Exclusive | Derrick Jaxn CURRENT MISTRESS is PISSED & Tells All! ( audio + receipts inside )

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all right [Music] [Music] go ahead and wonder why the hell so many people are trying to tell me to slow down seems like [ __ ] should be shutting the hell up and enjoying the show oh oh oh y'all have no no no idea no idea okay um thank you all for being here on such short notice okay um we've done quite well in these past uh few days okay um mr jackson action packing jackson what we have here tonight okay is i gotta tell you y'all gonna need more than your wine whatever you do we don't discriminate over here although we do not encourage okay be yourself because you're gonna hear in this audio that derek jackson is definitely being himself okay now um you know i had to come out and honor the wife she done made wearing a body cool you know what i'm saying it don't matter what time of the day or what time of the night okay derek woke her ass up and said you better get the hell up cause we got work to do she left them kids upstairs by themselves to come down and make that damn video now derek i'm talking to you i know about the gag or the dog my teeth just as white is yours but they real you know i know you got no veneers when you got a little money you know what i'm saying um so derek's current mistress all i'm gonna give out is her first name nikki okay um she's pissed really pissed okay now miss nikki don't have social media or nothing like that she's she's a professional woman she don't jump in nobody dm she doesn't do that because she actually has a job okay not not a job an actual career okay she is a surgeon 33 year old 33 years old black female surgeon all right so um we're not going to be spilling her ig or you know who she actually is because i don't want nobody calling the hospital where she work or nothing like that but derek did serve her this morning with a gag order threaten the hospital that she worked at okay but guess what i got the information before that gag or the dog i got it all what what did i got on monday i got on monday and we got the uh time slips to figure it out but she can't talk no more but we got everything we need all right now apparently mr derrick has a deal with td jakes that's on the table a 100 000 deal that's on the table and he told the mistress that if she said anything he could lose everything because td jackson saw what the hell we done done online now apparently there's a deal for a book that's supposed to start in june as well as a round of seminars that he has invested in and so the whole i've been faithful six months i am a new man i am a changed man i am in a cult shout out to the plaintiff's jane y'all need to subscribe to her channel the plan is jane i watched the video this morning that was very disturbing and it will explain the wife and while she's sitting down with all that stress acne and abundant on in the middle of the day trying to save her husband somebody we see it as a bonnet she sees it as an armor for god what the girl listen now we'll understand why things are going the way that they're going all right now uh derek knows her love language you're gonna hear that in the audio okay um his wife's love language is god she was raised in a christian home and so all he has to do is throw out god and god and god and jesus and you know jesus made me stick my dick you know you know what i'm saying that's all they got to do and wifey is going to stay home now i know a lot of y'all are saying tasha you're going to push the wife over the edge listen if she even pushed over the edge and twitter in 12 to 14 years she ain't getting pushed over the edge tonight okay now she honestly thinks that derek has been faithful okay but once you listen to this audio that we're about to play right now before we thank our sponsors i mean after yeah we gotta thank our sponsors um you're gonna hear different okay but in the meantime i want y'all to go ahead and get ready put your kids to bed they should be the bed cause it's 11 o'clock okay cause this is really about to go down okay we got some sponsors that we need to brag about which means bowling raider glass too and we'll be right back all right let's put the wine down for a second because at times like this we need to take a shot of the olive leaf extract because the olive leaf boosts our immune system and has been known to reverse high blood pressure lupus diabetes and certain cancers check them out at my olive leaf.biz to learn more and to order or simply click the link below in the description box now back to the why adam and eve.com i'm talking toys bondage lingerie and so much more plus they have 24 7 customer service so you can order at 3 a.m if you ain't coming if you give me okay and if something isn't working out you can send it back within 90 days no hassle and if that's not enough you can also take pleasure in knowing that 20 of their profits goes to help fight the spread of hiv around the world so go ahead and log on to adamandeve.com use the code tasha k for 50 of one item plus free shipping in the u.s and canada some exclusions apply now but hurry up and visit adamandeve.com so they can make you come see i enjoy oral sex but to be honest some of my experiences have been not pleasing due to lack of proper vaginal hygiene i went down on this sheet once and the oni was so good and fresh it took me like a whole nother level of just pleasure so at that moment i had to stop and ask what are you using and she told me embrace pangea feminine watch we all know that a fresh yoni brings on a whole new level of confidence so visit embracepangea.com and of course i got my wine covered for a discount so use the coupon code tasha k for 10 off your first can i give an official bow before we get this audio started okay