My Rhythm Game Tier List (Ranking over 30 games!)

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hello everybody in today's video we're going to do a runner game tearless yay this is going to be purely my opinion okay so please don't get mad if a game you love is in a lower category the way i rate games is very different from everyone else and how i perceive and enjoy these games are very different how i'm going to be tailoring the games is quite simple so basically the more the game can keep me engrossed in the game the better the game is and of course there's also other factors such as do i enjoy the game from the get-go or do i have to play the game more and to the point that i had to get invested those games where i have to play more to get invested usually will be weighted lower because to me a better game is the one that immediately i'm into it and it makes me play for a very very long time and also when it comes to any taylor's there is one problem with them especially with such a general idea like these is that there's so many games i have not played all of them or played them enough to be able to rate them accurately so that's one thing that i'm going to have to try to figure out because you see i'm more likely to dislike a game the more i've played it actually that's my problem so you have the problem of just getting into game and it's fun but then when you get into later stages you start to realize the flaws a game have because when it comes to games and many things in general you only understand the full experience when you get to the deeper end and that's where you can give the most accurate rating but the problem is that i don't have time to sink 20 hours into every single game i ever played and sometimes you only start realizing the issues only 40 or 50 hours into a game i guess it's also the problem with game generalism right now in general because game journalists don't play through the entire game so yeah honestly their ratings are just not accurate because they don't place your entire game imagine only reviewing a movie just watching the first 20 minutes of it that's basically game reviewing nowadays i'm not going to use the online tiers websites i'm just going to make my own here's another problem with reviewing and tier listing running games is that all reader games are really fun so that's a problem you know okay you know the way i'm going to be judging this list is really really strict compared to every other list like usually when i review games and play them on my videos i'm usually quite lenient and nice about them because to me i can see how fundamentally it will be fun for other people but on my personal list the grading system is so so straight because like there will be good games in seat here that's how bad oh man i feel like the subtext is so huge can you guys read it i think no everything is not as here i mean although i believe all rodent games are fun to an extent just depends on how fun fun to start addicting to keep playing but honestly a pain in this yeah this is eight here for me takes investment before the game gets fun and i don't play enough of it doesn't do much to keep uh me hooked uh long term this is a beat here as you can see that each tier it starts getting more and more tricked uh hard to get into for myself and i couldn't bring myself to enjoy it for very long or keep playing let's see it here and then we have deet here oh no no no no no no no this description is perfect for detail c tier is like it's still fun okay c2 will be like it's initially really fun but i just couldn't keep playing for more yeah i think i think that's a really good way to put it then if you have etie i didn't like the game mechanically and i really couldn't bother to even try okay then we have here this is unranked so question mark i haven't played enough or played the game before okay let's start with the obvious one all right let's go taiko it's going in s okay now we got that out of the way let's go project diva okay project diva is the vocaloid game where you press buttons on your controller like the circle x square and triangle to the vocaloid singing the way they chart is not to the instruments of the song most written games chart things to the instrument or you know the beat of the song but project lever is where the chart is charted to the vocals when most people think of a runner game and think of charting for the very first time they tend to actually map or chart things to the vocals and in a sense pretty diver is very intuitive when you are someone who goes into a game or song and the first thing you think of is that when you're pressing the buttons you're pressing it to the singer singing and that's what makes paradiva a very intuitive game like in my opinion but to be honest gameplay wise the reading in the game is very different from everything else i found it very difficult to get myself playing the game properly but this is the arcade game specifically if i'm going to talk about project diva with a controller like a gamepad i will not be able to rank it because i have never actually picked prediva with a controller properly lyric rhythm mapping has a much lower skill ceiling i think it depends because when it comes to project eva a lot of songs where you know the vocal is rap when they sing i swear finally funking people are going to be so mad at me i mean i think a lot of people who are mad at me putting freya funky in a very low spot um i'm sorry just remember this is my opinion just because i don't like a game doesn't mean you you can't enjoy it okay but it's just that when you've played many running