Fly Corps | GNX 375 Training

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all right guys today we're going to focus on some gps training with the garmin gnx 375. all right so i got the setup we're in 4-0 echo romeo right now so if you've ever flown this plane before it should be fairly familiar all right so what we're going to do off tune the radio so we won't hear quite as much chatter over the radios when you first power up the system you're going to get this screen right here as you're going through it you want to verify a couple things um all your databases are current all right once they are current you can push the continue button now it's going to give you this screen saved on the hsi in this plane specifically that the um cdi is half left uh half up out of view and gives you a two and from uh desired track and all those sort of things so you just verifying that that matches up with what's on the hsi all right if it does you can push the continue button and then you come to this home screen and we're going to go through what each one of these things mean and how to do a couple of basic tasks inside the gps all right so uh first thing we're going to do is this particular system does not have the radio frequencies built in to the gps so it's in a separate panel that's just a little bit above it right there all right so we're not going to worry about the com portion of the gps because this one does not really have that but what we will consider is how to input a transponder squat code so when you call atc and get your clearance they're going to give you a squat code and right over here on the right side you'll see this xp dr well that means transponder so you're going to touch that this is a touch screen by the way if you hadn't seen that before and then when they give you your squat code you're gonna type that in so we'll just say uh one two zero zero okay so squawking vfr now there's another option here if you are currently on a squat code and they give you one that says squawk vfr if you're leaving the class charlie or something like that then vfr is another option so you can just push that and it'll save you from you know save you one or two seconds from typing the whole thing in okay now over here on the right side you got the backspace button if you type in the wrong code you can always change it there and also you have two options here so this is the enter in ident button so if atc ever says um squawk1234 and ident then you'll push to this one the other option is just enter so this one does not ping atc's radar screens or anything it's just how you type in your squad code and push enter that's the normal way to do it so don't do don't use that dent unless they ask you to mostly just going gonna use the enter button all right the next thing i want to show you is how to link your um mobile devices to the system so if you go to a system and most people are flying with ipads or some sort of electronic flight bag device these days so go to system page and then go to connect setup and you're going to look for bluetooth devices on your phone or your ipad with this name right here all right so this one's saying uh charlie 8 0 alpha and it's the gnx 375 so that's going to show up on your bluetooth um when you find it it might give you some kind of code to type in that's going to ask you if you want a pair and those sort of things and once you do that then you can send flight plans from here straight to your device if you have like four flights set up and it'll work uh pretty well all right next thing i want to show you is how to enter a direct two all right so this is what you want to do pretty much every time you're leaving the ramp here in savannah you're going to put some sort of destination in if you're staying local maybe you're just going to the practice areas then you can just type in savannah as your destination and that way you have some situational awareness on where you're going to be where you are how far away and that sort of thing so you're going to go up here to this d with the arrow through it that's the direct to function push that button and then select waypoint uh we're just going to type it in but i'll show you a few other ways in just a minute so select waypoint and you can type in your airport here so you notice savannah's already right there but what you can do is type it in yourself so you can type in k you got to change which letters you're looking at s um a and v alright so then if it's not already up here then you can either push enter right there or you can push this button and it's going to say savannah is this the one you want and you can say yes and then you have to push the activate button right here so you activate direct 2. all right so now it's going to say to go to savannah you need to make a right turn to 064 and it's uh 0.3 miles away well it's just taking us to the intersection of the runways and we're on the ramp right here all right so that's how you use the direct to function there and let's say you want to change that to statesboro we just push it again click on what it's currently in so we're going to type in k t vr okay so it's showing up there we can pick it and if that's where you want to go then you can push activate and it's going to start giving you guidance to statesboro so now it's got a new desired track current track and distance for your uh display there all right now this screen is a touch screen as you've noted so it's got a couple similar features that are fairly intuitive if you have a smartphone or other type of device where you can pinch zoom so if you pinch and zoom in and out it'll go in and out like that all right you also have the other option of using this knob over here to the right side to zoom in and out so if you turn it clockwise it zooms in and counterclockwise it zooms out you can get way out here and see the whole united states if you want all right we're going to go back to this menu option here and we're going to go over a couple of these menus so obviously map is the one that we're just looking at and it shows you the map imagine that okay and you can hit the back button it'll take you this main menu or if you go to the traffic page it's going to