gamo2 Faucetwo Sound Voltex Controller Review

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hello everybody in today's video we're going to be reviewing gamo 2's faucet 2 sound voltage controller and before we get into the review i just have two disclaimers one i will send these for free but i am not being paid to bring this video i sure wish i was paid sometimes second streamer i designed this the top part here with all the drawings and stuff i made it even though i made the top powder controller i don't know anything else about the control i didn't know anything about the knobs the buttons how the rest of the controller looked like how the bottom or what the insides were i just knew how the control looked like from the top and the placements of the leds but i didn't know what the leds did all the modes or how they worked the original idea for the leds was like this and when i saw it i was just like hmm i was not playing to design this the design is actually incomplete because i realized that if i did finish the design it would definitely uh kill raincon so i was like yeah i'm just going to not finish this so it's kind of blank actually it's totally not because i just looked at my computer and was like wow i'm not being paid enough for this and gave up so yeah this is the 42 and let's begin the review i was sent two controllers by gamble too one is completely decked out with arcade knobs on-run switches and sound buttons the other is the cheapest option available chinese buttons honeywell switches and gamo2's default knobs so let's just get on to unboxing quickly the box is typical from gamal 2 at this point picture of the controller on the top and the logos at the side also the box is really hard to open because the cover is so tight fit on the box and all the air pressure and stuff underneath the styrofoam there's the controller and then under the controller we have the extras we have two cables a usb type a to type b cable and a usb type-c cable and then we have the manual you should be able to find a soft copy version of this on their website too if you lose this they also give this tiny blue box of a ton of rubber dampering pads this is for the default knobs and i'll explain what it is for later this blue box also comes in the box even if you get the arcade knobs which is uh okay because the arcane knobs don't use these rubber dampening pads and here's the controller unlike the other sound vortex controllers the sides are rounded and i think it makes it look pretty cute and nice i won't comment about the design on top of the controller though the sides are completely blank and the underside is this translucent plastic the front of the controller has the two ports for the cable and another rk button in the middle this is the function fn button for changing modes and etc the best part about gamma 2's sound vortex controller is that the bottom cover of the controller is always magnetic the faucet tool has much better design for the bottom cover compared to gamma 2's older sound vortex controllers the svse5 and the svr9 because on those the magnetic bottom cover is made of acrylic and it was really hard to remove and put back because of the shape the default knobs on the faucet 2 uses something i've never seen on a sound voltage controller these are optical encoders and they're used in 2dx turntables except they are shrunken down to this mini size and used as some vortex knobs which is a huge surprise i've never seen it before if you don't know what optical encoders are there are encoders that uses a combination of leds photo sensors and this disc with holes to determine rotation position and because these are optical and they use leds and photo sensors there are no parts touching each other it basically means that the controller is virtually unbreakable the only thing that will wear out is the physical turning knob and that's why they have extra dampness because those will wear over time this is actually more genius in the arcade knobs the arcane knobs have many touching and turning parts all the metal parts and the white dampening ring and all that stuff which means there are more room for breakdown between them and this is why in the arcade the knobs break down pretty often like once every three to five months depending on how rough the players are on them i've seen and felt so many knobs break but i've never seen a 2dx turntable encoder break before in the arcade so by using optical encoders in a sound vortex knobs they've basically created something that's almost indestructible and the thing is these new default knobs are different from their old default knobs their old default knobs were not great the old default knobs you can find them on the previous version the svse5 those older knobs turned into groove coaster joysticks after a while and they have this clicking feeling like a microwave not whenever you turn them and everyone told anyone who wanted to buy from gamo 2 to buy with their co-pilot knobs instead of default knobs as for arcade knobs they don't have anything fancy moving in it from the insides the really cute thing i noticed was that you can't actually fit the full arcade knobs in the controller because the controller is too short for it but what they did was shrink down and cut down the metal brackets holding the knob encoder in parts the encoder and parts are still exactly the same as the arcade cabinet just in the metal bracket holding it is smaller the controller generally looks nice i guess as expected the lights from gamma 2 are crazy bright which is amazing i love it it looks like looking into the sun the buttons are way brighter than yankon's lights and the led strips are crazy bright too like ecobrightness in my opinion the only thing i don't like is how the controller uses two usb cables but that's fine it's okay at the very least they're removable now unlike their older svse5 the leds are pretty the top led works a little like virgo's turbochargers leds except that the animation isn't the same so that's kinda disappointing instead of shooting red and blue left and right when you turn the knobs turning the knobs changes the direction of this rainbow thing that keeps moving i don't understand why the rainbow slowly moves to the right even when you're not touching the