Game Of Thrones | Comic Con Panel (2013)

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George why kill so many favourite characters? George Martin: "I've many characters so killing a few leads to create more characters, offers job opportunities to actors and actresses. In my defense Dan and David have killed many characters who are still alive in the books. I only take some of the blame" The Red Wedding episode saying goodbye to Richard and Michelle David Benioff: "When we wrapped The Red Wedding I remember hugging Michelle and Richard, they're playing fictional characters but it's the last time we'll work with them. We work in Belfast we have a tough crew, and they were crying! Their performances they gave -- we knew it was all coming -- and they had them in tears. So thank you! Richard, I understand you were crying on the flight home? Richard Madden: "Yeah I cried quite a lot actually. All these people were looking at me, ordering multiple drinks on the plane. But it was worth a cry. So many years since we started the pilot and so many amazing friendships -- I've many great friends who I'll now won't be seeing , it's July and I know I should be doing something -- oh yeah Game of Thrones! I'm missing that a lot" Michelle did you read the books, read ahead to get in that place with the character? Michelle Fairley : "I knew for how many years I signed up for so knew what was coming! And the writers don't always stick to the books so you read the book -- which is a great sort of reference to have but your script is your bible and that's what you work with. Do you encourage them to read the books? David: "It depends, some of the actors want to read ahead and some prefer to be surprised and not know where they're going. There's a fear that knowing where your characters goes -- four scenes from that you're going to play that ahead of time. So we completely leave that to them. Peter does it work for you to get ahead or stick? Peter Dinklage: "In 4 or 5 years when all of this is over, I think I'm gonna go back and read all the books and have a fresh perspective on it. But no I don't want to know what's coming, I want to know what has happened -- so I stay away from reading too far into the future. It helps me to not know" - You're becoming a dragon! "Then I will breathe fire in every scene, I can do that!" Rose, you give Kit a fond goodbye in the last scenes of the episode. How did you play those emotions? Rose Leslie: "YES and he deserved it! He ran away. Kit Harington: "It's one of those scenes that you read through and immediately rang Rose. I read that scene and it's beautifully written. Dan and David are really good at writing dialogue and it's very easy for me to deliver those lines. I had a lot of fun filming -- some of the most brutal scenes are often the most fun to film." Rose: "It was fun! Was just wrapped up with the fact that she's devastated that Jon left her -- had several conversations with Kit about these two characters who are madly in love with each other. Ygritte was convinced Jon would become part of the tribe and form a team together. "It's that devastation that he has betrayed her -- it's horrible in episode 9 when he leaves on a horse, and it hits her there and then -- He's not gonna get away with this! I'm going to hunt him down and hurt him ! " Emilia congrats on the Emmy nomination! Emilia Clarke: "I was hoping the night before, the show would get some sort of recognition, but never in a million years did I think I'd be nominated. My alarm went of really early at 6.00 am , while wanted to throw something at it saw got a message from HBO telling the news. It took three phone calls to realize I was nominated as well, it didn't register." You really own the last scene of the Season. Emilia: "It's been a phenomenal season to film, to get on the journey -- you think she's peaking at episode 5 getting her army. The final episode was absolutely exhilarating to film" Congrats on being nominated for the Red Wedding episode. Dan Weiss: "I remember back in 2006 -- if we could get to that place, that scene and do it justice and then throw the book across that moment -- if people were going to throw their remote controls like I did my book -- then we would have done something right. It was exciting and terrifying, it's such a difficult scene to pull off. The director of the episode is such a genius and so much of the success of the ep is down to him and of course to the people sitting on my left on this panel." David: "Four years ago if we could get to the Red Wedding, I'll die happy. The look of Michelle's face just before and that howl of rage and grief -- she had to do the howl 20 times, just such a terrific performance. They were both phenomenal. We had been waiting for that scene for so long and then having it turn out better than imagined -- because of these actors -- was just very emotional! Michelle how did you find the emotion to play this? Michelle: "It's a very gradual, you have to work your way through it -- you want to discover as you