Gabbitt live | Full 3D character workflow

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hello and welcome i think i'm live this looks like it's all working let me know about the sound and things like that weather has any echo or anything there's always something that I get wrong when I do this but learning all the time let me know in the comments wow we got loads of people on already that's the most I've had Oh Wesley it just jumped down he's going down to signal it was at 114 and now it's down to 66 that's that's quite something hopefully that's just a glitch and everybody didn't leave as soon as I arrived there's loads of comments already let's just see what people saying I'm just having a look and seeing what people are saying and how is every hello Zorin Corinne sano vision is good thank you Schaech kids is it or just Jack and one I've never actually seen your face Georgie well here is my face there we go it's not sorry to disappoint you with streaming rule is never say how many viewers you have it always goes down for some reason now is that right well it's up now it's up we're up to 130 so turning that rule on its head hello yes sir nice to see you again red dragon nice with you again as well default queue nice to see you as well some familiar faces that's nice Christina McKay as well remember you as well often commenting on my youtube as posts I suppose and helping others which is obviously Manuel Aguayo I think a recognized name Delta Nova how long has the stream been live I only just got notification it's been about a few seconds since four o'clock so you're all good do live critiques as well as live stream in the future I will do actually that's a nice easy one for me to do need to prepare not that I ever really prepared for this I have slight preparation material but it's not particularly great it's so um it default cube is that CG matter because obviously default cube you got the agape channels how many let me know I'm wondering if it is a different default cube because obviously people can call themselves different things yeah something shotty that's nice to see you what are you doing it as famous people on here as well you know yeah anyway so what we're planning today and glad you feel yes I'm feeling a lot better thank you southern shotty the default cube is CG matter okay no different Cuba see there we go look different cute anyway but yes I'm doing much better I was really struggling at the begin of the week but slowly slowly getting there now it's taking a while to get over this one as well frustrating here to steal my secrets I've got many I'm afraid it's not going to be well here we go see if there's anything worth stealing from me I very much doubt it okay so the plan for today is to let's see if we can in fact I've got editing magic happening or where's my screen I'm set up my screens problem and have to just move this across here okay so editing magic there it is so you can see infinity me that's that helped brighten up anybody's day I'm sure so in here we've got a character sheet which I need to bring into blender and that is the character I've been asked to create so this is a commission I've got and I said do you want to be live-streamed and they were okay with it so here we are because I know that lots of people have been saying about can you do a character and I must say I've been putting it off because it's not it's not an easy thing to do generally and it's not an easy thing to do live is it well I don't know if it is because I'm done here but then I reckon it's I reckon it's gonna be tough oh I didn't didn't take that down really well I will always upload these after the fact as it were my brain isn't with it is it I haven't spoken to anybody all day so accept the BT engineer who came around and tried to fix my internet so my internet should be solid but he said he couldn't find fault so it's been off five times today so I wasn't sure whether I was going to do this but here we are anyway enough for me jabbering on that's but actually is that's not enough of me to everyone I'm gonna be doing all the time yeah anyway cool there's loads of people here got this too I think that's the most I've ever heard 250 already look at that that's crazy creeping Taylor nice to see you again here the last it there's loads of people online isn't it Felix hello again did you hear your anthem I created for you know I didn't let that slightly worries me you brought a graphics tablet in rule rules after you've watched my video yep graphics tablet definitely highly highly effective and you can see on the screen in front of you yep do up down here there's my graphics tablet this work on mode well studio pro I'll get asked that about three times no doubt in the stream but it's so it's a it's um mobile it's a mobile studio pro let's just get on show me you can find out about that yourself Connie thank you very much for enjoying and saying thanks for the tutorials to people the art kid yes yeah at me at at Grant or discord and in this court I'm not with it today I might not bode well at grant on discord and then I'll look at your work and I can tell you what I think anyway let's bring up the folder let's get rid of this one now and bring up my work on display see how I'm it's probably why I enjoy the stream the most I can just prattle this different modes and be a live broadcaster isn't this fun anyway where's my jobs folder yeah I suppose I probably shouldn't show that to everybody that all the jobs are going don't really care if people know myself but they might not want you to know so the last one I was doing for was for Dino hatches and they're gonna do a kickstart campaign soon so I'll probably talk more about that later that's what we're doing last when words that I can't remember the last one was with at Monday I think anyway so what they are we right so where I find my folder Raymond that's the person news this one this one is for and there's the character turn around okay so where is he that's weird and I can bring that back in now I seem to have two folders for this so bad organization organization is really important I know it's a thing my students hate me talking about that and they hate me saying organize your folder and all that sort of stuff but it's just absolutely vital so this is bad organization having two folders at the same thing but here's the character turnaround and they've sent me quite a few sort of that I always ask her what what sort of quality do you want your model to be because they might be thinking low-poly while you're thinking this detailed scope so obviously you want to get that straight when you're dealing with clients and I like to I asked them to if they can set up a Pinterest page or board and we can both sort of add to it and look at it together and then I have a rough idea of what they're aiming for that's the main thing communication is key when dealing with clients anyway let's drag that into blender and see what we're up to so this is bender if you didn't know oh why can I not move this it's just scaling anyway that's not usually how I do it anyway so oh our will remove any rotation and ulti will put it into position so that's a nice easy way of getting a character sheet into the middle we want it to be upright so rotate around the X 90 and I need my display keys on dono now I'm not so sure about this webcam image is this useful to you I've turned it off now it's not useful because we might want to be able to see what's down here so let me know webcam or no webcam let me know yeah in the picture I did a sci-fi woman because I hadn't done the character yet so it was sort of like yeah I'm just sort of seeing what people are writing it yeah so where was I on my brain what's wrong with my brain today yeah so yeah webcam or not no webcam no where kram not really um I think it's kind of pointless isn't it if I have something to show what I'm doing on the screen then I'll then I'll use it but I don't think it's yep no webcam for now yep everybody to say I hate that web gap no quite right we need to be able to see what's going to love your face but webcam off please that's a nice way of putting it I like that a diplomatic way of putting it okay so yep just checking one real good and we've got the character sheet in so do I did to delete the default cube at the moment I am because I don't need it in the way for now with character sheets I think it's always good to grab it and pull it backwards and then start working in front of the character sheet generally speaking I mean I might with this one because it's so I think they've done a really great job with this character sheet they they said