Gangster EXPOSES Undercover Police: Marcus Redwood (Part 3)

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police running up the stairs this way to the police car this way and then went where's the gun they sort kind of kidnapped him and he used to keep a tally of everyone he'd knocked out I've never done that Jesus too many and he went on a minute no strip sh okay Dave Dave called me he's just driv straight towards this wall and I'm thinking turn turn turn Dave's never done anything really bad to me he's he's done a few naughty little annoying things I might tell you about him in a minute someone's paid five grand to have you shot all of a sudden you're in this you're in this world that you've only read about all these Riot squads got out they got Shields and battens there's like 8 10 of them so operation Mayflower was a massive thing it involved 120 police officers over 6 months surveillance they spent over a million pound on surveillance I was getting followed around my phone was getting tapped I was a drug importer gun Runner a Hitman an enforcer a debt collector which some of it's true all of a sudden I got I got cut off by all these other police cars I've got five of them I've got dog F and please I find it fascinating you've never been banged up you how [Music] why Marcus welcome back to the show thank you very much WoW we've never had someone come back on a part three by the demand from everyone out there they're like get Marcus Redwood back on for part three it's been Wicked it's been really wicked it's been uh been fun isn't it yeah very fun this um this get the ball rolling it let's roll all the way back I actually want to go back to your early days when you first started the doors down in Margate it's a while back for you but I want to roll back into your your mind there what was it actually like on the doors back then um it was well for a young doorman it was quite scary actually to start with I mean it wasn't it wasn't an easy place to work especially in the summer I mean vastly different from you know the winter to the summer there was a lot of difference um but uh yeah it was back then remember what you got look at there was no there was no door licenses M there was actually no uniforms at all there was no radios there was no metal detectors basically what they did I mean the old school way of doing it was you know the the local sort of hard man got a job on a door I mean I I mentioned him before name that Springs to my mind from them days is a guy called Johnny Andrews um because he was working a a pub and a nightclub on his own he was the only guy there no backup nothing at all no radios no point on radios on his own but but he was just as tough as old boots and no one messed with him I mean and the ones that did regretted it because he'd find him the next day go knock on the door you know so even if you could beat him in numbers he would go and individually pick you out one by one so his reputation just people just didn't bother but but when I got when I started on the doors I was like I said i' I've been doing a little bit of door work in a funny little Pub in broadstairs um but when I started on the doors in Margate I would have been about 1819 um and I was definitely like a new kid on the Block you know i' I'd started training at the gym after a bike accident so i' started putting a bit of weight on got friends with the dorant who was training in there and they invited me up to one of the bars was called greens wine bar and I remember I used to basically like a Fillin Dorman at first you know cuz you if there was a bank holiday they'd normally up the numbers by one you know so there was like say two or three Dorman they'd put an extra one on for the bank holiday because the extra coach parties and visitors from out of town and one that Springs to mind particularly um I was working in Greens this particular weekend it was bank holiday and we had a head Dorman there who was an absolute is the me of a bully boy Dorman he was a big capable guy he was a black belt karate you know a big tough lad but he just wanted to fight everybody yeah and unfortunately one of the other guys with him was also of the same mentality so you had two out of three Dorman there there was another big Lloyd my other mate big Lloyd was there as well but he was actually you know a more fair and and sort of understanding guy so you you got two two guys there who are real handfuls and real nasty but anyway so Mickey one of them he turned around to me and he said right he said Bank holdy weekend coming up I want everyone to bring a tour so I'm I'm 19 I think okay so Bank all the weekend I turn up with a 12 gaade shotgun all right and he went he went what the [ __ ] that I said you said bring a to you said bring a to he said I'm in a knuckle Duster or a bat he said idiot he said he said well you bought it now he said so let's let's put it in that cupboard under the stairs so there was a you come in the front door there was like a cupboard on your left so uh we put it in there we just stood it in there and shut the door and the night carried on it was bank I can't was it Friday or Saturday it was Bank holay weekend anyway and we did have some coach parties in from Bary I believe or somewhere like that and they all kicked off so near the end of the night near like 11 11:30 we had this big kickoff with these guys and like I said there's three or four of us to get them out and we we had a proper old tear up with them but you had to go down about two flights of stairs so you're literally you're trying to remove them and you're trying to fight them on the stairs and everything we got them out I got into this big car park outside and um and they they weren't happy they wanted to come back and continue the fight sort of thing and anyway so one com to the door he's got his back out he's got his gum shield in like and he's actually trying to talk to him he's going and they couldn't understand what he was on about you know what I mean and uh so I just I just I pulled a gun out and I just so I'm shot out the door with this loaded gun CU they all kicking off of the D and then they they retreated you know hastily and and I sort chased them down the car p a little way but I didn't I didn't shoot anybody you know it was it wasn't the idea the idea was to scare the [ __ ] out of them and it actually worked pretty good but what happened was I've got like a couple hundred meters away from where I'm supposed to be and I've got so I'm there with a loaded gun in the middle of a car park right and then all of a sudden I see blue lights coming and I'm thinking [ __ ] and I just froze I just honestly I like H I'm going to get nicked right and then all of a sudden this this white perso 405 pulls up right in front of me with the back window open and it was a big black guy used to train in the gym called Larry Larry Lord I give him a thank you Larry cuz my life would have gone in a completely different direction he went sling it in the back so so I've I've thrown the gun through the open window it's bounced onto the back seat and he's just driven straight off out this there's only one entrance into this car park and as he's driving out the police cars with the blue lights coming in so and they've literally surrounded me there's police running up the stairs this way there a police car this way and I'm like and then he went where's the gunun and I went what gun it's in the car going off on the sea front oh mate I mean when I think about it it was such a stupid thing to do all right it really was but in my defense I was young and I was trying to impress the older dman you know um which he did is Larry still about today Larry I think last time I spoke to him he was working in London as a Kuper was he yeah but he's a lovely lovely he was a great big guy he was big enough to be a dman but he wasn't a dman he was a local taxi driver but trained in the same gym as all of us guys but yeah if he hadn't have been there that night my whole life would have taken a different a different direction should we say and what about Jim life for you you mentioned Jim you were getting in that early doors 18 19 obviously training with a load of lumps i' imagine a load of the lumps were all on the gear yeah when were you introduced to that world well I was in almost immediately I mean I literally the gym I chose to train at there wasn't in them days there wasn't all these you know Banner tines and this and that it was it was a little Hardcore gym down the back street you know it was a sort of spit and sawdust place and it was being run by a guy called Graham Olive who was a monster I mean he was like 20 stone of just sheer muscle he was also a black belt he was one of the nasty D he he he he just loved breaking people I mean this this guy actually won the gold medal he punch through six one-in boards you know I mean that's that takes him doing if he hit you in the jaw you didn't have a jaw you know he did a reverse spinning kick on a guy one night and broke his pelvis pelvis Jes broke his pelvis and then as the guy dropped down he jumped on top of him and he punched both his cheekbones off of his face he was blind for two months the guy I mean he just destroyed anything he hit he was he had too much power and too much ability but he had a real nasty nasty head on his shoulders so I I worked with those people for the first few years and they basically just showed me how not to be a Dorman so everything I learned from them was like don't do that you know um I mean as it's quite sad but both of those guys um I mean we always say you know you you reap what you sow both of those guys ended up dead at an early age I think don't think they made it to 30 but they don't um well one of them Graham uh tried to kill himself and the first attempt he was so solid this guy his first attempt he threw himself out of a third story window and just hit the floor got back up dusted himself off and went up and had another go is that right serious Jes and the land lady lifted the ground floor flat and she just kept seeing this right and he's like Anyway the police 20 police turned up to arrest him Jesus and and it took 20 police to arrest him he broke one of their arms and he battered him and they finally got him in there um and but as soon as he was released he went back out and he took a big overdose of pills d a bottle of vodka and BOS gone um but um the other one Mickey what was Mickey's Sur name oh Mickey Mickey Davy yeah mck Davy or metal Mickey they used to call him he was he was nasty he he used to like using a bat on people he didn't need a bat cuz he was really good with his hands and his feet but he had this um yeah I see him I pulled him off a guy one night cuz he we chased this guy up the High Street and um this this is another funny story cuz I got to meet this guy like some 20 years later so I was a young Dorman we we finished work at this wine bar and we were leaving there to go to a nightclub where we're going to continue to work but the in the summer then youed have groups of guys in coach parties wandering around the streets so some guys run out and kicked his car and he's just jumped we pulled the car over we all jumped out we chased this guy up the High Street and this guy wishes he a kick the car now you know what I mean but he ran because he didn't know the area this guy ran down like a little dead end alley and now Mickey's got him trapped and Mickey's got a bat on him oh man and so there's you know there's three of us big lumps walking down this alley towards this guy and I'm thinking I know Mick's going to you know going to hurt him but hope he not too bad but anyway the guy he swings the back the guy puts his arm up and he smashes his arm with the bat breaks his arm but then he continues smashes him over the head knocks the Geyer out still continues still continues I mean he's going to Cave his head in I literally I grabbed hold of I grabbed hold of him and I pulled him off as hard as I could um you know trying to talk some sense into him but pulled him off look he's he's he's done you know and we dragged him off and and I really thought the guy was going to die um and I said I was only probably I probably 19 then so I was [ __ ] myself you know but they were like 20 they were probably about 25 26 so that that that age Gap then they're much more senior to you you know but I managed to pull him off anyway and it wasn't until it wasn't until later in life when I went to Thailand when I first started going to Thailand and I was in this bar uh called the dogs bollocks right in this little it's yeah In Paya and it's it's a very well-known bar so loads of people I mentioned this the dogs bollocks anyway and so I'm in there and it wasn't as sort of bar I go to it's like little football crowd and all that little thuggy sort of bar but anyway I got chck this guy and he goes where you from I said England he goes yeah where from in England I said oh Margate oh Margate oh I got the [ __ ] kicked out of me and Margate right anyway he starts talking about yeah g chasing me up this Alleyway and with a bat and oh no I said like I said did you kick his car he goes yeah and I so we got talking he goes well I said I was there I said I I said you broke your arm with the first swing of the bat he went yeah because then I got knocked out