Gary Owen & Mo’Nique Have Beef? He Clarifies His Comments On Mo'Nique, Her Husband & Their IG Lives

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no I'm cool with everybody no you're not I'm not Monique probably would say different you don't right with you don't I I thought I thought Monique was really engaged I like Mo'Nique here's the thing about Mo'Nique though like you're allowed to be made fun of right we're comedians somebody's gonna see this interv they gonna make fun of me you know and so it's like I I I snapped a little bit years ago cuz not over the Tyler Perry or the Oprah stuff cuz she she basically compared will Packer who's a friend and a guy that employed me and a guy that helped take my career to another level right um she compared to Harvey Weinstein huh yeah she goes just like these girls got to be quiet and stuff like this it was like his name was in the same sense as Harvey Weinstein and I go you know and nobody said anything I go ah I'm gonna stand up for my boy real quick I didn't think it was that big of a deal I literally was in the carpool line to pick up my daughter at school and I was kind of just sitting there so I just did a video right I didn't think it was that b deal but think about it I I never called out her name I never like said she was wrong about other stuff I was just like in that instance when she just that situation said will Packer Harvey Weinstein I was like that's not cool you know what I mean because I honestly he he gave her a part in a movie when people really wasn't messing with him and he you know whatever happened ever that I don't know I don't know about that fire on the set that nobody got hurt right I don't know about that uh but when she I did a a on my podcast I talked about her like like her and her husband will do their little their little Instagram lives and I go man they're really good at saying they love you and then cut your throat the next thing they yeah we love you man we do know you got an abortion in Texas and that's illegal so the cops are on their way but we love you brothers when they get there you're going to have to get bail money and I don't know how you're going to get that cuz we got your bank accounts Frozen but we love you clearly I'm making fun of them but I'm just have but that's what we do right so you know I heard them go on their podcast afterwards after I said something like that and they was like snapping I remember H was like and our brother Gary Owen you're invited you're a guest in the black community and I'm thinking I got more black kids than you I just got two more right I got a squad now right so uh I and then they go you know he said you know and you brought up we say people got abortions and Monique was took off glasses what what I go it was a joke I was making fun of you which we're allowed to do you know we can't take everything so serious and literal I don't I a got nothing against her right I nothing against but you are allowed to just like Amanda Amanda seals comes on here s diagnos herself with autism so of course I'm gonna bring it up that's what we do I didn't say I didn't call her out her name right nothing I didn't say she was wrong but you know I'm going get now I'm going get I'm going get I'm going get it because I ain't protecting my black my black queen so I'm you said what you said and because I didn't push back yeah now you don't Lum me into some stuff I ain't got nothing to do with that's all I wanted out of this interview that's the only thing I wanted was for you to get to step down from the black women that was my goal you did not defend your queen exactly you know that coming C spoke very highly of you as one of these guys that haven't sold out to the industry and if I'm not mistaken I think you said there was a situation because cat said there are sometimes that you know men do things behind the scen that that are that don't have anything to do with their acting and they they right you mentioned that somebody you don't you you kind like I think I'm not sure I don't want to no you know I knew the guy was hitting on me here's the thing there was no lines crossed nobody was touched right I wasn't promised job I still got the job right uh but the dude hit on me you know when somebody's hitting on you right but it wasn't like a Terry Cru situation right nobody touched me nobody you got to do this or you won't get the job right dude clearly inquired you know am I interested and I was like so there's no reason for me to throw this dude under the bus you are allowed to hit on people right I'm mad at myself cuz what kind of vibe was I giv that he thought it was okay to think it was okay right so I was like that's why I like people like you got to say you're part of the problem you know this guy's a predator I go this dude is not a predator it was a guy that hit on me and it's not my place to out him you know what I mean so I'm never gonna say who it was it wasn't Jackie Chan right okay that's all I'm giving you it wasn't or Chris Tucker so that's all you get what are you what are your thoughts on actors in dresses would you wear a dress in for a movie role check was right do it all bra panners I shave my legs yeah but you know I don't I don't know yeah if it's funny if it's funny but gar here's the thing and I think you know this white men and Dustin Hoffman did it uh Williams Robin Williams did it uh Miss dfire Tootsie is looked that differently when a black man puts that dress on now nobody said anything cuz Flip Wilson was the first guy that I remember doing it when he was Gerald deine he had his show on television but since then you remember that mhm I don't remember it but I know he dressed as a woman yes yes yeah but since and the guy that catches the most criticism obviously is Tyler Perry because the media role that he plays do you think Tyler P regrets putting on that dress I don't hell no yeah right that's what I'm saying a billion he put He put the titties on the belly I think at one point he had a camel T yeah he going too far now is that Camel Toe Tyler is that Camel Toe Tyler do you want do you want to be in more R movies or are you good with where you doing stand up because it seems like you every week so how many how many how many days a week how many days a year do you actually I could I could work every weekend if I wanted to because you're looking at you're looking at the tours the theater dates The Comedy Club dates every now you get the corporate gig but I mean I could work every week I wanted to and I work a lot uh you know now that um now that I'm in a better spot financially and everything so I don't have to work every weekend so I am for the first time probably in my career taking some weekends off just to enjoy everything so enjoy some of the money that you making yeah yeah but the road life isn't bad we're still staying at nice hotels we go to work for a couple hours the hardest part about our job is the travel right once you get to a certain level so yeah the goal obviously the goal is to be in more movies you know what I mean and the I'm not really tripping off TV anymore like this this to me is for my audience where I'm at is way bigger than the Tonight Show way bigger than any late night talk show or daytime talk show so when you guys called and said you want to do it yeah I was like how much and you guys was like we don't pay I was like well I want a bottle of water so I appreciate it no no we appreciate you yeah Real Husbands of Hollywood I only did one episode why cuz my wife my ex wasn't famous that's what that because I asked them I said yo I asked Chris Spencer I said yo how come you guys never asked me to do that when it came out and I wasn't like asking like how could you not use me I ler was asking like did my name come up he goes yeah but you're it was Real Husbands of Hollywood and everybody's wife outside of Kevin obviously but he was like they was like their wife was in the business or was somewhat famous they goes yours wasn't and I go oh yeah that makes sense you know what I mean but I did episode it was fun fun yeah it was fun want to 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Channel: Club Shay Shay
Views: 266,012
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Keywords: Club Shay Shay, Club Shay Shay youtube, Shannon Sharpe podcast, Sharpe podcast, Shannon podcast, Club Shay Shay Shannon Sharpe, Club Shay Shay podcast, Shay Shay podcast, Shay Shay, Shannon Sharpe Club, Football, NFL, Shannon Sharpe, Music, Movies, Comedian, Rapper, Actor, Athlete, Gary Owen, Drake, Hollywood, Think Like a Man, Ohio, Los Angeles, Interracial, Rick Ross, hip hop, rap, Kevin Hart, Katt Williams, comedian beef, club, Wendy Williams, Steve Harvey, Mo'Nique, husband, IG Live
Id: FatuhZDyrz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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