MARIO PARTY SWITCH LIVESTREAM: Outside Xtra and Xbox Play Super Mario Party LIVE @ Server

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you hello hello fancy seeing you here this dream so everyone pick your characters okay I'm Luigi number one while Luigi again Ellen vendek's is still with us in artist's Bendix she's gonna draw something cool for us this stream as well so the suggestions in the comments or you'd like to see okay kids now after last time all effort is futile yeah we don't agree that I'm Luigi number one yeah okay yeah good did someone press back before is that why this is there we go these guys again you're literally a molar you expect Jane I think you play one what are we doing we are wrong about it what we're trying to toad faces again in the way we can jump okay I think play one for me needs to run over to that roaring codes it's kind of cold so maybe something a bit sunny I grew up in Yorkshire so this is everyone saying turn off your mic son of your mics the mic sir super quiet can't hear the mics your mics are so low they're the same weights we were using for all the mics up mic volume Oh No would you quiet sorry guys I'll be shouting mics up please and game volume down and you can do that for us turn up mic I don't if that means my cord and Eiland Andy and Dane still to quiet the game is just you know easy John case oh okay okay Gator Islanders that's my kind of cocktail I left Ireland features two presentations or a half a watermelon with some smart that looks delicious actually okay there's a giant squid down there if anyone knows ok people the same we're good now okay let's roll the dice to find out the turn alright yeah six that's right that's right that's how it is that's how it's gonna be where's Monty putting all umf so notice I've eaten protesting really tall like grown up guys yeah those guys alright there's the star like get out of my way I'm gonna get it shut up toad you excuse Norma star time what's the difference alright normal dice book yeah roll it and throw it and roll it Yeah right good go go there's no time to waste yeah muttering would make me happy were there any suggestions I think we should Bendix choice spending store something that you want to draw I'm really worried about that joint go squid there's no point in having a strategy everything is random nothing means anything uncaring universe so if you if you destroy the sound bridge after crushing it no one else doesn't matter it's an uncaring universe would you say subscribes to a deterministic world you know I'm joining you didn't take me on your way past oh okay for my minigame what are we doing absent-minded smashing up brains yeah yeah we get it already first ready Mike ready yeah now Luigi's back in the game that's right friends that's right everyone wrote me off let's hear it for Luigi everyone yeah all right it's yeah it's just on cusan coin amounts they say once we start getting stars what's the Nietzschean chaos use this mushroom nothing means anything we're all adrift in a sea of meaningless ways you want to go to the shop but you can buy the the game-breaking oh yeah the game freakin goodies well the star is that way but I can just walk there with a steeper go yeah then I have to go all the way around but I am kind of in the air alright the finally scared the shot alright oh goody golden pipes yeah I want a golden pipe give me a pipe it's absolute doing this is absolute joke they're cutting off your supply Andy all right give me the coins because yeah yeah that's like a really good dice yeah you don't go any distance risk like everything works out for Monty mole you've killed so many of those things in Mario games yeah the mole again stupid shop together yeah the shop was bad right okay No outrageous I look happy about it though I'm happy with any amount of nine days just well this is meeting this right yeah all right all right yeah yeah friends like another everyone needs how many coins needs buyers like ten it's really low all right now I'm just gonna nail us down the pipe and then across the bridge I reckon all right I guess let's just roll it shall we oh no wait no no yes let's just roll it shall we roll them bones them bones oh no Zuko distance oh yeah friend cool can I do that now why Louise minus three on it yeah yeah al khums friend friend she just falls in the ocean and mushrooms float right all right she said all that bad stuff about squeeze yeah how do you charge charge if you fall down no charge sorry I don't yes yes I sit on the throne of bananas the banana throne they looks even more uncomfortable cool let's get after that start changing the order so I need to all right hang what you can't catch ya item I want my golden - mushroom I'm gonna roll the squid just boogie no chance getting I guess yes and exactly next to you had 15 minutes that's why you want one man I assume that you use the pipe just pilot that's a special event apparently let's do okay all right everyone four players oh I hate this one it's impossible focus your eyes it's impossible to keep track okay all right well well well it's the one in the left I wouldn't I knew it was the one I wait the one on the left oh you're an even only one person is it only one person that's pretty much the whole deal all