iPhone 15 Pro Max vs Galaxy S24 Ultra vs Pixel 8 Pro Speed Test

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iPhone 15 Pro Max versus s24 Ultra versus the pixel 8 Pro speed test now I'm going to use the s24 to go ahead and time the boot up we'll begin with the iPhone 15 Pro Max in 3 2 go and see which one can turn on the fastest I think it's going to be the pixel8 pro is it's typically the phone that turns on the fastest out of all of these devices but I'm going to try to stop this at the exact time and you can see right around 15 seconds I might have been 3 seconds off but let's take it on to the bigger brother of the s24 the s24 ultra in three to go and see how long this takes to turn on and I don't know I think it's going to be a little longer than the iPhone we'll have to see but it might be quite similar usually even in my speed test it's only a hair different we'll see how long it takes though nope we're already longer than the iPhone right around 19 seconds or so so a little bit slower to turn on the Galaxy let's take a look at the pixel 8 Pro we're going to see how long this one takes to go ahead and turn on in three 2 go and see what how fast this can do it I think this one is going to win it out we'll go ahead and see um but usually it's the fastest to launch into to the Android operating system of most phones that I have seen and you'll see Yep this was the fastest to boot up only about a second faster than the iPhone but still fastest all right so here we are with the general software you can see iOS is well buttery smooth and over here on the Samsung they have really gotten much better over the past couple of years with just the overall level of smoothness we are at 120 HZ now in addition to that the 1ui 6.1 made this even smoother so overall just an incredibly smooth platform and combining this with the Snapdragon AG gen 3 adreno 750 and the efficiency of those two combinations it's a really smooth phone now Google with its efficiencies um using their platform their chip they just even though this doesn't have like the fastest chip on the market it still finds a way to still be very smooth and has very good overall feel so very Snappy and smooth as well okay so we have all applications lined up the same on all three devices you can see everything closed out for all three devices so totally fair there all connect to the same Wi-Fi network and let's head into calendar you could see that was it's going to be hard for me to see it because I can't look at three at once but I think it was the iPhone first maybe the Samsung but pixel was definitely last let's go into the calculator in 3 2 Go and that was pretty close let's go into clock in 3 2 Go looks like the Samsung had that followed by the iPhone and then the pixel let's go into some submenus as well while we're in here you could see alarms stopwatches so you could see everything just kind of it just kind of opens similar it's really nice though that every single one of these has a very different look I really like that let's get up out of there animations are quite competitive on all platforms as well let's go into weather 3 2 go and you can see it look fastest on the iPhone Samsung pixel again these are the closer this one has been behind in a couple so far let's go into the Play Store App Store 32 go and that one was the pixel I think Samsung and then Apple I could be wrong let's go into the game section 3 2 to go that was the Samsung pixel maybe iPhone this is very tough to look at let's go into so let's go into that again 3 2 go and you can see Samsung pixel then we have the iPhone we'll go into categories pixel and Samsung first over there we'll go into things to do here I missed that tap let's go back um I missed that tap on the Samsung let's go to how about tickets and events 3 2 Go Samsung pixel iPhone so once we get into some of these basic apps it looks like the Android phones are doing better here iPhone just shut me up there goes iPhone I think it was this way across you could see scrolling pretty good on all of them I do feel like there's a little chop there on the pixel little smoother on the iPhone and Samsung for that one let's go into the Instagram and you can see pretty close overall that was really tough to see I think yeah they were within milliseconds of a difference on that one let's go into this OnePlus picture here you can see I think iPhone Samsung Google I'm counting on you guys to call this one this is really tough to see behind camera let's go on eBay you could see Samsung pixel I think iPhone and we'll head over here into Amazon 3 2 go faster on that that one was the that one was a Samsung and then I think pixel iPhone let's go into Starbucks 32 go you can see iPhone or Samsung iPhone and then pixel so it looks like they're trading here some applications overall let's go on Jetpack Joy Ride let's go to the Jet Pack Joy Ride 3 2 go so who's going to win it out here somebody has their volume on it's the iPhone the iPhone won this one easily that one was a win for the iPhone for sure these were really close these were like almost the same on those two over there oh we have this on auto rotate let's go to Subway Surfers 3 two and go iPhone Samsung and then the pixel so iPhone still loading Games first in 2024 let's set up out of here let's go into the Dead Trigger 2 here in 3 two go and these two in the lead Samsung first Apple and then pixel I do think Samsung has the best heat management the one that you can play the game the longest with without any overheating or you know throttling or anything like that I do think pixel is pretty good as well but the iPhone's probably second in line it's going to temper Run 2 but none of these are the best absolute best gaming phones that will be reserved for specifically gaming phones Samsung Apple pixel so Samsung looking like it's definitely one of the Kings for sure so let's head into free fryer 3 2 go and let's see H Samsung in the lead yes Samsung with the win followed by the pixel now the iPhone might surpass the pixel yes the iPhone surpasses the pixel pixel in last place overall the Samsung with the win let's go into Hill Climb 2 3 2 go and see which one we can get here first and it looks like we have a win wi to the Samsung then the iPhone and lastly it look like the pixel although the iPhone was on a different screen there but overall you know it was like this this and this and that's what it seems like it's been most of this video let's go into 3D Mark 32 go so Samsung Apple pixel let's go into 3D Mark or geekbench 6 3 2 go okay this one was much slower on iPhone they still haven't updated that app for quick launch speeds on 15 Pro Max let's go into speed test you can see apple I think it was Pixel and Samsung overall throughout this entire test I do feel like the Samsung has a snappiest animations I feel like