games your standards become quite high yeah i just don't i mean honestly i would if okay i don't have a tier between d and e because mechanically friday night funky just four keys it's a try and tested gameplay mechanic so um it would be indeed right now i'm really hard pressed i'm putting the game in e because of the wonky inputs if we were going to talk about the mods i would put it in d maybe or even the really good ones and see a lot of the focus of friday night funk and the enjoyment i got out of friday funky had anything but the written aspect i already explained that in my own video on friday afranken it's not that it's a bad game for being an e it's just that compared to other games i've played i would very much prefer to play them instead alright so la nota it's a mobile game that you have to have a tablet to play you can play it on a phone but everything is really small it's this game where the play field is specifically a circle you have to tap and drag is your typical 4k except that there is no set number of keys on the screen and because the entire play feels a circle it spins it moves and it has very cool gimmicks and stuff lanota was so interesting for me to get into i had so much fun playing the game the first hour of la nota was the most gruesome and painful hours i've ever experienced it was so boring okay so honestly b yeah la nota will be b the very first album of the game is too easy this is quite normal with a lot of mobile running games because usually when you create a mobile running game with a very different and wacky concept to it the charters don't actually know what they're doing so they're still trying to feel around the charting they can't create very difficult things because there's two testing on waters and this is the first four chapters of lanota for me you cannot play master unless you've already cleared ultra so you place your entire game on just ultra and it's just not very fun until you reach the four stages i really like la notta mechanically but the problem is that i never actually played the game for very long like i couldn't get myself to long term play the game like i did for arkeia so uh yeah uh cytus all right so honestly d yeah oh wait i can't put it in c because i did not enjoy this like the whole reason why i paid status is like whoa it's circles on your phone like osu you know it's really dumb that wasn't the only thing i was going through my head as a 16 year old when i played cytus i just mechanically do not like cycles cytos is a game where you tap circles to a line going up and down on the screen and you slide and you hold and you tap the reason why i don't like cytos is because of the fact that it uses a line that goes up and down it makes charts flow a certain way and the game feels a certain way it just did not feel fun when i play cyprus so it's just not a fan i know that most likely if i did actually play cytus it would go into b because i know this game takes an investment for it to get fun but even on the harder stuff on cyphers i just the way it moves up and down like that i didn't enjoy it that is the case for cyprus one as well and by the way i did play cytus one a lot back then i mean i mastered the entire first chapter there i looked at the later chapters and i was like i don't really want to play this i don't really want to play this actually the enjoyment just fizzled out even though i sunk hours inside this i know a lot of people out there enjoy cytos i don't blame them for having the whole line up and down thing the whole reason why they added the line is so that it will be intuitive because you need to understand that when you have a game where you tap things on screen think of osuba on touch screen your hand is going to block things so how cytus circumvented this was have a line that's constantly going up and down so you can always have a rough idea where the next circle or note is going to be let's cite this for you it's actually a really really really smart thing mechanically and i respect the game for that it's really really smart what should we bring next rhythm doctor alright random doctor oh that was a good game i loved playing this good stuff it was such a different game mechanically it's very creative very heavily based on rhythm heaven but it took it at an extra spin all the beats and the musical parts like a drummer inside the game itself was just it was brilliant it's so so smart okay so honestly as much as i love and seeing places of the game see because there's not much content of the game because the thing about is that it's a standalone single game it's not the kind of game that you can keep playing for very long basically a game that someone will be hooked onto for a month at max with the custom content and things like that long-term players is a bit hard to find unless the modding scene just keeps driving it's a short game after all they still can add more content also catch oh my god okay you know guys i recently started playing catch the beat so catch the beat is the least popular mode on osu it's the mode where you move a catcher left and right with your arrow keys and make him dash with shift i will be making a video on catch the beat someday just detail honestly i'm still going to force myself to play cash beat because i want to feel the game enough so that i can understand how i truly feel about it but right now i'm playing things like salads and platters i have to force myself to play catch the beat and that's not a very good look for the game if i have to force myself to enjoy it i wanted the play catch to be understand the game because it's such a different