Gateway FIRST Conference 2012 - DR. Tony Evans

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and a deist our special presentation I really believe somebody needs to hear this and personalize this for their life maybe 2011 you came out of a difficult situation and you wondered if God was even around or on your side but here's the good news 2012 begins a new thing a good thing that God's going to do something that you might think is impossible but God who is great nothing is impossible with him amen so you can believe that God has something in store for you I just want to invite you right now if that's you would you just personalize it and say Lord I need you in this year to be great in this situation in my life maybe it's to restore a relationship maybe it's to restore some finances or resources in your life maybe it's to bring you into a new responsibility a job you've been waiting for struggling for I don't know what it is I just know this we serve a great God and nothing is impossible with amen would you just pray with me and let's ask the Lord to do great things God we believe that you are a miracle working God and that Lord you do greater things that our mind can comprehend you're working in ways that our eyes cannot even see and so Lord we just pause a moment to acknowledge the greatness of who you are and we ask you Lord to be great in this year those things that have been in the past Lord we set aside and we set our face toward the things that will be in this year things that you have planned for good your provision to be released in new ways and the power of your work in our life and we say Lord we commit ourselves to you and your work God we give you praise tonight for you are great and worthy to be praised in Jesus name Amen amen thank you lord he is great and he is good well I want us to do something we have some special friends that have joined us everyone on the Daystar network would you just join me in greeting our friends on the Daystar Network welcome we're glad you're here for all of you watching on the web and for everyone in our Frisco campus god bless you we're gonna do something we do all the time around here we're gonna pause just a minute we've loved on God now we're gonna love on each other would you take just a minute greet somebody around you if you have to walk across I'll do that but let's be friendly right now in Jesus name gateway Church would like to welcome all of our friends watching us on the Daystar television network we would love for you to check us out on Twitter and Facebook for more information on gateway church please go to at Gateway that's gateway coming up in just a few minutes will be dr. Tony Evans the senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship well we are pleased to have with us back again tonight a great friend of this ministry Anthony Evans he's a singer-songwriter worship leader recording artist his brand new CD home is available in iTunes is when I encourage you to go to iTunes he's singing a song off of that tonight he's also the son of our featured speaker tonight dr. Tony Evans would you please give a warm gateway church welcome to Anthony Evans [Applause] Lord we worship you we are grateful for the privilege you've given us to sit in your presence and maybe not taking this opportunity for granted we love you lost I say I knew at the sound of your great name all condemned feel no shame at the sound of your greatness [Music] [Music] I mean you're great the sound of your great [Music] Oh God [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] of York [Music] the cell Crittenden [Music] they are [Music] the side great [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] put us to me here you son of God [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] she [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] but the name [Music] and you're great [Music] you're great [Music] [Applause] experience and Gateway Church live from anywhere you are at Gateway people TV if you have internet access on your computer or mobile device you're only a click away from experiencing great worship and teaching don't miss Church because you're on vacation out of town on business or even if you're just feeling a bit under the weather visit gateway people TV and be a part of our live service for service times visit gateway people dot TV [Music] [Music] before pink ever adorns my body I was set apart for a purpose my father knew my name and the number of hairs on my head he deposited a destiny in me a destiny that only I can fulfill [Music] don't mess tomorrow night as our very own pastor Robert concludes this amazing conference [Music] good evening everyone good evening I think we've had an amazing conference so far did you enjoy James Robinson's Word last night powerful and then some of you got to attend the business luncheon today with Jay Richards where any of you here that attended that wasn't that incredible yeah and I just want to tell you I'm so excited about tonight let me let you say something I want to say something also Glenn Beck was with us last night I want to say to you what I said to the luncheon today and that is I appreciate how you welcomed him I appreciate it very much James Robison David Barton Tony Evans I some others are pouring into him right now and he has a platform to help our country and I know that he is a Mormon I talked to him about that and I said Glenn I may say something because I disagree with the Mormon faith but I'm telling you it's time for us to come together and help our country and I appreciate it very much the way you welcomed him and we are pouring into his life spiritually and I want you to know it's amazing when I sit and share with him as he has shared how just just a few years ago just just I mean a very few how he came to realization of by reading the Bible that he needed to personally give his life to Jesus Christ and I asked him and he's agreed he's going to come tomorrow night and share for about 10 