Generative Fill WITHOUT Photoshop! A Look at Uncrop & More!

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so has anyone else hit like AI Wonder numbness and I don't mean that in a bad way but there are times when something major drops and I'm like yeah okay so that more or less happened when Adobe dropped gender defil into Photoshop I couldn't help but think well yeah that's cool that it's in Photoshop but it's basically just out painting again it is cool and I think it'll be a massive Time Saver I was just sort of surprised at how kind of the world went Bonkers about it and listen I don't want to pose myself as like the anti-adobe guy I do use their products uh but I also tend to be the most critical of them I love them they hurt me I punch back and then they release like text to edit and Premiere and I love them again it's a dance that we do but if you haven't had the chance to play with janitor Phil because you're not an adobe subscriber I do have good news for you have released clip drop and within clip drop there is a module called uncrop that is basically Adobe generative fill now there are some limitations to uncrop and I'm gonna go over those in a little bit because I actually have a solution to those limitations as well in the meantime let's take uncrop against some of those you know kind of famous janitor Phils that were going around a little while ago so a big one that was going around of course was starry night um in the center frame there you can see that's the original painting and the expanded border is what adobe's generative fill did so now let's take it over to uncrop and see what kind of results we get so we simply drop a picture of um Starry Night in you can see that we have the ability to expand our canvas here uh which we will do or I would say like a minute of processing time probably just a little bit less you're given four choices that you can choose from uh and it looks like actually if you hit this forward button it'll re-roll oh no it didn't re-roll it just kept generating well um I did not know that um so yeah you have more choices apparently um and then once you have something you like you can thumbs up it and then download it so yeah pretty cool distracted boyfriend was one that kind of cracks me up again in that square you can see the original image and outside of that is generative filled by the way did you guys know that there's a whole storyline attached to this photo yeah it doesn't turn out so well for the distracted boyfriend okay so bringing our image into clip drop um I've got it set up here I'm going to show you why I kind of bound the Box this way in just a minute so uh we're gonna run this and see what we get so after a bit we ended up here which looks pretty good um actually I'll give that a little thumbs up but I will say that along the way we ended up with some weird dumpster fires as well so uh it is stable diffusion you're gonna get some weird stuff out of it I like that that's the balloon thing here and the cargo pants it's yeah it's pretty wild um it's a random logo here uh so yeah you kind of never know what you're gonna get now I'm also going to show you why I went with this kind of one one aspect ratio uh now so if we give it a much smaller Source image and kind of a wider area to cover you do end up with some pretty funky results so yeah this is where you start to get into AI absurdity again it's the old days of just AI zaniness um when it has too much to cover it just goes crazy um wow that's terrifying look at that over there um yeah so there are limitations for sure is this a zombie apocalypse what just happened here roll safe which is another favorite meme of mine uh gets us this in generative fill so again that white box is the original uh Meme and then outside of that is generator Phil clip drop got us this um that's kind of the closest that I could get that was pretty good there's still some Jank over here but for the most part I mean there's some there's some awfulness going on that said I think that the thing that you need to look at clip drop as is it does expand um it's just it's going to take you a while to get there because you know stable diffusion gonna stable diffusion I will say I do think that clip drop does pretty well when you feed it sort of mid-journey images to begin with uh like for example this is one that I used in yesterday's video uh that was a James bondish figure I just cropped that in brought it over to clip drop and then expanded it out and we got this image uh which is pretty solid I mean that's very very much in line with what we're looking for again around the edges it just gets wonky but for the most part it generated a pretty solid usable extension on crop is based in stable diffusion which kind of makes for an interesting Throwdown because it's basically stable diffusion versus Firefly but because clip drop is stability it kind of has me wondering if they're going to connect their deep Floyd model over to it at some point in time and that might be really interesting I actually haven't gotten a chance to play with deep Floyd very much let me know in the comments if you guys have and what you think of it now one thing that adobe has going for it is the fill part of generative fill which basically in painting for that I would actually