Yom Kippur Kol Nidre Services - HHD 5782

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[Music] they knew [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] a new [Music] no [Music] days [Music] shine [Music] hey [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] for may we all be sealed only for blessing in the year ahead for those who are fasting in the next 24 hours or so indeed may it be an easy fast for us all our high holiday theme for this year is which is means the old shall be renewed and what is renewed shall be made holy we've come together to tonight to renew ourselves and to fill our lives increasingly with holiness we do this as a community all of the elements of the service are communal and so it is important that we all participate in bringing that sense of togetherness that sense of oneness with the jewish people and reaching out with our god to our god in order to accomplish this your voices are not only avoided uh invited at song and in song and prayer but you're also invited to utilize mishkan the moxor for yom kippur either in a physical form like this one or in the flip book which is available to you on the temple website or through ccar press and we're grateful to ccr press for having made this book available to us all it is yum tov so there are candles so you may want to gather up your candlesticks and candles in the course of the service as you participate there are times of course where it's traditional to rise since you're at home you can make that judgment for yourself or simply say that when the ark is open or during v dewey the confessional it is traditional to rise i want to share an opening reading with you this is from rabbi lewis cameras of wise temple in cincinnati ohio what an extraordinary gift it is what a blessing what a miracle to have been raised by imperfect parents who did their very best to share our life with a partner no more flawed than we are to count as a friend one who understands and accepts us most of the time how brave how are how hard it is to be good enough in our ties to one another to give even when we're exhausted to love faithfully to receive with grace the love and perfectly offered to us can this night set us free from the tyranny of expectations can this night release us from fantasies impossible to fulfill we resolve this night to embrace the practice of forgiveness to forgive others who feel to be all we hope they would be to forgive ourselves when we fall short of what others hoped we would be we declare this night that we will cherish goodness wherever it is found and opens and open ourselves to the gifts that are before us we open ourselves to those gifts the music that you heard as you were preparing for the night service was the setting of hashivanu asking that god would save us from all the challenges in us in life and help us to return to be renewed to our days as of old to return to our better selves our kohaku vote ensemble now shares with us another setting for this prayer a setting which asks god to help us open the way to holiness we begin tonight's service with open the way [Music] uh [Music] foreign [Music] come here [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] oh my gosh [Music] [Applause] [Music] she [Music] [Applause] is [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] we turn to page nine in our prayer books as we light candles signifying the beginning of this sacred observance i will invite the rabbits and forward at this time to share a reading candlelight bless candle lighting blessings expressing our gratitude to god for being able to share this moment together the human spirit is the lamp of god searching out what lies within us guided by flame of conscience on the sacred night we search for truth shine your light upon us as we strive to serve you may we find safety in your faithful love we light the flame of healing and forgiveness on this atonement night we give thanks for love [Music] m [Music] source of blessing eternal our god you fill the universe with majestic might teaching us holiness through sacred obligations giving us the mitzvah of bringing light on yom kippur please join me from your homes for the shahakianu bharakatanai ah there is no more dramatic or moving moment in the liturgical year than cole nidre not only its words its words of understanding and forgiveness even in advance of making the many vows we will make before god in the next the next day it's melody that haunting beautiful melody that we remember sharing with our own families our parents our grandparents evokes a depth of emotion and attachment that is really unfathomable is our congregation's tradition that col nidre has offered three times the prayer itself offered three times it follows an introductory prayer words that we say basically on a daily basis or zarua light is sown for the righteous and joy for those who are upright in heart and then we begin call nidre can or ghosting chanting it the first time a musical instrumentalist version follows and then we all share in these words in english we begin on page fourteen call nigeria itself is beginning or rather begins on 16 and then cole nadre itself follows on page 18. this year rabbi steinman and i have the honor of opening the ark for call nidre we're on page 14. yom kippur the jewish people's festival of the soul and cole nidre at sacred portal a night of deep emotions a night as the psalmist wrote to rejoice with trembling we rejoice at the sound of colonel dre rhythmic words of release from vows those and promises to god we fail to keep we tremble at the melody music of spiritual amazement it fills us with awe as we stand before god and torah we rejoice that we stand together strengthened by community in this shared hour of weakness and humility we tremble for tonight we confess our flaws admit our imperfection to acknowledge a power far beyond our understanding we rejoice that we commit ourselves to great endeavors because we feel so deeply and think so nobly we tremble