Garden room build in 15 days start to finish in 1h 43m 57s, maybe help you drift off to sleep

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okay so i promised you a full tutorial from start to finish we're in poppleton in york we are awkward garden rooms and this is what i'm going to show you what we're going to do so it's going to be a five by three and a half it's gonna have a bit of everything in i'm gonna give you as much detail as possible so power and internet the customer has already run as a cat 5 cable there through his eaves from his um modem so he's actually a draw wire so he's going to pull that there is his electricity so both our cables will run down that wall we'll lift the flag we'll drop into the gravel path there and we'll shoot straight down there we'll bring our steel wide armored which will be 10 mil and our cat5 cable straight down there towards where the garden room's going to go if you follow me i'll show you it'll carry on down there through the hedges it'll work its way along here and over here we are going to have it's going to be five meters that way it's going to be three and a half meters deep it's gonna have a three meter aluminium bifold doors which will all slide this way and on this elevation there there'll be a full opening window so what we're gonna do today we're gonna drop this tree we're gonna drop these two apple trees which are rotten and full of worm and see that and then it's that one's staying and then all these hedges are coming out and there's a fence going to go there as well so this is what we're going to do today we're going to prep the land we're not starting till next monday but we've already arrived so we've using this still so it's a m is it an ms or an m5 shot and then five one seven zero it's a starter range for a nice little still saw um and that'll chop down them trees it's also got a second job it's the debt collector we've not had to put into use yet but maybe it will and maybe it will make a nice video so we're going to drop these trees and prepare the land and then monday we're going to drop back and put the rods in like i said i'm going to give you a full tutorial on every single aspect so if you're watching this and you thought oh i wonder all of your shows i do this i'll do that drop me a comment and i'll do it don't forget i'm selling my plans now on my website as well um i've got i think there's seven sets of plans at the moment but i'm gonna put more on and i've got a competition to win some rods as well so if you watch the end of the video if you like and subscribe and you've got a chance to win the base okay so we'll chop these shoes down and we'll go from there [Music] all right [Music] [Laughter] okay so the trees are down now the area's cleared like i said before it's five meters by three and a half deep so we're gonna have everything in this we're gonna have double roof choice we're going to have a steel over his doors we're going to three meter by falls this will be the front corner we'll have five meters going across over here it will stop over here the bi-fold doors will all slide that way on this side we've got a window like i said window elevation all these laurels are coming out we're going to put a fence in there as well and round the perimeter we're going to have a gravel bed and i'll tell you why in a minute at the front we're going to have some composite decking with a gravel bed around and the reason for the gravel bed is because over there he's got one of them um oh god what the culture when them lawn mowers that cuts the grass by itself so that comes out of its little kennel and it'll come round and it'll feel the edge and it will cut the grass around the edge of the building uh so that's it basically first day at poppleton uh we're building a five meter by three and a half meter it's a garden room uh we are awkward garden rooms we've got five people on site today okay so we've just done a timber delivery we're using five b2 for the roof four by two for the walls we're putting a fence in as well we've got eight mil osb which we're going to clad the building in we've got 18 mil osb free roofing boards which we will roof over there we've got 22 mil to protect which will be the floor and they are the treated four befree joists over there these are the rods that are going to go in i've actually forgotten to buy the rod so i'm going to nip off and get them um but that's that's the rods that put in so if you follow us around we'll show you where we're going to build it so like i said that's all the timber there we don't use kit form or anything like that we build it all from scratch customers already run as a cat 5 cable for his internet there so we'll tap into that there's his electricity we're going to drop down there under the flags i'm going to run straight down there and this is where it's going to be so what we're doing there we cut some trees down the other day um we're just going to dig the the stumps out and get rid of them as well um i'm going to show you now how we're going to set out for the base as well okay so it's five meters long it's three and a half meters deep so what we've done we've strung it out with these um these pins and this string line we've used a foldable square where's that one going anywhere square is yeah we've used foldable square there to square it off um so basically this is what it's gonna be it's gonna be five meters three and a half meters so that's those lines that we've pinged out we'll also put two sets of lines across there we will dig these corner piles which will be approximately 200 away from the corner and then we will have six on the back six on the front four down the sides and we'll have four in the middle and they will be the piles so we're going to use a grafter shovel and we use the horse hall diggers as well which we'll dig it out it's good ground we're going to take all the turf up as well um so before we start i'm going to nip off and get the rods this is adam let's meet the team adam he's been with us how many months have him hey yeah she's been with us how long three months three months and sean's been with us for quite some time haven't you seven so that's them three and this one here is john john's been with us from the start um so what we're gonna do we'll nip off now and get the sun and cement in the rods i'm gonna come back we'll actually show you how to dig a hole i know some people wanted to see how to dig a hole and we'll show you how we put the rods in as well okay so john's using the post hall shovel there what he's done he's created his little wall on the string line where he wants to be he pull the string line out of the way with his foot um he's going to use the grafter now you can see this we took a tree down there so he's right on the roots but the graphical power through that there you go he's going to shut through that now what he'll do now he'll you'll dig it a bit you'll lose a possible shovel a bit to get it out um you can see the holes uh they're way deep um i'll put a tape measure in them in a minute you can have a look just how deep they are there you go that's the tape measure going in that one there's approximately 700 deep and it's approximately 200 wide right so adam's done there is that's our steel channel it's 100 mil by 50 mil and he's drilled a 25 mil hole in it we've used this evolution mag drill to drill the hole in it and now he's going to cut it with this evolution chop saw so there's 28 piles there you see the strung out and dug all the holes john and amy now making the rods um they're a meat long m24 what you'll do you'll put a steel plate washer on the bottom like that and trap it between two nuts that'll stop your rod driving through the concrete under the building so you put them on there ready for concreting and we're going to use a three to one mix which basically is three bags of ballast to one bag cement that should get us three holes all right so we'll have a look at john doing the rods now like says we're using a three two one mix probably equates to four one actually because the bag sizes are different but it's three bags of ballast for 35 kilo each and the 20 kilo bag of cement provides a good strong mix so let's have a look and see what john's doing all right he's putting the rods in um see the string line there he's actually got the rods oh just just maybe a mil or two mil off the string line and he's using the level just to plumb them just to make it easier to get the timber on when we do that so what he'll do let's go see he's doing an old from scratch we'll throw a couple of shovels in first there you go and he'll get his rod grab it up and down so that his concrete above and below the washer and then he'll get it so it's nearly plumb and what he'll do then get his level on it and get it nice and pump again string line and that'll be it then we'll get all the rods in today and ready to work off tomorrow these are the former trees that will be our perimeter uh the four-point net loss is not quite long enough so what we're doing we're joining them with a splice plate and these twist nails as well so what shawn's doing there is washing off the rods to get any excess concrete off it so tomorrow the nuts will go down nice and easy just to recap uh we strung it out it's five by three and a half meters we've used our ground pins and our string lines were to string it out we've used our square to get the angles right um with 28 piles so we've dug them we've removed all the earth john's made his three to one mix and he's put his rods in and you can see there that they're just off the string line and they're all in line and then tomorrow when we cut our four be free it'll add that by going on nice and easy so you got 28 rods um and in a day probably 50 cheaper than ground schools i'd imagine somebody told me that they've got a quart of ground screws under a hundred pound each so there's probably fifty percent cheaper uh ground screws maybe cost you maybe two thousand eight hundred in fact maybe 75 cheaper okay so that's today and tomorrow we will crack on with the base and hopefully get some walls up all right so if you'd like to like subscribe and follow that'd be wonderful and don't forget i'm selling my plans as well if you want to buy if you want to build on these yourself then the plans are available there's a host of different sizes for you to choose from and they're only eighty pounds thank you okay so it's day two uh yesterday we put the wrong thing you can see the concrete's now gone off so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna take these things out get rid of these string lines we're gonna clear the area john and amy are sitting setting the laser up over there we're going to put a weed member in down and john's going to put his nuts down and lock his nuts off and i'll show you what we're going to do with that um we're going to use the laser but you can also use a spirit level so i'll show you which way you can do it with a spirit level if you haven't got a laser okay so what we're doing now we're going to put a weed member in um a weed suppressant membrane over the full area and what we're going to do is cut it through a full size pull it tight over the rods and then push it down over the rods to create a hole in it using the lines the green lines there as a guide just so that you can get it sort of relatively down square down and what we're going to do now is go around and walk off the nuts we found the highest point which is over there so we'll use that as our datum line and work this way around [Music] so john's leveling his nuts we're using the staffer with the laser finder on and we're using this spectra precision later so i'll show you what he's doing he's using this stuff there to find the height of his nuts and then wind the nuts down to the right height and then lock the nuts off