take a look at's canvas feature so I was just in Leonardo yesterday via a project that I was working on Via our Discord yes we have a Discord I'll talk about that in a minute it's actually been a while since I've been here and they've done a lot of really cool improvements so let me know if you guys want me to Circle back and do a deep dive on Leonardo again notably though we have ai canvas over here which is based basically in an out painting and just because I couldn't resist uh this is of course disaster girl my favorite meme of all time um the box there is of course once again the original Meme and the exterior is Adobe generator Phil so I took the original image brought it over to replicate which we went over in a previous video that basically gives you a text prompt which is generally stable diffusion friendly writing that prompt in Leonardo gets us this it's not bad um I couldn't really get it to finish off the girl's body the plus side when you're working in canvas is that once you get something like this you can hit accept and then you can continue on with the image like building it out by hitting this mask button we can kind of paint along here I just wrote continue image girl wearing soccer uniform we hit generate see what we come up with and we get something like this which actually looks pretty solid just along here but what we can continue to do masking out this part of it continuing on with that image putting whatever we want in there so so it's not as elegant a solution necessarily as adobe's generative fill but it does work and I think it offers a little bit more flexibility and control as well so taking this image which I used in the Gen 2 tutorial uh if we wanted to put say James Bond behind there again all we have to do is draw a mask and after some playing we ended up here I kind of got a James Bondi guy in the background one thing I'll say is that I think Leonardo has come a long way in terms of its prompting like this was just a handsome spy James Bond leaning on a bar and I got this um there's some a little bit of stable effusion craziness going on here we've got fingers obviously and then the weirdest glass I've ever seen um looks kind of like it would be fun to drink out of though there was this other one that came up that's technically wrong but actually it ended up looking kind of cool it's just kind of lurking there in the background um again that's something that I think that occasionally AI generators will do is that they will give you something that actually looks cool that you weren't actually asking for and if you weren't necessarily Blown Away by everything I showed you today let's not forget that generative fill in Photoshop is not exactly perfect either so this was perfect teeth um let's take a look at how that comes out yeah that's not really all that perfect the other options um Perfect Teeth perfect teeth but at least between clip drop and you have two free-ish options in order to explore generative fill without having to pay Adobe clip drop offers you a pretty good amount of free Generations before they ask you to subscribe and Leonardo gives you a 150 free credits a day which is actually pretty generous in channel news I had a bit of a stress night last night uh we're going to talk about that in one second but I did launch a Discord it is very small and tied to the patreon and YouTube memberships that I just started you can hit the join button down there if you want but it's a place that we can kind of hang out learn from each other and get feedback on various projects and ideas that we're working on in other words it's not like Matt Wolf's Discord which I love but it's that's massive that said I started getting kind of stressed out and anxious last night about all of the things that I could do on the perks and providing value side of the patreon and YouTube memberships and I kind of realized that it was probably going to stress me out so much that it might actually affect the content on just you know this channel which is stupid right all of which is to say I'd like to think of the patreon and the channel memberships more as kind of just ways to support the channel as opposed to you know me providing massive perks which I really don't have the bandwidth for but you know I hope to at some point in the future and listen if there's any reason that prevents you from joining the Discord through patreon or YouTube memberships just shoot me an email and I will put you in no questions asked at all just write Discord in the subject line and yeah I'll send you an invite the whole idea of this is you know sharing information so the last thing I want to do is create a gate so that's the Spiel on that next week I've got a look on how to become AI Han Zimmer even if you know nothing about music I think that's going to be a pretty fun one I thank you for watching my name is Tim [Music] thank you
Channel: Theoretically Media
Views: 632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adobe photoshop, generative fill, photoshop ai, stable diffusion, stable diffusion tutorial, tutorial, leonardo ai tutorial, leonardo ai, stability ai, stability ai tutorial, stability ai stable diffusion
Id: eQfrQVWZzgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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