Gary Owen Opens Up About His Divorce From Kenya Duke, Falling Out With His Kids, Healing + More

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wake that ass up in the morning the breakfast club morning everybody it's dj mv angela yee charlemagne the guy we are the breakfast club we got a special guest in the building who's come as himself today what do you mean because remember last time he came at six nine that's a long time ago that was so long then he came to somebody else before him alone but that was a long time ago and this last time we seen him no it's not just he's been up here either once since then yeah all right well yeah once ladies and gentlemen thank you i think i came what did i come last time uh married just kidding married married oh yeah yeah yeah yeah you were married that was a costume that was a costume is that what you're saying gary wow wow i'm kidding kidding i don't want to start well i mean we were going to say ask how you were doing but she was good i was asking it before i got here like how much longer are you here oh my gosh um i'm not absolutely sure the date but they said fall so in the fall sometimes i feel like you said that to a black woman before in your life but doesn't have a date i quit but not today well you know what they gotta find they gotta find replacements so that takes a little time i gotta find my co-host so that's gonna be in the next two months though yeah in order for us to throw that out there we have to announce it i think it's better you just weren't here you shut up where's the engine awesome boom got a new show like easter eggs like easter egg when she got married like nobody knew and it was just married yeah do you know what i mean is it how you're going to go about your life from now on you know it so let's get into it what the what do you think happened well according to bet last year good job your wife at the time kenya duke was slamming a woman she believed to be your mistress she said you definitely know who i am you didn't care at gary on comedy was is married and you don't seem to care he still hasn't seen his kids which is weird because you are a baby mama you read it like it with the attitude that was the first that was like the fourth thing that came out right that was the first that was a good one though you know why because me and duvall and carlos miller we always say black men don't cheat because we don't you know so you was out here doing that and you know you're proving us right like no don't cheat but hey he's gracious and you spent a lot of money too on the mistress because i saw that was part of the story what is the did you cheat did you have a mystery here's the thing okay no good marriage ever ended because of cheating i'll put it that way no good marriage ever ended because of cheating bad marriages have but no good marriage now that's debatable but that's a great talking point gary that's a good like that could start a great conversation but also like i i left this whole narrative was like she left me because i got caught cheating correct i left really i file first i made the phone call saying i don't want to be divorced i don't want to be married so i want a divorce so when everything came out i just stayed quiet but this whole narrative was i got caught out there she left me that's not what happened okay i thought she filed for divorce no i filed first of course she filed after me wasn't working you just you can get in all kinds of reasons but the end of the day is you're unhappy and then you you sit here and you you stay in it for the kids and everything else and then you're like god i'm miserable and it's weird because you feel selfish for choosing your own happiness it's weird how that happens because women always say if you're going to be out there and you're going to be doing dirt and do this to this leave mm-hmm that's what it did that's what i did did you try to make it work at least we yeah a couple times like i there was a i left a couple times we were together 23 years there were a couple times that i left but nobody knew wow but this last time was just like i'm just just unhappy so how was it filming a show a reality show yeah the reality said were you guys okay then or were you like i'm gonna try to stick it through no we weren't we were in a good place during the reality show but it was it was after that i left once after that and then i left again this last time i just went i'm just i'm i'm miserable so how should we why should we believe you she said you're a lying narcissist gary isn't that the go-to though the narcissist part as soon as a guy leaves he's a narcissist a narcissist would have made a comment you didn't deny the lying no what do you mean you just said the narcissist because you're lying i mean come on now but it's it's that's that's always the go-to the nurses um the one that got me that you read it so much about you like i was reading about myself like dang this dude's wild and i was like wait i'm reading by myself the deadbeat yeah because i was i was i was there i was present i liked being a dad i mean there wasn't a time my kids never rode the bus like if i'm home i'm taking them to school picking them up and if not home she's doing it uh going to practice oh whether it's volleyball basketball going to games i didn't miss nothing i didn't miss a birthday you know i remember we were thinking like a man two july third 2013 and i caught we got off at like five i got on the plane so i could make sure i made my daughter's birthday her 11th birthday to make it back i didn't go to sleep wow i mean it's not like i deserve kudos for that that's what you're supposed to do you're a dad yeah so i like being a dad so now to be called a debbie if one you can't be a debbie to adults i've said that before but right now like you can't be a debbie okay they're growing okay okay they're grown yeah yeah you know but um it's also like i haven't talked to them like a year and a half or so your kids yeah