knobs it should be stagnant i gave camo two feedback about this but i don't know whether they're gonna update it or not the side leds are just a static color but they blink whenever you press any buttons how are the default knobs compared to the arcade knobs they're honestly amazing i actually prefer the default knobs over the arcade knobs right now the arcade knobs wiggle a bit and makes this sound they're smooth but somehow the default knobs feel smoother and they don't need lube like yankon does the default knobs also feel better than yankon knobs actually they have this really nice smoothness yet resistance at the same time they don't wiggle at all yan also doesn't wiggle but generally these knobs are textured at the sides and the top and they just feel wonderful the people like sound the default knobs make when you turn them kind of reminds me of coppers a little but the paper-like sound is really quiet turning the default knob and arcade knobs actually feel pretty different so i made this chart comparing the amount of resistance between the arcade knobs and default knobs because you don't need much force to turn the knobs on the default knobs or keep it turning but for the arcade knobs you have to use a bit more force to start turning the knob but once the knob is moving you don't need as much turning force to keep it moving and now about buttons do you need someone buttons or chinese buttons just fine well firstly here's a sound test so honestly in terms of use they feel very similar a lot of people claim that sound war buttons are just an option there because it's exactly the same as arcade they're extremely expensive and they only make a sound difference well yeah they feel similar but chinese buttons always felt a little bit more loose or wobbly in terms of play for me it makes a slight difference but i still play exactly the same the thing about chinese buttons is that they are physically lighter than someone buttons because you know they're cheaper and because they are physically lighter than samoa buttons they actually feel lighter in a way when i play because the springs can push back the buttons faster and with more force i've used samoas for a long time actually and i'm honestly okay with chinese buttons even though chinese buttons feel more wobbly and make me feel like i'm being less accurate but i do just fine it doesn't really a perfect play at all most people just get someone for the feeling sound i personally got summer buttons because of the same reasons they're great but also way too expensive chinese buttons work just fine and they barely impact your performance at all it's a really small difference that most people can overlook to be honest so in honesty just get chinese buttons unless you feel like going for the full arcade experience later all right now about the functions of the controller there are three modes in the controller firstly there's the ea cloud mode and that's the default mode which you can set by holding down the button combinations of start fxl fxr and bta it's basically a gamepad controller mode that works with the sound vortex e amusement cloud the second mode is the hid joystick mode it's also another gamepad mode that works exactly the same way as the ea cloud mode but the difference is that in this mode you can set hid lights you can access this mode by pressing down start fxl fxr and btb the last mode is hid keyboard and mouse mode this mode turns all the buttons into keyboard inputs and the knobs into mouse axis movements similar to what yankon has on default and gamma 2's older sound vortex models you can access it by holding down start fxl fxr and btc for each mode just remember that you have to hold down the button combination for 3 seconds and wait for all the buttons to flash before the mode switch is successful to show your current mode press down style on both f axes the corresponding bta b or c button will light up to show your current mode another interesting thing is that you can change the trigger distance of the knobs but what is trigger distance trigger distance is a little like dead zone of the knobs it's the distance of how much you've turned the knob before it activates and turns the arcade knobs on my arcade have a pretty high trigger distance because it's been so worn out that did zone is pretty huge so for the faucet 2 you can change the trigger distance level based on what you're used to or what's most accurate for you in total there are six trigger distance levels level one being the smallest trigger distance where you turn very little before the knob activates and level six being the highest trigger distance where you have to turn a lot before the knob activates you can reduce the trigger distance by holding on fn and fx l to reduce it and then fn and fxr to increase it the top led indicates the trigger level and here they are for me i use level 2 for the default knobs and the same for arcane knobs honestly it really doesn't matter i think i might have swapped them to the smallest trigger distance because i think my friends figured that it was the closest to what we will use on arcade now for the light combinations you can change the left leds by holding down start bta and fxl and turning the left knob you can do the same for the right leds by holding down the reverse start btd fxr and turning the right knob you can turn on or turn off all the lights by holding on start and all the bts and there are no other modes for the lights you can't change the top leds at all which kinda sucks you can't change the speed of the rainbow moving or change to colors or making like virgo turbochargers animation pattern it'd be nice if there were other animations and trigger modes where any of the leds like the leds at the side or top flashes when you touch the knobs all the buttons another interesting thing between the default knobs and arcade knobs that i noticed was that the default knobs are easier to turn and because they are easy to turn the top led kind of flashes and turns into white when you make any small amount turn so it looks like on the default knobs the lights turn a lot faster and it's kind of seizure-inducing compared to arcade knobs i don't know why it's like this and i wish i could change the speed of how much the lights move because