GEM PUSHER - Cuteness Marathon!!!

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this is a very good candy day and I'm not talking about politics here [Music] to the fitness machine and oh my gosh miss what month I'm so sorry guys but happy yeah the story every day is story but today let's play for our friend Logan yes finally Logan your where we can play for you and oh oh yes yes come on come on okay that's a cute teaching this rope is clear right here yes it ain't true a week 200 yeah we're about to the this fine morning in a future eyesore once right there was one try that was one try wow it's been a while but we're still sharp okay let's pick up that key chain - yes here it is okay let's try to drop it oh yes they're still pushing now come on oh it fell on the other platform okay what are those baby dolls anyways I saw something oh yeah there's a solution here it's about to fall Yanko sensei - there's some young person say let's see if you can get at least that peach in there or the over the cards now we got the kitchen okay let's rub the keychain hopefully now yes yes we got it we got the Power Star a squishy yes and that one is pushing the other over my gosh look how that pushes okay one more here's the bone no it's about to fall okay leave me - now Velveteen oh that was about to fall I need to put one more coin let's wait for one more push Wow almost there okay let me put one coin here come on open open why okay let me see what happened with the arc oh yeah it didn't go okay so probably it doesn't it's a sign guys it's a sign that I just put one coin because we're about to get a teaching and to another position well we got that one 212 our Kentucky okay drop it now Jim power just prop the kitchen that's all we need yes okay let's move turn all places okay look what I found here this like a Pokemon petit Fleur we start sylveon rolling yes so let's see let's give it a try that two three tries here this machine is to have some cubic goodness before it still has some little kids with fingers there but let's try to catch some let's try to catch some Pokemon what do you think need to catch them all after all right come on yes no no no no yes okay is that gonna do today I'll moan Wow this okay this ready to rescue him Wow that that that poor mood super super fast now okay I don't even see the whole new code assignment here it's moving the one okay let's get that Pikachu there oh we couldn't get it the trophy goodies now yes Jen power are you here No we still have one more trial I'm still impressed by the speed of this platform I've never seen such a speedy platform you know what let's wait for it let's wait for it to go all the way back now yes okay here he is growl it is here whoa oh my gosh yes I completely got one star just like a little pokémon tower good thing okay back to the sweet stuff back to the sweeties let's play for more desert heat chains I just found another position here with a lot of stuff let's wait for that chocolate thing to now let's go for the neck oh I don't know if my uncle sensei's heavy or visit lights I don't know it's up it's a blackout it's a black variety vinegar yes yes yes oh my gosh it's pushing oh this is cat power yes this is God power I'm sure about that oh is it positive okay let's get to the white one come on let's see if we can catch him catch the Cubs yes yes he's been a good cat [Applause] oh my gosh okay you know what now I feel like putting a load of a bunch of stuff right there and hopefully everything will come forward oh yeah yeah yeah okay cut down yes we got it okay let's wait for one more push and let's drop everything back here yes okay another cut is down yay almost let me put three more coins one shoe then three yes three okay I said three but we hadn't put three okay Oh what about you get done young oh we're about to get the young uncle sensei [Music] I love this car there's a bunch of Japanese we ran out of change seem so rich wait for ok let's wait for that one there's a mr. already won let's see click on oh that was so cute true all right one at a time one at a time let's wait for that one to get ready now see oh that the squishy got in the middle alright let's throw these gems right now okay yeah oh yes yes okay since they're light there might be squish is true you know in the shape of the ankles and said let's pick this squishy yes you know these are scented for what I remember yes everything's falling on the right place oh my god can we pick that one up or it's kind of impossible no that was a great poll but the desert didn't make it oh look at all that we need to get the white one now yes these chains are awesome today guys okay oh there's a cat hang in there hang in there pal okay the twig for that one there see if you can catch it it's kind of a long shot oh yes the cat fell almost oh we almost got the kitchen okay let's rope it now yes okay that's a good punch yes good we got the other car oh my gosh we're getting so many so many okay now we're in front of another machine of cuteness and I don't remember seeing this one and can you see that they have lamb mingo deserts can we pick it up yes yes it picked