The Cast Of "Game Of Thrones" Full Interview | CONAN on TBS

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Welcome to our version of The View we've never done anything like it this is crazy so much to talk about uh uh I like everyone here I'm an insane fan of the show and it's real it's a thrill and a fan level it's really cool to get to meet you uh let's start with the first question we talked about it in the last segment how much do you worry about dying because this show is such a big part of your life they don't seem to care who they kill when they kill them you never know what's going to happen uh why don't we start Caprice can you tell us what you basically uh we're afraid of whether I'm going to be naked again you have no idea when you're going to be naked it just you just turn the page and it says no whether I have to go to a gym or not that ever do when I when I hang out yeah but okay okay Maisie what about you do you try and ever talk to the writers and get hints about please tell me I'm going to be okay this season I I stopped asking them being annoying I think maybe I shouldn't ask them because I end up dead quicker so and then I turned to sucking up to them and I'm like can I you know buy a drink or do you want to go out some food and they're like am I still being annoying and I don't really know how to get around the death thing but I'm doing all right so far you're doing okay so far I gotta now it has been I've heard that the writers and producers can be cruel and I heard that uh Alfie they pranked you with a script they they sent they gave you a script that was a fake script just to freak you out tell us that story they did well I just had no tact and was asking the whole season whether I was going to die or not because we get the scripts and the way we get episodes one to six and then we'll get the last four later on so I asked them and they were just like shrugging their shoulders sort of giving me that and then um I I went on holiday I had a three week break and and I'd been given this fake script where it was um I bran comes out on the back of hodor's back in Winterfell and says this is my Winterfell not yours and stabs me in the hearts and so I thought it was a great way to go right I thought I'd be memorable and um they called me up while I was on holiday saying so how do you like your ending do you like it and I was like yeah it's cool thanks guys you're like okay cool how would you feel about uh being a zombie next year I was like yeah I can do that like okay how would you feel about being a zombie with absolutely no dialogue whatsoever because I don't know they're like come on man you being serious so yeah they can be kind of cruel with them that's not just kind of cruel that is so none of that it was all Bs it didn't mean any of it then [Applause] [Laughter] uh John do you worry about getting pranked I do but My worry is that we're underestimating these guys and My worry is that a lot of people have been pranked saying that they're gonna die my worry is that you're going to get 10 scripts and that you're going to have Dynamite stuff there's going to be there's going to be scenes with people you've never had scenes before amazing narrative Arc you're going to emerge the hero of the piece the day after please find script amendments for episodes one to ten changes made you're in a single frame of it all the best is that possible could that happen they could do that they can do whatever they want whatever they want uh okay Sophie Sansa has been through a lot just so much before the season not real folks Andy no oh sorry Israel here's the baby um well you've been through so much and before the season even begins it feels like unrelenting are you hoping that this season things start to get a little cheerier well I mean we all but um it's Game of Thrones Conan I know but I'm just thinking you can have one episode but they're like that's a good cookie you know why can't there be one episode where they're like I had a good night's sleep me too anyone get killed not a one see you next and then resume next week and then we can all do like a bit of a song dance yeah [Music] I like that song um it's original so uh okay I have to ask you something uh Maisie you shot how many for so long your character was in filming in miserable kind of cold conditions right were you jealous that your captain got to be filming in beautiful just looked like a beautiful uh Spa crew including Sophie and a number of the cast members would disappear for like six weeks and then come back and like yeah we had a really amazing time in Croatia it was so much fun and so if you would show me all the videos like oh we're all just like playing in the ocean like really like really really mean actually it hurt me so when I was told that this year I was going to create Croatia and Sophie listen I was totally thrilled and there was there was a single ounce like of my body that felt bad at all I was like you know what I'm gonna have an amazing time in Croatia without you yeah John the the fans of Game of Thrones are very opinionated what is the strangest thing that you've been confronted with the the strangest opinion that you've been confronted with well it's a fact really more than an opinion um I was in London and a guy came up to me and said oh Game of Thrones I went yeah he said I'm a huge fan I went well fantastic I'm really he said can I ask a question I went you just have nothing and he said um he says no I've just been wondering um um why