Boeing 787: The legend of Dreamliner

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[Applause] [Music] hello aviators sky here so boys and girls here it is the main character of this whole story our today's journey will be long and interesting fasten your seat belts let's fly boeing 787 dreamliner is a family of wide-body long-haul airliners developed by boeing in the early 2000s the first commercial airliner with a radically increased proportion of composite materials in the design and like this wasn't enough it introduced a huge number of other interesting innovations in the late 1990s Boeing actively promoted its newest airliner triple7 it was gorgeous and very advanced unlike the other two wide-body models the boeing 747 and 767 were not impressing anyone for a long time they had to be modernized or replaced this work started in the early 2000s the flagship of the line had to be upgraded with the 747x program the Boeing 767 was supposed to retire giving way to a completely new and first-of-its-kind sonic cruiser transonic airliner having similar capacity the new aircraft could reach a significantly higher speed 1,100 km/h he wasn't breaking the sound barrier but it was very promising especially for the passengers who don't like to watch movies for 1215 hours straight however the events of the beginning of the 21st century prevented the project from success the fuel prices soared and the air transportation market shrank the idea of a high-speed airliner was good of course but fuel efficiency proved to be more important the sunny Cruiser being a revolutionary claim contained a large number of risks and its high-speed capabilities were now compensated by a huge fuel appetite in 2002 the project was officially cancelled however many technologies were not forgotten in just a month Boeing announced the program 7 e7 it was supposed to be a classic plane but with application of the Sun and Cruiser elements the idea of the new project was the creation of a long-haul and very economically efficient airliner capable of flying too small airports without working with hubs the so called point-to-point transit the letter e in the index is usually considered to stand for efficient or environmentally friendly or simply ate in the summer of 2003 after a branding competition the company chose the name Dreamliner in 2004 the Japanese airline All Nippon Airways AAA became the starting customer signing a contract for 50 aircraft Boeing was supposed to create two models seven a 7-3 and seven eight seven - eight the model nine was expected to appear in a few more years sales went well a year later Dreamliner already had a portfolio of orders for 237 units as a powerplant the rolls-royce Trent 1000 and General Electric GE and X engines were chosen according to the developers the plane should be 20% more efficient than the 767 the aircraft assembly of course was to be conducted in Everett at the same time when significantly expanded the capabilities of its contractors who could now manufacture rather complex components this great is simplified and accelerated the final assembly despite a lot of problems in the initial stage of the project in the future this scheme began to justify itself the network of the Boeing 787 contractors is considered one of the most complex in the history of aviation so what is foreign in Dreamliner software HCl enterprise wiring rabinal passenger doors lattaker floor beams tal manufacturing solutions cargo doors and interior doors saab a bee fuselage sections global aeronáutica kawasaki heavy industries korean air central wing box and wing console Mitsubishi Heavy Industries horizontal stabilizers alenia aermacchi and Korean airspace industries wingtips fairings of mechanization will well bulkhead longer odds Korean air landing gear monsieur bugatti doubt titanium elements of the airframe of yzma and boring manufacturing I especially have to note the huge role of Japan in the project in fact about 35% of all elements and systems of the Boeing 787 come from the country of the Rising Sun Japanese experts participated in the development of the airliner and Boeing saved money on significant tax benefits from Tokyo to increase the speed of past deliveries from geographically remote suppliers boring modified for 747 - 400 planes yes those 747 LCF dream lifter I made a video about a while ago they can transport wings fuselage sections and other large elements the final assembly of the first prototypes was started in Everett in 2007 the company had difficulties with the weight of the structure the first airliners turned out heavier than they should have been in addition despite the innovative production process the demand for the aircraft was so great that going had to expand production problem was that the Everett plan had nowhere to expand and then the heirs of William Boeing found a nearby site well not really nearby at the other end of the u.s. in the city of Charleston South Carolina construction of the plant near the City Airport began in 2009 in July 2007 the first Boeing 787 prototype passed the solemn rollout ceremony at that time it had contracts for 677 units which was a record among twin all commercial airliners the airliner had problems with the flights preparation resolving the difficulties with suppliers and the coordination of the specifications took