How to lubricate Garage Door safely & correctly!

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[Music] hey youtubers my pores look like bars channel thank you for watching today quick friendly DIY project we're gonna head outside to the garage and show you how to properly and successfully lubricate your garage door and get that squeak sound gone let's head on to the grabb to get started alright youtubers inside the garage now and there is the blaster white lithium grease that we did a review on in a previous video if you have not checked that video out definitely check it out we walk you through why this is the more popular grease as opposed to all the other ones such as wd-40 or the garage door silicone style grease so with that said let's dive right into the project I recommend wearing safety gloves and safety glasses next you want to make sure your garage door is in the full closed position and locate your red rope which is your disconnect rope which disconnects the garage door from the motor track and be careful as you do it you'll notice that the hinge up above turns a 90 degrees and that is now completely disconnected from the track there are a lot of hinges that we will be lubricating and I'll start with this one for example as you can see here these hinges spin as the garage door opens and closes so we have a lot we've got the rollers we've got the springs and all sorts of hinges so let's go and grab the lithium grease and get started all right got the lithium grease and I wish I had better light but the garage door has to be closed and just be careful again you just want to spray a little bit on each side and that will lubricate itself as the garage door opens and closes over the next few days as you can see a little cut through there and that will allow it all to be worked into the hinge I will continue this and lubricate every single one of these hinges on the actual face of the door ok so I took a few minutes and lubricated all of the hinges on the face of the door and just a quick recap I sprayed inside as well as on the entire cut or seam of the hinge and inside the apps' aside let's now direct our attention to the rollers and you'll notice a larger mouth that has the roller portion hinge as well as a very similar hinge that would just lubricated so we will do it the exact same what I can do is carefully spin this hinge where I see the seen here spray it and inside a little bit on each side and I'll do the same for the roller as well now the rollers will depend on which style you have some have bearings and some don't as you can see ours are just plastic and no bearings so there's really no benefit to greasing inside the actual wheel portion of the roller however just this little seam here might be a good idea and we'll spray on each side and again as the garage door opens and closes over the next few days that grease will work itself in all the seams of the roller and hinges ultimately coating the entire hinge and roller and alleviating that loud scratchy and annoying sound what I'll do is I'll continue lubricating all of the actual roller hinges the bracket and the additional hinge up here at this point I have all the rollers the entire bracket and the additional hinges on the roller brackets all lubricated and you may need a ladder for the top hinge here what I want to stress as you do this I recommend not sprain the track please do not spray inside the track what will happen is over time the air and wind will kick up dust and dirt and grime and if any previous owner or anyone use wd-40 on this track it's basically going to absorb all that dirt all that grime and caused nothing but heartache for this track so what I recommend instead of spraying it do an inspection of the entire internal portion of the track and clean it with a shop towel from here one additional item where the track meets the upper rounded track portion and the lower track portion you have a seam over time it can cause a little sounds good carefully lubricate that on each side and I'll kind of clean that up to make it more presentable and you'll also do the apps aside where the two portions of the track connect it real quick let's talk a little bit more about the actual rollers there's a couple different styles of rollers you have a metal roller and those metal rollers are more advanced and more popular in nowadays garage door openers they have ball bearings inside the actual roller portion and they last a lot longer however when they last a lot longer they do require a little bit more maintenance so we recommend is lubricating your ball bearings twice a year once in the spring and then once in the fall right before winter however in our case again we have plastic rollers and they do not have ball bearings and these are the cheaper style rollers and they need to be replaced or recommended to be replaced every two or three years next thing I want to talk about is the upper portion spring and pulleys you can see that we do not have any pulleys on our garage door our garage door is not the same as all others some garage doors have pulleys that move and those pulleys also have ball bearings inside them and need to be lubricated so in the event that you have pulleys take a few minutes and properly lubricate the internal bearings and the next thing we need to direct our attention to is the overhead track and in the event that you have a chain please do not lubricate or spray your chain it already has a factory coating on it that propels moisture and you do not want to harm that or interrupt that coating in any way however in our case we have basically a belt as you can see here with teeth and as it goes inside the