game mode compared to so many rhythm games out there because instead of pressing your keys to the b you move a catcher to the b that's really different so i want to play to the point i can grasp and explain this weird feeling catch the beat gives it's possible that i just do not enjoy this kind of gameplay but i want to know and so many people out there time and time again people will be arguing whether cash to be a running game so i want to try it myself and find the answer for myself okay so next up row beats okay let's go rubies if you're talking about ruby cs i think i would put it higher so row beats is a rocky random game on roblox it's very robux for me which is the case for many roblox games actually because that's how they make money although back then they didn't let you change the note speed unless you spent money or somehow managed to farm yourself to get an item that let you change the note speed which is a really dumb thing that's robeats although they changed it now you can change no speed to whatever you want honestly i put it in no in between b and e i don't think i can put things in between right i think i'll put in e the chatting in row beats is not very nice i notice when it comes to robies isn't me or does the spammy purse of dark sheep really really reminds me of those guitar hero charts that's what rwby's charting looks like to me it looks like guitar hero charts i said you're supposed to do them your finger okay so with disclaimer i don't know the highest levels or rob's like the back of my hand so like this is not an accurate review i don't know if i put it in d right i'm putting next to cycles and cycles too can you compare robes deciders inside this too no right so it is let's see this i'm sorry guitar hero so get a hero is going to be the very first game that i'll actually put it under question mark because i do not know gita hero well enough to come up with a proper opinion of it there's so much going on in guitar hero it's a whole place of his own that's really cool just play gitadora okay so if all the raid getadora i don't know if you guys know but gitadora is where guitar hero got their ideas from gitadora is a konami arcade cabinet where they made these guitar and drums and that's how guitar hero and rock band got their idea from they were heavily influenced by konami's gitadora aka gita freaks and drum mania if you're going to talk about dora which i have played um honestly in between b and c it was really fun for me initially except the thing is that it takes a lot of investment to get into the game proper so i didn't want to go through the investment phase of sinking my time into gitadora so that's why i end up putting a b tier because you really need a game to convince me to keep playing because i have such a huge selection so a game that can convince me to keep playing is a good game it means it's really good but i also could be my own taste because different aspects and different mechanics and different ways a game goes makes different people click but for me not really all right so the next one uh dance of fire and eyes very good game i enjoyed it to be honest i prefer overrun doctor as much as i do we prefer dance or fire nice overrun doctor there's not enough content for me to keep hooked i know there are the incredible custom stuff on adam to find ice and all that stuff but there's still a couple problems i have with the game such as choosing levels it's really cool at first that you move your your fire and ice around the map to select songs but it also keeps game worlds quite limited in that sense because we need to understand that the entire world in the menu for dance to find eyes is your song select and it's structured in a way that you don't need many songs for the complete game experience and i guess that's how they approach rare doctor as well so not the kind they will have many things but on a standalone game honestly super high tier but for me as a running game that i intend to play for long term like for years and years not the highest you know fixed up archaea oh my okay archaea time okay so arcade is a very special case i've made a video on arcade already archaea is a three-dimensional rhythm game for mobile and tablets and i always talk about how great it is i always encourage people play it it is one of the few rhythm games on mobile that has no flick notes that's really nice i think i would put it in a because the game managed to keep me hooked for a while and whenever the game does keep me hooked like reliably that will be when there's an event on war mode but otherwise i actually don't have not touched archaea in like a straight up a year and i was one of the games where the longer and more i played the bigger the game felt like the game felt like such a pain yes you start complaining more about arcs dropping and like that as you go on to the game or like you know like i don't know my shitty ipad just dropping inputs just things like that demo oh my demo very cute game definitely one of the few running games the story the lore that i kept up for so much demo is another mobile like tablet rhythm game it's very simple there's only like tap and slide notes and that's basically the gameplay it's probably the number one written game i recommend to anyone who isn't into little games as a player start out because it's just that mechanically easy and the songs are nice they have nice piano stuff selecting songs are easy they have a lot of songs and the story is very sad the story is also very interesting it keeps you invested you know and it makes you keep wanting to play the game because you want