minutes with us about how he gave his life to the Lord and his concern so anyway he'll be here tomorrow night and I'm glad that God is doing a work in in many of our leaders around the country and some of us look at them and see things and we could be critical but please let's not be critical let's pray for people and come together as people that are concerned about our country I'm I'm very very glad dr. Tony Evans is with us Anthony came we invited Anthony a few weeks o to come back I will say this I love Anthony so much if Tony was not here I would ask Anthony to join Gateway Church I just want you to know and Priscilla as well priscilla shirer as well so we we love this family and dr. Evans I want you to know that we have formed a partnership to reach our city for Jesus Christ and they have the turnaround project which they started years ago they adopted a school a public school adopted the school and began providing mentoring and tutoring and family social services including literacy classes and job training and all sorts of things it became so successful the school district asked them to adopt more and now they have adopted 73 schools in Dallas that they provide the service for and so Tony and I were talking and he has a desire for churches all over America to do this and for suburban churches to work with and partner with urban churches and I said to him we we will be that Church in the Dallas area and so I want you to know that there is a partnership between Gateway Church and Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship to reach our city for Jesus Christ and we are very excited about that and I'd like to just encourage those of you watching Daystar if you're a pastor or you're a leader to church you can go to tony evans org and find out more information and I hope every Church in the country number one Hope Church has partnered together to reach their City number two I hope you'll look at what they're doing because we don't need to reinvent the wheel and be able to help our schools and help our young people their program their ministry is actually the program that President Bush saw when he was governor Bush that is the foundation and the model for faith-based initiative it is the program that Tony Evans and oklet Bible fellowship started and so we are grateful to be in partnership within and you are going to have your to use in East Texas for a Sox blessed off tonight well you give a warm honoring welcome to dr. Tony Evans thank you thank you I am so delighted here to be here at the gateway I am honored pastor for the way you've opened your heart your arms to me and my family I think if they weren't members of my church they would be members here as in fact they they that feel a little bit spoiled by the way you treat them out here and because they don't get that when they come home I don't do all that stuff y'all do but I am honored for the partnership that we have here locally to impact that we believe that if we can impact the at-risk students in these public schools and their families through family support services but you can change any community because every community has churches schools and Families and so we have a National Training Program where we will train a church in any community how to adopt one public school we've adopted 73 but how you can adopt one there there are over three churches for every one public school in America and if you got every school adopted with the at-risk students through mentoring tutoring and family support services impacted then without creating anything new you could impact that community and so that's our national vision to model what we're doing here locally so I am honored to be here I'm excited to be with my son Anthony now maybe there is a way the church can help me out because Anthony's 33 and he's still single and we have not been able to find him a wife in Oak Cliff so if they're the wife out here race is not an issue you're welcome to have a little jungle fever and get it on okay I [Applause] am indeed honored to be here my son Jonathan is with me he works with me I'm the chaplain for the Cowboys at which shows you what happens when people don't listen to me Jonathan when he finished his in NFL career has been working with me administrate he's at our book table and the pastor invited me to bring a few of our books one how Christians are destroying America is one the second one is the kingdom agenda which will be the basis of when I share tonight and then let's see thirdly one that's embraced how God will hold back a revival until he sees unity one that's embraced and and then victory and spiritual warfare so I'll be back to sign them at the book table after the service but thank you for having me the invitation was short and sweet pastor Morris called me and he said Tony Evans do you believe in free speech I said yes he said come get one so I'm on it to be here today to talk with you let's pray father thank you for friendship thank you for family thank you for the family of God thank you for the privilege of being with the great pastor and his wife at a great church that has great ministry and even a greater heart for God and so I pray that the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart will be acceptable to you in Jesus name I pray amen a man one day went to visit a friend of his and lived on a farm he went across the farmland and he had to pass his friends barn he pulled over because he saw something had never seen before someone had been using the barn for target practice there were 20 targets on the barn there was a bull's-eye in the middle of each of the 20 targets and there was a hole in the middle of each bull's eye so whoever was doing the target practice was a perfect shot 20 targets 20 bull's eyes a holding Amal of each bull's eye perfection in shooting he got back in his car drove up to his friend's house knocked on the door John answered the door he said now John I just passed your barn I saw something I've never seen