Jack Gleeson aka King Joffrey from Game of Thrones answers every question ever...

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Very witty guy considering the atmosphere

👍︎︎ 58 👤︎︎ u/xavix6 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2013 🗫︎ replies

All questions are listed in the youtube video description with clickable timestamps.

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/kcin 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2013 🗫︎ replies

after listening to this i don't want to hit him as much

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/mutherfucker_jones 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2013 🗫︎ replies

"Ehhhhhhhhhhh", the Irish version of "Mmmmmmm".

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/The_Music 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2013 🗫︎ replies

Wow, he came across as incredibly articulate, intelligent and ... dare I say it, loveable.

👍︎︎ 55 👤︎︎ u/TheBombadillo 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2013 🗫︎ replies

Kind of cool to see, I can understand why he doesn't watch the show. Especially with the character he plays.

Down to earth young adult.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/deathcapt 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2013 🗫︎ replies

This guy looks like a younger Quinn from Homeland.

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/xantek 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2013 🗫︎ replies

Such a charming lad

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Morningsun92 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2013 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/Krakkin 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2013 🗫︎ replies
I'd like to ask him what the audition process was like and how of all the people across the world he got head hunted for HBO Joe um the audition process was pretty it was bizarre in the sense that it was it was very unoriginal it was it was like a five-minute ish and I actually had to come back from Irish College we're trying to figure out the name of the grind school but they having Carey or something I was there in fifth year and I got Bruno Parker that was it on a walk her father so I was there and I think I got a call her an email there's something about an audition for a TV show and I was like debating whether to go up to building for it but I decided to do it and yeah went the audition was like five five minutes long did like a short scene it was the scene the first scene I was in actually when I'm confronting Robb Stark for the first time and the end and they just said well done and I left and I completely put out in my mind and then a few months later I got the call so it's a complete surprise to be honest it wasn't very sensational and yeah that's the kind of banal story yes I did yeah well I mean not really I didn't know I didn't know how much people hated the character I knew you know I read the first book and I read all the you know synopses online and stuff so I knew he was he wasn't the nicest character all around but I didn't yeah I didn't really gauge the reaction of the book readers before the show came out so I didn't know yeah the kind of vitriol people had for the character entail it's hard to say actually it's hard to say because I am ashamed to say I don't watch the show myself just because it's it's kind of awkward looking at yourself acting and you're your friends like acting as well so it was it's a de not respect but I don't know who would you call the king of banter onset the king of banter I probably can't say me on the Prince Regent to banter Louis I probably say Alfie Allen is a bit of a partier he'd be a banter king of sorts he plays Theon this guy come on yeah he plays the character Theon graduate and yeah he likes the old booze and he likes to go out partying so he's always a fun a fun kind of actor to have on set and to have a few chat wid since that's it if yes and yes you never really seen it's hard to say it might be a bit of a cop-out answer but I do enjoy filming every scene well there was that scene yeah I suppose the the one involving two ladies of the night thus as you can imagine was rather awkward to film but you know a story to tell my grandchildren when they get a bit older he wouldn't do in his life I don't know I mean apart from yeah because he can he sees kind of he can do whatever he wants you know so I suppose do something for the poor perhaps yeah he'd never really do that unless he's forced to by his mother somewhere the like yeah not the most altruistic fella was there anybody on the set that you'd actually compared to the character there are actually there are a few I mean like Peter Dinklage would be quite similar to his character Tyrion in the sense that he's very kind of like he's very witty and he's got a very dry sense of humor and he's also very intelligent so in that sense I'd I'd compared the two who else I mean certainly Charles dance who plays tyrant Tywin in like just in real life he walked into the room and he's like this building of a mind just shake hello darling how are you today and so he's he's quite kind of intimidating in quiet is like he he loses confidence just like his character Tywin so those two people I'd say would be quite similar to the characters that's true yeah I mean it really comes down to just enough kind of deriving as much enjoyment as I did from acting as I used to you know I started acting on a daze and really really loved this you know and all I wanted to be was an actor when I grew up a bush for some reason I don't know it became kind of a bit a mechanical unless less kind of passion passionate for me when I started Game of Thrones I don't think it's got