the tree in the middle of the game to keep growing as the story progresses it's really cool i remember waiting for each update back then when i was much younger because i wanted to know what was going to happen in demo and um i'll say detail despite singing praises of the game i didn't find the gameplay that fun demo was good because the story but i don't and the songs are bangers magnolia is yeah it's great wasn't that a huge fan of the gameplay also another thing i didn't really like about game is that like when you tap too early you just watched the note explode in the distance and there was such an off-putting feeling for me yeah i know like from first glance so many people are going to be so mad looking at this list because like what demo site is detail are you serious these fail no it's not a fail i love a lot of rodent games pianista all right okay so pianista is another running game it's a piano rhythm game i think you only need two fingers to tap it i had a lot of fun playing pianista i don't know i find the game really cute it's so satisfying to play i don't know it's not those comfort casual games there are no anime goals no anime tricks no cartoons just dead pianists all over the game there's only like tap hold and slide notes in pianist are very simple gameplay very aimed at casuals i know people were saying you say pianist has a casual game have you seen the heart charts yeah yeah i have they don't look that hard i mean you need to understand that like um if you look at the harder stuff of certain games that's the skill saving and financial skill ceiling is just not quite there yet it's fun although i realized that if you want to get and unlock the harder stuff on pianist there's so much grinding and that is not fun and by grinding they force you to play really easy stuff and it gets tiring after like two hours guys okay muse all right mustache i made another video on it it is a very cute fun rhythm game the interface and everything is beautiful it already started out as a mobile tablet rhythm game they eventually ported it to steam so you can play on pc now and i honestly very much like recommend people buy the steam versions in a mobile version unless you want that portability yeah so a lot of people say it's horny taiko honestly it still plays a bit different from michonne very very beginner friendly although the three packs at the very start i noticed that they are quite easy there's a lot of chinese songs a lot of songs that people don't recognize unless you buy the dlcs and yeah this is kind of lewis that is honestly the game the gameplay is simple i think it was your right or left hand i forgot which one you hit the ground notes and the anodes the ones in the air and the ones in the ground so you have like keys for those very simple game a lot of games i like are simple and mustache is one of those simple games definitely a game i would recommend people if they were like a huge weeaboo and needed a game to get into that wasn't an idol game this is a tough one because i'm not sure what i should put in c or d it's honestly in between then it's fun on paper at least for me i can see why some people love the game and enjoy it but i after playing like five songs i didn't really feel like playing more i just did not enjoy it you know like if you put me stranded in an island and gave me mustache yeah i'll play the out of it but the fact that i have a choice of so many other games music just didn't give me much yeah ddr oh honestly ddr okay i'll just put the a logo even though i know right now we're on gold okay so downstairs revolution ddr question mark i know it sounds crazy that i have not played duncan's revolution before but it's more so i have not played the game enough to actually form an opinion of it the only thing that ever went through my mind playing dance revolution was wow this is tiring i don't want to play anymore i mean i know it's fun i don't haven't played the game enough to actually form a good opinion on it especially since it's such a big game with its own culture its own meta its own things going on groove coaster i don't even know how to describe the gameplay of groove coaster you have your character thing going through a line and then when you see dots on the line you tap a button and then if you see directional inputs you move your joystick left and right there's a button on the top of the joystick that's what the normal button presses and that's groove coaster for you it's really hard to explain without it's so hard i think group horses is the one you really actually cannot describe with just my words okay so groove coaster would be i'm torn between b and c the steam version of group coaster is absolute garbage i heard the search version is better but i'm not sure so fun initially but in okay so it was yeah it was fun initially but i also know that groove coaster is the kind that takes investment to super get into the biggest thing i was not a fan of groove coaster was the fact that there are these things called ad-libs so think of invisible notes so on the line that your groove coaster guy is going through and you're supposed to hit notes there are some invisible notes they call this ad-libs they're notes that follow the tune to the music so even when you're not tapping anything you kind of have to just tell yourself and keep tapping to what you think is happening in the music because you might discover a couple of ad-libs so you might actually hit these invisible notes the fact that they're invisible and you have to discover them yourselves and they add up to your total score like you will not get like a perfect