marksmanship like I've never seen before 20 targets 20 bull's-eyes a hold in the middle of each bullseye who was doing man shooting Oh John said well that was me he said what John where did you learn to shoot like that well John said it's easy a shoot first thing I draw a picture of the target around the hole you see it's easy to look like you're on target when really you just made it know how to paint you may know how to camouflage it so that it looks like things are where they're supposed to be I want to talk to you about a life on target I want to talk to you about how to create a nation on target and it means coming at life a little differently than the culture would have us I call it coming to it from the perspective of the king and therefore on the basis of his agenda which I call the kingdom agenda I can summarize that by just walking you through Psalm 128 it is my favorite passage in the Bible because it summarizes the kingdom worldview in six verses walk with me through Psalm 128 and let's look and listen to the King as he walks us through his kingdom so that we can learn how to live a life that is authentically on-target how blessed is everyone verse 1 says who fears the Lord and walks in his ways when you shall eat the fruit of your hands you will be happy and it will go well with you the first thing he talks to well the first one he talks to is the individual and he pronounces a blessing in the Bible the word blessing is the favor of God to you and through you you have never experienced the full favor of God unless it's the pass-through if you only get it to you and it can't flow through you you will become a cul-de-sac after a while because you're no longer willing to be a conduit God told Abraham I'm going to bless you and then through you all the nations of the earth will be blessed let me give you a little secret whatever you want God to do to you telling how he can flow through you because once he knows they can flow through you then he won't mind passing it to you let him know what the flow-through will be blessed is every person who fears the Lord the first thing he calls for is the fear of God now to fear God simply means to take God seriously it is the combination of two concepts in the Old Testament one is to dread in to tremble the other one is to reverence or hold and high esteem when you mix the two together it's blessed or a favor of God to every individual who takes God seriously as opposed to taking God casually most people even most Christians take guard casual they use them to say grace they use him for invocations and benedictions they'll go to church on Sunday and maybe to a special conference they will have a casual relationship with God but the blessing that God promises is to those who fear Him or to take him seriously all of us have in our homes electricity electricity brings us great favor we can operate because of it lights because of it appliances because of it we get great favor with electricity but what we don't do is stick pliers in outlets because we take it seriously while we benefit from it we don't play with it because we understand it's deadly serious I was driving down the highway are not too long ago and minding my own business and as I was driving a policeman pulled on the on-ramp close to me when I saw him his presence greatly affected my driving my right foot went northwood off the accelerator and leftward toward the brake I began to stare at my speedometer to look at how fast I was going the man didn't do anything he was just in my space and knowing he was there greatly affected my decision-making related to driving three miles down the road he pulled off the highway when he pulled off I went back to my normal life behind the wheel because I no longer had to deal with his presence to fear God means to live in light of his presence to take him seriously my wife asked me one day to go to Walmart to get some things for her on a Saturday morning when she was unavailable to go and you have to understand I hate anything with Mart in its name if Mart is in its name I don't feel like it's something I should be able to have to deal with but on this Saturday I wish I wanted to get in and get out so I want to be like the earliest person there we arrived at this particular Walmart the rest of Dallas had already beaten me there it was no where did all these people come from I got in line got all of my goods only to discover that the reason Walmart was full is because people had shown up to get their goods at reduced prices it was a store wide sale so it was packed because everything was on sale it dawned on me as I stood in line that's what's wrong today everybody wants God as long as he comes on sale but the moment he comes at full price people will shop elsewhere the moment that high commitment taking him seriously fearing him you know there is a loop around most major cities in in America a loop or loop is on the margin of the city it is close enough to gain you access but far enough you're not bogged down with downtown traffic most people today have God on the loop of their lives close enough to look acceptable far enough not to be bothered with we want God in the vicinity as long as he doesn't own City Hall where the decisions of our life are made he says blessed is everyone who fears God and takes God seriously now I know we want to win back our nation I know we want to save our Republic I know we want to see the transformation of our culture but if God can't even get his own kids to fear him how can we get the culture to take him seriously you see it's like this if you're a messed up person and you have a family you're gonna contribute to a messed up family if you miss the person contributing to a messed up family and you messed up family goes to church I'm if the family is going to contribute to a messed up Church if your messed up person contributing to a messed up family that's contributing to a messed up church and your church is supposed to be the light to the neighborhood