Joshua 10 // How God Made The Sun Stand Still

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hey guys hey um i was behind this morning on on the news like i said i haven't been really watching things uh they just canceled parlor you guys hear about this so google and apple that those bastions of morality who get their products and kind of stuff from slave labor in china i have real problems with these people uh china china's been doing all kinds of whacked out stuff for years uh with their social media and literally using it to police their citizenry so when you're on social media you can vote people up or you can vote them down uh based on whether or not you know that they're complying with all government mandates and that kind of thing and uh so um they've been doing that for gosh it's been four or five years now i did this in a prophecy update four or five years ago and uh facebook was involved in putting that whole system together of all things really nice really nice and so now they've taken and uh i guess because uh i don't even know that trump's on parlor is he is he you guys know this for sure he's on parlor okay um so because people have been switching over to parlor uh both facebook and uh google and amazon have uh told parlor that if they didn't um restrict speech on their platform that they were going to uh basically put them out of business and so amazon shut down all their servers uh there's what that's supposed to happen tonight at midnight they shut down all their servers and then google and apple i was saying facebook i'm in apple apple uh have taken them off the app stores and basically coerced uh people who are doing business with parlor into dropping their business with them and so they they coordinated this and they did it all within a day basically and so there's the world that we live in don't you love that i'm getting i'm getting pretty ticked off that's making me crazy so i'm going to de-platform google and uh at church and stuff we're going to be changing email addresses and all this kind of stuff in the not too distant future so that may cause a ruckus you ready all right we're doing the book of joshua i just uh i just listened to the uh um ceo of facebook on um is that coming up there are you are you seeing my screen don't look at that okay there we go all right we're in the we're in the book of joshua in chapter 10. we started last week and i'll just give a real quick overview and then we'll then we'll um move on with a couple of things i was doing all this all the sciency stuff and i still have a little bit to do but we'll we'll make this quick because i gave you most of the background last week okay joshua chapter 10 let's pray before we start god again thank you for the time together lord thank you for your word thank you for the blessing that you are to us and god again we pray that you'd intervene intervene for our country there's all kinds of things that are that are going on that are uh pretty disturbing and uh lord it's wild how things can turn around just a matter of a few days and people clamping down and things like that lord we we just prayed that you'd be with us and that you would be our strength and bless the study tonight we ask this in jesus name amen okay uh again starting from from uh verse one it says now came to pass when ad nizidek king of jerusalem heard how joshua had taken ai and utterly destroyed it as he had done to jericho and its king so he had done to ai and its king and how the inhabitants of gibeon had made peace with israel and were among them uh that they feared greatly because gibeon was a great city like one of the royal cities and because it was greater than a.i and all its men were mighty and then you see in the next couple of verses down through verse 5 that adonai zedek which means lord of righteousness we talked about that last week goes and gets a group of kings together five of them total and comes up against gibeon and because joshua had made a covenant with gibeon in chapter 9 the covenant was fraudulent the gibeonites had come and tricked the people of israel but the people of israel made a vow in the name of god and they kept it uh because they made a vow in the name of god which is um quite a change from modern morality in any case because they've made this covenant with gibeon they came up to fight with uh adonai zedek and his kings and uh they end up winning the battle and so you see in verse six it says the men of gibeon sent to joshua at the camp at gilgal saying do not forsake your servants come up to us quickly save us and help us for the kings of the amorites who dwell in the mountains have gathered together against us so joshua ascends verse seven the lord said to joshua do not fear them verse eight i've delivered them into your hand uh joshua verse 9 therefore came upon them suddenly having marched all night from gilgal and so the lord routed them before israel killed them with a great slaughter of gibby and chased them along the road that goes to beth herron and struck them down as far as azaka and macadam so they're up in the mountains of israel they're driven down into the valleys and the final battles took down and took place down in the sharon valley if you've been uh to israel with us it's a it's a valley that comes up from the coast and uh basically goes up to the mountains that house uh the city of jerusalem and it happened as they fled before israel verse 11 and we're on the descent of bethlehem that the lord cast down large hailstones from heaven on them as far as asaka and they died there were many more there were more who died from the hailstones than the children of israel killed with the sword then joshua spoke to the lord in the day when the lord delivered up the amorites before the children of israel and he said in the sight of israel's son stand still over gibeon and moon in the valley of ijalan so the sun stood still and the moon stopped till the people had revenge upon their enemies is this not written in the book of jasher so the sun stood still in the midst of heaven and uh the uh and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day and there's been no day like that before it or after it that the lord heeded the voice of a man for the lord fought for israel and so we were we started in last week talking about what could cause this um you're talking about a a situation where the sun stands still you've only got a few mechanisms that can make that happen one of them is that god can stop the earth that's that's a possibility stops the rotation of the earth that's one possibility uh another possibility is that the earth tilts on its axis the earth tilts on its axis you know that uh we we live in the northwest right and so when you get to summer it's almost 10 o'clock uh in the evening before it gets dark here uh that was one of the that was one of the shocking things that i ran it i knew it i knew it happened up here but when i came up from southern california you know southern california is you know kind of even keeled and so in the in the winter um you know it gets dark probably around what 5 36 5 okay so around five and it um and then uh in the summer time i remember going out to watch fireworks and you could always watch fireworks by nine o'clock and it's and it was dark by nine o'clock in the summertime and so the sun would go down about eight you know 8 30 or you know something along those lines and our day is much longer and the reason it's longer is because uh when we're in the summertime the earth is tilted towards the sun and so we're on the northern you know the far north of the united states in the northern hemisphere and so we're tilted towards the sun uh we're up on the sphere further and so we see the sun longer where if you're down in california or if you're down in the southern hemisphere in the summer months it would be a shorter day for you and vice versa in the winter time and so here we are in winter and uh you know we passed the winter solstice and and it gets dark around here you know it starts getting dark at four o'clock four you know it's dead dark by 4 30 and that kind of stuff and uh um again that's because of the tilt of the sun or the tilt of the earth and so the day gets longer if the earth's tilted towards the sun the day gets shorter if the earth is tilted away your hemisphere is tilted away from the sun and so this is one of those things that can that can cause this whole issue um in any case when you're when you're looking at this this either happened or not and obviously god can just do what he wants so he can stop the earth without everything you know