Galaxy S24 vs iPhone 15 vs Pixel 8! Camera Comparison! + GIVEAWAY!

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[Music] the Samsung Galaxy s24 is finally here which means that it is time for the ultimate camera comparison test between the Google pixel 8 the Samsung Galaxy s24 and the iPhone 15 watch us explore Berlin while we capture some awesome shots on these various phones to see which one really is the best but before we start hey I'm Olive your host here at versus firstly I have a very exciting announce ment we will be giving away the s24 collection to three lucky winners so you will have the chance to win either the Samsung Galaxy s24 base model the Samsung Galaxy s24 Plus or the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra make sure to click the link in the description or in the pinned comment down below to enter you will see a list of several platforms and the more actions you apply to the higher your chance is of winning also make sure to follow us on our WhatsApp Channel as that is where we will be announcing the win winner good luck and now let's get into the juicy comparison so to kick things off let's start with standard photos as I imagine this is a mode that will be used the most frequently in the first photo the iPhone's contrast is very high and the image seems the most saturated the Samsung has good saturation but my face is far too bright and so smooth to the point where it looks slightly blurred in my opinion the pixel looks the most natural here even if the s saturation could be a bit more prominent here the iPhone continues to be the highest in contrast and also in saturation but it does produce an overall Sharper Image again the Samsung seems to have issues with exposure making the overall image too bright you can really notice it on my face and the building in the back the pixel remains looking the most natural out of the lot but again the saturation could be heightened a little as well as the sharpness I have to say that in this next photo all of the devices perform very similarly with perhaps the Galaxy having a tiny bit more saturation than the others but it's barely noticeable next we see that the iPhone and the Galaxy have suddenly swapped rolls the Galaxy appears more saturated and has a deeper contrast which is particularly noticeable in my neck hair and clothing the pixel does better when it comes to background exposure as the iPhone and the Galaxy are far too bright in this case however with the pixel there is generally far too much grain and the photo seems quite blurry and not as sharp as the other two hence while I'm putting it in last place with the iPhone in first place now it's finally time to head up to the roof our favorite spot to test out the low light performance wo the iPhone makes me look like an actual ghost I'm looking pretty pale and there isn't enough contrast in the image I'd say the Galaxy looks best here as the colors pop nicely which makes the overall photo look nice the pixel gives off a very blue tint but it does give off a nice bouquet although it wasn't shot in portrait mode it's unfortunate that in the last photo the Galaxy looks slightly blurred which is why I have to give it less place we took several photos to ensure that it wasn't because of shakiness but the results always ended up the same the iPhone again makes me look pale and ghostly here which isn't great so first place needs to go to the pixel which has zero color issues and again gives off a very nice bouquet although again the photo has not been shot in portrait mode let's move on to ultra wide photos this first photo looks super cool and apart from the pixels colors being slightly off and less saturated all the photos look good next we see once again the Galaxy having issues with brightening my face up too much it also tends to smooth my features out which occasionally can be convenient but most of the time it just ends up looking less detailed and slightly blurred the pixel and the iPhone performed very similarly here except for the fact that as always the pixel has slightly less saturation at first glance the next set of photos look very similar but if we look very closely you can see that the Galaxy once again has the strongest contrast my hair and my top are almost indistinguishable I have to say that the iPhone and the pixel do a better job here and when it comes to my face I do prefer the iPhone to the pixel but as always it's a question of personal preference as they both look generally good I've said it before and I'll say it again sometimes the iPhone likes to turn me into Shrek and it has done it yet again in this photo photo the Galaxy on the other hand has turned me into a tomato so therefore the pixel wins for having the most accurate colors okay but what is going on with the galaxy in the next photo it seems that the white balance didn't really work well here take a look at the sky in particular compared to the other two photos the pixel also struggles to deliver a good photo the dark areas look especially terrible the iPhone doesn't do an outstanding job either but at least it's better than the other two it's got to be a draw finally in this last photo the galaxy has a very blue tint which is no bueno as does the iPhone in this case the pixel does Best color-wise But if you look closer you'll see that the image is actually very blurry so in our opinion none of the photos are very good and that is why they will all receive just one point each if there's one thing I definitely have a slight obsession with it's portrait mode I just love that nice bouquet feel that the photos give you and I think it's very impressive that phones can do that nowadays let's see which one performs the best starting with the first photo we are once again faced with an image from the Galaxy that is far too bright but also a bit too red for my personal liking however the Galaxy does seem