Gamut Compressor - Free DaVinci Resolve DCTL

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hey I'm Gordon and I have a free demoed compressor dctl for you so if this one's based on the work of the Asus virtual working group on Mechanic mapping and has been implemented interfaces 1.3 as the reference gamma compression and what I've done is essentially taking that but instead of only having it work in Asus I have extended it to many many more different color spaces all to be more precise transfer functions also known as scammers which is not at all confusing but I've done that and also added a few features so let's head over to resolve and see how it works so I have this project set up with a very saturated image and if you look at it without color management you can see that in this red light there are some quite odd yellowish colors that well are not supposed to be there but we'll have to do something about them so as for the project setup itself I am doing node-based color management going from Blackmagic film Gen 5 b-roll into Dimension intermediate which is my preferred working space and at the very end on the timeline level I'm going from low into hard commands intermediate to Rex 0 9 gamma 2 4. and note that I am not using the built-in gamut mapping or saturation compression as well while it does help a bit it isn't doing the job as well as it could be and this is where the wonderful wonderful gamut compressor dc2 comes in so as soon as I put it onto the group post clip and this should be the very last node before your ODT your output device transform or the color space transform effect that brings you from your working space to your display space so if I enable it you can see right away quite Improvement Fair well can't see them as well anymore so we could do better if we start taking a look at the customizability of this digital we can see that we have some options on top to change how the compression is working including free limit sliders for Cyanogen sand yellow threshold sliders for the same ones and an overall roll-off and down below we have a bypass one to just bypass the whole DC till then want to show the changes which helps you see what areas and how much the digital is affecting then the show curves which shows to underlying curves and what does this till is doing precisely and finally an option to invert the whole thing which looks very bad why would anyone do that well there are certain use cases where you would have a sandwich of these which in total one is inverted Alpha One is not the total of these will result in no change but now in between you can do certain things but this video is not about that special use case so essentially if we start taking a look at the curves and what they're doing then we'll limit one is moving the end of the curve between being linear meaning there's no change and going down to this horizontal line in the middle and what this line represents is the edge of the gamut then the threshold ones control how far into your existing gamut the compression goes so if we put it all the way up to one well it isn't much of a curve it's more of a corner but if we bring it down all the way and the minimum is 0.4 so 40 until um well 40 60 inter gamut from The Edge 40 from The Middle then um well the curve starts way way sooner and is much more shallow and then we have the roll-off which just controls that overall smoothness of the curves so with these things you can start testing out what works better what doesn't work as well just see how this tool reacts to your footage or well how your footage to this tool and do keep in mind the default values are the ones provided by the Asus working group so this should be a good starting point but if you want a very very smooth roll-off you can bring the thresholds all the way down remember this means Thunder curve starts from as low as it can and well if we look at this result might say it's quite a bit better than what we started off with which we can see if I hit reload yeah I'd say that's an improvement and then we can play with the limits which will also somewhat change the Hue of the resulting image so you can kind of affect how it looks even more artistically not just use this tool as a technical fix well there we go so the download link is down below for free and if you have any feedback I'd love to hear that in the comments section or you can email me so see you next time
Channel: Kaur Hendrikson
Views: 5,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: H1pwvhObDzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 26sec (326 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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