GameMaker Game Engine in 2023

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hello ladies and gentlemen it's Mike here at game from scratches today we are looking at game maker because game maker just released a road map of their upcoming developments for 2023 and we start with a quick recap now I've never heard of game maker before this is a game age has been around for a very long time first started development at the turn of the century so back in 1999 it's been through a lot of changes since then uh but the core ethos has been the same it's a simple to use 2D uh game engine with multiple ways of programming it there's a visual programming language as well as their own gml uh game maker language I just been used to make several successful games including undertale Hotline Miami hyper light Drifter as well as Nuclear Throne and more so it has definitely got pedigree it has shipped a number of titles uh since the days of game makers founding there's been a lot of changes some scandals we also saw that they were bought by yo-yo games that has had some direct results one of the things is there is now a completely free version of it it is for making uh web games only the free version and then you can jump up to the other tiers if you're curious what the game maker costs you're looking at the free version which gives you the ability to create GX games that's an opera thing um export out of it you could create you know your own local games in web if you want to get into desktop games you're looking at five bucks a month or a yearly plan Indie gives you web and Mobile on top of that and then finally there's Enterprise which adds console exports so that's kind of the pricing in the tiers of game maker itself but we're going to jump into what to expect from game maker in 2023 in just a sec but first let's go quick Hands-On with game maker itself here you can see game maker uh this is the editing environment it gives you a visual room style editor so you're basically your game is made of rooms uh you've got drag and drop into the world everything has nice integrated editors so you can come in and actually edit um objects change up the code on them set up animations and then you've also got the ability to add logic to it speaking of game logic well look this guy instances head on down over here and you're going to find the game manager as an example I'm going to open this guy up and what you're going to see this is the in instance for handling the um the game itself the game logic is here so go here into edit object and what you're going to see here uh is the various different entities attached to it so what you see here is it's got a number of events create clean up step alarm alarm one so this is each pass through the game Loop it runs this code over here here is the initialization code and this what you see over here this is gml script now I'm not used to using this editor for zooming things around but this is one of the things that's actually going to change in 2023 there is a new uh code editor available as you see you can pop things into a full screen environment uh can I use I don't know how to zoom my code in to make it bigger or smaller so I can't actually show you that code very well but I can see this is gml it's a very straightforward programming language it's kind of like um a little bit of c-ish things they've been adding more functionality that's been missing for a very long time for example gml just got support for strucks a little while back but this is just one of the options as you will see if I head on over here here is the exact same game template going on here and what I'm going to do same object here we'll open that guy up we'll edit the objects and now what you're seeing this is gml this is using a visual style programming language instead uses a number of drag and drop constructs for handling things kind of in a you know process top-down flow of events to work with so if you'd prefer to use a visual programming language that is an option available to you there is also the script language option in there as well so it's the full editing environment everything you need to create a 2d style games so you see down here you've got things like animations extensions particle systems paths sounds shaders and so on you do have those two programming modes you do have this editor which is pretty intuitive and straightforward to work with and that is a crack of what game maker is all about right now so now we're going to head back over here and look at what they're going to be adding going forward so one of the new things that they've got here is a new runtime so uh they're reworking the compiler so providing faster performance easier debugging and improved coding the new tool chain compiles to each platform natively meaning you no longer have to choose between using a virtual machine or YYC which I believe is the yoyo compiler yoyo was the name of the company before Opera bought it um so desktop web components of game makers new runtime will be available soon to a small number of closed beta participants over the course of the beta we'll be focused on providing a compatibility layer between the current gms2 runtime and the new runtime so what this ultimately should mean is your game should run faster albe of native caliber performance and it does look kind of like with this new runtime the VM will ultimately go away also modding extensions this is using popular website supports a range of game mods including simple DLC options a more sophisticated user created levels and data so you're going to be able to add user modding to your games it feels facilitated via mod IO which we will get back to in a second we got the new code editor so this one is one of the more interesting things so they've redesigned the code editor uh so this should be coming in Autumn of this year initially you need to enable it to check it out so what you can expect is the UI has been redesigned and the code editor is now hosted within a full screen window allowing access