right I neither three so not the Luigi dice please don't have a three no no don't know what why would you even suggest that Luigi yes three please that's a four Luigi what did I tell you he's being bad at mario party there were three there were three of those yeah my tiny mole brain has no idea what the star is way to steal your stars patting Usami that dog swallowed something reach down his throat yeah yeah chocolate or something oh my god yeah right I'm a little burger box I need an item come on why not I need every every bit of help like the eating - no curses call in favors yeah let's let's join forces and crush all others yeah this is a family connection let's get keep let's do a marriage of convenience yeah let's do societal gatekeeping itself anyway unite our empires yes and I'm trying to get to ya alright Daisy hello yeah good one you bet oh oh game breaking go no I don't have enough coins to buy Esther yeah oh yeah where are you gonna find four coins there will be a mini games temperatures going up can I eat it smash it don't just stand there princess no okay here all the coins you need to buy a star like I said oh no where will you find yes privileged all right I don't where is the star I do even though it's on the slap or at sea okay so you climb ice cream down while pressing press and hold-down press and pulling down why am I not amazing so you press and then go down and then let go press yeah no no no no with you all right good okay no top Scot golden ball are you pressing one of these two so you do that as you go up okay my adorable it's basically a pipe Luisi like your plumbing come on I've achieved flow state no change oh it's up so how do we get over to there oh all right well let's just get as far as possible the - mushroom okay and played normally just doing normally gone yeah all right respectable mister 600 I've got loads of money I don't have he doesn't sell pipes this one he does great selling pipes gonna be okay right great I got a weld and pipe finally first time ever no I didn't get a single one at someone yeah space all right several - mushrooms several - mushrooms not several yeah three is several Kiwi that's five is fine don't be Molen Kali yeah that's not good especially in a bad way randomly get blasted today okay okay now I need to roll a dice I need to get at least the one all right I would use the other block the one that has a chance of not going anywhere yeah nice try Daisy oh no help I don't need you made it way to go thank you I am the best all right you did it Rosalina princess you bought your way to the sir and all it cost was the blood of the proletariat Rosalina with your inherited wealth you bought a shortcuts to this rule put the star right back to the start please that'd be great land on my head on the street right on oh yeah that's how this game always goes it's just constant pipes if you win we should play gasolina by daddy yankee the changes across someone someone get that cued up oh you guys get a Nisan three coins what a treat oh okay to get get it in focus so you I tilt it it's better I find it easier if you do it that way parent lino oh my guess okay I'll get towed in focus him up so focused me celery a little too at least he's a good winner all right this is good skin well hello to everyone in the chat we're not looking as much because we're all getting very much man how many times you say it's random unfair we all want to win so much silence alright well Andy yeah so this is gonna put me well right next to it yeah and then you you don't think those want to use the pipe oh so this guy don't know another one I mean why not I've got enough room Thanks Cheers no I'll pass thanks cool one sir please yeah all right good well everyone's gonna start over back to zero basically pretty much though well Luigi hoardin dem coins oh it's quite a small level I'm in second place having not won a single mini game yeah that's how this game ways oh I got a hidden lock what is it bunch of coins coins five I've seen more coins you thought I'd eaten it dang dang degrading the sandbridge famously lucky animal unless you roll the Nords sonya Rosalina dice kill Daisy oh yeah you want to keep your coin say coin rich I'm gonna count on like you'd like to bring me more coins spending now make more later something laughs you're supposed to wear are the maxi games timing is money so you jump and then decide while you're in the air and whether or not let's go oh for God's sake again I will righty there is no skill no skill whatsoever this is entirely Randy oh I'm in second there is some skills who will win let's hear from our experts sweetie keeps murdering us no idea ask the squid I live to fear you get you got given an ally phone because they think you wizard is not you can insulate things have you even been insulating things I guess I just need to get on that red pipe it's the only way to get over there fine fine cool let me just use one of these guys let's go oh no I lost six points it's up in the top-left need to get to the green or pike golden pipe why don't you just use that well I was thinking I could maybe go and get another one and then I have a spare cuz this is gonna take me away but I don't if I was within I say uses yeah is it well he can just FYI by the way