falling off of it he can do that um he can you know i i don't know what other mechanisms you could come up with uh that would do this whole thing uh but when you're looking at this situation this is one of those places where people pick on christians uh specifically pick on the bible and they talk about the fact that this is not a possible thing and and that kind of stuff so we went through and we started looking at some uh situations that um might speak to these things here's one and this is this is something that i didn't get to talk to you about a whole lot if there's a long day of joshua in ancient history and that's what we're talking about we're talking about something that took place about 1400 bc if there's a long day in joshua there's going to be a long night in other cultures and that's exactly what you find and so this is a map uh showing the um uh this is something that you that you see when you when you deal with astronomy and and orbits and and that kind of stuff uh this is daytime on a hemisphere this is night time on a hemisphere okay and so when you when you look at these uh when you look at these different places all these uh letters and numbers are places where either a long day is spoken of or a long night is spoken of and so this is pretty cool and so um point a um is obviously talking about israel that's that area right here point b is egypt greek historian herodotus recorded that when he visited egypt the priest there showed him an ancient manuscript that told the story of a day that lasted twice as long as a normal day as they had accurate water clocks that could return top record time they could easily record that uh long day had taken place uh point c is also egypt fernand krombet translated some egyptian hieroglyphics that said the sun thrown into confusion had remained low on the horizon and by not rising had spread terror amongst the great doctors two days had been rolled into one they made the moon stop in a small angle at the edge of the horizon in a small angle on the edge of the horizon the sun itself which had just risen at the spot where the moon was going instead of crossing the sky stayed where it was whilst the moon following a narrow path reduced its speed and climbed slowly the sun stopped moving and its intensity of light was reduced to the brightness of daybreak the rest of the account recorded an exceptionally high tide that washed boats into piles of wreckage drowned fishermen flooded much of the land etc the high tide is important right and so you have that in india this is not a record but a prophecy in the brahmanasth one of the books in the indian navista this said that the sun would be commanded to stand still for 10 days in about 80 1200 although the date is completely wrong the statement may be a reference to the chinese record of the same event and the ancient historians have them confused uh china point e uh gill writing in 1810 quoted from a manuscript that unfortunately appears to have been lost they said that in the time of their seventh emperor the sun did not set for ten days and though the time of the sun standing still were enlarged beyond the bounds of truth yet it seems to refer to this fact and was manifestly about the same time for the miracle was wrought in the year of the world 2554 and that's you know that's another dating method in any case you have china talking about a long day actually they said ten long days and so that's probably a radical exaggeration then you go two long nights and so long nights uh points one through five are in north america and several north american indian tribes have accounts of long nights the ojibwes the mayan dots and the bungies tell the long night the omahas tell the sun being caught in a rabbit's trap and only released just before dawn the dog ribs tell of the sun suddenly becoming dark at noon and then 0.6 down here is the mexican andes or indians excuse me and they tell of a long night seven is the aztecs they have a legend of the sun not appearing for a very long time so a conclave of the gods was called and the sacrifice made the kish mayans of guatemala said this they did not sleep they remained standing and great was the anxiety of their hearts and their stomachs for the coming of the dawn of the day oh if only we could see the rising of the sun in peru the sun was hidden for nearly 20 hours uh and then point 10 is west africa and so you can see that the the terminator right here would go along the african coast and uh it would be nighttime in west africa west african story of a long night it said that the night lasted too long because the owl overslept and did not awaken the sun and so again these are all folk stories but they're telling the same story they're telling you this is either the story of a long day and they're in the right hemisphere or they're telling the story of a long night and they're in the right hemisphere for that and so um this is this is one of those things that you cannot just dismiss as being a biblical myth or or something along those lines we we talked about resonant orbits and and that kind of stuff and uh you know just i just mentioned that when you look at the inner planets you have um you have these orbits and they're close to being resonant with each other and specifically the earth is re and mars are almost specifically resonant two to one and so the martian year is about two years long a little bit less than that and the earth year um is one obviously one year long for us because because we count it from that and then what happens you have these resonant orbits and in a resonant orbit you should have another planet orbiting right here right in that area and that's where the asteroids are at and so you know generally speaking they think that the asteroids came from the fact that a planet didn't coalesce and that's one group of scientists there's another group of scientists that think that the asteroids are the leftovers of a planet that um blew apart that that came apart busted up and there are only certain ways that this kind of this kind of thing can happen one of the ways that that can happen is uh for uh a uh planet and this would have been a small one because there's there's not a bunch of debris in the asteroid belt doesn't look like star wars uh with asteroid belts and so there's not enough debris right now to make up a full planet but that doesn't mean that there wasn't one there because there's been an awful lot of debris that has hit mars and has hit the earth and has hit the moon and all you got to do is go out and look at the moon to see that and what you know what scientists will do is put that it's called the heavy bombardment they call it there's an early and ahead late heavy bombardment and you don't care about all that stuff but they put it back billy billions of years and that's not the indication that we have in scripture indication we have in scriptures the things that we see in the in the universe or things that happen within the lifespan of mankind what's that i missed you okay in any case um there's there's a question as to where the asteroids came from and there are scientists who think they think that it came from a planet breaking up the way that you break up a planet is you get it next to another large planet and it comes within what's called the roche limit the roche limit is the distance from the core of a planet from the center of a planet where the gravitational um uh attraction of the mass of the planet itself is overcome by the gravitation of the of the planet that it's coming near and it just literally breaks apart so the the moon for the moon to crash into the earth the moon would have to be heading headed straight towards the earth okay if a if the moon started slowing down and started falling towards the earth it would never crash into the earth um whole what would happen is it would get within the roche limit and it would just break apart and then as those parts began slowing down then they would come down piecemeal and hit the earth and that's uh something that can break up a plan okay so anyway um i just wanted to throw that out for you another thing that that we have is um the whole issue with 360-day calendars and so you go through in the bible this is this is something that's documented in scripture and so um the first time i ever ran into this was going through a study in the book of daniel and when you get to daniel chapter nine there's a prophecy of the coming of jesus okay and so when you take that prophecy of the coming of jesus it's it's done in seven year periods basically um 777's is given for the nation of israel