he said I really had you know bad broken a fetched skull blah BL I said mate I said he would have killed you I said I pulled him off of you you know it was proper bizarre meeting the guy 20 years later that I thought I thought he'd be killed or we thought we all thought he'd got permanent brain damage or something like that that's what we were told but obviously just cuz he kicked his car yeah yeah the mentality of that is oh listen he' done worse than that yeah I've actually I've been in a bar with him one day it's really busy bar and his SC scens and it's a long very long sort of narrow bar and there was no real trouble this night nice crowded no trouble so he picked up a pint off the top like that and he's thrown it over his head behind him so as it's got like 10 or 12 people it's it's gone over everyone at the bar now they're all they're all looking for who threw the drink not expecting it to be the dorm yeah so they're all starting on each other he just purposely caused a problem in the bar just so he could throw someone out and knock him out and he used to keep a tally of everyone he'd knocked out you know know I mean I've never done that no Jesus too many so what was it like then the mentality of this right you're 189 you're seeing this all around you are you thinking this is like a minute ago you said it's not the way to act but are you were you impressed by it or did you get scared by the actual the brutality of what they were doing the brutality of it was yeah I mean look if if if someone deserves a smack yeah I'm all for giv him a smack yeah I really am I'm not you know but but when when a guy's done either a minor thing or he's you know he's a bit too drunk let's face it what what when I started working with some other Dorman I worked with this other guy called elwin and he said to me look he said we've got 350 people that can get in this club this little Club was working he said 365 days in the year he said everyone has a bad day once a year he said so our job is to just deal with that as best we can so that guy might be a really nice guy for most of the year maybe he's had a ra of his wife maybe he's just got too much to drink tonight but he's if he's going to be an [ __ ] which is out of his character don't hurt him for it just just remove him calm him try and calm him down try and put him outside he'll probably come back and Shake Your Hand next week he said he said I've made a lot of my friends this way and he was right and that's and his luckily his influence was what I listened to yeah yeah so you know I I took more and I mean let's say Johnny Andrews the other guy I mentioned Johnny Andrews was a really really tough guy but he was never a bully yeah he didn't he didn't smack anyone who didn't need a smack you know um he didn't pick on people and it was the same so that's what I sort of that's what I took away from this I mean I was I tell you another one I was in Greens one night and and I was I said a young D so eyes were on me to impressed you know sometimes they put me into a situation you go deal with that just to see what I would do yeah so one night one day in Greens I've gone up to this guy and he was he was being an [ __ ] big guy and um he basically told me to do one you know I see let make calm down blah blah blah and he's like [ __ ] off you know you're a kid you know and it's very hard when you're a young dman trying to talk to a man who's you know maybe 35 something like that they don't like being told off by a teenager and uh anyway so in the end he's gone for me so I've actually chinned him knocked him out but before he could even fall I've like knocked him out and grabbed him and I thrown him over my shoulder and I thought I've got this unconscious I've got this great big unconscious guy over my shoulder and I'm thinking [ __ ] where's the exit so I'm I'm heading towards the fire exit out the back so I haven't got to drag this person all the way through the it's not doesn't look good you know with unconscious blak over your shoulder and and I'm walking towards the fire exit but and it's moving like this and what the hell is going on be behind me and there's Mickey walking along behind me hitting the guy no like he's a punch bag and I'm trying to just carry him out you know he doesn't need anymore he's unconscious but yeah so yeah so sorry what question I can't remember I'm just enjoying the stories to be so tell me when you like down in Margate Ken a lot of people travel all around the country go down in Margate was that more difficult for you to manage because you're not just like in an area where you know the crowds are coming in who are the Crowds Are you're getting random coach loads of football ads stag dudes that are all piling down there is that harder it was it was yeah the season Once the season started you know you had your work cut out it was really really tough um we used to have um bars we used to call them the beos so a bino know like a coach party so on a on a on Saturdays we would have as many as 70 coach parties come down and in the 80s um that was when the football violence was at its height you know so these would primarily be from different parts of London so you'd have like a you'd have an Arsenal coach come down you'd have a lot of Head Hunters come down you'd have and then when they got on the sea front oh [ __ ] you know this lot would meet this lot and Bam you not you're not fighting two or three guys or CH you got 100 people now fighting you got this coach part and they they're used to fighting cuz they go away have football violence and also they're only in the town for one night they don't care if you borrow them from a club so the hardest bit in the daytime we used to let them in we actually had a bar called Broncos and it was made for the coach parties so the only downside was again no radios no uniforms and um only five staff I think so five Dorman but very very good dman by you very very good dman um and uh we used to let in like 5 600 people on the piss in coach parties their place was built it was built out of lot the furniture was built out of tree trunks so you couldn't you couldn't pick a table up or roll a stall over cuz they were SS a tree right and if you if you actually you TR to run towards a bit of problem if you hit one of them you break your legs but in the middle of the place was this uh the bar was made like a western wagon so it was all done like a sort of cowboy style and then at the end there was a Corral with a bucking bull in it so the the thing used to be like it's a pound to get in you know cheap boov have a go on the bll see how long you can stay on you know give prizes give drinks prizes and stuff so you get all these drunk you know coach party you imagine it can't you you know whole coach party full of drunken idiots from down for the day and they're riding the bull you know but it was it was crazy that would be open from midday till about it's about 4:00 or 5 but in the evening in the evening time we didn't want them in and in the evening all the coaches was a bylaw it wasn't actual law but it was a bylaw law that said all the coaches had to be out of the Town by 600 p.m. is that right yeah okay so that was that was a bylaw but but what used to happen was nine times out of 10 some of the coaches ad deared to it some of them you know they'd be gone and oh great but there was always that few that like tip the coach drive and went don't go yet few more hours few more hours you go leave leave the area take your coach out to the thanet way and park out there come back and get us at like midnight or 2: in the morning yeah so then they then then they're stuck in the town and they are now trying to get into the club but now they've been on the pistol day probably done a bit of this or a bit of that you know they probably charged up so we used to have our little trick really was um obviously when you're when you're a local dman you get to know your local faces and I pretty much know everybody so you see these strangers queuing up and they think you know it's a big queue it's a busy Club they think and there's no way you're going to know we go like sorry fellas you no groups so that you get the obvious ones being a big group um and then you get the ones that be a little bit clever and they they get of a local girl yeah and they'd pretend their boyfriend and girlfriend and they'd still get to the door and I go your Miss yeah your girlfriend yeah okay what's his name love you know and then it Go a stage further what birth sign are you yeah right or where's your post code right well when you when you ask a Londoner where his what his post code is he didn't think about that one so nine times out of 10 we'd be able to screen most of them out on the front door but then you'd obviously you'd get the odd coach party it just didn't it got turned away from two or three three bars and now they just want to b a big punch up with you so we did used to get that as well luckily um as the years went on and I was sort of starting my door agency a lot of the venues were linked because they were my my my guys so where we might have say I mean scape nightclub had about 10 to 12 staff Frank's nightclub probably had as many as seven uh Punch and Judy would have had like maybe four or five but we could all contact each other so on the odd occasion when we had a big kickoff with a big coach party we could call the reinforcements in which they didn't expect that either how would you explain to The Listener here what actually Margate looks like in terms of bars restaurants clubs nightclubs are everyone just on the on the front it's one big strip it's it's changed a lot it's not the same anywhere near the same as it used to be but there I obviously the layout same you come into when you first come into marget you come into marget and it sort of opens up to this sort of bay so you've got a beautiful Bay a lovely Beach um you've got a pier and then all around there all the way along that front you used to there's arcades arcades Amusements um a few little bars now it's gone more sort of bit more trendy now it's a bit like there some wine bars there's some little restaurants it's a bit nicer there's no big night clubs there at all now nothing Well nightclub the whole nightclub was dying G on there's no there's no nightclubs in the whole area you know before you know in 2019 before the pandemic 220 there was 1500 nightclubs in the UK yeah there's now less than 700 yeah and they're going losing every week we're losing more and more because that you just can't well there's a lot of reasons for it I mean the two things that changed it years ago was when they I first bought in the smoking band smoking smoking band changed it a huge amount 24hour license but the 24-hour license you see it used to be pubs and clubs so I mean in our area for instance I know I'm I'm getting the numbers wrong here but let's say let's say there was only 300 pubs there's probably 500 pubs but let's say there's 300 pubs and let's say that they're now not not shutting at 11 but they're are shutting at one y so if only 10 people stayed in each of those pubs that's thousands of people that would have gone onto a nightclub and filled it up so they when they did that they totally ruined the nightclub industry and to be honest it was much easier to police yeah in the old days when all them little pubs had shut so everyone's gets mild every comes out at 10:00 straight in the club yeah yeah I mean everyone used to be out on a Friday and Saturday everyone be out at 8 or 9 you go in a pub meet your pals there was no Facebook then so it wasn't like how you doing I'm here it was like you go to the pub to meet people and talk to people that's where you met Birds but then but then they almost ship out at 10 Temp and go to the club you you had to get in you had to get in there before the club got full up the club would literally you know you you'd be stuck in a queue for an hour outside freezing your tits off in the winter you know um but but now everyone sort of strolls out I mean people don't leave their house till midnight now they tank up at home come out at midnight you know and and just you just don't have the volume of people I think I think when we talk about the culture Inland everyone talks about theaters and all that the culture in England is nightclubs yeah that's a culture of ours that we're losing very quickly I mean I feel I you know it's really bad that I mean you can still go to like a big city and you still got enough people to support it you know I mean like in London you've got it but even that has changed it's not the quality that it was you know I went I went back to the Ministry of Sound a while ago and it definitely wen't the same I was like I think my my friend's grandchildren were in there or something it was it was they were that bad I just we just felt me me and Tucker were in there we just felt so out of place what was your what was your movement then from that Margot when would it all like your profile really rose up massively after you did The Craze funeral yeah I mean it was all I mean um I suppose we might as well you we could talk about him talk about him now really I mean Dave Dave colney um who's unfortunately yeah bless his soul I mean I'm sure everyone who's been watching the news papers social media whatever knows