Gabbitt live | Low poly dagger hand painted

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hello and welcome to gaba media I'm grant Abbott in case you didn't know already and hello yes sir yeah yeah you're right you're in already yeah well done it's nice to see familiar faces as well anyway today I'm making a dagger and I've thought because I've just been sort of given a job by Atlas empires another job as sort of I get sort of descent things every now and again so I thought right I have to fit it in I need to do it straightaway and it's a nice little one-off job there's as well there's a few little one-off jobs and I'm doing one of those today so you're gonna have a bit of fun doing that hello all caffeine injected Bluetooth hello again how do you just sort of waiting for a live stream immediately there so didn't even advertised this one it's good to see you although it's great from Cape Town Jady Jady interesting stuff yeah let me know where you're from I'll get started a second I'll just wait for a a couple of moments just so everybody can join in and say hello and things and then I'll get started on this low-poly hand-painted dagger now many of you might be thinking where is the character workflow I'm waiting a bit on that because I've just started working on blender 2.8 to 2.8 - and I've heard in the grapevine that they're changing the multi-resolution lot of fun I just wanted to check that before I move on with the character also wanted to test a few things as well hello da popo hello Zed and hello Ian Knight from Brighton Louisiana USA Pilcher there Ian maeĆ­n from Texas Kyla's already it's it's just fantastic when you're here of all these people from all these different places it's great fun anyway so we are making a low poly dagger and you know I haven't really gotten my head exactly I'm gonna do this is my reference images and I only got four here here's the one they sent me and they said they want the logo to well logo icon excuse me to look a bit like this I'll zoom in on that so it's very sort of basic to start off with they probably don't really won't match for me and in fact that's on the thumbnail isn't it so you can sort of see that quite easily I guess you L smoke Sims and the new blender is that a problem is it I imagine there's loads of glitches that is it's gonna be a bit of a pain for the first few weeks maybe first month there'll be loads of tiny things that they'll have to sort out just having a look at this dream and laughing at what people are saying things okay so yep at least my reference images that I've got and I've only got three which is pretty poor really but I just thought literally I thought do you know I want to do this quickly but I'd like to do a live stream as well I don't want to just jump in and do lots of these things to try and get used to the best format and the best way to do it I keep messing with my hair because I keep it seen this well a little bit stick it up when I look at this grid it's just sticking up there yeah good to see 3d in the tattoo yes yeah it will be turned into a 3d don't worry could you do a stylized with procedural texture in blender I've done one actually it's not stylized though actually no no I've only done a normal one Cornwell unleashed yet just let me know if it sounds okay I'm not gonna mess with too much so if it's slightly quiet then don't worry about it but if I'm echoing or something then let me know straight away I'm assuming that would have popped up already if that was an issue how long do you think it will take you to make that's a good question it's always a tricky one especially when I'm live-streaming I think I should be able to do this a good quality low poly dagger in four hours now I'm not gonna spend four hours today but yeah that that's my own work this show be and welts hose hose this yeah yeah I made this cube it's fantastic isn't it yeah I call it default well you know it's all fantastic the jokes that come up with PT font cube isn't it anyway so if you have a question then make sure you act grant Abbott and then I can see it turn up in orange and let you know that what I say it will make it clear that I need to respond to sort of thing marks all okay that's good to hear I plugged it into a different socket and it's used to have a per difference it's just ridiculous isn't it I'll probably do a video about the kit I'm using and stuff because it's it's fascinating doing this live streaming it's just great fun anyway let let's get on with the show shall we okay so we certainly want a symmetrical dagger because that obviously one you can cut your polygons not pull the guns texture space in half and you can sort of do everything in half I know it sounds obvious but it's when you're texturing you want to cut the workload down then even know I won't be doing it this for four hours I'll only brilliant be going on for two hours maximum maybe even only one and a half tonight because I just thought I'd get online say hello to everybody I'm kind of addicted to live streaming to be honest it's a bit crazy really I'm using blender 2.8 - yes anyway let's let's move on so yet usually I draw a little maybe a diagram in the background diagram reference image and put it into the background I'm not going to use a reference image in the background because I think