EXPL0SlVE! Bilaal is BACK and he’s got SMOKE for Jada! | Will Smith’s Best Friend Interview Part 2

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right brother valow listen I started drinking already I see before the interview because you had me [ __ ] up on that last interview and I don't mean to be cursing in front of my Muslim brothers and stuff you know that's Haram to y'all Haram how you how do you say wow yeah yeah my husband Muslim you know yeah I was no but you know I might slip up and curse a little bit I got I got admonished a little bit but I was just very passionate and repeating what certain people said so there will be a couple of C listen I had to like I said I I apologize for being such a bad host and starting to open the bottle but you already poured barrels of wine during your last interview that I had no clue about wow you know I I had the only thing that I had was the interviews that you had done prior with other platforms and you kept it very very professional right you know and it's something about this wine cell room that just makes people just want to spill it all that's why we got the wine bottles upside down that's a symbolism because it's just upside down right right how do you feel after your first enter I mean your like you did other interviews but how do you feel after the interview that you did with us I mean they were writing about you in Greek yes in Africa Zimbabwe all over the world everybody I had my doctor call me wow I'm call well I call called him say hey call me back cuz I need to set up an appointment okay he calls me back yeah yeah yeah we got your appointment what's up with this Will Smith stuff yes my doctor's white wow yeah um so it's been the same reaction on my end because of course I live out the country so I get people in the restaurant now that's pointing at me right I get people coming up to can I take a picture with you and so forth and I'm like yo this has to be from the interview I'm getting calls from people from Saudi Arabia you have 10 million well actually just on my platform alone you have 11 million views just on Tik Tok but all the videos that have been shared it's over 1 billion so far yeah they said one billion and prep my team told me today before we came here that you have over one billion Impressions brother bow and that um it's that's a lot of [ __ ] clout that's well well well it's see here's the thing when you pray to Allah and get on your knees five times a day which I've been doing cons [Music] mons that truth come out I'm not people's downfall but I'm praying that the truth come out and this is what why I came back I came back to give nothing but receipts yes we just I just saw some receipts yeah beautiful receipts yes now here's the thing because the the first interview we did it was more so how you met will things that you kind of witnessed over the years and you know the struggle with the relationship the struggle with the relationship with you and Jada of course with you being a close family colleague friend you know I'm I'm sure the kids look at you as like Uncle you know what do they call you Uncle balow what do they call everybody just call me brother B brother balow um it was It was kind of the unwinding and as you were unwinding 30 years and I'm sure there's so much that you didn't even yes disclose you know um it it just it it was just one after another and that's the reason why we had to make it public so soon because you know I didn't want people to start questioning questioning your credibility and things like that and so it was kind of like we gave them a taste and then it it did what it did and then we gave it to him and no one has come out to question your credibility they're more mad at you because they felt like you betrayed him right but and I have to say but cuz I'm fair in this right when you [ __ ] over your friend who has put his reputation and career on the line from what I saw and from what you you just showed me before this interview started and it was something that he asked you to do and so to help him to promote his book you go to all of these big product companies and you say hey Will Smith wants to do product placement send me stuff they're taking their product that they spend money on to send it to you to create these beautiful lavish gift boxes that you've done for other celebrities that you've showed many Cedric the Entertainer Anthony Anderson a lot of comedian SL comedic actors these are bigname people right that you you've never had fallen outs with never and we've done big business and you know I I picked your brain to see not your brain I wanted to test you cuz when I was asking you about Jamie Fox and others I was trying to see cuz a lot of people would come and sit down and you could kind of tell if they're inauthentic if they know something about everybody you kept it straight on the Smiths right you kept it straight on the Smiths like you was just like I I seen Jamie with women yeah I seen Jamie with black and I was like okay so this ain't got nothing to do with him trying to gain clout off of every celebrity trying to ruin his relationship with all the celebrities you've done business with this is just this particular friend that I've known damn near my whole life and his wife you feel like is sabotaging everything that y'all have together and it's causing you to question him and his friendship towards you what without question see so here here's the whole thing in a nutshell okay you know it's no secret in Hollywood that Jada hates me because I have a strong relationship with will and I do my own thing why don't she hate Dwayne I I can't answer that question why don't she hate Dwayne Martin well she she's GNA love anybody that feel that treats her like she's a God right when you're a narcissist and a social path like she is and I'll get into that you want to be worshiped and she got the bag so these people will worship her thinking that they that Jada's going to do something for him but narciss isn't a social path is only looking to do things for themselves um but back to Jamie real quick like even on my Instagram right and and and this is real so it was a big billionaire business guy from Canada who um brought a black diamond chain and wanted me to give it to Jamie and he brought it from me and uh he said just give me a shout out right and his guy name is Mike from Canada so I I go to Jamie's house and I I tell Jamie hey I got this chain he was like oh that's nice I said can I get it on camera I said this guy's paying me$ 175,000 just for me to give him a shout out that you brought