come to attack the angels uh hear from lot they say this uh verse nine this one came in to stay here and he keeps acting as a judge and now we'll deal worse with you than with them and so judge judge means an elder in the city of sodom he's a politician in sodom and he's in charge of things and so he started out looking towards sodom then he's dwelling near sodom then he's dwelling in sodom and now he's running the place on uh with a group of guys but he's still an elder in sodom and so the angels come to him he bows himself with his face toward the ground and he doesn't necessarily know their angels at this point but he says here now my lords please turn into your servant's house and spend the night and wash your feet then you may rise early and go on your way so come in come to my house get up early and leave is what he's saying to these guys and they said no but we will spend the night in the open square how'd you like an angel to come to your house you invited me and he goes yeah no i'll go down to columbia park thanks but he insisted strongly and the reason he's insisting strongly is because he knows what's going to happen if they do he insisted strongly so they turned into him and entered his house then he made them a feast and baked unleavened bread last week we were talking about this and abraham when he saw the same guys he gave them a feast and it was a barbecue when lot makes a feast oh and and sarah was involved in it putting the barbecue together and when lot makes a feast it's just a lot his wife is nowhere to be seen and his feast is unleavened bread this is that means he he gave him soda crackers here have a feast of soda crackers this is what i would have done when i was you single it's a single guy make i don't have anything i got some soda crackers you want some of that sure soda crackers and water all right you know whatever you got to eat now before they lay down the men of the city the men of sodom both old and young all the people from every quarter surrounded the house let me read that again now before they lay down the men of the city the men of sodom both old and young all the people from every quarter surrounded the house and they called to lot and said to him where are the men who came to you tonight bring them out to us that we may know them carnally so what this is is a rape gang and it's every man in the city that comes out to do this you remember back in in genesis 18 where abraham's bargaining with god over over the city god you know he the lord tells him i'm going to go down to sodom and see if the wickedness that i'm hearing about sodom is actually so that's all he says i'm paraphrasing there but that's all he says and that's what he said with with uh the tower of babel also anyway he says that and abraham you know leaps in his logic and he goes god's going to kill these people and probably because he knows exactly what sodom's like and he knows why god's come down and so abraham immediately said you know talks to god and says you need to do right lord shall not the judge of all the earth do right what if they're you know what are their righteous people there are you going to kill the righteous with the wicked and god hasn't said anything about killing anybody and then abraham goes what if there's 50 righteous and he starts the bargaining it goes from 50 to 45 to 40 then he gets really gutsy and moves at 10 to 30 then to 20 then to 10 and that's when he leaves it off and the lord says i won't destroy it if there's ten and what you find out is that when the angels come into sodom there's there's one man who doesn't want to rape them it's one that's how long god waited for sodom that's long that's how long he waited until he was going to judge this place this place was messed up and the one man was obviously lied so verse 6 it says so lot went out to them through the doorway and shut the door behind him and said please my brethren you know there are people that you do not call brethren there are people that that they are not your brothers they are not your sisters and you don't call them that there are people that are supposed to hate you and you want them to because they're wicked and you don't want to sit there and compromise in these areas and again i'm i'm a guy who came from a wicked lifestyle a wicked background and i know that jesus can save anybody but there there are people who i don't want them to think that i you know that i approve of anything that they're doing they need to understand this right and so again there needs to be a backbone and these are not people that i would call brothers but lot does see now i have two daughters this is a please my brethren do not do so wickedly and then he says see now i have two daughters who have not known a man please let me bring them out to you and you may do to them as you wish and the daughters are standing behind him going thanks dad thank you for that father and so is lot doing wickedly well maybe they are brethren that's scary new testament says lot vexed his righteous soul being with the people in sodom what you see is a guy who's getting hardened to sin a guy who's getting hearted hardened a sexual sin his attitude is raping my daughters would be rape better than homosexual rape and so let's do that instead and that's crazy talk and it's not a place that a believer is supposed to be standing he's messed up and he's messed up because the people he hangs with goes on and uh he says but do nothing only do nothing to these men and verse eight since this is the reason they've come under the shadow of my roof and they said stand back and the idea behind that is get out of my way then they said this one came in to stay here and he keeps acting as a judge now we will deal worse with you