are you still so fat [Applause] and I said well what he said no no I just don't believe it I just don't believe it I mean I mean you're right up north you're not eating anything you're trekking across Landscapes and running from things all the time you should be losing weight I mean you should be losing I said okay I said I I look this is a fantasy shirt we've got fire breathing giant dragons we've got ice zombies we've got a woman giving birth to a cloud that you just don't buy yeah what is your strangest uh confrontation you've had with the fan well I I told it earlier today I was standing having a drink and this woman ran towards me with her hand like that for my crotch a woman a woman tried to grab your crotch yeah and I said what are you doing Mom no I didn't what she's here uh and so did she explain herself well what are you doing I just wanted to check there was something there [Applause] so two hours later yeah two hours later he pulled them out and showed the whole bar yeah how's this for you uh Hannah you've had some trouble with loose lips is that true uh maybe letting some things slip about what's going to be happening in a show and that's gotten you in a little bit of trouble you know I'm a real liability I think I think I should not be trusted with any knowledge and um no I went to I'd I think I just finished filming season five and I went straight to a friend's birthday party um and I told him that Jon Snow was gonna die um what what well let's set this up the door opens I'm glad you made it John's still gonna die yeah and he looked at me and he looked so sad and he just said because he loves the show and he was like it's my birthday [Applause] ever but why are you telling me on my birthday at my birthday party it was yeah that's awful uh is he uh uh Sophie you've been on the show since you were what 14 13 13. you've that's growing up fast I would think to be on that set with everything that's happening was that difficult to grow up that quickly well yeah and also I mean my parents sat me down when I was like 15 and they were like I think it's time to talk about the birds and the bees and I was like I'm on Kings bro I don't think I need any education there I got it all sussed out in the first episode I mean Tyrion and Roz they're just going at it do you remember that you pop yes yes we remember that yes you remember it I'd have to remember it's good when you rewind it too uh maybe you almost missed out amazing you almost missed out on your audition for Game of Thrones is that true I nearly missed out on my first Game of Thrones audition because I wanted to go on a school trip to a pig farm it's really down for that I was like oh I'm gonna miss a school trip and I get to wear my own clothes don't have to wear school uniform oh God I didn't have to wear school uniform to be auditioned as a school girl everyone else Natalie Comic-Con uh famous for uh you know sort of fans geeks nerds whatever they want to call themselves you are a self-proclaimed nerd is that right yeah I'm a bit of a nerd foreign you've taken it you have actual proof that you are yeah taking stuff pretty seriously science fiction yeah I mean I have a I have an original I have an original Blade Runner poster at home which I was lucky enough to get Ridley Scott to sign when I work with him and I also have a tattoo which some of you might know this little novel sci-fi novel one of the original um from which all the shows we love probably spun from is June yeah we I'm being told we are completely out of time we've had [Applause] sorry we are only really give us an hour and if we go longer than that it just smashes into something else on this network I don't remember what I don't know uh yeah please don't yell at the answer uh I want to thank everyone from Game of Thrones I'm so sorry that uh we just couldn't keep talking because I think we could do this for hours you know on last night's show uh we had a treat we had the nine cast members from one of my all-time favorite shows Game of Thrones and they were loved that show they were great it was a thrill for me personally unfortunately we ran really short on time I got to ask everyone in the cast a question but we ended up having to to break from the show before I got to speak with Liam Cunningham who plays Davos and I felt really bad about that so I thought why not bring Liam Cunningham back tonight talk to him and yeah and guess what ladies and gentlemen I called him because I I felt so bad and I want to apologize he agreed to return ladies and gentlemen here he is Liam Cunningham thank you thank you thank you so much for coming back I wanted to ask you the question I didn't get to ask you yesterday with Melisandre arriving at Winterfell do you think that Davos will now seek to avenge Stannis go yourself I thought that went well yeah seems touchy
Channel: Team Coco
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Keywords: conan on tbs, conan (tv series), tbs (tv channel), conan remotes, conan classic, a conversation with conan o'brien, conan o'brian, talk show, talk show hosts, late show, conan brien, conan funniest, top 10 conan, conan best, funny moments on conan, best moments of conan, celebrity interviews, conan best moments, conan funny interviews, conan funniest moments, tbs, comedy, fan favorite, stand-up comedy, late night, game of thrones, comic-con, conancon, sophie turner
Id: Cea5unP0Vjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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