Achieve Incredible Deep Rich Colors Using HSL, HSV and DDV.

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films simplified.svg [Music] so what is deep saturation it's a term basically that simply describes uh increasing saturation without the saturation affecting the luminance of the image in order to do that we're going to be utilizing different color spaces a particular color space actually but first let's see how color spaces work now uh you can change the color space and resolve for each note so for example if I right click on this node there's a menu here where I can select color space and there are many color spaces note that some of the color spaces are made up of three letters like for example hsl HSV L A and the last two at the bottom so y v and XYZ so these color spaces are a bit different in order to understand how these work first you have to understand that currently we are in the RGB color space what does that mean note that I'm on color bars now so I'm not on primaries Wheels I'm on color bars and this is basically the color wheel just represented in RGB so R is for red G is for green and B is for blue shocker So based on the fact that I'm in the RGB color space here I have three controllers where each controller controls a particular channel so red so notice this increases red uh green increases green or reduces green and blue is for blue great so we have three controllers that control three channels however we can change that so we can remap different things to the these controllers so I will right click on this node go to color spaces and here I will select the hsl color space so H is for Hue s for saturation and L is for lightness so Hue saturation and lightness if I select this color space if I click it now this node is working in the hsl color space that might sound scary especially that when you change controllers like colors go all over the place things don't seem to react the same way you're used to and the saturation Works in a weird way let's reset and I promise you once you understand how this works you're going to be like seriously that's so easy so it's pretty simple now we mapped the three controllers we have so this controller that used to be red is for H now so note that if I control this I'm changing the Hue of the image so remember we had the Hue controller here in RGB so now we just mve the Hue controller so red even though the red controller still looks red so it has a red color but now it controls Hue and as you might have guessed the middle one is for saturation so Hue saturation luminance or lightness so I will increase this controller and notice that now I'm controlling saturation and if I reset the last one is for brightness so when you switch to an hsl color space all you're doing uh is you're basically remapping the controller for Q saturation and lightness instead of red green and blue channels so the RGB controllers here this one for example controls the saturation highlights this is saturation midtones and saturation and shadows or lift which is slightly different than Shadows but they're almost the same thing and that's when you get some of the weird things we discussed before like in the uh Color Lab uh space so for example if I uh right click here and switch to the um the lab color space note that we still have the same controllers but we changed the mapping so for example the r Now controls the brightness of the image so red the green controls an axis so it moves the image between magenta and green and the blue controller now moves between yellow and blue so three letters color spaces simply Maps different aspects to these three controllers that you have it's like changing the controllers on your joystick that's it so how can we use that to achieve this deep color thing we discussed now one of the color spaces is HSV now we have hsl Hue saturation lightness and HSV stands for Hue saturation and value so this might seem confusing but it's pretty simple the main thing about the HSV color space one of the main things is that you can increase brightness without losing saturation so brighter colors are allowed to be more saturated now this is not always a good thing but it will allow you to achieve some pretty cool effects for example I will reset so now we have this image here let's move to this Frame and I'm going to increase saturation just regular saturation so this is I'm just going to delete this node and you add a new regular node and I'm going to increase saturation and beautiful we just increase saturation note that when I increase saturation I also increase the brightness of the colors so this is just the regular Behavior so let's just increase saturation now I'm going to add a new version delete this node add a new node right click and I'm going to switch the color space to the HSV color space and now notice something very important the green controller Now does not control green anymore it controls saturation from the perspective of the HSV color space that simply means that we can increase saturation without increasing brightness that's basically all it means however there's something very important notice here that that we have four different green controllers so we have the offset green then we have the gain gamma and lift so let's start with offset if I increase offset note that yes the colors became more saturated while not getting more uh while not getting brighter but we introduced a lot of artifacts into the image and the image looks really weird now in order to avoid that you just simply need to use the gain controller most of the time so I'm just going to use the uh gaining green increase saturation and notice the colors so now I'm going to switch to the previous version so this is the previous version notice that when we increase saturation we also increase the brightness notice this area here in the bike and now when I go to the next version so the version where we have deep saturation uh notice that the colors increased without increasing the saturation and the image looks way better notice how deeper and More Beautiful the colors look uh of course it's a bit over saturated but this is just for demonstration purposes and if I switch to the