than with them so they pressed hard against the man a lot and came near to break down the door but the men talking about the angels reached out their hands and pulled blood into the house with them and shut the door and they struck the men who were at the doorway of the house with blindness both small and great so that they became weary trying to find the door and we talked about this last week and and when these guys get struck with something that is obviously a judgment a supernatural judgment they don't stop they don't hit their knees and ask god forgive for forgiveness they don't go wandering off back to their homes and go you know maybe i i went too far this time what they do is continue to try to do the things that they were going to do in the first place which is rape two guys who just came into the city just looking for the door trying to do that stuff and that lets you know why judgment was coming on the city one of the things that you see in scripture is when god judges a people most times he's judging them so late in time that you don't see repentance you see it all the way through the book of revelation every time a judgment comes and people know it's from god they curse god for the judgment that they know came from god there's no repentance there and it's because they're hardened and their their consciences are um scalded um they're burned as with a hot iron timothy says and so they try to break down the door um and verse 12 it says then the men said a lot have you anyone else here son-in-law your sons your daughters and whomever you have in the city take them out of this place for we will destroy this place because the outcry against them has gone grown great before the face of the lord and the lord has sent us to destroy it and so lot went out and spoke to his sons-in-law who had married his daughters and said get up get out of this place for the lord will destroy this city but to his sons-in-law he seemed to be joking and when you again when you when you look at this passage verse 12 tells you why abraham stopped at 10. because the angels come in and say have you anyone else here son-in-law your sons your daughters whomever you have in the city take them out of this place so we know that he has two sons-in-law and so we have let's just do the numbers there's lot himself and then lot's wife and then he's got sons-in-law that's two more and that means he's got two married daughters now we're up to six um he's got two daughters that are in his house and now we're up to eight and we're talking about sons in the passage too that's at least two sons that's ten people and what abraham is expecting is that lot had enough influence in his life that he at least reached his family he at least reached his family and that's not the case his sons-in-law thing think that he's a maniac they think he's joking and they just mock him in this situation and they end up dying because of lot's lousy witness that's something that we need to keep in mind when we're looking at our walk with god and our witness the people who are around us the people who don't know jesus and even some of the people who are walking with jesus and they're walking in a little flaky manner need to understand that we are serious about our walk with the lord and that we're something that we're someone to be listened to i may not want to listen to you but i know that you're telling me the truth is the idea behind that and what happens with what is he's compromised his walk in such ways that that he can't even get that across to his family members now let's just talk about the sin of sodom i started in on this last week and i've got a couple other passages i want to share with you first one is one we dealt with last week and you know pretty thoroughly i'm not going to do anything but again read this to you it says look this was the iniquity of your sister sodom she and her daughter had pridefulness of food and abundance of idleness neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy and they were haughty and committed abomination before me therefore i took them away as i saw fit that's what god says about sodom and so when he's talking about sodom he says that their sin was that they had pride do we have pride in our country yep and fullness of food do we have fullness of food in our country yep and do we have abundance of idleness are there a lot of people in our country that have way much too too much time on their hands yeah my grandma used to say that a idle hands are the devil's playground remember her saying that to me i had no idea what she was talking about when she said it to me but basically she was telling me to get busy i think you know uh in in most of history when you look at societies uh a lot of societies have been subsistence cultures where they have to have their own gardens and grow their own food have their own animals and and that kind of thing and i can tell you that you know well i i can't tell you my wife can tell you because i don't garden my wife does she has me go out there with a rototiller and then she does all the rest of it because i don't want to do that but she has fun doing that and so you know it's like that's a lot of work and if i was doing it to grow all of my own food if i couldn't go down to the local grocery store i'd be a whole lot more serious about it instead of growing a lawn in my front yard that i mow every week or twice a week i would be growing corn in my front yard um actually i went to i i don't want to get off too much i'm telling you things i didn't tell first service but i went to africa and when we uh when i got there the pastor of the church down there he has a yard and it's it's not as big a place as mine but um he's got a good-sized yard and there's