a long time problems were also caused by a huge number of innovations which meant a much more complicated test and certification program the engines this time did not fail in 2007 the new rolls-royce Trent 1000 engine was certified six months later the certificate was granted to General Electric GE and x1 B engine finally in December 2009 with a two-year delay from the original schedule the blowing 787 dreamliner made its maiden flight for the pain-filled airport six planes at once took part in a flight test program for equipped with Trent engines and two with GE and X engines a little later two more planes were added to accelerate the work the tests were not easy the certification lasted a year and a half by the time of the test conclusion Boeing had already prepared production at the plants in Everett and Charleston it was assumed that the plants would be able to produce ten aircraft per month however because of the plan to dramatically increase the pace of production the company had problems with the labor unions the first Boeing 787 left the plant in Charleston in the spring of 2012 a few months before that one of the prototypes had made a test flight for a maximum distance from Everett to Dhaka Bangladesh the plane flew ten thousand seven hundred and ten miles breaking the a330 record in this class the only absolute record for the commercial airliners remained with the Boeing triple7 - 200 LR eleven thousand six hundred and sixty four miles the first airliner was delivered to a na in September 2011 a few weeks later the plane started commercial flights from Tokyo to Hong Kong tickets for the first flight were sold out at an auction and the most expensive of them cost thirty four thousand dollars the price of a good premium car according to the results of the first operation thieriot ena stated that the airliner equipped with Trent 1000 engines burns 21% less fuel than the Boeing 767 - 300 er airlines seeing that the plane is most effective at long distances started putting it on flights of maximum range that had previously been served by large aircraft Boeing 747 and Airbus a340 being smaller in capacity the point 787 however proved to be much more flexible and efficient well now let's take a closer look at the Dreamliner and figure out why it has become a liner of dreams the Boeing 787 being according to the general design a classic modern airliner includes many new solutions that distantly Pumped it's performance distinctive external features of the new plane include the lowered nose long wing the improved raked wingtips and new Chevron's on its engine missiles the aircraft is designed for flights at altitudes of 1213 kilometers at cruise speed of Mach 0.84 or about 900 km/h not the sonic cruiser of course but slightly faster than the 767 flight systems the cockpit of the aircraft is completely new and significantly different from the old ones the interface consists of five large multifunctional displays as well as two head-up displays already in the basic configuration what's interesting is that some cockpit elements developed by Rockwell Collins are also used on a number of other new airliners such as the MC 21 and the Carmack c919 the classic yoke remained in a new carpet no side sticks on buoyant airliners of course the Dreamliner has a full-fledged fly-by-wire system nothing revolutionary here in fact this is an improved version of the systems from the Boeing triple7 another matter is the IT systems to ensure the significantly increased data transmit a new Ethernet system is used and part of this network is used to connect passengers to the Internet in flight the aircraft is equipped with an automated system of flight stabilization in conditions of turbulence this system is new for civilian aviation and was originally created to ensure the stability of flight of the b-2 spirit bombers power system the main feature of the Boeing 787s onboard energy complex is a completely new electric architecture the electrical system with a total capacity of almost one and a half megawatts is being actively used in stabilizers engine starts systems and brakes which it possible to simplify the hydraulics a large and famous innovation of the liner is often considered the active use of batteries but it is worth dispelling the common opinion that the point 787 is entirely powered by storage batteries like some Tesla the increased energy consumption also increased the need for its sources the power system of the airliner has seven generators at once - in each engine - in the APU and one in an emergency turbine lithium-ion batteries are supplied by the Japanese corporation GS uwasa the battery complex is made up of two batteries weighing 29 kilograms the first battery is the main one it is used to provide power supply to the aircraft on the ground the second battery is used to start the engines and to support auxiliary systems the use of lithium-ion batteries made it possible to simplify the maintenance and increase the efficiency of the power system I should note that the innovation was the use of lithium-ion technology the batteries themselves were used before but they were heavier and less efficient nevertheless despite the advantages lithium-ion batteries have a flaw familiar to smartphone owners that's right these batteries burned sometimes composites the Boeing 787 is the