that Dave actually took his life um well Dave Dave and I met let me see uh I was actually in fact the day I met Dave I think I got shot at that night that was one that was one of the nights I got shot at by the gypsies where was this that was at the kimley arms we we I think I think we mentioned in the previous podcast but I yeah it was it was it was later that same night cuz I finished at about midnight that night at that place I then drove to my friend's house in Canterbury and he knew he said I'm going to introduce you to this crazy guy called Mr Cy so we're going to go to the Ministry of Sound and uh so we went to the Ministry of Sound and I I in my mind when you say Ministry of Sound to me it sounds quite Posh yeah and I was expecting the Ministry of Sound you know it's not it was like scaffold poles and no carpets and Ministry of Sound it's different you know so anyway we we we've gone there and uh Dave didn't know the only thing he turned up to about 3 or 4 in the morning but anyway when he did turn up I got introduced to him and he just made me laugh all night and I made him laugh and we just we just hit it off I just I don't know he was he was I just yeah belly laughing all night he was like he was funny and he looked at me when he go go I'm glad you like he said I'm glad you having to laugh he said cuz I would want to roll around the floor with you you know and then I think halfway through our sort of conversation that night he said um he said someone I want you to meet he said like said he's a proper Soldier one of my best he went Tua come over here I went tuer I went from Gra end he yeah you know him and then tuer just walked out the Shadows he went all right marus quality yeah and he was oh you two already know yeah but but from that sort of moment on I think we I I started I started enjoying that sort of um because I didn't get I didn't get any down time working in Margate on or thanet you know I was always working every weekend I was working actually probably five six nights a week um so I was I never really got time to socialize properly and and actually just you know I say let me air down I haven't got any but but you know just actually unwind yeah so what happened was after meeting Dave up there um I started going up to London quite a bit and for the next 10 years actually probably every weekend um and that just became my downtime my relaxing I never there was never work up there really it was it was somewhere I'd go to just you know I got thanks to Dave up there I got to know I got to know all the Dorman um and I got on really well with all the all the DOR around the West End I could pretty much in the end I could pretty much go to any venue I was on the VIP list yeah um and I did the same for Dave down my end neck of the woods you know Dave was a London boy and he wasn't he wasn't although he was sort of known people had sort of seen stories about him in the papers and that but no one ever met the guy no one really knew him and I invited him down to the nightclubs in my area and he got this massive fan club from there you know what I mean because everyone loved him though and he's nuts you know um so and then we used have these like big um like Soul Coast the weekenders and stuff you know so Dave used to come down and and he bring all his mates and I'd get him you know gold wristbands and VIP treatment so yeah we we both sort of I suppose we both helped each other so what sort of age were you in your first da were you in your 30s I would be just early 9s I would be about 30 yeah okay yeah cuz I started my agency when I was 28 um and it would have been going for a few years before I met Dave so yeah I'd have been 30 or early 30s well how did did you see Dave change over the years as you got older yeah did you see him change from what he was when you first met him did you see him OB obvious L you he calm down and when I first met him he was um a lot more a although he was he was always he always had a good sense of humor but he was a lot more a lot more serious character I would have said okay you know um yeah I mean I mean the thing is with Dave he's like there's a lot of people out there there's a lot of there's a lot of people who don't like him um some of my best friends don't like Dave to be honest you know Dave's never done anything really bad to me he's he's done a few naughty little you know annoying things you know um but um I might tell you about him in a minute but but generally speaking he's never done me a really bad turn so I when I since obviously since he's passing i' I've been thinking about it a lot you know and I can certainly remember more fun good times than I can bad ones but just I've got a few good friends who have not had such a good experience with Dave and and for their own reasons they really dislike him but that's up to them you know so I'm not here today to sort of say say he's good or he's bad what everyone can definitely agree with he was a real funny bugger proper character a proper character if you wanted a good night out then you would have a laugh if you went out with d do you know what I mean um so yeah it was there was some good funny times also it would get you into some trouble as well I mean there you know I'm not being funny that yeah I mean the one story I'd like I'd like to actually tell you about this is so the first time I met Dave was in the ministry and we' like say we' got on really well and we had such a both had such a good night we said look we' got to do this again you know and I said look it's a bit far for me to come you know I'm down in marate I said and you're up here I said can't we meet somewhere somewhere more Central so it wasn't really Central but I used to go to this club called deja vu it was in swanley so it meant I didn't have to go right into the City and it meant he had to come out of his comfort zone a little bit and come and meet me so we met there this place only only he closed at 2: a.m. so anyway so Dave's driven down I've driven up and we've met there and we've got on it we just got on it and because I used to drink in them days I used to try and be flash I didn't like champagne but I used to like flashing it about and you know so as soon as aan used to see me come in he' get half a dozen bottles ready you know so so me and David worked our way for about six bottles of M that night and a few other products as well probably so we've you know we've had a party pill and a bit of this and a bit of that 2:00 come and it's we've had a blinding night but it's time to go home and probably would have been better if we' have got a bus or something you know what I mean it wer n of out so we've gone outside anyway and we said I could buyas and Dave at the time was driving this old mark1 Jag which he just had all restored it looked it looked Immaculate so he said right for lovely time great I see you again blah blah blah so he's got in the car and I've sort of waved him goodbye and I've just watched him drive off down the car park well um the car this this car had an in and an out of this car park and it was surrounded by like a 14 foot eye wall that was like you know brick sh house wall anyway it's just driv straight towards this wall and I'm thinking turn turn turn bam straight into the wall right I mean he's literally all the front of the car is smashed the bits I've run down the car park and I've open the passenger door with Dave and he's and his his head he's cut his head open on the mirror yeah the mirror inside cut his head pissing blood Dave what the [ __ ] what what the [ __ ] happened he goes it slipped into gear he didn't slip into gear you didn't turn to go out there you got to go left you just drove straight into a wall whatever he said I said look man I said look I said um he he's put it in reverse right and he's trying to reverse it right but the the front is so mangled and he's spinning the wheels and he's just burning rubber and anyway he's just he said I'll get it off and all of a sudden the tires actually burst he spun them until they burst and covered me in little bits of rubber cuz I'm standing just beside it and I went you definitely can't go anywhere now I said look I said look man I'll give you lift home which was very nice of me but really wasn't a good idea either cuz I was in just as bad a state as him so anyway and very mind this the second time I've ever met this fell so I went and got my car he said like can you I've got some things in the boot he said to me I'm I'm I'm bit pissed I'm not thinking I thought yeah okay what put me open my boot up and he's getting his boxes out of his Boot and he's putting his boxes in my boot and I'm not even looking to see what's in them to be honest you could have been anything you know uh anyway so he's got in the car he he head he's not doing well he's he's he's bleeding still bleeding quite profusely from his head but I said Dave I don't know London he said I live in plumon I went there nowhere to me I don't know he said I'll tell you just St on the A2 and I'll tell you when to turn off so know so I'm on the A2 I'm driving up there I keep looking at him and he's he's sitting there and all a sudden I looked at him he's just passed out right he's lit I think he must must have got concussion or something but he's just like a little blob sitting there bleeding and I'm thinking drive up the2 so I'm I'm off up the A2 anyway I don't I can't honestly remember what happened to the time but the next thing I know I sort of clipped a traffic Island and it sort of like woke me up and I thought [ __ ] anyway I've Ned him I went Dave Dave you what I said I don't know where I am you sure where I said I said I'm lost you sure where are you I said I don't know I that's why I'm lost he went oh sh so he's W down his window right now this is and a good hour must have gone by right the blood is all dried over his face but he don't look too pretty he forgot about that so he Buzz the window down we pull up a set of traffic lights next to this other car and he stuck his head out the window like this right he went excuse me this person went ah drove off right he went what's that problem Dave your face your face is covered in blood dried blood he went oh yeah so anyway we pulled up next to another car he's done the same thing again he's Tred to White was BL we excuse me where are we anyway blue lights come on behind us we didn't know we' been followed by a police car and all they've seen from their point of view we pulled up next to a car they've shut off we pulled up next to another car they've shut off so they've pulled us over curious anyway I thought [ __ ] so the blue lights come on Dave's going I'm so sorry CU you're going to lose your license I said Dave just so anyway I've seen the looking in the mirror I see the coppers get out so I'm leaning on the door CU I can see this policeman's walking up his side on the curb side right so I'm leaning on my door waiting to see this policeman's down up there I didn't see the other copper walking up the the other side and he's opened my door so I fell in the street so I've literally I've just so i' I've landed in the street and I'm looking up at his Cofer and he went you been drinking of course I have and da da got the other C the other side and went right out of the car out of the car so we go out of the car and went right get on the pavement so his Poli said right said I'm going to breath test you and Dave went oh no he said definitely an illusion I said Dave sh please so anyway so he's got the thing out and and I I said we've only just we've not long had a drink I said really I've entitled to 20 minutes and I and he went yeah you are so I got me I got me 20 minutes right so anyway before sit there I'm talking I'm taking as many deep breaths as I can and I'm in and out anyway I finally he's G me the thing and I'll blew in it and the cop has got his watch out he's looking at the thing he went you passed and Dave went he [ __ ] what went Dave shut up please right anyway got right he said I'm going to search a car now any objection I no search your away he said so when Dave's got in the car Dave is known always for carrying a knuckle duster I never carry a knuckle duster and there's a knuckle duster in the middle of my C my console right so the cop went and I went as's and Dave went you [ __ ] grass I went was not mine is it it's yours you put it there so anyway so he went like said I'm going to search I'm going to search back you back of the car so anyway in the back of the in the back on the back seat was my training bag but unfortunately inside my training bag it had a 19in long knife which had spiked knuckle dusters on it okay all right uh took a bit of explaining and he went he went and this I went that's an ornament he went an ornament I said yeah my mate bought back from Thailand that's an ornament I said but I said it's in my gym bag I said I just took it down the gym tonight to show me other mate in the gym he went really he said you're nicked he said we're nicking you for that we're nicking you for that he said right what's in a boot and I'm thinking oh [ __ ] what is he put in my boot right cuz he just put boxes in there you know could be Co or something so anyway I'm thinking [ __ ] I said I don't even really know what's in there you know was your boot I said yeah but you know so he's