they struggled loads and they're not an artist and all this sort of stuff but I think this is a pretty good character sheet really I think it's fantastic the thing they struggle with the most was the hair so if I move in you can see that they circled this green saying this is okay but couldn't do it over here sort of thing but that's pretty good I think I think that's a fantastic job and what most people get wrong and it's I suppose it's slightly not quite correct here when you're doing a character give them sort of posture shoulders back and that sort of thing so a bit more of a curve but there's enough of a curve here to work with so that's good okay so if we want a side for you as well we can just shift D the duplicate and rotate in fact I won't move it I'll just rotate it around the said ninety degrees no I didn't do placate that's weird let's try that again shift D to duplicate ah z9t oh I've got my shortcut keys shortcut keys are by genom and he made this little add-on here now is that okay is that gonna that's not gonna get in anybody's way that's good it's default cube an impostor okay not the real D you was that what's happening I can't keep up with the church there's there's too many people chatting well there's 341 sudden loads of people is it that subject I wonder that people are interested in him yeah yeah sorry that I deleted the D you I feel bad but seeing as the default cube was an impostor on here it wasn't even the real default cube anyway grab in the X and move that back over here and then I suppose we'll want to use this image in the middle so let's get the front view grabs that in the X and make sure it's in the middle ish you can never get it precise it's always tough to get it precise and it doesn't really matter that much anyway grab in the X back there and the Y is off to the side but we want the side view so let's grab in the Y and bring that backwards over to here like that in fact we're gonna model in the front what am I talking to everything like that is what I should have said okay so now I've got those in position I can bring the default cube back perhaps I'll bring it back here he comes tada lovely job and I scale him down and remove the scale now lots of people say why does blender have the option of this is ctrl a and pressing here of removing the scale not removing the scale applying the scale so as you hopefully all know up here that we've got the scale there it should all be set to one especially when you go into scope mode otherwise it will try and sculpt with the scale in mind so if you've got a huge said axis scale it'll be distorting that they'd see what I mean anyway how do you keep yourself healthy with this kind of job your workout routine dealing with and anxieties diet diet and exercise I'm absolutely positive that's why I'm such a happy chappy so where's the two times we hate adoption here am I going a bit slowly am i I'm sorry about that you could always watch it later you don't have to be on the live stream and go to time sleep there because I am going pretty slowly on parade I like to have a chat while I'm doing these so you have to put up my personality a bit as well it's your own fault for being interested in blender know what I'm doing gonna straight work through I'm not gonna do the whole character today I probably do most of the sort of body sculpt and blocking out and things so just a sort of um so hopefully people don't mind that I try and relax a bit while I'm doing this and I have a chat whilst doing it and that's what I find fun that's why I'm able to do it and keep interested yeah but yes so about the anxiety yeah so I have a vegan diet that's not actually to do with being animal friendly although either so that's a good bonus obviously isn't it but it's actually for health reasons apparently it's a really good diet to have for health reasons but I will be rigging it later on yes indeed making the character as it's it's hard it's like talking to loads of people at once isn't it and the more people on here it's I think you have to act grant Abbott by the looks of things because it's not coming up yellow Hey gam-gam below vegan as well no again vegans are sexy aren't we just oh yes although I'm not sort of vegan not see that's a dreadful term but some people I'm gonna subdivided cube so control v to subdivide it and apply that subdivision surface modifier just there so subdivide with control v and that gives you five subdivisions and apply it and that gives you a sort of roundish cube to work with yes reach apology as well yep how much farmland displaces wildlife though um and there's there's lots of argument but generally speaking most of the arguments are usually I still want to eat meat so I'm going to try and justify it eat meat if you like it's not I'm not criticizing anybody who does but as a healthy diet I guarantee I i I've got a watch and I map how far I'm running when I'm playing things like five-a-side I had I was a vegan for a couple of weeks and I went to K further than I did the previous weeks I haven't been injured since I've been and in a vegan as well and I was mister injury mr. glass can you remember that film or was it unbreakable unbreakable was it mr. glass the character who just got injured all the time but that's who I was and so I could only play like every two weeks because I'd always been injured since becoming a vegan stop getting injured anyway enough with the my teeth looks low-poly they do it dude are they I know that's just mean my teeth anyway let's scale that down again off scale again so let's apply this Gail and let's just get it into position so it's around the face there yeah and now we can just move across the sculpt mode and luckily yeah all my reference images already I've got my little glove when you've got a screen tablet I think it's good to have a glove if I could put it on probably because you're across your screen and it helps you slide across the screen but generally I don't bother with the other sort of tablets I don't find matters that much of the glove it might help you might find helpful is it okay to model of character with only poly modeling or should I make them by sculpting and then reach apology whatever is best for you and gets the best result I do a sculpting workflow because that's it's sort of the arty workflow but lots of people can do it by polygon modeling and it actually you can skip a step in a sense because you don't have to read apologize he's already got the re topology there and the only problem is you might want to use something like the multi-resolution modifier no not the rock yea multi-resolution modifier which is that one there and then you can sculpt in some detail afterwards look that up if you not sure about that hello Gavin hello all there's too many people say hello to just having a quick look look at the stream so don't well there's a 100 likes already that's lovely thanks very much will you sketch it out with Metta balls you know Metta balls I don't know folks for metal balls people would people prefer like me to see it at building with Metta balls I find they're not necessary now we've got the remesh option up here because you can just put shapes in and then remesh them really quickly that's a fantastic feature this is pretty darn awesome it's got to be said anyway I suppose shall I block out first because usually I do a face and then I start because it's fun to do a face but I ought to block out first and then and then do the the watch bullet at the details because that's how you should always work isn't it you should always block out then detail so I'm going to scale this in a bit more get it right into position just making sure that the x-axis location is at zero because that's gonna help when I think about mirroring later on it will come it'll come in handy when it comes to rigging as well just making sure everything's right down the middle it's better I need oxygen and breathe renders I'm not a healthy man if Tony Bonanza I that there's some funny people out there and I'm sure I've heard with someone saying they live off air and seriously thinking they did who knows a who knows what roughly what triangle count are you aiming for to have for this character one to finish now they haven't given me a poly count which is unusual but it's a 2d game it's sort of post-apocalyptic and the this is going to be used for the cutscenes so in a sense I can go fairly high poly but obviously you still gotta think about render times and good topology is always good to work with as well yes given you have to attend detention for being late I'm a very easygoing teacher actually I don't I haven't given a detention in