Garage door insulation FL

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they all noisy the door is there another ingredient is the 4 by 10 inch and a half fiberglass duct board as you can see here one side kind of a felt on one side it's an inch and a half thick and on the backside is kind of a shiny metallic on the other side we're going to be fitting that into the panel of the garage door to dip in this thing it was nice down there on no only thing the gals complained about is the issue you have to form this stuff up okay to form this stuff they make cutters here like right here it's a cutter it's exactly 45 degrees it got razor knives in they go make up never there we go and this is of course you back these off now on slope salt so we got to make sure you're in there all the way when you back this guy off here because you're going to feel the load I'm already feeling the load see okay let's see probably better turn lower or I can't get a hold with the other one let's see probably hunker down second this way I'll hit first that's good enough to be downtown to be turned over here quarter three quarter now the garage door is finished you'll see that you know these panels look pretty pretty decent on the inside we reattached all the metal strips on the outside not really a bad job doesn't look too bad at all and it's quiet so we'll just kind of raise the garage door compare to what we had before and see what we got how about that for quiet Wow make a lot of noise we'll go back down not a bad job so if you want to insulate it from the summer heat or the winter cold or you just want a quiet door all those things will work thank you and have a great day
Channel: Terry Renbarger
Views: 30,842
Rating: 4.5971222 out of 5
Keywords: Garage Door, insulation
Id: _QHwviD0iN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 24sec (384 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2015
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