you haven't yeah like i just are they mad at you they're they're mad gotcha because i left their mom though so i left their mom so what so for people to say like what happened most marriages right they don't work because of infidelity money uh abuse mental abuse so what was the reason why i didn't work why couldn't y'all hold it together what was the reason you said you weren't happy why weren't you happy guys trump i'm just kidding we played trump for everything [Laughter] no uh i don't know there's a there's a lot of reasons i mean what's important to me is like not to throw her into the bus because it i want my kids and her to still have a good relationship and always have a good relationship so it doesn't mean no good to like get into what she did you know but you know i just do you feel that she's lashing out because her feelings are hurt without question and i know that does that make you feel bad that obviously she's destroyed over this you got been together for 23 years yeah we've got a long long time ago can't be mad at her for feeling that way i'm that's why i don't go in on her i get it i heard it i heard her i i broke up the family dynamic and everything but even when i called i remember when i called i didn't i said hey i'm just not happy i'm i'm gonna file you this over the phone you didn't do it face to face i tried it the first time i tried it face to face okay i'm not doing that again so this one's going over but you guys swung on let's just say i'm not doing that again okay so i was like we just went over the phone so when i called her and we we've talked we talked for like five hours and i thought we were going to keep it quiet we'd just be like and and even she said we were a good example of a married couple let's show how people can get divorced with dignity and everything and then on to what happened tmz got a hold of it and i don't know but you know i i filed in ohio we had two residences we had one in ohio one in california i filed for divorce in ohio she filed in california so i when i found when i saw the tmz my lawyer calls like we think a process server is on the way trying to serve you because that's a big deal how you getting served that's whole story itself me on the run you guys running from the process oh my god i mean he didn't want to get divorced then huh i mean you didn't want to go no i didn't want the divorce of california he founded ohio in ohio she filed in california did you get what half they take half in california or something like that i don't know it's in ohio i don't know i don't want to know but you know the process server well my lawyer called like dude because i remember i was in naples florida it was a friday night i had two shows i get off stage and i'm like ah [ __ ] because i'm getting text messages and everybody send me the links to bet and people and all that i'm like this how'd this happen my lawyer said you got a show i said yeah she goes you gotta cancel it i said what do you mean she was worried you're gonna get served i said what's that i didn't know what a processor was she says no you understand she goes the processor serves you chances are the divorce could go down in california that happens that's what she said california's a 50 50 state which means she can get half of everything for the rest of your life i say say less this show's over crazy screw those 300 people that night in naples florida if you look at my social media i don't make a post for like three months i'll switch my cell number my cell carrier because i'll be watching first 48 they'd be pinging them that's how they catch the killers so how did did they ever catch him no i was on a run bro i was going to really white areas appalachian trail in west virginia i went to montana i went to northern south dakota i mean it was i was randy mall straight cash homie i cancelled all my credit cards i was on the run bro they almost got me in colorado springs almost got me with dave springs no no no no no no no no okay i'm sorry no carlos springs almost got me the guy chased me i said i'm the last special i said i turned into uh morris chestnut from boys in the hood i'm almost chasing me down he tried to throw the papers got caught yeah mars got caught no i didn't i died so all this means you didn't have a prenup no no we didn't have no when we got married yeah i mean still i'm just asking because people who are getting married now there's talk about prenups yeah whether or not you should get one no i think you know does she work yeah i mean she flips houses and she had the travel company and stuff so so what people will say is that you know she sacrificed raising the kids why you had your career she deserves half care we we sacrificed we raised the kids together you know what i mean but if you weren't there because you were on the road you were traveling doing shows people would say well doesn't she deserve she deserves half no no no she don't 23 years that's a long time i've been with my wife for 20 years before that's what i'm getting at i'm not going to say nothing bad about her but you don't know the whole story oh okay yeah even though okay okay i have spoken to them for a year yeah that sucks that ain't gonna lie did you try to call them oh i've done everything i've done everything i have i've i've gone to greensboro because my daughter's at a t knocked on her door she wouldn't answer i just i tried to see her at the airport one time tried to catch her yeah and then you know it's just it is i don't know what to do at this point because i'm like blocked on social media i've gone to every outlet to try to get a hold of my daughter i went to venmo i went to whatsapp and every time i reach out it's like then i'm blocked so it's like dang when you send money no no no venmo just say hi oh god you got you got you got you yeah don't say hi without no money attached to it dad okay but when did that go back because y'all were doing this together like y'all were getting a divorce together you