for we find that our ideals are far greater than our ability our promises surpass our might we rejoice in the freedom that is cole nidreh's true gift the freedom to begin a new year without fear of failure to aspire to be god's image in the world we tremble because we are mortal we rejoice on our gratitude for life we rejoice with trembling and enter cole nidre to face our humanity [Music] [Music] [Music] with one voice assembled sages past and present declare all may pray as one on this night of repentance let none be excluded from our community of prayer with one voice god and congregation proclaim all may pray as one on this day of return let all find a place in this sacred assembly [Music] this [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] [Music] know [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] foreign [Music] um hey ah [Music] fun [Music] so [Music] hey [Music] my [Music] see so [Music] all those resolves and commitments vows of abstinence and terms of obligation sworn promises and oaths of dedication that we promise and swear to god and take upon ourselves from this day of atonement until the next day of atonement may it find us well we regret them and for all of them we repent let all of them be discarded and forgiven abolished and undone they are not valid and they are not binding our vows should not be vows our resolve shall not be resolves and our oaths they shall not be oaths vanish is all shall be forgiven for the entire community of israel and the stranger who lives within our midst for all have gone astray and uh an error so the avon moses prayed to god as you have been faithful to his people ever since egypt please forgive their failings now in keeping with your boundless love [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] and god responded with these words we find in torah i forgive as you have asked the ark remains open for bar who on page 22 hi holy day melody a [Music] we continue on page 28 with the words of the shema [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we continue with our words of redemption our song of freedom in the middle of page 40. [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] go [Music] page 42 bless our sleep with peace adonai and awaken us to life when we rise with power sublime spread over us your shelter of shalom and through your wisdom restore us make us whole let your name proclaim your presence in our lives be our shield make us stronger than the enemies we face illness and war famine and sorrow and stronger than the enemies in our hearts wickedness and sin carry us to safety as on wings for you are the monarch of grace the sovereign of compassion you are the one who cares for us and sets us free watch over us we who go forth to life watch over us that we may come home in peace now until the end of time israel but all yerushalayim blessed one you spread over us a canopy of peace a shelter of shalom over all israel your people and over jerusalem we continue at the top of page 45. for on this day atonement shall be made for you to purify you from all your wrongs and pure you shall be in the presence of adonai we will prepare now for the tifilah with the chanting of the khatsikadish and then immediately continue into our tafilah our standing prayer with which in which there are special insertions for these sacred tight days [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] on [Music] [Music] time [Music] [Music] uh [Music] if [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] hello [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] we continue on page 64. [Music] [Music] [Music] me eternal our god remember us amen be mindful of us amen and redeem us for a life of goodness and blessing we continue on the bottom of page 79 eternal source and soul of peace send your peace into the midst of amistra el your people let it heal our rifts and soothe the bitterness of intolerance let it overcome distrust isolation and rivalry may your peace flow in every stream of judaism and may it inspire solidarity uniting us as one people let peace grow and increase and let it shape the lives of all human beings let there be nothing but peace no hatred or jealousy no victories that bring suffering and loss to people and nations only love and peace strong profound and true we yearn for love that knits us together we yearn for the wisdom of community shared knowledge empathy and trust may the words that we speak and the meditations of our hearts open pathways of truth and understanding we take a few moments now for private meditation reflection and prayer when we come out of our time of silent prayer we'll conclude with yehiu loretzon on page 81. [Music] me [Music] i [Music] me [Music] me [Music] is [Music] we take time now in our service to think of those in our family and our circles of concern in need of blessing of healing and we pray for them please god heal them heal us now [Music] [Music] we pray we pray for healing of the souls [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] for us [Music] hear us [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] we pray for the lord [Music] [Applause] everyone [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] it is the tradition of our congregation that on coal nidra night we are addressed by the president of the congregation concerning issues about our temple before introducing our president however i want to note for the outset of the service as we were doing cole nidre rabbi steinman i open the ark which is normally something that is reserved for our past presidents i want to take this opportunity before introducing steve fintel to recognize our past presidents thank them for all that they have done to make temple beth shalom what it is this day and we look forward to welcoming you to the bema again next year with that i'm proud and honored to be able to welcome to the bma our president steve fintel good evening friends i'm steve fintel president of temple beth shalom on the