against each other will then provide the base for the shoe to go on and then he'll move on to his next one i'll just quickly show you how you can do it with a level as well so if you haven't got a laser you can do the same thing with a level as well so sit the level on them nuts there and what he'll do he'll find his level wind he's not up to suit until that's level and then again he'll then lock that nuts off and then what he'd do then if he was going to do his next one he will then rotate the level level just in case the level's out and it'll always rectify itself let the four be free in front of the rods like that and then what i'll do then is i'll transfer the center of the line across use the square to find the center and the timber and then that mark there is where i'll drill my 25mm hole through so do that all the way down and then when i get to the end i will then get my drill with 25 mil drill bit in and push them all through there right we're using this a corky drill um and this dewalt speed bit on the hole nice and straight and so we'll continue to do that all down the line for the timber and then we'll get the circular saw and chop a bit off the top and i'll show you why we do that in a minute like 50 ml so whatever now if you get to the circular saw the milk can get recessed [Music] and they'll now lift the timber to the top of it and drop it down onto the rods the rod's a 24 mil rod that holds 25 more so there's not a lot of tolerance for maneuver so give it a little tap with the sledgehammer sometimes and that'll be good then what we'll do is wind the nut down in that recess and john's going round now and he's just nipping the nut down which will secure the floor sit the side one sitting on top of them again mark out for the nuts we'll drill them and then we'll drop that down and as it's going down we'll then chop that off [Music] there you go that will drop down now it'll sit on top the front and back one and then [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] driving the 250 mil screws in deep tight together so we've got uh three bears one two and three uh we've done that for that the farthest two hasn't got a big span so that will be all supporting and then we'll put our 4v2s across there on joy's hangers and info with insulation as well there you go that's uh five meters that way um just knocked in the uh joint standards there so that we can bend them over what we'll do then we'll bend that over there flat on that and nail them around okay so that's all the 42 joists going into 400 uh you can see them the brain over the joystick is there and they're going to nail them all where we've not been able to get um the joystick around like this one because it falls on this shoe we put two 250 screws through there and we've been fixing these choices with these twist nails like i said they've been cut bend them over nail on there bend them over there nail in there and then we're also putting in these slit lats there which will support the installation and stop it falling through so what sean's doing there is fixing the slate lats to the side of the barbie tune which will then support the insulation he's using the puzzle 90 mil nails spiking them through um adam and john are cutting the insulation and drop into the base then as you can see we've done them we'll finish all these bears and we're going to start putting the flooring down on top as mil acre well it's the best on the market nobody else is using this strength of flooring what you can see is i've hung the floor over so that it just glides past the ship and then when the usb goes on that will go past there as well we are screwing it down with these 60 mil screw it's makita brushless dtd171 impact driver and we keep breaking the bits they're a pile of crap without behind them again we're now currently using these wearers to see if they're any better and we are using the five minute glue why do we use five minute glow because we have no patience there you go i've got a little tip if you want to do anything long and i'm marking up where the probably two times [Music] so what we've done we've put our phobia freeze and our fabric tools down they're all pressure treated they're off the floor on the pile system there you can see the shoes as well we've dropped in hundred mil we've pulled back installation which is sat on slate lats we've fixed the joist hangers and twist nails we've dropped in this 22 mil eager protect flowering which we fixed down with the 60 mil screws and i'll just show you something for all them people who recommend wherever bits were great you can see how many have actually broke there because come this time of year it tends to trap rain water and then when the building is drying out the rainwater comes back up through the floor and it just causes problems so it's over engineering but i'd still do it but if it's going to be wet then i'd suck it off so that's why that's not going down there so tomorrow we're going to get all the walls up and we'll probably get the roof stretch on as well okay so it's day three what we're gonna do today is gonna finish this floor we didn't finish yesterday i'm gonna get the blower blow off that water keeps pushing it down last night again uh these guys are scraping off the five minute glue um and then we're gonna blow the water off then we're gonna get the frame worked up we're gonna get the walls up we're gonna get the walls our speed and we'll hopefully get the real structure on and then god knows what we're going to do tomorrow because it's going to peak down all day right we're going to build the back wall now we're going to build out 42 cls you can see what john's doing there he's put his two long lengths of timber together he's marking his 400 centers all the way along and then what we'll do we'll split the top and the bottom rail and there's our uprights what am is getting out now that we've previously caught charm that we previously cut should we start again sean okay so we're putting our uprights in there as well so we've dropped the back plate there the top plate there john's max is 400 centers we are going to nail it with the passlord i am 358 plus and we're using 90 ml galvanized nails in that as well we'll put three nails in each one and what we're going to do we're going to pull the back wall in situ clad it and stand it up and we're going to do the same with the sides on this one as well they're the timbers for the price we've already cut they're pre-cut the boards over there they are old imperial size boards which they also tend to be so they're four foot whereas your plasterboard is 1.2 so what i'm going to do i'm going to rip a piece off all the balls to create the 1.2 board what i'll do with them as well i will mark up the bars for the 400 centers so when they put the board on the top they'll be able to see where they can nail okay right so the cls is 4.8 long the building's longer than that so we've got to make an additional frame at the end which they're now going to fix together and then we're going to osp the full frame and stand it up and these bars are square if we square the osb with the frame and then do that all the way along then the wall will be square and plumb when it goes up and you can see i put the lines on there so that he knows where his forehand is out to nail to okay right so he's going to nail that corner there right then what we're gonna do is get this line in line with the timber so amy will get that right down there and then she'll nail that she can then nail up this line oh whoa whoa wait a minute up that one just like this line it's too deep knock it off right and then what we need to do then is see that wall there isn't right so that needs squaring up all right bit more jump let me push that ball to me please no you have to push it round and then it's bouncing back there come nail that long sean just nail it and then when we carry on all the way along as long as we keep our cls in line with the top of the board that i'm in the walls straight and square so you can see the osb there is hanging over the bottom that's so that it flies down over the framework so amy's gonna do now she's gonna follow the lines that i've guided and then she knows where to nail [Music] so again he's squaring that frame up just get this corner up nail that corner there nail down that line there miss go down towards sean and what we'll do then you can see the frames running out again there so that frame will have to be pushed across so that that is flush with the top of the frame of the bar outside of the ball there i've done it so that's the full wall of speed um which i mean because we squared it off when we stand up that we should be square rather than going now he's going around and he's putting a chicken mesh skirt in the bottom of there to stop any vermin going under i mean you're never going to stop a mouse but it'll stop her outside foxes or anything like that um what we're going to do now we're going to we've mounted our batons there so that we know where our 400 centers are and we're going to put this breathable membrane on the building and then fix the slate batteries on there as well yeah pull it tight all right so they're putting the breathable membrane on now it's um a moisture remembering the roofing membrane basically putting a few staples in that just hold it in place um we'll overlap it by 150 mil and then we're going to put some vertical flap buttons on and then some horizontal slate buttons as well what they're doing now they're fixing the vertical slate buttons on again we're using the 90mm padlod nails and then we'll put some horizontal ones on as well to finally carry our feather edge barge which will be very tall as well so she's going along now and she's doing our horizontal buttons so the reason why we're doing two slit bands is to give firm airflow so that when the exterior cladding gets any moisture on it it does dry off because it's got airflow behind onto the front as well so what we're going to do now the wall is just going to get stood up and it'll drop down the side and the other speed that's hanging over it's going to fall off the back pull it to you pull it to you it's too close too much too much right now i'll check in if you can see it [Music] there you go so you can see now that's now sat on the floor there um what we'll do now we'll push it and see you john's just going to move it across that way a little bit it needs sending it in and once i've located that in place we'll have when we're happy it's in the right position we'll then fix it do you want to move so sidewall is going to go up now we've done the same scenario again we've clad it in place and we must stand that with plumber and they'll fix it to the back wall then yeah he's just getting it so that it when it drops down the osb there drops down the side rather than the wall fall off the floor starting to take shape there you go that's the third wall up right what amy's doing now um the back wall on the sidewalls obviously we need to support the front there and get it plumb so john's going to plummet what she's going to use is that brace and fix the brace to the floor once young gives it's okay with the clear you know when it's plumb and then she'll drive it into a floor and then that'll secure that side happy right so he's not a pistol don't take it and we do it and we pull it to the sides it'll lock it and same all just move it that's it that's it so it's pretty critical that we can actually get 100 bang on because obviously the doors are going to sit in here as well when the front walls have gone on if he's happy then he'll give it okay yeah he's happy with that so what they're gonna do now they'll do the same on this side as well and then we'll put the front two walls on i'll show you what we've done with them walls because we've dropped the top down a little