said you had a five-hour conversation you told the kids and then when did it go left with the kids because no we didn't tell the kids we were gonna like wait and like do it together so they had to hear on the line tmz that's how they found out man and then i had to i had to lie to my daughter one time because the processor was coming and i didn't know and she was supposed to come to baltimore after it hit the fan and i was like come to baltimore and we sit down and we just have a weekend together and like we could talk and then i couldn't because i wasn't she wasn't served yet and i wasn't served so i had to tell my daughter i said you can't come because if she's with me and she gets served i'm served so it got like a loving war type deal and it sucked because i had the lighter and be like i had kim i came up with some reason like i don't know if i'm gonna do the show in baltimore but i still i flew her to um arizona to hang out with her cousin because like it's important to be with somebody this weekend so i said go go hang out with your cousin arizona i got it but i had that was that was one thing i lied about i'm not sure you can say he was ducking the process server i don't know what do you mean i don't know if you should get on the radio and admit it's already done though like that's done like we're we're in court right now we're going okay the divorce is happening okay okay it's not it's not final yet mm-hmm but we're still hashing out stuff so it's filed in awareness so no the process servers they're unreal they're unreal man you just make me scared of the process but you don't you don't know who it is and who wasn't because i would never fly into a city i was performing at cause she kind of had a leg up because my schedule's online right yeah when i tell you i stayed in the just got served [Laughter] no one time i was in i would never fly into a city i was going to so once i was in baltimore flew into pittsburgh and drove to baltimore and i stopped at like a bob evans because i was in like an amish country i'm like i'm safe here all right also one black dude walks in i go what's he doing here yo gary i said not today not today he came to me i'm throwing banana bread at the brother gravy he's chasing around bob evidence bro stop chasing me was he the processor no i don't know i ran away from him i don't know did the other white people in the restaurant get scared when they were like what yeah they were like what is going on i ain't that dude today i'm like you didn't scream for help i told my opinion i go start the car start the car i got it like duke boys oh yeah where did it end up ohio ohio okay ohio yeah it took took a lot but we finally got she got she got served before i did and uh you know it's just what do you think is fair um i don't know there's a lot i can't talk about okay still because it's not final but i mean i don't i don't want to say anything because it could be using it against me so you know i think about twelve dollars i feel bad for laughing how did they catch up though how did they catch up uh got her we got her at a panera bread drive-through stop terrible somebody had to drive through like in the drive-through gave it to her blocked in with two cars and then the processor was like it's go time and i was like dude this is not the bourne identity he was with him had to be he was blue no no it was like what she was going there i didn't here's what happened i hired a process server and i paid 24 7 surveillance like this [ __ ] would not come up she would she would not come out the house she was like not coming out there like and the president was like she won't come out nobody will come out i said act like you door dash my son's always ordering food and then she was like david's like drop it at the door i like think we got the ring camera she goes they just say drop it at the door i was like dang it so i had to hire a different person and me and her flew we flew into sacramento and so we don't want to fly into san francisco oakland because we don't know she got a lot of cousins in the bay so we won the sack got to rent a car and drove and i said yo she shops a lot and she grocery shops a lot i said so we pulled into a safeway she was pulling out i said no way and the processor was like should we get her now i said naj we can't we can't block her in we had to follow her for like 20 minutes on the highway and i'm in the back seat hiding because i didn't want to see her in the passenger seats now i'm back and i'll keep ducking up looking up and she goes i think she knows it's a cycle she has no clue come on so we got her she went into panera and she got blocked in and then we got her gary i hope you're telling the truth because man if not you are about to unleash a black woman scone on your ass i ain't saying i'm bad about her but you're saying something you talking period she's gonna have something to say no he never spoke we always heard i know but i'm wondering why now but i never said i'm not and i won't say anything bad about it this is just what happened yeah yeah this happened like she got served at panera bread i did file first nothing i said didn't happen but why why now though like why talk about it now cause it went quiet it was quiet uh i don't know everybody kept telling me like you should tell your side and i'm and honestly it's probably a also this is another effort for my kids to hear it yeah you're gonna hear it true what's the road to you and uh kenya being civil like what do you think has to happen i don't know i think the divorce has to become final first and then then we can start the healing process uh but right now it's like geez as ugly as they can get are you worried about her exposing your n-word tape oh god that's yours that's never been together 23 years that's never happened nebraska [Laughter] stay fam bro with your kids so how do you like because you're the dad so you got to pay for ish so how does that work cause you're paying for college paying for