Gamers Caught Cheating

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just like regular sports the world of esports is full of cheaters and with the rise of online gaming tournaments and streaming platforms like twitch some gamers exploit these cheats to help them score a quick win but it takes just one wrong click to completely expose them and bring their little gaming empires to their knees so let's take a look at some hackers liars and dim-witted cheaters who got caught on camera trying to play the system [Music] miscue gemini now cheating in video games isn't a crime but the way streamer miscue gemini tried to cover up her blatant cheating absolutely was this young ambitious gamer regularly streamed herself playing the ferociously competitive counter-strike global offensive or cs go for short which is an online multiplayer first person shooter game however back in 2017 she started her stream with a huge rant about how she'd been unfairly accused of cheating you know what's really sad that sometimes you know because i'm female and counter-strike people were like you're cheating way to tell off those pesky trolls but then during the game's warm-up phase she seemed to forget that the whole world could see her screen and she brought up a cheat software menu after hitting the load coding button all of her rivals ranks and locations suddenly began appearing through the walls for those of you who don't play csgo i can tell you now this ain't normal it's called a wall hack which allows players to locate their opponents through solid objects in the game's arena hacks like this are a sneaky way of gaining the upper hand in multiplayer shooter games and miss q gemini's viewers were quick to pick up on it but blissfully unaware she'd been caught she continued to play and even worse lose and it's at that point she finally realized what she'd done as you can see from her facial expressions after being caught red-handed you'd think this would be the time to fess up right well take a listen to the cringy excuses that start falling out of her mouth you guys um you do you guys ever get that uh that weird glitch in cs go where this shows your rank that it shows everyone's rank clara give me one second clara let me just message this girl give me one second she promised me she didn't use it on my pc i'm done this is what happens when you let people use your pc can't trust him all right that's nice to know yeah it definitely wasn't clara that we watched load the cheat code at the beginning of this game after that miscue gemini guiltily abandoned the match and her cs go account was eventually slapped with an anti-cheat ban but following massive backlash from the streaming community her twitch account also disappeared soon after along with any chance she ever had of making it as a pro gamer maybe she should have tried playing a game where you don't need to cheat to win like this video's sponsor rage shadow legends this free to play rpg is a dark fantasy phenomenon that's available to download on mobile and on pc with hundreds of artifacts and over 500 champions you can build elite warriors and create a unique team to play however you want no cheating required hit the links down in the description to download it today and join me in this console quality world of warfare i mean who doesn't want this high elf battle sage on their side with damage buffs that can't be stripped or the legendary astralon whose attack stats are almost as impressive as his armor and this month raid just dropped 11 brand new champions and 200 fresh missions which have a legendary champion as a reward like that wasn't enough they've also added 5 new levels to almost every in-game dungeon how cool is that with so much going on there's never been a better time to get started be sure to hit the links in the description below and i'll see you in game but for now let's get back to more cheaters caught in action forsaken when it comes to cheating in cs go it's safe to say no player has ever been more humiliated than nikhil forsaken kumawat during the extremesland zowie asia tournament in 2018 forsaken was competing as part of the pro esports team optic india they'd entered into the top tier cs go tournament which had a hefty prize pool of one hundred thousand dollars but as forsaken was playing someone reported him for suspicious activity and an administrator was called in at first forsaken boldly refused the admin access to his terminal but after they asserted their position they probed into a setup and discovered a suspicious program running in the background when it was pointed out forsaken unbelievably batted their hands away and tried to delete it in front of their eyes stunned the administrators disqualified forsaken on the spot and the entire optic india team was pooted from the event when they finally got a good look at forsaken's terminal they discovered the illegal aimbots he'd been desperately trying to delete these are hacks that provide easier target acquisition for players and are expressly prohibited by cs go but what made it worse was that they'd been accessed multiple times meaning he cheated in many different matches in order to get his hands on that prize money appalled by his actions forsaken was handed a full five-year