in 77 year periods 490 years and when you do it with 365 day years it doesn't work but when you change it over to 360 day years and sir robert anderson is one that figured this out and the way he figured out was he went to the book of revelation in the book of revelation you have three and a half years specifically being enumerated as 260 days well that's three and a half years of 368 years right and so sir robert anderson took 360 day years took it back to the prophecy in daniel did the whole 70 weeks prophecy and it came out to the day that jesus entered jerusalem and so they started calling this the prophetic year well it turns out it's not just the prophetic year because when you go back to the book of genesis in the book of genesis in uh chapter um seven you have uh you actually have the flood enumerated it's the date is given when the flood starts the date is given when the flood ends and there's a period of time there where the waters are rising it's 150 days and it's called five months and so you do the math 150 divided by 5 is 30 right and so 150 days five months of 30 day months okay we don't have that we don't have that and the reason that we don't have that is we because we have a 365 day year the months are calculated uh with the jews specifically they have a lunar um calendar and so nowadays the lunar calendar is is uh you know you have a situation with a lunar calendar where when uh gosh i'm i'm getting ahead of myself kind of a lunar calendar the the moon goes around the earth uh in its phases in 29.5 days and i know that you care much about this but it goes around 29.5 days and so if you use a lunar calendar what you get is a year of 355 days okay so that's off the solar year the solar years 365 and a quarter right but the juice used to have a lunar calendar and it wasn't until um the 8th century bc that they changed their calendar and it's at that point that they started extra months started adding extra months every so many years so they could catch the lunar calendar up to the solar calendar and then what you find out is not only did the does the bible have a 360 day year with 30-day months and i i didn't explain this the month is based on the moon so it's the it's it's the phases of the moon so when you have a new moon that's the when the moon is a sliver right um actually i went uh i went backwards with that when the moon is a sliver from my point of view like this from your point of view like this when the moon's a sliver like that that's a new moon and they watch for the period of time until the next new moon until the next time that they see that sliver and that is 29.5 days well it didn't used to be that all the ancient calendars said it was exactly 30 days so the ancient count the ancient hebrew calendar says a 360-day year and a 30-day month and literally 360 and 30 days and then again when you get to the 8th century bc the 700's bc that's the time of hezekiah when hezekiah's sundial goes backwards and it's in that period of time that they changed their calendar and not only did they change their calendar the romans changed their calendars and the chinese changed their calendars and the egyptians changed their calendars and the mayans changed their calendars and the india uh the heat the the hindus changed their calendars sumeria babylonia armenia greece rome china all of them had to change their calendars and when they changed them they added five days to the calendar these people are not stupid and they added five days to the calendar when they added these five days to the calendar they um they didn't like the days that they were adding they could they considered them to be foreign to the calendar and so i told you last week that the romans for example the roman empire started right in that period of time so about 750 bc is when the roman empire started hezekiah's sundial was about 701 bc it goes backwards bc so 750 is earlier than 701 and so um the roman calendar was all in upheaval they couldn't figure out what their months were uh and that kind of thing but they agreed that there was a 360 day here until after 700 bc and then what they started doing is adding again like all the rest of the ancient world they added five days to their calendar year but from that point on they never paid their soldiers for any more than 360 days for a year they can they considered the five days to be foreign from the year as did the egyptians and everybody else and so that's really interesting okay now the the deal here is you can't change a year without changing the rotation of the earth that's one that's one option or changing the revolution of the earth or excuse me the the orbit of the earth around the sun and so it's one of those two things so the earth can either spin faster and you can get 365 and a quarter days instead of 360 days in one revolution around the sun right or the earth has to change its orbit and it goes from a closer orbit to an orbit that is slightly further out and that that implies speed so there has to be speed involved in this whole thing and uh again when you're when you're looking at this issue those are the ways that you change an orbit the problem with that is you can get a 360 day year but at that point you know if you're if you're talking about changing the rotation of the earth speeding the rotation of the earth up you can get a 360 day a year actually yeah 300 if you slow the earth down you can get a 360 day um uh uh year if you slow the earth's rotation down but that doesn't change the orbit of the moon okay and so the thing that changed the calendars has to affect both the moon and the sun you guys follow that okay and and so the sun has to go from a 29.5 day month to a 30 day month and the earth has to go from 365 day a year to a 360 day a year if you're going backwards and vice versa if you're going forwards and so um that this is this is something that's giving indications of what could have gone on with this whole thing when uh i've talked about uh a book that's really interesting and it's called joshua's the long day of joshua and other catastrophes and it was by three guys steinhauer who's a theorist for mathematical sciences taught aerodynamics orbital mechanics and applied mathematics at harvard mit and uw and then a guy named patton who was a geographer historian and author and a guy named hatch who was a mathematics mathematician and a physicist orbital analyst and that kind of thing and they talked about biblical catastrophes and so they were looking into this whole thing and they noticed that the catastrophes catastrophes in the bible are cyclical and they're cyclical on 108 years or some multiple of that or some divisible that 56 to uh uh no it would be 57 to 108 no 54 right yeah 54 to 108 years and so they went through and this is this isn't this is an example on the screen of different catastrophes and these dates are pretty accurate we don't know some of these this one's uh pretty close these right here are pretty close but we don't know the exact dates of those obviously but they went through and calculated actually from the march uh 701 bc date went back and all of these dates in here are accurate until you get to the long day of joshua those are accurate these ones these ones may be a little bit off and that that kind of thing but in in any case they're cyclical and so one of the things that they went through and they went to look at is to see what would cause this and again if you're if you're talking about something that's going to change the orbit of the earth it's got to be something big it's got to be something big and so they proposed that maybe mars was the issue and that's what we talked about last week and hopefully i got that got that across to you guys and so this is mars's orbit right now it's highly elliptical it is the most elliptical orbit that we have in the solar system 687 day a year for mars 365 and a quarter day year for for the earth and what they're postulating at the is that the earth's orbit used to be 360 days and mars mars orbit used to be uh 720 days and so it would be in resonance which means every two years on the earth mars would make one orbit and vice versa every half year on mars earth would make one orbit okay um they when they went through and they looked at all these dates when they went through and looked at all these days see this it's october october march march october uh october march october october october october and march and those are accurate according to our calendar and that again is cyclical and so what they did was they went and postulated that um what if mars orbit came inside the