on the song unless you hit all the ad-libs it's kind of dumb i would get a little extra but i don't think they're an extra i'm not sure if i'm wrong please correct me i do not know everything about group coaster i just know that i couldn't get myself into it the steam version is a disaster you have to change your offset on the steam version to something dumb when you change the offset it changes the offset of when the notes come to you but it doesn't change the offset of the ad-libs the ellipse by the way also follow the music so so it means that when you hit the ellipse you might not actually hit them because they are they're now not on time because they're following the wrong offset it's really dumb all right next up tunitum i don't have an opinion on this actually i played the game a couple of times it's so fun like when you start but i know that if i played trinidad more i would have so many more complaints about it and i'm just not qualified to give an opinion right now because i haven't played it enough to come up with one i think i'm going to put trinitum here because i haven't played it enough no okay if you guys don't know trinidam is an arcade game it's a game where the panel where you input your notes and stuff is touch so it's a touch panel and then you have these things called i think they're called air notes and you have to raise your hand when you see an anode they have these sensors at the side of the cabinet they're motion sensors so when you raise your hand it will detect that you move your hand and you will hit the air node so the game is very much like up and down movements on this cabinet first impressions the game looks ridiculously fun it's a touch panel i think i didn't like that aspect about trinidam but i didn't play enough to know how i felt about it because it's a really weird concept where you're pressing this touch panel in front of you to a screen that is in front of you i know the screen and the touch panel are aligned but it's very different from playing things like mobile games where you see where you touch but for tourism it's not really the case it becomes more of a muscle memory thing although like also in tablets you know okay my my okay so my mind is another arcade runner game by sega my mind is what we call the washing machine ridden game you have about i think eight buttons around this ring a circular screen and you have notes coming out from the middle screen to the edges and you have to tap the buttons or touch the screen touch screen to the beat and when you do that it is a very satisfying game touchscreen or buttons and they also have slight notes on the screen and they have hulk notes the typical hoods but the slides can get really crazy to look at this basically my mind brought it down to his essentials i know one thing about my mind is that i always keep hitting late because i time my hits to not the hit sounds from the game itself but to the sound of the button makes but the thing about the buttons is that they are really deep so the buttons are very delayed compared to the hit sounds from the cabinet and the offset function in my mind you can't set it late enough where you can set it to your button presses so you are kind of forced to listen to the hit songs even if you're used to pressing buttons i'm gonna be real guys i don't like my mind i just don't like it i have never touched the game no i've started the game a few times well yeah this is this is the actual hot tick in this entire tier listing like all these games here i try to review them as objectively as possible by my mind i have this just personal and buyers that i just do not like the game gameplay is always probably fun straight up i can't rate the game because i never actually gave the game a chance maybe one day i will and i'll be able to rate it according to this list here but because i just tell myself to never touch the machine bank dream can we not rate any of the idle games i don't play any of them here's another take from myself i don't like idle games it's the same don't like feeling as i have with my my um i don't know i just don't like idle games okay i haven't explained what bank dream is bank dream is another mobile and tablet like rhythm game it's uh i don't even know how to describe gameplay because i notice a lot of idol games have very very similar gameplay where you have like i think five five lanes and the buttons but then again a lot of runner games just follow the same lane concept i haven't played the game enough to know how the charting differs from different idol games because usually you only can tell if a game is very different when you play them enough to know like the complex difficult charting method of the game but i haven't so that's why bank dream is in unrated and also there's a lot of things that runner gamers generally do not like in idle games and that will be the scoring system and the scoring system in bang dream and a lot of other idle games they're dependent purely on the goals you have on your team so bank dream and other idle games they are like half rhythm games and the other half are gacha games so you gotta roll for good characters that will give you more score so you could full combo or perfect a song with like the bass characters like the default people and you would lose out to someone who's doing terribly with like a team 4sr sr something like that describing system isn't why i stayed away from bank dream i just did not like idle things in general so i just stayed away from them i know the idol games have really good songs like they cover so many nice songs and i can see why so many people