Playing ESO on Steam Linux in 2021 - Switching From Windows To Linux Journey

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Why the fuck does this video keep zooming in and out every few seconds? It's super fucking annoying

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/TONKAHANAH 📅︎︎ Oct 25 2021 🗫︎ replies
honestly this is awesome with all the other youtube channels covering steam protons layer compatibility layer for linux and amd's opening for support for their games running on steam so that they actually run better than they used to in the past i thought now was a really good time to kind of revisit this long term goal that i've had regarding using linux as a desktop operating system let's be honest one of the biggest problems with linux has always been the driver support it has crippled the system's use for desktop operating system market share for the last 10 15 years now i use linux a lot in a server environment i use it at work i use it here in the home lab i'm really used to its background environment but for most people linux still sits within a spectrum of computing that just is not approachable the user interface in the past wasn't really great especially for new users the inclusion of new drivers is a huge deal obviously the steam deck is a big push for support on the amd platform for games running on steam however this does open up a huge potential so amd's opening up of their drivers for linux is massive and steam's compatibility layer proton has led to a huge rise in the past i've used linux as a desktop environment alongside windows i use mac as well mostly as a production machine for gaming and stuff like that for daily use i've always used windows but i've wanted to switch over to linux for a long time so now that we have one of the biggest hurdles potentially that we can get over which was graphics drivers perhaps now is a really good time to revisit this kind of long-standing thing where i could get rid of windows obviously it couldn't really come at a better time windows 11 looks like to be quite a disaster regarding operating system releases from microsoft the performance degradation and various other like bad news that surrounded that means that probably now is a good time to look at switching if everything runs smoothly one of the biggest things for me has been gaming if i cannot game then it's not going to work if the performance drop is too bad in the past with wine which proton is based on but in the past had a massive overhead and that has gotten better in previous years but proton is something special it really is uh quite remarkable on how much or how little overhead it has on performance i wanted to be able to transfer over to linux full time now in the past what i've done is run linux on a usb stick or another operating system like hard drive like an ssd and being like okay this would be fine and i can just jump backwards and forwards but the problem is when you have linux and windows if you have this fallback then what will happen is that when you run into your first roadblock your first hurdle with linux you're going to default right back to windows and for me that's not acceptable the fact is that the driver support is there now in this video and future videos regarding this i am now recording this without any windows computer at all my computer runs manjaro linux which is an arch-based distribution full-time and the biggest uh thing for me was if it can game then i'm probably better gonna get by with everything else my first video is going to be about elder scrolls online uh it's one of the games i play the most i'm going to test it out on linux and see how well it goes but i don't have a windows backup partition to go to i wiped all of the stuff from it i backed up my documents put it on a separate nas drive and now i have no windows installation so when i run into a hurdle if i run into a a roadblock of some kind then i must resolve it with all the other channels covering this big question for everyone to ask is why should my content matter to you one of the biggest reasons is that i'm a very small channel so my ability to test with lots of high grade professional equipment isn't there i'm an everyday user so i'm testing it based on how i'm living normally i go to work i come home i don't have like a whole studio i don't have professional equipment that i can use to test and benchmark performance of the computer what i can do is test real world performance how is it living with this when i get home from work starting up does it feel good does it run well can i install the programs i need to within a short time without spending a whole weekend in the command prompt or terminal to get something working it's kind of on a real world real kind of person's perspective if we can answer a question of is linux smoother than windows now then it should be very exciting to find the answer wrong i hope you're going to enjoy this set of videos um it's going to be a really interesting journey and this could be a very exciting time 2021 22 for linux uh especially for gaming but definitely on the adoption of the desktop landscape i think it should be really really good i'm gonna go and have a look at elder scrolls online on manjaro linux here we are on my desktop um as you can see this is just the desktop it's the installation manager linux nothing else fancy few widgets on the side uh just to tell me the performance of the computer uh linux is pretty customizable like this all that i've done with this computer is install a different web browser which is brave discord because we need that and steam was included already and then i've installed obs studio for the purpose of recording videos and streaming so now we are going to open up steam here and go to my library and as you can see all of my stuff shows up here so click on elder scrolls hit play and then we'll pop into the game and have a look here we are uh loaded into the game now i've been playing elder scrolls online for quite a long time um and for the last one to two weeks i have been playing uh on this platform on linux to really kind