bit there i don't know if you can see it just there there's a little drop down that's where the steel's going to sit so he's doing the same on this side again make sure it's 100 plum before she fixes it so now basically what we've got there is we've got us three walls up the back corners are held because they're right anywhere and we've put them two breasts in now so they'll now put the front wall in and i'll explain what we're gonna do with that that definitely needs to line through dead straight for the doors so what we'll do we'll put one in the middle as well um just take any bow out of that back wall right so what they're doing now um we've put a string line on the front of this building and what we've done we put a screw there on that front wall and we put a screw down the front wall and what we want is for these two walls to run dead through in line with each other so that when we put the steel on the walls plumb and square so by means of doing that put a tight string line on the bottom put a block in that in there we'll put a block in this end now as well [Music] there you go he's put his other block in there like and then when we slide this block down there can you see how that's you know it needs to go a bit more jump there you go so that there then we'll line them through so we can fix that timber down there we'll do the same on this wall over here i'm going to let you down look just let me get there so i can see it there you go so what we'll do now is just try we just slowly johnson see it send it down so i can see john move on that's it there you go so there now we know them walls they're running through perfectly in line with each other football the front wall's higher than the back wall so we've formed the pitch on the roof it's the 75 mil pitch that we've provided um if you can just see there the front wall comes and then it drops down there's a 200 ml opening there and the 200 ml in there and what'll happen there then there'll be a steel that runs across there that sits in there that will then finish flush with the top of the wall so what john's going to do now he's going to put some more vertical props in there to plumb them two front walls up and then we should be good right so what we're going to do now is fully our speed um we're going to then put this um steel beaming so it's a steel hollow section 160 that way it's 80 that way it's five mil thick and we've filled it with rock we'll stop any cold bridging going across it so that's going to be lifted above the top there and then fixed with some tech screws it's relatively heavy but it's no more than the two-man lift to be fair what they're going to do they can guide it up there and it can't go forward because it's on the osb what they'll do now is push that tight to the osb you pushed it tight osb yeah yeah right so what will happen then that's in that's great says lindell um just passes a bit of 42 though sean we'll put a text scroll printer there same over there we're then going to drop some 4b2 on the face of it and take screw that into that and fix that through there so that will all be then secure this will then give us some timber to fix the joist hangers on for his roof upside down dry sanders just a little note for all you home builders um all your offcuts have always been which you've cut off from you bought me your boards you want to rip them down and do the likes of above your steel and below your doors also the end cuts off the 4b2 cls we're going to cut all them down and use them for noggins in the walls so we've put the 160 steel on there you can see done now screwing the timber into the steel and then what we'll be able to do then we'll put our rooftops on joist hangs on upside down and fixed to that also gives something for the plasterboard to keep her for all you got a little bit excited there cheers okay so like i said um all your offcuts of your osb you want to rip them down and use them for where you need them so we're packing out under there jones also going to fix these 160 ml rips there to the steel with the tech screws as well so you know you've got very little wastage i mean that's what we've got left with the osb sheets which is less than nothing and all these off cuts of the 4b2 will be used as noggins which adam's going to put in i mean this this that there is the wastage we've left so any of you guys that are wanting to do a home build pack and you're thinking about your materials and stuff like that well with the quantities that i'm giving you that's kind of wasted you're going to have if you build them right on another note they are generic packs so i'm not doing a bespoke anymore and on another note to that what was the other night i wanted to tell you i can't remember drop it in another time okay because the rule spans over three meters what we're going to do is double up these joists so the fiber tool so we're going to turn them into a four by two by means of bolting together um just so that the timbers are flush with each other what we're gonna do john's gonna run down with the nail gun first amy's gonna pull it left and right to straighten him up so the ball in line then john will jump on the corky drill and drill for the ball holes we'll then bolt it and nut it in as well all right john double nail it so what he's doing he's getting me to pull it left and right so that four timbers are flush with each other [Applause] sometimes you've got to really over accentuate the pull on it just to get them in line with each other but then you'll have a nice 4v5 when it's finished which is plenty strong enough for this real spam we use m10 bolts um i've i've some i've got from home they're a bit longer than what we need but we're going to grind them off and i've got some more shorter ones that we're going to put in right so he's double nail that now it'll jump on the the corki drill which has got a 10mm drill bit in it what he's going to do then he's going to drill a series of holes at this end that's for the cables um it's a lot easier for drilling welder on the deck now so that we can run our light cables in through the holes [Music] don't forget your envelope he's putting them bolts up around they're around 400 centers [Music] adam will follow behind and just drive that bolt through [Music] as soon as that's rolled over then they'll put a washer in the nut on it will jump on my impact driver and drive them down [Music] like i said the bolts had it on with too long but we'll whip them off with a grinder it's sort of a production line stuff really just one thing follows another everybody knows the place everyone knows what they're doing teamwork kind of thing going right somebody asked me um why we use nails instead of screws and this is the reason so they snap straight away them ones you're going to be a long time bending them before you've actually snapped them so that's the reason why we use screws uh nails rather than screws okay so that's day three finished so we've done the base we've done the walls we've used 4v2 cls on the walls we've planned it in an 11 mil osb we've also built the front wall out of 5v2 c16 we've put in this steel section nobody else is putting steel above their doors there's only us that put steel in the way it should be done we put the timber on the back of the steel there which will then carry the upside down joist hangers which will strap the roof on the roof's over three meters in span so we've doubled up the roof timbers um and you can see there we've bolted every 400 on them so they've got like um a 4b5 now bolted every 400 nice solid roof timbers take the weight of the snow when it comes um we put the breathable membrane around the building john started putting the slate lights on we built the walls in situ and stood them up we've double slit banned it for the reason that it allows airflow to travel behind so when your cladding gets wet your cedar will still dry out and it'll last longer we've double battened on the back that's going to be feather hedge better hedge better edge you can see down there adam's put a chicken wire skirt around the bottom to keep burning out and foxes and stuff like that you're never going to stop a mouse but at least it'll keep it right on the fox out as such um so that's it um what where are we now john so we're gonna it's gonna rain tomorrow so i'm not sure if we're gonna be here tomorrow um if we are here then we'll get this roof finished we'll get boarded we'll get the rubber over it temporarily and we'll insulate with 50 mil seat um insulation so doors three meters all sliding that way there's a window to the side there that's a top hung full opener window there so beautiful sized garden room in the beautiful garden the beautiful part of the country poppleton in york so if you'd like to like subscribe follow and all the rest of that business that's great and thank you 20 000 subscribers absolutely over the moon with that thanks to everybody who subscribed and all the fantastic comments as well um don't forget plans are for sale i'll bring you outside in a minute now and i'll show you um what what i mean by the materials list of the materials list you're gonna have very little left over i mean the likes of the roof timbers there the off cuts are then your 400 noggins the offcuts of the cls timbers are your noggins in there as well the off cuts of your osb for the bottom trims and the top trims so everything is used got very little wastage i've showed you some of the wastage today we've got five bags of wood outside waiting for somebody to come and collect them for firewood okay so it's day four we're on the roof today um it's raining and it's been raining so i don't know how long i'm gonna be at it but like i said yesterday the roof span is over three meters it's three and a half meters so we've doubled up the five b2s and they are now four b5s got that took a bit of calculation we've also put these clutch bolts through them as well m10 bolts i'll just rotate that you can see and we've noted them and tightened them on we've drilled three holes at the front and the reason why that is because that will then allow our cables to go down for the roof lights the canopy lights and the internal lights as well so i'll give you a full explanation as to the roof and how we do it and also the how we make up the infill on the side for the uh for the gradient on the roof which have somebody wanted me to do a clearer video of as well right so it's a bit hard to show you but this is the first the first double joist we're putting on that there is the outside wall so if you can see my finger there so this part of the joist is in line goes through there to show you this part of the joist is in line with that part of the wall there so when we plasterboard the ceiling uh the plasterboard will boot up to the wall there and we'll also put a timber down there so when we pass above the wall or something's fixed i'll get them to go inside and show you now it might be an easier video right so this angle might be a bit better so if you imagine the plasterboard comes through now and it will butt up to the wall there because we're going to put a timber there on that wall when we plasterboard there we can fix to that and this one will put to there so this line here on this double joist needs to be in line with that line have you got that yeah so what we'll do is make sure that that is in line all the way down that wall line and that's our start in one then and we'll use our 400 spacers to space these off we've got a little spacer block at the front there to hang them all so we know they're all hanging over the right distance as well um that's it that's what i'm doing now what right so all the double joists are in there we've spaced them at 400 and across the steel i'll just show you the front of the steel detail here so we've put joysting on there we've only got single