this pay for that be honest i paid for the first year and a half at amt and then my daughter got really upset at me and uh she said i don't want you paying anything else stop but they really mad man they mad mad yeah and so i was just but like the you know we always talk about the betrayal part the stuff that got me was like my circle like i had to completely change it like my my openers they did some dirty stuff with the divorce i was like telling my kids stuff about me and things like that and then my dad was the worst my dad dad oh that that ho back [ __ ] oh my god my dad did the [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] of [ __ ] you gotta edit this out probably right no cousin no this [ __ ] so when uh when the divorce hit the fan the processor my dad kept calling texting man call me call me i got your back did it uh keep mine this is the dad that went around when i was growing up and it kind of came back when i got in tv and movies is where it happens got you this so one of the the weeks i was hiding out i went to sedona with um this girl that i'm seeing right at this point it's not miss side chick this is june we've been set we have been separated since january it hit the fan in march 2021. that's that's who she was probably kenny was probably talking about she's upset yeah yeah about her so um we were in sedona and we went to grand canyon and i took a picture and i sent it to like five six people in my inner circle that letting people know i'm okay keeping people up there where i was my dad was part of that right so my dad i go to cincinnati like in july 4th last year i go to a reds game and i got a sweet and i'm still nobody's been served so i'm still being careful you know so i had to get a sweet cause i didn't want somebody to be like here's peanuts and papers you know what i mean so i uh my dad got wind got mad then i ain't taken to the reds game sends me a voicemail cusses me out and everything that sends me a long text so i don't include him and stuff and he's come to expect this for me and i'm going is he mad about a reds game i called him and we've done this before we cussed each other we got an argument cussed him out he cussed me out i cussed him out hung up this [ __ ] that picture of me and the girl he sent it to my ex wow then that's how she found out that's where that all came from then he posted the picture i sent on his facebook page with the middle finger emoji in front of it then he posted a picture of my ex-wife on his facebook page and said i got you back to this divorce you've always been like a daughter to me i respect him he don't like black people support black women he don't like black people though like this mug is a trumpet he's a trumpet supper like i ain't saying he was at the capitol he's at the monument when they're rushing he made the trip i think he just got cold feet the last minute [ __ ] who does that two-day son though oh that you went around though oh my god to give her like the only thing you did you didn't hurt me you didn't hurt that girl you hurt my ex and you hurt my kids with that that was real you know hurt me you know what i mean so now he's now he's he's you know he's a um he's always posting stuff on his uh uh facebook about what a good mom they got stuff like that i'm like this you [ __ ] like you're not you haven't even been around okay i'll tell you one thing well can you get him some reds tickets you really don't feel it baseball game keem mine [ __ ] never took me to a baseball game growing up yeah now now you is the new woman black and white dude don't worry about that i need to know they're always going to be black why was why was getting mad at claudia jordan i remember when things were hitting the fan and then she was blaming claudia for something that was um so when i when i called and said i wanted the divorce you know you're so worried that your quote unquote pass is going to catch up with you basically right and so that weekend before i was in dallas and uh i use the same trainer every time i go to dallas and claudia introduced me to the trainer it's a female trainer so i guess she went to the trainer's page and saw a picture of me and her that i didn't tell her i took that picture with the trainer keep in mind it's a public place we just took a picture and she just uh i guess she took that and was like i must i must be sleeping with that trainer in dallas which wasn't true and claudia introduced me to the trainer basically so that's how claudia got in the middle of it gotcha but that didn't happen that didn't happen how this process affected just you mentally and emotionally because this can't be easy i know you laughing and joking i'll tell you what though a lot of a lot of people reached out like a lot of dudes that have been through messy divorces in our business you know i'm not gonna name names but i'll keep our conversations private but a lot of a lot of people um but mentally it gets to you sometimes like you be in the car and you just be like the wrong song comes off yeah so yeah it gets taxing at times because you're alone and like i i was there the whole time my kids grew up you know so it's like to to be now to have no like contact with them it's like would you ever tell the kids the real story i know you you said that you wouldn't ever tell the whole story because you don't want to guess make her look bad but it's not looking bad okay it's just like i don't want it's it's not my place really yeah yeah it's not my place she's ready to tell it she can tell it she could tell if she wants to did she cheat on you there's always three sides is she cheating on you i'm not i'm not you know but here's the thing with with the divorce too we always ask what the man did we always do that i was laughing she cheated on you every time there's a divorce happening i was like the man had to do something it's like this we never like say look what what like if it's a bad marriage it's a bad mirror because when i called her and