ban from the esports integrity coalition the pro player was also booted from his team but in the overwhelmingly embarrassing aftermath optic india was dissolved all together now even if your aim is as bad as forsakens you don't need an aimbot to hit those like and subscribe buttons down below go ahead prove that you're better than that cheater ever will be now where were we tavo betancourt have you ever heard of speedrunning before it's where players record themselves racing to complete levels or entire games as fast as humanly possible and some of these times are so fast they're only separated by the split second of a button push it's not the most well-known style of gameplay but because the community is made up of passionate nerds like me speedrunning is a serious business and that's why youtuber tavo betancourt came under heavy fire when mexican channel badaboon uploaded his insanely fast super mario bros speedrun back in 2017. he effortlessly sailed through the entire game completing it in a respectable 5 minutes and 12 seconds while this run earned him plenty of online views the speed running community spotted some serious problems for a start even though the attempt was just five minutes long tavo took the time to guzzle down coke and pizza as he was playing surely if he were taking this seriously he could have waited five minutes to have his dinner right secondly the game's counters suspiciously didn't match what was happening in the footage like here where tavo collects 11 coins but the counter curiously increases by 12. [Music] it was clear that tavo had stolen someone's speedrun footage and mashed it with a different counter so that it wasn't too obvious he'd stolen it but this minor mistake didn't escape the attention of real speedrunners they tracked down the original footage and revealed that it had been brazenly stolen from world record speedrunner darbian and when the community found out tabo was crucified online he later admitted what he'd done and apologized claiming it was just part of a social experiment lame excuses aside it's pretty clear that this was just done for clout seeing how despite his apology his run is still up on padapoon's channel although now i reckon it'll take more than video splicing for tavo to outrun his ruined reputation [Music] super fast jellyfish the impossibly precise button presses and muscle memory required for speed running are insanely difficult to master which is why blindfolded speed running is even more mind-blowing just using audio cues and their memory players complete games as quickly as possible without once looking at their screens considering most people couldn't even get past a start menu blindfolded this is some god to your gaming so when unknown gamer super fast jellyfish live streamed his blindfolded speedrun of super mario 64 in just 42 minutes the speed running community was stunned but not in a good way for a start there are only three certified blindfolded streamers who have submitted their times into this category ranging from 24 minutes to 1 hour and 58 minutes this would have put super fast jellyfish in third even though he claimed he'd only ever done three blindfolded speedruns before but compared to his competitors super fast jellyfish's gameplay was suspicious he left audio alerts on which are hugely distracting and can mess up a real blindfolded speedrunner's timing thank you for the follow i just i fell off this is your second blindfolded run isn't it uh technically this is my third unfazed by this he then talked continuously through sections that real blindfolded speedrunners know requires careful attention to audio details did i check for saves no uh because i i don't save the game these were huge red flags for the speed running community and they called out superfast jellyfish for cheating by using a blindfold he could see through clearly caught out a super-fast jellyfish eventually came clean well kinda what you may not know is that that speed run was purposely fake it was purposely fake instead of a proper apology he tried to save face by claiming he purposefully faked the speedrun and yet he only admitted this after he was exposed yeah that's called cheating but better luck next time joshua autenel kriegshauser game developers often stream games they're working on as an awesome way of interacting with the game's community but these developers usually have special abilities other players don't which can look like cheats as joshua autenel kriegshauser awkwardly discovered back in 2017 the technical director of the battle royale game h1z1 decided to stream the match he was playing with his friends on twitch but when he blasted through a rival group of players their reactions shocked him what's happening cheating like that definitely isn't a good look for a developer although it seems like he genuinely forgotten to turn off his special cloak of invisibility either that or he just really wanted to show those 12 year olds to his boss azubu frost with over 100 million monthly players league of legends is one of the largest online multiplayer games in the world for those who don't know it it involves two teams battling it out to occupy and defend their half of a map and to do this players have to strategically attack or hide