gave him this chain and he he said man no this not but I do it I made $175,000 from that video by Jamie doing that Jamie was like if somebody gonna pay you $175,000 just for me to shout out their name with me come on let's and then ask for one penny I made $175,000 he was a RAB a ser um he strike me as one of them AR people and he's gonna show that video to All His that's 175,000 he didn't ask for but you can't throw people under the bus like that you you just can't with with will it even everything re revolves back to Jada so let's get into that as we yeah because I do want to say okay for the viewers because we're going to wnd back before we put out the interview all we put out was a clip that went Ultra viral okay everybody in the world got this clip it was trending for days on Twitter okay before the interview comes out what shocked me is Jada is doing her book promotional for worthy yes she goes to The Breakfast Club and she sits down and they ask her about you but they can't not not ask like it's so huge and to my surprise she answers and then she answers um kind of passive aggressive you know and she's like come on come on it's ridiculous right you know she real tight body you know like a little boy that swings on monkey bars all day and she's like it's ridiculous right look at like the stud that I feel she is right and then she's like listen listen it's absolutely not true and then you know Charlamagne well well why would he say that well it was a Shakedown and he's like oh so briy extortion nah n there's a legal situation and you know that's when she realized that she had said too [ __ ] much and they told her to stop I don't know if you C that rewind the video she she was like oh they ain't say stop they they ain't say nothing they were on the side trying to tell her to stop but go ahead I didn't see that we going to have to put that in yeah you going yeah y just slow it down and show it to me cuz I know you your video um because it's one thing to have your opinion about somebody versus just making up salacious malicious stories so that's actionable so we going to roll with that um but yeah I you know say leave it alone don't go no oh no no nobody said anything I need and that's my thing you know how many celebrities I can corrupt I got all kind of pictures all kind of everything so so let's get back to don't make me give you a job on this show yes yes that's you back in radio him a [ __ ] mic let's go no but like it it was shock because I was like Jada is talking about suing and she's speaking on this and and to my surprise will hasn't said anything and so they did come out and say a rep for will totally denies the allegation I was like will does not respond to anything NOP he's never this is all Jada because as soon as that that rep statement came out she goes to sit on The Breakfast Club to reiterate the same [ __ ] that I feel she gave to TMZ yes yeah and so I I'll say this to you as well okay she also said in that interview that they were doing business will was not helping me out right and it's a a very good interview on this um Channel called popcorn planet where a big celebrity lawyer breaks down Jada's interview on The Breakfast Club and say shout out to pop you said popcorn planet planet okay shout out to popcorn planet we got to check that out they cannot even Sue based on what she did at The Breakfast Club had Jada not went to The Breakfast Club I would have been sued already and just for the record I haven't been sued yet have you been sued by J no nobody's contacted me okay so and let me answer your other question the will the reason will responded the reason why Jada responded because they know it's true Wills never responded and they responded in less than nine hours they did that was a fast response that was a because he know what I saw in that dressing room he know other things that I saw you said it was murder yes yes Dwayne Martin's a serial killer cuz Will's not the only one and we going to get into that later on too since so basically J's interview did two things it it it makes me now me and her at War I'mma I'mma put will to the side will is to the side me and Jada Jada I I will say this because I know you're watching I know Karen tense is watching who's Karen tense that that is her PR person for years okay right I know they're watching Jada you're a Baldhead liar and you're a drug addict right oh God you did not sue me you told the world that you were going to sue me as of yet and you said you're going to do it swiftly it's been over two weeks so Jada I'm giving you two more weeks to sue me if you don't sue me this is what's going to happen all the sex parties right and the people the men that you hit with dildos I'm naming names right all the all the salacious stuff that you done and hurt other people I'm naming names because now what we got to do is we got to force her to say she lied you you assassinate my character you say I extort you well extortion is Criminal like I would be in jail right now if I tried to extort The Smiths if this was an extortion plot so there's a difference between saying something that's civil like I could say different like she's had various um venial diseases right and I'm saying that J has I'm saying that right but I'm going tell you why she's not going to sue me because she know it's true right cuz here's the thing if you sue me Jada soon as you sue me I'm going to counter Sue and then I'm not filing no demurs we going right into Discovery now in Discovery I get to ask you all the questions that I need to ask number one if you try to sue me J I'm first I'mma go about your sexual history right that's number one then number CU I know the men and women that you've been with right then number two we're going to talk about these veneral diseases so now we got a subpoena your medical records right now you know the pinyin and all the other stuff that you took they can get doctors to send them fake medical records listen let let me see even even if they do do that you can't fake the prescriptions you know what I'm saying you can't fake the prescriptions you know then it it's so many things in Discovery that she don't want to come out I'm going to ask in Discovery also about Will and Dwayne have you ever seen them intimate together touch kiss whatever she listen she did all this to make sure to try to scare me but I fear no one but Allah J I'm listen in two weeks if you don't sue me in two weeks if Tasha K will have me I'm back here and I'm dropping evidence period so you better so we're going to get a part three oh it's going to definitely be