fact we're sixth form college give the tensions but what am I talking about right let's come in here and let's add a cylinder ooh we're quite small army so let's bring that down did I go - on the scale I did I don't like doing that that's upsetting me so I'm going to do that I mean I'm gonna reset the scale anyway but let's just line these things up a bit grabbing the z-axis - about there let's bring in a cube for this bit everything's massive as I've scaled it down I'm not really sure why are scared look down so small I really ought to measure their height shouldn't I best that was ridiculous of me yeah it doesn't matter it it makes very little difference are in my opinion when you're dealing with these things if you're gonna go and print out 3d then you need to know the dimensions what are they they're across here aren't they are they across here or in here yeah where are they these days I've seen settings isn't it probably units there we go so if default is metric so your default cube when it says it here in dimensions so this is only really small so it's 13 centimeters but if you were going to 3d print then you need to know those scales lots of people say that they have issues when they get sent stuff to print it's like absolutely massive so watch out for the scale but generally don't think about it when I'm sculpting because I could just scale up or not sorry the art kid what's your question please hearts my question what are you good at when you have what are you good at when you have to color oh and by the way mine is oil pastel for now please answer well I haven't used traditional art media for an awful long time I'm scaling the x-axis so it's yeah unfortunately I I used to be oil oil pastels would yeah and and pastels just generally still charcoal type pastors what they called you know those that was my thing when I was doing a levels but haven't used in 30 years you know let's extrude this down here scale it in like this I'm doing so really basic blocking out that's not even that's really basic because that's not even hitting the the character model now really they should go in a bit more at the waist there I'm thinking so looking at the character reference mmm interesting so it goes out of the waist it sort of like it's we're seeing in perspective it's unrealistic to learn modeling sculpting animation all on your own as a beginner six months now nope that's how I learn it takes time though that's the only thing it takes time so I don't whether I put it in the description or not but I think a great introductory course is although I've got lots of a website and that that's worth because when I was learning it was tough it was really tough I mean YouTube didn't exist when I first started doing this and modeling in 3d and things just sort of seeing whether this is working or not and it was yeah that best that was tough going what am I doing here I'm too busy talking and trying to model at the same time so it's quite a tough one let's get that front face there and just get some rough shape at least obviously I can just scope this out so I don't know why I'm being so precise really let's we'll do a new shape for the other bits that looks a bit weird doesn't it networking I probably should do a separate object for the torso don't matter anyway where was I yep so so yeah if I can do it when there's no YouTube and now there's just a wealth of courses out there for free on youtube if you want to pay for one I've rec thoroughly recommend zecharias ryan ants this sorry CG boosts beginner guide that's there's good stuff that is and I think there's a link in the description for that which is an affiliated link and you'll be supporting me if you click on it but that's not my motivation for saying that I think it is a really of course it's slightly frustrating how good it is either as well because it's I thought my tutorials were good but his is good stuff so when I saw that I thought I've gotta up my game okay just sort of moving these blocks into position I suppose like a mirror this and I don't need to do both sides because you can with the remesh you can sort of mirror really easily I just put that down there call that semesters now don't model like this don't try this at home kids yes it's dreadful but you're sort of getting the idea of what I'm doing a really easy straightforward block character you need to overlap your meshes if that makes sense so that you can easily join them together with the remesh they'll they'll remesh when they're joined together so I could do that now actually if I take this this I should do I want to do it I suppose actually lots of people do this quite quick you say I'm naughty and I tend to do it all in one shape but that's a really bad idea because where there's obvious cuts so here so I can do the face and your head and neck together and then cut where it breaks apart and that I can then hide meshes and things like that so I should be doing that really should not so you later Sadako but yes you can always catch it later it's a little bit easier to do it like this default cube than it is to work too so in fact I'll show you what I mean so if you try and start with let's shift and let's create a cube here scale it down you see it there right and let's go to scope mode and try and start sculpting this so I'll put two on top of on you must get the error message and it's because it's got a UV map you can get rid of that by coming down here and deleting the UV map and then when you go to tighten top it'll start working so with your brush yep it's working so yeah I can get the with dine topo selected I can go to the snake hook tool and I can start pulling it about and trying to get a neck coming out of here and then maybe some shoulders but then where is it going and it's sort of pulling out it's doable it's doable and I've done it like this before just all sculpting and I quite like that actually it's a bit more relaxing like this but can you see if I isolate this a second you've got these gaps and they're really awkward so you're better off blocking out first and it take long to block out unless you're chatting to 370 people well that's pretty weird that is surprising Jase that's a good name Jason the Great Awakening glad you're enjoying the beginner vids so I'm struggling to keep up with this amount people chatting if you've got a specific question thank you very much Loki Sinatra Loki that's cool name 39 some things that's really cool thank you very much very much appreciated any support like that it's great if watching an advert is great as well if you can't feel you can support me in that way really appreciate that thank you Loki senarios pronouncing that right anyway so let's delete this skip go back to layout mode delete that horrendous mess there and let's press end to get rid of that panel they're just checking my stream and everything's good so yeah so if you've got a question make sure you act grant Abbott and then it will come up year orangie in my stream and then I can focus on the questions so because there's just too much happening can we get character sheet for practice purposes well yes there's loads online if you type in character turn around there's millions well it's not millions there probably is millions actually but there's an awful lot so yeah if you wanted to follow along I'll ask Raymond if he doesn't mind sharing his character sheet I'm not sure how he'll feel about that he might be okay and so you can see I'm doing this really roughly at the moment yeah in what I'm doing here let's get to sign for you I always press the wrong button when I go to side anybody else do that when I you're thinking side view and you press one on your numpad dreadful there hello Chris sure of Oh comprehensive hello to you like this that's good good that you're liking it this there's loads of people watching I'm a little bit concerned actually why what's going on is there nothing on television tonight or something it's making me a bit nervous actually made me nervous go away everybody [Music] anyway so let's click on this straight down here I've really enjoyed the live streams it is great fun and plenty more to come I know I think I'll get more experience at it like here I'm just thinking what on earth do I respond to because there's so many people well that's the part I find the most fun is chatting to people that are here so is it better to model in a tee pose or an a pose it doesn't make too much difference but in this case can you see in here that's a good question CPU one d1 no teeth no that's not a question those dreams move too fast but anyway I'm missing the questions as well anyway so can you see