Gary Owen Hasn’t Seen Kids In 3.5 Years Since Divorce & Welcomes Twins: "It’s a nightmare"

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I don't know if this is true but there's a report that you just recently welcomed twins damn you know everything yeah congratulations I did congratulations and one's white one's black stop swear to God ones got blue eyes cuz you can tell about the nipples and the balls one's got blue eyes got these pink balls the pink nipples the other one brown eyes brown balls brown nipples I said dang I have twins and one's black and one's white did you think you was going to be a father again or did you want to become a father again that's that's a layer question didn't think I wanted to be a father again but and not having relationship with my kids I was like you know I I hate that thing like I'm GNA do it right this time cuz I didn't do it wrong you don't think you did it wrong the first time I don't think I did it wrong the first time I was very conscious of how I spoke to them how I we disciplined him how I there was no I never put him down if if all the sports and stuff they played I was always like I was the fun dad right you know I was like it's not a big deal if you lose I was the fun dad and I was coaching some of their teams and stuff so I don't say I did it wrong but it's twofold didn't see myself doing a dab being a dab but I think not having relationship with my kids you know I mean the the the twins now they're just awesome they're I mean they're awesome they're in that idolizing Dan they're young they young they like nine 10 months it's just happened so yeah that's the same thing that's sucks too is my kids they don't know them right they don't have no relationship with them and I don't want them to I don't want to meet them when they're four or five right you know so that's that that sucks too over the last couple of years last couple of months I've seen you post a lot of stuff you've gone through something publicly you went through a public divorce how hard was that for you considering that was someone that you had loved you have kids with how hard was that for you for that to see that play out publicly dude you waste no time yeah we going we going we I thought we start slowly we we know we we get yeah we going get to the I uh it I it's not something I ever thought would happen like a public divorce yeah it's weird because when I when I wanted to divorce I called her we thought I thought we was going to be cool and we both said like let's let's be an example of how a divorce should be doesn't have to be like throwing stones and I don't know what happened all of a sudden well I do know what happened but what happened I know how it got public cuz I filed and I called her I said look I don't want you to be blindsided there's going to be a process server coming because we had a house in Ohio and a house of California okay but we voted in Ohio we paid taxes in Ohio so I filed in Ohio right and I filed in a small country town where there used to like plumbers and waitresses divor us it'll never get out oh never getting out and that wasn't the goal to get out so it just when I went and met with the lawyer and said you know I want to divorce us and she goes okay went to the they got to submit all this paperwork and there's only two judges in this town so you're at the mercy of them right so when I left I thought I just got to not come home for a couple weeks because you got to be out the homestead and things like that and then it took like two months so I kept coming with these goofy reasons why I couldn't come home like yeah we're going to add a show on Monday and all this other stuff and I'm do a podcast I'm just stalling right I literally come I'm out of excus I I'm going to have to tell her and the day I told her the next day oh you you was stalling her because she was in Ohio no she was in California she was in California I'm in Ohio but I'm on the road every weekend so it was during Co all the comedy clubs were half full right and we were adding shows on Monday but then I was doing like Wednesday through Monday at the comedy clubs and then finally the paperwork came in and my lawyer called me and says they're on the way to go serve her and I went so I was like I'm going to call her I don't want her get blindsided I don't want my son to answer the door or anything like that so called her I said look I'm not happy I want to divorce and then she she was like she was cool and then she I said look I don't want somebody knocking on the door to surprise you because the processor is on the way she goes wait a minute you've already met with a lawyer and that's when everything flipped I go all right I got the ring camera on my phone the process server is knocking I see her knocking and I go somebody's at the door she go to Amazon I was like oh this ain't going to go well and then she never answered the door so then the next day we're on the phone we're still being cord of everything I thought we was cool the next day I'm in Naples Florida I get off stage after the first show I look at my phone that's when TMZ got a hold of it and that's when it said she filed for divorce against me and in LA county I go wait wa minut we don't live in LA we Liv in the bay right so she why she's talking to me you know it's all fair and Love and War you know stalled right I was I'm lying and then she went down and she F against me in LA to this day I don't know why unless she wanted to play on social media because we didn't live there I didn't understand that play but that's what TMZ got a hold of it okay and that's when the The Narrative came out that that uh she left me and then everything started to come out well if but but I thought you had had a conversation you as like had you had a conversation leading up to you actually filing had there been some some conversation or had there been something going on than the marriage that you wanted out uh I think I was good at compartmentalizing things okay I think she was too so you know as a comedian we can leave so if things are getting rough at the house you're just not happy you can get on the road and you just come back so I was very good at compartmentalizing things so then when the TMZ happen my lawyer was like yo uh you got show I got another one because I'm calling her cuz my phone started to blow up and she goes you can't go on stage tonight I said I got another show in like 30 minutes and she goes look we're ready to process servers on the way to serve you I said what does that mean she goes well if you get served chances are the divorce will go down in California California in 50-50 states which means she can get half your money for the rest of your life I said say less this show's over hold on but you got you got people pay good money to see you perform Gary how you I went up I went up but let me tell you what I did I went up I couldn't have been any farther back on that stage cuz I'm process service coming so I'm up against the wall right and my head's on the swivel the whole time if anybody got him to go to the bathroom I what you doing player so then I I got off and then I was on the run for like four months so this is March of 2021 right we finally got it man she's avoid a process server I'm avoiding a process server it's a c mouse game and I'm researching so what I found out was you can't in my line of work the two most common places at the airport and on we've seen people get served on stage before so I had uh I had uh security with me they sit in the front row at my shows so nobody would know I had somebody planted and I said nobody can come up nobody can come up and then uh and then I would never fly into St I was performing in right so after everything hit the fan the next week I was in Baltimore I flew into Pittsburgh drove my down to Baltimore and at one point I stopped at a Starbucks and this one brother was like oh Gary on I he was chasing me around Starbucks I was like he's like man I just want to pitch you I said dude I can't help you today and I don't know if he was a fan or a process server and my opener was in the car I said start the car we jumped in like bone L Duke taking the last thing I remember is this brother outside of Starbucks doing this so I'm just on the run I I I I hemmed up I hand up at the the Four Seasons in Baltimore for 2 and A2 weeks never left my room I was under m shabaz F nobody's going to know that's me they a looking for no Muhammad shabaz and my opener was uh he was at the Renaissance where they thought I was going to stay at so he was registered under my name cuz my schedule's on the internet right so there was a lot