joist angles you can get a double one but what we've done we just modified it a bit and bent it over so that then that will tie that down to these timbers that we've textured to the steel as well um and we'll put we'll fill all them all there we twist nails so that's that's all so what we're going to do now we're going to put a front timber on and then we'll put a back timber on and then we'll do a size and i'll show you how to do this right so all the main timbers are in the front timbers are and you can see well we've had to join it there um because obviously it's not long enough so what we've done is joined it halfway halfway on one of them timbers rather than halfway in that joint there so it's not stepped um what we're going to do now is put side trimmers on so we've let these front and back overhang i'm going to cut another one now and just drop it in there and then put some some noggins in there to support and i'll show you how we're going to do them as well right so what we've done there's some blocks there that just by amy they're gonna space it off that'll give us enough clearance on this overhang to put um a line of seedlings since having cedar on there i don't know if you can see she's pencil mounted that there john's pencil mount that one there as well sean you know where which side you're putting it to put put your cross to where you're putting it and then you can't go wrong can you tim's going here yeah right so we'll lift this up now and fix it in place right so if you can just see there it light tapers up because that's the picture of the roof into a triangle shape so what we're going to do i'm going to drop some timbers down the back like this one yeah and then we're going to fix them through there at the bottom and then they'll be flush with that and then we'll tie the roof joist into that as well so the roof joist will be tied into the wall and then you've got somewhere to plasterboard there right so there's a bit more detail on that i'll try and show you now so what we've done we've cut a bit of 5v2 there we've dropped it down adam screwed it through the wall below and then this this joist there we'll then screw to that what we'll do then he'll he'll pin pin that to the joist and then that's a spacer nog in there that that's our spacer nog in there pop that in and then when that's fixed through to that then that will hold the side trimmer on as well so there's the roof it's 95 finish now it just wants three rows of noggins in we've um put our back trimmer on we've put our side trimmers we've got our supports on it we've also got our front trimmer along there they're just finishing the other one over there um and then we're three rows of noggins down the one down the center one down the center of each of that and we'll be good on another note there's a joystick that sean's kneeling on now they're upside down just hangers which are supporting the roof you need to make sure your roof's secured down um we sprite through there as well but we could only get one on each side that's where the usual side joist hangers there you can see the steel sandwiched in between the cls there and the osb which is outside of the building don't forget we filled that with rockwool as well so that's the full roof up now uh double duck 5d2 c16 timber we've bolted them every 400. we've got our osb free roofing boards up and ready for the morning if we've got a dry spell we'll get them on three sets of noggins that's a nice big solid roof there day five uh we're gonna put the roof on today but there's a little bit of rain and we're just gonna insulate the walls whilst wait for the rain to pass uh what we're putting in the walls we're putting 50 mil rigid insulation boards file backed we're also going to put some sound blocking uh later point we haven't got that at the moment right if you want to come around i'll show you what the crack is so the walls of 42 and you've got like 90 mil finish on the wall so that 50 mils gone in there it goes tight up to the osb because it's the same scenario as the hot and the warm cold roof which you all like to talk about if you leave the air gap there the air will condensate when it meets the call outside so the air once on the inside so the insulation once pushed into the back we're also going to put sound block in there as well um actually it wants fill in all the gaps um in the ones there we've also put some rockwool in there you can see when we built that because obviously we won't get in there so that's it basically when we get all the walls insulated and then we're going to jump up on the roof this is with an old hand saw there you go we've got a break in the rain what we're going to do we're going to drop on these os 3 roofing boards osb 3 roofing boards rather 18 mil thick the tongue and grooved we're going to fix them down with the pass load we are going to use 63 mil ring cut nails then we'll show you why they're in cuts you see the rings on them it stops them pulling back out and stops any movement um we're gonna fix them together with ever build five minute lumberjack wood adhesive and why do we use five-minute glue there you go so your first board what we've done we've fixed it down we make sure it's going straight through on that back line what i'll do then i'll just temporarily put this one like that make sure the joint is good and then i will use another board as a straight edge like such and when i know that joint is good there and that joint is good there then i know the balls are running through it's important to get your first rows right and then all the rest of your rows will follow suit writing goes down on these uh the writing goes down for the reason so if you were doing it and it was under building control then the building inspector would be able to see you've used the right quality boards so board board off cut from there we'll go there just like fitting the laminate floor and just keep going that way until we get to that end okay so if you keep watching i'll show you the roof finished and hopefully by that time generally turned up with the rubber and we can get protected in case any rain does come thank you [Music] that's the last board done so that's the roof all boarded out we're gonna wait for this glue i mean it started going off already what we'll do then we'll go around get it off we'll go around then and get any little burrs up like that get rid of all them so i'm not gonna affect the rubber give it a little rub down and then johnny's on his way with the rubber make sure we've punched any nails down that are still sticking up and like say that i don't know if you can see that he's just proud he just wants knocking back down go around and check the full roof and then playing it off so what i'm going to do now is script follow the five minute glue which is now gonna add so what we're doing now we're going around to make sure that there's no nails or any burs sticking up anywhere i'm gonna clean it off give it a little rub down with sander makita sander and we're to blow it off with this little blower so the rail's just getting these final touches finishing off bit of sanding where the glue is any burst that's sticking up get rid of them and then we are going to use the still leaf blower which is one of the best tools i own better than any sweeping brush at all right so rubber has arrived we're not going to glue it down to there but we're going to sit on the move um john's just warming up there flexing before it lifts it's quite heavy obviously about 70 or 80 kilos in that imagine now but um it's the shape of it that don't help nightmare to get up so what we're going to do we're going to get up on the road stretch it out hold it down with some slayer buttons are outside and leave it to monday have an half day today because it's friday emmy watching on them all step by the swim johnson i want to help him assist him as well don't drop it god [Laughter] there's quite a lot of weight in it oh maybe even more than what do you reckon hundred kilos john all right so because it comes from the factory on the roll there's often creases in it which you're not gonna get out without best will it world yeah so what i did last time this week is six it's six point one by six what i did last time i made a bit of a mistake and the joint in it the factory joint in it i had running that way which caused me a problem because when i tried to put the gutter trim in it was a nightmare to get the trim on the double part of the thing and it was running right along the line don't you walk backwards off there you so you can see it's a massive piece of rubber it's one piece therefore it will not have any joints in it apart from the factory ones which are obviously done perfect and they're never going to be an issue what i'm going to do now obviously you've got to be really careful with edge at roof let's pull it to where it wants to go i don't really want to be standing on it too much it doesn't really matter but it's just to avoid any damage to it so go over there now it's something that you don't really want to be doing on your own to be fair um you want to stand in that corner here me because of the weight of it right but there you can see i've not i mean of all the rules i've done i've not missed message yet so if you're doing these yourself you need to make sure your measurements are right because it's expensive and you don't want to cut yourself short so there you go um for those of you that are going to comment and say why didn't you put the right inside down which is there you see that right it's on both sides so there is no right or wrong way so what i'm going to do now i'm going to make sure when i catch my breath like it's hanging over enough i mean then we can see there i've let it hang overloads what we're going to do then we're going to fix some slip buttons along there and pin it to it so that the wind doesn't take it off over weekend and that then will keep us um nice and dry now it comes in different sizes um obviously the length is fine but the actual width of it comes in different sizes so because this roof is a bigger roof we've had to go for a deeper one so what i'm going to do now because all that sparer there hanging over is just cut it off stanley knife just go straight down it watch you look for all of that real few for all of you that have got a little thing for amy as well i'm gonna try and get to get on camera later she might release the calendar yeah if there's enough interest i thought she's interested in it she said she's taking booking so if you're interested in one just drop me a message and we might get a little calendar together for next year right so what i'll do now and i'm slate buttons i'll pin them on sean will you throw us some 90 mil nails in the hammer please in the slate button so this roof now it'll relax that there's a factory crease you're always going to get them i mean they're annoying but sometimes you can get them out sometimes you can't um we'll just have to see hammer there please john can have some 90 nails as well john yeah yeah he's just pinned these slurp lots to hold the rubber down stop the wind taking off at the weekend because it will do what you want to do though is just i don't know if you can see there i'm fixing actually lower as low as i can into the roof and then that way then i'm not gonna risk putting a hole in the rubber where i don't want the hole in the rubber if you know what i mean so what we'll do basically is that all the way around don't send them all the way and then it's easier to get them out and end and that'll secure the rubber for the weekend um i'll give you a little show a little look around what we're doing inside as well and um that'll be us done then thank you okay so it's five days in we've come to an end now of this week so i'll let you have a look around back and show you what