open the boot I'm thinking what is it going any luckily it's like boxes of Flyers yeah right Dave had a party or a rave or something so this was like all the Flyers but in amongst the Flyers they're going through the Flyers I'm thinking that [ __ ] it's Flyers anyway they find a set of handcuffs and this cop was going what this I said that's in case we pulled a bird but but his other cop was writing everything down I say he's going in case we pulled no I'm joking no I'm joking right he wrote down everything I was saying stop right stop right you know it was like that so he went right Dave Dave's Dave's said was still pretty bad so this cop went right he said you you're going to the hospital all right he said you you're going to the anney police station which is where we was in acne we were supposed to be going to Plum how do I end up in acne but we was in acne so I went to acne police station not a very nice place anyway they took me there and I've got a bit of a sense of humor myself when it comes to things so um we' already had a bit of a laugh with already with this scot was about this but I've got to the police station and they they searched me anyway they found a they found they first all I found 700 qu in me pocket and and a plastic little plastic bag which was totally empty plastic bag so they've pulled me out of the cell and they got me mind I'm still off me n so I'm sat like this and his C went he pushed his PL plastic P across the table he went you recognize that I m I said I'm no detective I said but that looks like a plastic bear to me he went he said you had £700 on you when we found you I said how I got left and he and he didn't have the same sort of sense of humor with me anyway but then I left my wallet and my ID was in the car he said um you got no ID on you I said well it was in the car I said I forgot I forgot to bring it I said but he said well how do we know you are Marcus redward from Margate I said I tell you what ring the police station I said they know me right and he went right so he put me back in the cell put me back in the cell and he went he went away come back about 10 minutes later he went yeah they know know you he said they know you he said not exactly Snow White though are we I said I didn't say I was Snow White I said but they did vouch me yeah they they you know they describe me he said yeah they definitely know you he said right you're you're here for the night he said we'll release you sometime tomorrow so anyway they charged me with um two two counts of offensive weapons um they couldn't charge me anything else really that was it and but but it was going to go to like it was going to go to Crown call well it went to magistrates and I elected to go to Crown so the thing was it took obviously these things take months so in the months that followed obviously I got to know D this is my this is my second night with DAV right and I've now been nicked and spent the night in the police station you know and um yeah so it was it was hilarious we had to go to court we had a three-day Hearing in a Crown Court in London now what I luckily that the things that I'd said I had to back up now right so that knife like I said it was a it was an ornament well it was actually bought for me by a good friend of mine who got it from Thailand before i' even been there myself cuz he knew I like collecting weapons you know like swords and stuff so he couldn't get me a sword so he got me the next best thing was this flipping great knife with the knuckle duster and my other friend actually Ricky hards um he at the time owned a gym in Ramsgate and he was doing he worked for the W which is a world of wrestling so he was a wrestler and he wanted a prop and I had actually been to the gym that night with my bag with this great big knife in it to show him and he was going to he was going to use it and blunt the edge off of it and just use it as a prop right for his wrestling so I had to get him to come to court and this but it didn't you know it didn't sound too it didn't sound too believable but anyway but my my main witness for the night was Mr Courtney or for that day so I'm in so the 3day hearing I'm in CT the first day and the first day is all about prosecution yeah so I'm in there and in I'm in a suit looking as small as I could cuz I was quite big then so I'm trying to you what 6'3 20 stone right 6'2 6'2 about probably about 19 Stone but I was in good Nick so so I've got a suit on and I'm trying to make myself look small and I'm you know innocent and um it it it wer working but I'm I'm smart and I'm polite so you know when you go in you got all the you look look the jury in the eye and you swear on the Bible like you really mean it you know and so I've done all that and I think you're right done anyway and they looking I can hear this noise coming from the gallery it's like oh oh Dave he's shagging his misses upstairs in the court in the court you're joking me I'm in there I'm in the dock I'm in the dock having my charges R out and he's shagging his bird out there and all looking here is just like d Save Right quality that was the first day yeah right so anyway I'm thinking [ __ ] we all going to be right [ __ ] here is my star witness so anyway when it comes to uh calling the witnesses right all my normal Witnesses turn up do their normal bit you know Back the Knife and the wrestler and all that all did their but so when Dave got called right he he's got in the dock I'm thinking no please cuz you're over this side he's over there and he it's all in black he's got black shirt black trousers no jacket o neck shirt gold chain big gold chain gold knuckle duster ring outside right lovely just the way to C right so I'm looking at him thinking why why I got you as my witness anyway the prosecutors then started questioning Mr colney says uh it says here he says that you uh you're an actor and you manage a pot band he said uh what sort of acting do you do he said well he said I have written off the Bay Watch he said but they haven't written back yet he said normally I play a villain right and at that the jury just started erupting we've laughed at and I thought ah I get it I get it now right and this guy's go to me said so so how do you look at yourself and he turned sideways went well normally like that right that is so D it was everything everything this guy was trying to say if he could he took the piss yeah but it was so cheeky with it and so funny with it and the jury loved it right so this went on like I said this three-day thing and I got all these exhibits you know my knife's in a bag you know they pass it around exhibit one and exhibit two anyway and finally and when he got to the summing up they read out they read out the statement about that's in case we pulled a bird and all that all that [ __ ] you know so but and I and I sort of got on to the same Buzz as him I could understand so I even when I was doing my little bits I was also getting a bit of a chuckle out of the jury um by this time I've also made friends with the policemen who are actually against us because I was just smoking them days and in between the days when we're having breaks outside I go can you give us a light fellas and my don't talk to the police don't talk to the police and I said they're right I said I'm doing their job so I know and after the first couple of days this cop went I wish we had Nick you he goes you're really all right a you he said you're a nice fell right so it was it was proper funny but when he got to the summing up so the prosecuted on the last day he doing his summing up and he said uh he said well I I put it to you sorry when he's doing Dave suming up he said I put it to you Mr Coy he said uh he said the reason you and Mr Redwood were driving around the London at 4:00 a.m. in the morning with a knuckle duster a knife and handcuffs in the car well you was waiting to use that on somebody and Dave went well that's just not true said he said there was a great big rubber dildo there he said we weren't waiting to use that on anyone was we now there was no dildo in the car right but he said that and again the jury were waiting themselves right and they put that in the newspaper so that this like sex toys thing was in the like headlines my parents read it my mom's going what are you doing with do doo in the car I mean so I'm like you know but anyway at the end of all this three-day hearing I got not guilty they gave me my knife back they gave gave him his knuckle duster back and his handcuffs right and it was not guilty it was it was so bizarre you know it was it was was really hilarious so I learned I actually learned a lot about about cult appearances because and to make people laugh turn something serious something yeah I mean you you know you're going you got weapons you got you got weapons that look horrific you know and these people the jury laughing about it go give it back he's a lovely fell you know what I mean what was was your relationship like after that did that did was there any point when your relationship was tarnished a little bit a no I need to step back away from this or it was at that point it wasn't too bad but you see what happened was um so we did the so after that came the crazy funeral because I said I was getting I was getting sort of deeper and deeper into this sort of Underworld in London if you like because I because of my friendship with Dave it started off with Dave then it was like then it was like meeting Freddy foreman and Frankie Fraser and and all the boy you know and you just all of a sudden you're in this you're in this world that you've only read about and it was quite it was was quite it was very flattering it was very surreal for me and I wasn't i' never I don't consider myself a gangster right because I wasn't a Dorman I was a dman who's done all right for himself but but meeting those guys I loved it I can't I can't you know can't lie to you absolutely love their company I used to love there was another old boy we used to Dave used to have a club in dford and there was a guy called Harry Hayward who I believe was a member of the hole in the war gang years ago and they were like they armed robberies and stuff yeah and I used to when the Rave was on everyone else would be in the Rave and I would be sitting in the office with Harry listening to his stories because he was just a quality Geer you know and his stories were were to me more entertaining than what was going on out there in the club you know so I used to love yeah I used to love meeting all these people all these characters and yeah it was just it was just awesome what was your relation do you have any relationship with any Dorman sort of north in the Midlands up North Manchester Liverpool I met uh I met well I met the Bailey Brothers I met someone I met Chris Bailey to be honest uh Chris Bailey and Warren treasure M Warren treasure was a huge um black bodybuilder guy massive how big how big oh Big I mean bigger than me much bigger than me he's like a universe job you know boom I mean Monster where about where abouts in the country uh where's Bailey Brothers from um I'm going to go blank now yeah um but there was there was apparently there three Bailey Brothers they used to run they used to do the security for Lumar same as I did and that's that's when I when I met them was when Lumar bought the club in Margate um when they they opened um what's it called then just before it was Escape uh IND no can't remember no I can't remember it might come to me anyway they own a big Club in Margate massive new club and one of my friends started off running the door there because I got him the job there but I ended up working for them long and the short it was I ended up working for that company anyway but I met them because they sent they used to send Chris Bailey down to any new venue they opened up as a bit of a body guard sort of thing if they heard there was a few local tough nuts they wanted to make sure there was a couple of their own tough nuts there to so Warren Warren Warren treasure and Chris Bailey actually ended up training in my gym and that's how I met them so yeah um then there was another guy I met um Stevie wraith who's from Newcastle yeah Stevie um I met Stevie when he was he did the crazy funer with us he must have been really young he's probably 20 you know early 20s um because he's I mean now he's sort of like considered a bit of an authority on the you know on the the Jordi connection as he calls it with the crazes and the you know North but he was he was a real gentleman much older than in his years you know when he was a young man he had that he had that sort of old school um character about him so yeah I've remained friends with Steve I haven't seen him for quite a few years but he's written plenty of books and things yeah we still sort of just now again stay in touch with and what and what was it like for you on that weekend on that day we're from The Craze funeral you got like 200 lumps all coming in from all different parts of the UK they might have had beef with each other was everyone nice to each other yeah I I never saw anything other than that and I I made I made loads of friends on that day as well because we were standing about a lot walking together in the crowds but you met loads of likeminded sort of people uh and the funny thing was