because mr derek jackson tried i'm sorry mr derrick action pekka jackson tried to put some action there you know uh um in action to stop this here from coming out but like i said you are two days too late two days too late now i got all the text messages everything okay he just slept with old girl last i'm gonna let you hear that audio now who you're going to hear is the current mistress okay i'm talking about current as of just talked to her this week seeing her last week okay everything the whole entire nine her name is nikki she is a surgeon okay i am not going to release her identity to protect her job now with that being said let's go ahead and get into this wine cause nikki ain't happy all right it's bunny time roll that out of here folk roll that adios i'm like my mouth is on the floor now because i was gonna give him the benefit of the doubt that he was actually trying to do right and then when he lied the other night saying i'm having sexual relations without having sex and then the next day he pops up with the wife yes i've slept with other women and i'm not doing it no more and then he brings her on camera to embarrass her like she's taking up for him and then there's you yes um i'm currently in between surgeries right now that's perfect okay okay i am currently dealing with dairy um i i don't have social media i don't have i don't follow bloggers on youtube or anything he reached out to me last night and said if anyone contacts me for me to hang up and block them he said all of this was because of he got into i guess he was supposed to do an interview with a blogger and he declined to interview and now this blogger is on a smear campaign he never called out your name um he has blocked me on all social sites um when i say social like platform i mean like youtube i have i've never been able to find any of his videos unless they are uploaded by a third party um the the video with the wife um i did not see that until i got on my sister's youtube and pulled up his channel and that's when i was like okay he must have blocked me from um youtube or whatever so he never explained the situation i had to go and follow and look at all of your videos look at um you know everything to find out what was going on so i blocked him last night um he started to text me from a different phone number and he just said um i need to speak with you allow me to explain this myth you know face to face with you um i'm not from georgia and so um you know he he knew that so he knew that i wasn't going to be digging into his background or anything um but if he wouldn't have called me i would have never known about none of this now you say now the wife says that he's been straight and narrow for about five to six months and that's when he first like well he just recently posted his wife on his social media um this year for the first time people didn't even know he was married and so when i kind of know i didn't know you didn't know he was married no okay so walk me from the beginning what month did you guys meet we met october two days before um halloween okay of 2020 2020 this recent okay and so um what happened like how did he approach you because this wasn't no dm situation normally he's [ __ ] his subscribers so this is different he met you in person um i was walking into linen small i guess that's the name of it i'm not from this area uh walking to colin's mall and i was texting and i heard him say excuse me now and when i turned around he introduced himself as d he didn't say you know hey me you know derek whatever he just said hey this is deep and he was like um i seen you walking in and you know i think you're gorgeous and i wanted to know you know i get your number and you know we talk and kind of build a friendship and he was so polite um he was a gentleman and i was sure you know i gave him my phone number and we began to talk um i can say probably like i've never been to his house i've never been to um a penthouse or anything he has always came to my home if you look in all of his videos that he have um uploaded my front balcony is in the back of his video does it have the white arches is the white aren't you shut the [ __ ] up those are recess that's my home yeah that's my home um he uh me and him dealt with each other like it kind of moved fast he would always come and visit me he come to um the hospital um quite frequently to see me on my lunch breaks and whenever i'm between surgery um oh so you're a doctor yeah that's why you don't have social media you got a bag bag that's that's correct that's correct um so this kind of blew my mind and when he spoke with me the first thing he tried to say was that um if a blogger contacts you i want to protect you know your medical license so i don't want you in this frenzy with me you know um he told me that his wife and you like knew each other so this was a smear campaign towards him when i look online you're sitting next to your wife on a video explaining that you know you're not this person and you're texting me an hour later after uploading this video saying i'm going to explain this to you well like this is just it is crazy so um so after i met him about a week later um you know we he came to my home and um that's when we engaged you know in sexual activity um what was this the other day no this was when we first met okay okay okay okay okay by the end of december early i mean the end of november early december i found that i was pregnant um i told him you know off top i don't want any children right now you know i'm 32 and i don't want kids right now and he went through like this emotional kind of thing as if he gave us [ __ ] but i'm pretty sure now that i'm looking it was just an act you know and he was just like um i don't want you to you know terminate the pregnancy i i really want this let's talk