nothing but corn in it he does not he does not mow grass he grows corn and eats it is what he does with it and he thinks that americans growing grass and mowing it is hilarious what do you grow it for if you're not going to eat it in any case uh we got a lot of people with a lot of idle hands and and satan takes advantage of it and he messes people up with this stuff turn over to romans chapter one romans chapter one that was ezekiel 16 49 through 50. one of the things that's been been going on ever since gay marriage and um all that kind of stuff is is people have been trying to go to the bible and dismiss the teaching that um homosexuality is wrong and this is one of those passages in the new testament where again the bible teaches exactly the opposite of that um when you when you look at sodom and the old testament it is an example of god's judgment on the sin of men and specifically the whole issue with homosexuality it's an example of that judgment and so 2000 years bc this was not acceptable to god and then a little bit later probably about 1200 bc you have the same thing happening with the tribe of benjamin in israel and you have almost exactly the same results that take place in that situation it's an example of how far people had gone because they'd walked away from the lord and there's a judgment that takes place there when you get to the new testament in in the first century a.d we have exactly the same things taught in the new testament homosexuality is not okay it is not okay it doesn't matter what the culture says doesn't matter what they come up with it's not okay and so if i'm gonna follow jesus and take his word seriously then i'm gonna have to make a decision between christ and the culture and in this passage it it talks about this regression in the minds and the in the actions of people who once knew god it says verse 18 it says for the wrath of god is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth and unrighteousness see that word suppressed there it literally means to hold it down it's like it's like it's it's coming out from undercover and you jump on it and you try to push it back down that's the idea behind that suppress the truth do people in our culture do that oh yeah because what may be known of god is manifest in them for god has shown it to them for since the creation of the world is invisible attributes are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even as eternal power and godhood godhead so that they are without excuse because although although they knew god they did not glorify him as god nor were thankful but became futile in their thoughts and their foolish hearts were darkened professing to be wise they became fools and changed the glory of the incorruptible god into an image made like corruptable man and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things when i witness to people i know every one of them is a believer in god every one of them i don't care if they're an atheist or if they're an agnostic and i don't care if they're part of the intelligentsia they all know that there's a god and what they do is suppress the truth and they try to make it not so in this passage you have suppression of the truth then you have a willful rejection of the per of their personal knowledge of god they become futile or empty in their thoughts and they get a darkened heart they start professing how wise they are and you know you have some of that going on nowadays colleges and universities used to be centers of education and other centers of indoctrination right when somebody tells me that they've they've got a college degree nowadays i'm not all that impressed depends on the degree if it's in physics okay hard sciences that kind of stuff and even there you know got to be careful but other things you got a degree in sociology not to pick on you if you have a degree in sociology but you you know if you if you if you have that you know how weird it's gotten in any case um you have people who become uh who have a profession of wisdom but it says they became fools the word for fool in that passage is a faith son a faison with the emphasis on i love to point that out every time the word fool is mentioned it's it's in the bible so jesus calls people morons so it's okay yeah when you're talking to your children don't say and your children will say to you jesus said it if i was teaching a sunday school class i would tell them i tell my sunday school kids that you know just there's a result of this kind of lifestyle you see it starting in verse 24 it says therefore god also gave them up to uncleanness in the lust of their hearts to dishonor their bodies among themselves and so when you have that attitude where you're suppressing god turning away from the truth and you think you're also wise and you're really a god gives you over to uncleanness and that's talking about sexual immorality then it goes from sexual immorality and it says um verse 26 well verse uh uncleanness to dishonor their bodies among themselves verse 25 who exchanged the truth of god for the lie that's the you know the lie is is this that you can be your own god that's what the lie is and so these are people who have refused to acknowledge god and they take over and they think that their own their their own god that's that's the lie that satan gave in the garden if you eat from the fruit of this tree you will become like gods is what it says in hebrew you will become like gods knowing good and evil and that's what our culture does got a lot of little gods running around especially politicians not all of them i know some really good ones but verse 26 it says for this reason god gave them up to vile passions for even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust for one another men with men committing what is shameful and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due and so you go from sexual immorality to homosexuality and it's a cycle that's what's happened in our country so back when i was a little kid you had the sexual revolution was that about homosexuality no it was not i'm not saying that there wasn't any homosexuality going on back then because there was but that's not what it was about it was about sexual immorality it's about what the bible calls fornication sex outside of marriage you can do it with anybody that you want to and we don't have to you know we don't have to stick to uh biblical norms we don't have to do this stuff and not too long after that the homosexuality became you know became something that was rampant and so we had you know aids in the 80s and all this kind of stuff that was going on they had gay bath houses and that kind of stuff famously down in california and i i grew up in those areas i know people who lived that lifestyle and came out of it and became christians i know people who've done this weird things there holes in walls i'm not going to go any further than that and um in any case it says that the men specifically receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due let's talk about the fact that when you do this stuff things happen to your body and so homosexuality is a death sentence specifically among men and usually at this point in a in a study on this stuff i'll just go through and start listing the diseases that come from this anybody who's in the medical field knows exactly what i'm talking about and so there are all kinds of diseases that come from this because it's an unnatural use of your body it's not how your body was made to work and so bad things happen especially to your immune system in this situation and again we need to understand that and even as they did not like to retain god and their knowledge god gave them over to a debased mind to do those things which are not fitting and so it goes you know uncleanness and dishonoring their bodies to vile passions specifically homosexuality along with the consequences in their body and then it finally ends up with a debased mind a situation where they don't like to retain god their knowledge and people who are in this situation that's where they're at they don't want to think about god they don't want to have anything to do with god and if they want to have anything to do with god it's weird and twisted in all kinds of ways and that again is a is a cycle that people go through because god has given them up to these things and so i don't i don't want to be involved in that stuff how many of you have excelled raise your hands did you want did you want to think about god the whole time you were backslidden i didn't either didn't want to have anything to do with him and that's a situation that you get in these things and it sends you over to a place where you can become debased it goes on in verse 29 it says being filled with all unrighteousness they began to do those things which are not fitting being filled with all unrighteousness sexual immorality wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of envy murder strifes deceit evil mindedness that's that's the whole you know wicked little junior high people coming up with some reason to pick on somebody and then transfer that to the adult arena evil-mindedness they are whisperers backbiters haters of god violent proud boasters inventors of evil things that's a whole news media just invent inventors of evil thing disobedient to parents undiscerning untrustworthy unloving unforgiving unmerciful that doesn't just destroy describe our culture i don't know what does cancel culture is what that is at the end unforgiving unloving unmerciful who knowing the righteous judgment of god that those who practice such things are deserving of death not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them that again is not where a believer is supposed to be we we don't we don't live that way and so i gave you some verses last week on this sin i'm going to do a do some of the ones that i did last week and then give you a few more it says this is out of jude seven again as sodom and gomorrah and the cities around them in a similar manner to these having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh or set forth and as as an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire sodom and gomorrah is an example of what god does to people who go here what happened in sodom you shall not lie with a man or with a male as with a woman it's an abomination leviticus 18 22. in leviticus 2013 it says if a man lies with a male as with as he lies with a woman both of them have committed an abomination they shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them and so god gives the death penalty for that and like i talked about last week god gives the death penalty for a number of things i have five of them there are five things that i've done it was part of my lifestyle that got the death penalty in the old testament am i dead nope and the reason i'm not dead is because god's not willing that any should perish who wants people to come to repentance and so that's what people need they need repentance they don't need to be patted on the back of the head and said and told what you're doing is okay that's not what happened to me that's why i'm here in um first corinthians 6 9-11 it says do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of god do not be deceived it doesn't matter what people say doesn't matter what people think doesn't matter what you know what kind of accusations they place against god because he's so harsh and intolerant it doesn't matter do not