well your messed up church is gonna make its contribution to a messed up community if your messed up person contributing to a messed-up family resulting in a messed up Church cause you messed up a neighborhood that resides in a city well now your messed up neighborhood will make its contribution to a messed up City if your messed-up person contributing to step family resulting in a messed up Church causing a messed up neighborhood that resides in a messed-up city in your city's part of the county well now your mess up city will make its contribution to a messed up County if your messed up person contributing to a messed-up family resulting in a messed up Church causing a messed up neighbor that resides in a mess of the city that's contributing to a messed up County and your County's part of the state where now your messed-up county will make its contribution to a messed up state if you're a messed up person contributing to your messed-up family resulting in a messed up Church causing a messed up neighbor that resides in a messed up City as part of a messed up County contributing to a messed up state and your state's part of the country well now you're messed up State is gonna make its contribution to a messed up nation if your messed up person contributing to a messed-up family resulting in a messed up Church cause the messed up neighbor that resides in a messed up City that's part of a messed up County contributing to a messed up state it resides in a messed up country if your country is part of the world well now you're messed up country will make its contribution to a messed up world so if you want a better world compose a better country than happy about better States because they're made up of better counties composer better cities made of a better neighborhoods illuminated by better churches compose a better families you gotta start by becoming a better person and that starts with the fear of God yes it is everyone who fears the Lord and how do you know if you fear the Lord he says you walk in his ways you feel the Lord with your feet not with your feelings you feel the Lord with your life not with your lips if you're not moving in the fear of God you do not fear God no matter how spiritual you feel your feet measure your fear he gives three blessings in verse 2 he says you will eat the fruit of your hand that is you will benefit from the productivity of your labor he says he will take care of your fortune then he says he will take care of your feelings you will be happy and then he says he will take care of your future it will go well with you your fortune your feelings and your future three blessings that flow from the fear of God because you take God seriously and by the way one of the ways you know you take God seriously is you check with what he thinks first not after you've talked to everybody else he's your starting point not your ending point but after talking about the family he moves talking about the individual he moves to the family in verse three he says your wife shall be like a fruitful vine within your house your children shall be like olive plants around your table he says that the first group that ought to know that you fear God are the folks you live with it shouldn't be the church house it should be your house we want to change the white house when God can't even change our house he says if you fear God starting with the men he says your wife shall be a fruitful vine within your house a fruitful vine it takes three things for grape vineyards to be fruitful he thought about a great vineyard if you go to Napa Valley California where most of our grapes in the United States are grown they first of all cling they're tied to post so they don't drag on the ground when they cling then there free to climb they run along the post when they cling and begin the climb then they begin McCluster and so their bunches of grapes they're squeezed and become great juice which is fermented to become wine and you know what wine will do it'll make a sad man glad he said your wife shall be a fruitful vine within your house the proof that a man fears God is the change he sees in his mate if the change is not showing up in his mate then he asked the question how much he fears God because his fear of God should be a change bring a change in his home in fact Paul says a man is to be his wife Savior now last time I checked Savior's go-to crosses if you haven't been to the cross then you're not a savior a man told me one day my wife was killing me I said to him well you said you want to be like Jesus didn't you you can't be a savior and not have a cross man was on the plane one day at his wedding ring on his right on his right-hand man and sitting next to him said sir you're married he said yeah he said well he said you have your wedding ring on your wrong hand he said I married the wrong woman he says your fear of God shows up at homes the divorce rate among Christians is as high as non-christians somebody doesn't fear God so it's not the personality difference that's the issue somebody does not fear God Satan wants the family because whoever owns the family owns the future most of the social decay that we're discovering in our country that's showing up in the schools we work in is tied to the breakdown of the family did you ever notice that let's say never bother Adam till we got married he got married all hell broke loose seyton once to control the future play-doh wasn't right about a lot but he was right about this the saga of a nation is the saga of its families written large says your wife shall be a fruitful vine within your house and then he says that your children shall be olive plants around your table not on with trees islet plants you see it takes 15 years for an olive tree to become an islet plant but if you nurture it right it'll produce olives for 2,000 years because see if you go over to Israel to the Garden of Gethsemane you'll find two thousand year old olive trees still pumping out olives cuz their