earth's orbit and so this would be a march crossover of the earth's orbit this would be in october crossover of the earth's orbit this also takes the orbit of mars and makes it 720 days well it puts it out into the asteroid belt at this point and that may be the cause of some problems okay then we talked about how you would how you would twist a planet basically and so uh when you have something close something large coming close to the earth what it's going to do is it's going to take the earth and it's going to bulge it towards it 85-foot crust crustal tides when you bulge the surface of the earth the inside of the earth is liquid when you're talking about the core and that's what we think you know fuels our magnetic field and that kind of thing and so you take and bulge something like that you just have to think of taking a rubber ball and putting a sucker on it and pulling it out to one side and what would happen on the inside if everything was swirling around and what it would do is go to the bulge and so depending on where the large are or orbit or the large object is coming that bulge is going to end up um pulling this and it's going to change the axis of the earth there's been multiple earth axis changes we know this we already know this and one of the things that you have between mars and earth is the fact that the um axis the the um uh axis off what's called the ecliptic it's the earth is tilted we've already talked about this and so the planets you know the sun's in the center the planets rotate around it basically on a plate a big plate they're all in the same ecliptic and when you're looking at the rocky planets jupiter or excuse me um mercury and venus are almost dead straight up just a little bit off dead straight up and earth and mars are both on the same tilt within a few degrees and then you get the jupiter dead straight up and then when you get to the outer planets it gets all over the place stuff's happening in the outer plain planet so uh uranus for example is on its side it's going around in its orbit like a bowling ball it's on its side and so that's weird okay and so if you get a close flyby what you're going to do is you're going to get a tilt in the earth you get a tilt in the earth during the sun the sunlight portion of the day and what it's going to do is lengthen your day depending on how slowly that planet is going by you it's going to have a tendency to to do that kind of thing so we talked about that okay this is this is uh what happens when you uh this is this is explaining how you get a uh 30-day orbit for the the moon um uh by speeding up the earth and so again right now this is um a lunar orbit is actually 27.3 days so it takes the moon 27 days to go around the earth okay but our day our our month is 29.5 days for uh uh for for a lunar month right and the reason that happens is because when you've got the sun in this in this place and you've got the earth in this place and you've got the moon in this place you have a full moon when you go 27.3 days the moon is in the same place in regards to the earth but in regards to the sun now the earth and the sun have moved in regards to each other and it takes another two days for the moon to get full that's where we get a 29.5 day month okay if you take the earth and you speed it up and it's going around the sun in a 360 day orbit then what ends up happening is you get a the the moon's orbit hasn't changed it's still 27.3 days but the the earth uh the earth's motion has changed and this angle has changed and so now you get an almost exactly 30-day month at this point so 360 day you get a you get a 360-day orbit for the earth you're going to have a 30-day month or a 30-day month for the moon and that's interesting and so again you have to have something that's going to change the orbit of the earth and you can only do that with large bodies and so that's a cool picture that i put up i like that and that's a that's a good picture that's a good uh example of how large mars would be in a in a pass by like that um one of the things that would happen though is there's a good likelihood that many times you wouldn't see it depending on where you were on the hemisphere because it's going to cause all kinds of uh situations with weather and that kind of stuff okay and that's where we got to last week so we got spin access changes and uh that kind of stuff and um the reason that a close flyby of a large body changes uh the speed of an orbit or a planet's rotation does that kind of thing is because of the gravitation that's involved there's a transfer of energy that takes place and so i've explained this before but when you when you shoot a probe to jupiter you don't shoot it to jupiter if you wanted to get there quickly you shoot it to venus they shoot it to venus and they do a close flyby with a probe of venus as it gets closer to venus it starts speeding up radically quick because it's falling into venus's gravitational well and then it does a whip around it and takes off at a different angle and goes off into the solar system that's how you speed up a probe and that's what happens with planets too and so when a probe goes by venus when we do that kind of stuff when a probe goes by venus what we're doing is we're taking some of the uh some of the speed of the orb orbit of venus or actually it's it's revolutions that kind of thing we're taking we're taking energy from venus and we're transferring it to the probe and so we're actually slowing venus down when we do that it's very minuscule but we're slowing venus down when we do that kind of stuff okay well now you take it on the on the on the level uh level of a planet flying by and it's going to be a much larger energy transfer is is what takes place and so that's why you can get uh some of these things going on as far as um the speed of an orbit and that kind of stuff okay so with all that i want to go through and i want to read you some stuff so we're going to go through a couple of the catastrophes that you have in scripture and you um uh you guys are familiar with some of this stuff uh we did revelation not too long ago and i've taken you through some of these passages okay so check this out um habakkuk is the first one we're gonna go to and everybody knows where habakkuk is right because habakkuk zephaniah um uh i forget what's after that let me look oh yeah uh habakkuk zephaniah haggai and before habakkuk is named if you find that they're all after the book of daniel so if you have my exact bible you're on page 942 that'll get you close check this out here we go i want to start reading verse three god came from timon the only one from mount perein his glory covered the heavens and the earth was full of his praise his brightness was like the light he had rays flashing from his hand in there and there his power was hidden before him went pestilence and fever followed at his feet he stood and measured the earth he looked and startled the nations and the everlasting mountains were scattered the perpetual hills bowed his ways are everlasting i saw the tents of cushing in affliction the curtains of the land of midian trembled o lord were you displeased with the rivers was your anger against the rivers was your wrath against the sea that you rode on your horses your chariots of salvation your bow was made quite ready both were sworn over your arrows you divided the earth with rivers the mountains saw you and trembled the overflowing of the water passed by the deep uttered its voice and looked at its hands on high the sun the moon stood still in their habitation and the light of your arrows at the light of your arrows they went and at the shining of your glittering spear you march through the land in indignation you trample the nations in anger and you know the passage goes on but when you when you go through and you look you know what's taking place there what he's saying is there's something taking place that's that's shaking the earth something that's taking place that is causing mountains to be crushed something that's taking place that's causing the rivers to change their courses and the seed of froth something's taking place like that now having said all that that could be figurative language about god right it doesn't have to be an actual event and that's possibility but it's also a possibility that it's an actual event and this may be talking about something that's going to be taking place when jesus comes back there's a good chance it's a it's a prophecy of the return of christ because some of those events are going to be taking place but we talked about this before remember what