want to go and play idol games because they have songs that they actually know in and there's nothing wrong with that so you can go ahead and enjoy the game just something inside me just tells myself don't play it don't play it i'm sure everyone has that kind of feeling towards something in their life like they just have this irrational feeling of don't do it when it comes to trying out a game or like watching a certain thing beat mania all right b minor is a very interesting case b minor is another arcade game it's by konami it's probably one of the oldest music arcade games it might even be the first actually it follows like a dj format where you have like seven buttons and then a turntable on your left for your right the original beat mania the very first version the turntable was only on your right so everyone was essentially a 2p player but in bitmania 2dx which is the updated version they added two more buttons the original bitmain only have five buttons the current version today has seven and the turntable now shifted instead of only to the right to the left and right so if your turntable is on the left you are a 1p player if your turntable is on the right you are a 2p player and i'm a 2p player because i hate myself alright so beaming is on the ogs and definitely one of the most difficult arcade ridden games to get into honestly like if you play beat mania 2dx you are the intellectual of rhythm games like straight up i think on the internet and people who buy these arcade controllers beat mania is the most popular on competing in private servers online i noticed that bimini usually has the highest number of players unlike sound vortex despite the fact that i think sound vortex has more people buying the controller than big mania so it's i don't know about the numbers but this seems to be cause it's really interesting okay b honestly b minus b for me it took a lot before beat mania became fun like the game only started becoming fun when i hit level sevens or eights which is still in the normal zone for their difficulty rating they have normal hyper and another hyper is difficult another is another tier it's quite a pain to learn how to play the game because of the weird layout you got to learn your own finger methods it's really difficult to get into big mania the game gets really fun the moment you get into it but i just couldn't keep myself playing for reasons that are like i have to work so hard at this game you know if you play beat mania and you play a lot you're kind of like a master chess oh no actually let's be real all running games are massachusetts some vortex okay sound voltage sound voltage the the arc again i have played the most i honestly have put more time into sound vortex than taiko because i started playing sound voltage first this one is a really easy a if you guys don't know some vortex is another arcade game by konami it has four bt buttons which are these white buttons and then two fx buttons which are the two long black buttons on the bottom so it's essentially a six key game but then you have this really interesting mechanic called the knobs on the left and the right which you turn to follow these lasers on the screen it doesn't matter how quickly you turn the knobs as long as you keep turning the knob in a direction that the laser is going if you look closely at the bottom at the laser area there's this triangle and neutronic knobs moves that triangle to the laser so that's how sound voltage lasers work that's basically all there is to some vortex the lasers and then holding on buttons or tapping them it's very mechanically simple if you get the laser idea down and it's so fun to start like you straight up will only start to feel pain when you play some vortex only after 30 hours when you start playing some voltaics you will not stop and even when you do hit that first ball on some vortex you don't want to stop and the only thing that made me feel like stopping was the times when i was playing like freedom dive okay freedom knife on some vortex is not too bad it's the stuff that's way more technical than that the newer technical charts and some vortex is just like yo they are another tier they're so difficult like the game gets really tough and grindy at the end if you're speaking pure arcade wise the game costs so much money if you're trying to unlock songs or going for the skill analyzer it's really expensive i have personally spent probably a thousand dollars or more on sound voltaics taiko is probably at 500 dollars right now some voltage is the one where i spent the most money on because of the stupid card generator sound voltex has a element to it that's a gacha you put in money and then you pray that it prints out the character you want it i i hate it so dumb all right next game next game coiver oh i don't really want to read quaver eterna and also mania those are like the gameplay on those games they are all they are the basics and it's really hard to break because on osu mania right i actually did not like the game quite early in i wouldn't see believe it or not i hate it when games get too difficult it's ironic considering that a few of these games here i complained that they were too easy at the beginning stages but the problem is also mania is that after about four stars like when i was reaching four stars it felt like the game won't had too many notes going on if you listen to the key types of the the person tapping to the music especially on really high levels i didn't really like that because you know and i don't know for me at least i didn't like just pushing myself so much for for what i like it when