Gary Owen On Auditioning For Django with Jamie Foxx: "I never said the n-word so much in my life"

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let's talk about your movie career get started did you always want to do movie because it seems like it's a natural transition you go back and obviously you had Cosby you had prior you had Murphy you had a lot of guys in comedy do real well transitioning to the movies did you want to did you always want to be in movies yeah yeah that was always a goal I never I never thought it'd be like TV I thought it'd be movies right uh yeah that was I mean you do stand up that's the those are the dreams like when you start doing stand up like if I get movies and stuff like that so that was always the goal getting some movies and stuff I hold on you almost a part of Jango what what you going to do in Jango no I audition for Jango that's what I'm saying yeah what you to do what one of the henchmen I never I never said the N word so much in my life in an audition and the casting director was a black lady so I go in I'm looking at the sides and it's inward inward inward inward I'm like God and I'm looking at her I go you got to be kidding me the cast was a black lady I'm like I I apologize afterwards I go very sorry about everything I just said I didn't one of that I mean I don't know what look at I didn't get it so I don't know what part uh I audition for but it was one of the one of the dudes that was trying to kill Jamie right check this out Think Like a Man a franchise I like you you I mean you a cool you see see how levelheaded you are you was D hey what you I mean your role that you played and Think Like a Man Bennett yeah yeah that was cool that was cool that was a good that was a but that ain't you no no no that wasn't me no that was me I had a whole back I was like I want to cuz you know you want to go back and forth but um it was funny when I got the part like I think I was the first one to like sign on right cuz I will Packer called and shouts out to will but um will Packer called and he was like yo I got this movie man he goes we need a white guy that could hang out with black guys but not act black and we want you to bring your own spin to it and originally will was trying to get me to play Jerry ferrero's Part okay and then just things happened the head of screen is like now I see Gary Moore has been it right and and it worked out I thought it all worked out in the end CU now that that's the one movie like us guys are still cool like if you call them they're there if you need something you need to make a social media post or I'm having an event I never and I've you know like Michael elely said he goes you know acting in movies like summer camp you have fun while you're there but then when it's over you probably never see these people again right and obviously people go their separate ways but the six of us man that was that was like some brother type you got realize 2011 we filmed the first one right 2012 comes out so we're doing press together 2013 we're filming the sequel 2014 we're doing press hanging out again that's four straight years we hanging you know what I mean so yeah those guys I love all those guys man they're great the book did Steve give too much information away I didn't really read it I I was like this oh you pretend like you don't know they asked me did I read it I was like yeah I was like yeah it was informative I was lying I a read that book I just go to the pictures you mention the guys that you work with uh Kevin Hart obviously what's K Hart like because I people like they vouch for him like he gives them opportunities he's always trying to put people in position to succeed what's your relationship with Kart you know we I met kevin98 in New York okay when he was little Kev and you know kev's cool man it's like when you just get him like we're doing right now he's the same dude it's just when we leave here it gets weird because the public starts going nuts I remember first time I saw po going nuts I what are they tripping on it's just Kev you know but K like I've noticed on your show too I've seen there's been a theme yeah like Mo'Nique was down Kev looked out Amanda was down Kev looked out I had dinner last night with a gentleman he was like yo Kev took care of me not took care of me but gave me a job when nobody else G me a job right and I was like that's three people M when my divorce happened um Kev was Kev reached out and he goes you know you need uh if you need any legal advice need help financially because I know this stuff can get expensive he goes call me and I'm like I'm I'm I'm a grown man I ain't going to go to some other grown man for help I I work it out but then yeah but and then we sh me with the 44,000 I did call him back yeah call him back hey hey you got a you got a juman residual King around something no no but he called he called for help it kept just solid man so that when he when the when the when people the hate come towards him I think it's just because he's like quote unquote top of the food chain you know what I mean but it it's funny too because like when you had cat on I was like Cat's very generous too to people cat did one of the coolest things anybody ever did for me in my career just in the moment we were in Austin Texas together and I've told this story on other platforms and stuff but it was right when he popped like 2006 around then right and I just remember we had a show like 6 months prior at a college and we was like in a ballroom and like 100 Kids showed up I get a contract we're at the Frank Irwin Center in Austin Texas and it's the that's the basketball arena right and I was like why they have me and cat at the basketball arena I I think we're more of a theater thing right man I showed up there was so many goddamn people and I go oh cuz I I remember so C when this happened right so six months and then the show's over right we go back the pro motor got two different limos my limos in front of cats and Cat limo's behind me I get back to the hotel for cat and I'm trying to go out for a little bit so I'm trying to tell the limo driver I was like hey uh I was like look I need a limo for a couple more hours can I get it he go yeah it's $300 try to give him cash he wouldn't take it I need a credit card I said it's cash just take it he goes company policy man I keep mine I'm married I don't want this charge credit card yeah so I'm like I can't put this on credit card and then I got I got an answer for going out so cat pulls up as I'm having the discussion with my driver cat pulls up and just walks up he goes hey what's going on G I was like nothing I said the driver wants $300 he won't take cash I go he wants a credit card and I'm telling cat I don't want this thing on my credit card my wife will see it I gotta discuss this stuff right cat goes hold on takes my driver around the back of his limo right I don't know what they talked about I don't know how much money kept gave that dude but this the whole conversation he came back he goes he's yours for the evening Gary enjoy your night oh yes they do accept cash and walked away I don't know how much K I don't know how much C gave that driver when I say he pulled in the club I got out I was on the dance floor that like yo then he takes me back I get up the next morning he's still standing there wait I said how much money can I get this dude he goes yeah Mr William said take it to the airport like wow to this day I don't know how much money C gave that dude I'm looking at the cast Gabrielle un Chris Brown was also in the uh cast Megan good rajie man you had an outstanding cast what what was it like working with all those those personalities and then everybody blowing up Jared fera said the best when we went to the table read and everybody was there before we knew what it was Kev had all the funny right and I was and Jerry said the best he goes it was set up for Kevin to hit a home run we just don't didn't know how far he was going to hit it right he he that still going that ball's still going that was some Bugs Bunny type and but everybody was very like um inclusive like it's like yo I think this would be funny try it do there was no egos there wasn't like somebody was stealing their shine and everything it was the most like I I mean you just look forward going to work right everybody was cool and then of course your boy's like hey man who's who's gab like what she look like close what Megan like up close it's weird when you work with them you don't look at them like that I'll be looking I'm like why is everybody tripping I mean she cool but you looking at I'm like a cousin right you know what I mean to this day I like why people like tripping over Megan right that's just Megan right everybody was cool especially us guys man because we know it was very separate we didn't see the girls a lot so especially on the second one but we'd see them every now and then but it was more the six guys working together all the time man this is just solid want to join Club sh Shay BEC an official member by hitting that 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Channel: Club Shay Shay
Views: 189,643
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Keywords: Club Shay Shay, Club Shay Shay youtube, Shannon Sharpe podcast, Sharpe podcast, Shannon podcast, Club Shay Shay Shannon Sharpe, Club Shay Shay podcast, Shay Shay podcast, Shay Shay, Shannon Sharpe Club, Football, NFL, Shannon Sharpe, Music, Movies, Comedian, Rapper, Actor, Athlete, Gary Owen, Hollywood, Think Like a Man, Ohio, Los Angeles, rap, rappers beef, beef, Kevin Hart, Katt Williams, comedian beef, club, dancing, limo driver, divorce, Django, Jamie Foxx, Quentin Tarantino, audition
Id: D25q6tF0K4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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