jesus said the signs were going to be right before he returned the sun was going to turn dark and the moon was going to turn to blood let me let me go back to a couple of oops i'm going the wrong way okay so let's let's use this right here uh when you when you have an eclipse of the moon it's because the earth has been in between the sun and the moon right and so the moon goes through the shadow of the earth and when it gets on this side doesn't do this all the way all the time because uh basically the the earth is going around the sun like this in a plate kind of form you know like it's on a record player and then the moon is going in an orbit that's slightly tilted and so there are only certain times that the moon gets behind the earth that's why you get a red moon okay it's going through the shadow of the earth well what the bible says is that in the last days right before christ comes back that the sun's going to be black like sackcloth of hair and so the month the sun's going to turn black and the moon is going to turn red the moon's going to turn blood okay and so again when you're looking at that when we have a lunar eclipse is there anything in between us and the sun and the answer to that is no okay when we have a solar eclipse what happens then is the moon comes around here and gets on this side and you're in the shadow of the moon and so there's a period of time a couple of minutes where the sun turns black and you can't see it anymore right and so we're not talking about something that is a solar eclipse because the sun the moon turns red so it's got to be on this side it's got to be somewhere we see it on the other side of uh of the earth from the from the sun so when when you talk about what's going on in the book of revelation either god just makes the sun go blank and he can do whatever he wants he can do that if he wants to the problem with that is the moon's still shining and so it's getting its lights light from some place and so it's if it's not from the sun what i'm telling you is from the aspect of the moon the light from the sun can be still be seen on some kind of level because there's light on the moon and we're seeing the reflection of the light you get that okay and so uh for example the reason that the moon turns red over here is because it's when it's behind the earth's shadow the only thing that the only light that is hitting the moon is light that's coming from the uh the edges of the sphere of the earth you're literally getting all the sunsets and all the sunrises on the earth shining on the moon that's why it turns red because it's going through the earth's atmosphere and so what you have during the time in the book of revelation and also in the book of matthew is you have to have a situation where there is something between the earth and the sun up in here and the moon's going to be over in here someplace or over here someplace so that the light that's coming through the atmosphere of something that's in between us and the sun is hitting the moon if there is no atmosphere there's not going to be any red tinge there has to be an atmosphere there that's weird that's weird and so what the bible is predicting if god's using going to use orbital mechanics and the way that he usually does stuff is this kind of way if he's going to use something like that you're going to have to have something big going in between the earth and the sun something big and at the very same time that this is going on the bible talks about meteors hitting the earth asteroids hitting the earth it talks about um mountains being shaken and islands melting and so you know this is clearly global stuff and we're gonna we're gonna read some of that in just a minute but what i'm telling you is that this is going to happen in the future and a lot of times in the bible when you're talking about prophecy in the end times they will take events that took place in the past and they will talk about that in the context of god doing something in their local time zone so to speak and then they'll launch off from there and they'll be talking about things they're going to be be done in the last days and so um ancient prophecy many times it's twofold it's a prophecy of what's going to happen to the people at that time it's also a prophecy of what's going to happen to people in the end times okay so keep that in mind go over to isaiah chapter 13 isaiah chapter 13. oh let's see verse 4 the noise of a multitude in the mountains like that of many people tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of nations gathered together the lord of hosts musters the army of fort battle they come from a far country from the end of heaven for the lord and his weapons of indignation to destroy um uh or excuse me from the end of heaven the lord and his weapons of indignation to destroy the whole land wail for the day of the lord is at hand it will come as destruction from the almighty therefore all hands will be limp every man's heart will melt and they will be afraid pains and sorrows will take hold of them they will be in pain as a woman in childbirth they will be amazed at one another their faces will be like flames behold the day of the lord comes cruel with both wrath and fierce anger to lay the land desolate and he will destroy its sinners from it for the stars of heaven and their constellation will not give their light the sun will be darkened in its going forth and the moon will not cause its light to shine i will punish the world for its evil and the wicked for their iniquity i will help the arrogance of the proud i will lay low the hottiness of the terrible i will make a mortal more rare than fine gold a man more than the golden wedge of ophir therefore i will shake the heavens and the earth will move out of her place in the wrath of the lord of hosts and in the day of his fierce anger it shall be as the hunted gazelle and as sheep that no man takes up every man will turn to his own people everyone will flee to his own land everyone who is found will be thrust through and everyone who's captured will fall by the sword their children also will be dashed to pieces before their eyes and the passage goes on and talks about the medes and the some of this stuff and so this most likely is speaking about the end times event that i've just told you about most likely that's what that's talking about but that doesn't preclude it having actually happened in the context of the babylonian armies and the jews and the persians and all of that and so there may be a dual fulfillment in those passages turn over to chapter 24 chapter 24 of isaiah behold the lord makes the earth empty and makes it waste distorts its surface and scatters abroad its inhabitants and it shall be as with the people so with the priests as with the servant so with his master as with the maids so with her mistress as with the buyer so with the seller as with the lender so with the borrower as with the creditor so with the debtor what what he's saying is that everybody's going to experience this nobody's going to get out of this whole thing the land shall be entirely emptied and utterly plundered for the lord has spoken his word um if you look down in verses 18 through 20 it says it shall be that he who flees from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit he who comes up from the midst of the pit shall be caught in the snare for the windows from on high are open and the foundations of the earth are shaken the earth is violently broken the earth is split open the earth is shaken exceedingly the earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard and shall totter like a hut its transgression shall be heavy upon it and it will fall and not rise again and again these are passages that are most likely speaking about the time that you know i told you about in the book of revelation but again it doesn't preclude the fact that it may have happened before and if you look at the descriptions there windows from on the higher open that's the idea that there is something falling out of the heavens that's what that's what that's speaking about and it says the foundations of the earth are shaken that's earthquakes and then the earth is violently broken the earth is split open you know where we live so we're up in the northwest and we're living over basically a lava plain and so all the way from idaho all the way up north to spokane all the way down halfway to halfway through oregon and all the way over to the cascades it's nothing but lava we're sitting on lava and it's over a mile deep and there are no volcanoes because what happened was the earth split open