from the other team but professional esports team azubu frost found an inventive way around this back in 2012 during the season 2 world championships azubu frost faced off against team solomid from the get-go the match was plagued by technical issues which caused multiple pauses but during these pauses members of team azubu frost sneakily checked out the minimap that was being broadcast on the huge stadium screen behind them this allowed them to see exactly where the other team was heading and what they were planning team captain woong in particular looked back at the screen on a number of occasions before recklessly altering his gameplay azubu frost won the round but an investigation by league of legends developer riot games later determined that woon clearly gained an unfair advantage by looking at the screens he also shared the information with his team which led them to certain victory for this unsportsmanlike behavior azubu frost was fined 20 of their tournament winnings costing them a grand total of thirty thousand dollars right in the wallet mr golds some streamers play games in a way that can really divide an audience like mr golds for example at his peak his twitch streams boasted a respectable average of 2000 live viewers where he routinely bragged about how good he was at call of duty war zone but during a stream from august 2020 one of his viewers noticed something strange on his screen can you see what their cursor is pointing out have you ever seen anyone playing like this like like seriously yup while mr golds was shamelessly bragging about how he's so good that he doesn't need to cheat he had the cheating software engine owning running in the background engine owning is an app that freely admits it sells cheat software for many games including call of duty like their aim at enemies hack which mr golds clearly had set to on in the background ladies and gentlemen we got him after he was rightfully exposed mr gold's channel received temporary suspension as twitch's guidelines banned the streaming of cheats in any online games although his channel is now back up this cheater hasn't recovered enough dignity to show his face on the platform since faze jarvis just about every fan of the battle royale game fortnite knows the name faze jarvis but not necessarily in a good way this british youtuber and gamer rose to fame when he joined the mega popular esports group the faze clan in 2019 he'd been uploading his fortnite gameplay to youtube since 2018 with many of his videos garnering millions of views each his channel was made up almost exclusively of fortnite gameplay but then in 2019 he made an unfathomably dumb decision he uploaded a video where he openly claimed to be using an aimbot because i've got the hack open and stuff it's making my stream labs like lag so i can't do that you won't be able to see on the recording that i've got the mod but just so you guys know i do this is what happens look aimbot fov aimbot fov like i don't know what half this stuff means but it's it's actually about to be lit we're about to pop off to you mate how's it not hitting anyone what i got involved look at this look at this while the hilariously controversial video made him some sweet youtube money fortnite's developers epic games didn't see the funny side of it they have a zero tolerance policy to any kind of cheating let alone bragging about it to millions of people online without missing a beat epic games brought down the hammer and immediately banned jarvis's account but the ban wasn't just for a month or even two but for life and this didn't mean he was only banned from the community he was also prohibited from participating in all future fortnite gaming events what a staggering self own in true youtube style jarvis released a tearful apology video admitting his infractions and accepting epic games decision i'm truly like so sorry epic i know i have to take accountability for my actions and you know i'm gonna i'm gonna do my best to accept any punishment like comes my way whatever happens i'm not trying to find like a quick run out but like being banned forever it's just like thinking about a lifetime back it's oh i just didn't i i didn't expect this what happened even with all those tears his account remains banned almost two years on well it's pretty clear that when it comes to cheating epic games definitely doesn't play around [Music] zakubis in the uk there's one gamer who's known for his dapper skills as well as his dabber styles david zachibus tracy is a tie-wearing shirt-sporting twitch streamer who's been gaming professionally for more than 17 years but even with all that experience and style behind him it didn't stop him from cheating at the dreamhack gaming convention back in 2018 he was caught teaming in fortnite which is where a player talks to and works with rival players instead of taking them out in game although just about every fortnite player does it streaming it from europe's largest gaming convention wasn't zaccubus's brightest idea [Music] oh what well if you're going to stream to thousands of people at a high profile event you should probably stick to the rules no matter how suave you look [Music] johnny k now just about anyone can cheat in fortnite but it takes seriously