Gabriel Wortman Case Analysis | What are the Characteristics of Wannabe Cops?

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hello this is dr grande today's question is can i analyze the case of gabriel wartman just a reminder i'm not diagnosing anybody in this video only speculating about what could be happening in a situation like this if you enjoyed this video please like it subscribe to my channel and consider supporting me on patreon i'll put the link to patreon in the description for this video so first i'll go through the background of gabriel wartman i'll move to the timeline of the crimes then i'll offer my analysis starting with the background gabriel wartman was born in new brunswick canada on july 5 1968. not much is known about his early life we know that it's been reported that he was mistreated by his father when he was young his father was described as a chronic petty thief who was manipulative wortman was described as different he was bullied by his classmates often being the target of jokes orban graduated from high school where he expressed an interest in being a police officer someday after high school he went to college as an adult he accumulated substantial wealth he would eventually own over two million dollars worth of real estate in canada and he operated two clinics where he made dentures he had a girlfriend who lived with him in porto peak nova scotia technically they had a common-law marriage but apparently he referred to her as his girlfriend in 2002 he pleaded guilty to assault was ordered to participate in anger management counseling and was prohibited from possessing firearms in 2004 a friend of his was about to lose his house due to financial problems wartman took over ownership of the house evicted his friend then sold the property this would result in a lawsuit another incident in 2015 would also result in a lawsuit wortman had stayed in a house owned by his uncle women refused to give it back saying his uncle owed him money in 2010 the police investigated wartman due to an allegation he threatened his parents but nothing came of that investigation in 2011 the police received an anonymous tip saying that wartman had a desire to kill a police officer and that he had mental health issues the police took no action in 2013 wartman was reported by a former neighbor for assaulting his girlfriend and having illegal firearms so the girlfriend here is wartman's girlfriend the police did not receive a complaint from her so they didn't do anything not long before the attack that wortman would carry out he withdrew almost half a million dollars it appears as though he was becoming paranoid that the government was going to take his money now moving to the attack the timeline of the crimes on april 18 2020 wartman and his girlfriend returned to their house in puerto peak after attending a party the couple was celebrating their anniversary this was not long before 10 p.m they had been arguing since the party wartman attacked his wife and handcuffed her eventually he locked her inside of one of his retired police vehicles so he had a number of vehicles that were retired from the police i'll talk about that in a moment if he had told her their anniversary would be unforgettable he wouldn't have been lying orman set fire to his house and loaded firearms into the vehicle he returned to the party and killed seven people during that attack his girlfriend was able to escape a few minutes later wartman returned to his house and shot and killed a woman who lived across the street she had come outside to investigate two of wartman's neighbors drove to his house to see what was going on after realizing his house was on fire they started driving away from his house this is when they encountered wartman sitting in that retired police vehicle he shot at them striking one of them in the shoulder wortman continued shooting people by the time the police arrived he had killed 13 people and set three houses on fire ortman was able to escape the neighborhood by driving through a blueberry field the police believed it was only one way in and out of the neighborhood they didn't know about the blueberry field so they didn't know to block it it's not clear exactly when but at some point wartman dressed as an rcmp officer royal canadian mounted police and of course he was driving a retired police vehicle which looked like it was in service wortman would spend the night behind a welding shop about 16 miles east of porto peak he drove to a house in wentworth arriving there about 6 30 a.m he killed the two occupants of that house and their two dogs about three hours later he set fire to the house and killed a neighbor who saw the fire and tried to offer assistance as he was driving out of the area he would shoot and kill another victim who was walking on the side of the road at 9 45 am he arrived at another house and tried to gain entry by impersonating a police officer the occupants recognized him because they knew him they would not let him enter the house wartman then shot and killed two more victims it was not until after this attack that the rcmp warned the public that wartman was impersonating a police officer ortman pulled alongside a police cruiser and fired at the driver the officer was injured but would survive ortman then drove about three tenths of a mile before ramming his vehicle into a police vehicle head-on wartman and the officer of the vehicle he struck would exchange fire wortman shot and killed her took her weapon and set both vehicles on fire a motorist had stopped to assist the officer wartman shot them and took their suv a chevrolet tracker this was at about 11 am the police were aware of this vehicle switch so they knew that wartman moved from the retired police cruiser to the chevrolet tracker he then drove to the house of a woman he knew killed her changed his clothes and took her vehicle a mazda 3. the police were not aware of this vehicle switch 11 26 a.m wartman stopped at a service area in enfield two police officers were also there to refuel they just happened to park next to the mazda3 one of the officers recognized wartman after seeing he had a wound on his forehead wartman produced the firearm he had just stolen from the other police officer and the officers at this service station shot him he would not survive now moving to my analysis let's take a look at some of wartman's characteristics various people who knew him described him as controlling manipulative and a career criminal wartman wasn't particularly popular with his neighbors one said that he consumed too much alcohol another said that they believed he was stockpiling propane tanks and gasoline and they heard him brag about having the ability to dispose of bodies with acid some people have called these red flags i think this is a little bit beyond red flags i think wortman's house is where red flags went to be trained as extremists