be deceived he says neither fornicators sex outside of marriage nor idolaters nor adulterers nor homosexuals nor sodomites that's the passive in the active partner nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of god they will not it's not going to happen and then he says and such were some of you that means people in the corinthian church were fornicators or idolaters or adulterers or homosexuals or thieves or covetous or drunkards and so on every single one of those were people in the corinthian church so such were some of you so you don't have to live there anymore and that's one of the things that people need to know you i don't have to live in my sin there you know most people never change unless they meet jesus and then when they meet jesus all kinds of changes start happening and god can change anyone he could turn anyone around and he can make them something that they could never even believe that they could be and so that's something that we need to be sharing with people and here's how the change happened you were washed you were sanctified that means set apart for special use god wants to wash you and then he wants to use you specially he wants to treat you as something special but you were justified in the name of the lord jesus and by the spirit of our god here's another one second peter 2 6 turning the cities of sodom and gomorrah into ashes condemned them to destruction making them an example to those who afterward afterward would live ungodly here's another one ephesians 5 5-6 it says for this you know that no fornicator unclean person nor covetous man who is an idolater has any inheritance in the kingdom of christ and god let no one deceive you with empty words for because of these things the wrath of god comes upon the sons of disobedience and again the lifestyle that the the bible pictures here in romans chapter one including homosexuality and all the other garbage that's in that passage are things that keep you out of the kingdom of god you're not to be deceived about this stuff actually in that passage in ephesians it ends with and therefore do not be partakers with them don't partake with them don't be involved in this don't be a partaker of the judgment that comes with that with these things you know when you when you look at the issue on this people people just have a problem with what the bible says and when christians have that problem that's that's a mess disputing with the word of god on this issue is not an indication of growth and it's not an indication of your compassion it's not an indication of your sophistication and it's certainly not a mark of theological integrity it's an indication of a debased mind is what romans says let me let me give you the verse again who knowing the righteous judgment of god that those who practice such things are deserving of death not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them we are not to approve of these things it gets people destroyed and i'm not interested in being involved with their destruction i'm interested in being involved with their salvation it's where we stand as believers it's not an attitude that's inclusive when you pat somebody on the back of the head for this it's an attitude that excludes people god loves from the kingdom he's prepared for all those who turn from sin and come to him you're not including people you're excluding them from the kingdom of god when you approve of those things you're not kinder you're not more loving than god people who claim to be christians need to stop contradicting god's word and get out of the way and then you let god be god god loves people more than i ever could god is more gracious to people than i ever would be god is the one who knows what he's doing and you don't you don't and neither do i and so again we need to get out of the way and let god be god he does it way better than you you're not a good god but god is back over to chapter 19 uh there's no way we're getting done with this i you know i got some more stuff i want to do on last days stuff in connection with this so we'll be picking up that uh picking that up next week i want to just real quick go through and and finish the end of the story and wrap up where lot got himself it says um when the morning dawn verse 15 the angels urge lot to hurry sing arise take your wife and your two daughters who were here lest you be consumed in the punishment of the city and while he lingered the men took hold of his hand his wife's hand in the hands of his two daughters the lord being merciful to him and they brought him out and set him outside the city so it came to pass when they had brought them outside that he said escape for your life do not look behind you nor stay anywhere in the plane escape to the mountains lest you be destroyed then lot said to them please no my lords indeed now your servant has found favor in your sight and you've increased your mercy which you have shown me by saving my life but i cannot escape to the mountains lest some evil overtake me and i die see now this city is near enough to flee to and it's a little one please let me escape there is it not a little one and my soul shall live and he said to him see i have favored you concerning this thing also in that i will not overthrow this city for which you have spoken hurry escape there i cannot do anything until you arrived there therefore the name of the city of the city was called zoar and so you see lot interceding but not for his sons-in-law and not for his sons and not for his daughters that are going to die in sodom he's interceding for himself the guy is completely selfish in this situation he's about to lose better than half of his family and all he cares about is i don't want to hike up into the mountains