actually at the end of the day we were all supposed to meet that all the all the security were told to meet in the blind beggar to get paid none of us got paid no one got paid no one got paid no were you offered a certain amount they said what you're going to get looked after I honestly can't remember was it more of an honor to I I honestly can't remember we were supposed to be getting paid though but yeah but we were all told to meet in the in the blind begar so we all met in there and it was just you can imagine it can't you all that all them Dorman all those great big OD men trying to cram into this Boozer and then no one turned up to pay us and we all just s have Bullocks you know it a good day was it it was a good day you know it was it was a bit of an honor to do that um for The Craze but that that really caused me um R the ripple effect of that was people in my area suddenly see me on the TV and it wasn't just I mean the people suddenly got a lot more respect for you he knows all them naughty people out there you know if he tells you to leave you better leave but it also had the other effect where the police all of a sudden went what is he doing up there so they've yeah they they took real interest in me after that and they opened up a file on me the Genesis file um and uh yeah next thing I know I've got like six pages on me on this Genesis file and I only knew that cuz I've Got Friends in the police and couple of them came up to me and give me the nod and went look you know they're looking at you yeah um but it got and at first I thought it was quite flattered I thought it was quite funny you know and it is funny until they kick your doors in about 5:00 in the morning or 6:00 in the morning suddenly you got 12 coppers smashing away through your house go what we doing you know but yeah I I got raided quite a lot I got raided my house got raided my offices got raided my car got raided um they did they did catch me with a bit of personal because I used to like to party and go to a rave now again they tried to make out I was a dealer which I never was um but they still had it in their head but the the biggest the biggest one they did was called operation Mayflower so operation Mayflower was a massive thing it involved 120 police officers from I think it was five different counties m so we're talking about you know really big and it had like I think over 6 months surveillance they spent over a million pound on surveillance I was getting followed around I was having my phone was getting tapped um it was and they did it they did it to me big Lloyd Ricky hards and two police officers so there was five of us that were on that list on this watch two police officers yeah yeah yeah cuz they they thought they were on the inside they thought we were paying them they thought they thought they were working for us right I mean you know God I was only I know what age I was was I I was no major Mastermind but they how old was you roughly 30 was it no it must have been by that time I was probably 35 yeah okay yeah probably 35 yeah so it's sort of like after this is you know my my reputation got bigger after the craze bigger because I was with Dave and then I took more and more venues and clubs and I was in other areas so they watched me and also obviously I was making more money so I was buying nicer cars um I was more diamond rings I was like I was you I was spending what I was earning I was having a great time um but yeah they obviously thought I wasn't they thought I was making it out other ways they thought I was you know I was I must have all these doors he's links with all them villains they've got to be doing drugs you know so they were hell bent on this thing you know about me being a drug dealer which I never was and never will be you know I'm not I'm not only saying I'm an angel cuz I wasn't I just love the party I got old you know but I got to calm down but um sorry I'm g off track again where was I so U Mayflower mayl why were they they were on your case because they thought you were serving up yeah or and what else that were in the case for it can't have just been they thought they thought I was like I was according to them according to the uh the file that's secret and I don't know anything about I was a I was a a drug importer I was a Gunrunner I was a hitman um I was I was like an enforcer a debt collector which something it's true um but but they had it basically that I you know I'd basically I'd deal drugs and kill people you know I was like I was really I was I was I was a major Kingpin I was up there um but you know it really wasn't like that um I mean Lloyd was my training partner at the time so me and Lloyd were always together we worked on the doors together we trained together you know uh Ricky hards was another another really good friend of mine still good friends of mine he he lives in New York now but he owned a gym and he also used to put on these parties called juicy Tunes so they were obviously you know a rave type thing so they were drug orientated parties you know everyone be peeled up so they were he started those illegally first when you you know you doing like a in a warehouse in the middle of nowhere but ended up having proper parties because of because of me because I was friends with him and I had my connections with the big nightclubs I managed to link him with the big nightclubs and do it properly um but then where the police came in the police came in because uh Jim Osmond it won't mind me mention him I'm sure he's retired from the police now but Jim was he's a lovely guy he looks like a Dorman he looks a bit like me he's got a goatey and and a few muscles you know U but he's he was a great guy and he used to train in my gym and because I already knew him in there he knew me better than most people so instead of listening to the gossip he actually knew me because he he actually came in my gym and got to know me and he he said to me you know he said you're a nice guy you're not I hear all these stories about you you know and so but he had he kept looking me up I didn't ask him to look me up but he was just nosy I suppose and he kept looking me up on this file so when you go in there you have to put your number in your police number and and a reason for why you're doing it so they thought that I must be just asking him for the information what they actually did to try and try and sort of get me on this was a I think it's called in I don't think they're actually allowed to do it but what it was I got I got I got followed through I knew i' been I knew I was been followed a lot by Undercovers so one night I'm leaving I'm leaving to go and see Ricky hards who was living in London so I'm leaving thanet I've got I've got a bag full of you know clothes and a suit and everything in the car and unfortunately I just dropped a big grandma whz I'm prepared for my night out right I'm getting ready to party so I'm leaving Margate and I noticed I'm getting followed by this unmarked car so I thought [ __ ] and then while I'm busy looking at him all of a sudden I got I got cut off by all these other police cars I've got five of them I've got dog fans and fans and police cars they've surrounded me they pulled me up on maret seafront and I wound the window down and in my usual funny way I went let me guess I went you want me to pull over and he went very funny Redwood get out of the car so I got out of the car and they just started ripping my car to bits right and I thought [ __ ] I said to the BL I said what were you doing he said information received I was like okay what's that mean you I so anyway so he carried on and he said and he kept radioing back no found nothing yet go nothing try that okay try the boot try ripping the seat up try ripping it and they're literally pulling the car apart for half an hour right and I can't find anything right so I went like I'm getting a bit cocky can I go now yeah and he went on a minute he you want to go no strip search okay so I'm now going for a [ __ ] strip search right when I've had whz I'm not exactly like hung like a donkey in the normal times right but now I'm likeing that in a wind tunnel so I'm I'm thinking oh my God and it's not like it's not like your mat just C you having a piss going you know I mean I can't go I've had a bit of gear yeah you know so I'm in there now got take every bit I don't if you ever strip search it's very embarrassing especially when you haded whiz so one item of clothing at a time comes off and you get down to your pants and it's like pants I'm like oh God and His C was up went it went squat so you have to squat on the floor so there's nothing up your ass you know so anyway after this humiliation he's can Che your clothes and it does say big guy on me number plate you know what I mean which also th you know it's not it's quite funny I suppose it's funny now it wasn't very funny at the time trust me but did you not put up a fight there hold on a minute scrip search is another level hold on what's the point really you know I mean the end of the day the inevitable was going to happen if I put up a fight then I'm just going to add assault on a police officer so not actually a fight but verbally I Ain going to get I didn't want to you know what I mean but you know they didn't they didn't really give me a lot of choice like I said I I did protest about it but he's like no you got have a strip search and that's the way it is you know two cop there and it's like you know do it you got to do it I suppose you like I said you could have could have f it you end I wanted to have I I was told London for night out I just wanted to I was already whizzing I just want to go but I got out there I you R Ricky you never go done me on the way so yeah bit of a Funny Story how did you how did you sense that you were being followed everywhere undercover old Bill did you you everything's got a six sense yeah I mean I'm look I'm pretty I like to think I'm pretty switched on anyway I certainly was when I was younger um I know it's I I just clocked it I clocked it when I was in bars there'd be people who didn't fit in who were following me I'd go to restaurants someone sat over there at a table watching me you know within listening distance um and and I yeah I just and and they unmark cars in our area there's only so many of them yeah so but what they did what they did soorry what the police did so they after that that was the that was the first time I really that really pissed me off actually so I've now I know I'm under their radar I know they've been following me I now know I'm under the radar about a week after that I get a letter through the post through my through my letter box and I open up and it's uh it's like a warning and it says uh you're being the police are following you the police are looking into you um but there's a guy this guy's giving him information about you he's grassing you up to the police and he's driving a Ford Mondo red Ford Mondo registration blah blah blah so I thought right it doesn't tell me his name just gives me the registration and what sort of car he's got so I've got to M as a policeman is I so I'm thinking I can find out I get a a PNC check done not thinking that it's actually the police who sent me the letter so I actually my my my cop of Jim went I can't do that right so he's quite up front about it he said I don't want to get involved in that okay sorry Jim I so I run Lloyd because Lloyd used to also train with another guy called Kelvin who was a c right so he said to his mate his training partner he go yeah can you check that out for marus he said like someone's grassed him up to the L bill or something so he checked it he went and checked the registration run it for us it was flagged so when it flagged up so that means the police now know that that policeman somehow cuz they put him through my letter box but that policeman's checked it so now they then then now because they were tapping my phone yeah they've even got my phone call I've got it I've run Lloyd Lloyd's rung him he's checked it he's run Lloyd back Lloyd's run me back right so it didn't didn't do anything straight away they just kept that information to themselves then about another week or 10 days later a very similar thing another letter is changed cars now he's now driving a blue blah blah blah blah right so I'm trying to check that one now and I've done the same thing I've run Lloyd Lloyd's rung him he's checked it he's run Lloyd he's run me after that we all got raided all got Dawn raids we all got taken to different areas so I think I got taken to I got taken to folston I think um and some someone got taken to DOA someone went to KB we all got shifted off to different places uh one of the things I quite used to be quite good at was remembering numbers in those days and while the police were raiding my house from which which I was quite lucky they didn't really find much they found a shotgun actually which I didn't have a license for the time but anyway they but they only a shotgun only yeah only pump action 3inch Magnum and uh but they weren't interested in that they wanted me for this other thing don't even charge me for it anyway but um got so while they were while they were ripping me house apart I just kept remembering their their badge their lapel numbers and stuff like that and the guy in charge