of cat Mouse man one point I was in Miami at the aloff by the airport him up for a week I didn't know that's like a sex trafficking Hotel oh my goodness I'm sitting here going to Lobby like something's not right here about divorcing you might be yeah I'm going I had to call my boy said hey man I'm at the Alo something's wrong here he's like this is kind of seedy he was like you don't know what that is that's a c traffic Hotel I said shut up so I'm like I didn't know right so then at one point I went to I called an old high school friend I was staying at his house in West Virginia I'm paying cash everywhere I'm I ain't on social media right I'm off change my cell phone number I'm off the grid and we couldn't get her either I was like man she's hard to get and the processor kept calling me saying man we can't get her so I said screw it 24/7 surveillance on the house I said we got we got to get her serve man and so I got this bill for like 25,000 from the process server I like you ain't even served her yet yeah and so what I did I hired an outside process server from Cincinnati me and her flew from Cincinnati to Sacramento we get to Sacramento uh we drive over I still got the I still got the gate to the neighborhood I still got the parking garage go through the neighborhood we I read the parking garage raises up she's not there I said I know her she's at the grocery store of the mall and so sure enough she's pulling out of the Safeway parking lot I said no freaking way that's her so now we're faring on the highway and she goes you got to get down she can see you I was like so I hop in the back seat so I'm riding like this I don't know where we're going so then she stopped She Goes to Panera Bread shouts out to Panera and she got stuck in the drivethru so she got a car in front of her car behind her and I don't know where we're at like I'm in the back seat and the process server was like it's go time I said go this ain't Jason borne what some face so she get she gets up to her and right when she's placing her order this process Serv was like just next to her car she just stood up and she was like you're served I was like oh and I'm I'm on the passenger side she don't see I'm filming her right so we got her and I bought a oneway ticket I was fully prepared to stay as long as we got to but we got her within like an hour and then I had IM immedately get a oneway ticket out of Oakland back to um back to Ohio so immediately so we got it we got it in Ohio that's before happened how did it get so contentious you you have kids y'all been together two decades how did it become so contentious if this was something you both knew that needed to happen both wanted it to happen was it because you beat her to the punch or what what trans was there was the infidelity on somebody's part oh yeah mine I'm not going to lie about it now yeah but you was lying about it then cuz did she ask I got caught a couple times it's not like uh I never got caught I wasn't that great at it you know what I mean and you got to realize like we was together 23 years married 17 wow you know she knows all my good points and bad points I know all hers right so I left three times during the marriage and the other nobody knew and I always I always came back for the kids like I didn't want nobody else raising my kids and everything so I mean the first time first time I left I man I took the kids with me we drove from LA to we live in LA at the time to Dallas and I had I got we got we just got an argument at Chipotle of all plac is Chipotle we got a knock down drag I said I'm out so I had the kids with me we take off I'll never forget we drove the this is is 2004 this is uh the night I'll never forget it was the night the Roy Jones Antonio tar fight when Roy got knocked out and then uh I never I want to see and that was I'm not going to say what the argument was over but it was over that fight I want to go see the fight and she didn't she didn't want you to go she not want me to go but she wanted me to put the kids in daycare it was so minor looking back on it and I go I'm not going to take him to daycare daycare closes at six I'll be back at 5:30 right then I'm going to go over Reggie's house and watch the fight and she goes no no just taking daycare the whole argument was basically over 30 minutes that I'm not taking I'll keep the kids all day but just be home at 5:30 and then uh she goes no I don't know if I'll be home by then so that was argument basically so I got so just done I was like I'm out my kids are both in diapers I take off we I don't even know where I'm going I just started driving I got the Palm Springs I stopped at like a Walmart and got diapers and toys for him and then I got the Phoenix we stayed all night in Phoenix I got up next day called a friend of mine in Dallas I said look I I'm out can I come over your house right and I remember she was like where you at I like Phoenix I'm in the car and then we drove the next day I'll never forget we got to we got somewhere in Texas we got to Texas I didn't realiz how big Texas is yeah I got the El Paso I think I'm almost in Dallas I know that's a whole another day going right I remember at one point we stopped at some City Gas Station like you're in Texas Chainsaw Massacre and my son is I don't think he was in diapers no he wasn't my daughter was in diapers he wasn't but he's he's peeing like next to this abandoned gas station on this dirt road and I got that we had uh one them big excursions at the time I got the back I'm changing my D in the back I see this car com on the road I go what the wait a minute if this car stops and something's wrong we're done right I was telling my son I was like Austin get over here he's running his little [ __ ] thing he's trying to pull up his under come on I'm holding my daughter we took off and I don't know if anything going to happen or not but did she ever did she call the cops or something say you had taken the kids I mean no it was it no no she didn't call the cops she was uh I called her I left Saturday and then I I called her Monday morning and I just said look I you know SI of argument things like that and then she flew out the Dallas and she stayed for like a day like a week and then we end up reconciling but then she flew back with the kids and I had to drive back by myself cuz I took the ex you you do realize this is not normal that when someone takes the kid and they don't make contact with the other parent for two days and the other parent don't reach out you know that's not normal Gary no she was trying to reach out but you just wouldn't return the call well no I wasn't I Tred to go an excuse ah nah yeah I messed that one up like I'm not perfect I know I'm not perfect all this and it's it's so Random because you know the divorce is like weird like somebody has to be the bad guy right and for whatever reason I became the bad guy in the midle middle of this divorce and for the longest time I just I didn't say anything but I think now like I'm so emotionally unattached to her now so now I feel like yeah I can talk about it what could go wrong with cl how how much how what should go wrong here cuz she going to respond bro believe me this is coming let me ask you a question how much do you think that this divorce has to do with the pent up that she forgave you several times for your indiscretions and she like I forgave you I forgave you I forgave you and here you is you Blindside me with this divorce yeah look I'm not saying I did everything right right at all I'm Not Innocent here right but it's I'm not ever going to uh I think she knows all my indiscretions I know hers so I don't think it's going to do anybody good for me to like try to trash her talk talk about things she did but no neither of us was perfect in the marriage like we can go into Litany of reasons so I'm just like I guess she just felt the need to bring up all and if B was like yeah there was infidelity but she kept getting all the girls wrong I didn't sleep with Claudia Jordan or her friend like I didn't do that I kep looking like that's all wrong that wasn't her was Jennifer Jordan I'm kidding what she wanted $44,000 a month the kids are grown who the kids are grown now right the kids are grown yeah she wanted $44,000 a month yeah and you like oh hell no yeah she what do you think I said I it did make me look like a baller though I ain't gonna lie yeah you like you're like like G got kicked like that I Bakery yeah I was that was that was a hell of a number right yeah you did you think like how did she did you ask your lawyer how did she arrive at that number that number I mean who she think I mean that's