Ganondorf's SECRET PROJECTILE — Random Smash Ultimate Facts

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hi my name is PK beats and I do things anyways hope Tasser on Twitter showed off something funny with samis and fox and actually it's probably just easier to watch that it's funnier that way it's go time start Mar fire and will see normally when this type of Final Smash activates your character gets sent way high up presumably to get the ideal cross that I don't know you're being sent to space however if you activate it on the same frame that samus's bomb blows up on her that sort of overrides the hit Stone of the Final Smash activation letting you move during this initial knockback now when you spam jump and stuff during this initial hit it's not like it increases your height and that's what koosu you can already tell that you get sent extremely high from the normal initial hit after all rather it's that by overriding the Final Smash Hit with your own bomb lay I guess the game loses whatever system it had in place preventing you from being koed by the top blast one like you normally would be and thus it allows it to actually take away your stock now and also I guess the game's coded to just have you get launched after the final smash anyways and can't really comprehend the attack starting up with no one actually caught in it if you're wondering you've actually got a lot of time where you can act after this hit where you're in this zombie State before the game can correct itself and also your charge beam status is kept the same too even though you've lost your stock and it should technically be reset which is also really interesting but if you're % is high enough when this happens not only will the momentum of the initial hit KO you as usual but the final hit will also KO you resulting in a two for one yes this carries over to stocks just fine and will result in you losing two stocks to one Final Smash testing this in a real match is really hard since it takes a while to get each attempt set up and this is frame perfect and I am not a Tas but the clip in the Tweet does confirm that this is how it works in a real match so let's just go with that now there's probably plenty of other stupid consequences to the concept of this glitch but I'm just going to leave this the testing there for today since this was kind of a last minute Edition anyways expect more testing in the future eventually maybe probably another last minute Edition is me talking about this hot sauce Advent calendar I found at the store which is just the coolest thing ever I'll be starting it a few days after this video comes out so if you want to see updates on each sauce and how I like it follow me on Twitter I'll probably post updates there maybe speaking of stupid stuff minmin for the winwin had left a comment on the video about something regarding Ganondorf so we all know that this guy doesn't have a single projectile to his name right even though having some form of dead man's volley would be really cool by the way this concept video is actually like really awesome I recommend watching it but yeah he has only brawler or sword based moves to his name and yet here in this Victory screen bam he has one projectile used listed in his stats with no items how though well here is the only thing I did as Ganondorf in that match yeah gan or's Final Smash is apparently a projectile it's not something you think of at first since visually it's just him charging at someone but given how ganondorf's position doesn't actually change after the final smash is over the idea that he's just disappearing and then shooting out a Ganon projectile is at least kind of intuitive but once you start learning more about this whole thing it's not really that simple also I guess it takes me like 200 laser shots to charge a Final Smash meter which you can imagine is really really fun and I can imagine what some of y'all might want me to test in regards to this but first I really want to drive home just how stupid this is you might think that oh because you're using a Final Smash which is like an item that means any Final Smash used is kind of like using an item or something external from yourself and thus as a projectile well for one filling your Final Smash meter doesn't actually count toward items grabbed like breaking open a smash ball does but let's just assume that that even is the case and test some other Final Smashes bazer is a pretty good one he's kind of similar to Ganondorf in that he transform forms and moves away from wherever his character really is this is not a projectile okay fine what about I guess captain Falcon is his whole entire car that he spawns a projectile at all nope guess not okay okay that makes some sense but what about Mario he's shooting out a whole wave of fire surely this is some kind of projectile no no it's not what about PK starstorm there's loads of projectiles being rained down from that nope nope not this either Mewtwo he's shooting out a ball of nope okay what about links no are you kidding me he's literally shooting an arrow in the Final Smash using neutral special normally counts as a projectile just so you know so okay so while as usual I didn't test the entire cast clearly finals matches aren't normally considered projectes by the game even ones that really should be I even asked my friends what they thought and they didn't see anything weird about gondor's Final Smash in the script zebox did give me a hitbox visualization for the G and dash which I don't know it doesn't look particularly weird though we're not even sure if it's the dash itself that's a projectile or if it's just the move as a whole see when they cancel the Final Smash by quitting the game the moment I activate it it still gets counted as a projectile in the endgame stats something similar can be seen with Link's bow and arrow quitting as I charge it also keeps it counted now with charge projectiles that you can cancel like mewt charging it in a few frames after releasing it doesn't count as a projectile but it will