first commercial wide-body airliner that received a composite fuselage wing and a large number of airframe elements nearly 50% of its weight are composites 20% aluminum alloys 15% titanium alloys 10% steel and about 5% of other materials the advantage of composite materials is high strength at a lower mass in comparison to metals in addition a higher strength allows to improve the design of the liner the problem of such a large-scale application of new materials is insufficient experience of exploitation for example unlike metals carbon composites do not visibly show damage or the effects of fatigue of the material which can be dangerous during the long operation also a number of specialists expressed fears that in case of damage to the fuselage some elements will more easily destroyed and in case of fire the composites will release toxic gases some of the spheres are too dramatic alow composites have never been used in such a scale they are nevertheless not new in Space Systems aviation and the automobile industry these materials have been in use for a long time but to calm down customers Boeing developed a special 787 gold care service program technically it's just an addition to the usual maintenance plan but everybody was happy and the name sounds cool engines the Boeing 787 is a twin jet airliner optionally customers can choose models of General Electric GE and x1 B or rolls-royce Trent 1000 the engine's thrust ranges from 280 to 340 kilonewtons depending on the aircraft modification among the main innovations can be noted the bleed 'less architecture and improved noise reduction complex as well as the presence of two generators in each engine new saw-edged Chevron's are introduced in the design providing a softer mixing of the jet exhaust with the surrounding air now such elements are already applied on the boy 7 for 7-8 Boeing 737 max and the future Boeing triple7 acts due to this the noise level from the 787 in the airport zone rarely exceeds 80 85 decibels which on average is 10 decibels less than the Boeing 767 and Airbus a330 despite the fact that the Dreamliner is the heaviest of this group and its engines are more powerful interior the width of the Boeing 787 cabin is about 18 feet or 5 and a half meters this is much larger than the width of the Boeing 767 and is already close to the Boeing triple7 in the midst of competitors the airliner stays between the a330 and the a350 cabins have very wide customization possibilities therefore at different airlines they can differ strongly enough arrangement schemes can have variations from four to seven seats in the business class and from eight to nine seats in the economy the windows of the Boeing 787 are ten point seven by eighteen point four inches and are considered to be the largest among civilian aircraft this is due to the more rigid composite fuselage it became possible to enlarge the windows without additional structural reinforcement of course the bright feature of the new windows is the absence of the plastic shakes instead of them electrochromic smart glasses used passengers can change the transparency of the windows simply by pressing a button another innovation of the cabin is the complete absence of light bulbs now it features fully LED illumination in general this technology is not new in aviation as an option such elements have long been applied on the Boeing triple7 and some Airbus is used more extensively and is already standard equipment the light can change colors which is useful for improving comfort technologically the most complex innovation of the Boeing 787 is the complete elimination of the classic engine bleed system which I have already mentioned unlike other passenger aircraft on the 787 air is supplied by compressors the new electric compressor atmospheric system creates pressure inside the cabin equal to that at height of about 1,800 meters usually on older planes it is equal to the air pressure of two two and a half kilometres the humidity level in the cabin can be adjusted by the crew depending on the number of passengers but an average is maintained at 15% previously the humidity level was at four percent modifications the first and basic version is the model seven eight 7-8 which appeared in 2009 later in 2013 an extended version nine was created and then the largest version seven eight seven - 10 followed initially boring expected to create a rather modest in its performance but very economical model 787 - three it was supposed to accommodate 290 to 330 passengers and fly at a distance of up to 3000 miles however the plane which was supposed to occupy the middle of the and replace the Boeing 757 proved inefficient as it remained to lodge the project was closed in favor of other aircraft of the family Boeing 787-8 is the basic version the aircraft accommodates 242 passengers in a two-class configuration and 359 in a single class configuration with a limit of 381 the flight range for the standard configuration is seven thousand three hundred and fifty-five miles the aircraft is quite popular about a third of all orders account for this version the Boeing 787 - 9 which is now the middle child of a family is a version with an extended fuselage and increased mass the capacity is 290 passengers in a two-class configuration and 406 in a one class layout with a limit of 420 people the