a lot and it's taxfree yes is tax free absolutely do the math on that $44,000 a month times 12 that's a half a m yeah that's like 900,000 if you think about it with taxes that's a lot and just think no think about the time in which he's going to get that right that part that's what you were thinking too that part that part that's that was a lot yeah I was like you know here's the thing too like I I it's funny like I took on all the debt with a divorce too yeah like we you got debt yeah I took all of it and it was a lot I took all of them I said I got it I got it don't worry about it you know so I was like I didn't like getting dragged saying like I'm a dead beat I'm a dead beat dad and then it was like I left everybody hanging that wasn't the case like like I got the text like I literally said hey uh send me the bills I got it and she was like no that's not how we do things so I was like well I don't know what you want me to do here right I said I'm I'm paying off all this debt we got and I'm like the big thing was the house she wanted to stay in the house I go we we got to sell the house yeah we have to yeah and I took you could stay in it but you got to pay the note on it well it was more than that I'm not going to get into it but there was some other stuff going on there was taxes involved IR involved so I was like we got to sell it we got to pay these dudes off right you know what I mean so you know but I made sure listen I made sure when when everything was said and done and we went to mediation I was like I'll take on the debt I'll make sure you got enough alimony that you're good you're really good by the way and I was like um I'll pay I'll pay your first year of rent when you get a new place and we put a number on it it was a lot this ain't like $800 a month right we it was a lot right so I was like I got you I was I'm just trying to make sure at this point in time you trying to keep the peace all was keep the peace and I want everybody be comfortable I don't listen I'm not vindictive I'm not mad I get It's Love and War but I was I was I feel like I was very generous in the divorce you know saying looking at it I could be wrong you didn't have a prenut hey no we didn't have pren up no why would why didn't you cuz you already already a comedian you already Mak even if you making $50 a show you was already making money don't you want to like if I come into a situation this is the way I look at it and I've always I tell my homeboys this I ask them do they have a prenup they say no they say I ain't got no money I say when I leave I want all of my nothing I don't want 50% of my nothing so D you already let's just say for the sake of argument when you started you making $200 a show yeah you're doing three four shows a week mhm that's $800 like you said multiply that times a month time a year times 12 why would you not stupid what you want to say stupid that's what dumb on my part are would you get married again yeah not in California would you have a prenup without question it's going to be pre pre pre preup and there's no argument there because anytime you do a prenup it's like the man's point of view is yours yes and the woman's point of view is well it's like you're setting us up to break up now like and the man's point of view is like prove prove to me you really love me you know so yeah the prenup is a required thing now you learn over time yeah I don't I don't get insurance on my car to go rear end or te- onone somebody yeah but it's nice to have if you do you ain't lie about that you did a reality show do you regret doing that show and bringing people into your lives no that was fun that was fun and now the state of out with my kids is like I have at least I have a a a a time stamp I can always go back and watch that stage of their life and you know cuz we got we got footage of them at right 15 right 14 years old you know what I mean so I I don't regret that at all and then you know they everybody got a everybody got paid my kids got a trust out of it that we put their money away they have it later on so everything yeah I don't regret it worked out I thought yeah it would have been nice to have more seasons right but it was it was cool I don't regret at all B renewals do they work cuz you you saw we had one I'm just asking I'm just asking I'm just I'm just asking you're a research team is something special do do they work and why do they do is that is that a man's thing or is that a woman thing is that something jointly who wanted to say let's renew our vows well our wedding was jacked up oh what okay tell us what happened at the wedding so we got we got married at the if anybody knows Oakland the first am in Oakland is a black church right so I mean we I'm sure we'll get into my my upbringing eventually so first of all we get to the wedding and I'm worried cuz my stepdad and my real dad don't get along and I'm sweating this right right and I'm going I got a bad I had a bad feeling the whole time uh oh we get to the Wai first of all preacher walked out he was like I don't do W going start on time so Wai supposed to start at 3: I I guess we were like 3:30 yeah he he just left he say I left I might not not be married I got to check into so her like cousin Melvin worked at UPS I guess he's ordained he did it he did the wedding so y hold on the the the official Pastor That was supposed to preside over the ceremony because you were late he like I'm up out of here do I wasn't late you know I wasn't late was John Elway ever late to practice no he wasn't okay I bet you Steve Atwater was so somebody showed up late 30 minutes late obviously the woman shows up late obviously you know that though but you know it takes them a little longer though yeah of course nobody's mad about that but clearly the he left he was double booked he had another wedding clearly the other wedding they paid a little bit more yeah yeah yeah yeah he leaves so I'm like all right we get through that not a big deal then we get to the reception Baker drops our cake we got a five tier cake the lady I guess slip that went down so you know the bride and room get announced yeah we sitting behind this door for like 45 minutes I'm like what is going on I don't realize everybody clean up the cake on the reception floor they said she dipped it right in front of the wedding table oh my goodness so it just went out so then we're we're getting ready to do the bouquet in the Garder okay and the bar was in the other room I grabbed my brother Dallas I said let's go have a drink real quick so we in there just having a drink and then I hear there's a fight and I went I already knew what it was I go out there my my stepdad's getting dragged out my my biological Dad's doing this and I was like what happened and they was like they got in a fight like not a fight but my my stepdad sucker punched my real dad at the wedding right so then finally the next day I see my stepdad I was like what happened what because the reception is basically over at that point right he goes he looked at me funny I said what I said he he didn't say nothing he n he looked at me funny I was like you hit him cuz he looked at you he goes no it wasn't a normal face it wasn't a normal face he looked at me like I I I I went around Garett growing up I your white before you and and and something else he go I'm still at the way they hahhaa I said damn he said all that in the face I said that's a hell of a face I a never seen a face like that what face face that so that was the that's really why we wanted to Val renew when we did it on the reality show cuz I always felt like she didn't get the wedding that she wanted so when bet came with the reality show we was like well let's do the pilot was the valve renewal end up being the last episode but that was the pilot and so yeah that was it was cool it was cool did you think after everything that transpired that you would make it 17 years nah yeah entertainment business too yeah you kind of do from the start well I'm do I was doed for various reasons if I'm if I'm self analyzing myself and not to put BL lame on everybody else shouts out to Amanda and Monique sorry I couldn't help myself that was too easy that was too easy bro no that's too easy I'm sorry comedians list if you're a comedian you get offended by stuff you say you would wrong lot of work you know you set yourself up but anyways I wasn't equipped and I I got married honestly looking back I just want equip terrible upbringing didn't know how to like tell myself I'm enough and at the same time going through all this self-evaluation I meet my ex and then we're you know now I'm like oh okay I I could I could