said i want the divorce and i said you know i just i think you're gonna be happier i'm gonna be happier i said i want you because she would say like i need this from you in this room this year i said i couldn't give it to her anymore i just couldn't so i was like i want you to be happy i want you to find somebody else and you know there's no malicious intent on my part i thought that's the route we was going yeah but but you get you know i also knew that you know she was i think it's like as a woman you're like what what didn't i do right and he had to be doing something else you know what i mean but we never asked what the woman do isn't it crazy to have you so in love and never anticipate that things would end this way you know just think about like the earlier days and you think things are forever and we just love each other and then you never expect people to just be at war like this yeah this is a very one-sided war because i'm not really at war i just want to get i want the i want to have a relationship with my kids again obviously because like i had a show in sacramento about a month ago and our oldest my stepson um his aunts came to my show and i got worried so his his aunt's on his real dad's side okay you know and i saw him there was at the meet and greet and i was like oh no i didn't know what was coming at me and i looked at him and they walked up on the stage and i said are you mad at me and they said no we can everybody you took care of our emilio like so they acknowledge like oh do all whatever whatever like you know they was like they saw the bigger picture like oh you basically raised the kid that wasn't yours mm-hmm you know what i mean and now he's he's he's cool probably society during that time how did you make money because you were on the road you weren't doing shows you were hiding and ducking but you still had two mortgages you still have to pay for the paper thing like how did you keep the money coming in yeah we saw those numbers no i was i was still on on the road i was just careful right now i would tell the clubs i call it club and i look i ain't been served i need to secure like we would have security like in the front almost like plants like undercover cops i said i need i need one of your security guys in the front if anybody gets up they cannot come towards the stage baltimore had like a plastic hockey thing around it the baltimore county like really i felt like i was playing for the uh the rangers you were preparing for comedians getting attacked long before chappelle and chris yeah yeah because there was one time uh one time in baltimore uh somebody tried to give my opener uh a manila envelope he goes yeah i got this show in pittsburgh for gary i was like that's not how we do things and he came in the back and he's like yo this guy said you can't accept anything you you just kissing the lobby pumping his social media and everything so you can't accept nothing because you accept something i can be served so that could have been another instance i don't know you don't know who's the product them them dudes are tricky they could even call the springs he almost got me bro almost but we're good now go ahead the portrayal part's the the the worst why do you keep saying betrayal like what is it my dudes man like all your people around you whatever with your opening comedians yo they just think they dirty man that's dirty you don't tell like no matter what happens you don't ever go to some dude's family and talk smack about especially dude put money in your pocket right so to to go to my kids and everything and talk [ __ ] about me i'm like and telling them stuff like why would you tell them that you know what i mean so i just how was yo how's your uh your youngest she's 20. she's 20. okay she's at she's at uh a and t in greensboro you missed you missed the 21st birthday of the other ones those those monumental yeah i never missed a birthday and then these last i missed the last two for both geez and i'm hoping that that gets better yeah that's why when someone said why are you coming on i go well eventually i was gonna have to talk anyways i mean you don't have to but eventually you know you gotta you gotta address the elephant in the room i did in my special a little bit i was gonna ask you that how does this play into your stand-up now i've heard when marlon williams was up here he said anything can be funny but how do you turn this into material at all oh no it's funny like you can turn funny you don't have to you don't have to you don't have to make it about her and what she did to make her just be some evil person but you can make anything funny i kind of addressed it in my last special a little bit but uh the new one i'll hopefully it'll be final by then and then i can just talk and it's not even about her it's about me what was i feeling what was i going through why did i do what i did and where i'm at now with with with my life are you nervous about your black fan base especially women black women nah they're good they're rocking with you yeah because when i it was funny too i was in some city and i was in my hotel for like eight days straight and you're just reading the internet and you're just like you go crazy doing that yeah you gotta stop that guy but there's nothing else to do like you're like you're just in your room and i can only watch so much tv so you just you're and it's funny because the blog sites that i read i keep popping up i go ah wake up like again something else so it starts to mess with your psyche a little bit and then um somebody called me and made sense of they said your talent is not gonna allow you to go broke they said that to me and i said i need to hear that and then i was in a i was on stage when the first time i got on stage after [ __ ] hit the fan and this lady in the back i'm like 45 minutes in my eyes she goes i love you little cheating ass and i go you don't know how about i need to hear that not that words but just the fact that