roots run deep he says your children are to be olive plants that is to be nurtured to become olive trees which are highly productive as a whole mountain the Mount of Olives it's a highly productive agent in Israel he says and they will become that around your table here is where men a Jewish father raised his children he raised them around the table today we can't find fathers at the table they used the table not just for eating but for leading it was around the table he made sure behavior was in order it was around the table he made sure devotions took place it was around the table he made sure schoolwork was done all that happened at the same hour that he had to eat anyway because the table wasn't for more than food it was for leading and when he couldn't be there the wife was the helpmate the first to help me to fill in the gap until he could be there because it was understood we want these olive plants to become fully blown olive trees when I go through the airport if I forget to take my keys out of my pocket I gotta back up take the keys out of my pocket sometimes I walk through forget the keys in my pocket but it doesn't beep that's because of how it's said you see magnetometers be set at different levels of sensitivity so if it's not set real sensitive I may be able to get through without my keys causing it to be we have a generation of young people today whose conscience is don't beep cuz they haven't been set it is the job of a mother and father to set the conscience the sense of right and wrong for the next generation within craziness in our culture today because we have a generation of young people who never had anybody at the table to set the beeper for them of what is good what is bad what is right what is wrong what is godly what is not you can't straighten our country if we can't even raise children he starts with the individual fear God he moves to the family and he comes to the church verse 5 the Lord bless you from Zion Zion Zion is one of those lofty biblical words you see there's a mount called Zion Mount Zion the holy mountain of God on the mount called Zion is a city called Zion the City of David which is called Zion - on the mountain called Zion in the city called Zion is a building called Zion the temple all three of those are called Zion in Scripture the holy dwelling place of God that was a holy mountain the holy city and a holy place of worship the temple he's talking about the temple because he's going to get to the city in just a moment why did a father and a mother take their family desire to let them see we are part of something bigger it's not just about me and your mother and your brother and your sister they're a whole lot of folk who think like we think act like we act talk like we talk Sian was the covenant together of God's people to let them know they belong to something bigger that was Zion but you say but that was in the Old Testament not quite chapter 12 says and when the church comes to worship they come to Zion Zion was the gathering place of God's people but not just for them to get a song and a sermon it was for them to legislate God's will from heaven on earth to reflect the view of the king in history America has embassies all around the world every known country has an American Embassy and Embassy is a little bit of America a long way from home if you get in trouble and you're overseas you want to get through that gate because once you get through that gate you're in America now the laws of America rule even though the embassy is located in a foreign country you know what the Church of Jesus Christ is supposed to be a little bit of heaven a long way from home it's supposed to be where the values of eternity are relevant in history so history can see the thinking of eternity implemented through the people of God who blow to Zion help me out how can we have all these churches on all these corners with all these preachers of all these members and all these buildings of all these programs and still have an America all this mess there's a dead monkey on the line somewhere and that is what many people do not understand God checks with the church before he decides what he's gonna do in the culture Ephesians 3:10 God checks with the church and if this church is not right he will not respond to your prayers about the society he works through the church till the powers that be Ephesians 3:10 says and that's why the most important gathering corporately in society is the church I know we're in a political season and I know we're concerned about who wins versus who loses but that's not the problem the problem is if God does not that is part of his common little agency through which to work it won't matter who you vote for because he works through the church to the powers that be he does not skip the church to make the culture better and that's why having strong biblically centered unified churches around the truths of God is the most critical thing for the salvation of the culture we are God's Embassy in history and that's why he says and the Lord bless you from Zion because there's certain things he only does through Zion through the governmental corporate gathering of God's people want to change our city or our nation well we better get some biblically sound churches who working across a legitimate relation and cultural and denominational lines who want to see the kingdom of God advance in history he says the Lord bless you from Zion that means you engage your time and your talents and your treasures to make Zion strong I remember when I was playing football and I come home after two days and I come in I'd say oh I'm so tired I think I'll go upstairs and rest I was telling my mother don't ask me to do anything I was serving notice as I walked through the door two days I'm tired my mother would say you better get your big ugly self in this kitchen and clean up these dishes and do this stuff I asked you to do I said but mama you don't understand I'm tired I'm tired I'm tired she said