anything to do with the way the film it but I think when when it became less of a recreation and more of a more of a profession it kind of put more pressure on the acting itself and made it a tiny bit less enjoyable yeah well I co-founded a theatre company called collapsing Horse Theatre Company in 2011 with some friends and we've put on I think three or four shows mainly they're mainly like kind of kids theatre puppet shows which are really fun to make we we put on a more serious adult show if in the Fringe Festival in the Samuel Beckett which was our kind of coming of age but I think well I think we'll return to to the puppetry because it's more fun to do yeah and we have like a civic we have a residency in the Civic next year the Civic Theatre in Tyler which means we can go and make loads of fun theatre there yeah it's really exciting what sort of business were you doing yeah I think the business really boring to be honest yeah it was it was horrible I usually do the kind of I usually do the menial tasks of producing like you know collecting programs and you know that kind of hard labor you know but for the our second show human child I kind of took the reins in terms of the budget and liaising with with the theatres and paying paying all the actors and and figuring out where we can rehearse and that kind of thing so I just found it a yeah I'm just not the kind of guy that like sitting and sending emails all day I don't get a huge huge kick out of it but in terms of what I did I mean that I suppose that the most enjoyable thing was kind of liaison with the journalists and trying to get publicity for the show in order to sell to sell tickets and that was kind of fun because you have to kind of pitch pitch you know a kind of a positive description of of the play itself and an interesting angle on it that the journalist could write more about so that was slightly creative so I enjoyed that aspect but I wouldn't I wouldn't see business in my future so to speak its which part of yourself in real life would you relate the most difficult yeah yeah I'm trying to think well I am technically a king I'm the king of Ireland I don't know if you if you got that memo no um I don't think I really relate to anything he does to be honest I mean as men kind of hobbies they're going out hunting and that kind of thing and I've never really I do a bit of fishing I don't know if that counts is shooting a boar with an arrow yeah I fish therefore I'm like Joffrey yeah I'd empathize a lot with them to be honest in everything he does because first of all I think in kind of a a neuroscientific level I don't think incest is great for kind of the frontal lobe and kind of moral centers so I empathize it's not his fault in that sense that he's kind of this malevolent King I think it's partly a genetic thing and then also it's a it's a contextual thing in the sense that you know his father didn't really love him and his mother was overprotective and he was told from day one that he could do whatever he wanted so it's kind of you know anyone here if they were put into that context I think they turn out like Joffrey props so myself included so I think I can empathize him with in that sense but I wouldn't say he's he's inherently immoral or evil but simply the product of his of his selling in this context it's tough I I literally have no idea literally have no idea I mean I I probably do a you know a master's degree of some kind in in the near future I kind of thought about perhaps pursuing kind of a you know bigger postgraduate degree after that so if I followed that kind of roof then I'd you know perhaps be you know an election ship somewhere but I don't think I'll do that but I'm not sure yeah no idea what would you be in 10 years time flip it around good interview technique one thing I remember reading is a you're thinking of setting a PhD in ancient Hebrew that's here any audience would really put does anyone know any ancient Hebrew here you know Hebrew modern Hebrew come on everyone knows modern Hebrew you know no yeah it's bizarre it's I mean it was just part of my theology course in Trinity that you could either study like ancient or a new testamental Greek Arabic or ancient Hebrew and I don't know I just decided to choose ancient Hebrew and they're like it was just me in the class and this amazing lecture so it made it really motivated you to learn and for some reason I just really enjoyed us yeah and there's still loads to learn about ancient Hebrew they're finding scrolls all the time so being interested it's an interesting point of research if I were to go into yeah and finally before the Q&A I wanna eat you with ten questions I've robbed from inside the Actor's Studio yes fish very in sofa this is a word I found out recently which is a crepuscular which means anyone now that means I don't really know what it means in me I think it's like the adjective describing Twilight so like I crepuscular sky would be a correct usage we discussed this today and I'm even revolted saying it in front of people but panties that makes me why I don't want to explain why to be honest it's just antes likes grace what turns you on um that's a tough question I mean I do I do like to do some writing now and again creative writing and just sitting in a park or whatever just like or sitting my sunset I'd have to say just yeah a crepuscular sky would inspire yeah my turn off I don't know I think I suppose I mean one one would be kind of sick a fancy kind of people flattering you or being patronizing to you that kind of turns me off don't usually like that my favorite curse word I don't know something in ancient Hebrew I'm trying to think I think the only bad word 90 bro knows feces I don't even know that well it's just like dirt kind of gross