a part three wow there going to I'm calling Jade once again Jada this is like Dune and dune two and d three or Mad Max she looks like she could be a part of madx J you said you were going to sue me you said I extorted you you said as a money Shakedown you said a lot of things about me to get other networks or other podcasters bloggers scared to for me to come on because they think they're going to be sued well Tasha wasn't sued and I wasn't sued so you got two weeks to to issue an apology because me and will situation were about business and I want you to sue if not J I'mma sue you I'mma sue you because you know that you're a liar and you know that the things that you said were untrue let's get into a little bit more of it okay so so they were in business with TMZ period so TMZ tried to act like I didn't know well not har yeah yeah so so and let me tell you what happened you know I got my phone okay so they were saying uh people were saying oh this guy uh they don't know if he's associated with the Smiths and all that kind of stuff so I reach out to TMZ a guy named Brandon calls me back texts me back from a 310 number I said why are y'all reporting that y'all don't know if I'm connected with the Smiths I can prove that I work for will I can prove that me and Will are good friends if you look at his first album cover my name is on it you look at getting jiggy my name is on it you look at all of us where the murder scene happened I'm in the episode of all of us with Dwayne Martin and I played a character called crazy Leroy right the first video that J directed on will was called so fresh with a Slick Rick Biz Mary I'm the feature in there I'm the guy dancing around acting all silly I'm in this stuff so how can you not say um I'm in Ali if you go to IMDb and and it'll show Will's assistant you know it'll have my name on there so my thing is to TMZ how can you print that you don't know I'm connected to will I I text them say hey let me show you TMZ that I'm connected to will I can send you financial statements I can send you contract well we put it in the trailer that but now now let your listeners go to TMZ um and and look at what they wrote about me it's unw like I'm not connected to the Smiths we don't know if this guy's connected to the Smith then I have the textes from them saying I'll send you whatever you need so now TMZ is compromised so I can't never believe anything that they say but I'm you got to imagine I'm fighting a conglomerate Jada has paid people I know to say negative things about me um I had a bunch of interviews set up right and all of a sudden they said B I can't do it because we may get sued and I'm like Jada ain't even suing me so that's why my attack is on her now right because at the end of the day J is a Baldhead lion dope them period That's where what she is I can verify thehead part right and and and the liar the whole world knows she's a liar and let's talk about the dop so Jada has self- admitted to use an ecstasy in other which are illegal who got them drugs for her who got the Ecstasy that in all these interviews she she say she used ecstasy addicted to porn so you're trying to tell me that's criminal you're buying or sending someone to buy illegal drugs but when you got this type of money ain't nobody coming you say you addicted to all forms of porn men women beastiality all this stuff she said beastiality oh oh good I didn't know nothing about that listen let me say something to you all you got to do I know she said she had a sex addiction no no she also that she was addicted to pouring so this is out this is from her own cuz PE see what I do is I'm going to connect the dots with people so now they can go and see oh yeah then also sheara claimed to be an alcoholic right so yeah so she said she passed out I think it was on Nutty Professor or something CU she was smoking weed and drinking too much in the drugs so this is a dope thing her mother was a dope thing right so you we we got to look at the behavior of the dope theme right this is what we're looking at so when you like why haven't you sue listen here's my thing Jada why haven't you sued that's all you told the world that you were going to sue me you told the world that you know bad things about me that I try to Shake You Down why am I not in jail for if this is the second Shakedown why am I not in jail but you guys have been in court though yes we have so no we haven't been in court so let's expl mediation we have been in mediation through lawyers even before the interview came out yes oh without question without question so she knew that you were going to be doing a possible tell all yes she knew it she knew it she knew it how far in advance did she know before you started doing your cuz I think comedy height was your first interview right so um so let me explain to you what let's give the the the good backstory so like I told you everybody know Hollywood's no secret Jada hates me and I dislike her um Jada had a company called Hey humans okay right she so soap and some flimsy deodorant and toothpaste that didn't taste good so Jada came to me and through her people and said um J needs you to help her with hey humans I'm like okay no problem so I go up there I meet with her manager they give me all this stuff and ask me you know what I got coming up so I say hey I'm doing this celebrities Golf Classic I'm doing this gifting Suite they said put J's stuff in there I said okay no no problem so I said well let me look at everything and how I want to do it I shot a beautiful commercial and and we can put that in this video um of her product right um I put it in the gift boxes I made gift the gift boxes that I did for other celebrities I included hey humans inside of the Box okay so they're getting re below this is good this is great right I said well is there any financial compensation right for me doing it from me helping Jada's company hey humans is is there any financial compensation and the message from J was um and and once again I hate to curse but [ __ ] you done been on private jets with us you done ate our food at our house I'm not giving you [ __ ] so you're extorting me Jada you're the extortionist I can prove on this show we're GNA prove that I was promoting your product there was no way I got the product how did I get the high Imaging resolution of your logo right all these things that are necessary for me to put you into these gifting Sues and things that I'm creating came from your people I have the emails to Texas and when I ask for money you tell me I ain't getting [ __ ] so you pimping me now so not only