we've done we'll start back and go around to the front so if you follow me right oh amy's around there she's obviously a bit camera shy so we'll go catch him with her come on let's have a look keep nice and quiet i know a lot of you have got a little thing for him hear me hear me okay so we've finished it's friday um if you took the hours that we put into it it's actually four days it's one o'clock now um and we're all in the pub so we're four days in so um i've showed you how to put the piles in i've showed you that we used to fall be freezing the forbiddens treated um timbers we've put us in 100 mil insulation in the floor 22 milligram protects we've screwed that down we've used five-minute glue and the reason we use five-minute glue is because right it's getting old now in it um and then we use 4b2cls for the walls 5x2 c16 timbers for the front walls we've clad it in 11 mil osb we've wrapped it in breathable membrane then and we've used 5b216 c16 roof choice which we've doubled up and bolted with m10 volts every 400 then we've put osb free roofing boards on the roof and we've dropped the rubber over this morning and we also put 50 mil insulation in the walls um next week we're going to put some sound block in the walls as well we'll get that first fix first fix the electric i'll show you how to do that as well we'll insulate the ceiling and we'll drop back on the warm and the cold roof debate which keeps on trundling on and we'll get plasterboarded we'll get plastered hopefully we'll get started windows next week and we'll get a cedar on and we're also going to put a deck in gravel board and a full fence down the back and that'll be it the job will be done so if dozen windows don't let us down next week when we finish by friday i'd imagine okay so it's day seven we're in popple and uh day six was yesterday um i have some other stuff i need to be doing yesterday so i went in but the guys and girls i've got on with it yesterday so what we've done we've put 50 ml fallbacks insulation in the ceiling the reason why we use 50ml is because customers requested sound block on this as well we've took some sound block out there so that the light can go in the recess we've done it on the walls as well you can see there we've got 50mm insulation there and we've got this 50 mil rock wall sound block insulation really good stuff really deadens the sound these are practices we put in the walls practices there for the tv bracket practice there for the consumer unit and also practice there for the heater which we'll be putting in so today what we're going to do we're going to get the moisture barrier we are going to staple that to the full building and then we're going to plasterboard with these 12 and a half mil plasterboards now um in a minute i'll explain to you about the one the cauldron scenario yet again but you can see now the rules starting to really take shape there's going to be a window over there and we buy false there you can see we've put steel there and all you home builders people that bought the packs um on my facebook group you can all see that you've been using the steel and putting in and you're all doing a good job because some of the bills look like apples they do right so we first fixed the electrics um what we've done with them we've tacked them to the top and then when we put the insulation in we've cut a little track out so that insulation is tight to the ceiling so there's no air gap so i'll do as soon as i brought these plasterboards in i'll explain the hot and cold roof scenario sips panels and walls as well and why for the people that are bitching about my hot and cold roof why that the walls are exactly the same as the sims at six panels as well but we'll go down that road in a minute so we're gonna put these twelve and a half more plasterboards on we're gonna use 38 mil jit rock screws we're gonna use the impact driver excuse me and we're gonna staple up this moisture barrier with this dewalt staple and some 12-mil staples as well hot and cold roofs right here we go again they are roof timbers like such that is your osb or ply or whatever it is you've used for the top of your roof right so a cold roof there's your plasterboard there's your moisture barrier measure of insulation and that there is your recommended 50 mil air floor gap that then needs venting at the front and the back so that's your cold roof warm roof there's your top joist plaster board then your insulation goes on top of the roof then you need another layer of ply or osb free and then whatever roof covering you choose to use so that's your insulation there that's your arm roof that air then does not condensate because it doesn't come into contact with the coal that air there comes into contact with the cold air there and condensate and can form mold if it's not vented properly right so 2.5 is the maximum height you can have on these permit developments from the highest point of land right so what we have to do because we can't extend our roof up that high otherwise we are going to lower our roof internally and compromise our head height so your head height then becomes very small and you have to bend over to sit in the room so what we do we have a sort of a hybrid roof that's our roof joist that's our osb free roofing on there right on this one what we've done we've pushed our 50 mil insulation tight to the top there is no air in there yeah and then on this one it's actually sorry 60 more reviews on this one thanks adam and then because he wants sound block we've then put our 50 mil sound block in there we've then put our moisture barrier on which emit is stippling and sean will show you now so that's going on the roof and the walls complete and then we will put our plasterboard there there is no air in this cavity our cables are tacked tight to the side of the joist the insulation is then cut around the cable like that so there's no air in this cavity to condensate therefore it's not gonna condensate therefore it doesn't need airflow so that is your hybrid roof right you've got to do that because of the 2.5 so that you don't have to bend down so for them people are going to go it's not right it's not this it's not that what about your sips panels six panels osb 100 mil insulation osb that is your full sips panels you put that on the roof that there is practically the same as that now when you join your six panels together you've got your timber in there that joins them together so that says insulation that there's your timber which is that timber there so that cold bridging is the same as that cold bridge in there so that six panels are exactly the same as them now just another point as well walls there's you all so we'll do a aerial drone of you all that's your timber studs in your wall that's your osb for your outside that's your breathable membrane that's your insulation push tight to the back of there that's your air gap that's your moisture barrier and that there is your plaster board that there is exactly the same as that without the sound block obviously so that that the wall structure is exactly the same but you can't vent your walls so for all them going that you need to vent them but are you venting your wall because you can't vent you all you don't put always in bottom you all and top it bottom me while here so hybrid roofs do work in this situation because it's not high occupancy roof you don't want to be this man look he's sad look he's bent over because he can't stand up properly because his roof's not right so that's why we do a hybrid roof same as the sips panel same as you all and they work and nobody complains about them so stop complaining about this if you don't like this do that thank you okay so plus the bonding uh you've on the plasterboard body ceiling before you do your walls so what you need to do is on a long one like this make sure that this line runs dead straight through and then all your plasterboards will fall in place um what you want to do as well is if you double timber in this join it on the center of that or there abouts rather than the center of that and then you're not going to get any cracking or movement um and you need to stagger your joints so i've got joint there and a joint there and on this next board the jolt will probably go somewhere there what adam's going to do and all he's going to mark up his light he's gonna ping a line on there and he's gonna cut flights out we're gonna cut them out as we go along so that if we've made the balls up we can rectify it straight away so you can see the roof there so basically we've got our 50mm file backed in there we've then got our i'm sorry it's 60 mil file box we've then got our 50 mil rockwell soundblock installation we've then got our moisture barrier and then our 12 and a half mil plasterboard adam's finger line on there now for that roller lights we'll drill them out and make sure they're all in the right place um what you under these screws um on the double ones we're just staggering them but you don't you don't have to but they want to be at least 300 apart the screw holes oh he's cutting out there with this 70 mil also and we're using the makita impact driver um not in fact driving all knowledgeable and they can see is located where the lights are so that's where the spotlights are so bang on we'll carry on with this boarding now get this ceiling finish and then we'll show you the walls okay so we're coming to the end of the plasterboarding now uh you see adam's measuring there so that that wall there goes up with the pitch of the roof um it's not really noticeable unless you put the cv on the wall um and then you obviously see a tapered line but apart from that it's absolutely fine gives you maximum head height in the room we're able to do this um so we've rock balled it we've moisture barriered it uh we're fixing it with these 38 mil dip drop screws and we're using these impact drivers to put them in um balls lifter sticks on the floor put on the board pops the ball up tight to the ceiling so he's using the balls lifter or the accelerator pedal as we call it border i'll put some screws in that now and it'll fix it right so we're putting plastic boxes in now we use the deep ones just because it makes life a lot easier um literally level your line pop it on draw around it and then cut it out with the multi-tool and what we'll do then we'll pop the hole out the back of it and then we'll drill through so that when it's plastered we're not drilling in and disturbing any fresh plaster [Music] hey so [Music] um okay day seven we're finished for the day um it's raining again so we haven't got the real fun yet tomorrow's gonna be a better day so we'll see the club the soffit and we'll put the roof on as well and put the fishing trims on so we've plasterboarded it all we put uh 50 60 mil 50 ml in the wall 60 ml rigid in the ceiling and then we put our rock wall as well so our sound block as well we've cut out for all the lights we've placed it in 12 and a half mil plasterboard and we've used jit rock screws 38 mil and we've cut all the black boxes and sockets we haven't pushed the cables through because it makes plasters life easier they're all set on the outside waiting to come through okay okay day eight so what we're gonna do today we're gonna get the real fungus it's not raining um see just over my shoulder there i've started putting rubbing a cedar soffit on this and we're having um anthocyte fissure so what i'm doing i'm putting seeds on i'm joining on the timbers there i'll just switch cameras you can have a look so i'm doing i'm putting my joints on the timbers staggering the joints obviously and also cutting out for the lights with the 70mm hole cutter and the last bit there's a rip so that there can be first fixed because every time you've got the seeds up there and the double slit like you'll not see them fixings so