Garage Door Insulation Kit [DIY Tutorial] Save $$$ (2020 UPDATE)

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today we're going to show you how to do an installation job from garage door nation simple steps we're going to show you the tools you need and exactly how to install it it should take less than about a half an hour to install alright guys so we're going to go ahead and first of all measure the size of each insulation insert this is Todd he's an expert at doing this so the first one is just better 44 inches so we're going to go ahead and cut our kit up and get started notice here there's a saw outside and then there's the insulated side this side dog is going to be facing out this is a nice hard material and it looks very professional when we install it what we call vinyl back that's perfect let me watch here when it we're going to fill this up a little bit one section done he's wedging in the right corner and guiding it all the way through that's the way you start out is you want to get the corner instead of the corner and slowly pound it into this is called a style so you want to pound it into the style and then just kind of help it get in the the insert there all right guys raise the door you get the bottom inserts in here there's one thing about insulation once you add insulation you got to think about one thing you added a lot of weight to the door I know the installation kids some weigh a lot but it makes a lot of difference if you look at this - what I want you to notice one thing you see how the belt is sagging right now that means the door is heavy so watch watch when I take the tension out so y'all stiffened up now what we're going to do is a simple balance test this door was perfectly balanced before we put the kid on so I'm just going to lift the door off a few inches you can see as I lift the door right now I'm hooked up again it's very heavy and that's because we add the installation kit obviously when you add weight you got to change your springs so we're going to go through that you can watch our other videos on how to change out your garage door springs
Channel: Garage Door Nation
Views: 488,026
Rating: 4.738255 out of 5
Keywords: garage door insulation kit, Do It Yourself (Hobby), How-to (Website Category), garage insulation, Tutorial (Media Genre), garage door insulation
Id: XMPYNkxoe6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 55sec (295 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2015
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