not I hate to cut you off here but I hold that thought I'm I'm going back in time for you know August Alena's family reached out to me they gave me the drop on the relationship when he came out and did his inter matter of fact before he even did that he made a song and he blasted J for being somewhat of a of a snake she she's a wicked listen I'm I'm even going to take it a step further cuz I want her to sue me but everything I'm saying is true you want her to S oh my God Jada [ __ ] her son's friend but that's not the only friend she [ __ ] well August Alena was cool with Jaden how old was Jaden at the time I'm not sure what their ages because I'm trying to figure out why jayen wanted to leave his parents at 15 when he said he wanted to be emancipated we going we going to get into that in the book that's the that's see here's the thing people was saying be why you giving away so much information I got 38 years of information I know that's what I'm saying like here for receipts but I I just wanted that one right right um well I see here's the thing I just want to stick to the receipts because and I want to stick to coming at Jada because I want Jada to try to Sue I want people to see and her to see I'm not stopping right like I know your business I got pictures I got videos I got a lot of stuff Jada and at the end of the day it's coming out and other people are going to get hurt because you want to be a narcissist you want to come at me in Islam you got to come with receipts period see here's what people don't understand I had to talk to the emam about a lot of the things that was said in the interview I had to present receipts right when I called um Charlie Mack the rat uh and in federal informant I had to have receipts when I talked about Charlie um what he did to Meek Mills was one of the worst crimes in hip hop history right it's like I had to produce the receipts which I have so now I have permission to talk about things okay right I can't sit down with the imams and the shakes and say hey this is my position based on I'm mad at somebody no this is a position I have to have receipts so I can have support you you know what I'm saying so this this thing is deeper deeper deeper it might sound like as a hate for Jada when I call her a dope thing say she had multiple um veneral diseases right all these but they're true and the only way to get them out is for her to sue me or me to sue her period but she said she was going to do that Jada where's the lawsuit where is the lawsuit period that's that's only thing you went to the public saying you were going to sue me you said I did egregious things which I didn't do and two weeks later you still haven't sued me once again and and then also Jada let's just do a liw detector test it's very simple why don't you and I just do a li detector test right or won't you bring back the red table so I can bring all my receipts to the red table however you want to do it because but what you're not going to do is say things about me pay people pay press people not to run my story that's what you're not going to do I the truth will be heard and that's where we and that's where we are period okay we got a lot that was a lot so okay we got we we got the receipts you came and you showed so legally what have you guys been arguing about was it about the payments that was old for you promoting hey humans and doing the promotional gift boxes for you no I I I knew that I would not be paid for hay humans I know Jada wasn't moved off that but what what I did what I did want to come to show today is that I did the work and I haven't been paid so at the end of the day that speaks for itself and multiple multiple doing these these deals with them kind of off contract because even your word is still a bonding contract yes people don't understand right right right these are your friends for over 30 something years well can I just add one thing Tasha not to cut you off it's it yes your word is your contract but you have to have elements to show that there was a contract so by them seeing sending me the hey humans logo right by them seeing sending me hey humans product an email saying okay I'mma do XYZ with this it shows that that that makes the contract you can't just say oh I'mma hook you up right and so forth and so on there there has to be elements to prove a uh what we call a verbal contract but will will has always paid you for all the work that you've done oh an abundance and oh will has put a significant amount of money in my pocket that's why this wouldn't have been a problem with the book when listen Jada comes in and say don't give him nothing my thing with Will was and and even when we're um on my Instagram with that video with will say you you in the book I blew you up we were in the middle of all this stuff but I'm in it with Jada I didn't really have time to talk to will that night right I didn't have time to have that good conversation with will but then the slap happened and I didn't want all this stuff to come out doing this that this would have crushed him during his slap right so um J essentially kept me away from will but will knew what was going on and like Jada runs will period cuz there's nothing that two friends of 38 years a little small business deal right that might be what 10 and something thousand 190,000 whatever that amount is right it's two friends can work that out but when you got your narcissist wife and sociopath wife saying oh I'mma crush him I'm gonna kill him this is this is Criminal listen so this is what happened so um course Charlie ma the rat hits me and say hey J wants and will wants to talk to you now we're going through all this with the mediation the lawyers everything right this is before the interviews yeah this is be way before the interviews right okay so I'm I'm at the position like okay so this is how I have to talk to I gotta get with Charlie M theat he's gonna have a special phone boom I get with him he's gon to call Will and Jaden they're going to be on the phone I'm G have a conversation so they so Jada was like look they offer me $110,000 that doesn't even cover the cost of the boxes this is what Jada this is Jada offering me right um and this was after the mediation this is what they offered me and they started off with 5,000 in the mediation then it went to 10 and I left the mediation right I'm like y'all don't y'all I'm not even trying to do business I brought all these boxes to the me I I showed everything that I needed to show that I did on my end far as our contract was concerned and there's emails supporting everything so she