occasion of my second opportunity to address the congregation on cole nidre i wanted to spend a few minutes to talk about how we've weathered 5781 and our plans for 57.82 a year ago i requested that each of you take part in temple beth shalom's benchmark survey it's a service provided by the urj to member congregations like us to allow us to take stock in ourselves and quantify how our congregants feel about us the congregation responded heartily and gave us a representative data from which we could build a strategic plan in its wisdom the urdj doesn't just dump the benchmark results on the surveyed congregation instead they provide a mentor with experience in sifting through the data and converting it to information saying it's 100 degrees outside is data saying it's uncomfortably hot outside is information in late january our mentor led a three-hour workshop for the board clergy and key staff members to help us visualize this information and lead us on the path to create a strategic plan for the future a few things became crystal clear during our session our updated vision and value statements not only reflected what we do but accurately represent how our congregants feel about temple beth shalom we are warm and welcoming congregants are passionate about being part of something larger than themselves and regularly engage in lifelong learning for themselves and their children and our community places a high value on clergy these revelations became the cornerstones for our strategic plan having a strategy based on a formula congregants have identified is more likely to be successful we and nearly every other synagogue in north america have struggled financially over the past year in order to balance the budget we can either reduce expenses or increase revenue in order to have any meaningful impact on the bottom line reducing expenses means a reduction in staff which would affect our ability to deliver the very things you told us mattered the most it is our belief that 5782 is a turnaround year couple that with the notion that organizations that invest in a downturn are best prepared to reap benefits as the situation improves our path became clear focus on the areas congregants value the most highly this translated to enhancing our clergy by bringing rabbi steinman in as a full-time rabbi acknowledging cantor ghosting's organization adding an education and youth engagement coordinator adding a development coordinator funding a social justice coordinator and seeking a production assistant to aid in our delivery of online services every one of these challenges aligns hand in glove with information from the benchmark survey now at this point you may be thinking expenses up income down how do you get this to balance i'm not asking anyone to believe a if you build it they will come philosophy that may work for hollywood but even as a faith-based organization i don't want to stake our financial health on that we need a different approach one that's rooted in the values that have served us so well we have engaged rabbi lewis feldstein of dynamic change solutions to guide us in adopting a program he developed called culture of philanthropy the program asks organizations to pivot from a pay for services model to one that makes the synagogue the center around which congregants revolve and change that to a structure where the synagogue revolves around its members to implement the program we have assigned our finance secretary larry cohen to lead a task force that includes clergy and staff as well as congregants to organize the effort we will also be adding a part-time development coordinator to ensure continuity what struck me most about culture of philanthropy is how closely it aligns with our vision which is to create a warm welcoming and supportive faith community where members can connect explore and support each other on our shared jewish journey said another way we're creating a community where our members can come together to share their jewish lives we now have the opportunity to put our vision into action we have all the pieces in place to assure a resounding success building on a clear understanding of what our congregants value from the benchmark survey we were able to create a strategic plan that will assure the long-term viability of temple beth shalom and provide us with the resources to execute and carry on our mission expect to find me here on october 4th 2022 and that's next year's call nidre service to tell you how well we did gamar khatimatova which roughly translated to english means a good final ceiling as you know today culture of philanthropy is not really about finances it's about relationships people do not support institutions people support organizations and causes that bring meaning to their lives so why should you why should all of us support temple beth shalom in her sermon on heir of rosh hashanah rabbi steinman mentioned the recent pew research center's study of american jewish life she noted the rise in the percentage of self-identified jews who describe their relationship to judaism as non-religious what the study called jews without religion while quite proud of being jewish these jews without religion viewed judaism by cultural or ethnic identity as rabbi simon noted jews without religion now comprise 27 of american jews including 40 of jews between the ages of 18 to 29 and 33 percent of jews between the ages of 30 and 49. the overall number of jews without religion has grown by 5 percentage points since a similar study was released by the pew center in 2013. with the age 18 to 29 cohort of jews without religion growing by seven percentage points unfortunately jews without religion as described in the study are also jews without jewish community as many of you have heard me preach over the years i have no concerns whatsoever with the fact that most people's primary connection with judaism is not through ritual the pew center study in fact confirms that this is the case for most american jews there are however