show you any traffic that's around you it's got some range rings here that you can zoom in and out of with the knobs and this guy's this little plus 20 means he's 2 000 feet above you and he's heading straight towards us right now probably on an approach right now i think i see him out there actually and the little arrow there was a little down arrow next to him that means he's descending alright so if you zoom out too far they won't show you much because there's a lot of stuff out there but this guy right here well now he's got a descent arrow next to him alright so that's generally what that means all right the terrain um it's red because we're on the ground right now if you're flying into some terrain that changes like in mountainous areas it's going to be red and yellow depending on how high above the ground you are all right fizz b weather this is basically just some weather radar similar to what your phone's picking up on the ground just some basic weather stuff it's not in flight weather radar or anything like that but it's just getting some data from ground stations all right nearest is a pretty useful menu option so you got the airports if you want to go to the nearest airport let's say you're having some engine issues or one of your passengers needs to stop you can click nearest airport it's going to give you a list of them all right and it's going to tell you some good stuff about them so we got the savannah airport's obviously the nearest because we're sitting on the ramp here it's 0.3 miles away and it's a heading of zero six four to get there they got ils approach and a runway length is nine thousand three hundred and fifty one feet if you wanted to go straight there you can just click that and hit direct two and it'll start taking you there all right and activate okay so going back to that page real quick there's a few other features you can go to your nearest intersection your nearest vor there's ndb um flight service station art cc's weather frequencies all kind of different stuff there so um you can pick your favorite thing that you're trying to get to if you're not sure about it and once you get to this page you can either put your finger on there and scroll down and it shows you we got hunter army airfield we got right army airfield we got ridgeland a little bit north of here hilton head and all this kind of stuff and so it's got all the information there now if you click on let's say hilton head all right it's going to bring up some this little page here all right and with this page you have some more information that you can get obviously it's 26.6 miles away 0.84 or correction 084 on the bearing all right and you can get some more information so if you want to get the frequencies there you just push this freak button all right and that's giving you the 8s the awos clearance ground tower that kind of stuff unfortunately when you touch these it doesn't tune it up for you but you can easily just tune it up in the radio directly over the top of this one all right runways you can pick which runways you want to use how big they are how wide they are um shows you all the procedures there so this is for the instrument approaches i got the localizer two one r nav zero three uh etc so you can pick one of those guys and fly that one if you want all right weather data nodems so lots of information here on this on this page all right uh looking at the flight plan if you want to add a waypoint right now we just got savannah in there but let's say we're going to go to um saint simon so we'll type in k [Music] s s oh there it is kssi so now the flight plan is taking us from savannah to saint simons and we can go to the back button go to the map and then you can see what we typed in right here zoom in a little bit and you can see the whole route overview as you go these are the restricted areas between savannah and hilton correction savannah and saint simons mostly fort stewart area and that sort of stuff a little bit south of there um so you can see that you're you're going to stay clear of the restricted areas as you get a little bit closer you can see some of the other special use airspace moas and that sort of thing all right and then st simon's is way down here any other airports along the way as you get closer the details get better so you can see some of the towers as you get down there some of the um gps fixes and that kind of stuff all right so going through the procedure page if you click this this is how you would insert uh or enter a instrument approach all right so you got to make sure whatever your destination is is the source of this uh data that is pulling so right now it's going to saint simons all right so we're not doing a departure or around we're doing an approach okay so it's going to pull up st simons if it's not pulling up st simons then you can insert that in there and you're going to pick your approach so just click on approach here it's going to give you all the options for that airport so right now runway 4 rnav22 vor4 etc and it's got some visual approaches so let's just pick the rnav too too now another important thing is how you're going to get there so it's got this transition page or this transition option you can either pick vectors which means atc is going to tell you how to go there sometimes the instructors might use this to to get their guys on you know final approach course or something like that all right if you don't want to use that you can insert or you can pick one of the transitions so these are probably uh t fixes uh rice of walmo new c for that approach all right unless they want to pick the new c so you're gonna pick that then you got some options down here at the bottom load approach and activate approach so if you load the approach it's not going to start taking you to new c from where you're currently located but if you click activate approach it will so let's go ahead and see what the difference is if you click load approach and then go back to the map it's in the flight plan now but it's taking us still directly to ssi see how that works all right but you'll notice nuclea is way up here and risa all right so this is not taking you straight to that initial approach fixed for that