probably be a decent dad I could probably do this and then uh I get on BET I'm starting to get attention now from women that I never got before so now you're you're in rooms you're in situations and women are coming at you and I'm in my 20s a little just say no huh just say you that you all have to remember that say that phrase just say no just say no to them tossing your salad pause no Diddy again sorry going too far I'm going sorry about that it's the liquor that's what that's what it is but it's but the social media aspect of it because you know a part of you wants to defend yourself but then you know you just add fuel to the fire if you do but how hard was it for you because she like bro she was boy she was she was coming yeah yeah she was coming yeah I just shut up cuz I was like well I I didn't want to get on social media till somebody got served right cuz I'm thinking she's like Inspector Gadget I was like she was knowing stuff I how do she know this you know so I was like I just stayed on social media I just got quiet and this is what this is when I knew social media is in real life and I you know I think with my ex she really reads the comments and takes them to heart well I don't right you know and she does and I would always tell like don't read the comments the social media it's just adding fuel to the fire so I think with her it's a it helped her because people were like I'm on your side Gary a it also hurt her because people try to come at her she's trying to defend herself right so as far as like social media goes I just stayed quiet I'll never forget I was in Baltimore after I've been in i' had been in the hotel for like five days at this point right before my first show after everything H the fan I got nothing to do but read social media so I'm sitting there I Ain I I'm a you know I'm a cheater I'm all this I'm like all right I stage in Baltimore huh part of that trud though yeah yeah yeah I'm I'm say it a I'm not saying it ain't but you know uh I'm about 45 minutes into my set in Baltimore and this lady in the back goes I love you little cheat I was like you don't know how bad I need to hear that right now cuz I'm thinking I'm going go say I'm about to get booed right because I'm reading this for five uh five days I'm thinking they they about to hate me social media social media had me thinking I'm not invited to cookouts black people hate me don't leave and then I get on stage it's like I love little chea I told that lady I said you don't know how bad I need to hear that right now right you know so but to hear that you're a dead beat what's your relationship with your kids right now I don't have one it's been three three and a half years really yeah how hard is that for you what do you think it's it's a nightmare it's like it's like they're my greatest accomplishments and my greatest failure at the same time because my daughter graduated summum L from her school going to grad school doing her thing my son's um working with kids and to hear how they talk about him they love him he's PTI you know he's I haven't seen him so back in November I was back in the bay where he lives so I went to job just to lay eyes on him cuz I hadn't seen him in so long so I didn't tell him I was coming I fell back I blended in with the other parents and then uh cuz's he's working with kids and then uh I just got to see him amongst you know in his in his element and so I went on my podcast and I said yeah I got to see my son it was nice and I said I'm proud of him he's doing good you know and I had a part in that and then our oldest but my we don't we don't say step but but our oldest um you know he's living back in Ohio got a house got a girl just working doing his thing so as far as like success I have three kids never got a phone call ever when they was in school there was a problem never had a pro problem meeting friends never they were never out whiling so we did our job as parents but to see how it's just crashed and burned since a divorce and this is all since a divorce do you believe she played a role in the divide with your kids I'll say I'll take the blame cuz I didn't I didn't ensure that my relationship with them was so strong that no matter what anybody said to them they could be like no my dad's good so you know I was gone a lot I'm on the road right and that's part of the but we man I don't I don't I really don't know I I don't want to I don't want to throw stones and stuff I don't know I don't know if she's at the house saying your dad ain't I don't know I mean I do know blasphemy on social media didn't help mhm and then other [ __ ] happened we'll get into a little bit where my real dad didn't help there's other things but it was just like I just don't know where it got so bad you know what I mean that I'm just the like literally like the worst human being on the planet and I I it's funny I ran into my ex last week of all we was on a plane on a plane from Atlanta to Cincinnati come on Gary I ain't got no reason to lie now I just said I cheated that's been the big that's been the freaking elephant in the room so I got nothing to hide anymore so I'm sitting there and I see on a plane I go ain't no way this is happening ain't no way this happening that's what I see I went like I mean I was I was in the window like you like a kid you like a kid looking out the window there my back there my back so she didn't see me when she got on the plane we go to badge clam she sees me she comes up we start talking and uh and that's when I was like you know I said I'm just kind of asking her like you know how do we get this right with the kids and then I wish I keep telling her like look when they call I'm there I don't care if I got a show them cancel it the minute they say Dad I'm ready to talk I'm out right I'm I'll go to where they're at so when I when I talked to her about the kids you know I I told her I said I just I wish you would um help fac it's time it's time because they do listen to you yes enough you ain't there's no abuse here there's no mental abuse there's no physical abuse they had a great childhood yes great private school pay for my daughter's um College I mean just stuff you're supposed to do if you have it as a dad right you know what I mean so I'm just like I don't know how I became this evil human being that they want nothing to do with I was like I'm obviously I'm not perfect I read somewhere that somebody said when you go through the divorce uh uh when kids are little they they idolize their dad and then when uh divorce happens they demonize them and then as time goes by they humanize them clearly I'm in the demon stage right now but it's been it's just been so long that I got to sneak around to try to just lay eyes on them like when the when the Bengals went to the Super Bowl right I got tickets so I called I texted both of them because they when I call they won't answer so I got to text and sometimes they respond sometimes they don't so I like I got tickets I got four you guys want to go and they was both like no so I was like damn and then that's it just no not love with Dad I had other plans I got other R I ain't G I ain't I ain't gonna say what they said but it wasn't pretty and then I said I flew to Greensboro where my daughter was in school and knocked on her door and she wouldn't answer the door and then my ex and were calling and was like my road Mar was with me she didn't know he with me she call my RO maor and she was like why is he at the door why is he at the door so she's looking at the door and see no my daughter called her that's what I'm saying so she's like why is why is he at the door and he's like he's just trying to see her she goes no no it's not time she's not ready she she said write a letter and put in the mail I go what people still write letters this ain't 1985 you know what I mean yes so that happened then I I found out she was flying uh I found out one of her flights one time I ran in her at the airport and I was like I kept my distance I didn't run up on her and I waved and she weighed back and I was like oh want to have a shot here and then she dipped in the bathroom and 45 minutes I waited and she never came out and I just went so I left and then when I went through her graduation um yeah they they made it very clear don't don't come up don't don't talk to her don't approach her or nothing like that I was like so I don't know how at this point I don't know how to reconcile the relationship I'm just I'm just letting them know that I love him I'm proud of him and whenever they call I don't care where I'm at I'm there I I've told them I said I said you know you want to go to Hawaii you