had a clipboard and he had they must get given a mobile phone for the day or something cuz the number for their mobile phone is on the top of the clipboard right so I'm standing behind him while they all ripping me out a bit and i' I've memorized his his phone number and uh anyway they they finally got to the point where right you're you're coming to the police station we're going to take you to folks and whatever so I've gone up there and uh he said um what was it I'm allowed a phone call and I made a phone call just I can't remember I made a phone call too but I said oh if you need to get hold of me you can get me on 0794 blah blah blah blah blah and I said this cop's number and he went how do you know my phone number right and I'm like I said I've Got Friends AR I right and I I started really I started playing with them right and um so they locked us all up in CS and then what they kept doing all day long was they pulled one of us out and go well Lloyd said this about this and you know Marcus said that and the truth was none of us has said anything okay and they just kept trying to did you all know before you got next everyone did you know all of that long no I didn't I I just I hope they be sensible enough to to C them um I I did get a phone call it was to I think it was Alex little Alex little actually tipped me off as to where everyone was and what was going on right so that gave me on the phone one phone call I had I got so much information off of him cuz I when I went back when they pulled me out again for questioning I went so Lloyd's in do and so and so's in this and he how' you know that right cuz I'm locked up yeah but I'd had this one phone call and this guy give me all this information so yeah it was it was I've really messed with their heads um but by the end of the day we're talking like the end of the day we're right into the evening this you know and this this Copper's name was DC Lord and uh he's sitting opposite me and he's he's going through things and I said look he said how do you know about the Genesis file and I said yeah why we're on the subject to the Genesis file I went it really pisses me off that file I said CU apart from the fact you got 28 pages on me and the last entry was November the 22nd blah blah blah right and I quoting it to him I went it's not even true I said it's not even what I've done it's not a record it's it's an intelligence file which means you write any [ __ ] down you want in there about me like I'm a Hitman I'm a drug dealer I'm a whatever I said and that when someone follows my car and my number comes up that [ __ ] comes up so they then think that I am what you're putting there yeah I said that's not fair were they trying to put it on you to prevent you losing the doors Jon they was they they want you did they not want you in that town anymore they didn't like my control no okay they honestly didn't like my control they I mean when when the door licenses first came in um I didn't get one yeah I couldn't get one what year roughly we talking here uh this is the not the not the Saia licenses but the previous licenses so it's a long time ago but I was assured that I would get one and then when I actually went to get one they said no they turned me down because I've been arrested so many times for like even though I been charged been charged but not not found guilty but I've been up for so many assaults and gbhs and abhs and phras and all sorts of [ __ ] um but I was always fighting so no surprise but I wasn't one who starting but anyway they they didn't they turned me down so what happened then was was the very week after I didn't get a badge I came to work with a suit on and became a manager and so they drove past and went what a manager of the club you mean oh okay yeah he he's there still he's still there I like yeah he's there dman I'm the manager brilliant yeah and they couldn't do anything about it and that really pissed him off brilliant so that really pissed him off yeah so they so for many years that that worked and I you know I just I was just a manager of the club but then as my as the before the it was quite a few years before the siia come in by the time the siia come in most of my actual any conviction I had was then spent so then I was able to get a real door license you know I find it fing that you've never been banged up you so why a it so lucky a it we chat about it offline so amazing amazing I want to go I want to roll a little bit back a a little bit there what's a fry a fry is um basically when you plan like if if if you know three of you sit down and go right we're going to go over there and smash that Pub up yeah then you've planned it it's a planned attack on something it's an Afra it's a serious charge um you know there's conspiracy charges there's a Fray um violent public disorder I've been done for that but um you know I even got banned from tankerton for a year once what's that what's tankerton a it's a town for I I I I went to do a debt collecting there and um yeah and and and it all went a bit horribly wrong and uh they they sort of attacked us and uh they they hurt the guy was we were working for the money they owed to but um I ended up fashion of Granny out the guy and the police all jumped on us and arrested US and yeah we went to court I mean I had I had lots of injuries I had 40 OD dishes in my head they they attacked me with like a socket wrench and I had big flaps of skin hanging off my head um that was the time when I had my I had my arm in plaster cast at that time and i' I broke the plaster off and so I could make a fist and I ran back in and smashed the [ __ ] out of him didn't know the police would coming I was like oh guy got jumped on and all of a sudden oh coppers so but when we both went to court this guy Moxley and myself he was a big old lump but we were both in court and his face was black and blue and my head's all stitches and blood and yeah they went you two have done enough damage to each other but you're going to be banned from tankerton for a year wow I was bound over to keep the piece for a year and banned from tankerton how many times J you've been arrested I honestly never kept count but a lot I mean I mean not not luckily not so much recently but none in the last five years no yeah I have yeah oh and today you're 60 61 61 yeah bloody yeah 61 how many looking good for 61 Mar I'm not do too bad you're looking good mate how many roughly how direct and arrests you've had I don't know um 100 got to be got to be 100 but there was a time there was there was a really I tell you about a really funny story I had a well was not funny oh when I first started working with thy tens just before I started working with thy Tans I was married to my first wife Tracy and there was a party at her house and all these people turned up and I you know I was there and what I didn't know was there was a guy there um I was I I just I'll just call him Paul I won't say his surname cuz he's probably grown up and grown up been a bit better behaved now but he tried to my wife at at my wife's party at my at my wife's party in her mother's house you're joking man no he he tried to push her into a bedroom to have his way with her she never told me cuz she knew how short tempered I was she knew I would have just kicked straight off but she told me afterwards which was really stupid so I was really angry and I wanted to get this guy so I'm looking for this guy for three months I can't find him and the day the very first weekend I got a job with thy tavs working at this place called thores I'm on the door and a guy walks in and I'm like H you can imagine down I feeli right I am boiling I want to I want to B I'm thinking no his first night on the job I don't want to lose this job he's part of a stag stag party about 12 of them walked in and he's one of them so I I told the head Dorman there because I wasn't I was just a new new Dorman I was 23 then I think 23 so I said to this head door I said listen when he leaves tonight I said I told him why I went I'm I'm getting him outside I need to have a talk to him so anyway as as they've walked out I've gone outside and I went mate I went you know your your name's Paul I and he went yeah I said you was at a party three months ago yeah what of it I said what of it I said try my misses he you know about I said mate you did you pushed her into a bedroom I've got two witnesses two other women actually pulled you off of her right and I've been looking for you for three months and his answer was so what if I did so that was a wrong answer that's so I've got like bang and I've hit him with everything I got and his jaw literally just went on the side of his head it unhinged so his Jaws just come off and he's hit the deck really hard and and I turned around and all the stag party there and I went pick that piece of [ __ ] I'm take it to the hospital yeah right and to me that was it job done I hit him once yeah right I didn't I didn't go over the top I wanted to I wanted to really want to kill him but I didn't I hit him once and I broke his jaw and uh what I didn't know was that one of the guys in the Stag D was also Duty policeman oh so next thing I know um and I us work six nights a week then or seven nights a week actually at for thores and all of a sudden a little while later police cars turned up at my house um Perkins Avenue where I lived I've gone to work it was like half nine I've already at work police knocked on the door says to my wife says um Marcus here she went well no he's at work well you telling you need to come and see us we need to talk to him about this assault charge I knew what it was straight away but I didn't go so anyway it kept coming so any my said why did you come around here you know he goes to work you know where he's working you know he's she said he doesn't want to doesn't want to talk to you so anyway it went on for months and months and then one night I'm at work on like a Tuesday night and these two two c and a big copper turn up and then they walk upstairs he said I'm looking for Marcus red I went well you found him he said right you accompaning us down at the police station I went nope he went what do you mean no I said I'm working I said I'm on the door I'm the only one here I said I can't go anywhere I said the club's open till 2: I said I come down maybe then he said no it's too late he said I want you to come now said I'm not going he said well I'll be forced to take you I said well feel forced said cuz I ain't going and he went you went away and he radio he went all right he said how about if you come down what day is good for you quality so I went yeah I said I'll come like down Thursday right so I said I said i' come down Thursday and I didn't go yeah I just didn't didn't turn up again so then they turn up my house again M said the same it's one for months nine months this went on for not not a couple of weeks n months this went on this cat and mouse with the police right finally I'm standing on the door at Thor's I think it might have been a Sunday night so we shut early anyway and his policeman's going up and down thing and they kept looking at me out kept looking at me staring at me out the window so I thought anyway all a sudden it's pulled up and it's all these Riot squads got out and they got Shields and Batts there's like eight 10 of them I was like what the [ __ ] he went Marcus Redwood I me yeah you noticed me he went come with us I went oh okay I said um I'm quite flattered I said like you bought this many he I said I'll tell you what I said I will come with you I said I'm not putting handcuffs on and I want to be out in an hour even I can't promise that I said ain't going in I not going peacefully I said you're going to have to earn your money he said you're kidding me he said look there's there's like you know 10 of us whatever he said he said you know we're going to I said I know you are I said but I said listen I want to be out in an hour I said you know I said no it's over I said the [ __ ] try my wife I said I give him a smack I said I tell you that now I smacked him yeah so what right anyway so uh I ended up they they didn't handcuff me they took me down there they photographed me fingerprinted me and I was out in 50 minutes right so I was I was honestly was crazy you would not be able to do that now you would not be able to tell the police what you want and get it but anyway I got released and it was quite funny it did go to court but it was like it was 9 months old by the time they even charged me it was then 23 months un sold by the time it went to Crown Court so it was almost two years and by this time this guy has now really had time to think about what he did and uh he I mean it was a serious charge it was um I think it was like a section 18 or something so it was like it wasn't it was you know sort with intent yeah um but um I had a very good friend who actually had a word with him yeah um they sort of kind of kidnapped him and asked him if he still wanted to prosecute and he really didn't so anyway so when it went to C um he was what they call a hostile witness yeah so um he got up and caught and he said look you know it's been nearly two years I was totally out of order it was all my fault me and marks are friends now and I'd rather drop the charges went so it got so I got thrown out result