many other communal ways besides the ritual to connect to judaism and to the jewish people our coming together socially for study to care for one another all of these bind us together in jewish community but individual acts of cultural identification like eating so-called jewish foods or thinking about being a good person does not provide the most basic element of being jewish and that element is being in community with other jews as well as support of non-jews after all what is a congregation is a place where one experiences the loving presence of others sharing a common identity heritage and faith sure to some extent a temple is a service organization we do provide religious education for children particularly and access to clergy who are available for life cycle events and the performance of religious ritual but that cannot be all that we are not if we're going to be deserving of the investment of your most precious commodities your time your energy and your financial support a culture of philanthropy is rooted in a culture of community and a community that supports a culture of philanthropy is also one which is inclusive diverse and equitable one in which the full humanity of each member is recognized and celebrated one in which each congregant is provided with a full opportunity to be part of the temple beth shalom family those of us of a certain age have spent our lives believing that equality means not acknowledging differences that the ultimate goal is for everybody to be treated just the same but in reality such thinking usually results in the expectation that everyone will fit nicely within the majority that the norms of white ashkenazi jewry will be conformed to by all true inclusiveness occurs only when we recognize and celebrate our diversity when we recognize and respond to the fact the lived experiences of jews of color both within our temple walls and certainly beyond our temple walls is substantially that substantially different than that of jews who are white in our society truly being inclusive takes place when we recognize and support those of all sexual orientations as well as those who are navigating discovering they have a gender identity other than that which which they were born and when those are those individuals particularly are our children to support the parents who are raising those children as well true inclusiveness occurs when physical and emotional disabilities are recognized and accommodations made so that everyone has equal access to this temple and its activities unless you mistake this for a political statement this is not about identity politics we're being politically correct it's about creating authentic loving community we do this not because of some political agenda we do this because we love our fellow congregants and want to be an authentic relationship with them it's about creating the type of temple that's deserving of the support of all of its members as jews and non-jews and i want to emphasize that we are blessed in this community to have a number of members who are not jewish but who are within the jewish world within the jewish community all those within temple family we all crave and deserve community certainly you can pray on your own but when where are the voices spoken a musical which together lift each other up and lift our prayers to god certainly you can pursue social justice or do charitable acts towards others either on your own or in a secular setting but that is not the same as living out the words of torah with your fellow members of the jewish community mitzvoth and give me ludha sadim acts of loving kindness are acts performed with a jewish consciousness and the context of jewish community this is what brings a depth of meaning to what otherwise might be secular acts if you want to study it's easy to obtain unlimited amounts of information about judaism online the internet is full of jewish resources but interacting with your computer screen is not the same as sharing torah study on a shabbat morning with 40 or so of your closest friends experiencing the words of the living god for together and yes you can watch great rabbis and hear the beautiful voices of talented canters from around the nation even around the world but the great rabbis on your computer will not be there to celebrate the birth of your child or to share the challenges of parenting in the modern age those great canters will not be singing at your parents funeral or teaching your preschooler the shema more importantly no one from those great congregations is going to show up at your doorstep with a meal after your surgery or come set up a shiva at your home don't let the pandemic fool you authentic jewish community is being renewed and you can only find it in one place your synagogue it is this shared sense of community that connects us to each other and to the centuries of jews who have lived jewish lives before us and to our responsibility to see to it that there will be generations of jews yet to be judaism is not about me it is about us a culture of community depends on all of us a great congregation cannot be created by clergy professional staff or even a dedicated small set of lay leaders a great congregation can only be created by the joint efforts of all of us in caring and building a vibrant faith community in which we join together in living out the better parts of ourselves a culture of philanthropy will flow naturally will flow naturally from a culture of community for when we continue to be successful and are more successful in building upon all that we have accomplished thus far we will naturally want to see to it that our temple has the resources necessary to reach out and embrace all who would enter its doors now and into the decades into the centuries to come ultimately this means the temple beth shalom must not only be a place to go but more meaningfully a place to be a macomb a place where we are not where we not only dwell together as a kaha kodesh a holy community but a place