I don't even know I don't even know there's a story in which a king is killed on the toilet and he shits and stuff okay I heard my lease of my my my dirty my dirtiest word maybe I mean perhaps perhaps the c-word I'm sorry I like saying that sometimes crap article ten questions what nor did you love noise I love the noise of freshly cut grass ya know is that you hate noise that I hate I didn't know probably just someone crying right right yeah really sad and then the real deep one is if Heaven exists and you end up there what would you hope God says to you I would hope he would say something like I'm so sorry I've got so much explaining to do I'm gonna take my seat we're gonna invite the floor for a quick Q&A go to town on poor Jack Jack you see a do I get me cheese the question okay okay Batman in the red sweater it has it has a question or to the right here that guy does okay yes yeah I play little boy empowerment if you didn't know a similar thing yeah I mean listening to interesting read I just went to an audition and I think I went to two or three and yeah I just remember my my my dad coming in as watching TV and tell me I got the part so jump drop with joy so I can't remember too much about the audition process and I think I was about eight or nine sir yeah yes [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] the keys you sir yep it's it's very surreal yeah it's it's very very surreal to kind of to have perhaps you know a you know a very famous actor in a scene with you and you're in a kind of a higher authority in the scene you have to kind of talk down to them it feels it feels very bizarre II kind of feel like apologizing afterwards but it's it's it's one of the greatest benefits for me of doing Game of Thrones to meet these incredible actors like like Charles dance who is the actor who he wrote Sherlock I think he's gonna be in the latest season mark artists yeah yeah yeah I never met him but a kind of be associated in a show with him is pretty cool yeah it's quite surreal yeah yeah yeah sure the honest answer is no I'm sure yeah I find them quite hard to read I don't know there's a lot of names and them I can't keep track oh sorry it's good question it really depends on on the scenes I'm filming that season which is kind of sad in a way like for the first one or two I would hang out with Rory McCann who plays the Hound loads because he was just in all my scenes and yeah we would like be be really close and then his character kind of diverged from my character storyline and we're not really scenes you learn anymore but in general you know like Lena Headey and Peter Dinklage and sophie Turner and now Natalie Dormer I really like hangin out with those guys but it really is just proportionate to the amount of time you spend with the with the actors you know you're kind of stuck in a in a room with them for 12 hours a day your band to get along you know yeah [Applause] now I haven't seen now I can imagine how it would go but yeah I don't think I need to see I think the description suffices check the Hesh Thanks yep well I can tell you I can tell you that I think that he has but he has an inkling you know there's a scene I think in in season 2 or 3 in which he kind of confronts his mother about and he's kind of like tyr's does Robert have any other sons or daughters that I know about but I don't know about so I think he does have an inkling but as far as I know it's pretty unknown yeah put it in the bank yeah yeah sorry spend it on a cash I don't know yeah yeah honey yeah um pardon me fine website oh yeah well yeah there is a there is a fun website that was brought to my attention which seems to kind of just feature my face with kind of Photoshop flower garlands on my head I think I look quite good in them might might do like a cool Carolyn Devine thing popular culture yes yes oh it's a good question probably how door you know you guys you just turn up it's an easy day's work you know got smoke in your back just say how door it's perfect get paid for it Oh I only filmed in Dubrovnik oh yeah I was there for about two weeks a few weeks ago I agree it's a beautiful country I think they also fill him in splish as well just around split but it's mainly in Dubrovnik around the kind of the famous battlements but I love Dubrovnik yeah it's a beautiful beautiful city trash is a beautiful country I've only met her once to be honest so I can't say but she's a beautiful person inside I'll ring him now I'll see you at an occasion I'm not sure he's another actor I don't really get to chat to you too often but I'm not even sure if he's been to Dublin before so I might convinced me to come to Dublin and then maybe step it I don't have a girlfriend now I don't I don't I'm free a free man you can check out my my dating website profile Joffre loves loves the babes yes thank you I was going to say that I am straight but I thought that was quite a gender normative question but no I don't have a boyfriend thank you for asking yeah just I don't know it's a good question I mean a lot of it to be honest a lot of it comes from the character itself you know I think any any actor worth their salt with the really good writing and and the and the actors acting opposite you create the character you know it's not just it's not just your own ability and also you know the whole the costume in the crown and it's not just it's not just the actor that kind of creates the character so I'm helped a lot that's organized Masucci [Applause] the true the king of diabetes and surf I'll say I can't I know it sounds a bit cheesy but definitely definitely the people you know definitely the cast and all the crew that you know you spend months on a time with for that you know that I've known for about five years so it's it's a really