motor that's what grabs it and moves your entire garage door we are not going to lubricate our belt what we want to do is spray the grease a shop towel and what we are going to do is lubricate the bottom portion as well as the top portion of this actual track or rail and the reason being is because that track right down there I'll shift the ladder and show you okay up on the ladder and as you can see the way that that bracket mounts itself on the tree or rail slides on the bottom side you can see just a little bit of where here as well as the top side so again we're gonna spray a shot top and carefully lubricate this portion of the rail or track and real quick on a direct our attention to this pulley here as you can see that is what the belt wraps itself around we are not going to spray that because we do not want any of that lithium grease on this belt alright youtubers I spoke too soon we're all out of shop towels so we're going to do this as clean just make a fast clean spray along the bottom portion of the track all the way down and you will also just grab it with your hand pull this belt down do not put any grease on your fingers or the belt and spray this top portion here over the next few days of opening and closing all that grease is going to get inside that mount there and properly lubricate all its seams and it's also important this is as far back as the trolley mount goes you don't need to lubricate the portion in between the trolley mount in that pulley and the next part this little brace mount here where it connects here and you can see it basically slides in between this hinge here and we want to lubricate both sides of this entire hinge down off the ladder and the next thing we need to direct our attention to is the upper springs there are two types you have an extension spring or a torsion spring the extension spring you do not need to lubricate however with the torsion spring there are no pulleys and what happens is the garage door opens and closes is this contracts and then expands and because this torsion spring contracts or another way to put it is it winds up all those seams inside that spring rub against each other so we are going to spend a couple minutes and carefully and properly spray each torsion spring up on the ladder now and as you can see again we do not have an extension spring as this door opens and closes so just carefully run a straight line [Music] and after lubricating or spray in this entire spring what I did was I got a little messy but willing to do it just carefully don't apply any pressure just slowly work it in like this and you'll do this both for this spring as well as the spring on the opposite side and check this out youtubers what I did next was I took the straw off the actual can and then sprayed from slightly further distance and basically put a really good coating on the entire radius of the spring both the left side and the right side are youtubers I'm off the ladder and at this point we have basically completed our DIY lubrication process and be patient as you open and close the door over the next few days that lithium grease is going to make its way into all the seams properly seat itself and lubricate all moving portions of the garage door and a quick recap why we use that lithium grease it is going to stay put and work its way into the moving parts as opposed to a more runny or watery products such as wd-40 and what I mean by that the lithium grease will get better as time goes on while the wd-40 will get worse as time goes on and before opening the garage door let's reconnect the trolley mount to the motor just like that back at the wall-mounted crash door opener and close your push button let's go ahead and open the door and again the first couple times you will hear a little bit of sound let that lithium grease work itself in that sounded a lot better and we will close it and open it and close it one more time do not continuously open and close this until that scratching sound goes away because what you'll do is you'll overheat your motor and that motor can fail so don't do that [Music] alright youtubers it has been a few days and the garage door has probably opened and closed a good five to six times and let's go ahead and open the garage door and listen [Music] that sounds a lot better and I want to close the door now and see how that sounds and again that lithium grease only works itself into the seams and gets better and better as time goes on check that out no scratchy squeaky sounds that are gonna blow your eardrums or wake up kids when they're sleeping at 5:00 in the morning when you're going to work that's a youtuber see a quick friendly DIY project we recommend giving the garage door just a few days of up and down closing and opening for all of that lubrication to properly seat itself along all parts all hinges and the entire track from there do us a favor below the video you will see that thumbs up icon click on that like the video subscribe to the channel definitely go to your settings turn on your youtube notification about once you do that every video that we upload you will be notified you'll be able to stay up to date with us and that will be awesome thanks again for watching [Music]
Channel: DIY With Michael Borders
Views: 91,491
Rating: 4.8236818 out of 5
Keywords: garage door wont close, garage door doesnt open, garage door lights flashing, install garage door, program garage door remote, garage door no power, garage door not working, change battery garage remote, DIY garage door, garage door troubleshooting
Id: -fUaIzRShuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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