you know let me come over there let's sit down and talk so um he came to my home and [Music] we talked and he said well have you set an appointment i told him no well about two days later i had already um had an appointment and um i called him and told him and he said well can you push it off for about another week and i said why he said because i want to make sure that this is what i want to do so i said okay i said well this is what i want to do so it's really not about what you want to do so he just kept on going through like well you don't have any children you know i'm trying to build a relationship with you i don't want this to you know to end like this but i'd already had my mind made up that this was the end of it like i was not going to continue a pregnancy with someone i'm not with i'm just actually dealing with you know whenever i'm free basically so um i pushed the appointment off for another week and um every day it was just a stop story about i really want this my wife won't give me a divorce you know i'm tired of it i'm tired of her threatening to take you know everything that i've worked for and you know everything was to vilify her and you know how that goes when they do those stories so i told him so i never knew that they were in the same home together because to my knowledge he was living with his cousin and he was basically caught up in a legal battle with his wife who was supposed to be in arkansas i'm la i'm laughing at the lies i am not laughing at you because like you were bro yeah you were brought into some some real [ __ ] so um when he reached out to me last night his biggest fear was that i have cameras in my home and i can prove that if that he was there that you know i can prove anything that needs to be proved this is not just me just making up a bizarre story so his whole thing was he was trying to get to my house last night to try to figure out my security system and where like what angles my my cameras was pointing so we looked and he's passing by my house like four and five times slowing down looking at my camera oh wow so when i talked to him this morning i i told him i said listen this is just too much i'm like i don't know what's going on with you you know and why these you know women are coming out to talk about you or whatever because he he never ever um told me that he was dealing with other women like all these videos that are online i guess he felt like okay i blocked her from youtube so she won't be able to see nothing all i did was get on you know my my sister's phone and typed in his name and everything popped up so i asked him about the video with his wife i said so what's going on with that video and he said i'm just trying to save faith right now she was like it has nothing to do with me and her being together we're not together she only came over there so that we can do this video together and that and that was you know and i told him and he just kept saying i need to i need to talk to you face to face i don't want to do the fall situation so by that time you know i had been blocking the game because i watched him last night but out of curiosity i wanted to hear what he had to say and what did he say i brought i blocked him again that that was all that he said okay he just kept saying i need to speak with you face to face i don't want to talk to you over the phone you know i want to talk to you face to face and i blocked his number when i hung up with him this morning i blocked him again and he began to text me from another number and he said hey did you block me and that's when i just went off on him i was like you lied about everything and everything that i said he just kept going back to let me talk to you face to face oh if i were you i wouldn't meet him in your home though no no not not at all like he can't even get through our date anymore um that is just it is crazy because um he kept saying well i'm coming to your office to talk to you and i'm like no you know like we're not going to talk i'm not about to be caught up in this you know functions with you like you're creating this and you're gonna have to figure that out for him to say that this happened months ago um with other maybe with the other two women well one was right after you i don't i don't know if y'all crossed paths but one he was just with like a month before he you know you met him wow yeah yeah i i didn't even and you know what's crazy i didn't even know he had children you didn't see the car seat in the back no he got it in every video chad he got the car seat in the back listen nobody knew he was married nobody has seen the kids nobody knew anything until these women really came forward and so yeah i had no idea let me ask you something you said when y'all first met go ahead go no no no go ahead go ahead go ahead so um i kind of around you know the first month of me and her meeting um he would always tell me um you know oh your person was always on it's always on my shirt and my um my friend mother was there and she said oh whatever perfume you know of the lady you were with had on smell good and so you know that was kind of odd to me because what mother bee at you know some 30 some year old child house just chilling so i just kept you know i kept that thought in the back of my head and i brought it up to one of my friends my friend was like no he had to be around another woman who smelled your perfume and called him out for it but he would always say because like um usually when you know we will go out and have drinks or something like that um he will always say oh whatever perfume that you wear you know it's always it always follows me basically and um then you got to the point where he was pressing like what kind of perfume do you wear like what is it because i'm going to buy it for you well he bought the alien