to have the best Edge detection out of the lot with the tiniest mistake near my head the iPhone photo overall also looks good but the mistake in the edge detection is slightly more obvious than on the Galaxy unfortunately for the pixel although it looks the sharpest it's edged detection is the worst just look at my bag strap on my right shoulder it has completely disappeared I honestly can't choose a clear winner here so I think it's fair to say that it's a draw in this next photo the iPhone has the best Edge detection followed by the Galaxy and then the pixel once again the galaxy has a red tint which I don't love both the iPhone and the pixel look much more natural here with the iPhone standing out slightly more when it comes to Accurate colors the Galaxy and the pixel do a much better job here as the coffee in the iPhones photo looks slightly off however the iPhone's Edge detection is impeccable whereas the other two devices slip up making this a draw switching to portraits in the dark the pixel for sure does the best job apart from a few tiny errors it does produce the best photo out of the three the Galaxy is far too dark and has a clear blue tint whilst the iPhone as always when it comes to night photos is far too pale but at least more visible than the Galaxy wow okay but you cannot tell me that the pixel hasn't absolutely killed it in this next photo the fact that this really has come out of a smartphone is super impressive well done Google the iPhone is extremely grainy here and the Galaxy lacks a lot of details now let's move on to video and audio as for me personally this is super important when choosing which phone to go for the pixel definitely stands out here as it exposes the video the most effectively making sure my face is lit up well the colors are also popping out nicely which is a surprise for the pixel it's hard to tell the difference between the iPhone and the Galaxy but if I have to be very picky I'd say the iPhone does a slightly better job as the Shadows on the Galaxy video are quite harsh outdoors although the iPhone does give my face the right amount of saturation and exposure it's slightly Overexposed I'd say the Galaxy gives off the most natural look as the pixel looks a bit blurry like there's some kind of filter on it once again in a dark environment all the devices fail to deliver good results with the Galaxy having a very blue hue but the least grain whilst the pixel and the iPhone are warmer but with more grain especially on the pixel I have to make this one a draw between the iPhone and the pixel but the Galaxy won't be getting full points either when it comes to ultrawide videos the Galaxy gives off this smoothest and least distorted look it also has the most realistic saturation and exposure which is always a plus outside in the dark you can see that the iPhone manages to have the widest frame as you are able to see more of the buildings although you can see absolutely anything when it comes to me since we are judging ultrawide we have to still give the point to the iPhone the Galaxy and the pixel did equally as bad but the pixel was just plain awful so the Galaxy will need to come in second place as I guess it overall has better exposure exploring the capabilities of zoom lenses never fails to Intrigue me let's take a look at what these devices can do at one time zoom all the devices do a great job and I personally cannot see many differences apart from the pixel as always giving a slightly less saturation at three times Zoom I'd say all the phones perform well but the Galaxy does stand out with the least grain and the most natural looking at five times Zoom it becomes apparent which device can handle the zoom lens and which can't the iPhone definitely struggles with lots of grain and an overall D look both the pixel and the Galaxy are still doing a decent job with the Galaxy having the more natural coloring at 10 times Zoom the citation Remains the same with the iPhone completely failing and the Galaxy taking first place both the iPhone and the pixel cannot go as far as 30 times Zoom whereas the Galaxy can so in order to compare the Galaxy's 30 times Zoom we simply cropped into the iPhone and pixels photos I'd say neither of the photos look great but the Samsung does the best job stabilization is a crucial part when making sure you can capture the best videos so here are the results from all three cameras even without active mode turned on the Galaxy and the pixel perform relatively well whereas the iPhone is all over the place it definitely cannot handle the jiggle once active mode is turned on the iPhone does perform better but still not as good as the Galaxy and the pixel I'd even say the galaxy has a slightly better stabilization than the pixel I don't know about you but selfie taking is a very crucial part of my agenda when it comes to what kind of photos I like to take on my phone so without further Ado let's take some selfies and see how the phones compare when it comes to selfies I'm very picky with what I like okay and I could over analyze the photos forever but to spare you some time I'll cut it short all the devices provide a sharp detailed photo with the Galaxy having the best color accuracy even if that means I need to purchase teeth whitener in the other two photos my face is overly red in the second photo I'd say the iPhone gives me the most accurate color complexion whereas the pixel and especially the Galaxy leave me looking slightly pale overall though all the photos are decent and totally usable all three phones struggle in low light specifically the pixel but considering it was Pitch Black outside I'd say the iPhone and the Galaxy do an okay job it's going to have to be a draw between the two as neither is quite right now let's move on to front camera video and audio so it's time to test out the front cameras on all the devices front cameras for me are super