want to go Dubai where you want to go cuz I we can go we can go somewhere so far away and just sit down and have it out so I I literally don't know what to do at this point when you're looking at the relationship that you currently have with your kids how much if your mind replay the relationship that you had with your biological father we didn't really have one growing up he weren around too he just kind of popped in and out so like I said I had a I had an absentee father and abusive stepfather so that's a that's not good I didn't know how to be a dad so I like I like I said I don't want to trash my my ex because when we first got together she had a son MH and I literally was like came home with day I said I'm I want to break up and she goes what do you mean you just like I just moved in with her she was like you just moved in I said I'm I'm scared that your son is g to look at me like I look at my stepdad and I'm scared I'm going to turn into him and she was like she goes don't worry about she go just follow my lead tell I'll tell you what to do and if you're going wrong and that's all you got to do so I I think that's what I did for a lot of the relationship I just kind of did what she said when I was home and didn't like try to rock the boat but yeah it it scared me but yeah my my biological D he's he's a b God damn dude I'm so mad I came out his nut sack that but you got to but hold on Gary you're going to have to reconcile because with him yes nah forgiveness is not for him it's for you look how you talking your emotions will being in Hell hostage you're not free free from that no no you're not free from your emotions M I mean ah this is okay this is a relationship went with my real dad so one around a lot growing up and then he'd pop up every now and then right and then you know there were countless Sundays you're waiting on me doesn't show up right and then get older get on TV get in a couple movies all he's coming around a little bit yeah you know he's wanting all the perks because I always said like I always heard people like be careful man you got people out there using you I never realize it was my dad the whole time cuz I'm blinded cuz I want my the relationship with my dad so during the course of the divorce at one point nobody was served yet I flew home to Cincinnati I want to go to a Reds game I gota do something but I can't sit in the stands I'm scared I'm GNA get served so I got a rep that works for the Reds he got a suite for me not my name I paid for it I called my buddy five six guys came we had a good day at the Ballpark nobody took pictures nobody did social media posts we just hung out next morning 7:17 in the morning I wake up I got a voicemail from my dad he's like hey your dad and you don't respect me and he's just cussing me cussing me out telling me I don't respect him and said I'm out of your life and I like is he intoxicated at this no this in the morning this is 7:17 in the morning now he don't drink like that so I was like what does he he never said why he was mad so I get a text about an hour later and it's like a book he's like I heard you came to Reds game you didn't invite me I've come to expect this behavior from you my other kids keep me in their lives you don't I'm going this over Red's game so I called him and when I called him I immediately was like Dad I got your voicemail I got your text and he goes yeah I meant every word of it I was like this ain't going to go well so we we starting to talk right and it's getting heated right and though like week before I came home so I got two identical twin sisters they did like a family photo shoot and nobody called and invited me but that's that's normal with that side right so cuz I'm I wasn't in the house with them my sister's so much younger than me so I wasn't tripping but I was like it would have been cool if someone would have called but I wasn't tripping so in the course of him cussing me out over Red's game I said dad you took family pictures and didn't even invite me and he goes a I knew this was coming here comes this that's when I I that's when I that's the only time I snapped I said [ __ ] you your wife family homie and hung up on him and that's the last conversation we had then this let me tell you what he did he start calling my ex that he wanted nothing to do with been on my side during divorce start giving all his dirt on me all his and he's posting it on his Facebook page posting about me on his face then he post a picture of my ex-wife on his Facebook page and was like I got you back to this divorce he's always been like a daughter to me he don't even like black people he's a Trumper Thumper not Trump supported trumpa Thumper I ain't saying I ain't saying he went to the capital he was at the monument when they rushed he made the trip but now he wants to support a black woman I will say this and I leave it alone and it's the same applies for your kids there can never be freedom without forgiveness your kids are not free either they're going to come a time they will I promise you was was I wrong no you wasn't wrong but just because you wen't wrong in that instant that doesn't mean you can't make it right how do you make it right then maybe it's going to take time you think I think so but here's the thing I think he has this perception of you like you said because once you became someone he could extrapolate something from you you have this and rightfully so him bouncing in and out of your life never being there being the father that you wanted little do you know you became that guy even though that was your occupation came what guy wasn't there because you on the road so much with your kids and they look at you the same way you look at your father interesting that's how they're looking at you but it was so I think the he was there by see your like you said you put him through private school you paid for college that are the sacrifices that you have to make sometimes that you miss out on but I did listen I never missed a birthday I never missed uh a a game I made sure like there was times land if if they had a game and I'm not flying priv I'm flying commercial yeah I'm getting up in the morning getting to an and sometimes driving to an airport that had a hub so I'm driving like two three hours to get to an airport so I can get a direct flight right to get to Cincinnati so I can make the game and then get back to my show that night I go cuz I know what it's like to look in the stands and not see your dad I know what it's like to like a recital so I didn't miss stuff like that like so to say like I did everything in my power not to become him for to hear like they look they think of me like that that was my biggest fear having kids right is to feel how I feel about my dad and my stepdad and we ain't got into that yet uh that is my biggest fear so to have it play out like this it was my worst nightmare I I help me understand I want to see if this is true cuz I I I read this your former show opener told your wife about some of the indiscretions you were having on the road yep that my life really G yeah that and that's the thing like I get I get why Kevin keeps the plastic cup boys I get why cat keeps people around him and I'm not talking about to hide Secrets like cheating I'm not talking about that I'm just talking about those dudes you got to trust because you're with them more than your family have the time abely you got to get along with them you got to be able to open up to them like I'm having issues at the house those those are like your therapists on the road so this dude that I fired in 2018 when my divorce happens the fact that he called her and they started talking and he started telling her dirt about me I was like cuz we man we's in mediation this is like this is like out of movie we in mediation and she goes yeah I know look Gary I know about the girls I ain't mad about that and then she goes she started naming off these girls and some were right and some were wrong but there's one in particular I went wait a minute I I didn't she said I know about this so I'm I'm making up a name I know about Sally I'm going with the white name because you know it ain't true she said I know about Sally she goes this dude she goes he told me you fired him cuz you found out he slept with her and I went so here I am I'm I'm just making movements this point I go cuz I'm like wait a minute so now it's hitting me wow she found out about this girl that is like I'm talking this was years ago right I'm going through my R de even when she said the name like I'm like oh my God what and then she goes yeah he he said you fired him because you found out