songs follow music i'm like a huge conformist and yeah i'm one of those people that don't like dumb charts so cueva isn't unranked and then we have eterna they are all the 4k games i'll put it on ranked honestly just i still haven't managed to bring myself to play eternal properly that's all and another thing about eternal it makes it really not beginner friendly is how the game looks like and that's actually a legitimate reason why many people turn away from eterna i know athen would be really mad at me for saying this and he would absolutely not want to hear it crossbeats let me take a look at that um you guys are talking about earpiece spin rhythm oh spin rhythm is a tough one okay straight up it's going indeed okay i've made a video on spin rhythm before spin rhythm is this pc game is on steam this track you have to turn this red and blue track in the middle to follow and catch like a line up to these colored notes so you gotta align blue to the blue notes and red to the red notes it's a mix of tapping and pressing space for the green lines and that more spin rhythm i remember only playing it in the very early stages where the gameplay was really different i've been getting comments on my spin rhythm video that the game is different now in controls and it's more fun to play and the game has changed a lot so if i was talking about when i first played spin rhythm on the video years ago d but right now since the people say that they've changed how the game works i'm gonna put it not sure yeah spirit rhythm is the kind of game that they put in too much gimmick renault games is great for it to be simple but when it's too simple it gets plain like you know the typical just only four lanes it gets boring so keeping things fun we'll be adding gimmick to it like rks arcs and muse dash is split lanes that's a simple gaming you can add to make things interesting and different enough to where you can chart unique difficult stuff specifically that only works on the game because otherwise it would not work out and spin rhythm is like they took out all the the basic stuff and only put in the gimmicks that's at least what i felt when i first tried the game but now since people say it's different i don't know you guys talking about crosby's revolution it's a it's a dead game it's gone uh the only thing i like about crossbeats is that it has historia inside and that's the only cool thing i think about it i guess beat saber all right that's another interesting one so everyone by now would have most definitely heard of what beat sabers and beat saber is a vr ridden game where you swing your sabers and these blocks and to the beat and it's genuinely one of the most interesting villain games i've ever played yes it is a runner game despite the fact that it does not have timing windows and i feel the fact that they did not add timing on those it's the whole reason why it makes the game just work and they count the angle of your slices instead of if you're heading to the beat or not because it's a vr game it utilizes the vr space so it's so unique to vr that you cannot recreate beat saber like anywhere else people try making your pc people try making a knockoffs on mobile it's just not the same 8 year honestly 8 year so fun it's it's so easy to get hooked onto this game i just don't play enough because i get tired and i'm so lazy to play beat saber but honestly it's so fun it's not that it doesn't have enough content to keep me invested it's just i'm so lazy guys fire girls is it free girls or phiros figos right people call it figos all right so figaro's fighters so figos is another rhythm game that is for mobile and tablets it works really interestingly i touched on the game very briefly in my top 10 like mobile running games video the whole gimmick of figos is that the game's judgement line moves so you can have really crazy wacky gimmicks going on the game has the usual tab notes whole notes slide notes and flick notes but the only thing that keeps it super interesting is the fact that the line that you're tapping on moves so you have a lot of crazy glitches going on in the game that they can do like glitching and song stuff so i don't know i know that it's a really fun game that a lot of people will enjoy but personally it couldn't hook me in for very long like i played it a couple of times i thought like hey that's fun and then i didn't really feel inclined to play another song i would play a few songs of it and then i'll be like i want to play dance roll three speaking of which let's let's raid dance round three dance row 3 is so underrated guys it's another mobile runner game but something about the charting in this game is so unique and it's so satisfying to play dan's real three so dance routery it has a typical tap notes yes it has flick notes yes yes light notes but the way it works it very much feels like it's following through them and like the game gets so hard but all the charts are so fun 10 out of 10 underrated it's just a bit hard to unlock some songs at the beginning but that's it it's still so fun it's 100 i recommend please play dun03 like whenever i boot up my ipad right now the only game i actually open is 0 3 like not even rk is it a dancer 3 oh i open up like a taco simulator for my i would put it in a would i i think i might actually dance03 it's fun but i know that like eventually i would get bored of this game and put it into a b b tier still haven't played it enough to know whether it's gonna so maybe i should put it in like i don't know question mark like i like it but i also don't know if i know enough about it honestly so okay i'll put it in