important because I love to to take videos for Tik Tok Instagram you know all that jazz and so the front camera can't be very convenient because I can see myself but of course the camera is not as good as a back camera but let me know what do you think let's start with the Galaxy over here also let's focus on the built-in microphone and let me know what you think of the audio coming directly from the phone the Galaxy looks a little little dark but you know we'll have to check one out and post then we have the iPhone 15 over here I I love how the video looks here I think it has a very good front camera it's a little bit windy so it's shaking on the on the trive one don't mind the shake but I love the colors and the exposure of the iPhone I think it's pretty good how's the audio though finally we have the Google pixel 8 over here this looks so weird I look very um washed out on this one I don't know why it looks like there's a filter on it and not a good one so not that let curious yeah so most of you will probably use your uh phones indoors or in quieter environments so I thought I would just be fair and show you what the audio is like uh in a quieter more sustained environment so starting with the Galaxy here is what the built-in microphone sounds like how do we feel about it it I I'm actually loving how it's looking in this lighting here finally we have the iPhone 15 again love the saturation love the exposure I think it does a really really good job for a front camera but how is the audio uh then we have the pixel over here again I'm not loving this filtered weird look that it's giving me but how is the audio on some indoors as expected the iPhone has the sharpest most saturated and best exposed video quality the Galaxy also does a decent job although it sometimes can lack a bit of exposure especially on my face unfortunately the pixel video quality looks so pasty and filtered in the worst possible way as you can hear in an environment with a lot of wind the Galaxy definitely struggles but I've always been a fan of how Samsung's audio sounds like it's potentially coming from an external mic maybe not the best external mic but an external mic nevertheless the sound is very much directed towards my voice whereas on the iPhone there seems to be no direction on where the sound is coming from so you really hear absolutely everything and in this case the wind sounds intense the pixel's audio sounds very muted and muffled even in a regulated environment I'd say that indoors I pretty much have the same remarks for all of the devices let's take a look at the slow-mo performance the iPhone can shoot 240 FPS in 1080P the Galaxy and the pixel can do this as well but what's super super cool and new is that the Galaxy now can record up to 120 FPS in 4k that's a huge difference to 1080p however as you can see in windy conditions the Samsung couldn't handle it and produced a great amount of wobble if Samsung can fix this flight issue then it would most likely end up in first place as indoors it did a pretty good job but for now the iPhone will have to take first place followed by the pixel in second place macro photos always fascinate me especially when they come from a smartphone let's see which phone can capture the most details this was a tough one the pixel is the only device which had a dedicated setting for macro photos so naturally it performed the best I'd say the iPhone comes second as the Galaxy just seems to always blur a lot of the photo which is not ideal at all especially in a macro photo where we want as much detail as possible so finally let's Summarize each category and see who the winners are for standard photos the pixel and iPhone draw in first place followed by the Galaxy with just two points Less in second place next we have Ultra wide photos where the iPhone takes the first place followed by the pixel and then the Galaxy in portrait mode the pixel takes first place then comes the iPhone and unfortunately the galaxy has ended up in last place once again however in videos using the back cameras the Galaxy takes first place followed by a draw between the iPhone and the pixel it was very clear that the Galaxy is the winner when it comes to the zoom followed by the pixel and then the iPhone when it comes to stabilization the Galaxy yet again takes first place followed by the pixel and then the iPhone selfie taking is extremely important and the Galaxy and the iPhone are aware of this therefore they draw in first place whilst the pixel comes in second place with front camera video expectedly the iPhone takes first place followed by the Galaxy placing the pixel in last place however when it comes to audio the Galaxy takes the win followed by the iPhone and in last place the pixel the iPhone takes first place for slow motion followed by the pixel and then the Galaxy and finally in macro photos the pixel is a clear winner due to its ability to actually shoot in macro mode the iPhone takes second place whilst the Galaxy comes in last so that pretty much sums up these three different phones we hope you found this review useful and we would love to hear your thoughts which one would you choose let us know in the comments below don't forget to enter the giveaway for a chance to win something from the s 24 series how exciting and as always give this video a like if you enjoyed it and don't forget to subscribe to be a part of our versus Community if you aren't already with that being said we will see you in the next video and until then take [Music] care [Music] n
Channel: Versus
Views: 23,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: galaxy s24 camera, galaxy s24 camera test, galaxy s24 vs iphone 15, galaxy s24 vs iphone 15 camera, galaxy s24 vs pixel 8 camera, galaxy s24 vs iphone 15 vs pixel 8
Id: zuQ8MD1eENM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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