flight range thus increased slightly and reached seven thousand six hundred and thirty-five miles interestingly the increase in range was achieved not by increasing the amount of fuel but by improving the IRA dynamics of the airliner including the laminar tail stabilizer with all the similarities of the models eight and nine these aircraft actually have a lot of constructive differences the seven eight seven - nine took off for the first time in 2013 and in 2014 it was transferred to the starting customer Air New Zealand finally the Boeing 787 - 10 was the result of active lobbying from the Emirates and Qantas it was not originally planned but after the creation it ended up somewhere outside its niche entering the competition with the older models Airbus a350 - 900 and Boeing triple7 - 200 er the fuselage of the plane was once again stretched the capacity that's reached 330 passengers in a two-class layout with a maximum of 440 people the amount of fuel in the tanks of the liner remained the same so the additional mass cost it range reduced to six thousand four hundred and thirty miles and of course such a beautiful aircraft could not avoid the attention of the IP customers the boeing business jet division offers models 8 and 9 for VIP versions muddle BBJ 7 8 7-8 flies to nine thousand nine hundred and fifty-five miles model BBJ seven eight seven - nine which is a bit shorter nine thousand five hundred miles operations in mid 2018 boeing has a portfolio of orders for one thousand three hundred and seventy seven aircraft of the model 787 nearly seven hundred of them have been delivered in total about forty airlines used these planes than almost a thousand routes around the world in the spring of 2018 Qantas started the point seven eight seven flights on the Perth London route at a distance of up to seven thousand eight hundred and twenty nine miles well of course we can not avoid gossip about the problems of this beauty Boeing 787 was not involved in the serious accidents that led to the death of people nevertheless being an entirely new airliner which applied a large number of previously unused technologies the aircraft could not avoid childhood diseases the place of the AMA and United Airlines were several times sent to the inspections due to the problems with the fuel systems and electrical failures later there were difficulties with sensors airborne locators and the engines the most famous problem of the Boeing 787 was the accident caused by the new lithium-ion batteries in 2013 during a flight on board of the AMA airliner science of fire appeared the plane made an emergency landing at Takamatsu Airport and was evacuated the tests showed that the fire occurred in one of the batter attacks after a while the same happened at the Jael aircraft the FAA issued a directive that would remove the entire fleet of the Boeing 787 from service until the causes of the accidents were clarified the reason of the accidents was the flaw in the lithium iron skin of the back being more efficient they are also less stable and in the event of failure in the operating mode can catch fire the batteries their support systems as well as the production were tested and revised companies took additional security measures and upgraded the battery packs the cases of overheating after this repeated a couple of times but after the introduction of all the requirements the problem was solved nevertheless despite the scandals and problems the reliability of the liners at the beginning of the flights was 96% and by 2015 it reached 98.5 percent in 2013 these airplanes were spending five hours a day in the air and by 2014 it was already 12 hours now the operational reliability of the point 787 is nearly ninety nine point three percent and now about the money the 787 dreamliner program cost is estimated at thirty two billion dollars it is assumed that the program will recoup the investment after the delivery of approximately eleven to twelve hundred aircraft the production plan assumes to reach a pace of 14 units per month or 168 per year by 2019 by this time boring plans to cut the costs by increasing production and optimizing business processes as well as increasing the supply cost of the aircraft in 2018 the catalog price of the Boeing 787-8 is 239 million dollars the model 7 8 7-9 will cost 282 million dollars and the biggest and most expensive model 787 - ten costs about three hundred and twenty five million dollars if you watch this video to the end you are awesome of course like subscribe and comment below what you think about this flying marvel fast flights and soft landings team [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Skyships Eng
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Keywords: boeing 787, boeing 787-8, boeing 787-9, boeing 787-10, boeing 787 takeoff, boeing 787 battery, ana boeing 787, boeing 787 history, boeing 787 documentary, 787 wings, boeing 787-8 take off, boeing 787 dreamliner landing, 787 engine, dreamliner special, boeing 787 dreamliner cockpit, cockpit boeing 787, cockpit dreamliner, boeing engineers, cockpit 787, dreamliner problems, flight deck dreamliner, 787 grounded, dreamliner issues, sonic cruiser, 787-8, boeing composite
Id: 16ivOV_4oJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 12 2018
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