it up but it's pretty far bad it's pretty far but you know what anyways let's repeat here on the front now I fell back in oh but it's okay let's put one more point in one between I don't know this machine very much let's be careful let's wait for the next key chain okay thus if you can get that one day yeah pick it up pick it up bigger don't slide okay yes no no yes okay we have one keychain oh my gosh because I worry about you get that carriage there let's put one more point in bad thing is we don't get any extra turns whenever we put three or four cones at least it doesn't say anything here you know let me put two more Warren yeah we don't get any any three tries it's three three-point returns oh my gosh yes at least it's a good machine [Music] drop this one now it's very fast oh you are no they got just Velveteen they've got just oh we were so close we're so close to get it Oh do we get the cut oh this is amazing Oh what are they what are they oh goodness gem explosion it's been such a long time oh it's so so so great Logan I can't believe it was it worth the wait oh yeah pick it up rip it up yes okay one more dessert I don't know if we're gonna now now ah yeah they pull back in okay we have one more try this is our last it's going guys okay pick it up to pick up something but I'm more than happy ah we just got the chance all right I'm really really happy with what you got I I really wasn't expecting to get any oh my gosh we need to push one more minute to put one more don't fall now oh we're back I just I just got one more point here money money money okay let's to the last turn here this is a very last term I know I've said that before let's see if we can touch that one get up yeah okay perfect now we just need to drop it at the right timing and just pray that that kitchen doesn't called Oh Lou Caputo come on yes you can ping there Oh anyways so many different prices we have played three different machine slow down let's check the process [Music] yeah fake ending guys say anything of course that cat is still waiting for us to get him we just need some Jim power that's all we need probably will fall next one yes I knew it I knew it drop drop drop okay oh no now we need to get these two what are we doing okay one more point in let's go with tool same power on this thing is lovely I'm loving this machine guys let's rock drink here now oh the drink wheel on the top that's okay that's okay now we need one more point and probably will get both at once I love his teachings but that cup is tips it's getting all the teachings on top of it let's try to pick up these two at once if we can at all that will be a nice challenge for the timing and go pick them up we got one but that's okay all the copies are working for we'll push in the top yes we got one there a bunch of gems and if that Cup she thought that comes forward we will get that kitchen and there's the Flamingo there too my gosh this started so well and we're now we're doing a lot of place lot of points hope I hope they're worth it but yeah these teachings are so cute that they're weird you know now see if we can catch that one yes wish we could throw that pop there now yes we did oh yes we got everything Oh when the cup is moving forward oh gosh are you gonna stop playing this Oh God flamingo that's a symbol for me we'd need to get this one Logan we really need to get this one let's get a bunch of gems and let's get this kitchen if you can come I'll have so many place yes yes yes we got it okay now all right fill back in oh we're about to get Domingo come on one more push almost okay I just put one point to keep the door open and let's go with a full bunch now you know what let's try to pick that one on yeah what thing we get up a lot of germs oh I'm loving this machine you guys this is a very good candidate very good candidate and I'm not talking about 46 year pick it up it it up the bidder yes and drop it almost come on oh my goodness oh my cuteness are all these kitchens flamingo paint now I can't believe it open okay alright let's go for that one come on pick it up come on come on yes oh I can't believe it I thought we weren't getting it ok drop drop ok yes yes yes what about the next one what about the next one come on a pedestal one one point they're happy okay bunch of bunch of gems and yes you need to get that one yes yes okay we're ready guys please we got everything let's eat prices now rice what do you think [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Japan Award
Views: 4,099
Rating: 4.9584775 out of 5
Keywords: arcade, arcade life, japan award, japan vlog, sweet land, jewels, japanese arcade, japan arcades, gem pushing game, jewel pushing game, how to play japanese arcades, spinning prizes, shiny gems, sweet land machine, play for friends, japan prizes, crane games, dessert keychains, yummy keychains, disney keychains, cute keychains, drink keychains, game centers, ゲームセンター, ゲーセン, gem catcher, jewel catcher, jewel catching game, gem pusher, mermaid keychains, pokemon gem pusher
Id: F5wVF-zU4cQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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