Gekko's Entire Lore Story | Valorant Agent Lore

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hey everybody Jeff here and welcome to the official Gekko lore video we're going to check out everything Gekko has done in his life before and after joining the valorum protocol with as much information we can find related to his lore if you enjoy Valor and lore and think Gekko is an interesting agent then make sure to leave a like if you're excited and let's get right into this watch Charlie way my crew is coming through so let's first start off with gekko's real name look guys all right I already know I'm going to get absolutely flamed for butchering this pronunciation but gekko's real name is Matteo armandaris De La Fuente I mean that was just impeccable pronunciation if I do say so myself Gekko was born and raised in the city of Los Angeles of the United States making Gekko the confirmed third agent to be from the United States on the Valen protocol Gekko appears to be in his younger 20s and has an extremely creative and outgoing personality and style man my critters have the Zoomies right now everyone watch your stab he is clearly all tatted up with rocking whatever hairstyle color he wants to wear the time and his outfit is interesting as well as far as I can tell we actually don't have a confirmation of if he's actually a human or a radiant which is kind of weird from what I looked up it still looks like it's up for debate whether he's human or a radiant and right will just have to confirm it when they're ready but before we move on to gekko's life and all the interactions he has with other agents of valorin a word from today's sponsor question are you the type of person likes to Snoop on others and get as much info as possible on them well when it comes to playing valorin there's no better way to do that than Valor and tracker I said literally everything there is to say about the app in previous sponsorships like all of your personal stats in the in match tool like your Sherlock Holmes you can spy on your enemies with the image tool that gives you a brief overview of how good everyone you know is in the ACT overall or with this specific agent they're playing in your match if you want to learn more about that you can look up your teammates or Enemy by clicking the link next to their name in the in match tool and will bring up their stats in your default web browser use my link in the description or the pin comment of course to download Valor tracker completely for free and thank you as always for sponsoring today's video alright so according to gekko's trailer we saw that he was recording himself changing up his hair color we hear his mother in the background of the house causing a ruckus dealing with all of gekko's pets we can pretty much assume that this point that Gekko lives with his mother I'm not too sure if we got any information yet about his father as far as I can tell maybe he just wasn't there in the house you know when Gekko was filming at that very moment or perhaps he's not in the picture or something I just don't know some possible clues of what gekko's childhood was like though can be seen in one of his personal player cards in his contract there isn't a whole lot here if I'm being honest with you guys it does look like though that Gekko when he was younger was possibly running from the kingdom after doing something while they shouldn't have now we do know that Gekko had a run-in with the kingdom and perhaps more specifically case X division of the Kingdom not too long ago one thing he could have gotten in trouble from them though is by possibly stealing The Gang That Gekko always refers to you know the cute little crazy he uses his gameplay from the kingdom now as I'm looking around I think this is still relatively up in the air and not like 100 confirms to my knowledge as I explain of all this you'll see how it likely leads in this direction I Gekko stole his creatures from the kingdom So speaking of his creatures how about I let Gekko introduce them for himself and then we'll get into the story of how they are no longer with the kingdom I saw you mosh get him wingman nice one dizzy thrash isn't done with you alright so we have mosh wingman dizzy and thrash personally I think wingman is the cutest I mean just look how adorable he is so possibly the biggest clue we have that Gekko you know stole or maybe even rescued his gang from the kingdom is in the rainness email sent to Brimstone Critter cover-up from Reina to Brimstone nobody who saw gekko's creatures is talking Cipher confirms the lack of incriminating surveillance video to be safe he coded a worm to hunt online footage kasek has no clue where to find their stolen prop property or of the thief's identity I'll talk to the Gekko about being more covert we got away with it this time Brimstone but you know kasek they'll never stop looking so the few Clues are one Gekko broke into a kingdom facility and stole something of their property two nobody who saw gecko's creatures are talking indicating that his creatures were present at the time and three kasek will never stop looking for their stolen property now the way Raiden's email sounds is that this happened relatively recently which would indicate that get-go and his gang of adorable little squishy beings haven't been together for very long another clue that gekko's gang was held up or possibly even you know created at the kingdom is with his reveal trailer there is a segment where one of gekko's gang while thrash in particular notices a kingdom employee poster in the train they were taking it very much seems to me that for whatever reason thrash well you know thrashed out specifically when seeing something related to the kingdom now this is Theory mode of course so definitely take this with a grain of salt but I am starting to think that perhaps the kingdom created all of gekko's gang in a lab using radonite to bring them to life and tested on them as well it was probably a scary and horrific experience for the gang and that's why we see thrash go into anger mode when seeing or resembles a kingdom scientist and if this is true would that mean that you know geckos you know beings or his creatures with him are they the first conscious creatures created by radiantite I wonder now all this can totally not be true at all you know with everything it just said with the kingdom you know you know creating them but