said you're going to take that $10,000 so I'm like no I'm not going to take the $10,000 then she says well I'mma [ __ ] Crush you if you don't take the money because if you don't take this money now you could sue now if I would have took the money at the mediation it puts me in a position where I can't sue them so then she was like uh I don't know what you trying to do I don't know who you think you [ __ ] with but i k you this is J on the phone I said well are you going to allow Jada to speak to me this way he said you heard what my wife said that's when I know me and will wasn't friends that and he had already been acting shady because of J but I just kept everything Jo like I know what he's going through I know what he's going through so right then and then when this lady is crushing my business right when this lady is making me work for free and all these things to me you supposed to be my friend for 38 years and you can't even say Jada just let him be I would have took no money just leave me alone right well I ain't got to never talk to you again yeah she got you tied up in court she right right right mediation right so it's just like you know at the end of the day I'll take the 5,000 will you ain't got never talk to me again Jada you ain't never got to talk to me again you was willing to never talk to will again yes yeah because she had people don't understand it's just like I'm swe like she controls this man Jada controls will in a way that you okay let me let me just take a beat so there's a viral video that's going around and and this is no shot at will okay there's a viral video going around with a a gentleman rubbing uh massaging will with his thing his his junk on his back right and is that the the only a man knows what a man needs that that that video okay that is a man that's a man hey the pressure changed to Y only a man knows what a man needs so the the the guy who's giving Will the massage is Jada Pink's brother his name is Caleb okay right so and of course you look at that video and it almost seems sexual it doesn't seem like just a regular massage right so how do I say this um Caleb's going through a divorce right now right and bottom line is Caleb and Will are [ __ ] and this is Jada's brother her blood brother who's massaging on will taking these trips with will she every real dude that will had around him has been removed and replaced with Jada's family and friends right so you will of old is not the will of now so I'm it's like this don't even need for us to be friends but now then on the other side they were all together throwing Thanksgiving now I'm going tell you the power of this internet with over a billion Impressions my understanding that will is now thinking about coming out as bisexual them knowing all the information that I have will is thinking about becoming uh making a statement of him being bisexual how'd you find that out because there are people around that hate Jada there are people there are so many people in the circle that hate that the way she treats people is like trash so when you always hear there's a source you always hear from a lot of big news those are the sources those are the people that's surr that's like yo this chick is crazy and I hope will does come out as by I hope will admits to beating J right and seek forgiveness for that because it's there's no reason to beat her right I don't condone that you sound like you want to beat her though no I I I I I I I want I it's not funny domestic violence is not funny it's nothing funny yeah it's it's it's nothing funny about it but this is how this is where Victory comes like this is where my vict ictory come because sometime words hurt more than fists so do you feel like if Will comes out J won't have this power over him anymore she'll have a little bit of power but see here's the thing and this is why I don't talk about my book much the things that happen with them to in Scientology keeps them bonded because we got to look at sexual assaults and a bunch of other things that happen sexual assault yeah so so basically if you look at and see I don't really want to get into this cuz now I'm going have another enemy with the Church of Scientology I'm have somebody else trying to kill me you understand what I'm saying but I I I will say just look at Danny Masterson's trial and how he was raping women inside of Scientology and doing just all kind of lud and lascivious acts on on women but inside the church of Scientology you're not allowed to report to the police everything has to happen in internally right so I don't want to get too deep into it but if you just look at the celebrities who who in Scientology if if you commit a crime then everything the judge is inward it's not outward so you don't you're not supposed to report to the police everything you're supposed to report to the hierarchs and Scientology and Will and Jada were in Scientology for a number of years and opened the school right that's the book that's that's the book and I'm telling you you're going to need Kleenex and a puke bucket when you read the book about their acts and Scientology I'mma I'mma leave that there so will would just this information like is it the circle that's talking or is it will talking directly to you is it J talking to you is it the kids talking to you like there a lot of information like I have people around me and Lord knows I don't do any of this kind of stuff but I I don't talk to people and it's not because I don't trust people I don't have [ __ ] going on so it's kind of like 38 years like this is this man's whole life and This Woman's damn near whole marriage and it seems like you have it not Jada but you have it in the palm of your hands like you yeah yeah well well well well we got we got to look at this too so when she was dealing with so there were two separ and J were two the time was de with Mar and this is from J not me J and was separated five years around that stuff with Mark Anthony her her [ __ ] Mark Anthony right then this recent Rel Revelation that they have been separated for almost seven years so that's 12 years this is what I want people to see so Jad and will have been separated in their marriage 12 years are you trying to tell me that will has been celibate during these stages okay so okay there was a little girl I used to see with him on all his trips okay and then there was a guy with like gray dreads okay what happened on that balcony you said we could talk about that see see what I don't want to see here's my thing Tasha what I don't want to do is make this a will bashing right because that's