it was opening most of them fastest the iPhone was quicker than the Samsung in certain areas specifically some games and the pixel had a couple of launches quicker but overall it seemed like it was the slowest of the three here in the app test let's get on on to the RAM management all right so let's begin with the iPhone and you could see very nice buttery smooth animations very good here this is one thing that always keeps the iPhone on top and I feel like it's literally something Android manufacturers I think the eBay reloaded it's one of the things I think Android manufacturers have been working on doing very well specifically Samsung Google and some other brands uh esally OnePlus but there's still this level of consistency I don't know if it's because of the Android operating system or whatever but that it's still hard to match the iPhone and just like every day like always being in this smooth like some apps when you scroll on Android phones um they get a little choppy like I was scrolling on s24 Ultra and like Twitter or something and it just like I could see a little like Chop on the scroll so they might be getting the animations down but now we got to fix the overall scrolling so it's like a combination of smooth the iPhone already has this down unlock all right so let's see s24 Ultra does here one of the best I would say somebody told me to get rid of the gesture hint I tried I think they removed it here on oneui 6.1 for the s24 series because I don't see the ability to get rid of the gesture hint let me know if I'm missing something you could see overall very good here Samsung has come a long way let's go in the Play Store let's go over here here here here so I actually think this did better than the iPhone in terms of um holding the applications this is a true Powerhouse Beast right here the s24 ultra for multitasking for sure 12 gigs of RAM all the capabilities this is one of the best in the world okay so it's pixel time 12 gigs of RAM their own CPU animations look quite nice they look a little I don't know they look a little choppier though I think than Samsung I think Samsung has up their animations to look a little better hold on they they kind of looks Snappy and smooth very good though this is very good performance for the pixel 8 Pro little chop when you start scrolling though let's go up out of here to be fair I want to check one more thing let's check the iPhone here really quickly just to see when you go back in the app see like right there was that a Reload because sometimes when you scroll like sometimes it's just a screenshot you need to see if it's really open yeah it did pretty good so overall I would say all three of these phones did very good in this RAM management test I do feel like the Samsung was really good um the iPhone was the smoothest and the pixel was pretty decent as well but the animation um looked a little choppier to me for some reason in this test let me know your thoughts and what you thought about them overall okay so here's the final geekbench scores you can see the pixel is taking a while to finish 6852 over here for the multi 7271 a lot closer there in a single um or actually closer in the multicore bigger gap on a single but overall you seen that this doesn't really dictate how the real world performance looks this is the same with the pixel while it doesn't have the fastest performance it does a lot of on device Ai and it does it for cheaper than the really high-priced s24 Ultra although you can get the s24 ultra cheaper with discounts the pixel comes in at a much lower Benchmark you can see especially on the multi-core score so for everyday usage it's not too far off these two um but for that multicore score for gaming heavier lifting I feel like the pixel is not the pick it's more of the everyday phone for smooth Flagship camera experience with really good AI stuff um the Samsung over there very great great Powerhouse and then the Apple iPhone just kind of sheer performance but doesn't really take great advantage of that chip okay so we're in with our final scores and the Galaxy s24 Ultra with the absolute Victory here um this phone has a 4453 a highest average frame rate of almost 27 FPS and it sores better than 91% of devices it also doesn't feel that warm let's go ahead and see how the iPhone feels the iPhone decent as well doesn't feel overly toasty 4111 24 FPS so only a hair behind the Samsung there and sores better than 90% of devices so neck and neck with the Samsung right there the pixel yeah in a distant third here at 2372 with an average frame rate of 14.20 but only scoring better than 53% of devices so while the overall experience of the pixel is a flagship one it's not really a flagship performing Beast chipset it's more more of an AI Beast so it does its own special stuff but not top tier performance um in the area of just straight up speed um so you got to really think about how much gaming you're doing and heavier lifting are you doing on your phone so at the end of the day I'd say pick the iPhone if you love iOS you want a top tier Beast performer it's a really great phone it's a very good time to be into Tech or enjoy technology they have amazing products now pick the s24 ultra if you want to no compromise Beast this thing is like the biggest this is like the biggest Powerhouse standard phone on the market for just overall everything camera performance you know size you got it all um the pick the pixel if you like a great value you like a comfortable feel um you you like a really great camera experience like best photos out of all these probably and you like AI stuff you like on device AI this is going to be one of the best as well so is the Samsung um but yeah they all got their place and you can't go wrong with any of these but from sheer power standpoint I think the Samsung it really does show itself the iPhone does really well as well but doesn't take too much advantage in the day-to-day and the pixel is just a really smart smartphone so thumbs up if you enjoyed it subscribe if you haven't already and let me know your thoughts Down Below in the comments if you want to see more triple speed test comparisons where we do three in one let me know down below I'll catch you on the next one Nick here be sure to be well and peace
Channel: Nick Ackerman
Views: 88,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iphone 15 pro max vs galaxy s24 ultra vs pixel 8 pro speed test, iphone 15 pro max speed test, galaxy s24 ultra speed test, iphone vs samsung vs google, samsung s24 ultra, s24 ultra, galaxy s24 ultra, iphone 15 pro max, pixel 8 pro, iphone 15 pro max vs samsung s24 ultra, iphone 15 pro max vs s24 ultra, galaxy s24 ultra vs iphone 15 pro max, pixel 8 pro speed test
Id: H1jsptPvzaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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