Athletes Caught Cheating - Part 3

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is there anything more scandalous in the world of sports than when a superstar athlete gets caught cheating from doping to ball tampering they always think they can get away with it ride up until their dirty deeds are exposed for all the world to see so without further ado let's take a look at even more athletes who got caught cheating houston astros at a world series baseball game you can expect to hear the crack of bats hitting balls the cheers of the crowd and maybe even some organ tunes [Music] but during the 2017 world series spectators at the houston astros game started noticing a brand's new sound rae is 22 years old but he's already into his third [Applause] team by alfonzo soriano you heard it too right well that wasn't the sound of thunder it was actually the sound of the astros cheating by stealing signs in baseball signs are used to wordlessly relay information between players all to keep a team strategies as secret as possible but if the opposing team figures them out it can give them a huge advantage on the pitch while this sign stealing isn't illegal using equipment like cameras to purposefully do so is and outrageously that's exactly what the astros were doing this setup and the astros dugout revealed they were monitoring the opposing team's pitcher and catcher through a live feed then they were relaying the signs to their batters by hitting that trash can like here where the sign for a break ball is followed by someone hitting the can here's an example but for a fastball there's no can slam they use the dirty underhanded tactic throughout the 2017 world series which they scandalously ended up winning but then in 2019 the guilt began to consume former astros pitcher mike fryers who stepped forward and admitted what they'd done to the press as you can imagine their fans were absolutely devastated but whose bright idea had it been to employ this sneaky scheme eventually it was all linked back to the astros bench coach alex cora but shockingly it was then revealed that cora had used this same cheat when he was the manager of the boston red sox in 2018 and for anyone not up to date on their baseball that year the red sox also won the world title coincidence i think not in the end cora was suspended the astros were fined five million dollars and both the red sox and astros were stripped of their first round draft picks for the coming season but unbelievably both teams got to keep their cheat 1 world title wins now i want to do a quick poll after what these teams did do you think they deserved to keep those world title wins for no go ahead and hit that like button and for yes smash that subscribe button go on really hit it out of the park the hand of god soccer is often called the beautiful game although i doubt england fans felt that way after the 1986 world cup quarterfinals in what soon became the most infamous match in history england got to face off against argentina on the pitch the first half of the match passed without any goals at all but suddenly argentina's captain diego maradona skipped past three england players slid into their box and knocked the ball into the goal from afar it looked like he'd used his head to bounce the ball in and his freewheeling celebration certainly sold it as a legitimate goal but the referee failed to spot that maradona had actually used his hand to punt the ball in which is obviously an illegal move i mean the english call it football for a reason astoundingly though there were no yellow cards no penalties and the goal was considered valid the match continued like nothing had happened and while maradona went on to score another more legal goal england ended up losing by just one after the match maradona audaciously admitted that the goal was scored a little with the head of maradona and a little with the hand of god this left england fans understandably frustrated but with no punishment ever levied against him it cemented maradona's reputation as a soccer legend argentina went on to win the 1986 world cup but maradona sadly passed away in 2020 hopefully he was welcomed into heaven by the hands of god brian carrasco desperate times call for desperate measures but even with that being said soccer player brian carrasco went to some disastrously desperate deaths back in 2011. during the south american under-20s world cup qualifier between chile and ecuador the chilean defender pulled a stunt that will go down in history for all the wrong reasons with just 14 minutes of the match left chile was losing 1-0 and defending against a throw that was deep in their own half it wasn't looking good for chile but instead of using his head carrasco decided to use his arm or more specifically the arm of his opponent as the thrall was being lined up carrasco suddenly grabbed ecuadorian forward edson montano's hand and flung it into his own face after dramatically rolling about on the floor the referee saw the imagined infraction and awarded a free kick to chile somehow carrasco's pathetic ploy had worked but unfortunately for him every second of his dumb charade was caught on camera and it was replayed over and over on tv while the commentators rightfully laughed at him wow that's a handy stunt even maradona would be proud of ultimately this theatrical attempt at cheating was all in vain chile missed their free kick and ecuador triumphed over them one nil but for that performance i guess you have to give carrasco a hand as long as it's not montano's shahid afridi playing sports can really work up your appetite but that didn't excuse pakistani