Fatal Collision over Europe | Boeing 757 Collides with a Russian Tu-154 (With Real Audio)

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Channel: TheFlightChannel
Views: 143,140
Rating: 4.9370198 out of 5
Keywords: theflightchannel, the flight channel, microsoft flight simulator 2021, flight simulator 2021, flight sim 4k 60 fps, uberlingen mid-air collision, mid air collision over europe, dhl boeing 757 collision, boeing mid-air collision, plane crash real audio, airplane collision with real audio, dhl flight 611, bashkirian collision, tupolev tu-154 crash, tupolev crash real audio, russian tupolev crash, two airplane collide mid air, bashkirian flight 2937, america airplane collision
Id: iYJWWngRxus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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