she's like we don't care well did you cheat gary that's the thing everybody wants to know that i i won't there's kenya will let us know since you don't want to tell her she'll let us know yeah according to mary according to her yes yeah yeah but if you did you did huh if you did you did it's you know the same i'm sad that you did but you know i'm i'm going back when you if you're just so unhappy in a marriage you're just like oh i can't keep i can't keep doing this yeah and it's bad as a dude because you're in there for the kid you're trying to be there for them but then you're just like i can't do it anymore he was already emotionally mentally disconnected completely checked out completely like he was just like your roommates yeah and i was like i can't i just can't do it anymore now did i think it would be this bad with the kids no did i think it would be bad this bad with her yes i was i was mentally prepared for her because you're kind of blowing up the spot a little bit you know you're coming in going i don't want to be married anymore and i think i can't speak for her but i think women are like oh why wasn't i good enough you know what i mean yeah i'm just trying to figure out like with the kids like he was there so the fact that you're with your daughter like can you imagine your daughter not talking to you ever again yeah cause that's your daughter your daughter probably hates how you did mom and but you should still would talk to you because she still would want to get both sides she still want to have a conversation she still want to have that relationship yeah but she don't want to hear that even if even if what you said it makes perfect sense like you're emotionally mentally disconnected but kid nobody still wants to hit it you know that's true like still working out with mom yeah because you want you want the you know and i and you know in my daughter's eyes and my son's eyes it's like uh you you did her wrong you know how could you do that to her blah blah blah i'm just going can we i and my thing is to sit on my kids i don't want to talk i want to listen i want to hear how they felt when it happened how do you feel about me now and then we could i think also what really hurt them the most probably is finding out through tmz yeah that's daddy because you you go to school you with your classmates and then all of a sudden it's bang and it's like and it got it got dropped on like friday night like i'm sure my daughter was out with her friends and stuff like that my son i was just like this oh friday night not like tuesday morning do you think you sabotaged your the marriage on purpose because you were ready to be out so it's like you know what catch me i don't care uh i mean there's there's some validity to that uh i don't think that was my mindset i just think it was more like i just i couldn't i just couldn't do it anymore and i think with with her with me filing first her betrayal was how so you playing this that's that was her thing like you planned this you went and got a lawyer and you had you've been you've been like leading me on and you knew this was coming but i was like in my mind i was like i i had to do that that's how divorce works you get the lord you got to protect yourself and then you call and you hope you know work it out but because it was it was odd when it was like you're reading all these people going i'm glad she left that dusty white devil you know what i mean i was like this she didn't know you know i left first you're not denying you a dusty white devil you always miss the key words so you don't think you'll ever be even cool again i do one day like i can laugh about like i my part in the divorce i can own it with her i'll keep that between us and everything but also her part in it like i i eventually i'll be able to laugh about it i know i know i'm not really malicious like that i'm not i don't have malicious bones in my body to like except for my dad so listen if i'm not i'm not saying she did but if she did cheat on you would they get back for what you were doing because the male ego is very fragile we condition we can't take it unless you're unless you're emotionally checked out unless you're emotionally checked out then then i think that's like you and this is one thing too if you if you're with a woman and even the thought of her cheating doesn't affect you yeah you should probably get out i agree with you you should probably get out like it wouldn't have like if she would have came to me at the point when i filed if she would occasionally be like well i'm seeing somebody else i'd have been like good yeah you know what i mean like good yeah that way you're you you can focus your energy on him and move on and hopefully he's the right guy for you people don't discuss that enough that what you're talking about just being emotionally disconnected because it's always like like envy was named all those things earlier abuse and cheating sometimes things just run its costs and there wasn't none of that there was no mental physical abuse with me and her or the kids none of that ever happened like it just it just didn't you guys tried therapy we did uh a while back and then but this time the therapy would have been just spinning the wheels like you know i knew i was out i knew it and i just and the thing was i i stayed in it longer than i should have for the kids and i didn't i didn't want to hurt nobody so you're just staying in it and you're coming home going man i don't want to be here i don't want to be here and we had you know we just was like i just didn't want to be there the bad thing is even with your kids they're never going to like your new relationship regardless of how great the woman is they're never going to like it because they're always going to look at that as a disrespect to mom mm-hmm that's going to be a tough thing yeah it could be but how does she feel about it and another black woman too oof yeah how does that is i promise you if it was another