huge kahunas to cheat during the fortnite world cup considering the prize pool is around 100 million dollars it's no wonder people are tempted to turn to illicit means of winning but for professional player jonathan johnny k kuzmala of team caliber the overwhelming temptation to cheat got the better of him in 2019 this player was exposed online after his discord messages with a well-known cheat seller were made public you can see johnny k named here as big boy was trying to purchase an esp cheat this is a hack that allows a player to see the locations of all of their enemies even if there are walls or terrain in the way after downloading it johnny case started a call with the seller who walked him through the process of installing it but unfortunately for johnny k the seller recorded their entire call what did it download to oh you didn't even this one yeah that one that yeah that's that that's still you're gonna need initially it all seemed to be running smoothly he logged into his official account with the cheat software running and the game loaded without issue but all of a sudden his account was flagged by fortnite's anti-cheat software and he was immediately booted from the game for cheating and to really rub salt in the wound the seller then released their entire call for the world to see after being so thoroughly exposed team caliber wasted no time booting the cheater out of their team and cut all ties with them well as bad as it looks i don't reckon johnny k's fall from grace hurt too much after all his massive kahunas probably broke his fall [Music] marquis lokuras even though fortnite is one of the biggest video games in the world it still suffers from its fair share of bugs while exploiting these bugs is generally frowned upon abusing them in professional matches or tournaments is obviously a dumb move but not obvious enough for pro fortnite player marquis locuras during the 2019 esl katowice royale fortnite tournament which had a grand prize of five hundred thousand dollars the professional team heretic player was reduced to zero hit points but thanks to a bug he wasn't eliminated and quickly discovered he could keep playing now he should have alerted an administrator to the error instead he exploited the bug and waited to be revived by his teammates but when his teammates asked him what had happened he did this so it's clear he knew he'd done something wrong but he was trying to avoid being detected eventually the admin spotted what he'd done and asked him to leave but unbelievably marquis refused but give me a reason after stalling for as long as he could he was finally convinced to leave his terminal and was disqualified from the tournament but this incident sparked a huge debate online technically it was a glitch so it wasn't like marquis had purposefully engineered the cheat but being a pro player he really should have known better than to try and exploit it ultimately he didn't face any kind of punishment aside from being disqualified even if you don't play fortnite do you think that judgment was fair let me know down in the comments [Music] shroud like fortnite playerunknown's battleground or pope g for short is a battle royale style game that is a huge problem with hackers since it was released in 2017 most of the cheats used in this game revolve around improving a player's accuracy or speed but there's one sheet that's so hilariously dumb even famous streamer michael shroud grazie simply couldn't resist getting involved with it with more than 9 million followers on twitch this professional streamer racks up tens of thousands of views per stream and this meant there were plenty of witnesses when he joined in with the hijinx of this group of hackers back in 2018. i'm busy what the hell just like in the real world cars in pubg aren't meant to fly like that but shroud couldn't resist the offer of a free ride can you take me to the zone yeah yeah i actually sell these cheats for him don't unfortunately after this shroud hit a dead end like fortnight pub g has a very strict no cheating policy that it enforces indiscriminately and the ban hammer came down on shroud's account for a whole month he later apologized and admitted he knew what he was doing but that he just wanted to have a little fun i mean it's hard to blame him after all if someone offered you the chance to ride in a flying car it'd be pretty hard to turn down right chuck the nba 2k 21 community is an extremely competitive group of players who take any hint of cheating very seriously as professional player and youtuber chalk found out back in 2020 this was when rival player t-jack critiqued his gameplay and called him out online for using a modified controller what i'm not defending him but he doesn't the zen start in the center it doesn't matter you can do it without it bro let's watch do it shoot a fade if you don't play nba 2k 21 like me that explanation probably flew right over your head so let me break it down you may be thinking that a modified controller has levers and buttons designed to make quicker and easier button hits but they don't always look that obvious controllers like the chromis zen for example can run software like aimbots which makes scoring hoops in the game much easier and this is something that