Garage Door Wont Close? 4 Easy Fixes and Reasons Why the Garage Door Is Not Closing

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what's up guys adam here with how to home and in this video i'm showing you the best ways to figure out why you cannot get your garage door to go down you push the button for it to close it goes down a foot or so if that and then it reverses and goes right back up and the light on the opener itself starts blinking so this could be quite a few different things just depending on what has happened maybe there's an obstruction of some sort or maybe there's something wrong with the sensors but either way i'm going to show you all the things that you need to look for and possibly fix in order to get that garage door coming back down without having to call out a garage door repairman that's going to cost a pretty good amount of money when maybe you can fix it for free so let's go ahead and jump right in all right so now i'm going to show you exactly what's happening and maybe it's what's happening with yours [Music] so it doesn't even go down two inches comes right back up and we start getting that blinking so in diagnosing this you're going to want to be looking for certain things when it starts going down does it make a bang and then it goes back up and if that's the case you might want to be looking at your rails maybe there's been some damage done to it that you didn't know about somebody backed into it with a car one of the kids damaged it somehow or something stuck in it if for instance there was any damage to this rail these rollers would not be able to come down all the way but more than likely you'd hear some sort of a bang which is not the case here but maybe it is for you if you look at all of your rails and you find that there's really nothing wrong with them then you're probably going to want to start looking at the sensors so as you can see this is one of those sensors that's on the right side of the garage next to the rail and then if we go over here to the other side of the garage here is the other sensor now these sensors are required to be installed when putting in garage doors these are the safety mechanisms to make sure that there's nothing in the way of the garage door that could do any damage and of course make sure there's no buddy in the way of the garage door and them getting hit by the garage door these have been around for a very long time having to be installed so pretty much everybody has them and i would say that this is probably usually the main problem when somebody's having an issue with their garage door going down it comes down to these sensors so one of the first things that i usually check for is are they getting power so if we get down here really low you can see that green dot underneath there it so this one is in fact getting power so we probably don't need to worry about the wiring coming dislodged so let's go over to the other sensor so as you can see that green light isn't on and this one actually also has a red light and that red light is the one that would actually come on and off if something was in the way of the garage door so if you see that there's no lights on on one of your sensors then that's going to be a pretty good clue it's not getting power so first place we're going to look is in behind this sensor and if you see here you can see that wire has come out of that wire nut that's more likely going to be the issue if this was to be the case and so what could have happened and is actually pretty normal is somebody could have been sweeping out the garage sweeping around this sensor the broom came in contact with it and caused it to come out of the wire nut so it's as easy as then taking these two wires and twisting them back together and then take that wire nut put it down on top and then twist that wire nut on twisting those all together again nice and tight so now we can see if this sensor is getting power which as you can see that green light is on on top so that sensor is in fact getting power so in this case that was probably what was causing the garage door not to go down the sensor was off so the garage door thought something was in front of it so it didn't go down so the next thing if that isn't what your problem is is down here on the bottom this red light it should be on which it's not right now because i'm standing in front of it but this is the one that actually shows whether or not something's in front of the door if it's illuminated then everything's clear if it's off like it is right now then there's something wrong or something in the way so let's get out of the way and see what we've got so as you can see that red light is on but in this case it's flickering which what that means is it's having trouble connecting with the sensor on the other side of the garage so the first thing i would probably do is i would look inside this lens here and make sure that it's clean so grab a microfiber towel or something that you can clean that out with and then also clean up the other lens as well so if after cleaning both lenses on both sides if that red light comes on and it stays on it's not flickering anymore then more than likely that was your problem the lenses just needed to be cleaned but we still have a problem that red light is still blinking so at that point what we need to do is take a look at our lenses themselves and make sure they haven't come loose or been knocked down or to where they're not connecting with each other anymore they're not looking at each other anymore so in this case i can tell by looking at this lens that it appears to be pretty level but let's just make sure that it is all right so that one's looking pretty good let's go over and take a look at the lens on the other side of the garage all right so coming over here to look at this other lens this lens is obviously not level it is definitely not making contact or looking at the other lens on the other side so what we need to do is rotate it back up to where it is level now these particular lenses that i've got there's no tightening involved it's they just snap into place but a lot of people are going to have screws that could come loose over time and that's why these lenses go down or up or to the side they get loose and they they come out of place now what also could have happened is something could have hit this lens and bent this metal to where it would have been pointing out away from the path it needs to be on but in this case it was just knocked down so now we've got it up and level let's go take a look at the other side so as you can see now that red light is staying on steady it's not flickering anymore which tells us that these two sensors are making good contact with each other they can see each other they know that nothing's in the path and that it's safe to close the garage door so now we can go ahead and test to see if the garage door comes down if you go through all these steps and you still find that your door sensors are not turning on or they're not connecting with each other then more than likely you've got a problem with one of your door sensors that's just gone bad and they need to be replaced all right guys so there's a real quick tutorial on some things you can do in order to get that garage door coming back down again and this is a really common issue that homeowners have and it's almost always something that you as a homeowner can fix yourself without having to call out a expensive garage repairman to do it for you because he's just gonna do all the things that i just showed you how to do in this video now i would say nine times out of ten it's probably the sensors so definitely always be checking for the sensors as long as there's nothing just in the way which happens all the time then i showed you the most common ways that those can get out of alignment or just not work and more than likely it's going to fix your problem so i hope that you learned something new and this video was helpful for you if it was please let me know by leaving a comment down in the comment section and also giving the video a thumbs up and of course if you had a different issue i'd love to hear about it and how you fixed it and if you like how to's and do yourself type videos for around your home like i did here today that's what my channel is completely focused on i do new projects and i also show you how to do repairs and maintenance for around the home so consider hitting that red subscribe button down below and i hope to see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: How To Home
Views: 845,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garage door wont close, garage door not closing, garage door not going down, garage not closing, garage not working, garage door opener troubleshooting, garage door, garage door repair, how to fix garage door not closing, how to repair garage door
Id: bn1MIRsfl5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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