of give this a test honestly the performance is just absolutely incredible um i'm recording this in the highest quality that i can i mean i'm just going to run through here and we'll have a little travel round and have a look um and it's just been really great this works really great in pvp as well so as you can see here if i go to settings and video i have it set to ultra settings i'm going to drop the audio down just a little bit um and as you can see here um i mean everything looks really crisp and really sharp despite playing this for about two weeks um honestly this is awesome like the fact that we can play um like these kind of games uh on linux now is honestly just a really big game changer um i don't think that the you can underestimate the importance of this step when it comes to linux because uh drivers have been the main issue for linux for a long time this is just incredible um so i mean i don't get any real performance drop everything works as it should do as you would expect but even though i shouldn't really be surprised i still am this is it's because it's been such a long time that we've been waiting for something like this at most i'm probably getting one to two percent minus drop in performance that's about it it's not noticeable at all um i think that honestly my system runs a lot better running this game the only difference with the installation on uh linux compared to windows was i had to hit the enter key a couple of times to get the accept button on the euler agreements to to kind of show properly i mean i'm running around in this uh in the in vivec right now and elder scrolls online is a very complicated game um a lot of online stuff remember the anti-cheat systems and everything else it's very complicated and i've done nothing to this system nothing i have installed no drivers and i mean not one i haven't done any special tweaks i haven't even installed the special optimized versions of proton i literally just opened up steam clicked install elder scrolls online and that's what it's been like for the last two weeks like this so i mean i've done nothing i can imagine with optimizations you could get this to go even better but the fact is that i'm getting above 60 fps on 144 hertz all the time i play in cyrodiil with hundreds of players i'm still getting above 60fps all the time if you're interested in checking out that i have a twitch channel under the same name uh under the name robert myerson the same as the youtube channel where i casually play elder scrolls online i don't stream uh professionally for gaming it's a casual enjoyment thing but if you wanna head over there and see what it's like when i am streaming elder scrolls online then you'll see here we are this this is it so uh now my journey to to dealing with this uh is complete in terms of adopting linux as my main gaming machine now so now i can say that my mac pro is my editing machine and my pc is now a gaming machine entirely run on linux and before it was windows let's not forget some very key uh very key point of information for uh for windows when you actually have windows and you're going to um install some games or install a new piece of hardware you've got to install drivers for it to work to be honest at all in some cases the default drivers are just not adequate for gaming you need to install the dedicated drivers and amd released their drivers for the linux kernel and they're embedded into the latest kernels i mean so you could say to a certain degree that this system is more ready to be used like by your grandma than it is to be used by like on windows for example um after this installed i have no stupid boxes popping up asking me to do loads of stuff i'm definitely going to cover the installation of linux and optimizations as we go forward but i mean i was up and running on this way faster and although i am used to linux i'm used to server operating environments of linux and i'm used to terminal commands and remote desktop type of issue rather than desktop use like this so yeah um i just wanted to show this uh this is gonna be part of these sets of videos where we are going to go through adopting more software into linux and how this is actually running as i mentioned in the video before this is about real world use and um i've been gaming on this for the last couple of weeks if you want to see more uh gaming stuff from elder scrolls online you can head over to twitch to look at that but if you want to see some more stuff from this then remember like and subscribe to the video because i will do more software tutorials and adoption tutorials to move over things full time to linux i hope this little quick look has been interesting for you because for me um it's been like honestly i'm still surprised i don't know why i am still surprised but i still am i mean just so you can see if i close this all down i mean obviously the system itself is quite um a high-end system but if i go to the system information here you can see running the latest kernels on demand our linux got the processor here 3900x 32gb of ram and the 5700xt if you do like this uh kind of content if you are excited to see what is coming i do recommend following the channel and liking the video if you do like it of course this definitely helps me but hopefully it will help you as well because if you are on the fence about jumping over to linux then hopefully my content will help you answer that question
Channel: Robert Mizen
Views: 1,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: switching from windows to linux steam on linux 2021, robert Mizen, manjaro kde, manjaro gaming, switch to linux, end of windows, elder scrolls linux, steam linux, proton, steam proton, amd gpu linux, 5700xt linux, gaming on linux, install manjaro, install steam on, install steam on linux, how to switch from windows to linux, migrate to linux, linux driver support, vulkan driver, vulkan driver amd, vulkan drivers linux, linux gaming 2021, best gaming linux distro 2021
Id: _y0IVgI37_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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