that could be argued that that's starting to play with people's copyright and stuff so I don't want to step on anybody's toes there how many Polly's will I go this will be interesting when it okay let's get the auto mirror going I've sort of it's always a tricky one do I start with a mirror do I start do I start with a cube do I start with playing all this sort of stuff but seeing as the default cubes there let's go for up oh I better put my shortcut keys down the bottom there well done jam jnm he's done some shortcut keys there and I use them all the time cool dude that he is okay so do I want to do it in the X yes I probably do okay so I'll just start with the base of the dagger and go across so I'll chop this up a little bit I should do this in wireframe actually because then I can easily grab these and pull them around and just get a really rough shape I'm thinking a sort of a bulb listen what do you call that it's a rounded end haven't decided yet exactly how that's gonna work out but let's grab these faces I suppose I ought to insert these slightly now insert when you do that you've got to have your boundary turned off so you get the inset hopefully can all see this in wireframe is that Alright people don't write hello from Croatia mill n Caracas it's good to see live dear thank you Sayed wretched ather or is it hard oh no I love your voice is so relaxing maybe I'll put a few people to sleep because it's actually it's getting late so it's 7:20 where I am at the moment I day to shout as if you're angry that's not gonna happen I don't do shouting unless I'm on the football pitch and then I get a bit too rowdy that's the one time okay let's extrude that out as if this is the handle so just really block out the shape for the moment let's extrude and scale outwards oh now I haven't set my scale have I so you can see that's extruding out oh no I did I didn't I didn't change the scale did I say that should be fine good nights oh I need to go to bed at like midnight I don't know what the time is where yeah so I said no way I'm falling asleep okay oh I am assuming you go to bed oh sorry I'm reading it wrong oh that's that is one of my problems I tend to read these things wrong because I am dyslexic but I do I care not so it's not like severe or anything but it's obviously something that I have anyway where am i let's move these into position I want so we have an interesting sort of shaped dagger I reckon we shall so let's okay I'll do that in a second don't rush ahead grant don't rush ahead in set there and it's gonna be the blade I keep pressing one to go into front of you but it's so I I need to do isn't it so we'll have a curvy blade you can control right yeah control right click to make sort of to do that so you saw what I was doing there extruding and coming out so they're low poly dagger if chopped do you know weirdly it probably would work for an icon but let's play with a little bit more than this because do you know I just want to I want to be creative wanna let loose the creative juices that are flowing around my body it's also a bit weird now okay let's get this hilt not hilt what is this that's the hilt isn't it and this is the handle so brain it probably is a bit too late for me I probably shouldn't be live-streaming really it's gonna grab that upwards rotate it really slightly and scale it a bit somewhere around there now when you're hand painting it's a good idea can you see that these are slightly off alignment that sometimes helps you in your hand painting yeah so that's actually a weirdly a good idea not all the time but it can help so handy and hints coming out so you're glad you tuned in now on here and it's all the best stuff coming out isn't it I'm just sorting out the shape a little bit and let's have a look it's kind of fun isn't it now generally it with low poly work I mean it's it's debatable it depends what's going on but for hand-painted stuff you do really you don't want to go into a sharp corner and sort of a long slope into a sharp corner so what I'm talking about if I just quickly go across to here workspace and option sorry that works place so this is the what does it works active tool and workspace settings and that under there is auto immersion if I press GG GG good game and pull those in can you see this sort of long's thin slope into nothingness and it have to be a little bit careful of those when and paintings to watch out for them banana sword what else storm I thought he said sword like the sword that his elder I thought was someone was suggesting that this was a bad sword but it's an awesome sword mr. dagger actually dagger so I probably need a bigger handle if people are thinking that it's a sword already it probably needs to be a bit bigger let's ctrl+ their scale up a little bit I must be going a bit tired because I start making weird noises it weird voices when I go tired yes you do I want do I want to rotate that I don't think I do actually he's got a slip Cutlass feel but now I feel like I need to scale this up as well it just one thing leads to another and then you've got just twice the size of everything haven't you favorite weapon of the yogurt clan then you reply on my comment on ducky 3d vid not sure actually I Martin grip and pommel pommel yes what's the hilt then what is the hilt yeah