count a little bit after it's like officially released okay but yeah anyways we get that gandor Final Smash is weird and dumb and stupid so let's do some supplemental tests for one even though it's a projectile nothing really gets reflected when you say have a Franklin badge or anything granted right now we don't really know which part of the Final Smash is being considered a projectile but basically that presence of a reflector didn't change anything which is kind of to be expected honestly so what about the shooting attack up Spirit effect the description of this effect is to increase the power of projectile weapons such as bows or guns yeah this file smash is neither gun nor bow but this is the only spe I could think of that involves increased projectile damage so same testing strategy as usual two of the same primary Spirits just one with the shooting attack up spirit and one with no secondary Spirit the attack power should be the same between the two outside of those affected by the shooting attack up effect we can confirm that this works with Fox's laser which deals 4.1% with the control spirit and 4.5% with the boosted Spirit and the results on The Final Smash on the control Spirit it deals 14 .2% on the slam hit and 49.7% on the dash hit with a full 63.9% on the dash when used from farther away and with the shooting attack up Spirit the slam hit deals 15.6% with the dash hit dealing 54.6% and the longer distance one dealing 70.3% so very clearly all numbers are increased which I was actually incredibly surprised by so not only does this more or less imply that this shooting attack up Spirit affects anything that would be considered a projector by the endgame stats but it also confirms that it's not just any specific part of gor's Final Smash but rather the entire thing that's considered the projectile also we can look at link again where his neutral special is properly affected dealing 24.9% with the control Spear and 27.4% with the boosted one and yeah his final smash deals 49.7% between both of the spear groups I hate it I hate it so much it is literally a bow and arrow whatever okay unrelated but I also thought about this while testing it's just really funny that hitting a with Fox's laser will cancel whatever voice line is happening at the moment it's kind of like how jumping into water and TF2 cancels voice lines even if the water is like super shallow all right let's stick to the topic of Final Smashes with this prompt from my Discord by alisy Lizzy regarding the Superstar normally when the Superstar is active you get this flashy sparkling glow effect around you with the classic Superstar music playing in the background however if you activate a Final Smash while having this effect afterwards the sparkling will be gone as well the music yet your invincibility will remain as indicated by the flashing this is regardless of whether or not you actually land the Final Smash however this doesn't work universally as if someone else has the Superstar effect and you activate a Final Smash the music nor the effect goes away everything I said before applies for Captain Falcon's Final Smash and basically all cut SC and Final Smashes from what I tested however this doesn't happen for Mario Sam Kirby or snake just to name a few conceptually some of this does make sense cut scene Final Smashes are sort of prepared to shift the focus of everything going on for duration whereas Final Smashes like mari's can easily happen within the current state of the match now Ganondorf should be the same in that sense right but I'm thinking maybe it's because he fully transforms here compared to the other characters where they mostly just stay the same during the attack because Bowser's final smash also gets rid of the star effects and stuff as does a pseudo cut scene file smash like Pikachu's where he transforms into a ball of electricity I suppose here's a list that alisy and Lizzy made just to give you a better idea without cluttering the video's runtime anymore for our usual supplemental tests if everyone has a superstar effect including the person using the Final Smash it's not like that'll wipe out all effects or music but rather just the ones of the person who did the Final Smash the music will remain due to and in time with the other active Superstars however if you have one person with a superstar and hit someone else to fully trigger the cut scene then the effect in music will go away for them while the invincibility remains this seems to only work for True cut scene Final Smashes though and wouldn't translate over to say Ganondorf and lastly given that previous test you might wonder about something like the hammer which also has its own music to accompany normally you wouldn't be able to test it since the person with the effect can't activate a Final Smash but using this setup from before we can see that yeah no activating the cut scene file smash will stop it but it'll also just sort of remove it from existence which isn't exactly the same thing speaking of existing POG champ had given me a prompt regarding the lavel walls on norfair that being how they don't really have hip boxes all the way up which makes sense in retrospect but isn't something I really thought of before this is the case for either of the side lava walls or the big wave that comes in from behind if you look in the camera technically the lava should be hitting you pretty high up but it seems like the hit BLX is more so limited to the very top blast on what this does mean is that if you happen to get hit from below while you're up there you'll just instantly get koed this method of evasion isn't really useful for the side Lava Falls anyways even if it's a really fun option but what about that big background one that covers the whole screen as it turns out you don't even need as much height as I've been overs supplying myself here with these bunny hoods and Rocket belts as long as your character even has decent vertical height it's actually stupid easy to avoid this hit like right here Lucas is barely by the top