for me oh that's my favorite too girl that alien don't go nowhere it doesn't go anywhere um he bought it for me but on the receipt it was two gift box so evidently he must have bought it for his wife too oh my god yeah so y'all would smell the same and he could blame it on her [Music] derrick dirty dick jackson action packing oh my god now let me ask you something you said when y'all met you you know of course you found them charming but when y'all finally got a chance to meet up y'all had sex five times that day yeah do you feel that he's a sex addict oh yeah okay um i think that like because he is the type that he wants when he wants you he wants you and there's nothing you can say that's going to stop him from from coming to get you oh wow um he has waited in the parking lot until after surgery for one of my patients um i mean and that was like a two and a half hour uh surgery and we have had sex in his truck and if yeah he i think he is a sex wow did you guys use protection um after i believe probably a month we didn't use protection okay like two weeks probably when was the last time y'all had sex uh we had sex on friday give you the dates look at my period calendar it was my instruction i'm waiting on my calendar no you're good you're good i've documented i document all my interactions with him and i do want to tell you because you are a practicing physician i don't want your face your name nothing will hit the internet nothing because your job no you appreciate it uh you know i i love my sisters that are doing big things like that and i would never ever come for you and what you're doing behind his egg i would never do that to you on my kids so no and when i when i see you said that you know um that you have put it on your children and you know i went through your uh your channel that was my first time um going through your channel and i was just like she seemed like a stand-up woman so if i want to call i'm gonna give her you know i'm gonna tell her what you know is going on and i'll just wait and see but thank you for that that really really helped no i i would never do that to you and i and i get a lot of backlash for not revealing a lot of sources the two women that came forward wanted it they weren't you know they didn't have anything to lose uh you know yeah so it's you know that's why we did it that way and so with you like this is just the icing on the cake like you're a professional i'm not even about to play those games and so the receipts that you sent and if you can send me that video of him walking around naked in your house um i'm going to um i'm going to crop it where it's only showing him it won't show my furniture and you know and i'm gonna also but i'll send you the whole video and i just asked that you crop it where that nothing could be identified in my home okay i got you and also i'll i'll send it to you so that you can approve it before it goes out okay okay i really appreciate you and you said something derek was on the 18th the 18th of march last week yeah does he talk about god with you with him being delivered and he submitted to god and being saved while he's with you he talks about um self-control he talks about um he doesn't go into like god by god dude that's why it's so translated when i hear him saying um are he supposed to be in line with god and of the whatever for god and god because he doesn't talk like that like that's not him that is something that he just picked up because usually you know he's he's talking about investing some about money he's talking about book signings and things um he has never came to me religious this is a new derrick because his wife is so broken she's been dealing with this for almost 14 years oh if you go through her instagram page i'm gonna send it to you it's nothing but biblical scripture so that's her language like he understands her love language her love language is scripture and so he's gonna say whatever he has to say biblically to make her stay i don't understand why he's keeping her there why he won't let her go he is like first of all he loves women with ads like i'm just i'm a jamaican-american so girl i i don't know why they be blowing their asses up now because i be walking trying to get mines down love women with ass like that's his thing like if you are kind of like the um instagram model type looker you know he is all for it and i when i went through her page they are like the complete opposite and it wasn't it wasn't so much of you know her personality doesn't fit him you know it's just if you know him he's larger than life he's loud he is just you know this whole different type of person versus you know having a um i guess you you can feel quiet meek and hot and um humble woman you know and that's just crazy to me like the the video she looked like she was afraid yeah and i'm like why would why would you marry he's very aggressive like he have not i basically told him um a couple of days before christmas then he had to leave because he was yelling in my house and he grabbed me by my arm and was like i leave when i get ready to leave so i'm pretty sure if he roughhouse me or anyone else you know i'm pretty sure it is worse in their home wow and i mean i guess this woman like his wife like she can't see what we can see like you know it's like why first of all this is the first time he's introducing you to the world he has millions of followers and you get on camera looking like you just rolled out of bed yeah you got acne on your face that is a sign of stress but derek will he will talk down to you he he will talk down to you he he he will say mean things to you if you don't look apart that he feel like um some days you know when i when i'm here i have my hair pulled back no makeup on or nothing like that because i'm you know in and out of the hospital