cricketer shahid afridi's actions out on the pitch in 2010 in the final throws of pakistan's one day international game against australia team captain afridi was looking down the barrel of a big loss so to make sure his bowler had a better grip on the ball afridi decided to scuff it and give his team an edge but he didn't subtly dig his nails into it or scratch at it with something in his pocket instead the cameras caught him chomping down on that big hard ball like it was some sort of apple his baffling biting behavior caught the attention of umpires immediately but afridi claimed that he'd just been sniffing it does someone want to tell afridi that traditionally you smell with your nose not your teeth with the video ref replay firmly against him he eventually admitted to ball tampering while almost every cricketer is guilty of scuffing the ball in one way or another ball tampering like this is expressly forbidden by the international cricket council code of conduct as such afridi was hit with a hefty two-match ban hopefully that was enough time for him to fill up on food so he won't resort to snacking down on his cricket equipment again patrick reed when it comes to golf most people think the sport's biggest cheater is tiger woods but that's the wrong kind of cheating out on the green that title sits firmly in the hands of patrick reed the 2018 masters champion first came under fire during the 2019 hero world challenge when his ball got stuck in a sand bunker all golf fans know that these shots are a real pain to hit because of their awkward angle stuck in this sandy situation reed decided to test out a variety of clubs but the cameras caught him sneakily shifting sand out of the way with each swing giving him a cleaner shot now it's illegal to even ground the club like this on a practice swing never mind shift entire sand castles worth of sand out of the way thankfully he got what he deserved not only was he given a two-stroke penalty but his ball rolled over and off the green talk about a stroke of karma although his cheating streak didn't end there in the 2020 u.s open he was caught patting down the rough around his ball to improve his shot like i said grounding the club like this is just not allowed and what's even more embarrassing is that once again the cheat didn't improve his game his 7 over par performance lost him the top spot all while he was being called out as a serial cheater online you'd think that it'd be enough for him to learn his lesson right boy oh boy how wrong you are as recently as march 2021 at the arnold palmer invitational spectators were quick to pick up on reed fiddling and moving the grass behind his ball at the 17th hole while no penalty strokes or actions were leveled against him angry fans sent out a flurry of irate tweets questioning exactly what he thought he was doing well if you ask me it looks like this serial golf cheater is trying to give tiger woods a run for his money valentino rossi in the high-speed world of grand prix motorcycle racing there are few rivalries as spicy as the one between mark marquez and valentino rossi these two tired titans have been clashing since 2015 where they've battled it out at speeds of over 200 miles per hour on tracks all over the world but their ramped up rivalry reached a boiling point during the 2015 malaysian grand prix as marquez was getting ready to overtake rossi on a corner of the 13th lap the two came within touching distance of one another but all of a sudden marquez's bike dipped and crashed co-rearing him off the track fortunately he walked away uninjured but marquez claimed rossi had purposefully kicked his bike and the video replay seemed to back his story up nine-time world champion rossi adamantly denied the allegation although he did admit to riding wide on the corner to try and slow marquez up after reviewing the footage the judges sided with marquez and slapped a three-point penalty on rossi forcing him to start at the back of the grid in the next race rossi later accused marquez of lying to give another one of his teammates on the track a winning advantage but marquez claimed rossi kicked him over to take the title now it's kind of unclear what really went down on the track aside from marquez's bike so what do you think is rossi innocent or did marquez really get kicked to the curb let me know down in the comments deflategate now despite what you may think the largest scandal to rock the world of american football in the last decade wasn't to do with steroids or doping but with the footballs themselves though it actually all started back in 2006 this is when new england patriots quarterback tom brady proposed a new rule to the nfl that the teams should be allowed to provide their own balls tom argued every team likes differently pressurized balls as he himself found a slightly softer ball was easier to catch and throw because teams always use their own balls when they're on offense this new rule seemed innocent enough but following a championship game against the indiana cults in 2015 which the patriots won 45-7 the colts noticed that the patriots ball felt strangely flat nfl officials took a look and discovered that not only was the ball inflated below standard but a shocking 11 of the patriots 12 balls did not meet their minimum criteria one was even a whopping two pounds of pressure short these softer easier to catch balls had given the patriots an unfair advantage in their offense but strangely all these balls had been checked by officials at the beginning of the game an nfl investigation was launched and discovered that members of the patriots locker room staff likely