original image where we increase the saturation using the regular method notice the difference in colors at this point you might be very happy or like oh my God look at the colors here they look way better until you notice the door in the background note that this is the regular color version so this is the version where we in leased color using regular saturation and this is the one where we use this new technique and notice how blue is just out of control that's because the HSV color space utilizes some trickery with the blue channel in order to prevent colors from becoming more saturated uh from losing saturation when they get brighter so how can we solve that well there are two things first of all don't increase saturation a lot keep your eye on the Blues in the image because in this uh method usually Blues they get out of control really fast however you can always add a new node and in the new node simply go to uh Hue versus saturation uh select the blue colors and just control control their saturation separately and this will allow you to control the colors you know but it's fair to say that this is an uncontrollable method because you see in the ventory resolve when you increase saturation a lot of tricks happen in the background in order to make the saturation or the operation look natural and this method is a bit raw so you need to always keep an eye let's take a look at some bad examples or like uh problems that will run in if you use this method and how to uh solve these problems the first thing we discussed is to Simply add a new node and reduce the saturation of blue which will always get you better colors take a look at the original image or one before using deep saturation and this one this looks way more cool I'll just click here and increase saturation even more uh word always losing information the door in the background just keep that in mind the next problem you will run into is when you're using uh autocolor correction try not to use autocolor correction on the nodes before this one because they try to correct the blue Channel and that usually makes things a bit more difficult to deal with let's take a look at an example so I'm going to autoc correct this image so now we just auto corrected it I'm going to add a new node right click color space uh HSV increase the green Channel and notice the weird artifacts we have when has closed now again it's a problem with blue uh the blue value tend to um get out of control in the shadows a bit and you get this artifact so how to deal with that it's pretty simple I'm going to add the node before this one so I'm going to add a nude before it so this is the node where we applied this technique and this is the node before it I'm going to switch to log and here I'm going to lift Shadows up a bit and notice how we corrected this problem this will help in certain times when the blue colors and Shadow get a bit out of control and this will also work for this image notice that here we have uh some nice colors okay I wouldn't call these nice colors but I mean we managed to increase contrast without losing saturation highlights the image looks cool until you notice this red patch to the top it doesn't look good at all so I'm going to add a note before this one again make sure I'm log and increase uh log a bit until we get rid of this weird color artifact however just remember this is a bit raw and you are going to run into issues so it's always advisable to the colors are really nice so that's why a lot of people use this technique but you always need to keep an eye on the image so there are no weird patches and no weird artifacts but the colors you get out of this technique are really nice so let's try it on this image for example just going to bring this down this up great I'm going to add a new node right click color space HSV increase green again we're just increasing saturation highlights and notice how much more beautiful the colors look maybe I overdid the saturation so let's just dial it down that's more beautiful notice this color here in the background notice that when I increase saturation the colors actually get a bit dimmer instead of getting brighter this looks really cool and then I'm going to add a new node and maybe just now this node is working regular RGB so we're back to RGB color space and I'm going to bring Shadows down a bit and the image looks way more beautiful so notice how easy it was to achieve these colors using this technique and I hope this chat light on on how color spaces work like for example I had a video I guess a year a couple years ago um where we discussed the LA color space and in that video what I did was um let's just uh reset this to explain this in more clear terms so let's delete all this add a new node right click and I'm just going to the LA color space now note that in that video I said that I I didn't want to explain this at the time but um I said when you increase the uh the brightness the image becomes more uh red and when you reduce it becomes more blue well that's because you're moving more than one controller at the time so in the Leb color space notice that this makes it yellow and this makes the image red and uh when you reduce the uh gain of these two channels the emers becomes blue and this provides a very nice thing where when you increase the brightness and you reduce the brightness you're actually moving the highlights and shadows in exactly the opposite direction so that's why we said that you should increase gain and in the Leb color space and reduce gamma and this should get you to a more contrasty and nice image where the colors are in direct contrast of each other at the time I hope this explained that technique in a better way now uh I hope this was helpful if it was helpful please visit us at films simplify or you can join our freeevent resolve crash course that is designed for the absolute beginner and we'll take you through every tab in resolve thank you films simplified.svg
Channel: Learn Color Grading
Views: 23,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, color grading
Id: Ze7bRAuIQGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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