Garage Door Wont Close? 4 Reasons Why!

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today's video will be working on a garage door issue we're having is whenever this door is either on the remote or on the manual push button somewhere in the garage the door will start to go down and then it'll actually push back up so I won't completely close and it won't allow us to secure the premises here I'm going to push my remote on the wall if there that's gonna be my garage door logic board and often what happens is this will start blinking and it allowed me to know that I am having some type of issue whether it's going to be here at my sensors all up top where my gears are okay I'm gonna press it and you can see right away you can hear the clicking one of the reasons this may be happening as you can see here this is the sensor you can see that little lens cover that goes over the actual sensor and you can see how dirty it is and what happens is a lot of times after just years of buildup of dirt debris it'll actually cause the lens to be unable to read the other sensor that's programmed to send the signal so right now because it's dirty it's actually sending a signal and telling the garage logic board hey I have a problem I have a restriction don't close so here I just have a cloth and I'm gonna slightly clean my lens see if we can remove all of this debris and you see all that dirt and residue that came off here you can see how shiny and cleans that wins is gonna do the same procedure you could just see how dirty this lens was as well now we're gonna test our garage door [Music] second reason this may be happening is oftentimes one of the sensors on the door actually goes loose and so what happens with the door opening and closing opening closing all of that excess vibration will cause one of the sensors to actually drop a little bit and then it's unable to read the signal back and forth I'm gonna press the button on the wall again you want to inspect the sensors and make sure when you inspect both of them that they're nice and secure two here on the Left sensor it's loose so what happens is over time it just moves so we want to risa cure this sensor once you risa cure the sensor go ahead and test your garage door [Music] another reason why this happened so here I'm gonna push the button and you want to inspect your sensors make sure they're nice and secure on this side the sensor itself is secure you can see here the wiring came loose and this often happens when you have somebody who's a homeowner or a prospect and they're sweeping up the area they want to clean all the dirt and they keep tugging and grabbing on the wire with their bristles and that will cause the wire nut to come loose and actually allow the wires to separate so basically to fix that you're simply tying in the wires back making sure they're nice and secure and then risa curing it with your wire or not once you've research area wire nuts go to test your door [Music] [Music] another reason this often happens is because of the gears that are inside of this garage center what happens oftentimes is these gears right here are made of plastic and after a while they start to warp so when they open and close they either slip or it grabs and it kind of just vibrates too much whenever the board senses these type of issues it will actually as a safety mechanism keep the door from going down so here the Wow and you can see me applying a little bit of a pressure causing that extra vibration cause the door to come back up these are the common issues in diagnosing and troubleshooting your garage door if you're having issues with a closing and going back up these are the things that you want to look for if this video was a help if it was informational please subscribe
Channel: Sam
Views: 1,191,883
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Id: _kyKWpoUsqs
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Length: 6min 31sec (391 seconds)
Published: Wed May 30 2018
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