yeah result for me but obviously then another another thorn in the side for them so another another little dislike yeah so this all this dislike has been building up build up that was one of the early ones so that did but it built up and built up cuz like I said lots of times they wanted they wanted a case on me I mean I saved I saved a whole family once from getting shot by Gypsies and again I stepped in the middle of something I know the police wouldn't agree with it but I did what I did for the guy because I actually really like this guy and his family and I knew they were going to get seriously hurt and I knew the gypsies I knew the family that were involved and they shot people before who' witnessed against them in cult they shot them on the steps of the courthouse so this was a family that got got involved in something they they they they s been dragged into it I think was the guy's sister had gone out with one of my Dorman yeah and that Dorman had had something to do with the Gypsies and caused a problem and he owed them money and they knew that his girlfriend's family had money so they came to them and threatened them he mistakenly phoned the police the police actually arrested the gypsies it was all going to go to court and and the gypsies were not happy about it they've been sort of bang the rights if this family would actually prosecute but the guy didn't really want to prosecute I went to see him and when I heard about it I said look I said what are you you actually want I said if you want a prosecute go ahead and prosecute I said but I know these guys are planning to shoot you or your family and they will right I said it's a serious [ __ ] he said I just want to be left alone he said I just want things to go back the way they were he said he said police said they're going to protect me I went yeah for a day and then you'll be out and they're going to come and find you yeah I know these people I said look I said what do you suggest I said I suggest you all go missing right I said I will go to the Gypsies and speak to the Gypsies and I will ask them I'll tell them I'll make a deal with them' there's going to be no Witnesses at cult right but they've got to give and I I I already had some of them on my side anyway I said but they they're going to give me their word that they are not going to ever ever bother you or your family again all right and and he went I'm happy with that it's a deal so that's what happened so no one ever really knew about this this was very hush hush at the time but it's a long time ago now but that guy I actually I spoke to him the other day his name is Toby lives in America now and none of his family got shot thank God and none of the gypsies went to prison did they get their money no didn't no I told him I told him they had to leave that okay I told him that was part of the deal cuz he didn't owne him anything they just wanted to leave they wanted to leverage him because of you know and put the squeeze on him yeah put the squeeze on him they knew he was a this guy was a millionaire by the time he was 21 yeah he was a amazing guy really lovely guy um very very clever but he wasn't a tough guy yeah and I felt really sorry for him because he was out of his league but yeah so I rescued him but again I don't know whether the police knew about or not but probably wouldn't have been too happy about that one what about this Paul fell we call him Paul is he still have you seen him uh he's obviously much older now I was 23 then you know he's probably like he's probably got Kane now yeah if he's still around um but yeah I've seen him in later years but I mean he never never he never done come near me and after that there was no again that was that was in my early days I was still sort of I suppose I was still sort of making that reputation if you like but I didn't do that for reputation I did it CU my wife yeah you know that's in my book that that deserves a smacking the chops you know and what about you personally over the last 40 years You' working on doors Markus in your 30s and 40s and 50s how much did you calm down over the years but you it's it's been a sort of gradual it's a gradual process I mean I would say that I'm I'm a totally different person now to where I was um compared to what well like when I was a young when I was a young Dorman and I was training and I was and I was also using a lot of steroids yeah and at the time I think anyone who's taking steroid I actually I do think I actually handled them really well but I also know that they did make a difference to my rage level and they certainly made a difference to my strength and my rage everything I mean I remember going out with Lloyd one night just just going out for night and getting pissed right and I wasn't angry with anyone but we were walking home and I I I ripped two concrete bus stops out the ground um cuz I could just snapped him off and threw him um I picked up the end of a skip I rolled over a car um we used to I used to be able to do that [ __ ] you know I mean me and Lloyd for a laugh we used to drink at this Pub we used to go down pick a we should pick a car up drag it down the car park and stick the wheels over a wall that's about 3 foot high just to see the guys just to see someone's face when they come out you know I mean when I think back now it was really naughty you know it wasn't it wasn't really the but you know if you're a bit pissed and you got fun any sense of humor I suppose you know I picked up a big motorbike once and put on top of a wall so it was like balancing the walls like that and the motorbikes like that like down you know yeah so the difference between Marcus 61 today to Marcus in his 50s what's the difference there yeah I was still like I said the last I think up until 50 I was still pretty strong I 50 but I'm I mean I'm I'm I'm probably Len if I went up against a six-year-old I think I'll do pretty well at the moment but but you're not as strong or as quick or as whatever but the only thing you do have is a lot of experience so there's a lot of there's a what I did start to do my first sort of 10 20 years on the door I was fighting I was full out fighting I was a boxer I was I was I was someone who did boxing I say I was a boxer but I someone who had boxing training and I was very strong now because of the gym and the size of me so but like I said I started breaking people and every time I hit someone I get nicked you know like gbh again gbh again you know I remember one year getting three gbhs in one year and I thought if this this if I keep doing this I'm going to prison yeah you know sooner or later I'm going to punch someone so hard they're going to just drop dead right or I'm going to be unlucky in the courtroom you know I mean luckily most of these people had started the problem you know so I was I was able able to sort of not go to prison or get away with it because I was acting in some sort of self-defense even though they got badly hurt but but what I did was I started learning iido that was in my I think I was about 40 then when I started learning iido so it gave me a load of more a load more skills I could use so I could lock people up easier I could put someone to sleep with a you know a quick sleeper or a choke hold um and without damaging them so if you put someone to sleep which I got really good at that I mean I got I was like a master at it I could just grab you with one hand and I'd have you out in 4 seconds you'd be unconscious straight away straight away and how long would you and and would that make you go you know what that's dealt with not a problem we'll wake up in a minute well I could just I could just literally drag him out to the drag him outside the door then and just sit him outside the door slap slap slap wake up you know and got you know so what so how would you do it to me now it's real simple you got you got veins up here that go to your supply the blood to your brain yeah you can actually do this to yourself and you'll feel it happen yeah so if you if you make make a V with your hand and you push in and then you push up oh yeah push up oh yeah yeah right and you'll feel the pressure in your head well do that do that a bit harder and squeeze a bit more push that up you just go in and up and do that for a few seconds and the blood is shut off in about four seconds they go now they've got most people have got they're in a panic most people anyway so they're like that but the good ones get off maybe one or two shots here I've had a couple of smacks in the face but I just kept hold of them and then they just go drop so there's no I haven't broken anything as long as you let go if you was to keep that on you You' do brain damage you kill him okay right so it's it's not something I encouraging people to do I was shown how to do it and I because I got had so many opportunities to try it I got really good at it and was that an easier way for you to deal with problems at that time yeah I mean look you can get a massive guy who can really like you might struggle with two or three dorm to get him out yeah but I could just put him my conscious yeah and he's done and when he comes around he's not going to feel like fighting anyway well imagine imagine like imagine your last memory you're in a bar someone goes next thing you know you're in the car park yeah and he goang on what's happened there you know and you're outside now so you've got to fight you got to fight to get back in so what's the point you know most people they feel so groggy when they come around they're like has there ever been a moment in your life Marcus where you've gone I think I'm close to dying here uh um what through what through the fights the injuries the shooting just anything that you've gone through you go you know what I've had a I've had a near miss here I didn't think my own friends were taking bets I wouldn't make 30 is that right right yeah my own good friends were actually like he ain't going to make 30 yeah yeah he's going to get he's just going to get shot dead yeah because I was getting in I was getting into I didn't run away from anything so yeah normally ran towards it I think I just had a lot of luck I think a lot of luck a lot of balls um because it wasn't when I look back now Jesus I mean I I don't think I'd make the same decisions now you know I think with an older head you think you'd be weighing up things oh that's probably not a good idea but I would just do it know and it was but it was that spontaneity that probably actually won the day if you like and got me through it but yeah there was there was a time there were and I wasn't really bothered about it that's the truth of it I was like you didn't have the fear of death dying no I didn't really I was like I mean yeah no one wants to get shot at no one wants I think the it did cause a lot of anxiety when you know you got when you know you got hit out on you I mean I had another one the police one day contacted me this is when they were in the same sort of era of when they were raiding me and I was they rung me up one day the CID and I know what have I done now you I said I want you to come down the police station I said okay what what I need to bring a solicitor they were like no no just just come down we need to talk to you so I went I went down there and um I said they showed me into this back room and shut the door it was all very I thought oh [ __ ] what's going on he said look he said where are you working Friday I said Escape nightclub he said we've heard you're going to get killed on Friday you're going to get shot dead on Friday someone's paid five grand to have you shot dead I was I said what you going to do about it he went well nothing he should thought better let you know right I hang on a minute I went you know well tell me more yeah I said you know he said there's not much we can do about well we know this guy's paid 5 grand well who is he you know what's his name give me a clue cuz I got no idea anyway so they said um they gave me this name I can't even remember it they gave me a name said he lived in wible which like 21 miles away from where I live so I right okay so I better take the night off then so I took the night off work got one of me big lumpy Dorman me mates and we went searching for him and so we found him we found his house we asked around a few pubs and places whatever we found this guy's house so I brought marched up to his front door and I had these little gold business cards him with my MK One security on so I just run his doorbell and he open the door all right I said I Markus I said I understand you paid five grand or have been shot I went let be card I went listen I said I really don't want to get shot I said but I don't even know what it's about I said but I just be to tell you I said if you do decide to go ahead with it and shoot me dead I said all of my firm m one security and now going to know exactly where you live I said they're not going to be very happy about not having a boss anymore I went and at that time was about 50 of them I went so there's 50 people are going to be really pissed off at you I'll see you later and I just [ __ ] off and he was like Anyway needless to say no one no one tried to shoot at me that time it sort of stopped and it turns out the reason behind it wasn't even me that should have got shot I had