ILS Approach in Garmin G1000 | G1000 Buttonology

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let's have a look at setting up an ils approach using the g1000nxi we're flying southbound towards easton airport the autopilot has us going direct to the airport at 3000 feet we've been told by atc to turn left heading 2 2 0 vectors for the ils runway 4 at easton we'll move the heading bug to 2 2 0 and then activate heading mode by hitting hdg now let's have a look at the approach plate while we load the procedure we'll hit proc then enter to select approach the ils4 is already highlighted so we'll hit enter we were told to expect vectors so we'll hit enter for that we can set our minimums the decision altitude for the ils for all category aircraft is 273 feet we'll hit enter then enter again to activate the approach now we get a caveat that because this is a ground-based ils approach our use of the gps is for advisory purposes only it's not the primary navigation notice on the hsi on the left that because we're tracking the gps the coarse lines and arrows are pink after we hit enter to activate the approach the g1000 will automatically switch us from tracking the gps to tracking the ils now that we're tracking the navid or on the raw data as they say the needles turn green this is an easy checkride fail where someone flies a perfect ils approach but they did it on the pink needles which were supposed to be advisory only our unit switches this automatically it also does us the added favor of putting the ils frequency active on our nav 1 and we can see the identifier shown there ifgh okay as part of our brief we see that the missed approach requires us to intercept the 283 radial off the atr vor which has a frequency of 112.6 let's set that up into our nav2 we'll hit the nav knob to move down to nav2 dial in the frequency and then swap it to active and we can confirm the identifier atr now the hsi is currently showing the nav 1 which is the localizer for the approach we'd like to set up nav 2 so we'd hit the cdi softkey down here to move to nav2 and we want to set the 283 radial we'll go to the inner course knob and twist that until crs indicates 2a3 now the gps will guide us along the full missed procedure but we should have the raw data loaded in as backup too we'll hit the cdi softkey two more times and we're back to tracking the localizer on nav one so approach has us on a right downwind for the approach and it'll be giving us vectors to turn to intercept as we get closer to rick me they'll give us a right turn to 310 which we can just dial in with the heading knob since we're already on heading mode as we approach the localizer course we'll get our clearance told to turn right heading 0 1 0 maintain 2000 until intercepting so we'll again twist the heading knob this time to 0 1 0 and what we can do now is arm approach mode we'll hit apr down here let's have a look at our autopilot status bar green indicates what's active heading mode is active which is turning us to 0 1 0. that teal or turquoise indicates what's armed lock mode shows that the autopilot will capture the localizer once it comes alive on the hsi altitude mode is active and is holding us at 2 000 feet gs and teal shows that glideslope mode is armed when the glide slope the yellow diamond which is currently above the scale comes down to center the autopilot will capture it and follow it down so now see that as the localizer needle comes alive the autopilot goes into locate mode and will now capture the localizer as we continue inbound we'll start to pick up the glide slope and the yellow diamond will fall towards center as it does we can configure the aircraft for descent and the autopilot will go into glide slope capture mode so now both the lateral and vertical guidance are being handled by the autopilot as we reach short final we come up on our decision altitude at 273 feet we can see the runway but let's execute a missed approach anyways we'll need to disengage the autopilot the green ap will blink we'll go full power start our climb bring the flaps up once we have a positive rate announce our missed approach and expect a handoff to the approach controller and start flying our mist as we briefed it it involves a climb on a 0-4-1 heading to 2000 and then intercepting the radial we programmed in before were wings level flying 0-4-1 and we're pitched for the climb let's re-engage the autopilot engaging autopilot the green ap comes back on top it's holding us in pitch mode but it's still tracking the localizer we'll want to switch to the gps for the pink needles first we need to bring the gps up to speed it thinks by default that we landed so it suspended the approach of the runway we'll unsuspend the approach by hitting the susp softkey and we'll go back to the pink needles by hitting the cdi softkey twice cycling through nav 1 and nav 2 to get to the gps tracking now we're ready for the autopilot to track the nav again so we'll hit nav we're pitched for a good climb rate so we can hit vs to go to vertical speed mode it'll hold our current climb rate of 1 600 feet per minute there's no need to change our altitude bug since we're climbing to 2000 feet over on the mfd we see the rest of the mist procedure and the hold it's computed an intercept point where we'll pick up that 2a3 radial off the atr vor from that point we'll make a right turn in towards the holding fixer read where we'll make a direct entry into the hold it's really that simple now as the autopilot will fly the inbound and outbound leg in the two turns again we have the vor on nav 2 as backup if we need it but we'll otherwise hold here with the help of the autopilot until instructed otherwise did you like this video you're gonna love flight insight ifr ground school hours and hours of videos just like this as well as hundreds of practice test questions based on the real thing with instructor feedback head on over to flight dash ifr right now
Channel: FlightInsight
Views: 64,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garmin g1000, garmin g1000 nxi tutorial, g1000 ifr, g1000 ifr training, g1000 ifr approach, garmin g1000 ils approach, garmin g1000 autopilot tutorial
Id: uritzp2u7MM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 04 2022
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