he slept with her too so now I'm sitting like wait minute she knows I slept with this girl and I didn't know my opener slept with her too so I go wait a minute this mother behind my back right this so TI you can kill The Sopranos for that so I was like oh yeah so I I'm not even G to say his name he don't deserve it and you know it had to be he had to have told because at the time she didn't bring it up she didn't mention anything about it so she couldn't have known the only one that knew there was some information only he and I knew right so I was like but that's why he's at where he's at in his career right now's find him at a coffee shop near you is it hard being on the road and a lot of time you travel alone and women like you say they come up hey but that's Gary oh he great he been in the movie yada y y and you know you like well you know your boy G you know what's up what it do yeah does that get hard do when you say hard just kid what KS hard sh it does does it get hard to say no it does yeah it's not the easiest thing especially when you grow up like I did where I didn't I didn't have attention right I didn't have nobody tell me I'm great right you know so to get to get people like they like me and then damn the reasons yeah you're like whoa I never got attention like this and and that's you know yeah so it's I would I would tell people it's similar to the ball players and stuff I was like yo I would NE I would tell women never get married to anybody in their 20s in the entertainment or athlete or anything I go they got to get out of their system they you got to let them get out system is it's just too much access to things you know what I mean right so I I think it's it's easier the older you get but man your 20s yeah that's hard how's dating now great so how how do you meet how keep this is what I'm trying to do I'm trying to keep everything off social media because the way it played out right because you I'm seeing somebody but I don't I don't want to I don't want to blast it like that right cuz the internet's not good for a relationship and you know until I'm right with my kids I I ain't posting nothing else I feel like that's almost thrown in their face a little bit so I want I want to be right with them and then maybe I'll be open to sharing my personal is she okay with that because a lot of times women want to be posted like hey you hide me cuz you don't want nobody else to see but you're doing this for another reason a very good reason yeah is she okay with this she's okay yeah I don't think she's she's tripping she bring up every now and then but it's not like she's hard she gets it right she gets it let there's this thing that's going going around what's an ideal first date is it 50/50 you take care of everything you got to go to a restaurant that you know even if you get the the the most minor thing it's going to be 250300 what's an ideal first day game just I that's what a that's a GOP off the top that you said ideal that don't cost no money that's what you want at the end of the day the ideal first day for a man is G that's it I mean you got I mean okay how much we can eat after yeah how much should how much should a first dat cost if you go out to eat you take a lady out for a first dat how much should it cost um and you know it depends on how much you make if you only make a certain amount of money you you can't take her to uh Prime 112 or Mastro it's just not in the budget right you know what I mean so I think women have expectations and it is depend on how much that man makes in the status there's a level expectation and what they're used to dating right you know what I mean so I don't I don't I think that's like that's a loaded question right so I don't know just man just that's good you woman's got a different answer but a GU ideal first a did you were you always attracted to black women always it's like being gay gay guys know they're gay why they gay they don't know why they're gay they're just gay right same way always liked them from Earth so how I mean how was it growing up where you grew up lonely my hands was soft and very moisturized say that I was a I was a beast I Amad exous on that so ask so when you first when you first approached a black black lady female woman I mean we got we got to be careful what we say here some people don't like being called female no called women when you're opposed like woman what did she say which one the first black girl the very first the very first one let me see were you nervous you talking about the first time I slept with a black girl yeah yeah it was it was it was crazy cuz I was in DC I was station there I was in the Navy and I just remember we went over her place and I never seen hips move like that bro like she was on swivel CU my hands I was like oh my God how are you moving so fast I was very very inquisitive I to ask questions but inquisitive I to ask questions but it it was so dope because when we got done was so dope because when we got done it it was so Random the things you remember was so Random the things you remember when we got done it was just like she when we got done it was just like she went got some orange juice brought me went got some orange juice brought me some orange juice yeah you want some some orange juice yeah you want some orange juice I was like this oh my God I orange juice I was like this oh my God I felt like the guy in Harlem Knights yeah felt like the guy in Harlem Knights yeah call mom come call mom come home I've never come home yeah yeah yeah home I've never come home yeah yeah yeah that was wild that was a wild night and that was wild that was a wild night and that from that point on but I knew I that from that point on but I knew I knew before that right I knew I like knew before that right I knew I like black women this just I don't know I black women this just I don't know I just how are you moving so fast I was just have you ever been with a white woman mhm yeah 96 yeah met her at TJ Fridays and she only mess with black dudes and we still friends of his day how you pull that up she's at the Friday's head happy hour yes and uh she was sitting there but she had a she had a haircut the white girls like black gu haircut yeah it's like a asymmetrical bob you you know it just go to any summer jym I know what you're talking about I know exactly talk about you'll see them at the Atlanta Hawks game you ain't going to see them at the Utah Jail's game so we started we started talking and then I you know I do this in my act I don't want to start doing bits on your show but long story short only reason she came back to my place was to prove that I couldn't handle a white girl right and the only reason I let her come back I want to prove she a't ready for this white dude and so it was the it was it was it was cool it was a good experience but when I say there was no forl there was no emotions involved it was like bing bing bing and like all right and then we like well we did it she never been with a white dude I never been a white girl so we tried it and so now you guys are y'all still you have you ever she found me on Facebook years later got two mixed kids I go I knew it I knew she only like black dudes cuz this is in my TW early 20s right so I like I knew it we're still friends of this day like not friends but I mean acquaintances on she got to hold me on Facebook like when Facebook was just friends there wasn't a fan page right so it just it's funny because I mean we type every now and then and say what's up she's cool when how did your family react when they found out you like black women like I ain't cool with them like that so I W mom either I don't talk to my mom either nobody no no you your dad your mom Brother s I know I sound like a man the seals right nowbody me but sorry and I don't know man I don't want to B on like that but it's whatever um yeah Mom's different though like I feel bad for my mom she's just been beat down by life and I I've told her numerous times like I could I can help you I can get you out of this you just got to leave that dude my her my stepdad and she won't leave him so last time I saw my mom was May 20th 2021 because my brother died my brother died May 20th 2015 of a heron overdose and so I didn't know one I didn't uh I didn't how do I start this conversation cuz I got to talk about my brother to get to my mom yeah go ahead so when my I didn't know my brother was doing heroin okay so this is this is how life works like the universe man it picks you up and then it humbles you at the same time so I'm coming off think like a man I'm starting to sell a lot of tickets now so I'm I'm I'm making more money