here they're quite close and then when it comes to rigging if your mesh is close to each other so under here and it's quite close you might get problems wait painting so you do have to consider that a bit so I might want to I probably do the arms separately because it's easy to separate with that piece of cloth there and then I'll be able to rotate them upwards easily oh I can use the new what is that brush let's go to sculpting mode it's the new pose brush or look at that I'm quite excited I haven't done much now your look there's got an error message going to call motor and we'll talk about in a minute yeah right let's see what other people are saying would it help if we look the other way yes that's that's a good idea if you could all not look at the screen and take your headphones out but keep watching brilliant CPU idiot yeah that's quite clever with the ones ever engaged low I'm sorry yep I'm going slowly and that's my concern actually because there's so many people so much chat and we're just going to go really really slowly so I do apologize if it's too slow for anybody but it's probably best I mean I'm hoping to do a sort of series of this where it's a bit more precise but if you want to be able to answer question and if you want me to ask answer your questions try and say that then doing and watching live is probably a better way of course isn't it so there's the arm coming down there oh that's a good arm that isn't it you know I'm just gonna leave like that and send it off to the client I reckon they'll be well impressed absolutely loving it I suppose what I might do with the metals I might do the hand with the metal balls because that's quite a good one but we might leave that for another time there'd be a sort of sculpting hand one if you were blocking out your view accounts that you don't see it make streaming more relaxing true ads you know I'm not actually that worried to be honest there I pretend to be nervous but I suppose I'm what I'd be nervous if there were ten people or a thousand people to be honest it it's just staring at a camera isn't it so what's making me more nervous is trying to read all the comments now engaged slow cheap mode so it wasn't so it wasn't commenting on how slowly I'm going that's all right then tell me if you would like me to speed up just by saying speed up or slow down because I now see a stream of them or same and then I know that I'm getting the right pace but if I need to speed up that's that's fair enough like I say I'm still learning how to live stream as well as you know I'm still learning blender it's got to be said there's lots and lots I don't know about blender and there's an assumption that I after I don't know how many years I've been doing this that I should know all the ins and outs and I get questions about things like particle systems which I very rarely use have you used them obviously I speed up speed at all okay same mm-hmm slow to how I see slow chat mode not cheap though did I say cheap mode only is there oh I see that's a clever idea is there are options to slow this down then is there god I know what's going on it's all too complicated but we'll get it so a few people saying most is sort of same to speed up so I'll go little bit faster if I can't I plan to rig the character yes indeed yep it's how I think slower the setting individual objects then re meshing help with deformation when animating yes yes having separate objects is a bit easier for animating so if you've got a this is quite good for mating this is because you've got an easy break here and the arms should move quite freely without disturbing this it's the mesh on this side so it can be it depends if you want a very realistic looking character then you need it all joined together but more simple forms you can have separate messy meshes and it is it's a bit easier okay so for the arms and well for the head and neck let's rematch them so ctrl J to join before you do this make sure that the scale is correct and it isn't so control a set the scale and let's get to cross across the sculpting mode and then I should be able to this is the cool let's see the detail or detail mode needs to get way down ask because I'm I am very small you see so this number here Fox will size is in so that's 10 centimeters see how to think so obviously I need to come down quite away there probably somewhere around there and remesh but it does depend on the size of your object a lot of people follow my tutorials and say why is my detail size different to yours it's because the size of your object is different yep we'll talk about seams and things like that later in later episodes hair particles or hair mesh depends on the poly count that you're going for the hair particles quite quite cool it's gotta be said but let's just come over to here and start I prolly cute the torso as it is and do the legs as one object and then the footage one object so let's control J join those control a to scale thank you for existing I love that thank you very much how do you make hard surface sculpting it's you generally don't to be honest I mean you can it's getting better all the time but it's hard work to get sort of like if you want to do a mech for example sculpting I just don't go do box modeling instead back to scott mode and then I set this carefully I think I did remesh and oh I thought that would have changed to the other size oh because it's a new object it's not going to change is it so let's just type this in point zero one should be the right size I think yeah I can see it's the right size so you sort of blocky I mean that's pretty dreadful but can smooth it out and reshape it as I go so just got a really really rubbish base mesh here but that's cool that's no problem I think can i yeah I'm just trying to remember actually because I don't often oh I'm done this one yep ctrl J for join control aids to set the scale and then across the scope mode and remesh and point zero one well point zero one remesh now interesting if I do a mirror on this piece I'm not sure the mirror modifier works wave scope D I don't think it does but oh I'm in scott mode yeah that's very interesting in the x-axis and I'm gonna use this object as the mirror okay so if you don't know the mirror object option there you can click on an object and have that as your mirror point now this is really useful tool here yet when when it comes to the clothing I'll do those as separate objects completely so yeah don't I'm doing the base mesh of the human I probably won't do feet and I probably will do the shoes but when it comes to the clothing it's actually fairly easy to take it back patient base mesh and add closed at the top of it so I'll probably do it that way I'll do very non detailed arms and torso just for the shape and then sort of plunk the clothes on top of that that sort of thinking mirror modifier in scope mode degrades performance yes I'll turn it on and off it's just so I can sort of see the symmetry that's what I'm thinking close ahead looks dreadful doesn't it really small so first of all so when you're doing a base mesh it can be really simple like this it's just really basic it shouldn't take you half an hour though that it's taking me I'm not merging all the objects because I could increase performance by separating them out if I need to thank you very much Vico Fox Film Oh Rico Fox well more that's an interesting name can you can you say hey Combee don't lazy and don't seem let's don't be lazy and work on your 3d so Hey Combee is it gonna be don't be lazy and work on your 3d on yep your 3d oh dear for two euros you can make me say something cool stuff okay so where was I so I'll do the hands a bit later and I'll join those in later but we'll just work on this for now I'll probably work on the head shape the most I suppose what we need to do as well is remesh this one as well so go across the me remesh the me mesh the remesh and remesh that looked like it didn't work how very day try that again I suppose what I need to probably do do you notice I'm switching between layout and scope mode rather than going up here and going to object mode because that's two clicks and this is one click anyway hello into pixel nice to see you again so control a set scale let's go across the scope mode and see if that will work this time so set the remesh there we go were at that time but obviously just didn't click the button and I probably rematch the shoe later on but let's get into some sculpting because I think you probably all bored by now can you apply the mirror modifier and just turn on symmetry in scope mode do you know that's it weird it haven't thought about that but