so that's interesting and you know geologists will tell you that it split open at least seven times that kind of thing they swap they find these dikes and and that kind of stuff and they try to put it over millions of years and that kind of thing what if it all happened at the same time well what it is a series of splits in the earth and well again what if it happened uh during periods of time uh that were separated by a few hundred years instead of millions what if that happened and that would be interesting and you got exactly the same thing on the moon so when you're looking at the at the face of the moon that faces us um there's these dark areas where you see the man of the moon you guys ever look at the man in the moon yeah you know what you that's only when the moon's in in you know up in the morning you know over in the west you can see the man in the moon if you if the moon comes up in the east at night you're looking at the old lady sitting on a rocking chair reading a book in the moon that's what it looks like and all those dark areas are lava plains and so the earth is or the moon has been split open if you look at the other side of the moon it's totally different than the side of the moon that faces us it's the moon's tidally locked with us and so it's always got the same face towards us and so you have different sides of the moon and again what what causes the moon to split open and it could be big things hitting it that's a possibility and you know that's a possibility for this area but where are the craters and so if it's not big things hitting it it has to be something that ruptures the earth and again when you're talking about rupturing the earth you would have to have it would have to there'd be have to be a gravitational component to do that kind of thing and so we've had all kinds of violent things happen around the planet and you know we're just now beginning to look at those things turn over to chapter 34 of isaiah and this is a passage that's going to be familiar to you if you've read the new testament it says um all the hosts of heaven shall be dissolved and the heavens shall be rolled up like a scroll their host shall fall down as the leaf falls from the vine and is fruit falling from a fig tree and that passage is used in the context of the sun turning dark and the moon turning to blood and so again they can be talked about things that are happening in the last days but if it's any kind of naturalistic explanation for that it has to be a large body moving between us and the sun to do all that stuff and it's got to be relatively close to us to do all that stuff and so again this is stuff that's happened before have you guys um been paying any attention to planet x and the you know the now the ninth planet used to be the tenth planet that kind of stuff they're they're looking for a large object out beyond pluto because the orbits of the uh of the planets on the outside uh uranus and neptune are tweaked and so something is affecting the orbits and so they're looking right now for a planet that's out there that's five times the size of the earth and can't see it because it's it's way far out and you know those kinds of things are hard to see uh from from our perspective but they're they're looking for these things and i'm just waiting around for them to find something that's on the way to the inside of the solar system and that would be interesting cause i just you know i just keep my eyes open for that kind of stuff and i don't know that we're gonna get you know prior warning for these things but it sure looks to me like god's going to do something with the planets and again that's wild and again that it may be the kind of situation where god did this before and uh if that's the case you know obviously i'm i'm giving one answer to the whole idea of joshua having a long day and what i'm telling you is if you use orbital mechanics and you learn use past buys of large bodies you can get exactly what the bible says with a 360 day calendar and with long days and even with the sundial turning backwards during during the days of hezekiah for that to happen the earth would either have to revolve backwards rotate backwards or you're going to have to have a major tilt okay so good you like all that okay these are um speeds of the earth's orbits in comparison with the lunar month this is where we are right now 29.79 kilometers per second 365.24 days and a lunar month of 29.531 and when you speed the earth up you get to a 360 day earth year and you get to a 29.967 lunar month and so again all you have to do is speed up the earth to get this stuff to work and obviously if you have flybys of large bodies you're going to have tweaking that goes on there too and so there's going to be not only tweaking of orbits there's going to be tweakings of the rotation of both the earth and the orbit of the moon and that kind of stuff but originally it looks like we had a 360 day year and a 30 day month and that's hard to fight against you have to ignore it you can't explain it away you have to ignore it and that's what most guys have done this is this is an interesting thing to me um uh you guys have heard of polar axis shifts right you guys heard of this oh okay so we know that the the axis of the earth is shift shifted because of lavas and so generally speaking the earth's um magnetic field is shaped in a certain way right now the magnetic field of the earth is is moving it's been moving for quite a while it's been moving from uh somewhere in northern canada and it's going uh towards siberia basically and so it's it's been moving pretty quickly there's a lot of scientists that are pretty concerned about it they're thinking that there might be some kind of magnetic field shift that's different than a polar axis shift a magnetic field shift um in the not too distant future would would that's another thing altogether but basically the magnetic field would go down exposing all life on earth to cosmic radiation and kill everything if it doesn't flip and come back quickly right and so that's what that's what guys are worried about and there's reasons that it's not all in the news and so they are worried about this stuff in any case um when you're talking about axis shifts there's uh there's ways that you can look at this stuff and and you can look at the histories uh that speak about these things but we also have things put in concrete so to speak and when the ancients built their temples they almost always built them facing facing due east and so i told you about how you how you figure out where um where east is and where west is and that kind of thing you look at the sun during a year and so december 21st the sun sets the farthest south and june 21st the sun sets the farthest north rises the far farthest south also and so in between those right around march 21st that's called the vernal equinox and so it's halfway in between the the longest day and the shortest day and so all they got to do is figure out when the medium point is and all you got to do to do that is you put out a couple of sticks and you know and you line yourself up with those sticks when the sun is rising uh on the shortest day put up another couple of sticks put it there you put it in a situation where you're looking at those two sticks when the sun is setting or rising on the shortest day did i say did i say it already longest day shortest day and you got half a year multiply that by two you got a whole year and so if all the calendars go away now you can figure out how long gear is well these guys know this and halfway between those two points if you're looking at the sunrise is dead east and these guys knew this stuff and so they wouldn't face their cat their temples dead east or not and that's what this chart is you have you have these temples this is the temple of minerva in greece and the date of the second temple is about 1660 bc there's a first temple and there's a second temple first temple is a degree in 23 minutes off it's south of east and the second temple is on the same foundation and it's 2 degrees and 47 minutes off and it's north of east and so you got a difference there of what one two three four degrees basically between the two and so these guys missed out on the east by four degrees and they're placing it on the same foundation so one foundation is built that temple gets knocked down for whatever reason that temple gets knocked down they rebuild it and they face it a different direction trying to point the thing east and it's again we're in 1600 bc themis 129 124 and both of those are south of east those are pretty close