than I ever had and career is really starting to take off and then ride along comes out so now in the course of like a year and a half I'm in two number one movies in the country and and right along have a big scene but I had scene the stuck out you know so Life's good my brother calls me first he messaged me on Facebook because he never had a cell phone I didn't know he CU drug addicts not good with money I don't know if you knew that so he calls me he first he mens me on Facebook he goes Gary I'm about to call you from this number it's my girlfriend's number I was like okay he goes I need your help and I said let me guess money and I remember he text me he goes he goes I'll punch in your I'll never ask you for a time and I was like what is the problem here so I called him he's he's crying on the phone I don't know he's he's about to shoot up he can't stop himself so he's like I don't L my daughter he's crying I don't know what's going on he's like Gary I don't want to die I got this little girl I can't stop myself and then the phone goes dead and I go I don't know what's going on right now I call right back his girlfriend answers and she goes he just shot up so I could hear my brother moaning in the background so I was like I was like what do you give me shut up she goes heroin I was like what so it's everything's like going nuts right now in my brain so she goes I don't know what to do she goes he he's he's an addict you know and I'm like so I said okay I'm going to call my mom and then I'm going have her come over and get them and I'll call you right back so I called my mom I said go get Dallas um he didn't overdose he just shot up basically so she's all right she runs over there and I'm on Google now looking up heroin and rehab facilities and I don't know what to do this is all within the course of like five minutes and and and just shouts out to my ex because I I don't want to act like she's just a terrible person she was right there with me she was right there looking on her computer I'm looking on mine and then we found a place called The Quest house in Bowling Green Kentucky and it was like $4,100 to get them in there for like two months or something like that and so I said all right I called called The Quest house they was like cuz you know heroin's a morning drug you don't do it at night you do it to wake up right so this is all going on in the morning so I called him I said you know I'm going to get the information my My ex runs down at the bank gets a cashier check 4100 my mom picked up Dallas I met her at her job in the parking lot and hopped in her car and we drive him down to bowling Kentuck Cincinnati about three four hour drive we get him checked in and he's asleep the whole time like he's not waking up that's the first time i' ever seen like a drug addict in the in the midst of literally just out like the you see on skig row that's him in the back seat right so it's really my head up honestly so then we get him down there I check them in and we're not a we're not a touchy feely family like that okay so that I just remember he gave me the biggest hug and he was like he was like thanks and then we we get him checked in and then he wrote me a couple letters while he was in that meant a lot to me I still got him and then uh he gets out and I'm calling my mom why he's in I said Mom this is why I said I got him a sponsor and since I got him a sponsor I was like and we got to get him out of Cincinnati you can't go back to the same places people because you're going to do the same things so I called my guy in Phoenix he worked at the comedy club there and I'm telling him the whole story and he go all right look we we'll get him a job here we'll put him in the kitchen I told my ex I told my mom I was like look I'm going to I'm going to go to Phoenix I'm going to stay with them got to get them on feet got to get them out of that that environment right and you know comedy clubs I don't know if you know this but usually most of the managers it's a matter of attrition they either start at the door or they're a waitress they show they're responsible and then you become management and it really is you know it's a process process so I'm thinking okay he can get there get in the kitchen working maybe we'll get to the door I'm thinking I'm thinking thoughts of grandeur right so my mom she was like I said I'm going to take him to Phoenix when he gets out and she was like nope nope she goes you cannot take him $2,000 M away from his daughter and I said Mom do you want a dad 2,000 miles away you want a dead dad because that's the options right now and she just wouldn't do it so I just fell back I just fell back so that was January 2014 he ended up overdose of May 20th 2015 and in the course of that I wasn't really talking to my mom because I did this article in BuzzFeed and they did this thing called the um how white comic is one of the top black acts in the country that was the article but in the art article they asked me about my family and I just said literally like my stepdad's an I don't really mess with them so when that article came out my mom wasn't really mess with me because I like I talk bad about her husband so um when Dallas died we uh the family kind of comes back together you let everything go and I just remember I remember at the funeral uh I end up buying all the food for the funeral and my stepdad who's I can't I he never said a good word about me he said man where did all the food come from and my mom was like Gary got it and I just remember he looked at me and I thought he was going to say thank you I thought this this would be the first time this the moment this the moment we might to have a breakthrough moment no he went and just walked away I said damn he can't even say thank you for the food so then what happens is he's got a daughter now so his the baby mama can't take care of him she's not doing that not great in life my mom and stepdad they're now they want to get custy and I don't know any of this is happening I get a call from the guardian at liom which is somebody that represents the kid in the custody battle and she goes um hi Gary this him she goes are you uh I don't want to give my brother's last name are you Dallas so and so's uh brother and I say yeah she goes wow she goes I've had like 10 home visits and there's no pictures of you in the house I asked your mom did she have any kids we don't know about and she just said yeah my oldest left home when he was 17 she goes somebody in our office said you know that that's Gary Owen's brother that's his niece MH so I I she goes look I'm putting in for emergency removal which means um she's not happy with either household I said what does that mean she goes well she goes in the foster care I said well that ain't happening I said what we got to do and she goes well I got to do some home visits but if you want to take temporary custody you know that we can do that and I'm I'm giving you the cliffs no vers com so um she came to my house and she was like she goes I feel like this kid hit the lottery with how we were living and then uh she applied for the Emergency removal and the judge denied it because the judge was like look she's not in a physical danger it's just a bunch of broke people really so uh but now my name's on the paperwork I signed and couldn't I can't call my mom be like they think you're a bad parent so now name's on the paperwork so when they when they saw the paperwork about this emergency removal that's when everything hit the fan my mom started calling me what is this I said Mom they they I couldn't tell you you know what I mean so then uh that got a little tense and I said Mom let let us take her let her let us take cuz I you you can't be 70 in your 70s trying to raise a teenager when she gets older and I knew the home life wasn't the best cuz I got another brother who was just not a good dude either he's big anyways so uh they what happened is my mom just kind of cut me off because I wanted to get custody we're going to go to court and I just I told my ex I was like we got to we got to fall back because I start getting some terrible text messages and I was like they're they're literally about to ruin our life they're going to make our life hell and I got to look out for my kids M and I felt bad for my niece that I couldn't get custody and everything I said but they were about to make our life right on both sides the the baby mama and my mom and and stepdad and them cuz they were looking at it like I'm taking her away from everybody I'm I'm trying to help her right I know what this child's about to go through with her upbringing I I I lived