go along. Because I had Richard, by my side constantly who I adore and trust , I had a great script and someone played the music -- it immediately gave you a chill -- you realize something is very wrong. Sam is becoming more heroic? John Bradley: "Yes he is , though Sam has always been a hero. One branch is bravery -- stick up for yourself but it's braver sometimes to be the underdog. Sam is like an academic, he absorbs information and has a great curiosity in how things work. The moment where he became a hero -- was a moment of pure gut instinct. He just happens to find this weapon -- the answer to what people were searching for years and years. When Sam is placed under enormous pressure -- feels weight of responsibility -- he's a bit of a dude!" "Talked about this with Kit, Sam had been saved by Jon Snow - his spirit has been saved. Sam wants to be a saviour as well, he knows that it can inspire people." Kit: "Jon is always in search of strong paternal figures -- and they want to nurture him and form him -- in the upcoming season he'll get sick of that and becomes a bit of a bastard! Rose, the most fragile moment for your character is when you stick up for Jon Rose: "The love she has for him dominates everything. He changes her values. David and Dan write so beautifully and intelligently that it is an utter privilege and joy to be an actor on this show. Charles Dance, talk about father figures? Peter: "Every time we have one of those scenes, Charles comes to me and gives me a nice shoulder rub after each take- to make sure we still love one another as fellow thespians. They're beautifully written scenes, I find these scenes so fascinating because he gets so frustrated with Thyrion, because his three children they are three different parts of a whole and are not the right person -- they each lack what the other have. " "Tyrion is self destructing and he gets away with it too , he has this freedom in terms of threatening Joffrey a bit because he knows his father -- is the true ruler -- feels the same way about Joffrey as I do". I'm lucky to be working with some very good actors." How do the characters deal with situations (fear)? Emilia: "Coming from Season 2 her confidence in herself and others was rock bottom. In Season 3 coming up the scene, she took a plunge -- didn't discuss anything -- it was a risk she was taking. All the trust she put into her dragons. She's testing herself, if that doesn't work -- than that's game over! And if it does work then it's -- Game On! She does builds from that and listens to herself more, takes less advice. To think where she comes from, from the beginning in Season 1 to that moment." Richard: "It's just about playing the character as realistic and honest as we can. We commit to the decisions by the writers, your character goes completely in a different way, changes path and that's exciting -- you never know what's coming next. As an actor you commit to a decision and throughout the show you get slammed into a curveball and that what keeps us honest. Rob Stark is doing the same thing, he's committing to the moment and there's nothing which suggests that it wouldn't work out. He's done everything that he possibly can - thinking going to battle, invade King's landing, chop off Joffrey's's going to be a big party at end of Season 3. But that's not what happens... Fan Questions What's it like working on those beautiful sets and with the writing team? Peter: "It's amazing , I get to be on T-shirts!" We get the chance to travel to all those beautiful places like Dubrovnik , we work our asses off when we're there but my job allows be to go to the most beautiful places in the world so it's incredible." Any plans for a prequel series? George: "I might write more stories of Westeros, but don't think a prequel -- that material is being revealed by flashbacks ... So by the end of the series you'll know every twist , the mysteries will be solved. No offense to Sean bean , he's a wonderful actor but he dies so well. " On many shows the female characters are portrayed as weak -- what's it like to play such a powerful character? Emilia: "One of the most glorious experiences as an actor is to play Dani, would never have dreamed to ever play such a strong woman. Reading the scripts and follow her journey is a phenomenal experience. And as a young girl -- it sort of empowers me as a woman. So getting to play that is incredible. So the possibility that I've helped other women feel empowered is just the most wonderful feeling I could possibly imagine. I'm incredibly grateful really!
Channel: moviemaniacsDE
Views: 1,051,300
Rating: 4.9192867 out of 5
Keywords: film, movie, teaser, moviemaniacs, mmde, movie maniacs, official, Game Of Thrones (TV Program), San Diego Comic-Con International (Film Festival), San Diego (City/Town/Village), Official Trailer, Film (Film)
Id: feRCKTM6I1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 50sec (2870 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2013
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