and he'll say something like do something better with yourself you know um look like the professional you are you know or um he telling you a doctor somebody that actually did work to get where you are to put on some makeup make yourself look more professional yeah he will talk down to you like um i believe i believe that was two weeks ago i had a lash appointment and um i went ahead and took off all of my lashes and when he seen me he said um ugh you don't even look the same and i said what do you mean he was like your nails need to be filled in you need your lashes on or whatever he was like oh like i'm i'm a lead i'll come back when you get yourself together oh my god and there he is like he is he will and when i seen her i can see his words affect her and if he can tell that to someone he just met five months ago imagine what he tells her wow so that that that's who he is like he is just that type of man um that he will calm down for you i cannot believe this oh my god yeah and i said oh my i don't know if you saw my last video like with the last girl described him exposing himself like you're a public figure first of all you're a man and you're just exposing yourself that is sexual assault like you those are things you do not do oh he will pull off jacking off at your job oh yeah that's that that's him i'm keeping it clean he will jack off at you at the hospital while you're performing surgeries he will be out in the parking lot jacking off yeah sending you videos and everything and yeah like he has no i mean no shame of anything that he's like that he's going to if he is involved with you he views you as his property you are his property and you are it doesn't matter like it doesn't it it he it doesn't matter at all i went back home um around christmas and um i fell asleep and he was calling me a christmas night probably like around six seven o'clock and uh by that time i was either you know knocked out asleep still you know drinking with my family and he called me 13 times um then he began to send me messages like uh what the [ __ ] are you doing um if you're not if you're not being honest with me then you need to stop [ __ ] with me um you have never not answered your [ __ ] phone so you got home uh don't make me come and you know like don't don't make me come and embarrass you in front of your family you know just crazy messages so i woke up my clothes i said hey i'm asleep i'm like what is all these messes about and he was like one moment and i guess he walked outside and he was just like don't [ __ ] play on my emotions like that um you've never not answered your phone for me or whatever and he was like get your ass back to [ __ ] georgia now yeah yeah and like i and it's crazy because i'm like sitting in my car looking around because i'm pretty sure that the moment that he can get to get here he will get here and i will record his ass can you send me see what i need is the last time y'all seen each other with the date because i know sometimes the cameras have the dates because i have the cameras too in my home if you can leave it with the date on there and then the text message thread and if he tries to call you record that [ __ ] for me please i will okay i will that's it that's no problem at all okay and i will make sure i actually i have um another i have another surgery in like 45 minutes then i'm done so um well you know what you can do you know you know what you can do because you got me as no call so it won't show up on him can you call him real quick three-way right now and then just let him explain because you know he's gonna overtalk you anyway yeah and the thing is it's gonna show up as a conference call it will yes because we both have iphones and it's going to show up as a conference down down down yeah but what i can do is i'll go run into my office after my surgery and i'll have i'm talking from my office phone and i have you on my cell phone perfect thank you so much and just ask i want you to ask him questions about like what was that about your wife like what is going on like i just saw that video that is all i need right there because let me tell you this [ __ ] will lie until he is six feet under he will lie oh yes yes yes and and that that is just if he would have never called and said anything about a blogger about anything um first of all i don't follow celebrity gossip so i would have never found it i would have never seen it you know i don't have social media so nothing that he do existed you know on any of my youtube feeds so until he called and he said and when he told me i'm just like what and he was talking fast he was like do not talk to any block i'm like well why would a blogger contact me and he's like paranoid like he is like they might have my phone records my text history or whatever you know they can hack my icloud and you know just all types of things and i said okay you know no like i won't talk to anyone and he was just like because i don't want you losing your license over these [ __ ] bloggers and i said why would i lose my license i'm not you know married to you like i'm just dealing with you like you're my friend like we have been through things before and he was just like don't answer the phone for no [ __ ] body nothing okay all right no problem so now i'm sitting down just like what the [ __ ] is going on like let me figure out what's going on so when i you know when i looked it on my um on my feet i see other people talking about infidelity he's married and whatever you know i was like what the hell is going on here and then i'll come across your video and yeah he and he swears up and down that this is because i declined the interview i would have never asked him for an interview ever okay here's the thing every people declines interviews all day long i said i don't think it had he