that's actually a really good point I'm gonna try that because I think that will work when it yeah why can I not just apply the mirror modifier I don't know if we can do it this way so that's why I'm thinking that's clever clever idea so I apply the mirror modifier and now when I'm sculpting it's automatically a mock sculpt symmetry is always on in the x-axis that's why should always model with the x-axis going this way can you see my Cartesian coordinates up here so when I move this around now it's not it's not mirrored so the object origin isn't in the right places at that point so I need to reset the origin there there we go yep and just sort of thinking that it's thinking out loud there so now if I press this right click origin origin to geometry should go in yep there we go and it works that's a great idea I see why didn't I not think of that silly me but why sculpt and layout flick doesn't tab jump I suppose it you can was it it's a control tab now and I can go this way or I can go up here and press like this control tab is the pie menu I'm not do you know I'm not a pie menu fan lots of people love pie menus and they sort of flick around the place and now they're in white paint mode and we're and I don't know what mode I mean now is I'm flicking on no idea where it is but it's pretty cool but I need to need to get better get better ground let's mirror this one as well in and do the same mirror in the this object and then we will apply the mirror and then we're right click and set origin to geometry and then when we sculpt it's gonna be murdered nice work who ever said that I'm sorry I like to say people's names but unfortunately it's just it's just moving too fast for me actually we'd seem to have slowed down a bit that's good yeah my lips are dry I'm talking too much yes right hey why don't use metal balls for blocking out because of the remastered option being so much quicker I used to use metal balls but now the remesh you just press ctrl J and remesh absolutely absolutely delicious know what I'm saying like that okay let's get into scope mode but before I do that only 40 minutes in and we haven't started scoped yet so edit mode and you see this lock object modes button here that's really useful if I uncheck that this is high so it's really useful it's really useful to unpick that it's useful to have so if I press on this and this and now I can go into edit mode with both and I think that's why we have that functionality now but if I want to go let's start sculpting on this one let's say so let's say I'll just go to scott mode here and start why is that not doing anything and why is my brush getting all weird or something's gone wrong that's probably the rotation actually isn't it mmm that's very interesting okay let's try and figure that one out so control a let's just set the rotation as well that in fact the rotation scale has that purposely because rotation the scale of the two things that are likely to kind of mess your stuff up so let's try that and sculpt again well it's there but it's not actually painting oh it's because I've got Tyne topo off there we go okay so now I want to move on to this shape and I have to go up here to object mode across this shape which is an object mode and back to sculpt mode okay so that's what I have to do at the moment I'm just going to check this is going to work as well don't top oh that's fine that's working okay so I don't want to have to do that if I uncheck this lock object modes then I can now alt I'm holding down alt at the moment and left-click and it's saying there's an empty oh the empty in the background that's gonna be annoying isn't it I need to think I can turn off selection you see this little filter icon up here you've got selection and render as well as well I wish they used to have that by default and they said it was too confusing but it's massively confusing when you hide your object and then it still renders so I think that's more confusing personally anyway I should be able to turn this off so we can't select it now when I press alt left click it selects that and it will select it in the mode it was last in so if I change the scope mode go to this one we're in scope mode so I can not sculpt for some reason I feel like there's some sort of glitch happening here there is definitely some sort of glitch isn't it well that's fascinating because it's digging into my shape and smoothing it out we'll figure that out in a second but now I can press alt and click on this and then start sculpting on this as well there is surely something wrong because it's digging into my mesh let's have a look at the tools and see what I'm doing we got add-on I'm gonna go down to dine topo and change to console I'd prefer to be in constant detailer I know because relative detail is moving in and out and it will change your resolution if I change the constant detail I know exactly what science is gonna be and let's just go to and see what that does this all depends on again the size your mesh and it's digging into my mesh isn't it right so let's have a look at the facial orientation that's really confusing actually I think there's some sort of glitch mm-hmm anybody any ideas just looking at the chat yeah yeah the hidden object thing is really irritating isn't my norm was aren't backwards because that's what I was checking I was checking the face orientation and they're correct yeah you would have thought recalculating normals would do that but it can't be should I do it anyway let's go back I'm gonna go back to object mode and just change the story mode so I know we're still there let's go to edit mode select all shift ends should reverse you it will recalculate your normal so you can see up there and now let's try sculpting again my brush just isn't I'm sure this is a glitch I was working when I know that's really interesting I've got my pen tablet on now so it work and I can do my special or wait for it oh it's taking me too long isn't it but if I bring up my webcam you can see now I'm using the black I was using the mouse before and now I can do it fine but if I use my mouse now it's working on my mouse that's weird Paul that is weird something was going weird there so let's all try click on this one and go just caught me with this one and try it with the mouse oh now it's working with the mouse so I didn't I know I didn't reserve reverse the normal so there was just a glitch just a glitch anyway I like to see more interesting and long comments to againt it slows down the comments and I learn a lot more and not sure what you mean they're into pixel do you know the hotkey for this with the emulate 3-button Mouse generally why are you emulating 3 3 button mouse if you've got a graphics tablet you need to go into your graphics tablet setting I'll show you that actually because I think that's really useful for people so which screen I've got enabled yep this one here so under my advices I've got the pen settings the easy way it's just set your pen button so that is middle click and then you don't have to emulate 3-button mouse it's quite a pain otherwise but yeah there's probably other ways of doing things with the emulate 3-button mouse but the yeah how does the old work if it's already being emulated I'm look not sure actually that's worth asking someone who knows what a selling meat person I have something anyway let's get on with some sculpting show me okay so what am i doing why am I not moving now it's not working this is interesting it's all glitching nope we're back we're back oh it's being a bit glitchy today I'm not sure what's going oh yeah there are lots of people on there this is so yeah so I'll remind people what's going on I'll turn my webcam off because I don't need that anymore so this is a commissioned piece from someone called Raymond and so this is sort of a post-apocalyptic character they had a name for it and you see yeah because I'm not a gamer even though I love games I try not to game because it's too addictive and I don't get any work done but it's matured vien no that's probably all right Metroid Vanya Metroidvania style 2d game heavily Wiens heavily heavily influenced inspired by Castlevania which I have seen a bit of Castlevania and holo night when I've seen the graphics color night and never played it so that's the thinking I've got some reference images I'll show you my reference images just quickly so you can see what I'm up to so lots over here I'm using this so I can see my myself a while I did so sort of anime characters to get an idea because anime faces I haven't more old anime faces before I well that's a lie you have but not I don't know there's a I should have