did you say you were tired she said let me explain something boy if tiredness were a criteria function your breakfast with me cook your lunch with me made your clothes wouldn't be clean she said let me explain something if tiredness was a criteria function I've gotten rid of you today after you were born what she was saying is you can't you you you can't get all the benefits from the house and incur no responsibility in the house that's called a leak you can't say sing to me preach to me pray for me comfort me encourage me but don't expect anything from me that keeps Zion weak an anemic and then it comes to the city he says and may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life indeed may you see your children's children and comes to the nation Peet's upon Israel notice we only get to the city Jerusalem in the nation Israel after the individual fears God the family has gotten straight and the people are doing right in Zion now we can talk about Dallas and us we're going about this the wrong way it's called backwards Christian soldiers the different song we want to change Washington we can't even change our streets he says then you will see the prosperity the improvement in Jerusalem let me ask you a question about your job if you were accused of being a Christian on your job would there be enough evidence to convict you would you be found innocent of all charges because your decision-making is like everybody else your Mauryan tation is like everybody else that's nothing distinctively kingdom' about you it should be clear that you belong to Jesus Christ appropriately but unapologetically everybody else is coming out the closet you might as well come out too [Applause] in football they give you you know six eighty thousand people don't come to watch eleven grown men bend over in a huddle that's not why they come they don't mind a huddle as long as you're only in it for 25 seconds they'll tolerate you in the huddle but the reason they want to come is to see what difference the huddle makes having a huddle Kenya now score what are you gonna do about 11 other men on the other side of the bar daring you to go public with your private conversation they want to know what difference the huddle makes this gathering tonight is magnificent but it's a huddle because there's no competition in the room everybody here basically agrees with everybody else the question is when you break huddle and go back out there can you now score for the glory of God that's why we've adopted these schools and a partnering with you and they're trying to train churches over the country because we want the church to break the huddle and impact the community where the unrighteousness is taking over because our schools are only the way they are because Christians left and how can you criticize darkness when the light is nowhere to be found he says and usually see your children's children this is my favorite story my favorite passage because it's also my story when I was 10 years old my father was converted I was raised in a tumultuous home situation but two men showed my father the gospel and he got on his leave and trusted Christ my mother didn't like him as a sinner but couldn't stand him as a saint she made life miserable for him except one night while he was reading his Bible at midnight she came downstairs crying he said what's wrong she said I don't understand what's gotten into you I hate you and you love me back I make it hard for you you make it easy for me everything I do against you you come up with some positive whatever this thing is must be real how can I have it - he got on his knees with my mother and led her to Christ they then gathered the four of us I'm the oldest of four children and shared the gospel and at eleven years old I trusted Christ I became my father's high school dropout I became the first one to graduate from high school then I became the first one to go to college then I left College in Atlanta and came to Dallas where I where I enrolled at Dallas Theological Seminary I became the first African American to get a doctorate degree from Dallas Theological Seminary while working on my doctorate degree we began Oak Cliff Bible fellowship with ten people in my house as that church grew we began this outreach locally and now nationally radio TV all around the world training churches how to adopt schools I didn't tell you that to tell you about me I told you that to tell you about my father see he learned to fear God my mother became a fruitful vine I became an olive plant he took us the Zion and that's the reason I'm at Gateway tonight oh by the way he said you'll see your children's children so my grant my father will turn on the television and watch Priscilla teaching a large group of women he'll turn to another channel and watch Anthony singing God's praises to people he will come to Dallas and watch my son Jonathan play a football game he will see his children's children that is the way it's supposed to work when God hits the individual moves to the family gets to the church and reaches out into the society that is his agenda that is how his kingdom explodes yes we want to fix our country but if God can't fix us why do we think he's gonna change America we were talking about in James Robinson before I got up Superman my my favorite program growing up as a boy with Superman I love Superman as Clark Kent he was a bumbling idiot Lois Lane didn't like him Jimmy Olsen would make fun of him and Perry White but sometimes skip him oh but don't let him find a telephone booth the evil and metropolis would begin to spread and somebody would say where's Superman I'd be sitting on the floor next to my brother Clark Kent with unhook his tie take off his glasses I look over to my brother and say hey he'd go inside a telephone booth for inside the closet break out lickety-split in the ready blue jumpsuit come on and now and now he is no longer Clark at he's faster than a speeding bullet he's now more powerful than a locomotive he