race it probably would have been a little she took it a little differently really i think i don't think so i think it'd be worse yeah i don't if he would have left let's say he would have left and he would have left with a white woman and they posted a white woman it makes sense dusty white devil dusty white temple and think about that that's what i'm saying like this but how is a new woman dealing with it how is she dealing with everything because i gotta tell you man i'm keeping everything private i'm not about to go there and why would you trust her though who the new woman what are you talking about i said why would you trust her to keep things quiet you don't have a baby on the way do you no i don't have anything no i don't have twins i'm just kidding i'm saying why would you trust her look man let's focus on let's focus on the past and not the future let's focus on this white devil dusty's past oh man i just want to i guess you know because he was like why did you come on and say it now i go i guess i figured this was the right platform and i knew coming on here like i could really say my piece without being so emotionally um how do you call it separate at this point yeah like i can just speak on the facts and not be like well this is what she was doing and this is how she was feeling i can't speak on that i just told my part i left i wasn't happy i own what i did between us she knows and i don't have to and i don't have to bring up dirt on her talk bad about her it's pointless it doesn't help it's just another thing for the blogs to talk about we actually have kenya on the phone would you like to talk to him do you [ __ ] no no we don't know we do we do have that thing called what's that thing called what's it called eddie fair fair air trade you know when somebody comes up and tells their side so feel free if she wants to come up we have to feel free look feel free and she can air whatever she wants about me you know that's on her yeah i'm not doing that i don't think she would though you know what i mean i don't think she was she got instagram well you're still part of the well she's she's gone in so much like man it was like getting it was like it was like getting a fight with freaking uh tyson fury she's coming like did you ever hit her and like be like could you stop no i never he never no i'm in like texas gary no no no but here's and it sucks because it is love and war like i am literally following the advice of my legal team but they said you can't reach out because it comes up in court yeah anything you do comes up in court so i'm like they said you i know it sucks but you have stuck communication with her it was not the kids oh my gosh april or may of this year last year 2021 like she's text a couple times and stuff like that but as far as me responding it's been a while just because i'm once the divorce is final what i hope is like then i can call her and be like let's sit down and if you got to yell at me yell at me and and get it off your chest about just calling it the reason being because you know who the real winners as y'all attorneys but he can help attorney and her attorney are kicking off yeah that's so whatever they got to do they oh my goodness that i would hate to see that build but i've seen how they do it in court i see how they take your words or something you do and just completely twitch you're like that's that's not what happened that was a joke i said on stage or things like that like god and every every every dime you spend they're bringing up like they they got upset i went to the super bowl i've been waiting bengals my whole life to go to super bowl and they was like he went to the super bowl like i'm tricking off my money on the super bowl they didn't know i made money on the super bowl because i bought uh dwayne wade and gab got the suite at sofi souza bingles went they couldn't go i bought the tickets off duane he said how many you want i said eight give me all eight how about all eight at cost for him so he didn't make no money he didn't lose money i just paid for him so i was able and i and i that's what i wanted i want to take my kids to the super bowl so that's when i flew to greensboro and try to see my daughter it was saturday super bowl sunday and i knocked and she wouldn't answer and i was like i was trying to get her like come on i got a plane let's go and she wouldn't go and then uh so i i took some other people but i sold the unused tickets and made made money off the super bowl basically did wayne wade know this what that you made money off his tickets what are they yours you bought it yeah yeah i bought them but there's a friend he was like but i took i took he's just i took a couple of people into wayne's crew thank you like the the you know you know sean i don't know if you guys know chantal chantelle's and the i took chantelle because she's the one that helped facilitate the deal between me and dwayne and everything yeah roxy tyron chantal yeah so i took yeah yeah so i told her i said i said dude i'm gonna give you two tickets because you helped seal the deal and my kids wasn't going now so i just she went and everything so it was like i made money off super bowls it went like i went and and tricked off i actually made money off those you regret flirting with wendy williams and like telling all your members i met in a public place that's going out still no when you catch your own uber home aunt to and from that's not that's going out guys no he was outside public place i thought it was gonna be with the group so you wouldn't yeah you went out i did not go on a date oh my god i did not want to play you went out gary i did not she publicly asked you out on television then you met her later that day at a restaurant that's going out gary that's a part my thing with this is why wouldn't i why wouldn't i if someone like her you don't like to think of her as a mogul but she is she rolled the dice on her radio show and got her own talk show and everyone's