to objects events and functions within the same code file new objects and new events can be created from when the code within the code editor itself so there's little need to move between the workspace and the code editor all syntax highlighting and intelligence support is being moved to a language server which allows us to support more languages within the code editor such as Shader languages adding intelligence sense to those Shader languages Json sport XML support and so on they're also working uh supporting markdown within notes introducing side-by-side preview support to make it easier to see how changes affect the formatting so language server any language service that uses standard protocol will be usable Within game maker so you should be able to embed more and more languages in there also the language server is being open sourced so you should be able to use their language server therefore in other tools so you should get better gml editing functionality support in things such as Visual Studio code anything that wants to implement their language server uh they're also getting prefab so last year they update and included prefabs projects contain any number of game making resources that can be defined editable parameters this year the prefab Library will be added to game maker prefab Library will be a new window Within game maker that displays built-in and user created prefabs you'll be able to drag from the library into rooms or sequences without adding the prefab contents to your project the compiler will then pull the requested components using resource reference when testing or exporting the game they're also getting um working on moving all the IDE code into plugins making a minimum core for the IDE that maintains the file formats and serialization and orchestrates the plugins that do the real work the Recently Added particle editor and feather are both implemented as plug and we plan on moving feather into the language server language servers will run within the runtime rather than the IDE and we'll have a different life cycle to the IDE so Integrations there and then of course this had to be announced because everything needs AI right now and they are looking at implementing AI into a game maker now the Apparently Opera has a partnership with open AI open AI is the company behind chat GPT so they've been experimenting with systems that allow AI queries and results to be incorporated directly into the project uh so where early stages excited AI can offer in terms of code generation creating graphical placeholders and even allowing image in painting or out painting which is like removing stuff from an image via AI um so they're looking at AI art Jan and code generation tools to be added using open AI which again is chat GPT among other tools they offer there and then there is a new Marketplace so in collaboration with Opera cloud gaming team uh investigating a system for hosting a new Marketplace very early let's see what actually happens if you click this link by the way they do have a video kind of covers everything we just went through right here it's like 35 minutes long but if you want to go ahead and check that one out uh so yeah here is the new game maker Marketplace um interestingly enough and if I've got it up here still this is mod IO which enables mod supporting it's it's a third-party modding tool and that is what they're ultimately using to add their new mod support to game maker so ladies and gentlemen that is it and the cool thing here is if you go ahead and check out game maker you can download it for free you know you're basically getting full functionality except for at the export stuff so it's the full tool everything you see here is available um you know so everything you need to create your games is part of this tool it's mostly just platform stuff that you're missing out on and a couple other like support things maybe some analytics that kind of stuff but what you'll see here is if you come in here so I showed you this towers and monsters demo but there's a number of tutorials to get you up and going there is a tutorials link here to walk you through that as well but there's a bunch of actual games to to start things off so for example this guy here go ahead and create that so if you want to come in here and get started using Game Maker there is a bunch of tools and templates to get you up and running so let's open that guy up let's grab one of the levels here so open up said level here you go pretty straightforward it is a grid based tiled editor here so yeah you know character pass and so on here is your main character what you probably want to do is come down in here and actually just go instances and find for example your object player which is this guy right here and go ahead and edit that guy I forget that this guy is visual or not so let's find out creation code uh yeah so this is the using the drag and drop language right there so there are a ton of samples and tutorials and such to get you up and running with game maker again this guy has been around for several several years has made several very successful uh games so it is a proven engine I am a decent number of updates coming to it I think under Opera Stewart chip or ownership things have gone pretty well for game maker on the whole but it's not an engine that I have used in a while so some interesting updates here we're getting the new language server we're getting the VM going away uh some some definite changes that look interesting and of course AI stuff because everything needs to have ai stuff let me know what you think of game maker in general game makers roadmap for 2023 and that is it I will talk to you all later goodbye
Channel: Gamefromscratch
Views: 51,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GameMaker, Game Maker, 2023, YYC, GameDev, Game Development, Game Engine, Engine, GMS, GameMaker 2023, Roadmap, Development
Id: ydFSZgijAA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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