like advanced red flag training interestingly other people saw something different when they looked at wartman describing him as gentle quiet easy to talk to normal nice and someone who joked around a bit orman had a particular dislike for police officers but also wanted to be one as i mentioned before he bought old police cars and fixed them up including having decals made for them also he bought law enforcement memorabilia one witness said that wortman would dress up in a police uniform and conduct role plays ortman's attack had elements of spontaneity as well as it seemed like he decided to carry out the attack because he was angry but at the same time he was ready for such an attack he had collected a number of firearms had stockpiled ammunition he had the police uniform and of course the retired police vehicles it was almost like he was just waiting for something to push him over the edge so he could do something he always wanted to do his tactics like using the retired police vehicle allowed him to escape detection for some time and allowed him easy access to victims people believed he was actually a police officer and few people would think that a police officer would just randomly shoot them ortman's fascination with law enforcement is an interesting dynamic that we see in a number of murders for example ed kemper wanted to be a police officer he used to frequent a local bar that was known as a police hangout the police officers actually liked him quite a bit both kenneth bianca the hillside strangler and ted bundy posed as police officers to lure victims joseph deangelo the golden state killer was employed as a police officer in the mid to late 1970s and stephanie lazarus and drew peterson were both police officers many police officers have subclinical psychopathy a typical personality profile for a police officer is low openness to experience so they have traditional values and aren't particularly creative mid-range conscientiousness high extroversion so sensation seeking and assertive low agreeableness so competitive and they don't tend to trust people and low neuroticism they can stay calm under pressure now subclinical psychopathy isn't necessarily bad or good it just is what it is it's a level of certain traits it's considered somewhat necessary for certain positions like being a police officer firefighter soldier skydiver surgeon a lot of people in those careers benefit from the subclinical psychopathic traits now when somebody has more pronounced psychopathic traits like those associated with psychopathology they could be interested in law enforcement for the same reasons as those with subclinical psychopathy like excitement seeking and having authority when people are too psychopathic to be functional as a police officer they are often detected in the hiring process or they commit crimes before they attempt to become a police officer and are permanently excluded from that type of work these wannabe cops become fixated on what they think they deserve they feel cheated out of a job that they would have loved and a job that would let them dominate people the problem with the tendency to become fixated is that there is no substitute for the object of the fixation there are plenty of jobs that are exciting they're not related to law enforcement but these individuals start to maintain a singular focus they can't see any other career path that would lead to fulfillment this sense of loss and being cheated leads to resentment of all police officers and anyone who supports the police they become envious of officers they look at police officers as people who are simply lucky enough to beat the system they believe the officers are inherently criminal just like they are the only difference is the officers didn't get caught committing a crime when they were younger this resentment can build into rage and these psychopathic characteristics allow them to express that rage with deadly consequences with this particular resentment mechanism and narcissism it's not surprising that people like this also have grievances with many people not just police officers wartman is somebody who would ruminate on anger it's like he wanted to settle the score with everyone who ever offended him in any way he knew many of the people he killed although as his rampage continued he started killing people at random both types of homicide likely satisfied a need for revenge even though some police officers can be more psychopathic than what is helpful the structure of the police the rules the supervisors the other people around them kind of monitoring their behavior informally can help them to stay in line for someone like wartman there was no structure there was nobody to reign in his more extreme behavior a combination of factors may have led to wartman's crimes a disagreement with his girlfriend an underlying sense of being a failure because he did not achieve his goal of being a police officer a large number of grievances that he could not let go and it seems likely he had mental health symptoms including paranoia and trouble with alcohol these factors combined and allowed him to release all of his rage at one time are there any lessons that can be learned from this case other than the obvious lesson of recognizing signs of danger many of which were missed in this case by the police i think the lesson here may have been something to do with the maltreatment including bullying that was directed toward wartman when he was younger in a sense the people that bullied him were perhaps narcissistic and psychopathic as well boys like to channel this negativity into one person they focus on a target like wartman in addition to being cruel i think people forget that this type of harm goes somewhere it does not dissipate into the atmosphere rather it has consequences it's like twisting a rubber band repeatedly it's building up potential energy i don't necessarily believe one factor led to this horrible crime it was probably a combination of factors but if one had been removed any of the factors had been removed the outcome may have been different if wartman was properly investigated for his prior bad acts if he wasn't allowed to have weapons or perhaps if he was not bullied the outcome could have been much different sometimes with killers like these other anti-social people make an investment in them through mistreatment the kind of investment that pays dividends of death those are my thoughts on gabriel wartman please put any opinions and thoughts in the comments section they always generate an interesting dialogue as always i hope you found my analysis of this topic to be interesting thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 39,640
Rating: 4.9389691 out of 5
Id: Og0d1p8Yswc
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Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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