that's good quick good point good point anyway yeah so let me know whether you like in the shape I need to sort at the end though Oh what did our day I forgot to undo that bit didn't I that's the problem when you're live stream and you get distracted well the easy thing you can change things around quite easily but actually let's let's go to a point and see what it's gonna be like I'm going to sort of point there and a point there that looks freaky but we can just go okay knife cut across there and now we're back to pretty much where we were it's like a top view here and move this out a bit hmm now I think we want to bring these ones in a bit so I just had a drink so I'm burping a little bit and probably not coming across in the stream but that's why I'm going like this sometimes nevermind this hopefully no one's gonna capture that and turn that into a meme or something no one would know I'm have been nasty like that would they it's a good friendly community we have here so now I will do that sort of thing Oh actually that I didn't quite fix it did I because I do do I want to triangle at the top there it's always tough isn't it to triangle or not to triangle what's that on my spider thing Gigi bring these in for the blade it is good idea to have sort of an idea of where you want the sharp part of the blade to be because then you can start texture painting in a different colour if I bring my references back down you can see that this one for example and in fact all of them are this very sort of separate section that's what comes in where the blade is very cool the grip could Bend - mm-hmm yeah good they can nip yeah I mean it is on this one quite nicely like this they could go the other way like this one actually that looks pretty cool and I like this one as well I'm tempted let's do it let's do it nope I've just pressed ctrl R and it's done something to grabbing his head to my pure F as well oh that's kind of fun in that this looks wit they will have done over here I suppose to be some type of ball but I shouldn't go too far because it's just an icon you kind of try and get this done yeah this is the fun bit of about having a live stream isn't it because you get instant feedback now what do we think is this the back end looks a bit weird now doesn't it let's wait get those as well alright take that there we go dagger remember so this is look like a dagger there that the hilt the what someone say only the base bit someone said well it's gone now I'll have to say again this bit yeah is it's too small at moment now I've got that vertex there look at that no control click there yeah and scale it up I think it actually probably needs to be some more like this doesn't it yes let's look at the reference images yeah more like that and this one looks cool reference image and that's got more going on there oh I'm gonna have to start messing about with the handle as well actually I think have I got Oliver T over Bertie's Bertie vertices there I want to say vertexes I always do that in my videos men and someone says actually it's not vertexes it's vertices and fair enough - they need to be corrected every now and again and then I can just blame it on my dyslexia you see and then they feel bad because it's like a disability anyway what am I talking about oh I don't know about that is it looking a bit odd now too much kerb on the hilt ah how dare you yes sir criticize my work like that oh that's right it was pommel wasn't this someone saying it's a problem a sword I don't know I'm liking it to a degree but I'm not liking what I've done here I was only joking by the way yes sir thank you for commenting and I wouldn't want to suggest that you do otherwise I'm not sure what I'm saying that just talking for the sake of it that's probably why I'm addicted to live-streaming because these people actually want to listen you actually want to listen oh well oh then Caracas thank you very much for your donation thank you for the nice tutorial is there any particular tutorial that you enjoyed yeah let me know I'm now I'm doing one at the moment I'm continuing that sort of hard surface modeling thing and I've gone for a logo so you can sort of make logos in 3d and that sort of continues the theme of the hard surface model and stuff I'm probably going overboard because I need to start painting pretty soon tonight but let's have some fun gotta have some fun Anya grab these three gge slide them in I'll go fairly closer to you this one isn't close enough okay how are we looking funky or not first to see a singular form of vertex yes indeed I say that too though afraid just anything nothing special Thank You Milla and Caracas for your donation to the channel and yes I'm glad you enjoy the tutorials right that there's something I'm enjoying live-streaming tutorials it's just all great fun and it's it's really great the you've supported me with that as well because it makes the master difference and thanks to all those that donate in other ways some people after the stream come on to PayPal and things really appreciated massively appreciated now what's going on the end here or look at that monstrosity of topology there that's better isn't it there is a triangle in there don't be ashamed of your triangles especially with low poly work you can get away with them don't worry