as the words say among over our ark a place where god dwells among us as well can you he wrote so may this god be god's will for our synagogue and for us all we are going to continue with the hallmark of yom kippur on this colonel dre night we continue with our communal confession rv dewey we're on page 82. we're going to begin v dewey after a short english reading with the ashamnu you may recall the ashamno is an acrostic which is an abbreviated set of our sins it's a uh it's an alphabetical order and it goes from all of the top in english it goes from a to z a litany of our sins our transgressions as we do each what the way this works is the canner will be first uttering the asham nu chan and the oshamu and it is responsive so as each of us respond to the cantor's voice and confess our community as a community we take our hand either open or close whatever your tradition is and hit our chests over our hearts to indicate our sincerity the sincerity of our confession at this moment following our shamani we'll move to the full confessional the al hay we begin on page 82 in the middle of the page our god and god of all generations may our prayers reach your presence and when we turn to you do not be indifferent i deny we are arrogant and stubborn claiming to be blameless and free of sin in truth we have stumbled and strayed we have done raw [Music] [Music] [Music] neon [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] we continue with the al-qaeda on page 86 the way that we'll be confessing together this night as we'll begin each of the paragraphs with the hebrew al-qaeda for the transgression which we have committed before you o god and then continue in the english for that particular paragraph again you're invited to indicate sincerity with the pounding of one's chest for the ways that we have wronged you deliberately and by mistake and harm we have caused in your world for the words of our mouths for the ways we have wronged you by hardening our hearts and harm we have caused in your world through careless speech for the ways which we have wronged you through lies and deceit and harm we have caused in your world through gossip and rumor for the ways we have wronged you by judging others unfairly and harm we have caused in your world through disrespect to parents and teachers for the ways that we have wronged you through insincere apologies and harm we have caused in your world by mistreating a friend or neighbor for the ways we have wronged you through violence and abuse and harm we have caused in your world through dishonesty and business the al-kulam aloha salih salah lanu mahalano perlanu for all these failures of judgment and of will god of forgiveness forgive us pardon us lead us to atonement we continue on 88. for the ways we have wronged you openly and secretly in harm we have caused in your world by losing self-control for the ways we have wronged you through sexual immorality and harm we have caused in your world through consumption of food and drink for the ways we have wronged you by giving in to our hostile impulses and harm we have caused in your world through greed and exploitation for the ways you have wronged through you through cynicism and scorn and harm we have caused in your world through arrogant behavior return to page 90. for the ways we have wronged you by hating without cause and harm we have caused in your world through offensive speech for the ways we have wronged you with a slanderous tongue and harm we have caused in your world through a selfish or petty spirit the al-kulam al-haas for all these failures of judgment and will god of forgiveness forgive us pardon us lead us to atonement [Music] [Music] is [Music] night perhaps our deepest prayer our deepest wish is for the holy one to hear our penitential voices to hear our voices reaching out for forgiveness and for renewal we turn on page nine to turn we turn to page 98 shamach helenu i deny our god hear our voice [Music] hello [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] and to [Music] is foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] no [Music] my [Music] oh [Music] is a prayer where we call out for god's attention this prayer was first uttered by rabbi akiva who cried out to god during a terrible drought tonight we cry out to god for so many things for a planet that is heating and storms floods and fires that are worsening for a country that is more divided than ever where the horrors of racism sexism and xenophobia rage for a world where a pandemic still continues to endanger and end lives the late rabbi jonathan sachs taught without a vessel to contain a blessing there can be no blessing if we have no receptacle to catch the rain the rain may fall but we will have none to drink if we have no radio receiver the sound waves will flow but we will be unable to convert them into sound god's blessings flow continuously but unless we make ourselves into a vessel for them they will flow elsewhere prayer is the act of turning ourselves into a vehicle for the divine prayer is to the soul what exercise is to the body you can live without exercise but it will not be a healthy life you can live without prayer but whole areas of human experience will be closed to you prayer changes the world because it changes us opening our eyes to the radiance of god's world our ears to the still small voice of god's word we turn now to the hallowed words of avinu mulcanu and pray together on page one hundred and fourteen almighty and merciful hear our voice avinu volcano have compassion on us and on our families avinu malcano khaled vegeta avenue half the onslaught of sickness violence and hunger avenue avinu malkin who halt the reign of those who cause pain and terror avinu malcano called vanu besefer hayim tawim avinu malkanu and our names in the book of lives well lived avinu malcano khadesh alainu shanatova let our hands overflow with your blessings avinu malkenu haram karen meshech let our eyes behold the dawn of redemption avinu malcanu we