deflated their footballs on purpose after they'd been checked by the officials but it appeared tom brady knew about this or even worse it had been done on his instruction the nfl slapped brady with a four-game suspension without pay and the patriots were fined a whopping 1 million dollars brady immediately appealed his suspension which looked like it was going to be overturned but then he did something so suspicious that it was almost impossible to think he was innocent on the day he was due to meet with investigators he had his cell phone destroyed four months of potentially incriminating messages and data were irretrievably lost and despite brady's numerous excuses the courts upheld his suspension brady continued to fight the ban but all his petitions were denied while he's never admitted to the allegations we can only hope he'll eventually come to grips with the truth as well as a properly pumped up ball when it comes to crowning the ultimate cycling cheater you might think that lance armstrong wins by a mile but trust me the astounding antics of one ipolit accutorier make armstrong look like a total amateur when the very first tour de france started in 1903 almost every competitor cheated not by something as basic and boring as doping but by inventing incredible mind-boggling cheats competitors laced each other's shorts with itching powder they showered the roads with broken glass to slow their rivals down and even hired thugs to beat up opponents mid-race but ipolit beat them all when it came to sheer creativity looking like a stereotypical vaudevillian from an old cartoon he himself fell victim to a cheat in 1903 when another cyclist spiked his bottle of lemonade but when he tried again in 1904 he had his own cheat up his sleeve or should i say in his teeth at one point of the race he was spotted trailing swiftly behind the leading car but a little too swiftly looking closer spectators saw ipolit was holding a cork in his mouth that was attached to the car by a length of thread for miles he was towed along like this leaving his competitors in the dust and he would have gotten away with it if only the car hadn't been going so fast he reached the finish line so suspiciously quickly that he was eventually soccer disqualified emily clark when emily clark finished second in the 2019 apple tree half marathon in vancouver officials were quick to congratulate her but as other female racers began crossing the line they were all confused because none of them had seen clark pass them at any point concerned they began checking official race photos and sure enough none of them showed clark among the fastest women at any point in the race except at the end they confronted clark with the evidence but she boldly denied that she cheated it was then that the race organization's president stepped forward and said that she'd seen clark riding a bike during the race with her own two eyes even with this indisputable accusation against her clark doubled down and claimed that it must have been her twin sister riding the bike as you can probably guess officials did some digging and revealed clark had no twin sister or integrity at that eventually she confessed to coarse cutting and apologized before also confessing to cutting corners in at least five other races over the years happy with the admission and apology race officials decided to drop the matter but the drama didn't end there just a few hours later clark had the audacity to post this on her instagram stories claiming she'd actually been disqualified because of her build infuriated investigators kept close tabs on her and finally caught her red-handed or technically red-footed during the chicago marathon just three weeks later she'd finished in under four hours but just one look at her time splits revealed that she'd brazenly cut the course yet again she started off running at a regular 12.16 minutes a mile but between the 25k and 30k markers she suddenly started doubling her pace running at a staggering 6.13 minutes a mile so after running an exhausting 25 kilometers she'd either found the energy to sprint like usain bolt on steroids or she skipped out on parts of the course with the evidence piled against her she was disqualified from the marathon and hasn't run in any officiated events since for all the corners she cut it looks like she still couldn't outrun the truth marion jones after the 2000 summer olympics marion jones quickly became an american household name the track and field athlete left the competition eating her dust in not one not two but five events this made her the first female track and field athlete to win a phenomenal five medals at a single olympics although it hadn't been easy jones had been competing internationally since she was 12 years old but ever since she missed a random drug test in high school she'd been hounded by allegations that she used illegal performance-enhancing drugs though none of the tests she did take ever came back positive and she was so against them that in her autobiography she blamed the breakup of her marriage to coach cj hunter on the fact he wouldn't stop taking steroids but in 2004 jones fell from grace when the corrupt head of the bay area laboratory cooperative admitted to supplying her with performance-enhancing drugs before during and after the olympics not only that he claimed he'd even watched her inject them initially marion denied everything but karma came knocking when her ex-husband cj hunter claimed he'd also seen jones inject herself with the drugs then in 2007 after years of allegations and investigations jones finally admitted to lying to federal agents