say what am I talking about I I always make them a bit more realistic so I don't know whether that's gonna work for Raymond's style or not but he did send through this where is this character here that he quite liked so I'm thinking that's sort of slightly realistic in terms of the nose and mouth I've got making sense in this beside I'm not a big fan of pointy noses so it up here it so might annoy people but they're really pointy and sticky I don't know it loses something for me I can see why they do that as an art style because it's quicker the drawer isn't it so if you're animating frame by frame then you need to be able to see how it developed but I don't like it I like weird I quite like the big eyes that's kind of cute and interesting and everything else fine but the nose is annoying me so I'd rather do well you can see this this nose is all right isn't it and they still an anime character so I probably go more along this direction for the face your features so that's what we're doing hairs gonna be a bit like this so they sent a few images through as you can see there and sort of ideas at the trousers and stuff this this character is actually supposed to be a fisherman and with a magical rod it's slightly phallic now just said about that this is quite cool isn't it so I don't know anybody's played kasim the best non Metroid game so shouldn't be like this but this is quite a cool character so we can get it looking anywhere near as cool as that that'd be superb when I'm you know a let's get back to the stream I'll think every much chance MacDonald you're back and if you've it's with with some more caches bit very nice you don't they feel you have to do every time you come along it's a really good of you I really appreciate it very kind once again yeah the only problem is this it's when people send me some money through I want to be able to thank them I there's very difficult for me to get in touch with you so I tried getting in touch with you through your YouTube channel and I the only way was to leave a comment on one your videos and say thanks very much mostly anyway I could find anyway have you used Farid studio or manual Bastyr best yoni laboratory for blender no not at all not even sure what they are actually I have to look them up thanks for making me aware ok can you remind me about that because I'll forget and maybe send me a direct message or comment in the below and then I'll read it again and they'll have time to actually look at it that's cool ok so where are we just check-in if everybody's happy let me know wave from that's an easy one for me to just quickly look at and I do like to know where people are from for some reason it just brings a smile to my face the magic of the Internet and sounding like a boomer I know but I'm not a boomer so it but I just like to know where people from OMB lab is make human-style plugin for blender yeah I always call them plugins instead of add-ons got my glove on now and we're ready to start sculpting I just get this the shape of the head so I've got this really rubbish cylinder hip cylinder sphere here it's all well it's Finland Brazil Israel India Slovakia Armenia are there's loads we will everywhere it's almost 1:00 a.m. Captain Awesome you are being awesome at the moment at 1:00 a.m. in Australia that's crazy right there's loads with Nepal interesting oh there's a couple in the pool look at that USA EU and USA New Zealand 6 a.m. and 6 a.m. in New Zealand and my brother Elissa New Zealand I've said that before many times Egypt or look at this on a rock in space there's always someone who said something silly if you are not a Boomer then you're a Zoomer I must be a Zoomer right let's get the grab right now let's get the snake at all and what I just just press G by accident so snake hook again so snake hook tall will work with Don topokki Sheffield there we go someone from the UK oh why is my snake until not working I got the right model select alt left click there we go I didn't have the right thing selected so let's get to scope mode with this and then let's stop purling this around into position purl it in down here probably should have separated it from the neck it doesn't matter too much oh now him got down top I turn on can you see how I'm stretching it the snake at all will only stretch your topology and unless you have done top I want and then suddenly tada you can see it making inroads into the shape I probably go to 30 I think on the constant details are on constant detail that's one thing I've got to learn a little bit off there some people might have just joined the stream yeah oh someone from Cornwall as well Saudi Arabia yeah red dragon you're a boomer so yeah with the whole streaming thing is trying to get used to the idea that people may have just joined so filling you in so I'll fill you in again oh look at that it looks dreadful but you see that is the problem you get if you don't block out properly you can it will stretch and you're doing loads of detail at the front and suddenly you realize yeah I'm going to say can you see that I'm doing it really low detail as well that's really important start off with as any piece of artwork generally speaking you sort of block out first and get your shapes first and then that's when you start adding the detail second all my shape is all out of whack isn't it I'm gonna go to this one quickly there's two cubes there that's the only thing about alt out left clicking or alt tapping if you've got one of these off thank you very much David J how's it going I love the emotion that's a cool little emoji and thank you very much for that much appreciated oh this is getting more fun for me with some getting some cash thank you very much it's really appreciated but again don't feel you have to you can support me as well by watching the adverts that's that's great and I think people have started to do that more as I've asked which maybe I shouldn't maybe it's rude to ask but it really means that I'm able to make an income out of this and do more streams hence one it seemed to be screaming all the time but probably not as much as gaming people they stream they stream message than they but I'm a Boomer so I don't know man I'm not a Boomer thanks again David J well so looking at our model just I'm just roughly matching it up a bit I'm not going overboard with this as you can probably tell but I'm getting bit tape looks a little bit weird at the moment recover is but I'm going out there and I call him square man looking good let's get the front view and just flesh this out now a few of the reference images I've got is I thought I'd discuss that slightly as well up here I've also got down here I've got a few sort of human figures to look at our back can we go live mmm still saying no data why still say no data Oh killing me Oh are we back he'll be back I think we are back oh look we're back that's a killer isn't it absolute killer this is the frustrating stuff so I've had loads of problems my internet and it keeps cutting out but the engineers were over today and it was supposed to be fixed but it obviously isn't I think it may be it may just be my Rooter so hopefully getting a new router soon will fix that Oh anyway let me know if we're all ok sorry about that see that is a bit of a killer isn't it had lots of bit there was quite a lot of people I was pretty excited loads of people watching and who's gonna watch a black screening anyway so if so here we was talking about I don't know whether when it quite cut out but it says the it says excellent connection now isn't it yes so who knows what's wrong so it just drops out every now and again and it's dropped this last like the sixth time today so if it drops out again I'll just wait a few minutes and hopefully I'll pick up again anyway we're back so I can't see anybody chatting at the moment well it says there's a peak viewers again so what we're building back up that's great to see thanks for sticking with me and not giving up on me I appreciate it okay so what I was saying so I've got a couple of reference images so this is saw like a really muscly who's this sort like what's his name Batman person anyway it's in my head summer so it's sort of muscly but this character I think is gonna be a bit sort of in between the two so I've got a reference there and can you see that sort of posture thing that I was talking about earlier so this character sheet hasn't got it so much it's not bad it's a good character she still but I'm sort of looking at this as well for my reference I saw I thought I'd point that out wait we're still connected so we're still good let's just go back to my sheet here okay so