they award a bunch of random stars for no reason at the end so cool bye hopefully I'll again yeah maybe person who sucks the most at all the minigames where are you off to are you gonna yeah he wants some of the glory oh you're coming along now are you now I've got two stars oh we've got another elephone yeah why don't we have another Ally for starters Luigi must be looking everything I can't believe my brother's betray us dinners that's the one spooky electric is her off a best boy Mike yeah everyone shout out all supporters come the power of friendship once again survive the evil of a mario party gonna collapse soon go a grip we didn't really highly key might even be watching did you leave you cross train yeah Helen Bendix hey Tim any TV - oh okay oh I see oh no it's me and Mike Mike Mike you stay still you big anchor and I'll go and do the rest of the [ __ ] you gonna go around the one on the far right okay this is gonna require some communicate all right Mike sorry Andy sorry betrayal two turns that what will happen in this game of Mario Party news radio Marie party is a Lovecraftian horror that joins yes all right roll it roll the bones all madness yeah beyond human comprehension madness 27 castaway DC oh no it's payback time give me that pipe game-breaking pay great that day thank good traffic such teamwork I'm hoping that would go off while you're on the platform and blow all your pipes into the sea 500 degrees in the Caribbean seas all right Monty let's see we go show me what you've got who ever is Monty kick some butt yeah behind whoever's playing Monty Blake Harvard is team Jane for life thanks Blake right I'm game have a row dice like I don't really know why I'm doing this but I'm doing it there we go nice are you going for the presents Mike I was its you're not gonna miss him Ellen you won't even know they're gone fishing rod down his dungarees and I can see why he's freaking out you still Nisan yeah what item could I possibly still who is the only person with that item is it and I'm oh my oh I'm over there am i I'm gonna go across the squid bridge yeah it's squid trench I think you're safe from squid treachery fine I'll just yes moving on yeah nice slow and steady wins the race universal indifference fundraise says hi ox to you guys so my board game recommend is something might Sheriff of Nottingham Yoshi ideals extort bribes from your friends sweet nice ghastly business is what do you call Bunbury DC 0 to 0-9 says pancake or waffles oh yeah yeah for sure what about American or Scottish pancakes you know like Scotch pancakes or American soul creeps yeah that's good easy ready yeah we're ready we get it we get the deal but then it spawned like 12 coins next to Ellen to summary I mean it was collecting the coins that's silly like life is a race I think life is a roller coaster yeah just gonna write it okay well guess I'll use the golden pipe what oh man I guess I gotta start on pipe nonsense well well what a thing to happen what a thing to have happened can someone else buyers golden pipes on the steel who knows though it might end up next to you also although this is meaningless Ellen are you all right you see it you want it you know you do can I steal all the villains dice yeah oh you have to bet coins coins depending on your ranking how many coins matches how many coins to bet shoes oh you have to wait for it and it's like the reactions thing yeah there's nothing worth robbing there is there I mean it might help the other people if they've got their items like hello I don't know how far away's Ellen is but if she's got a - mushroom a might help I suppose it also I don't think you get to choose yeah I think it's the last go you're not gonna get you can't choose who user I've had my last guy so I can't use any more items oh yeah that's true - my sure my things for you I want sorry about it mole betrayal oh wait no you don't fly mo head mounted on a bike at the entrance of the city just deprived it just cruelty needless cruel keep Monty rich stories all the way down there well maybe if I go in the red pipe maybe ok I've got a mushroom Mike you really feel taken something from Ellen I think she can reach the star - mushroom a no no maybe only lets you choose it's a dice that you can yeah but I think either those I think I'm gonna have to use - as cool as the block is yeah and you're gonna have to roll a six to get there yeah I mean you he can use both items right you could have used the dice to roll a six and then added it I thought that by not buying anything I was safe well they can't they only they stopped selling you before you can use it again what they automatically say we've run out of stock when you can't use it final turn you have no more turns to use there are no rules this is Thunderdome doesn't know todo wasn't thinking she's like Dhoni one this starry today I guess cos no I bronze had their yeah and there has to still be a star minigame dream team nobody needs to be together okay strawberry strawberry strawberry Ellen down here oh sorry always yeah where I definitely saw B this time right strawberry strawberry no way he's Luigi Luigi it's just mad now he's the point where I did lose a set on our adventure paradise it'll be self-tests working for the weekend most moly mostly