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the GE 9x if you're not already familiar with it it probably sounds like an odd name with a mixture of letters and numbers well by the end of this video I hope you'll have somewhat of an understanding about what the GE 9x is hello everyone welcome to DJ's aviation first of all as you can probably tell by the thumbnail the GE 9x is in fact an engine which is placed on an aircraft the specific aircraft being one that hasn't actually been released just yet I'm talking about Boeing's up-and-coming triple 7x series which consists of two variants the triple 7-8 and the triple 7-9 these aircraft will house the GE 9x engines in simple terms the GE 9x is a giant and an absolute beast the front fan actually spans a full 3.3 5 meters in terms of diameter or 11 feet this automatically makes at a world record the GE 9x will increase fuel efficiency by 10% over the GE 90 the GE 90 is what you could call the earlier generation of the GE 9x as this particular engine variant is featured on the classic triple 7 series while you may think engines are cheap they're actually far from it the GE 9x as of 2016 will cost you a good US 41.4 million at list price this is only to purchase one of them as the triple 7x series will house two engines expected to cost around us eighty 2.8 million for the two of them as we know though don't take this completely for granted as some carriers often get discounts off that list price the engine while not yet on the triple 7 X has been undergoing thorough testing on a General Electric Boeing 747 test aircraft this is where we got our first look at the engine and when you compare it to the numerous other engines on that plane the GE 9 X makes them look like a fingernail as Steve creme the chief test pilot of general electrics test operations said this will be the flagship engine for GE and the flagship engine for Boeing adding the Boeing teams working hand-in-hand with GE flight test ops to prepare for flight tests in 2017 and Boeing is designing the strut adapter the 747 used as a test aircraft is a former Japan Airlines Boeing 747-400 which was acquired by GE all the way back in 2010 so that's some eight years ago now the aircraft went under heavy maintenance and interior modifications to get the plane fit for testing with GE while engine testing may not be something you were entirely aware of often the engines undergo the same tests that an aircraft would and to the same intensity while it's all well and good for a plane to work they wouldn't be up in the air if it wasn't for the trusty engines General Electric with their GE 90s in mind went about the testing phases of the GE 9x differently this time the engine manufacturer opted to begin running the tests for this particular engine far earlier in the program than the normal for any other engine the exact time frame was about six months and the choice for this came with the testing of the second engine in mind with the second GE 9x launching a year after the first in a loud GE to evaluate any problems that were found with the engine and then those problems could essentially be ironed out and could be fixed with the new design on the second engine so what else is there to know about this engine it'll provide a whopping 105 thousand pounds of thrust essentially that is the equivalent of three f-22 f1 99 engines in full afterburner it's gonna be truly incredible the particular fan will be made up of 16 carbon fiber composite fan blades these composite materials make it overall lighter stronger thinner and more efficient a huge plus for any triple 7 X operator engines are quite complicated things and I'll happily tell you that I'm not really one to be extremely knowledgeable on them so I won't be going into too much detail for the remainder of this video so hopefully it won't be too confusing for you I'm happy to say we've probably got past the tricky section of it I'll move on to the test as I touched on earlier very briefly while it's just an engine the testing is still extremely important and so far the GE 9x has undergone multiple tests back in 2017 the engine underwent ising tests this took place specifically in the winter of 2017 before I explain more about the cold weather tests back in 2016 it actually completed its first test and accumulated at completion around 335 test hours during the tests it validated the system verification heating validation and a whole lot more technical stuff back onto the cold weather testing essentially the tests were in place to make sure it the engine would manage in the cold while not necessarily the GE 9x another example of cold weather testing is the a330 neo which has recently traveled to locations around the world to see how the systems handle the extreme cold conditions it'll have to experience when flying with different carriers it is a similar case with engines as these manufacturers need to make sure if the planes fly into such harsh environments that there won't be a catastrophic engine failure which I should mention is extremely unlikely because all these tests have taken place to make sure this doesn't happen and if it does there are other ways to keep the aircraft in the sky the GE 9x underwent around 50 cold weather tests some routine and some not so routine a few examples of your very common tasks are the ground fog tests natural icing conditions landing in poor conditions taking off into parting in the cold and so on concluding the GE 9x is an engine which will feature on the triple 7x series in the coming years and will lead the way for technology and the engines of the future if you're ever at an airport in five years and want to see the GE not an X but I'm not too familiar with what a triple 7x is just look for an engine which is larger than all the others at the airport if you have any more questions about the GE 9x feel free to leave them in the comments and if I can't get to them I'm sure someone from our very welcoming community will be more than happy to help you out I'd like to take the time now to thank you much for watching this video of mine and of course the continued support you show me all I look forward to your joining me in the next one [Music]
Channel: Dj's Aviation
Views: 648,606
Rating: 4.7594109 out of 5
Keywords: Aviation, News, GE9X, ge9x test, ge9x sound, ge9x engine, ge9x engine testing, what is the ge9x?, worlds largest engine, ge9x 777, 777x engine, 777x takeoff, 777-8, 777-9, boeing, general electric, general electric GE9x, ge9x vs ge90, ge9x power, ge9x thrust, ge9x cold weather testing, ge9x explained, boeing 777x engine, 777x engine testing, 777x delivery, 777x introduction, what is the ge9x engine?, ge9x size, ge9x startup, ge9x test video, ge9x icing
Id: fE0DcD2Bxac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 10 2018
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