said well i criticized her i criticized her work also and i felt but that doesn't mean that she would come after you like i didn't even know he just told me that he was a motivational speaker he speaks at you know at events every now and then he basically he was like well and i also speak to the youth in my church that's what he said i never knew like he was doing short clips you know videos and social media events and whatever all this [ __ ] that derek is talking about that's not who he is because he talks to you crazy you know and that's just the bottom line too he talks a few crazy he criticizes anything any woman that has insecurities cannot deal with him because if you do you will be just like his wife sitting there lost and feeling like you owe him something because he will tell you in your face like if he done something for you um the first thing he'll tell you is like well i did this for you and i've done this so you should be appreciative like you should at least show me some type of respect yeah so what did he tell you about his wife what did he tell you about his wife when you finally found out about her she told me okay so i finally found out about her around the time that i came up pregnant now what i my understanding was yes they were married but they had been separated for at least um a year and a half going on two years um it was hard for him to get in contact with her so he can serve her papers because she said she was in a different state in arkansas so um he told me that she did not want to divorce because she was from a christian home and divorce wasn't something that they didn't believe in so her parents advised her to separate until basically further notice so he said i have moved on you know like i'm over that [ __ ] with her and that was just the ending to it and he just said i have no contact with her like we don't talk we don't text we don't do nothing you know she's out there living her life i'm living my life and until i can find um some work to serve her he said because the parents kept telling the constable she wasn't there she didn't live there so i so i told him i said well you can actually go in front of the uh in front of a judge and let them know like you know you don't have an address for her and you don't know how to contact her and they can proceed with the divorce and he he just kind of kept making up you know excuses he kept saying well you know i'm going to do it but i have so much other things that i have to do or whatever but i'm going to get you know i'm going to get a divorce from her and that was like the end into it i remember he never brought her up again he never said anything he never wanted the details about her um the only thing that he ever told me was that she was a christian and didn't believe in divorce that's a lie she's been trying to lead that [ __ ] but every time chance she get he come get her so she won't run a [ __ ] mouth about his brand because if anybody can take his ass down it can be her soon as she snaps up out of that [ __ ] she going through one more important thing that he did that he told me was that the last time that they had broke up she accused him of hitting her and that's how she ended up going to her parents house supposedly and um he said yeah she said that i hit her and she told her parents and that at the end of the day whatever happens in my house should stay in my house that's what he said and he said um so he didn't deny hitting his wife no he didn't he never denied it he just said that she called her parents that is a bitch-ass [ __ ] like how the [ __ ] does your big ass hit a little woman like that yeah no no no before i was laughing now i'm [ __ ] mad because like you're gonna beat a [ __ ] you gonna beat a woman to stay with your ass just so you can make money like what the [ __ ] oh my god yeah and when i asked him i was like so like what happened like what he said well she's just you know she got upset and we had an argument and from that moment on you know she called her parents and said that i hit her and then i don't like my business in the streets like that he was like out of the image uphold or whatever and she know better like basically like she knew better to do that and he said and from that moment on i was done oh my god yeah oh my god okay so yeah just send me the receipts that you have him and your home time stamps the last time y'all seen each other and whenever you get out of surgery hope everything goes well um call me from your office phone i want to hear that [ __ ] explain himself and then it's it's over it's over it's [ __ ] over okay thank you so much thank you thank you for listening anytime right all right all right all right now i see most of y'all in the comments talking [ __ ] like y'all ain't watching mary the medicine okay the doctors in georgia use a real language okay they talk just like this here all right and a lot of times you know what i'm saying the language that is called proper doctor language is you know was invented by white folks let's just let's just be honest okay bliss how black people talk she's a jamaican american she black and that's how she talks as a doctor and she's still a resident at a training hospital so y'all start with that something my own a a surgeon tech y'all act like y'all ain't been down the damn north side hospital them doctors coming down and them damn nurses talking [ __ ] anyway talking just like that but shut up shaq and my husband talk about she got a big ass too so he get on my nerve anyway um so yeah and there is that now derek has since put a gag order on the doctor okay like i said he did it today but i got this on monday okay so i'ma put a receipt on my instagram and when i get everything cleared by my attorneys it won't it won't take that much time i'll go ahead and upload insta uh