that'll be it that's cedar sort of soffit and what we'll do then we will uh go down the sides do the back and then we'll get the first one as well we're fixing it with stainless steel pins which you need to do and we're using the 18 gauge uh pass load and we're also using this little baby that i bought last night because uh the big chop sauce another job um it's actually dewalt but it feels pretty basic and crap to be fair but we're going to go with that anyway right so what we're going to do we're going to run the seed around um because we want it running vertically like that so we're going to run it around so obviously we're going to wear that way and we're nailing through the tongue so it's concealed on the edge there you can see i've nailed it but the soffit's going to hang over that and that'll cover them so this part obviously is running the wrong way so what i've done there i've planned that little bit there so when i put that bill to it there will move me on so when i put that book to there i've got a double bevel and a couple of unknowns in they'll be right and that we're going to then put all them pieces on all the way down that socket and you can see there uh just on a note from yesterday i've filled all the sides with rockwool and also the front just over the wall where it's filled with rock wall i don't know if you can see that properly from there that's all there you go you see the see the rock wall in there yeah so that's all insulated okay so we use anthracite fissure on this it's full replacement board what we've got to do is rip it down with circular sauce is a little bit too high um nails the poly top nails 60 ml nails easiest way to do these use your hammer as your spacer hook your poly top on there can you see that do you need some in you see that hook your poly top on there stand it up drive it in a bit use your hammers just first thing for your next one hook your poly top on there stand it up and that's the easiest work space from the building a nice dead neat line so what you want to do it's a bit tricky you need two here um one guy there you've got all your nails in like that i'll go to this end now you ready sean we'll make sure it's pushed up nice and tight to bottom at cedar and then if we just go along and i'm pulling it up as i do it all right it's all right look all right sure bottom sean and then once you've got them all in you can then go back pull your film off and then once you've done that like that you're all in a bit pull your film off like such and then just drive them on and that's the virtual basically um i'll show you the corner in a minute i don't know if adam could see under there now you see under there adam so we've got a nice see the soffit detail that soiled and then we've got this nice emphasis as well right and i'm gonna turn that off right so we've had rain and you don't want to be getting this wet so this is gonna be a fast video what i'm going to do is try and glue off of this roof before that cloud over there comes and spoils it so what you want to do is get plenty of glue on your roller i haven't got time for using a pole i know a lot are you going whether it use a pole it's better on your back well there's no time for that at the moment um so you can see i've rolled the rubber back halfway well like a carpet what i'll do then is once i've painted this stripe on i will then roll it push it out with the brush get rid of any creases and air bubbles make sure it's all bonded down to the roof i can say we're trying to get this done before that cloud reaches us which i don't really think is going to happen to be fair it always takes a while to get your roller loaded up what we'll do now is push that on there like that brush any creases out make sure there's no on it and then jump on and get the next stripe done so on and so forth you don't want any little bits under it because like having a stone in your shoe even though it's a right little bit looks absolutely massive how's that cloud looking at them just had a massive downpour one supposed to rain at all today kick the blower off the roof so that's bitten the dust what i'll do is i'll just film this half here and then i'll cut it short like that because i'm gonna ask the same as the other basically and i need to get it done um for those of you commenting i slipped up and says moisture battery instead of vapor barrier or something such like yesterday the slip of words it happens i'm busy like it or lump it that's the way it's going to be so there you go i'm brushing any creases out of it any bubbles get them all out you can you can physically see them and then you can brush them to the edge somewhat there i'll pull that back and have a look see what it is massive bit of glue which we obviously don't want i'll push that back down again it's quite easy to do it's quite quick um you just need a dry day unbelievable it's something's coming out a little bit now just don't do too much at a time let's drive i found rolling out like a carpet it's definitely the best way it keeps it clean it's all tidy the weight of it then i'll stop it from moving on the roof so if you've already pre-cut it it'll be fine you won't move it and then risk have it hanging over one side so that's it basically we're going to do that all the way to the end make sure we don't paint ourselves in the corner we'll then roll back the other side and then we'll put on our trims the two-part gutter trim already put the first part on adam can you show them first part got from there so that's the first part it screws to the building um what actually does then the second part forces the rubber up into the groove which traps the rubber and the rain paws off there's another one on the market where you nail through it which seems mad but that's what you do with that one but my opinion the two-part one's the best on the market you're not actually puncturing it by putting nails through it and it traps the rubber there you go that's it i'll carry on and i'll show you the end so that's the back part of the trim that's the front part that's screwed to the building the rubber goes over there and hangs down there this then pushes the rubber up traps it in there and then that piece there clicks into there so the base of the rubber goes like that into there so you ring what goes down there and into your gutter so i'll just put this bit and show you um we've already put two lamps in so it's a bit this time of year it's not too bad but come winter it's a nightmare to get in it's really stiff and hard so you might want to give it a good stiff and hard that feels to me right so give it a good pushing so now i'm driving that rubber up into that gap and then what i'll do then it's back of the hand and that's in then so what'll happen now is your room what we'll go down there hit that drip drop onto there and drop into your gutter um and we're going to put the patrons on next i've forgotten the little polly top nail so i'll show them corners going on tomorrow and then trims so what we're going to do now is cut this off manufacturers recommend 50 mil um little overrank and what'll happen then is that trim that shawn's cut in there will then go on and hold all that so if you want to run around up front john uh sean adam even i'll um i'll just show that going on you can keep filming so what i'm doing i'm cutting this rubber off 50 ml all the way around managed to have a little break in the rain and managed to get this rubber from that's a bloody nightmare once was rain all today um so stanley knife if you need a good sharp sterling i played key to success watch you don't score your fair share um so sean lost his temper and kicked blower off at roof so that's broken now i have to get a new blower um right so i'm cutting it just roughly 50 ml we're only trying to gauge it um the roof the trims we're using a 3.5 long so what we've done we've divided the roof in two so that the trim joint is in the middle it looks something about right the first is obviously five meters the roof's longer so what we'll have is a facial joint strip going on there which i've also forgotten the black poly top nails that's why we can't fit them right so this trim there it's got any i don't know if you can see that it's got an elongated hole in it so the purpose of that is if you put your nail in the middle we're using black poly tops it's a black trim put your nail in the middle but i haven't drove it all the way home and then when the sun comes out can you see the movement on that it will naturally move rather than not be able to move so that's why the elongated hole is in there so i'll centralize that one again again you just just don't drive it all the way home and then it will allow it to move when someone gets on it there's quite a good system this i feel um if it don't rain you're laughing can i have a curb trim joint sean please like i said we've measured this roof we split into two and then you've got a curved trim joint strip which then goes on like that i'll push that all the way home then i'll move it just five mil so it can allow for a bit of expansion there and then what i'll do then i will give sean a measurement and i'll reduce that measurement by five mil as well about 10 mil 2790 sean and then that will allow for any expansion in the in the um in the trim right adam that's it yeah okay all right so these are the corner trims that go on um they've gone obviously the corners but the back there so that's the gutter so we're gonna leave that there and we're gonna put two little polytops in there but what i've had before is these split so what i'm gonna do is just pile it just through both bits of plastic put the poly top in and it also gives it a bit of movement then as well because you've got a bigger roller pilot in a bigger roll like i said i forgot on them and i've forgotten them and the little poly tops no i've got the strips just don't get the polish up stop sitting there um so we'll pop them on tomorrow and then that'll be the roof complete plaster is coming tomorrow um the guys have started the cable today which they're going to continue that's over there we'll show you how that's all run we'll show you the cables down there i'll run as well um come in the corner conflict [Music] and that's it it's starting to come to an end now this one like i said i brought the blower which is a bit of a pain so hold it nice and square i'm literally just going through both bits of black plastic there and then that ring cut poly top will hold that in place on the corner i'm gonna touch deep on that one but still should be all right yeah [Music] and that's it that's your corner so i'm just missing them corners now which we've got but like i said i'm missing the little mini amphisight polytop so that's your yeah your curb trim your rubber roof your soffit and your cedarus no sorry your fair share and you'll see the soffit which we've oiled and crowd for the lights as well so there you go that's your full roof um rubber trimmed furtured soffited and it started to pee down again the joys of english weather right so that's it's practically finished like i we've gotten the little polly top nails for the joints and the corners there we'll bring them in tomorrow so we've put cedar soffit in there we've cut out for the lights we've treated it with the uv stabilizer we've put on amphisight fascia and then our roofing trims have gone on as well we've also done the cedar all the way around the back there as well and the two pack guttrum which i showed you out of fit which will run off into a gutter and a water bottle at a later date right uh day nine day nine um plaster is into there we always plaster our rooms full skin on it professional skin and then you give a lovely pencil as well that's tom over there all right this is where i got my cedar from ripping um massive massive timbery ad let me have