can now leap tall buildings in a single bound he goes streaking across the sky they say it's a bird no it's a plane uh-uh yes Superman here he would come he would crush guns and break knives and pick up criminals and discard them he transformed the culture of Metropolis how could this man transform the culture of Metropolis simple he wasn't from here he was from a place called Krypton but he brought the reality of where he was from to the place where he was now living he brought the reality from up there and lived it out down here so that down here was transformed because he was actually from up there so God is looking for some folk already to change clothes take off and all we're thinking all we're walking oh we're talking and put on your Christian jumpsuit and come out and be faster than speeding evil more powerful than unrighteousness able to leap over this culture with a single bound so that when the folks from Gateway show up they say it's a bird it's a plane no it's them super slaves from gateway charges that's that is may God bless you as you take it to the community and change our culture for God father bless your people and bring your name glory in this house I'll be back at the book table look forward to meeting you Wow I think I want to storm hell with a water pistol or something [Music] thank you dr. Evans praise God what a awesome awesome message amen I'm gonna ask our ministry team to step out and come down here you know times like this not only is if we received a stirring message but I believe God has been speaking to our hearts and one of the things that we need to do at times like this is say yes to God I don't know what God may have been saying to you tonight the Holy Spirit though has been speaking and and maybe what you need to do as you move into this new year is drive a stake in the ground and say you know what my family hasn't been what it should be I haven't been leading the way he talked about how can I expect God to change the culture if I won't even let him change my own life it's not about you leaving here and going someplace else to get all cleaned up it's about simply saying god I'm I'm opening up my life and I'll do what you say I'll say yes to you so I want to ask you tonight here in this place or maybe you're watching on day start at night you're there in your living room I just want to say to you would you drive a stake in the ground tonight and say God I will do what you're putting in my heart to do tonight I will say yes to you and if that's the case you don't have to come down here to say that but you may want to you may want to you may want to have someone agree with what God is doing in you right now and that's what we're going to do maybe it's beyond that maybe there's a special need that you have right now and you're saying you know I'm I'm really hurting well we're here to help you with that as well maybe you've never made a commitment of your life to Christ and in hearing dr. Evans tonight you say I need to start at the very beginning would you just come and let us pray with you so I want to ask you we're gonna go into another song of worship as we go into that song of worship if you need prayer please just hang tight just a minute don't don't leave right now let God do the work and if you're in the in the upper level up there we're gonna have people by the exits there you can just slide out and we'll pray with you up there you don't you can come down here if you'd like but you can stay right up there we'd like to pray with you so as we enter back into a time of worship would you just slide out if you need prayer of any kind slide out right now I just want to tell you you don't have to be a member of Gateway Church all you have to do is be be saying God I want you to do something in me and I need somebody to agree and you step out you need faith tonight will loan you our faith we just want to pray with you so step out right now as we take a moment and worship you see art is so amazing to me how can I fight the world to give all I have [Music] I would see you today girl in The Times I am wait you come rescue me do you speak [Music] my song would I want you to know that this life is for you every breath [Music] yoo-hoo [Music] no one you [Music] sir and [Music] I'm always see forever [Music] yeah little tell you know we sing for [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] - you go with no Norma to be you go [Music] such a prayer tonight search every moment every day every Lord you're worthy of our praise we're thankful tonight for the victory we have in you that we can make a difference in this life because of the blood of Jesus Church aren't you grateful for the victory we have tonight amen amen [Applause] [Music] thank you lord they see why the picture and you've given us a picture [Music] with baseball [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we stand [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] would you just make this declaration with me say Lordan I commit to be your servant and to allow you to do in me what you want in Jesus name Amen we're so thankful that you were here tonight and for God's work in your life and in mine as well and we'll look forward to seeing you tomorrow night right here seven o'clock pastor Robert would be bringing the final message for our first conference god bless you have a great night see you tomorrow night thank you for joining us for this day star special presentation if you would like to receive prayer or find out more about this broadcast call or logon you can also watch many of these broadcasts in full with day star VI D online at des starcom
Channel: Daystar
Views: 42,238
Rating: 4.7297297 out of 5
Keywords: Daystar, Marcus Lamb, Joni Lamb, Daystar TV, Daystar Television, Daystar Television Network, Tony Evans
Id: pI-W1oS0Ndo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 44sec (3884 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 24 2013
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