not bash I just want to know what the hell happened on that balcony so this is what I'll say to you I'm going to play a video today okay um where will is grabbing another man's penis right um playing with his nipple and trying to put his finger up his butt [Music] right I'm playing the video because of Jada saying she made another statement to TMZ that oh will doesn't like men or any of that well why is he out here grabbing men penises this is what see see all this is now my war is with Jada now will is helpless to the side will is going to do whatever Jada says to do so my fight is with Jade because I I don't see if you really love this woman right and she really loves you why are you're not going to break your celebrity and say come out like will you and I need to talk but you send your husband I mean your wife Jada to do all the Talking you said husband you know what I'm saying so the separated husband so it's like it's it's it's sad because I don't want to bash will but will what you let J do to me is unforgivable as a friend this is UN if he called you today and was like yo I want to fix this okay would you do it cuz you just said it was Unforgivable so so I can I can forgive but it's still unforgivable like how how how do so you still going full-fledged with the book every I'm going full-fledge with everything because like if you leave Jada you my you cuz I know you're going to be back to the morals and principles that you stood on when you leave and I'm going to help you leave Jada cuz the stuff that I'm going to put out you're GNA because now you don't she doesn't have nothing to hold over you will see that's the thing right now it's like oh I I know what I did here I know what I did here so Jada is playing that then even if he wanted to leave there's a half billion dollars in limbo right it's like okay well when is the opportune time to leave right there's no pre it's it it's complicated when you when you got this type of money and power involved it's complicated the day will leaves Jada we're back best friends well she said during her recent interview with drewberry Moore and she looked like a warlock she had on all that black and her head looked like a skull it was just it was real demonic it was it it wasn't given soft Jada um she said that her and Will are staying together forever she said that okay so let me get back to will again just one thing about Will and this is another reason I can't forget him this a really lymy story so give me a sec ahead so another business deal so ironically on Jada's birthday they had a skap party at the house will requested that I come me and will had a two-hour conversation um at the time I was dealing with a company called zeni Optical they're like one of the world's biggest online glasses retailers to the point they do about maybe $400 million a year just selling glasses online this was one of my clients just to give some type of insight so these people at Zen Optical said you're reach to reach so many celebrities and influencers are amazing let us create a eyewear line around be opulent right now this is this massive company so I say okay let's do it now I make a well as um I do a lot of gemstone jewelry highend so like if you go to my website you'll see amazing gemstone jewelry on there that you is that something yeah like like like this one is cuz I was going to say that's real nice yeah no that's what I'm saying it's like you know we talking about maybe $100,000 like we're talking about diamonds with egg drops in them all um all high quality black diamonds I do then also I do watches with Arabic numbers on them called Abdul Salam this one doesn't have the Arabic numbers on it but you see it's my name on it Abdul Salam right so this is just stuff that I do just out of black genius right so they say we if you can give the glasses away with the jury that you sell to the celebrities this would be amazing so all right we enter into a deal we're working on that deal um will was like hey what are you working on I said hey I'm working with this company zeni Optical we're about to do this big deal I said well like I'm going to be a millionaire like this is what we're talking about and I'm and I'm like I need you to help me like what to do with the money because of course in our life made a million dollars but when you have a million dollars that you saved you need advice on how to work that million do so he was like I'll do more than that he said I'mma post the glasses for you I said well stop [ __ ] around and I said it like that he said no I got you be I I want to see you blow up I I I want to see you be that millionaire so I said well I'm about to call a company and let them know that you said that you would post so so he said okay um then I said let me just wait he invited me to his birthday a few like almost like a week later is that the skating party um no this was a so Jay and will birthday are very close Okay so he he had a birthday party at the movie theater in kab basses and we watched King Richard right so I see him at the his birthday party and got pictures everything so he says b or when are you going to get me the glasses yeah I was like when when are you going to get me the glasses right I was like oh will is real about this he said send everything to F and I'll take a picture and I'll post it just tell me what the tag okay so I get in touch with Fen who's Jada's friend for 40 years right so I'm like damn why didn't he put me with this person but once again he told me to get with for so I sent every so for we got emails text messages all that kind of stuff stuff where I'm sending her the glasses for her to pick out for will so will um so she picks out a number of glasses for will I send them to Miami because will is in Miami finishing the book right I got the receipt from the FedEx with her name on it the hotel that they were staying at in in Miami everything so it gets there I asked her did she receive the package she told me yes then I asked her did you get will the glasses she said no I said well Fawn um Will said he wanted the glasses are you going to give them to him she said no J told me don't give them to him so of course I already told this company that will is gonna post right okay so that was one thing so will you know I'm out there with this company now right now will is dark he he's not saying anything so that's another thing that's unforgivable right like why would you do that to me and put me in that position will because J because Jada says no like are you a man like we're talking as men if me and you talking as men then our word