a little look down there um that's probably one of my really good quality cedar the decade lots of different styles lots of different woods loads of different styles of cladding as well um we're forever using this because nobody else wants anything different at the moment but they've got loads of different styles and absolutely monstrous pieces of wood as well that's insane isn't it look at the price on that there's some table top yeah this is it they've got a nice orc feather edge clad in there as well loads of different styles massive massive players and good price as well garden rooms why do they cost what they cost because that pile of wood there which isn't a lot is three and a half grams worth okay so cable run on this one customers put in that cat5 cable already we've dropped ours in as well we've got a spare one we always run two just in case one's ends up damaged there's the 10 mil steel wide armored which we're going to connect in there the guys have come down there they've gone under this flag they've gone straight down this gravel bed if you follow me i'll show you where they've gone then reinstated it all gone down the gravel bed through the flower bed down the side of the garden you keep coming i'll show you around the trees there's about a 40 meter run this one down this side as well and here there they've cut across now to get to the garden room so you can see there you're about 600 depth there's a steel wire diamond there's the two cat5s there is our if you can see it there uh one in electricity tape um and you just come around there i'll show you how we come up then so the cat5 is coming out the ground and it's in this plastic conduit then it will then run around there and all this will be hidden by cladding then the steel wired armor runs up there and just behind there is where the consumer unit will go so what we'll do we'll cut that off and we'll send it through there and that'll all be fixed up and all these wires then will also run in the consumer unit as well because there for the power so obviously this is all going to get clad we're going to put a fence here we're going to put a gutter on there and the sides in the front will be cedar so we're going to backfill this now it's raining yet again um so we're 10 days in now um we're almost finished we'll be finished by wednesday next week now so if you wanna we'll have a little talk about what we've done um we've built this it's five meters by three and a half meters deep we've used our tanalized joists for the floor we've put on our rod system you can see the rods there what we're going to do and all we're going to drop a two meter composite deck in front of this we had these doors fit i know you all wanted them to see them get fit but the fitter came and he fit them last night again as always beautiful glide on them three meter aluminium and precise so if we have a quick look inside i'll show you inside as well um it's been fully plastered out yesterday it's still really damp we've second fixed all the electrics when we come back monday it'll be ready for painting we've got a consumer up there which is going to get certified and tested we've just put a test on it now so everything works fine um there's a little window there as well again aluminium anthracite gray um cedar for monday that all get fit we're having columns on this as well so you'll see the columns get built if you come out here i'll show you around here we run the steel wire diamond up um we cut across the lawn there i showed you that yesterday it's gone up back into the consumer unit this is how we run our cables on this job um so where we where we've gone through we fill it with silicon then as well i always have a drip loop on as well salt cable to run externally this will all be cladding cedar we've got an amphrasite fisher there with a cedar soffit around the back here is where the steelwide armor comes up it goes up in the consumer unit this is going to get um like a metal roofing sheet on the back of this and this fence there all the models are coming out on monday and we're going to put in a feather edge fence so that's it there's one more thing i want to say to you and i'll um build packs now i've had lots of nice emails saying you know appreciate the build pack thanks to bill park it's detailed it's great and then this little bad boy arrived today there you go thanks very much roy o'brien really appreciate that so he's obviously happy with his pan plan pack and i'll be happy tonight having a little drink of them okay so if you're out of the build pack go to end at video and you'll see a link for the build packs and there's loads of different sizes and i'm going to do one this weekend and all it's going to be a five by four and it's gonna have a cut off on it from you know the angle uh 22.5 degree angle cut off on the front okay so like subscribe follow and oh another one one more thing might be possible if we're gonna be on the one show in a couple of weeks so i'll let you know how that one goes thank you day eleven um we're back on next monday i'm gonna start on the cedar um we're gonna get this all clad and see this here we'll get it old as well and they're making a start on the fence i'll show you what's going on around there as well um what we're doing we're taking all these laurels out and we're going to build a feather edge fence from that point there to that point there all the way along the back happy show so i'm going to start fitness here what i'll do is i'll start on that side there as long as i get my first length in plumb then all the rest will just follow through and i'm just going to cut them all the same length we're going to use this passlord second fix it's 18 gauge because it fires a smaller heading and we're using stainless steel pins as well yeah all right so this first piece of seed i'll just unbox you can see it first piece of seed has gone on corner there i've plumbed it down but because building's right anyway it's plumb there yeah so what i've done i first fixed it down that side because our corner will go over that detail and finish that and then what i've done i then spiked it through just before it meets the groove there just on the tongue and why not i know a couple of you have been questioning what a spike was it's literally just sending the nail or screw through at an angle so what will happen is let me just steady that up there and it'll go through at that angle like that and go through into the slate button behind it and so that 50 mil stainless steel brads okay so what i've done i've got the cedar on both sides um i'll infill the top and the bottom after um sean's just informed me that i've not put the dummy pillars on these ones so normally put them on first so what i'm going to do now is drop the dummy pillars and i'll show you how i make them as well like i said i wouldn't normally see the first i normally do the pillars first but obviously i've forgotten that right so what i've done we're going to make the columns out cls and then clad them so i've cut 10 degrees on the top i know it's 10 degrees just because i've done it a few times so there's a 10 degree cut on there adam's gonna hold that there now i'm doing this backwards so i don't normally do it this way around so what i'll do now i'll just get my pencil and i'll draw that line on there so what i'll do now is cut that off and i'll make four i'll use that as a template and i'll make four of them exactly the same and then both column ones will be the same height and the same width tell me what we're doing before you start doing it right so what i've done um that's that's the angle there that we've cut i've had to come up with circular saw because obviously chop saw is never going to get that and i'll use that as a template add them and it will show you what it's going to look like right so like says 10 degree angle on top there you go and that will drop on there like that so what i'm going to do basically i'm going to put another one there make a ladder for him fix it to the roof fix it to the the cedar and clad it then right so that's the first part of the frame on so 10 degrees at the top we caught a big splay at the bottom it's like just a ladder flame basically so what i've done i've i've fixed it at the top there i'll put another soffit and i've fixed it at the bottom there into the wall obviously we want to put the seeder on normally right so there's the basic framework for the dummy pillar so that's just one cladding now so what i've done now have um clapped the front of the column cut the 10 degrees on the top so there's three pieces of cedar going on there um i'll do the sides now and then i'll put the corner beads right so i've clamped the front i've clamped the side there poured that detail down what we're going to do then is put a right angle bead on there cover that up nice um what i'm going to do now is do this other side what i'll have to do is i'll have to put a piece on there vertical first and work out so obviously i need to start there but i need to make sure i'm vertical as well with a level so i've forgotten to put the sound on here but basically that's the side um clad and what i'm going to do now i'm just going to show you i put the angle bead on the front of it there on both sides which has finished off really nice all right that's day 11 done um we managed to get the cedar on the front i forgot to put the columns in but they're in now um you can see i've finished them there with the right angled corner trim which looks nice john's put up a quart of of the oil on the uv stabilizer um i've showed you how to do them shut out claddic tomorrow now we will clad the reveals put the architraves on that'll be the front complete then we're going to fly down the sides with the cedar if it's not raining put on this outside socket that's still missing they're putting the fence up at the back here which i've told you about feather edge fence um we're just gonna uh drop some rails in between there and feather edge at this side so you can actually see the rails that's what a customer wants it um and we've they've managed to put brown puss in there so they're coming back out tomorrow and we'll exchange them for green ones um but that's it yeah so tomorrow electrician's been and he's signed off as well so tomorrow we'll have it all seated we'll have this fence door and then all we'll be left to do is the back and the decking and get rid of all this crap as well day 12 um we're all late today so emma's jumped on cedar i'm jumped on fence and john's uh he's putting quarter paint on inside so come over here i'll show what she's done so we did the corners yesterday we carried on with the cedar she's put the cedar reveals on that ties the window in and then she'll drop an architrave around there as well can you see that properly here okay um she stopped there for a reason because i've not brought no cedar so we're gonna carry on with that tomorrow um around there on the front she's putting in so you can see she's putting the top reveal in there so what basically is happening with that she's put a piece of cedar in she's ripped it down to right length and then she's fixed it through up into the head there as well she'll do the same with the sides and then drop the arch trap on there as well john jump in here adam um john's in here he's putting this caught on which is basically water and emulsion mixed through um that's your first caught on fresh plaster and he's going the second coat on the ceiling now um a bit of a mess in here at the moment but tomorrow we'll have all laminate down at skirting boards on as well um and i'll show you what me and adam are doing around back we are putting um his feather edge fence on it's a bit it's a bit different to traditional fence what customer wants he wants it flush through like that rather than what we normally do is put