Garmin G3X Autopilot Intro - GMC 307 + GSA28

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all right welcome everybody to another build flow ago video Sam and I today are flying to Boscobel and we're gonna talk a little bit about some of the avionics they had a few other questions since my last video the 30 minutes Parker Brothers Parker burst of avionics and so we're gonna take a look at the output the autopilot and the audio panel so for for the autopilot there's a few different settings there's the sort of the heading navigation settings so basically heading in half so heading will set the autopilot to hold and follow the heading bug which is right here it's the little blue thing and I can change the heading bug with the knob and move it back and forth and I can also use the insight knob here same thing and you can do the same thing on the other one over there so then if I set heading mode the autopilot has the flight director enabled which is the bars over here that you follow the cross if you will and then to it then enabled the autopilot turn off the servos you'd have to push the autopilot button the other part of option on the navigation side of the autopilot is the NASA and the NASA basically tells the autopilot to follow the flight plan in the airplane so I'm on the flight lamp mode here and it wouldn't follow the flight plan basically fly you through the through the I don't know squares highway in the sky I think is what they call it it's just like pilot wings on n64 sorry the agency was talking to us so that there's also the approach but which I'll cover later when I'm doing instrument procedures the approach but basically tells the autopilot to the fly the approach for the instrument approach or the visual approach if you're lying visual approach to to the airport basically we'll skip some of this for now but then on the right side there's a few different options speed mode vertical navigation vertical speed mode and altitude so first off the but of course it sets the debug okay you can see the bug moving here that's the bug altitude tells you to hold the altitude and currently it's old 4500 it was one of what it was when I pushed altitude a while back but of course the autopilot is not hot so it's actually a during the service but it is showing us the flight director on how to do that vertical speed will tell us to fly a specific vertical speed so 500 people minute for example to a certain altitude so if I set the altitude bug to 5,000 and then hit the vertical speed but the vertical speed bug shows and I can move the vertical speed bug to stay 500 feet per minute and it will fly 500 feet from in there to 5,000 feet and then level off mister that's the bug to altitude ants and there we go yeah we're flying that we're poor manually Auto piloting I'm the autopilot yes will tell the autopilot to fly the vertical navigation profile in the flight plan so if my flight plan for some reason has vertical navigation fixes let's actually go back down to 4500 because there's clouds above us there we go the vertical navigation feature so if for example you're on our approach it will lie you down down the approach down the different step downs on the approach or the thing that I use the most is I actually have a setting in the avionics to enable vertical navigation or rather set the vertical application bugs when I'm so that I am a pattern attitude about I believe I have it set to 5 miles from my destination so the green half is gonna blink and it's gonna tell me you know if I want to engage me now when I'm at the distance required to descend at 500 feet a minute to be at pattern altitude at basketball for example five miles are possible and then indicated airspeed is where speed mode will set a speed buck and it will fly that speed bug to the altitude sets in the altitude bug will demo all of these a little bit later and that's really okay oh sorry a source of the middle so the autopilot enable button it basically says make the servos do what the automatic wants to do flight director but says set the flight director bug the bars so if I turn this off the bars disappear and the flight director I'm sorry the autopilot is entirely disabled including the flight director I turn them on the bars show up the the cross in the middle there and the bars work so let me show you what happens here so I'm gonna set the heading bug all the way to the left and the vertical bar shifted to the left it's saying for you to fly to that heading Center the bars and then you're in the correct heading so then if I move it back to the Boscobel it'll move up to the to the right as well it's shifting the bars to the right okay it introduced the same plane of course for the horizontal bar 4 that's the flight director but at the autopilot buddy the level button is a saviour bacon button or save your tofu where if you hit the level button it will age the autopilot and level the aircraft input your back so basically something happen oh we try it yeah don't push the button and it should be a basically takes over and levels you it puts you in level a little good so if I turn it off yeah you're gonna do do something like it like this alright now hit the level book and then they levels also yeah autopilot yep takes over and level job yeah it's a pretty cool feature yeah so alright so let's look at the so we've seen the heavy but let's look at the now but so if you hit the NAP button good and then enable the autopilot so the airplane is going to take over and it's flying it to intercept the light flat line right - taking a left turn here turning south down a little bit it's gonna intercept to that and then apply that towards your destination a lot of times when I am of course for whatever reason I will hit the direct tuba right here which pops up the mi you know direct - and I want to go to Boscobel so I just hit activate and then I hit the nav button so what that does is instead of my turning to intercept to the previous course which was from one place to another place it makes me go direct from where I am to my destination so there's no intercept right so it saves you probably microseconds of mine or something like that but it deals quote quote more efficient let's see yep that's Navin heading will property to approach mode now we will do it in a future video when we're doing internal procedures for clients of descent right so let's put this down we're currently at 4400 and I'm setting this the altitude about two thirty nine hundred so usually what I do here is I just hit the clicker to the up which makes it go down right so it's backward in this airplane and that automatically engages vertical speedboat and sets a 500 feet per minute descent that will capture at 300 so you can see that the light above the s came on and it will descent - okay here we go it's doubly - 3900 it's a blinking and altitude saying it's going to capture the altitude and switch to out stood mode and there we go so it's almost there almost there the captured oh and here's the V nav mode indicator so while we were doing that it actually got to the V now location so I see a little V over here so this is sort of like a glide path and there's a little arrow down here saying this is where you're above the glide path and you need to be descending at 600 feet four minutes to be able to capture and arrive at Boscobel sorry arrive five miles outside Boscobel at 1670 which is Patrick altitude so if I go over here and hit the V now but it should I don't know that it will because we missed the yeah so we missed the movie now capture so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna start the descent at the 600 feet per minute that it's recommending we took after the light path livvie template matter or the view path maybe flight path and glideslope are looted terms probably not the right one so we'll call it the V path so yep so it'll descent that 600 feet a minute and it should capture and arrive as as we expect it to and we can do the speed mode option on our climb out I usually used to be owed for a climb so that I'm doing a cruise climb for example I will set hundred hundred for the climb the letting climb a cap Toronto no that way he's my cylinder head that's reasonable all right so that's autopilot I said we were gonna do audio panel as well right now and we'll do that on the next video so they keep it short alright thanks for watching
Channel: BuildFlyGo
Views: 21,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: airplane, experimental aviation, vans aircraft, rv-9a, adventure
Id: 8UAolHmuj4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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