tjack aggressively accused chuck of doing why does his bar not move his bar does not move hold on it looks like he goes look at this why does his bar not move but chuck wasn't taking this lying down he uploaded a video showing every single button press he made on his controller to prove he wasn't cheating nothing changed you guys have seen my controller the entire time and i'm playing uncomfortable because i gotta have my hands so high nothing changes bro literally nothing changes i'm shooting with x and i'm still greening what's the next one green you see it bro nothing's changing you see it however this gaming community was already in full witch hunt mode despite choc's proof more and more accusations began flooding choc's chats eventually the pressure became too much for him to handle and chalk broke down live on one of his streams [Music] see it and you don't see that you do sit back [Music] while there's no way to really tell whether or not chalk was using a modified controller the nba 2k 21 community still seems pretty divided so what do you think did chuck cheat or is he just being dunked on for being really good at this game let me know down in the comments hosti hearthstone is an incredibly popular digital strategy card game which has close to 24 million active players around the world and unlike a regular game of cards you can't cheat by peeking over your opponent's shoulder but back in 2015 during the hearthstone pinnacle 2 tournament pro player rafael hosty santilli found a way around this as part of the professional esports team arkhan hosti was one of just six players invited to compete in the tournament which had a prize pool of five thousand dollars his match with team nylum's adrian life coach coy was live streamed for all the world to see but part way through viewers suddenly noticed something strange in hosties background that's that's a bit surprising to me that's pretty surprising to me too embarrassingly hosti's setup was being reflected in the picture frame behind him showing he was looking at two separate monitors and one of them had the tournament live stream on it meaning hostie had a full view of life coach's hand this is what's known as stream sniping and it's the digital version of peeking at your opponent's cards allegations immediately flooded the internet and in a matter of hours team arkhan dropped hostie from their roster like a hot cheating potato postie later admitted to having the stream up on the second monitor but argued that because the stream was on a 10 minute delay it didn't help him gain an advantage considering he lost to life coach that kinda adds up but if hosti was trying to cheat this was a hilariously terrible attempt [Music] xqc felix xqc lengel is one of twitch's most popular streamers with a follower account of over 8 million streaming multiple times a week often for more than 24 hours it's hardly surprising that weird and hilarious stuff is often captured on his camera but back in december 2020 he had some serious explaining to do when this slip up happened live on stream did you see that well if i enhance that fifth file from the left can you see it now that my friends is a big file labeled cheats admittedly it's completely empty but why would xqc have had it in the first place and considering how much he panicked when that window opened he didn't exactly seem innocent but he had an explanation ready and your randomizer there's something called cheats and those cheats are like to make the game different like um if you think a certain run yeah you have to use a cheat folder so he needed it to change the difficulty of his pokemon games as legitimate as he makes it sound using any kind of cheats or hacks in games is against twitch's community guidelines despite this smoking gun twitch didn't take any action even though he'd been caught cheating less than a month before this happened when during glitchcon's twitch rivals fall guys tournament xqc decided to target other players taking part in this battle royale platform game he singled them out by stream sniping and then sabotaged their attempts to win but what's worse is that he didn't even make the effort to hide that he was watching his opponent's streams with his opponent and his sights you can see his eyes darting to and from his rival stream as he plays so he knows when and where to sabotage him i'ma put you in emo mode this is a bad idea bro i don't think he realizes how big of a mistake he's looking for xqc stream sniping directly violates twitch's code of conduct they slapped him with a six-month ban from future twitch rivals events forced him to forfeit his glitchcon winnings and suspended him from the platform for seven days maybe he should have stuck with pokemon do you know of any other streamers or gamers who have been caught cheating live on camera let me know down in the comments below and who knows they might even get some screen time in my next video thanks for watching
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 1,874,363
Rating: 4.8631783 out of 5
Keywords: beamazed, be amazed, top 10
Id: r9arHF19zRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 34sec (1834 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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