about taking illegal substances prior to the olympics i pled guilty to two counts of making false statements to federal agents she was forced to return all her medals her tainted records were erased and she was given a six-month prison sentence for lying under oath yikes boris onoshenko in the olympics one of the toughest events an athlete can compete in is the modern penthathelon these competitors must swim shoot run horse ride and fence to the very best of their abilities in order to bring back the gold but at the 1976 olympics soviet world champion boris onoshenko dared to try a different approach during the fencing event which was a one touch a pay tournament onoshenko faced off against britain's adrian parker now the slim swords were designed to electronically register a hit if their tips encountered more than just 750 grams of force but when anashenko lunged and missed parker it registered a hit anyway the fight was over but parker protested to the judges that he hadn't been hit confused they inspected onoshenko's sword although nothing seemed wrong so putting the complaint down to parker's want of a win onyshenko was declared victorious but he then went on to face ex-army sergeant jim fox and the same thing happened as the scoreboard lit up with points in onoshenko's favor fox cried foul by this point the judges must have assumed the brits were just having a good old moan but a closer inspection of onishenko's epay revealed a shocking discovery the wires of hizape had been illegally modified to include a small subtle switch when anashenko hit the switch with his fingers it closed the circuit and mimicked a hint without the sword ever needing to touch his opponent anashenko was immediately disqualified from the competition which forced the soviet union to withdraw completely from the team event guess he turned out to be dishoneschenko north korean olympic meltdown the 2018 pyeongchang winter olympics was full of unbelievable displays like the incredible opening ceremony and the shattering of more than 10 world records but it was north korea's blatant attempt at cheating that really stole the spotlight during the men's 500 meter speed skating trials sixteen-year-old john kuang bom who hailed from the mysterious hermit kingdom stepped up to the starting line he had the inside track along with the small army of cheerleaders rooting for him so he appeared to have an upper hand in the race he readied himself the gun went off and then zhong face planted hard into the ice but moments later the naughty north korean flung his hand out and grabbed the skate of his japanese rival ryosuke zakuzumi in an attempt to send him crashing as well unlucky for him the split second decision was caught on camera and broadcast for the entire world to see despite the dirty tactic zhong was given the benefit of the doubt and the race was restarted but the second time around he seemed to purposefully bump into the japanese skater before tumbling and crashing into the outside wall this strange attempt at sabotage ended up costing zhong his qualification into the next heat but the olympic judges disqualified him for his unsportsmanlike behavior all the same i don't know how they train their skaters in north korea but they could certainly do with a few lessons in subtlety mike tyson most people know mike tyson for being the youngest heavyweight boxing champion in the world or for his huge facial tattoo but there's another much more infamous reason why people remember tyson's name back in 1997 tyson went toe to toe with the vander holyfield and in the second round holyfield headbutted tyson the illegal move looked like an accident but it enraged tyson to the point of no return in the third round he spat out his mouth guard and during a struggle bit a chunk out of holyfield's right ear now i hope i don't need to tell you that biting is an illegal move in almost all sports with the exception of competitive eating but with cameras broadcasting their every move to nearly two million people watching at home it was a stunningly dumb move though holyfield was in a lot of pain the doctor said he could continue and the ref decided to dock tyson two points for his cannibalistic counter-attack the round resumed even as the crowd started riding tyson off though he wasn't done yet twisted together in another struggle tyson reached forward and unbelievably bit holyfield's other ear holyfield was furious and with 10 seconds left in the third round tyson was finally disqualified not only that but the savage stunt saw tyson's boxing license revoked and landed him with a phenomenal fine of 3 million dollars well i guess mike showed the world that if you can't beat them just eat them if you want even more athletes caught cheating be sure to check out parts 1 and 2 of this scandalous series i'll leave their links in the description below and have you ever spotted an athlete breaking the rules with your own eyes let me know down in the comments thanks for watching
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 2,722,295
Rating: 4.8908515 out of 5
Keywords: beamazed, be amazed, top 10, athletes caught cheating, cheating in sports on camera, cheating caught on camera, marathon winner caught cheating, footballer caught cheating, soccer cheating on camera, worst sports cheats of all time, sports cheat fail, football cheating fail, athletes caught doping, Tom Brady cheating exposed, Tom Brady caught cheating, fencing cheating, ice skater cheating, mike tyson bites ear, mike tyson exposed
Id: zx3XVQtWWUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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