Game Theory: FNAF STUMPED Me! (FNAF 6 Ultimate Custom Night)
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Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 10,870,080
Rating: 4.8739572 out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, five nights, New Fnaf, custom night, Fnaf 6, fnaf 6 custom night, five nights at freddy's, fnaf pizza simulator, FNAF sister location, FNAF 2, fnaf 3, FNAF 4, fnaf 5, Sister location, FNAF timeline, jumpscare, jumpscares, fnaf theory, matpat fnaf, matpat five nights at freddys, game theory FNAF, game theory five nights at freddys, matpat game theory, fnaf game theory, matpat, markiplier fnaf, fnaf markiplier, fnaf ending, five nights at freddys custom night
Id: v_0WNLAmSaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 03 2018
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Why in the world does it seem like everyone one here just hates MatPat for no real reason? He brings up a very good point in this video about the mystery behind all of the bizarre and unsolved numerical values in the logbook, so how about we all actually team up and solve it, eh? There isn't a whole lot else going on right now while we wait for UCN, so this could be a fun activity for us to pass the time.
I love this video simply because it totally captures my frutstration with trying to solve the Logbook code. I totally relate to Mat’s struggle.
I think there is value in MatPat admitting that he spent a large amount of time manually trying to solve the logbook to no avail (despite the thumbnail). Instead of trying to claim that it was impossible since he couldn't solve it, he was honest about his failure. I respect that.
Okay, the video isn't as bad as the video icon and description imply; it's just referencing the fact that he can't solve the logbook code (which he discusses in the latter-half of the video).
Wonder why people hate this dude so much?
Ever since the 'Sans is Ness' and his Undertale gift to the pope, and the FNAF theory-spree, I can see why but still marks me curious.
But dude DID make quite a few groundbreaking discoveries for people as a whole, even if he trips sometimes.
I can definitely understand why MatPat is so frustrated with solving the Logbook, but to go as far as to say that the lore makes zero sense whatsoever in the description is a bit over the top. Scott doesn’t seem like the type of person to create a large and complex story, only to pull out the rug from underneath us and say “SIKE, YOU WASTED YOUR TIME DURR HURR.” I think the problem is that either Scott has been a bit too vague with the clues, or we’re missing something.
This feels like Cicada 3301, and I remember the fun I had with that.
It’s crazy how you guys hate him so much