it so I was like so at that point everything was cut off uh and then I would just I was just on the AL so then fast forward this is all happened in 2016 M May 20th 2021 for some reason I was back in Cincinnati I knew was Da passed away so I I went to the cemetery to go see just see him I pull up and my mom's at the the cemetery she's at his head she had and I saw her and I parked kind of far away and I remember she had a blanket and I don't know if she was wiping The Headstone off or touching his face and she kept looking at me then she looked at back at The Headstone look at me I said I said oh there's a got shot here I can talk to her so I walked up real slow and I came up behind her and she saw me standing there and all I was going to do was ask can I sit next to her I didn't think we were going to solve anything right then so I just went I just all I said was hi and she just started yelling she goes I don't want to talk to you and started screaming a bunch of and I'm just like I said Mom the gravite yeah yeah it's just me and her and she starts just yelling and then I was like I said Mom I'll leave I'll leave I'll come back later and she was no no I'll leave and then she she grabbed her blanket and she goes and she goes and I've been reading everything she goes and I hope now you know what it feels feels like cuz the divorce is going on right now she I now it feels like when a bunch of people on the internet say a bunch of about you that isn't true and then she was like this is a really hard day for me and then she got in her car and sped off now I'm sitting there like head spinning but now I can't spend any time at the cemetery cuz I'm worried she's going back to tell my stepdad and my other brother Gary's at the graveside I thought they was about to coming to pick up guns of Blazing right so I was like and I mean literally guns of Blazing so I was like I I had that's the last time I talked to her seen her or anything let me ask you this how different is dating interracially when you first started doing it do your segue you like that that's top tier right there let me this dating black women yeah cuz I I want to hear I cuz I I don't know if I've ever had a guy white white gentleman like yourself that that's dated black women so I want to like because I understand what it was like in the 80s for a black guy trying to date white women and compared to now yeah is it different now than it was then I don't know I wasn't dating in the 80s you know what I mean not that old but uh I don't know that's all I ever that's all I ever like really I'm always been like part of the culture yeah you GNA find me a Magic City you ain't going I said dolly dollies dollies yeah you going you going to find me at G5 kod you know you going to find me at live on Sunday not on Saturday during e techno night I'm going I'm going where you feel where the black people are did you always feel most comfortable around black people yeah I think I found like quotequote found your tribe yeah I just always felt comfortable and you know the thing is like even when I was in the Navy you know my bunkmate his name was cop Washington and he was a black guy from South Carolina and I remember at that time there was no internet so people you had to get letters from home right so I got this big swo brother from South Carolina is my bunk man got a thick country accent and he gets pictures and he's like on a John Deere tractor he's on a farm and I'm go I'm looking I go were you on vacation here he's like he goes nah he go man this that's where I live I go black people don't live on farms Midwest black people live in the city right I know black people bailed hay lived on farms I go I go black live on farms and he literally he grabbed a black dude from Mississippi black dude from Georgia black dude from Arkansas black from Alabama he goes come here come here here he goes g what' you just say I go black people don't live on farms they did like to do the right thing they go this dude everybody start busting out these pitches in the country I go what the mind blown right mind blown I was like oh I am very sheltered as far as this stuff goes but I I could hang out with anybody right but I've always been most comfortable and black always been the most welcoming to me too I mean honestly right like yeah my whole life I don't have issues the issues I have with and it could stem from how my stepdad and my dad was like the white men in my life were not the greatest right all the black dudes is cool my football coach is the black dude shouts out to Mel Edwards one of the coolest guys on the planet you know what I mean right like I just always had all the black dudes I ever met was cool I never met like an [ __ ] right or treated me bad so to speak even the black guys I went to high school with right they was cool we didn't have a lot we had a couple right they was cool is it is it difficult when you were in your children's life was it difficult raising mixed race kids do you did you ever have a conversation to them with them about what life was going to be like being in mixed race I didn't like I didn't have like deep conversations my daughter's like the activist she's the pro black woman okay my the boys aren't like my two boys they're not like that but uh yeah my daughter she's very Pro black like she is like cuz man when those when the Black lives matter movement started and you had the parades and marches she was there yo my I don't know where she got a blow horn the thing she go yeah she yelling I go what the right and she started talking about white people this I go uh awkward I'm your dad They Don't Care About Us white Devils I was like this whoa whoa white devil I don't she said that I'm making that up but uh yeah like she's the activist so I my thing with her is like I'm here to listen I just want to I I and that's what's most important like I don't have the answers right but I want to listen to your side of things and I'm always going to have I'm always going to have your back in situation like that right we didn't have a lot of trying to think we didn't have any big big racial issues of them growing up and granted it's the environment they grew up in they up in a very safe I don't want to say sheltered environment but it was like they didn't they didn't have to struggle so they weren't put in situations where a cop's going to pull them over they weren't in those neighborhoods right you in our neighborhood everybody know we knew the cops in our neighborhood you know one cop pulled up I went to high school with them he knocks on the door I remember my son was like Dad there's a cop at the door and I I go Mike man they told me you moved in here he's in the house we having Pepsis and stuff you got some crime to fight right so do you remember the last meaningful conversation you had with your daughter uh like talking text yeah no just just a conversation like you and I sitting down now like how was your day at school you know how you know it dating whatever the case may be do you remember that last conversation it was it was it was right before she went back to school so she was a freshman and uh God it's been a long time she graduated and she was a freshman uh yeah she was getting ready to go back to Greensboro and we just I remember we just sitting in the back talking just about nothing life and stuff your son only date why women correct yeah yeah yeah yep takes after his mama well I heard she black now he get it he get it from a get it from I heard she dating black Duds now really yeah yeah she da I didn't do my job oh my good I didn't put it on it so good want to join Club sh Shay become an official member by hitting that subscribe button where you never know who's going to be joining us for drinks and conversation don't be late to the party because you know we like to do something before two something
Channel: Club Shay Shay
Views: 341,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Club Shay Shay, Club Shay Shay youtube, Shannon Sharpe podcast, Sharpe podcast, Shannon podcast, Club Shay Shay Shannon Sharpe, Club Shay Shay podcast, Shay Shay podcast, Shay Shay, Shannon Sharpe Club, Football, NFL, Shannon Sharpe, Music, Movies, Comedian, Rapper, Actor, Athlete, Gary Owen, Hollywood, Ohio, Los Angeles, Interracial, Rick Ross, dating, dinner, twins, divorce, father, step-father, brother, addiction, overdose, children, estranged, ex-wife, California, Bay Area, hiding, lawsuit, husband, bad
Id: WsjMi7uuR54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 11sec (4151 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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