is our bond and in Islam that's something that we say our word is our bond so if I say hey Tasha I'm gonna come back and do this second interview I'm not going to to do another interview until I do this interview with you if I give you my word that's my word in my body and means so go with the I'm all these other celebrities to come to the right and we I told you about Ken Herz who's world's lawyer who's a who who's a racist who hates Muslims and doesn't allow will to to help our people like that was my thing like my argument with with uh Ken Herz when we called me on the phone and I I told him listen man you know I our people are being persecuted right and you having an influence over will you don't do nothing about back lives matter y'all don't allow will to put other black people into movies right to to give that next Generation that spark because that's what we need that's why we're feeling because the Paton is not being passed so this is something greater than Jada just hating it's like you're stopping other black people from becoming millionaires right you're stopping other people from being that next Willi there needs to be a next Will Smith right and that way that happens is that someone is groomed someone is saying hey brother we see talent in you let's do that right and all these social injustices that we see these people that control will they not trying to help us they're not trying to say hey will we we need to really jump on this police brutality yo we need to really drop uh jump on to to What's happen his brand is very safe well we can't we're living in a time where we can't be safe yeah he doesn't really get involved in any other yeah but we need to because because the same people that help you get there need your help you understand what I'm saying and me and will have talked about this as well too period see we got to look at where we are as a community and and I'm G get back into the other stuff but just really quick because I I don't want people to think I'm some reverend in preaching but even myself no matter what I do I got to help other brothers and sisters with something there's something that I have to do to pass up a time to somebody else or to help somebody else come up that we see that's deserving of that opportunity and Jada isn't Jada and people like Ken Herz Will's lawyer they're not allowing that and Will's lawyer and like I said he's a racist like we talking about oh yeah I know you Muslim no I'm a Muslim like I check these dudes I'm checking them you understand what I'm saying because at the end of the day these people will try to disrespect you they don't like our people the only thing they like about will is the money period Peri if if if Will fell off today or tomorrow and unbankable guess what they're G they're not your friends so we got to build weth wealth within our community because all these things that you see me do making jewelry the the product placement the watches all this stuff I'm doing for self this is what I was taught we got to do for self so now I'm back to zeny um zeni and talking about racist I feel that zeni Optical are racist because what we find out is we're supposed to I curated all these gift boxes right um for zeni we did a big launch I got major celebrities I'm talking about Julius Irving I'm talking about Ken griffy Jr I mean just a lot of big celebrities icons that was supporting me with the glasses and they told me well we're not going to do your line con Ru to the website after you made that promise meaning that you can have the line but we're not going to sell it on our website so you mean I got all these celebrities to support me to post and all this stuff and you're telling me I did that in vain right so I said okay here's another thing that same can hurt so I'm going through it with Z Optical now right Ken Herz allegedly call zeny and says hey I represent will Kiki Palmer a bunch of other people we're like to do business with you guys but we hear you got this guy named brother Bal that's you know y'all have some type of deal with and if he's doing business with y'all we don't want to do business with y'all so zeny cancels my contract and Kiki Palmer does a deal with Zen Optical and Will's lawyer Ken Herz is the lawyer who did the deal if you look at Kiki Paraline on zeni optical is all my stuff but switch to hers this is this is this is how they blackball you and right now I'm in a big lawsuit with Zin Optical right and and you can post the the uh the the the numbers of the case so people can look in where about the S uh subpoena about 30 celebrities to come in and Court about this this is going to be crazy all because Will's laer and Jada want to try to go behind my back and just start slicing the way that I make money going to my clients and slicing me out so this I mean it's going to be groundbreaking what's about to happen and and this is going to happen in the legal system so when these celebrities get these subpoenas like oh why are we call Jada and call hurts this man we we about to shake the world up Tasha there's a lot of information and I'm not even gonna make this video long I'm about to get off and once again Jada you got two weeks if you don't sue me in two weeks I'm coming for you period I'm coming I'm going to sue and I'mma drop more evidence of who you really are and it's going to disturb the world who she really is Tasha I thank you again for having me um if you'll have me back in the two weeks I I I think that's appropriate to give Jada enough time to either recant her statements to apologize to me to say that I did not Shake will down I did not Shake um her down and this that this was business this was through lawyers this was mediation I I need her to admit all the people that she paid money to and or told to discredit me in the media well guess what they're going in two weeks yall going to eat your words because I'm coming with more and more and more evidence of everything that I say and once again I said she's a Baldhead lion dope thing meaning she's still using drugs period and she still has that sex addiction and that it wasn't just a Alena who Jaden friend that she [ __ ] she also [ __ ] other kids um of friends of jadon's of course you know 18 or whatever the case may be but they kids to us so you so this this is was that why Jaden wanted to be emancipated from his family Hey listen I got like I said two weeks I'm not here to oh no you got to leave me with something listen I left you with listen I'm you people are seeing things and getting evidence of things that they never thought exist it right I'm leaving