them rails on the front but um he wants it sort of like as tight as possible so what we're going to do then is just feather edge the full way down there um you can see there bit of a dog leg in this fence as well so this kind of method will work well as well okay so it's a feather edge fence what we're doing we've got a 90 mil spacer block tapping it across there and then off we go we'll do that every 10 boards and then we'll put level on it to make sure that you're still level just obviously the roof's on boards so they're not all like dead dead same size also what we're going to do as well we're going to pick a line across it and cut obviously it tops off uh it's just a bit of a faster way of doing it for ourselves uh much to the public the shock of the neighbors at the moment they were looking out the window thinking oh my god but when it's done it'll look me they're done [Music] [Music] so what we're doing now um we've just pinged the line on we put this straight edge we're using it as a guide foot saw and i'm just going to go along and cut the top off so it's it's not level it's just running 1.9 to 1.9 each end on layout okay so we're gonna have a little bit of a tool talk a little demonstration and the review first up is pasload im350 plus um it's a solid gun it's been out years hasn't it um it's quite fast it feels good in the end it's nice and light downside to it it's gas um they do clog up quite a bit sometimes we need cleaning out and come winter time the gas can freeze but bonus side to it is it's light it feels good in your hand it's very reliable um i'll just show you that hook on there enough who are hanging over a joist this it retails at about 516 quid with two of these little batteries it's got a nice little feature there that you can lock the battery in but it hasn't isn't actually in and then sun it on and then it's powered up and ready to go next tip is the cookie um it's getting quite good reviews um again it doesn't feel too bad in your hand although it's very very heavy it's got the joystick i don't know what why they've gone for such a big one but i guess for some decision um again is this some bump this one john yeah this is on bump it's fast just all into that item that's what don't bounce too much um you can hear the ramp up um it's faster than it's faster than the pass lord um because that hasn't got a bump feature on it but when that one has but it's not that fast and then there's this one um how much that i'm doing 500 and 500 500 with two five amp batteries and then there's this one um it's pretty much new apps brilliant reviews everywhere you go uh milwaukee it's about 600 and i think i paid 670 quid two five amp batteries on it as well it's um we put onto bump feature there so i just want to show you actually how quick it is right you're ready adam there you go it's run out of nails it's not fired two in but the majority they're all in they're all sunk um it's fast but it is ridiculously heavy it's the heaviest out of the three it's also got the hook on as well but it seems they've opted out on their design there and gone for a cheap little crappy bit of metal which is quite sharp i'm gonna hurt you um but there you go so that one there 670 quid really heavy heavier heaviest out for all of them but the fastest next this one cocky not quite as heavy as that again getting good reviews not quite as fast though and then there's the old favorite the pass lord um although this come with the time the gas is going to start to freeze up on that so opinions um that one i've got two of them i'll always have them i'm not interested in buying one of them john i'm afraid this one i guess i guess used to the weight of it you can actually buy an extended magazine so it'll take two racks of nails um but it is a beast but let themselves down there so that's it that's your five minute review on three different types of first fix nail guns right all right day 12 we're done on the cedar on the front um emmy's finished off there you can see she's done the see the reveals see their arc drives we don't mount we don't miter the architraves because they'll only open um so that's the best we're doing then we find the columns are done this full side is oiled and done i follow him around here we've put in this feather edge fence um that's been now leveled off and trimmed see that full length building there's a dog lagging it there because he's got two gardens meeting towards each other we're cladding the back in some metal roofing cheating as well i'm just struggling to get all of that at the moment that'll be an outside light there as well we'll have an outside socket here as well we've seeded around this window as well so we've only got another 20 left of cedar and then that's all to see the complete again she's done the see the reveals there see the racquet tribes notched over like that we don't matter um we just bought them like that because when they open up they look absolutely perfect just like that there's a little beads running along the top there as well so that's it they're 12 oh inside john has he's got yeah he's had two coats on the ceiling now that's looking pretty good is that now um and there's a like a a mossy gray color going on the walls so tomorrow we're going to clear all this out get the cedar going get all the rush out we'll get this laminate floor fit down as well and um we'll get some skirting boards and exercise them and that'll be practically complete then and tomorrow we're also going to get this turf up and prepare for the base 13 um we've just fit this laminate floor in um what i'm going to do now is shoot off and get the skirting boards john's give the ceiling two courts so all the lights can go back up there uh they're fire rated down lighters on their led they're dimmable um allen's just about to put the dimmer switches on like i said we have it all certified and tested um what's left to do now they're just finishing cedar on the outside we'll get all skirted board in there do this architrave do a little winder board over there i'll show you that detail and then um we'll crack on with decking and border for gravel and then we're done okay 13 um i've got a shoot off now but we've practically finished internally um it's had one quarter this color which john's been putting on is two cuts on the ceiling well i think he's recorded that now all the lights have been put back in we've fit this laminate floor in it's just getting the skirting bars the window board the mdf reveals and the archetypes around there so they'll be more or less done apart from painting on there finish tomorrow um and then we'll jump outside tomorrow and start on this decking and do the decorative aggregates around the engine all okay so it's actually day 16 but we've just come back to finish a couple of things this morning me and john saw it took us 15 days we are awkward garden rooms um i promise you a full tutorial i hope i've provided you with that if you follow me around we'll have a look we'll talk about everything we've done and we'll go through the full job as well so what we've done we've connected up into his electricity supply there 10 mil steel wide armored cable we've dropped it down under that flag and we've run along that gravel path and we've run down the side of the border and then over to the garden room we've also got two cat5 cables there as well one's um once one's actually fixed and the others like just in case there was an issue with that one so there's two there so the steel wire diamond's gone down there i showed you that we buried it at 600 we put our tape over the top of it as well to warn anybody that's digging that's a cable there we've gone right down the border we've gone round the back of these trees we've cut across this lawn and we've gone up the back of the unit and straight in and i'll show you that in a minute right so we took out his laurel bush that ran the way along we've put in the feather edge fence there as well um we're putting a little border around which we've been filled with slate so that his little lawn mower can come up to that and find its way around right so on the back we normally use feathers but what we've done on this one is fix these roofing sheets to it the finishing amphora site no maintenance on them required at all um we fit a bulkhead there light as well he's asked for it to be that low before somebody says oh because so the light's not shining over the fence there's uh a photocell there which i'll explain for you as well there's a gutter and downpipe which runs across we've dropped it into this water bot so you can harvest this water we've backfilled all this with slate chippings 20 muslin chippings so if you remember from the start we used our concrete pile system we've built it up we've used our 42 and 4b3 treated we've infilled with 100 mil insulation then we used 22 milligram protect on the floor we built our walls out of 42 cls timber our roof because it's over a three meter span we've dropped in five by twos but we've doubled them up we've bolted them together inside we put 50mm insulation in the walls we have also put some sound block just show you these doors that's literally they're as good as you can get absolutely brilliant doors um inside then saw with 50mm insulation in the wall 100mm insulation in the ceiling we've then put a moisture barrier on as well we've used twelve and a half more plasterboards it's had a plaster finish john's finished it in gray and white um we've put fire rated down lighters in the ceiling we've got our consumer unit over here which has been certified and tested we've got a two kilowatt digital heater which is plenty enough for this size room we've got fire rated lights in here we've got fire rated lights in the soffit we've also put a pendant drop on there we've not fixed it to the ceiling because customer's going to fix his own but we've also pulled paris in there if you remember and all we put practices in the wall for the heater and for the tv bracket so when you fix it you've got a good fixing the roof it's a one-piece rubber roof membrane we've fit anthracite fascia we've see the soffit it's western-grade red cedar and it's treated with a uv stabilizer i showed you how to build these dummy pillars they really make the building look well um we've put on these corners as well which finish it off nice um what else have we done john yeah decking composite decking so we've dropped a 4b2 treated decking base on there and we put on this composite decking as well so it's very low maintenance will just wash off uh we've got a slate bed round as well so that that's it basically uh that's that's the full build start to finish 15 days all in uh if you'd like to please comment and subscribe that'd be wonderful and i'll put a link on the end towards my build packs which are available for sale at my website on and full instructions out of build one of these yourself okay so thanks very much and i will see you on the next one which is next week and i think the one show coming up to film us all so that might be something else worth watching for you thank you you
Channel: Oakwood Garden Rooms
Views: 1,094,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garden office build, full garden office build tutorial, full tutorial, full uk garden room build tutorial, how to build a garden office uk, flat roof, insulated garden office, warm roof, cold roof, rubber roof, cedar cladding, home office, home gym, diy tutorial, garden room base construction, garden office wall construction, best tutorial, uk, William griffin, oakwood garden rooms, man cave construction, garden room, garden bar, she shed, How do I build a garden room
Id: S92rEaAj188
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 56sec (6236 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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