I'm just sort of looking at the end there we don't want to go too stupid with this thing bout there hang on let's go to solid mode and see what's going on well that is a bit too tight in there though G then X and just make it a little bit wider them again and this one here see I don't want it going up the middle there is that making sense so just out there and actually I want to get all these ones and they shouldn't really be flat on like that hopefully I'm making sense and just bring them down a bit G then said yes oh there's that sort of really sharp bit of blade there what's super sharp isn't it and be careful otherwise I might cut myself whilst making it okay I'm not sure about my hilt it looks a bit weird isn't it where's the point in where did you find that special glove for the tablet well this came from I see where this was these likes to get sent tablets every now and again and this one was from huion so usually you get it with your tablet but you can't get them online just a a graphics tablet glove I think I'm only three quid or something so pretty cheap and it helps even I mean someone I don't iron ease on my display tablet so let's all look at this editing genius here oh there we go look that so you can see it's a nice of flows across my screen nice and easily so when you got a display tablet that thing that's quite important I don't worry too much when I'm using just a normal graphics tablet but as people do did point out you've got lots of oil on your skin and things and your hands might be just a bit dirty I know you know you'll clean people out there but they might be a bit dirty so you might just caught it and like say the oil it will all add up so a glove is is helpful got a lot of questions I get non-stop critiques on my work all the time animals treat or many times I'm working on low poly dog for a project nice one Jeff I be ashamed of your triangles try the handle more low okay more low so old the this part of the handle more low I'm liking it to ease I'm looking at this reference image and I quite like the Highness of that your highness the Highness of that but I think it's more to do with my hilt that's going wrong let's get back to wireframe and play with it a little bit more I think maybe it needs to sort of come in there like that or something maybe it's a bit higher maybe it is a bit high maybe it need to be just a tiny bit thicker so I'm just gonna grab that okay sort of getting there I'm going to curve it around now so if I go to to edge mode and grab that edge there and G then said it is pulling down my hilt a little bit as well or whatever fingers go to hilt brain is that the pommel all the hilt over our Dan die what's going on let's get this light in there as oh oh thanks Donald you're back oh man I think I'm gonna have to ban you from donating it's just getting ridiculous now isn't it I don't have enough words to say thank you so I know I really appreciate it and howdy to you too wait where are you from chance McDonald that's it very very kind of you to keep supporting my channel at this if you didn't know and wondering what I'm going on about chance McDonald comes along all the time pretty much it whenever I've done a live stream he's been there and he's donated and even more than this at times as well so it's just amazing yeah a good man thank you very much yes red alexia back with another live job I'm as I was saying I'm bit addicted I think it's becoming a problem but I I have this I need to get on with this and I thought you know I could probably have a bit of fun doing this on a live stream as well I'm just sort of seen this gonna curve around and look nice because it's just more fun when you've got people to chat to about what you're doing and they're actually interested whereas try and chat to my wife but how many but she's not particularly interested in blender I don't understand either anyway let's grab these I'm pretty grabbing the wrong ones let's pull stuff I mean I'm paired to zoom into those and when the mouse is getting a little bit weird there let's try that again get those ones I'm trying to give it a bit of a curve shape now and just line it all up so it looks a bit more interesting feel like if something needs to happen here I'm probably gonna put some sort of jewel in there and what am i doing really what am i doing with this maybe it can just be one big Ruby or something but then glass is really awkward to paint so that's probably a bad idea scale from the knob to the hilt in X maybe yeah yeah yeah yeah thanks that's a good point I could probably get this middle one coming around here circle select these ones and scale those out in the X thanks for that good point oh it's not scale it's G then X because you can't scale when you've got a mirror on if that makes sense in fact this this sort of needs to be a bit more around there gg gg gg oh that's GG that way isn't it that's not gonna work that way that's just grabbing the exit and hits a GG there do i when I say GG that's called edge slide in case you weren't aware so it slides along the edges nicely G the NEX and maybe but these are G then said have you look it's kind of looking fun isn't it but I think this bottom bit is just unnecessarily over the top if that makes any sense oh we're gonna have a demo so select us ho alt click Oh click