Gabriel Dumont: Métis Legend

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this is a story of Gabrielle bloom on Buffalo hunter diplomatic Amanda carrion and mating leader gabrielle was born on a farm in the Red River Settlement in December 1837 as a small baby Gabrielle would have been carried on his mother's back on a cradle board which was probably made by his father in 1840 the Dumas and many other matey families traveled west by Red River cart when crossing a river the wheels were removed from the carts were used as drops on the way they took part in one of the largest Buffalo hunts ever held by the Red River making buffalo meat supplied food and pemmican for trading buffalo hides were used for coats and blankets the Dumas settled near Fort Pitt where Gabrielle's father bought supplies from the Trading Post and traded with the Indians like other maintaining new children Gabrielle track instead eating animals to learn their ways and Tommy became a successful hunter his skill at imitating animal calls was so great that one day he walked into camp completely covered with birds which he had called him Gabrielle's playmates for Indian and making children of nearby families by the age of 10 as well as his native French he could speak six Indian languages in 1848 the do ma has returned to the Red River area on this trip Gabrielle heard strange noises one night and told the leader that the camp was being attacked the fires were put out and defenses set up the strange noises were found to be a herd of buffalo sand buying after some laughter and teasing the fires were rebuilt but first quick thinking and bravery Gabrielle's uncle gave him a rifle which he named La Petite which means little one when he is 13 Gabrielle took part in a buffalo hunt in United States at the Grand control a small group of meat he were surrounded by many Dakota the mate he quickly pulled their carts into his circle and dug trenches they defended the camp and drove off the Dakota Gabrielle continued to hunt and trap in to trade furs he became known across the prairies for his skills later he became the leader of the buffalo hunt in 1858 Gabrielle married Madelyn Wilkie a schoolteacher they continued to go to Buffalo handsome trap and traded furs Madeleine took the furs and pemmican to the Red River settlement and sold them to the Hudson Bay Company all gabrielle continued to hunt in 1862 gabrielle helped negotiate peace among the mate tea tree and dakota which put an end to years of fighting although known for his bravery and hunting skills gabrielle was also thoughtful of others he made sure that those who needed food received it and that everyone had enough wood for the winter Gabrielle and Madeline had no children of their own so they share their love and knowledge with the many children in the community in the mid-1860s Gabrielle Madeline and many other meaty families return to this Saskatchewan district and settled near Port Carlton where Gabrielle again made his friends from his childhood chief Big Bear and gentlemen Joe Makai a Hudson Bay Company scout in 1870 the Red River matey were in danger of losing their lands and home to the settlers were moving into the area their leader Louie Riel was trying to find a solution to the problem when Gabrielle heard this he was quick to offer his help however his help was not needed because the solution had been reached which resulted in the creation of the province of Manitoba meanwhile in the Saskatchewan district farming began to replace buffalo hunting the mate he decided to form a permanent community which they call sanli raw in 1873 the people of sound Laura met to form a government and make laws they elected Gabrielle as the president as President 1875 Gabrielle arrested a group of hunters who violated the laws of the hunt thereby threatening the well-being of the community for this Gabrielle was accused of taking the law into his own hands the Northwest Mounted Police came to San Laurent gabrielle was arrested tried and given a fine with the buffalo herds nearly all gone farming became the main way of making a living although the mate he lived on the land they did not own it so they sent petitions to the government Ottawa asking for the ownership of their lands in 1880 Gabrielle started his own business he operated a ferry across the Saskatchewan River at a spot which later became known as Gabrielle's crossing time went by and the petitions were not answered in 1884 Gabrielle ensign matey went to see Laurie Allen Montana the ass rial to join them in their struggle for their land rights brielle returned with them to help organize the people they asked Laura's Clarke who worked for the Hudson Bay Company and was a longtime friend of the me team to speak to the Canadian government auto on the behalf of the mate key when Clark returned on March 18th 1885 he told Gabrielle and the others that the petition would be answered with bullets the mate he prepared to defend their land and Gabrielle was chosen as military leader as Clark predicted the Government of Canada sent soldiers to settle the problem to which the maytee I tried to find a peaceful solution and the so called Northwest rebellion had begun although the maytee Road numbered under Gabrielle's leadership they won the Battle of Duck Lake after the Battle of fish Creek which neither side won the maytee were defeated at Batoche after the battle Batoche l'oréal gave himself up he was found guilty of treason and hanged in Regina gabrielle fled to the United States to live in exile Madeleine traveled south to be with Gabrielle but on the journey she became ill and died for a short time Gabrielle worked in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show although he was granted amnesty in 1886 gabrielle continued to live in the united states for another two years in 1890 at the age of 53 Gabrielle returned to his home in this district he spent his time hunting fishing and killing stories of the Buffalo hunts and the battles of the making of flawed Gabrielle Dubois died on May 19th 1906 and was buried in graveyard a Batoche many people Indian Nadine wait came to the funeral to witness the burial of a great man
Channel: Gabriel Dumont Institute
Views: 18,836
Rating: 4.8742137 out of 5
Keywords: History, Metis, Gabriel Dumont, Gabriel Dumont Institute, Northwest Resistance, 1885
Id: FpYMf_smtKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 06 2014
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