uh the receipts to my patreon okay because these you know are under her little gag order and i just want to make sure that she won't get in trouble since the stuff was given to me on monday okay i'm talking about the actual receipts i just don't want him to have no type of loophole to get in all right now and because we have the recording on this and when it was recorded we can prove when we got this all right now with that being said do i have anything i gotta add thank the donators oh thank you to everybody that donated i really appreciate everything that you guys are doing for the platform okay thank you to all the new winos we love y'all we have fun over here okay you can be yourself whatever you do it is a no judgment zone over here okay um also what was i going to add i was going to ask something else with this derek [ __ ] um damn i can't even remember but you know what [ __ ] friday if i've forgotten anything i will tell you but there is another woman in my dm right now with all the receipts i don't think she minds putting out her identity but i will get back to y'all on that they're coming out like woodwork okay they just coming out like ants you know what i'm saying i'm telling you but anyway um and also guys please do not forget to show support to my sponsors okay we would not be here without them and you okay and with that being said we got some sponsors that we need to brag about which means bowling raise a glass too see i enjoy oral sex but to be honest some of my experiences have been not pleasing due to lack of proper vaginal hygiene i went down on this cheek once and the oni was so good and fresh it took me on like a whole nother level of just pleasure so at that moment i had to stop and ask what are you using and she told me embrace pangea feminine watch we all know that a fresh yoni brings on a whole new level of confidence so visit embracepangea.com and of course i got my wine covered for a discount so use the coupon code tasha k for 10 off your first adam and eve.com i'm talking toys bondage lingerie and so much more plus they have 24 7 customer service so you can order at 3 a.m if you ain't coming if you get me okay and if something isn't working out you can send it back within 90 days no hassle and if that's not enough you can also take pleasure in knowing that 20 of their profits goes to help fight the spread of hiv around the world so go ahead and log on to adamandeve.com use the code tasha 50 on one item plus free shipping in the u.s and canada some exclusions apply now but hurry up and visit adamandeve.com so they can make you come let's put the wine down for a second because at times like this we need to take a shot of the olive leaf extract because the olive leaf boosts our immune system and has been known to reverse high blood pressure lupus diabetes and certain cancers check them out at my olive leaf is to learn more and to order or simply click the link below in the description box now back to the one and please do not forget to follow me on twitter i have partnered with janet collection it's a hair company and we are giving out uh free wigs to selective winners so follow me and you can get instructions over there on how you can win your wig we've already given out quite a few so go on and get up over there if you need to win i need a wig on right now under this body look at that in that bed there y'all look at this [ __ ] whoa i'ma start i'm gonna start a bunny line no that's what i'm gonna do in in honor of okay mrs jackson okay [ __ ] i made wearing a bunny during the live real cool okay this is not a bunny what you see is the armor and shield of god all right now uh with that being said uh please do not forget to follow me on facebook instagram twitter and snapchat adoramatoshk thank you to all 35 000 of you guys for streaming live on such a late night we will be back here again on friday for [ __ ] friday and i probably will be breaking more wine bottles on this [ __ ] here okay good luck mr td jakes okay um on your deal with derek jackson i hope all goes well and i just don't understand how people are just going to take him serious when he talking now i'm saying like how are you talking in third third person you know yes derek jackson cheated we're talking about you we're not talking about that guy we're talking about you so you are derek jackson yes i cheated yes i still cheat on my wife yes i still probably do all these things to my wife yes a lot of y'all yes i take y'all money i even got a man in my dm that literally said he wanted to come on camera to talk about how derek jackson ruined his relationship with his wife telling his wife watching all the videos he telling her to do all this [ __ ] she could play into the husband and then guess what because derek jackson didn't put in her head that the husband wasn't good enough she went out there and got a side [ __ ] you know what i'm saying that's exactly what he made he's still mad about that [ __ ] he was i'm off working and telling my wife how i should treat her now look now look i'm telling you the men are mad they are not having it okay and with that being said thank you to all the moderators thank you to my staff jasmine chelsea nicole okay uh my partner shay my husband okay everybody that helps to put this platform together and we will see you friday [ __ ] friday probably around 10 or 11 get your wine together cause we are gonna be breaking some more [ __ ] bottles okay now i gotta go i love you guys thank you [Music] bye [Music]
Views: 1,129,197
Rating: 4.8789644 out of 5
Keywords: derrick jaxn, derrick jaxn cheated, derrick jaxn exposed, tasha k derrick jaxn
Id: Mx0-Cm-FqKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 50sec (2930 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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