let's uh left-click on this guy here and start messing with his head there we go that weirdly the chat is not coming up at all hopefully I'm still alive it does say there's lots of viewers so it says unable to connect to chat so I cannot seem a chat unfortunately I'm going to try and just connect by pressing hi and let me know if people are there yes it will Daniel G if you're still with us be available later on it does say I'm live so hopefully but I'm not getting any chat through so sorry if you're unable to chat for some reason let me know I bet people are commenting because usually people are quite nice on that and they help me out but I can't see any chat they know what's going on let's just quickly check up here just seeing what's going on there's a pop-out chat thing okay ah-ah-ah all right I've done a pop-out chat that's better actually that's much easier oh I can put that up there that's nice oh that's good didn't even know that we exist it sorry I'm new to this so now it's working for me because I've just jumped it into existence well well there's black-winged that's the one isn't it bad posture okay just so seeing if I've missed anything there's me saying hi if i refresh that will probably kill it so I'm really scared to do that he said I want to kill it again maybe use the armless image on the far right of the turnaround that's what an interesting idea with nothing oh look who'd have thought there's an ominous image okay who noticed that well done Thank You Cory yes you're often helped me out there's very useful and appreciated okay oh thank you chance McDonald we can hey hey with another donation just to say we can hear you that's a good of you alright I think okay yeah just check-in if I've missed anything Polly dose three D I've seen you in the comments before haven't I can you do the stream in a whisper please I don't want my boss hearing me watching you headphones that's the anyway and then sort of put hoodie honestly I don't know can I increase the font scale in my preferences don't know actually that's a good point though let's have a look anybody know where that is it's gonna be interphase I suppose isn't it there's a resolution scale that looks like it is there we go so I can do that I don't like it though but I think that makes more sense for me to do that doesn't it so you can see what I'm doing [Music] blender stirred be careful it's a bit of spamming when you ask people to subscribe to your channel on someone else's stream yes I will be uploading the stream later so let's let's get back to the scope finally it's looking pretty horrendous and people are probably thinking is that is sculpting why am I even watching this anyway it's gonna get better I promise all right let's bring his chin out I'm just gonna start sculpting the head so we got something to look at at least right so I mean the blocking out stage still and I've got the resolution fairly low for the size that my model is anyway I just crash them there's a full screen option in the window oh yeah it used to not work so I should try that there what's gone they used to be a toggle window full screen that should give us a bit more space to work with it works now it didn't work with OBS when I used to use it so I stopped using it and then I put my sort of please support me stuff at the bottom anyway so I have fair really use it okay so we're getting there let's go to the draw brush now just sculpting a jawline this neck looks horrendous so let's pull that out there a bit of shape around here barely shake now a beginner mistake is to make the front really flat so they start sculpting from here all the time and then then it's all flat like this and you need to get that curvature first so I can dig in a bit with my brush hold down control for digging in still suffering for my cold so I'm gonna get a tissue no one wants to see me with a nose runny nose today oh my tissues behind my green screen my bins behind my green screen area so let's yep so as I was saying so round out your face not let myself pointed chins and all that round out your face how can you say it it takes a while to get the shape right but that's really important so you might think oh I'm ready to start doing the detail well certainly or not if it looks anything like this you need to really concentrate on getting that base shape right let's just see how we're doing against the reference obviously this that's in orthographic mode so it does distort your view slightly when you go to sort of side for your front view and things that it goes to automatic orthographic mode automatically hopefully that makes sense sir please focus on the head proportions sometimes it's a little hard to cover the basic shape yeah so can you see that I'm just I mean that that's something that you need to work on yourself and in fact I've got a really useful book so going away from a microphone fox-like there but this one I find really helpful Anatomy for sculptors are that there is some good stuff but it's very expensive they've got an online version which is obviously cheaper and actually slightly more helpful because you can bring your reference images in I've also got anatomy for our facial expressions I asked for them to send it to me and I said can you send it to me and I'll advertise it for you so here I am advertising it to say thanks because I think it's brilliant and they don't pay me to say that they've said they sent it to me already so I'm not getting anything from advertising anymore but that there's some really cool stuff in here in fact I should have this on my desk in the face section wherever it's gone because it's so good and that so you need ideally want to reference him image Anatomy for artists is good too yeah is it so you need that sort of reference image so you can sort of think because most people just sort of do a round circle most beginners do a sphere and then they start sculpting your nose onto it but obviously that's not sphere shaped it's you can see there it's not suspect is it and it's got that sort of lock there that you need yep so anyway so I'm gonna put this next to me here I've got a glass of water there that's anyway there yeah just let me look what people are saying now okay so you can see that mine isn't out here enough from that's of reference to that book and it's probably not curved around and though it is it's almost difficult to see isn't it so now what you can use is a madcap and have different ones some people like this one I used to quite like that one but I don't really care as long as you can see a shape sometimes a shiny one can help to see a topology but I'll keep it at the roughly default quite like this one I've seen anyway yeah well I hello red alexia it's just smooth this out get the right shape and I might spend quite a while doing this I know it's you're probably thinking well you're still on the head shape what you doing but that's okay well for me it is I don't know about you it's okay to be like that and spend a while doing this head shape so I'm going to start sort of digging in a bit around the eyes and make sure now that looks a bit weird doesn't it it will get better I promise and just sort of get this shape right I've got the crease brush a changing effect I suppose I ought to pull this out that's quite handy isn't it to see what's going on there and hold down control to sort of pull outwards with the crease brush so I'm doing that with a combination with a smooth brush it's way too far forward so I can get the grab brushes the easiest way make my brush bigger so brush shortcuts F is has most of his shortcuts in and F to resize shift F to change the strength and that's about it isn't it our head hand feet separate from the body or connected to it I'm doing it separate this time it's something I rarely do thank you for calling it are me haha Lord and Savior Daniel hopefully I can help people with their blender issues if they have any yeah but I don't know about Lord and Savior probably a little bit extreme okay so we got a bit of a character shape and nose obviously is slowly taking shape can you see it's slowly getting there so there's common things with Anatomy eyes in the middle of the head lots of people put them up to the wards at top that's not the case though they are more in look towards the middle and I said this many times before but I seized the snake up now because I might need to create more topology in there and yes so there's five eyes in terms of there aren't actually five eyes in your body in your head but there's five eyes width across your head so you think about that in terms of eyeball size and things yep hopefully that makes sense so you