pray do not turn us away from you with nothing avinu markhanu kabel barachamim of watson at the filatenu avinu malkenu welcome our prayer with love accept and embrace it i say imani act for your sake if not for ourselves you alone are our sovereign avenue latino avinu malcanu let the gates of heaven be open to our prayer avenue elena avenue hear our voice treat us with tender compassion avinu hane almighty and merciful answer us with grace for our deeds are wanting save us through acts of justice and love [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] i say [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] i say i say [Music] see [Music] the ark remains open as we turn to page 117 at the bottom of the page for elena this elaine ulesha bayach particularly focuses on our responsibility as stewards [Music] [Music] [Music] we continue with a pre-kaddish reading on page 100 20. this is the praise of the living praise for the gift of life praise for loved ones and friends for listening hearts laughter and forgiveness praise for their searching and striving for perseverance and vision minds that aspire to know and understand praise for their courage and faith for souls that brought light to dark corners for hands that were gentle and strong praise for those who walked before us in the valleys of deepest shadow who endured their grief and brought forth new life yakida via kadash shammay rabbah praise for the one who is always with us the source of growth the promise of goodness praise for the gift of life and memory praise for the blessing of hope on this call nigerian night we hold in our hearts all those who are remembering in these moments will remember tomorrow at yes core as well as all those who have brought blessing to this world with the blessing of their lives we're on page one hundred and twenty two kadesha tom yikkadao via kadash amazing with the one who brings peace and comfort in the high heavens bring peace and comfort to all those who are mourning this night not only within the people israel but throughout the world let us all say amen as we move towards the conclusion of our service this night we our thoughts begin to focus on the rest of yom kippur and we are going to uh begin uh that with the right the day of yom kippur with a morning service at 10 30 a.m tomorrow 10 30 a.m yiscor niila and havdalah after show for blowing will start at 5 00 pm 5 pm tomorrow afternoon additional information about services are on the website uh at throughout this uh yom kippur we have a shanatova zoom room that's open to and available to congregants uh until eight o'clock tomorrow night if uh you know in the old days you know you entered the services and you know after a while you watched for a bit and you were there and you went outside and went to at least i did you'll go out and talk to your friends well you can do the same thing just on zoom so the zoo the lashana toba zoom room is open for members and you can find it on the link on the website just click on it and hang out with your friends uh also yom kippur is full with many opportunities not only to pray but to enrich our jewish lives there's an interview with that rabbi steinman conducted with professor stephen windmiller concerning the issue of anti-semitism today i have recently conducted an interview with dr michael sandell the author of the tyranny of merit the discussion of how we can move towards the common good in addition that interview i'm going to be conducting a session on zoom at 2 pm tomorrow which you're invited to join to further delve into this issue uh later in the day at four o'clock rosa schneider is going to be doing uh her living breath of god mindfulness session which is an annual source of beauty for us all you'll also find on the website links to uh the hof to wrote for tomorrow specifically sandy shapiro uh with the uh torah from isaiah and uh jonathan sessler uh with the hof torah for the being the book of jonah uh we also have a previous recorded healing service which includes birkat hagomeo the prayer in which we celebrate all of us who have been able to recover from trauma in this last year there's also curated content for study and reflection all sorts of articles and thought pieces for yom kippur so that the idea of a fast is that this is a day unlike different days of the year this is a day in which we are we we take time for introspection as well as learning and so please take advantage of all these opportunities as this precious day uh goes by also as uh we'll know when we uh do the unatana tokef that uh we can better our lives and better ourselves by acts of teshuva loosely translated as repentance to fill our prayer and sadaka and in this congregation we've traditionally supported community first village as a as our tadaka project community first provides affordable permanent housing and a supportive community for disabled chronically homeless in central texas there this has been a ongoing and continually growing community and the dona our donations help support this vital work and continued expansion and that donation link is on the website as well we are going to conclude tonight with ya shot and i as we do each year the the yom kippur service really doesn't end the yom kippur service really just takes a pause for eight hours or ten hours or whatever it is or so and uh we uh end our service this night with yay shot and i by the way if you don't know the words they're up there on top of the uh arc right up there yay shot an eye by macomb has that and uh as we are uh delighted uh and uh truly joyous to be able to share in these words as we bring this service to a close yes [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] yes [Laughter] [Music] you
Channel: Temple Beth Shalom
Views: 1,202
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: s8tuOfbt-Bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 30sec (6450 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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