like question mark like i played it like for a couple hours and those couple hours was so fun i just have not charged my ipad so i can play the game okay wakka wakka so waka is another arcade runner game this one is independent it's not by konami it's not by sega it's not by it's not by namco it's by i forgot what their company is called but they basically took all the big artists of the konami songs and whatever and they created their own game with all their bangers inside and the song selection is great okay so waka is another game that's circular like la nota actually honestly when i saw waka the first thing i thought of was this is basically la nota but then now as you look at the actual game you can see that it it's not like lenota at all because of the way they use a slide mechanic the game has a lot more sliding to the left and right which is something linotta does not have because la nota only swipes and flicks up and down inwards and outwards of the circle but for waka you can slide left and right so that makes waka quite different playing the game is also very different because some songs where you have to like flip your entire hand all around the arcade cabinet and that's like a very different experience compared to la nota i think i only played waka like once so i cannot judge this at all even though knowing how the game works i remember i didn't want to play waka for too much because it didn't seem like there was much content at the time i'm sure they've updated the game a lot since it was first released but um i just have i'm gonna bring myself to just play it like i said there's so many games i don't know guys tone spear every time i see tone spear and i google tone spear i legitimately have no idea how the gameplay looks like thomas looks like such a nice game it looks like they have such nice songs so yeah i've never actually played tone sphere before i have the game downloaded but i still don't know what the game is i have not played the game i have it downloaded but i still haven't done it so yeah i don't speak it's going to question mark people also upset that i didn't include dynamics in my mobile running games this video but the thing is that i have also not played dynamics enough or at all to even make a video about it or like talk about it or include it in a video i know how the play fit works is that they have lines going at all four sides i think that's how dynamic works but i really do not know much about dynamics right the last one osu i i don't know i don't know guys like none of the descriptions i put in each tier box describes also at the moment you know what do i do um like also it's not the game that like i would not play long term i've played osu for so long of course there's something going on in osu that keeps people and myself playing for so long yes the game takes investment and yes the game is also fun to start but i also wouldn't put in an s so i don't know this is this is just i have honestly no idea this is this is just also in his own category i don't know osu in his own box because i legitimately annoyed her in the game like i have such a love-hate relationship with the game i find the game so unengaging right now but i also know that i used to be all over this so it's such a mixed feeling you know it feels like it was and still is a part of my life but i don't know all right and that's it for my tier list funny thing osu would be the one to stump yes you think the other games will be difficult but it's also and this is my final tier list i know there's more games i haven't added but if there is more games i have not added it means that i have not played them enough to rate them honestly i noticed more i haven't pointed out feel free to comment the game that i haven't pointed out and i will try to reply in the comments with my tearing of it but most of them will go to question mark because whatever i could rate i put it in the sides nobody is going to stand next to taiko in st so i still have my old twitter data i remember a long time ago i made a runner game theorist for twitter and that was before i started playing taiko so let's see how i rated all the renault games back then i like how demo is still in detail okay wait so i put clone hero in d why okay i put jupiter in c red and c that no time wasn't b sound vertex was an a okay that's consistent a rootage was in a yeah 2dx was in a btr wasn't a dance rush wasn't a pump it up was an a yeah i put also in c and then archaea is in c because i think at this time i was really mad at how the game worked because i kept dropping inputs and taiko taiko is an s the funniest part is that i didn't even play taiko at this point of time i think i'm going to end stream now because my dad's playing chanting stuff and i don't want that on the recording hope you guys enjoy i'll show my final playlist on the screen again interesting so bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: tokaku
Views: 279,561
Rating: 4.732697 out of 5
Keywords: tokaku, osu tokaku, tokaku osu, rhythm game tier list, rhythm game tierlist, tier listing rhythm games, top rhythm games, best rhythm games, tokaku tier list, tier list, game tier list, game tierlist, tierlist website, tier list website, friday night funkin tier list, friday night funkin, friday night funkin', fnf, osu, osu!, osu tier list, osu tierlist, arcaea, rhythm games, mobile rhythm games, robeats, roblox tier list, cytus, taiko no tatsujin
Id: V30J5vmpwQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 42sec (2382 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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