can see I'm starting to get the head shape now it's looking really odd though isn't he let's just go decide for you and see if I've lined him up a bit he's a little bit wrong but I can easily go into object mode I just moved the whole thing forward grabbing the Y slightly somewhere around there interesting it looks like my nose is so much higher than the character sheet but the character sheet looks alright though so maybe I'm going sort of blind to it which sometimes happens I find out start sculpting it looks so right to me and then I have a break for a little while and then oh yeah thanks save the file thanks Chris Brown a good idea appreciate that file save as where am i saving this to blend the stuff I'll put this in jobs I've got a job folder and a blender folder and where is my I don't know how to blend this file system sometimes I'll find it a little bit awkward the way they set up jobs where's Raymond stuff there you are the topic and I call it one I'm just sort of starting out there should be fun okay so let's bring this down just a touch you see that feels too low but they sort of got this sort of looking down a bit like this isn't he something you know okay ears are sort of roughly in the center on there looking at other character sheets make sure I got that right it's like the world at that part of the year is in the center so the very front of the ear is in the center and then it sort of goes backward from there so that part in the center so that's doing okay I love this the snake hook tool how they changed it and you can sort of rotate it like this now that's pretty cool in it okay he's got a very big chin at the moment so anime characters a bit more pointed you're not Lee and I get the impression that he's sort of young person but Raymond didn't say that in the character description how old they were so I probably need to I can't imagine I'm gonna get fake for her today in the way trait I'm going is the cons we're making a mirror mirror at unwrap yes yeah generally you don't want to unwrap with a mirror unless you're doing really low poly work just so look at did you suffer with procrastination when you were a beginner yeah when you're a beginning and yeah because you sort of worried about starting sometimes beat you think oh well it's just not gonna be very good because you're frustrated and it's much harder to work isn't it as a beginner and learners because you it's just much more effort because you're learning so yeah it can be tougher now with ears all that's a bit a little bit high I just do that to start with and then I start sculpting them in a bit later on but just to get the shape so some people sort of create a new shape and then add it to it but I just do that and that's fine for me it's roughly gets the shape right so that's okay I would say anyway I have already got enough detail on my brush now just getting the rough shape of the head okay are we there very roughly something just doesn't feel quite right about our see it's taking me a little while this one seems a bit too tall maybe I'll just work on the body slightly and that will give me a break to come back to the the the head yeah the book for human anatomy that's called anatomy for sculptors interesting try not to swear on the chats otherwise it doesn't it won't come up and I have really got to I suppose I could put someone put someone as I what am I doing here Oh left click to tap as a moderator goodnight and like I did last time that was helpful action but yeah I suppose when talking about Anatomy people might be talking about anatomical references of different parts and that's fair enough space where are we now that arm is in completely the wrong place how do I get it so badly wrong and it's just let that go out there and I'm with his arm its position so alt left click and then to object mode grab in the Y maybe backwards slightly and the sees might look at the reference yeah so there the arm is quite a long way out really isn't back is it happening again laughter come on guys come on I'm talking to the internet guys and magic internet guys see that's just not good enough is it when your internet drops out like this let's see well it says it's connecting at least it didn't drop out for a long this time we're back so I read this guy's it's not much fun is it shall I sing while he's away if you would that we great is it that I there's some sort of problem I'm hoping it's just the Reuter and I can buy a new router and then we're all ready to go again that's what the engineer said when he came out today and that's why I didn't get details about whether I was gonna livestream and he said no it's all working now and it was working really well it's really cool so I thought excellent I can do a livestream let's quickly get on the case and do a livestream and Here I am and it's not going very well is it unfortunately so like I said I'm not gonna do this particularly detailed I just want to get the shape and his arms into position yeah probably don't really need that back character sheet so much anymore so looking where the arm bends around here let's just get a sort of elbow a shape but I'm gonna he's obviously got was there but it says I'm live but then it's got this dreadful looking thing going on yeah yeah yeah I think I'm gonna have to abandon this honor because it's just not happening for me is it no it's a shame really sorry about this I suppose I'll stick around and answer a few questions whilst it's back for a moment but it's just not good enough is it so we'll try again next week I would like to choose this time for streaming I think it's a good time between four and six is good for me so I probably do it maybe a Monday maybe on a Friday it should be it's supposed to be a fibre broadband it's the it's the most expensive I can get and I can't get anything else I've even looked up as to whether I can you know pay for something that's better than a satellite broadband or something but there is nothing this is literally what I've got and that's it really apologize about this it's a shame isn't it so yeah it's frustrating that yeah I am on I am on Wi-Fi but I'm a long way away from my route I have got a cable so I'm going to connect that up to my router but it is actually the the internet dropping out so it's not to do with the Wi-Fi signal to my route oh it's the actual internet keeps dropping out unfortunately but thanks for all the support it's nice it's nice that people kept coming back but I am so obviously no one wants to watch a stream that's gonna keep clunking out like this it says my connections excellent but it's lying to me isn't it anyway so what I'm trying to I will yeah hopefully get something fixed get a new powerline adapter has worked wonders for me maybe I'll try that I'm not sure about my power cable thing here whether that's gonna work or not but I can try but I'm planning on ya hooking it up and directly into the box and getting a new router so hopefully that will happen soon and on the next stream it's all gonna be fixed there which is a frustration because we had a lot of people on today and I was very excited anyway it you can see how brilliantly far I've come it's not very far is it but and and I have the wrong screen on for a while as well didn't I are just not very good our way yeah I think it could be the router but we'll see anyway so yep thanks everybody for joining me I'm yeah I am gonna quit it for now I'll leave the model where it is and hopefully there'll be more exciting episodes coming hopefully Monday if I can get my internet modem sorted out by them we'll see how we get on so thanks everybody sorry to disappoint you all and yes masterpiece but I will yeah we'll be back on as soon as I possibly can in my Hinton it got stage fright I think that was it anyway so I'm gonna call it day there once again so thank you very much everybody and I will see you all again soon
Channel: Grant Abbitt
Views: 46,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: understand, texture, paint, learn, blender, tutorials, 3d, graphics, game, material, guide, easy, painting, how to, low poly, blender 2.8, blender tutorial, blender 3d, 3d modeling, simple, create, model, beginner, starting out, grant abbitt, grant abbit, blender beginner, blender (software), blender low poly, subdivision surface modifier, sunsurf modifier, loop tools, bevel, modelling techniques, blender 2.8 modeling tutorial, blender 2.8 tutorial, blender 2.8 modeling, 2dart, characters
Id: vQ4RaG1hfbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 8sec (4748 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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