really I think I miss when I do kind of depart I will miss that the most because as I said earlier you know you spend just twelve hours just hanging around in a kind of a green room with these people all day and you really get to know them just by just nattering for the sake of nattering just to starve boredom so it'll be a sad farewell to the people mm-hmm yep either yeah there have actually there's the dan and Dave the two creators of the show love pranking the cast to get a real kick out of us I'm trying to think well they did one to Alfie Allen I think in the second season where they wrote a scene in which his character dies and they gave it to him and he was like really really upset this is [ __ ] I can't believe this like read the books for once you know so that's one i've tried there was one they did recently actually on gwendoline christie who plays Brienne which is they they wrote incredible like photoshop skills they they made up a fake New York Times article in which it describes like her being really rude to a fan and like it was all about her being a [ __ ] in real life and stuff and unlike David the direct the creator was just scrolling down one day he's like what's up with this and she was like I don't even remember I don't remember that oh [ __ ] I used like ringing up her publicist and so it was very funny so yeah Don and Dave are good for the old pranks for sure I think he does yeah I mean he does he writes I think he writes one episode of season I don't really work with them a huge amount he doesn't really come to set so much but I think he really does have a big a big influence on just the kind of tone of the whole piece I think he's an executive producer somewhere that so I I've only met him once or twice but he's a lot of really really nice man very very unassuming and bring Jiali in everywhere thankfully no no yeah thankfully not know everyone I mean yeah III I get asked that sometimes and I'm always kind of baffled the idea that some people can't distinguish like fiction from reality but I mean it's never happened to me thankfully so no because if they didn't I'd be in danger [Music] well I kind of I help out with the writing for the theater company I mentioned earlier collapsing Horace Theatre Company we kind of have a main writer for each piece we do and then all the members kind of combine their forces to to help with the plot and help with the world creation that kind of thing it's not big the the extent of my creative writing but I want to do more yeah your friends are [Applause] can we can we get him thrown out he knows too much talk to you after you need to be been talking to the wrong people yeah for the final time yes yes several oh yeah yeah maybe even kill yeah yeah kiss yeah cuz I've met him a few times he seems like a really cool guy so I'd like to act with him perhaps but there's there's too many you know you want to work with every actor on the show there's too many characters but he'd be one for sure he seems like a really nice guy even though he broke his leg I'm here about that they had to delay filming for ages because he drunkenly climbed his wall after night out and broke his leg the movie yeah well first of all I'm sorry he was emotional second of all I did have to hold back to you I was like I don't want to do I tried to talk with the writers to try and get the whole plot changed what I've somebody else to do it or you know just put them on a boat put him somewhere safe they didn't bias but I was pretty torn up about it I must say yeah yeah yep yeah it is true kind of not not that a consciously so to speak but more the more and more acted the character I kind of realized that there were similarities between the two just I think because there's similarities between the characters you know they're both kind of petulant and egotistical and show or fee and you know yeah Queen Phoenix is just an incredible actress I supposed to look up to him and that performance yeah yeah did I ever get to hold Batman oh yeah yeah yeah he's a cool dude he's a cool dude that isn't that's all real pecs as well they just kind of exude through the suit you know it's beautiful beautiful man well I loved I loved the West Wing when it was on I don't think I would suit any character in it but I'm kind of rewatching the season at the moment because I love it and also love a Sherlock the BBC Sherlock it's very cool but again I don't think I don't do there be a part not yeah yes you final question that lad look at that moustache go on stand up and show them your mustache that's a one day moustache well thank you for asking well we're gonna be performing one of our shows human child in the Barbaro international kids festival October I think October 17th so if you're in go away in mid-october head over and then I don't think we've any other shows coming up because we just we just did one in the Fringe Festival but as I say we have a residency in the Civic Theatre so we'll be putting on some kind of show in the near future yeah [Applause]
Channel: UCD - University College Dublin
Views: 8,973,193
Rating: 4.936605 out of 5
Keywords: UCD, University College Dublin, Jack Gleeson (TV Actor), Game Of Thrones (TV Program), Kit Harington (TV Actor), Charles Dance (Theater Actor), Hodor, Westeros, Batman, Christian Bale (TV Actor), A Song Of Ice And Fire (Literary Series), King Joffrey, Joffrey Baratheon, Alfie Allen (TV Actor), Peter Dinklage (TV Actor), Philosophy, George R. R. Martin (Author), Ned Stark, Interview, UCD - University College Dublin, myucd, GameOfThrones, Valar Morghulis, ValarMorghulius, All Men Must Die
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 46sec (1966 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2013
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