some doors in wable and one of his mates got beaten up by some Dorman from another door which W my Dorman and he was doing it because that's that Marcus it's him so I got the blame for that and it wasn't me it wasn't my do do you think that EG has followed you about all around your life yeah yeah even when you go even when we're chatting about Thailand and stuff like Thailand for you is your sort of Haven Haven you're Haven to get away and we chat many of times getting go Dodge them out there this just nice easy but a still followed you out there it always seems to find me why is it find you because you're not as you in your latter years you you you your late 40s your 50s and the person I know now I can't understand why it's still following you about I think part of it was because I don't like I don't like rude people or bullies you know and and when you're out in I think some of the stuff I some of the stuff I encountered out in Thailand some of it was like people people when you're when you're quite big or covered in tattoos or you look a bit you look a bit hard or tough whatever you're to some people you're a Target I mean I don't I honestly don't I'm not bigheaded I'm not like I don't think of myself as like oh look at me I'm really super duper obviously I try and keep myself in shape and what but I'll give you an example I was in a I had a really good night out I was in this bar and it's a really late night bar everyone says don't go there because there's loads of fights it was called JP bar everyone anyone's been the potato will know JP bar it's not there they've now built a nightclub over it but in them days it was a little bar that was open till it opens late and it opens till midday the next day and it's got pool tables in it it's anop bar so there's no walls really it's an open bar with pool tables but everyone comes out of the nightclubs on walking Street and they go they sort of wandering there for a last last it's a last chance to a bird T to sort of 10 to six anyway but it's also everyone's off their nut so it's it could be a rough place so I was in there I'd been out all night with me mates and I'd had a good time um I was with two or three buddies and uh anyway there was this I was I was I had a drink in the end and I'm chatting to me mates and all of a sudden someone's barged into me really hard and the drink's gone flying but the person he said of saying sorry it's a great big fell and he's just bowled onto the toilets and I've went to react to my m leave it it's like I think it was 4:00 a.m. know it's 4:00 a.m. he said everyone's had a drink he went now leave it he said it's probably just just a mistake you know so all right so went got another drink and I'm forgetting it I'm chatting with mates again still standing there GE just come back I haven't I haven't even clocked him coming back I was like just so busy chatting BOS done it again right and I thought twice is not an accident right so I've just I've I've pry class and I've just followed this guy and he doesn't know I'm following him he's walked back to his mates and he's got back to his mates and he went see that big cup with a he goes I've just [ __ ] done that giv that to him and his he thinks he's really flash I went wait you got something to say I'm right here he went wanker he went right you're a wanker or something like that I was him with a massive elbow straight around his chore but he just unconscious while he was standing basically he just gone SM and he just cracked his head open and his two mates have gone jump off their bars I went yeah you want it as well and they like no no no no no would you want to pick our friend up anyway so they picked him up and all my mates go calm down calm down I said I'm I'm calm I'm calm I'm all right but I said I was like totally unprovoked what did I do why did I deserve that right so anyway anyway 10 minutes later he's finally woken up got to his feet about 10 15 minutes later and they've walked him over he can't even walk still right they' literally holded him up and he's going I said what do you want now he said I just want to apologize I mate I said why did you do it I said I was minding me own business I said I never pulled a face at you or stared at you or nothing I said I'm having a chat I said You' done it twice and then you called me a wager to my face you know I don't that was just a typical that's that's the sort of thing that happened to me did you find that do you find that happens to you everywhere you go no not everywhere but it cuz I can't see that the person you are a day like when we're out the most polite humble nice kind and that's what you are but still it's still it still sort of attracts it still sort of comes to you sometimes I tr get my around that sometimes I'll deal with it with humor instead you know I mean if someone says tries to insult me or something you know I say you know I say said opinions are like ours everyone's got one yeah you know I i' try and find a witty response to diffuse it but sometimes some things just can't you know when it's when it gets physical when someone's actually like barging into you or whatever you know then it you know it's I like that yeah had one with a Danish guy massive Danish guy huge where were you in Thailand yeah and he wouldn't and it was just after I broke up with my second wife and I wasn't in a good place mentally and I'd been off the steroids for like 5 years and I just I just decided roughly well I would have been 47 okay so I'm 47 I was um I was I was not happy about the the breakup um she just she just up and left and bugged off to Australia um and I was I was actually really I was really upset over it I thought I'd married someone I thought that was going to be it you know so so my head was a bit my head was up my ass at the time I went I reverted back to my old self a little bit and I started back on loads steroids I started doing more drugs so I'm in and I'm in there trying to blow off steam I'd met up with a couple of real lunatics from like P area that I knew I hadn't seen them for a while so we're in this bar we're chatting we it was like a bench seat I was like so this is a table there was a seat here but it was a bench right sort of slide behind it so I'm I'm sitting here my mates are there and I'm I'm I'm chatting away I've got my back that way and all of a sudden I got a tap on the shoulder great big fell and he's like he said where you from I was like England and he goes oh I'm from Denmark I oh good for you so I turned around started talking to my friends again tap tap tap I said what he said we conquered your country I said when what you all about I said well you didn't concrete fact I is that what you said you didn't concrete what you about he goes we conquered your country and uh and he say he's talkinging about like when the Danes invaded England I think you know quite a long long forgotten so I said look mate I said will you please do me f I haven't seen these guys for like you know a few months I'm just trying to catch up with my friends I said can you just leave me alone and he had a bird with him you know like you know leave me alone and I was very polite so I I turned around again then he tapped me on the shoulder again he said why you not why you not looking at the women I said mate I said please I said look if you keep bothering me I said you see that I said I'm going to put that right there right I said now leave me alone so I'm a bit more Stern this time right let's do it I turned around I and I got this tap tap tap again I I said think about time we move bars bang and I beat him so hard with an elbow he's like he's just collapsed on the table and the birds with him go what are we done what we done I went he was annoying so I went to slide out the slide out the seat and go we just left him there unconscious on the table but yeah probably if I wasn't in a bad mood like I was in I probably wouldn't have reacted that way but he just wouldn't let it go so when you were that 47 your wife left you and you were hitting drugs you hitting more roids and stuff did you sink into proper depression probably did yeah yeah I probably did it took me um but but Thailand was a good place to get undepressed yeah yeah it was I listen I I'll be totally honest with you you know the first time I the first time I had to travel there um on my own to Thailand cuz what it was i' I'd met I'd met that this girl Lana name was I'd met her before I had the thailen thing going on we did like we did the anti robobin seminars together we you know we worked together running Mark 1 and um I started bought the first house together in Thailand when I say together I was I was paying for it all but it was we were together so we built all this I was building this sort of Empire over there I was buying up houses and properties and then seven years into that she left me why um I I don't really know the the actual reason I think she said in actual fact I originally thought it was because she couldn't we couldn't have children CU I told her I couldn't have kids cuz all the steroid i' taken over the years I didn't think I could have kids and she said she didn't want kids and then and then all of a sudden after you get married all of a sudden he's like oh I really want kids so I tried that's why I stopped taking steroids for 5 years and i' had all this fertility treatment i' done everything I could but um we still couldn't have kids a couple of times we thought we got you know we thought we got pregnant but it didn't turn out was know like a phantom pregnancy anyway um in the end uh I said she she just sort of left and and I never really knew what the answer was I blamed it on that but I bumped into her a couple years later in Bromley I was going through Bromley and I just give her a call and I met up and had a coffee with her and I was still I was still hurting and I said what don't know why why did you leave me she said well should I when you lost those contracts that was in 2009 yeah when you lost those big contracts I thought we were going to have to live like normal people that I went what yeah I thought you left me cuz I couldn't have a kid so you left me over money she went well yeah I said well I'm glad you told me that I said cuz now that's a whole different my feelings now like I'm glad you left I'm glad if that's all it was so you know by that time I'd managed to build my business back up cuzz we did have a real big depression in 2009 yeah um but I I built the business back up my son was running it with me um I had you know nice motor I had a few quid so I was all back on top and I thought yeah I'm glad you did go and as it happens I end up meeting someone a few years later who's you know lovely and I'm still with 11 years later amazing yeah amazing Marcus this has been a brilliant episode again again again part three are we still we're not going to do day is it this is like part three mate this is um stories are amazing absolutely amazing I we should ask ask the people leaving the comments if they want a part four yeah and you know what I thinking as well we're next year we're thinking of doing an eventful lives tour tour we're thinking of doing a tour where I can bring I'll host it on stage Dodge host eventful lives on stage and we bring in different characters I think that would be awesome I think it would be I think it be entertaining I think it'd be really entertaining imagine like yourself mix with like a Phil Campion yeah yeah like SAS top man we're friends on Facebook now yeah you're friends again we should do that as a three-way episode coming when you're back off holiday and stuff that sounds great I think it'd be a Blinder yeah go and get a theater somewhere rent out we have we still haven't got anywhere here I know I'm sure there's what I know there's loads more stories but let's ask let's let's let people leave to the public let's leave it to public if they want a part four they can leave the comment below but Marx I really appreciate you coming down I love it I enjoy it every time and I'm really glad that everyone out there seems to enjoy the stories as well yeah because it's nice to get them off my chest well it is it's it's Evergreen for you yeah you know what I like about doing this podcast is that people are telling the stories and what I like about and I think why it's doing so well is because it's cards on the table yeah it is honestly yeah yes I hope the police are not tapped in I think it's too late mate late Marcus you're a gentleman good man take it easy mate [Music] cheers
Channel: Dodge Woodall
Views: 74,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DodgeWoodall, DodgePodcast, JamesEnglish, ShaunAtwood, EventfulLives, EventfulLivesPodcast, DodgeWoodallPodcast, Podcast, Entrepreneur, Documentary, Crime, CrimeDrama, CriminalUnderworld, TrueCrimes, Boxing, IFLTV, Gangs, Criminals, CriminalGangs, TysonFury, EddieHearn, MentalHealth, MensHealth, PhilCampion, DaveCourtney, TNTSports, SkySports, BoxingSocial, PremierLeague, CrimePodcast, TrueGeordie, KrayTwins, TheKrays, LondonGangsters, BritishGangsters, Krays, kray twins, Tom hardy, legend, Charlie bronson, Marcus Redwood
Id: dco4MCcru4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 50sec (5450 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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