of that the default knobs use these dampeners to keep the turning smoothness now for knob maintenance we are finally going to talk about the knob dampeners so the default knobs use these dampeners to keep the turning smoothness when i first received the controllers the knobs were actually too loose they spun too easily to increase the tightness i had to add in another dampener the thing is that the default knobs came with three dampeners in them i told gamoto about the loose issue and that changing it to four layers instead of three made it lighter and closer to rk and they responded to me saying that they will be now shipping the controls with four layers instead of three from now on so now for maintenance to add or remove or replace the knob dampeners first remove the back cover of the controller remove the two wires connected to the encoder and please remember which wire goes where because if you sort them you swap the directions of your inputs then remove the nuts holding the bottom of the knob in place combo 2 doesn't provide any tools like a nut remover or an allen key so maintainers is a pain yes if you don't have the tools which i didn't then unscrew these two screws and remove the knob with an allen key you can now add remove or replace the dampeners then repeat all the steps before in reverse to put the knob back in place it's really hard to do any maintenance without the proper tools so i find it pretty annoying they don't provide any of the tools to do that and now for gameplay the controller works perfectly actually sometimes i even felt that controller knobs were way more sensitive than what i was normally used to but that can be adjusted with the trigger sensitivity and the in-game knob sensitivity i also tested the controller on turner and it looks like i think it runs at 1000 hertz i'm not the most proficient 4k player so i can't test it as reliably but i also tested it on an input testing program and from the looks of it none of the inputs are effective of anything which means that is a thousand hertz as you can see from the numbers here the numbers are super delayed because the buttons are big and deep unlike keyboard switches so that's where there's so much delay but for cod splitting i noticed that the controller splits at 4 milliseconds which means that if you were doing the last part of jabra pressing all the four bt buttons at once the difference between the first and last hit is 12 milliseconds so this is something to note if you're doing a lot of chords it's better to hit earlier so yeah the controller works great for some vortex and definitely an option to consider honestly now for the configurations and the price gamut currently offers these configurations and prices so for the complete default option it's about 169 usd if you choose the omron switches the price is about 199 usd the arcade specifications are not open or out right now so we'll have to wait for gamma 2 to update our website with them so by the way should you get omron switches omron switches is what the arcade cabinets use so i highly recommend you choose omron switches instead of honeywell switches i haven't played the honeywell switches to know enough about them so i highly recommend that you go for the omron switches instead because that's what the arcade uses and it's not too expensive compared to straight up going with zanmars so now the conclusion honestly this controller absolutely flawed me the build of this is way better than anything i've seen so far the case the feed the backing the insides and the knobs are very professionally made it practically blows the rest of the competition out of water because every other controller feels a little homemade in comparison now this is definitely a year-end coin killer actually because of the very competitive price and the fact that the knobs work very well and even better than yen's jen's knobs has a constant mouse movement for their knobs and that's not actually how knobs are supposed to work they're meant to move as much as the speed of you turning the norms not at a constant speed and that kind of thing me up a little when i got used to uh snobs and then went to the arcade however if you're a full nocturne player uranus knobs won't bother you all but the thing is that gama2's knobs work right their default knobs they feel great and they won't break down the other good thing is that the controller is very light you can lift this up with one hand no problem which is great if you need to move the control from your shelf to your desk and whatnot the only downside i see in this controller right now is the fact that it needs two usb ports and that maybe if you're the kind like me to like stuffing your controllers with cloth so that it'll stop the vibration sounds and to make it quieter you can't do that with the default knobs because you'll cover the discs and basically stop it from working and the other thing is about the design i don't like this design that much mostly because this design is based on sound vortex vivid wave it's already outdated exit gear is out so this design this theme is outdated so that's something to consider other than that this controller is great i really like it i'm setting use this control over my svr a9 and that's something to say and i actually like using this over the arcade knobs which is also something else to say all in all i highly recommend this controller over other competitors right now because of the price and the build and that's all i have to say about it that's it here's some gameplay [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] watch [Music] oh okay i think i can i can try playing buffalo fighters nice thanks for watching [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: tokaku
Views: 112,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamo2, faucetwo, svse5, svre9, gamo2 faucetwo, dao faucetwo, sound voltex, sdvx, sound voltex controller, sdvx controller, bemani controller, konami, bemani, k shoot mania, kshoot mania, k-shootmania, ksm, USC, unnamed sdvx clone, yuan con, yuancon sdvx, dao, virgoo, virgoo turbocharger, review, tokaku, tokaku osu, osu tokaku, SDVX コン, SDVX コントローラー, ダオコン, dap コン
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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