to each other but they're minutes off and then again you go through these 124 50 these are all you know boom boom boom those are pretty close to each other but then you get to athens and the temple of minerva which is 2020 bc and it's 9 degrees off of east that's a lot um jupiter is in 1202 and again it's two degrees and it's close to these but it's two degrees off uh jupiter olympus it's 10 degrees off south of east and you go down through these and you you you see that they're they're off all off kilter when you're talking in ancient times bc when you uh when you look at these this is from italy 2.34 degrees off 6.57 degrees off and these are north and south of each other they don't know the dates uh three but they're ancient 3.09 degrees south of east asia minor this is interesting temple of diana in ephesus that's mentioned in the bible it's five degrees 21 minutes south of east and when you look at the temple in jerusalem the first foundation of the temple is six degrees north of east and the second foundation of the temple was which was built in 525 bc is zero degrees it's due east and biblically speaking the jews had to build their temple due east and so what happened to these guys with the temple of solomon solomon's stupid he can't figure out east he's the wisest guy that ever lived is what the bible says and so i don't think that's that's a viable explanation and again you go through and you you look at these uh different constructions these temples and how far they're off and again when you when you start getting to more modern times they're all dead on east but when you're in ancient times they're all over the place and again if you if you're talking about something large that's changing the axis of the earth east is going to be in a different place every time it passes by and so that may be the cause of that and again i don't know that but that's a possibility here's the last thing i wanted to share with you on this and this has to do with gulliver's travels i got this from mistler gulliver's travels um actually this isn't the last thing i have one more thing i want to share with you uh actually two more things gulliver's travels is interesting because he's got this book that was written in 1726 and it's a satire he's making fun of the governments of his time and the governmental authorities of his time and gulliver is this guy who goes on these travels and there are times when he's a giant in the land of little put and that kind of stuff well he goes to a place called la putin and again this is 726 a.d uh 1726 excuse me and um the astronomers in la putin start bragging about the fact that they know things about mars that nobody else knows and so one of the things that they say about the the uh about mars is that it has two moons and they give the size of the moons and these are the size of the moons uh and the orbits of the moon and they don't give it in mild orbits they give it in radiuses um out from mars but it ends up being a 12 420 mile orbit for phobos and it uh they said that it orbited uh mars in 10 hours and for demos the other moon of mars 20 700 mile orbit and it orbited in 21 and a half hours these are what we know to be the orbits um and the time of those orbits nowadays and they're not exact right so 12 000 mile orbit it's actually 5826 miles about half of that 10 hour orbit it's 7 hours and 39 minutes so they're off a little bit um twenty thousand seven hundred mile orbit fourteen five eighty and so that's about two thirds of the uh of the of the size of the orbit uh its actual orbit is about two thirds of the size of what um uh the author wrote and then deimos uh he said it was a 21.5 hour orbit it's actually 30 hours and 18 minutes and you know obviously he's off but it's 155 years before we knew that mars had two satellites it wasn't until the late 1800s that we found out that mars had two satellites and this is one of the things that astronomers are tweaked about because it's like how did swift have any idea that you know it's like it's like the the coincidence is wild how did swift have any idea that mars had two satellites orbiting them because it's called the albedo it's the shininess of a of a planet the other their albedo is very low they're they're almost black and so you can't see them naked eye from earth and there weren't any telescopes that they would be able to see the moons of mars in 17 17 26 was until the late 1850s or the 1880s what is that 1726 1870 1881 and so it wouldn't be until the 1880s that we would see it because we had large enough telescopes so how did he even get close with this and some people think that there's a possibility that he had some access to some old documents we know that newton did he had access to ancient documents that we don't have access to now and that possibly he read about the fact that mars has two satellites well how would somebody more ancient than swift get the idea that mars had two satellites and the only way that that could happen because they didn't have telescopes before that time is somebody to see it naked eye and so if you get them if you get mars within 70 000 miles of earth and you get to peer at it you get to see it you can see demos and phobos naked eye and so that's interesting yeah and just you know just for your edification here's something that's wild and i spoke about this a little bit earlier remember when i was talking about mars going out into the orbit of the asteroids you know a couple things going on there but one of the things that you have specifically with mars is you have this this is the two hemispheres of mars this is the northern hemisphere this is the southern hemisphere um this you can see this right here you're you're seeing in the flat map basically so it's going to be elongated in different areas but the northern hemisphere has very little activity as far as craters go and the summit the southern hemisphere is just smeared with craters this is again the same thing that you have with the moon one side of the moon is more cratered than the other side of the mountain and you have specifically this big old crater here this is the largest crater in the solar system and this is the helles crater or the helles basin and literally straight across the planet when when you if when you have a globe of mars the ellis basin is down here on the globe and the largest volcanoes in the solar system so you have the largest basin large largest asteroid impact on one side and you have the largest volcanoes literally straight across the hemisphere from that and so it looks like obviously something big hit them hit mars at that point and not only did it hit uh something big hit mars all these other pock marks that you see all this other stuff hit mars at the same time and there are scientists who think that it all happened within a half an hour that's interesting and so again you know um the asteroid belt is out there and it's kind of a it's kind of in a weird place because it's in what would be a resonant orbit there would normally be something there and the something that's there is all broken up there's not enough of it to form a planet and i wonder if that's because it's all sitting right here it all smacked into mars if that kind of thing happened then what what would happen in a situation like that you come close to it would have been a smaller planet than mars but you come close get those two planets together come close the smaller planet is going to come within the roche limit it's going to break up as it's coming in and so there'll be large pieces and small pieces and those things would hit mars and then there would be debris that would be left in an orbit around mars and if mars gets close to anything else the debris would start hitting stuff it gets close to and so you would have a situation where you would have bullied and you would have uh you know hail coming out of the heavens and you know changing the access tilt of mars and that kind of stuff and so there you go long day of joshua explained and i don't know if that happened but it's all it's all interesting stuff and check this out i can't remember if i told you this but there are also myths that speak about the sun changing its course in the heavens and so one of them is faith on and that's from the greeks faith on was the son of helios and he talked helios into allowing him to take the chariot of the sun helios tried to get him to not do that because he said zeus couldn't even handle the two horses of the chariot of the sun and so his son couldn't and what ends up happening is faith on gets him to do it he loses control the sun was going