I thought it would be interesting what do you guys think now we do know that Gekko was friends with Reina even before joining Valor and even knew that Reina was part of valorin which is kind of strange if you ask me because isn't the protocol supposed to be like kept to the utmost secrecy yet get knows about it from Reina perhaps Reyna isn't keeping valor's security standards high up on her priority list anyways they are friends and it looks like that once Reyna found out that Gekko has all these adorable creatures with him and willing to do you know whatever he says you know whatever Gekko says the creatures do it that's when she thought Gekko could be used to Valerie it's likely that Reina is the one that suggested recruitment into Valor and brimstone goes quickly to show his eagerness as well for him to join there was a funny teaser sequence before gekko's release that shows Gekko wasn't exactly off to a great start with reliability when accidentally missing you know a ton of calls from Brimstone at nine to be exact it's also worth noting that Gekko refers to Harbor as coach he has plenty of voice lines to say the same thing as well hey coach this counts his training for today right right those are some crazy ass moves coach so it seems like that Gecko and harbor are off to a really really good start and harbor is showing off his expertise and his knowledge to Gekko who is likely very very new to this whole you know shooting people saving the day kind of thing in another teaser sequence we see Brimstone freak out that Gekko didn't answer his calls again with sage asking Reyna if this is a good idea to recruit him and with rain replying that he probably has his phone off or something and that Reina trusts him also it's also funny that uh neon was freaking out calling out Brimstone for signing his texts each and every time he sends one in the group chat I thought that was hilarious then Gekko jet Rayna and brimstone had a great meal together right as Gekko gets recruited as the 22nd agent of the valorum protocol once Gekko gets to Valor headquarters though he gets a word of advice from Brimstone about how to handle weapons when training and not to take the competitive comments of other Valerian agents personally as they are just trying to win and be the very best that they can be Gekko ass Brimstone if you can get a bigger room at headquarters to fit not only himself but all four of his creatures Ayo bring me brim hear me out I love the room for real but like my crew needs their own space sometimes and it's a little crowded right now so check this what if we knock down some of the walls combine my room with the one next door double it up eh let me know what you think one more thing I do want to talk about for all of gekko's gang seem to have their own personalities and may even learn and appreciate recognition from Gekko which is very interesting hey little man put this up let's hear it ghosts show that even though they're little Globs you know adorable Globs at that they actually have a personality so think about that next time you shoot wingman defusing the spike okay he's got a personality and he's adorable and you're you're just killing him so yeah you think about that let's take a look at some other interactions with agents on the protocol that Gekko has we already know that Gekko and Reina are really close and it looks like that he has a ton of respect for her and calls her the queen hola Mirena make way for the queen yo did you see Reina it was Unstoppable even when he has to kill Reyna from the valoran legion you know the opponents he's seen sad in doing so we also see that Gekko doesn't have any ill will or hatred at all for his Omega double on the Valerian Legion of course many of our fellow agents don't like their doubles but it looks like that Gekko feels bad about it and he just doesn't want to think that there's like you know another him on the other side of the battlefield yeah girl that's us over there try not to think about it damn I never thought I'd have beef with myself you know sorry little guys and me apparently one of gekko's creatures doesn't think chamber is just the most dashing man alive of Alan salor you know like how I think he is chamber don't listen to her you look great that's right Gekko chamber does look great also apparently gekko's gang of creatures may also turn into a gang of criminals considering one of them wants to steal killjoy's shoes you want KJ's shoes Charlie dude you can't even wear shoes for legal reasons that was a joke that Gekko has a gang of criminals moving on I'm not so sure if Gekko is being serious here but he may have asthma or is just being dramatic to Viper yo Viper are we really safe breathing that in I low-key have asthma also I thought it was hilarious you said Loki like you know Riot is really keeping up with their you know slaying Urban Dictionary terms and you know it's and it really does show that they are in touch with the community and in touch with just how you know young people are in culture right now so everyone I think that's about wraps up gekko's lore here in Valerian unfortunately to be honest we don't actually have a ton of lore related to him at this very moment you know upon release I'm positive down the road we'll get a lot more when it comes to Gekko especially his close relationship with Raina but like I said it is sad that he did release with not a ton of backstory and his trailer didn't really show a ton about him either so that is kind of sad but you know it is what it is and you know we will learn about him in the future so just stay tuned for that if you guys enjoyed this video then make sure to leave a like subscribe notifications if you're new now with all that being said jumpy out
Channel: Sir Jeppy
Views: 169,067
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Keywords: valorant new agent, valorant lore, sir jeppy, valorant lore story, valorant story, valorant storyline, valorant lore explained, valorant lore origin, valorant character lore, gekko valorant, valorant lore video, valorant lore videos, valorant agent lore, valorant gekko, valorant agents, valorant origin, Gekko's Entire Lore Story | Valorant Agent Lore, valorant gekko abilities, complete valorant story, valorant storyline explained, entire valorant lore
Id: Ca9q5BfIqvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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