me Michael blue all the time he's right in the face okay oh god is it your all the winners I know be hailing you Septimus money surely friendship but how many stars to Jane in Dublin I have no idea three time on camera that's incredible look at this beautiful artwork original original 2018 pen and ink by Bendix yeah makes you get to take the weekend of October what's the title of this art artwork friendship it's called Andy is sad and a pipe it's called injustice there we go yeah let's get that on a t-shirt friends thank you for watching the stream everyone another round of applause for Ellen all sort of just minigames you sort some comments okay okay yeah all right and Bendis can play as well all right let's go sort some minigames the matter who came last talked on the screen for a little while Monty mole was like flying like was the face from Titanic Oh Luigi did the most steps so really he tried the hardest King sells his hello from Washington thoughts on new Doctor Who nothing yet excellent oh oh oh did any one spot in the spider episode which I did watch I was brave and I watched it with my mum so she could tell me when the spiders weren't on deli party point daughter who says at one point that she she wants a flat she was like I love a flat I'll be great in a flat I'd love I'd get a purple sofa I mean maybe not many people says oh no hitman 2 happened while I was in a meeting you can catch that back on outside Xbox have you missed it it's available to watch Dancing Rose says I can only watch until 8:30 a.m. because of work how I'm so excited to watch this all the way through is I've watched all your other Mario bars at least four times my appreciation to you we don't go online god no no what's the play online free play yes start okay Wow Oh random choice much some crap oh well smash them crabs venture what this one passed around olds and place them where they be on alright ready up everyone Monty okay fine but this is so much fun it sorry sorry sorry donates for Bendix is amazing arts will hold by Bendix address will ready to drink with the money thank you very much Duncan yeah yeah this isn't hammers no let's not smash them yeah look at that crafty mole dodging around daily day Jim says if this time they have a get well soon for my rats two tools get well being very brave and patient even though he hates comes in a little chopper never create something this beautiful ever again on Twitter afterwards because I'm ready reckless wrecks did an Ellen face and then crik crik crik okay let's go look at that salty princess on the Left try Bob Mumbi says didn't the purple sofa bit but I'm enjoying the scientific accuracy doctor who is doing it loan okay okay oh no this is a motion one where we're at the front now you're at the front we're in the front I'm at the front on the Left you're in the green boat Ellen's at the right on the red Bay stops Michelle Bay so if I says I love all your content Burdine B is my favorite tool thank you for watching Oh fireworks and you got to find pain there's a magician who can do like the best only lives in the tower that's guarded by good guys I forgot to call for like spike yeah okay late stage like spike three two one and that's too busy playing this music we're supposed to be keeping in time with okay strike it rich Rosaline already struck okay ready alright let's go pick another minigame oh can we do the the cycling one definitely that's really fun well where is it chainsaws rec says Ellen getting injured by giant crab like robot it seems familiar alright where's Owen the most ridiculous one left yes hi Connor oh boy okay oh wow we have to do this Fuzzy's minute says thanks for making my lunch break so great I need to help what mommy says I have a friend who works in the chemistry department at Sheffield Union who says doctor who is doing well with science I believe and also Sheffield hmm three Bradley's woosh is very good in it yeah look at them all breathing hard exercise just resting mole face I was a team one Oh hardly how does this work KN Aussies managed to make spag bol watching this all right we got two minutes guys see this make em count okay it's like we were looking from those capsule toy machine oh yeah I love it this is great London clean up the street yes mario luigi chummy awesome Jackie Chan I assume not I loved your cartoon series awesome keep your board person company while getting over pneumonia hi vendek's your art inspires things so much for all your comments sorry we can get as many as we normally do but you know Mario Party series business yeah thank you for watching you boy next I'm sure the week's about to go up tomorrow remember schedule for all our live streams we'll be back with more Red Dead Redemption - and more Mario Party in two weeks yes and possibly sooner but definitely in two weeks thanks for watching everyone you
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 142,048
Rating: 4.9643736 out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, mario party, super mario party, mike channell, andy Farrant, jane douglas, waluigi
Id: ZevGgF99V-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 55sec (5575 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 09 2018
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