of all things and that's messed up so you see you know not only is he ruling in sodom he's calling these guys brothers he's insistent that the angels come to to be in his house and uh because of the he knows what's going to happen if they go to the park um he uh he talks about his uh these people being his brethren and his daughters being virgins let's keep reading real quick it goes on and it says then the lord rained brimstone and fire on sodom and gomorrah from the lord out of the heavens so he overthrew those cities all the plane all the inhabitants of the cities and what grew on the ground but his wife looked back behind him and she became a pillar of salt we'll talk more about that next week and abraham went early in the morning to the place where he had stood before the lord then he looked towards sodom and gomorrah toward the all the land of the plain and he saw and behold the smoke of the land which went up like the smoke of a furnace and it came to pass when god destroyed the cities of the plain that god remembered abraham and sent lot out of the midst of the overthrow when he overthrew the cities in which lot of dwelt see that verse what that's telling you is god knew what abraham was doing when he was making the deals in chapter 18. lot's name was never mentioned he just got it down to 10 and god knows he's talking about lot's family and so god god delivered lot because of abraham it goes on verse 30 and says then lot went up out of zoar and dwelt in the mountains and his two daughters were with him before he was afraid to dwell in zoar and he and his two daughters dwelt in the cave now the firstborn said to the younger our father is old and there's no man on the earth to come into us as is the custom of all the earth come let us make our father drink wine and we will lie with him that we may preserve the lineage of our father so they made their father drink wine that night and the firstborn went in and lay with her father and he didn't know when she laid down or when she arose he was so plastered it happened on the next day that the firstborn said to the younger indeed i lay with my father last night let us make him drink wine tonight also and you go in and lie with him that we may preserve the lineage of our father then they made their father drink wine that night also and the younger arose and lay with them and he did not know when she laid down and when she arose thus both the daughters of lot were with child made pregnant by their father firstborn bore a son and called his name moab and he's the father of the moabites to this day and the younger also bore his son and called his name ben amy and he's the father of the people of ammon to this day the moabites and the ammonites famous enemies of the people of israel came from incest with lots daughters between lot and his daughters are those the actions of virgins right and um that lets you know that he has he is clueless about his family he's clueless about his family so i don't know you this guy lost everything he ends up losing everything and it's all because of compromise it's all because he uh compromised with the culture and what he gets is judgment and he loses his wife he loses his children he loses his home he loses his position all because he chose to compromise with the things that god promises to judge you don't compromise with the things that god promises to judge it'll wreck you it'll it'll wreck the people around you it's not a good thing um the last verse i want to give you is out of first corinthians 15 33 it says do not be deceived bad company corrupts good morals and you are not exempt and neither am i and so there there are places that christians are supposed to stand and there are there are people that christians are supposed to be with and there are people that christians are not supposed to be with and in those situations we're supposed to be salt and light so i'm going to pray that you would be salt and light let's pray father thanks again for your word thank you for the the blessing of knowing you and again lord we want to pray for our country and uh all the decision makers and the things that are going on with these people or we want them to make godly decision when the right when the righteous rule the people rejoice and lord we would like a righteous rule so we pray for that father but even more than that lord we know that really what needs to happen is our country needs to be changed from the bottom up uh we need to be people who are salt and light to those who are around us and hearts need to be changed when you change your heart you change every action that comes out of the heart and that's what we need to see or we know that you may be setting up this planet for the judgment that's to come and we understand uh that that may be your will in this situation uh but lord you've you've called us again to be people who stand against the evil who stand against immorality and people who are examples of what it means to follow christ help us to be that and we ask that you do this all in jesus name amen let's all stand
Channel: Calvary Chapel Tri-Cities
Views: 947
Rating: 4.875 out of 5
Keywords: The Creation Story, Genesis, Did God create the heavens and the earth, Truth, The Bible, Calvary Chapel Tri-Cities, Steve Whinery, Gosphel, God, Biblical Prophecy, Jesus, Science and the bible, God creating everything, Evidence of A God, Bible teaching, Sermons, verse by verse bible teaching, Good bible teachers, Beginning of the universe, 6 days, creation, did god rest on the 7th day, Evolution vs the Bible
Id: Xy2cdtSXzlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 59sec (3419 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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