to scorch the earth he goes it goes out from the earth it's going to scorch the earth and then zeus strikes him dead and it's right around the same time that myth is right around the same time as the long day of joshua and so that's interesting and then you have um again maui uh with the mayori um before maui's involvement he's called the tamer of the sun and the heavens before maui's involvement in the matter the sun notoriously traveled on irregular paths in the sky coming and going unexpectedly at times which made activities such as farming very difficult for man to this end maui crafted snares made of his hair in order to trap the sun and compel it to travel more slowly and adhere to regular courses of travel in this manner maui regulated the sun's activities for the benefit of mankind you guys know this story because you watched that disney cartoon with yeah what's moana moana and so you have maui you know talking about what can i do but say you're welcome and he talks about taming the sun in the sky and that's where this that's where the story came from check this out this is uh plato's timmius in that book chridius tells the story of atlantis as recounted to solon by an egyptian priest who prefaced the story by saying this is where we get the the legend of atlantis okay um he prefaces the story of atlantis by saying there have been and will be again many destructions of mankind arising out of many causes the greatest have been brought about by the agencies of fire and water and other lesser ones by innumerable other causes there is a story that even you talking about the greeks have preserved that once upon a time faith on the son of helios having yoked the steeds of his father's chariot because he was not able to drive them in the path of his father burnt up all that was upon the earth and was himself destroyed by a thunderbolt now this is the form of a myth but really signifies a declination of the bodies moving in the heavens around the earth and a great conflagration of things upon the earth which recurs after long intervals so these guys are talking about at 400 bc that's where that's where this stuff comes from anyway so your explanation for the long day of joshua memorize it next time your friends pick on you pull that puppy out and say what do you think of that bucky in any case what i'm telling you is that when you're when you're talking about the long day of joshua it doesn't have to be the earth stopping it doesn't have to be that it can be other things and again even if that's not the case with joshua and there's some other explanation i think that's probably a good likely one but even if there's some other explanation we know this is happening again we know that this is going to happen in the not too distant future and so you can watch out for that one more thing about this because what i did was i just gave you a naturalistic naturalistic explanation of the long day of joshua it's not just naturalistic it's supernatural there has to be a timing to these things and so joshua's praying and god delivers is what happens and when he's praying for these things he's praying for the son to stand still god delivers and the son stands still and that could be the whole mars thing and that kind of stuff but then at the same time there are hailstones falling from the heavens and who are they hiding yeah it's all the bad guys so you have two armies that are fighting and admittedly the bad guys are out ahead they're fleeing but you still have them in close contact with each other and all these hail stones are coming down out of the heavens and hitting the bad guys not the good guys how's that happening and that's because they're being aimed right okay so now fly with me here let's just do do the mars thing and so god's got this whole orbital thing going on and he knows what's going to end up happening as mars is going to get in its final orbit which is now but before that time there's going to be a series of things that god wants to do at period periodic times on the earth to deal with stuff that you know the nonsense that's happening on the earth and so he goes well this is when they're going to do it and this is when i'll time this stuff that's interesting and then you have this whole thing with if there if there was a planet out uh at the area of the uh orbit of the asteroids if there was a planet it did break up and stuff you'd have a ring of debris around mars and when mars comes close to the earth that ring of debris is something that ends up getting caught in the gravitation gravitational field of the earth and it comes down and hits the earth and pock marks it in different places right and some of those places are in the heads of the bad guys right and god does all that he plans this from the foundations of the earth when he when he created the universe he put mars in the right place he put elektra that's what that planet would be in the right place he put the earth in the right place he ends up putting these guys actually he doesn't even put these guys in the right place they're just running and so he aims from time immemorial and aims at these guys and goes he's going to be right there right at that time and that's what i'm getting him and then writes that his name on the little you know meteors that are coming down writes the name of the guy he might as well have done it and so obviously that's something that shows intent and uh and that kind of thing god is doing stuff you know that's happening again so the bible talks about in the last days that there's going to be 100 pound hailstones hailstones that are a talent weight that hit the earth and it talks about the fact that the earth the people of the earth are are very upset because it's a great plague that comes down on them talent weight is anywhere from it's from 75 to 125 pounds and so just think of a weight you guys ever go to the gym you think i think of a hundred pound weight that's you know that's more than 245 pound weights right take two 45s put them together and take that up to the top of the of the building and drop that and think of what that would do and then think about taking it up a couple of miles and dropping that and think about what that would do if it hit one of the buildings and if you have a bunch of those coming down there's not anything on this planet that's not going to be leveled and again that's that's something that the that the bible predicts so 100 pound hailstones when i used to work in construction i used to tell my guys you know we'd get done with the job and they'd be all excited look at that that's awesome and i go yeah it is awesome it looks really good it's not going to last then they go why 100 pound hailstones dude what and then we started having to talk about the last days and i just go it's all going to be rubble we built that whole thing it's all going to be rubble doesn't matter how you engineer it it's going to be wiped out and so again you you have it looks like some of those things happened in ancient times and they're going to happen in the future too so all of steve's weirdness is now done we will continue with normal bible studies next week let's pray get you out of here thanks jesus for your word thank you lord for science and speculation and that's all that was with speculation but it's really interesting to go through and see what could um cause the things that you have written down in scripture glory we thank you that you're the god of the heavens and you're the god of the earth you have the rotations and the and the orbits of the planet planets in your hands and uh you knew what you knew what you were going to do with our solar system you know what you're going to do with the earth you have control of all things and we thank you that you're a god that's all-powerful um lord if you can stop the sun in the sky for joshua you can do anything for us and uh lord we thank you that that's again the god that we serve lord i pray for your people that you bless them that you watch over them and that you protect them especially in the times that we're living in and i just ask that you do this all in jesus name amen
Channel: Calvary Chapel Tri-Cities
Views: 812
Rating: 4.7714286 out of 5
Keywords: Truth, The Bible, Calvary Chapel Tri-Cities, Steve Whinery, Gosphel, God, Biblical Prophecy, Jesus, Evidence of A God, Bible teaching, Sermons, verse by verse bible teaching, Good bible teachers, Joshua, Old TESTEMENT
Id: srfgWeHMiwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 9sec (4569 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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