approach but if you go back here to the procedure page again and you click the approach and you click activate approach now go back to the map now it's going to take you straight to nusi from your current location all right and then it's got all the other parts of the approach uh in there that are not in the magenta color because it's not the active leg the magenta means the active leg of the approach or of the flight plan all right so let's say you're on this approach and all of a sudden atc starts giving you vectors to final instead of taking you all the way out over the ocean there so if you want to update that you're going to go back to the approach page so go to procedure and this gps has a cool feature where you can just click one button and it says activate vectors to final right there alright so you click that and it's gonna drop the extended center line for the approach on the map okay so it might not give you all of the fixes on there so we were going to one that was out here over the ocean but now we're going to just to raise them and so this is assuming that you're getting some vectors in here and you're going to intercept the final approach course somewhere along this route and um assume it from there so all the fixes all the points might not be on this map if you activate vectors to final so you may have to go back in and pick exactly which point you want to go to but it's good to be able to to update that now if you wanted to let's say you want to clean up the map just a little bit we still got this direct to st simons but we also have this activated vector to final thing you want to get rid of this white line right here you go back in here to flight plan and you scroll up here right now it's going savannah to st simons and then the approach starts okay so we're going to just take st simons out of there so we'll click on that and click remove yes let's remove st simons alright and this is also known as cleaning up the box sometimes you'll hear it called that and when you go back to the map now that big ugly white line is not there but your extended center line is still there okay so this would be if you're on vectors and you don't need any course guidance to get to your destination i wouldn't recommend going from savannah down to saint simons without putting anything else in there but you get the picture i think all right so if you wanted to clear the flight plan out of here we are going to go to flight plan let's say you got an approach in there that you don't need anymore once you pull up the flight plan it should have all the the entire approach in there but if you don't need that anymore or don't want it in there anymore you just click this big box up here that says approach kssi rnav2 just click on that and it's going to bring up this little menu page and it's pretty easy just click remove approach do you want to remove it yes all right so now the only thing in there is going straight from savannah to saint simons now if we wanted to insert a point to hold that we're going to go do that through the flight plan page and that point has to be the last point on your flight plan if you wanted to do a continuous hold or else it'll sequence you to the next point after that so we're going to click add waypoint all right so from st simon's we will pick rice up because it was on the approach pretty close by down there all right so we got rice that we started typing it in and it shows up there so we can select that all right now if you want to hold it right so you're going to select right so right here i'm just going to pick that and it's going to give you this cool little menu now we're going to select hold at waypoint just like that all right it's pulling up this cool little menu and now you can select whatever atc assigns you so if they say um let's say they say hold let's say all right so your course you can select your inbound course one eight zero all right and then push the integer button there all right direction inbound outbound you can change that all right right turns or left turns leg type is time or distance you can change the distance if you don't want it to be four miles four miles as a standard for rnav holds and then expect for the clearance time you can update that if they give you something different all right and once that's in if you click load hold all right it's going to pull it up and let's check what it looks like on the map down here all right so as we just zoom in we can see all right so we got risa in there we're holding just like that just as they assign us now if you need to change that all you have to do is go back in to the flight plan section click on ricer and click edit hold look let's say they um give you a new expect for the clearance time so you go into edit hole and you can change all the information you put in let's say they gave us a new course and this is also just so you can visually tell that it's changed but let's say two seven zero instead of one eight zero all right push enter all right take it there so two seven zero enter and then go to map i'm going to zoom out and come on down here so you can see it all right so now that hole that we just put in there you'll see it's not automatically pulling it from anywhere it's pulling from whatever you typed in there to enter okay and that's how you insert a hole in the garmin gnx 375 all right well i hope today's training has been pretty helpful if you get familiar with this equipment and are able to do most of these tasks here you should be pretty close to where you need to be for training purposes and always always check with your cfi for any additional information or any uh any other further questions you may have for clarification all right thanks guys we'll see you soon
Channel: Fly Corps - TV
Views: 13,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fly Corps, Private Pilot License, Private Pilot, flight school savannah, pilot license savannah, aviation school savannah, sheltair savannah, chip griewahn, Savannah Aviation, fly corps, fly corps savannah, fly corps tv, GPS, GNX 375, GPS tutorial, GNX 375 tutorial
Id: 9JpK9jggCpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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