lastone and he avoids it completely so as long as you know the timing for the hit avoidance is surprisingly brain dead this is ignoring the fact that you can simply air Dodge too or even just do like any ledge option honestly this is all just making me realize that I consider this obstacle way more threatening when I was a kid than it actually is that affirmation timing is kind of stupid though which I did go over in a recent video the hit doesn't coincide with when the lava actually hits the stage but is instead several frames beforehand unrelated but look at me in still the fear of God into this level one CPU by just holding down the jab button yeah no this isn't training mode and now it's just too lazy to grab my second controller so this is just straight up a CPU eventually the sensory overload wears off and it chooses an option but I found it surprisingly consistent to just freeze the CPU in place for like 20 seconds so if for whatever reason you ever need to keep your rabid level one CPU in check it seems to get teamed pretty well by reminding it who's in charge around here next typical Chris left a comment regarding screen KO animations for most of the cast when they slam their stupid faces onto the screen here they'll just comedically slide right off is usually a very smooth slide where they maintain most of their position and just sort of go down however if you see this animation for say Bowser instead of sliding down the screen he'll noticeably fall off where he splat it and go down like that instead this is also the case for King K rule the concept makes sense these two are the heaviest characters in the game so the idea that their weight causes them to sort of peel off the screen and fall slightly backwards is a really nice touch that I never noticed before when looking at Donkey Kong the character with the next heaviest weight he kind of moves but it's mostly normal like the rest of the cast and King DDD who shares DK's weight is even more normal so if this is a character weight thing then it seems like King K rule might be the cff okay now in the prompt a certain other character is mentioned too me sword fighter I'm kind of unsure on this one it's a bit like dks where you can notice him slightly move away from the screen after slamming into it but it's nowhere near as pronounced as Bowser or King K rules if this was another example then that would be super weird given how me sword fighter has an average weight but yeah for me personally I don't really see this as being the same thing as like Bowser or King roll but I'll leave that up to you I think it's a nice detail either way and lastly for today Michael 420 had a prompt regarding SEO on the find me stage basically if you use spirits to boost your attack power when you use your forward aor to stick to the cage either the cage will swing away without you leaving you just sort of floating in the air your sword just stuck to nothing or if you angle it right you'll go absolutely flying with the cage which is really funny its own right it's more consistent when you make yourself small likely because the power goes down too but when you're big you're just way too strong like you get stuck in the air Looney Tune style before gravity even realizes that the thing you should be attached to is in the sky now there's really not a lot to this prompt other than how it's just kind of funny to picture Sethro swinging around and getting stuck in the air like this though these size change things did make me wonder something when Sethro gets bigger so does his sword so if his normal range for the Forward Air cling is around here then with the mushroom boost it'd be all the way back here what happens if you're out here and your mushroom runs out the answer is a pretty underwhelming nothing really you just start to get forced out of the cling animation though if you do this while you're small when you regain your normal size you'll be making out with the wall which is like way way closer than you'd normally be able to be with this kind of move which is just a little stupid okay that's all the time your balance can cover for so I'm going to end the video there now that winter is B basically here and a lot of my outdoor Hobbies kind of suck I'm going to try to spend more time doing things inside and part of that includes something I've been thinking about on and off for a while now a community Discord I shut down my public server about 2 years ago now same with a tf2 one I ended up making at a similar point I wasn't in a great head space to begin with but I also think that I just wasn't approaching the whole public Discord thing with the right mindset like I don't need to think that everything that happens in a YouTuber Discord immediately reflects on said YouTuber I feel like basically every big content creator with a Discord has tons of Gremlins running loose in them I thought it was just a bit more LAX about it all being more free form and getting rid of said Gremlins and not really letting it affect me too much I think it'd be nice to have that space to interact with the community back again I'm still going back and forth on this of course but I guess just like let me know down in the comments how interested you are in a public PK beat server again or if you think that's better off not happening in the meantime I'll keep working on my fun ugly videos and dancing the night away alongside my glorious and amazing Pat rain Sil 700 burbo spider Jew and everyone else with their amazing support stay casual and I'll see y all [Music] later
Channel: PKBeats
Views: 74,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smash, Smash Bros, Smash Bros Ultimate, Smash Ultimate, Super Smash Bros, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Ultimate, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Switch, SSB, SSBU, Gaming, Video Games, Video Game, Funny, Fun, Humor, Informational, Entertainment, Trivia, Fun Facts
Id: fVkucge1j9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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