like you crazy you making cake on your radio show and it worked out so why wouldn't i get a chance to go one-on-one and just like how did that work how'd you do that like i'd be stupid we always say like you should always people doing better than you not better than you but people have done stuff that you haven't done in your world like pick their brain would you like to get stuff yeah okay we know you didn't so it was one of them no we there was other people around though in the restaurant there was other people sitting with her got you was you your wife was mad about that though your ex-wife was mad about that i don't know i don't think so nothing happened there she invented she was on instagram she was i think she was more upset of what i said on the interview yeah on wendy you know what i mean so it's it sucks but how much longer you think this is going to go on in court before you finalize things well we got meaty well we finally agreed to mediation so that's coming up that's great and then if we don't if that don't work out we go to we go to trial in october so hopefully before the end of the year it'll be over with mediation's a good sign though i hope that because that's all i want just let's just be fair and let's just move on cause we can't get this time back you know what i mean like definitely awkward because you'll be there by yourself you're doing a walk right by you now speak for the love of your children makes perfect sense to me so what's that fighting for the love of your children makes perfect sense absolutely yeah man that's the weird part because i didn't have the examples i didn't have like my dad went around and then my stepdad was kind of a dick so it was just like i didn't have the examples so as when you become a dad like i didn't know what to do but i knew what not to do so there was no you ain't this i always made sure i i uplifted my kids and spoke highly of them they did you know son got cut from the team it's all right let's get let's go practice stuff like that like i would have coached all his sports teams if i was in town a lot because the community were leaving yeah but there was like you know when i came home i never missed a practice never missed a game none of that stuff i like if i could make a game like there was times like i had a show uh and i if i could make it back to cincinnati for the game i'd fly back and to make it back to my show that night i was in dc i remember one time they i direct flights i had to get back since he went to his game and flew back to make my show just because i wanted to see his game i enjoyed it like i enjoyed going to other stuff the recitals and everything so that's what that's what sucks well i'm really hoping this all works out soon for you absolutely i'm about to sit back and watch the rebuttal rebuttals are going to be amazing from this interview huh the rebuttals from this is going to be able to i didn't say nothing bad you don't have to and you are on tour right that we outside we're outside tour yeah that's coming we we started late september y'all making like three dollars a show no way on that so that's a good life yeah yeah so you know i'm just doing it i'm cheering oh man well gabriel we appreciate you for joining us we might as well since he's here this is the most unfunniest interview i've done here i thought it was hilarious the whole thing i i'm fine this is highly music who's your mount rushmore comedy guy me all four faces bro all four why would i think somebody's funnier than me what i just said me in the 90s i mean the 2020s all versions of me single gary four got married gary mary gary unhappily married and gary divorce those are my four favorite comedians you know what i mean what did you think i was going to say the norm i was going to say the normal yeah dave eddie oh god the richer the mill the normal mount rushmore can we get a different statue huh are they the goats are they i don't know you tell me are they the girls to me chris chris is definitely one of the ghosts i mean dave's a goat dependent i think chris is a stand-up goat dave is a tv stand-up goat um yeah chris and dave eddie yeah i put eddie i mean yeah eddie was the first com santa special i ever saw actually raw when i was a kid i wasn't delirious which one was the first one delirious hilarious i thought it looks like delirious is red the red outfit the raw was the blue outfit my dad let me see delirious when i was a kid raw was the first time a girl hit on me and and french kissed me in between um two uh arcade machines after raw went and saw raw and the theater was empty and we said we were hiding from other people when they saw another movie and like the girl was like three years older than me and all of a sudden she was i was like oh what that was that's that's why i remember i don't remember any any joke i'm raw i do remember getting tongue down yeah yeah i got calling on my mount rushmore carlin's man and i but i was i was so i didn't get on the call until this doc that came out this year on hbo what about the doc is it good oh it's a phenomenal are you from ohio i don't remember not rushmore we got some we got some beasts out of ohio bro yeah dave dave's not on youtube from ohio too cincinnati boys wow yeah get it steve harvey you know steve my senior hall arsenio yeah yeah we got some monsters coming out of ohio yeah seriously gary owen you know okay you don't you know why not come on here this is stupid you know what delete this whole interview i'm going back it's gary owen it's the breakfast club good morning [Music] you
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 1,514,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the breakfast club, breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, angela yee, charlamagne tha god, dj envy
Id: GIABy89py5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 17sec (2717 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2022
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