I'm like I say if you'll have me back in two weeks it's going to be fireworks it's going to be so if she if she does apologize then we don't get it well no no because I I I gotta for me at the end of the day so are you going to do the book oh I'm definitely doing the book oh the book is coming oh I'm coming to you first soon as we ready we're we're looking at a February release date but the things are so powerful in the book that they going to try to kill me no speak no no I'm not listen I said try listen we we got to be real right I'm fighting I'm fighting conglomerates right now I'm fighting conglomerates you don't have this information and don't think they're trying to save these conglomerates when I look at um uh some of the comments they oh this guy better be safe oh he got oh yeah I'm not living out of the country because I want to I'm living out of the country to protect myself because I know I have the information there's no way that Will and Jada will the mighty Will Smith comes out in five hours after something is post it to refudiate it J's on a breakfast club the next day powerful people calling my phone be please end this beging me be please stop we know what you have we know what you no I want her to tell the people that she's a liar and that she lied on my name period you do that the book still coming out but no more interviews if she if she admit that she lied and what I said is true then we good if not it's going to be it's going to be a holy war in two weeks it's going to be a holy war because if you think I'm leaving you stuff now did you see what um uh kiss said on my platform who's I'm not sure the porn star Kesha Javis no no I did she said that um cuz we went out to LA to uh talk with her and she said that um you she was dating Tupac at the time okay when he died before he died it was like a year before he died on and off okay he was with this fiance Kesha okay and I said Lord knows that uh uh uh uh Tupac's Widow Jada is going to lose her [ __ ] when she hears this and she said no because Jada used to frequent the gay club called the catch with MC light well there's another one called peanuts that she used to go to in La it's called peanuts and she said that her and MC light were sleeping together J got two weeks and then I'll answer all your questions any question that you ask me will not be off limits long as it's related to Jada so you're done on will I'm done on will okay I'm I'm I'm I'm done on will so you don't want to apologize to will for no no will needs to apologize to me he he he he know what he did to me but here's the problem you got to take off if I'm fighting three people right I got to knock out the toughest one and right now Dwayne Martin's not tough Will's not tough has he contacted you his people Dwayne Martin come on man like listen let me say something to you man it's it it it's it's fluid like I say this situation is fluid I my War has to be with Jada because she's the ring leader once you get the ring leader every once you knock out the big person everybody else fall into submission so my mission now is to knock out Jada my my mission now is to show Jada who the who who she really is and then will might see this and say you know what I can leave she's defeatable people are not concerned about me being gay you already said that I I I I I beat the [ __ ] out of before I didn't get a lot of blowback on that now now all these things are making will think now you got to look at it so this could be a blessing for will I mean he just did Thanksgiving pictures and he was kissing the top of her head listen when you got money you can make anything look like it what all this time we thought they were together I'mma need you to stop I'm going need you to shut the [ __ ] up okay oh oh [ __ ] so you see where we at so once again if you'll have me back in two weeks it's going to be fireworks I'm coming with evidence on a lot of stuff and and some people may get thrown under the bus but y'all gotta look at Jada for that because she knows that she lied on me all right I'mma take your word for it in the platform going to take your word for listen did I come back to you you did came back okay and I and I didn't get paid not looking to get paid that's and I just got I always just say that I ain't got it to give it to you if I had it you get some nice accommodations though damn we can do that now we make sure you sleep good sh and eat good oh goodness listen listen quiet quiet on the set but we just take care of our people oh listen first listen I just want to thank you too for allowing me back and just your treatment of just people and and and your staff is just as for you you make people want to come back thank you you make you and your team not let me not just say you you and your team make people want to come back they are amazing people yeah yes just just good people so let me just say it one more time live detective test I I challenge you Jada to a allow detective Test Plus will and and D Wayne too right then also Dwayne say he a got no comment about okay well he could take a lot of you don't have to talk for he said he he ain't got no he said what he got to do with this conversation okay so we J can bring the red table talk back okay I can bring my evidence and we can have a conversation there or we can just have a war in the media because that's what's going to happen and if you don't sue me I'm gonna sue you so I'm telling the world now I'll be a liar if I don't sue her and I got to put will in it and I need everybody to follow this lawsuit with zeni Optical because these people are racist too we found out even with Zen Optical they were sponsoring Carson Tucker one of the biggest races in the world well it gets deep but I'm I'mma stop it here that's enough to digest and uh well thank you peace and love to everybody all right Bottoms [Music] Up [Music] [Music] n
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Celebrity Gossip, celebrity news, entertainment, celebrity, celebrities, trending, trending news, news, Hollywood, Hollywood news, unwinewithtashak, interview, celebrity interviews, latest news, exposed, celebrity scandals, scandals, online news, trending topics, top stories, exclusive, Hollywood life, storytime, dating, relationships, unwine with tasha k, tashak, tasha k, unwine with tasha k will smith assistant, will & jada, will & jada smith, will and jada suing, brother bilal will smith
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 19sec (3679 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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