click in case you don't know delete and there's already so you can get rid of an edge flow like that quite nice and easily okay let's just because I need to simplify this tonight it's fun to play around and I like to also with my work try and experiment just a tiny bit each time I do something and then I develop as an artist hopefully anyway I'll just notice I left my webcam on that's all right in the corner there I suppose isn't it I probably need to move this across just a touch and then my webcam stuck in the corner there I mean it might not be necessary but it might actually skinning the real nasty shine from glare from the ceiling isn't it that's pointless anyway isn't it webcam webcam off there we go best movies out there the hood of the Rings The Hobbit and grown to have its blender tutorials thank you very much have any spaceships coming our way do you mean is in a hard surface modeling shoot all about spaceships and things I'm sort of half thinking about it I was it's quite a topology is the big question and I was talking to Zacharias Reinhardt from CG booth today he's got a great course a beginner's course check will link it I think it's in the description anyway about not sure because it is really Wow if you haven't heard of him what are you what are you playing it he's brilliant and we were talking topology a bit and he was give me some advice on that and saying is it that important and I suppose when you're teaching it it is but it's very very tough isn't it to get the right balance sometimes because I want the the teaching aspect there but I also need to make it fun and exciting so people will actually watch it so there's a fine balance and it's gonna make it sort of bulge out a bit in the middle there the dagger that is anyway going a bit odd now okay so I think that looks all right doesn't it looks a bit of fun because remember you can hand paint a lot of these things in so there the handle will have sort of a hand-painted leather strap look I'm still not sure what to do at the end here I'm thinking actually smarting this up a little bit because just thinking about the hand painting aspects I think I'm gonna grab this in the x-axis and flatten it up it's still got a curve to it let's get that one side view just grab that so it looks like it's going in a bit of a curve so we've got a curve going around is that working I suppose that what I could do is grab these and actually put them in a circle it so right-click I've got loop tools enabled and put them in a circle there we go now I can be a bit more precise for my circle I'll do the same for these I think just so it's definitely in a circle those don't necessarily need to be in a circle because again you paint the circle as it were why did that mess up so badly let me just see what I've done there oh it's because of these yeah it's not the right apology you can't do that but I just want this bit to sort of be there and I am actually gonna change the circle slightly but I can paint the circle on that'll make more sense as we go through i'm just fiddling with this is kind of pointless what i'm doing so again you can paint it sort of deciding in my head what to do with it really want anything but i think that's gonna be good i'm gonna make it a bit wider though a even x so it comes out away from the handle the handle is a little bit wide at the moment so grab those in fact no don't do that to grab those and g then x now some people are saying i really liked your live streams because i see your mistakes and that's so there's lots of them and you can kind of see that it's I suppose it's showing the workings isn't it and that's often the issue for many people so that it's a good thing that I'm experimenting a bit I've got an experiment up because it yeah I'm not I'm making sense trying new things experimenting you develop as an artist and I and in the workflow you should be doing that so don't expect everything to be polished I think you understand on you anyway I think that's it that's all right dagger isn't it just looking pretty cool kind of fun let's get ready for unwrapping okay so let's go to solid mode for this so you can sort of see the dagger and it's full I see now I look at it in solid mode these need to this bit here needs to go in there's an axis a bit we need a bit more of a circle and fuller blade hilts bolt thing I'll get there eventually G then sayin let's just I'm just leavening it out she asked a touch she even said so I'm trying to look at the stream as well lots of people on there see 224 well that's that's a lot I'm just sort of seeing the chat then and a lot of people on the famous case of the moment Mona Lisa yes Ben Liang good point with the the Mona Lisa they think they painted over four times before he was happy with it exactly that and I myself such an artist I can't quite hit those head heavy heights but you are quite right their masters changed and edited just as much as we begin is probably more so than us beginners actually let's be honest we're probably settle too quickly though me and just tidying up now I've seen it in solid mode I'm just tidying up a few things so I'm happy okay so it's looking around is it looking all right let's have a look at the reference images and think is this okay that this is it's kind of a crucial stage in a way isn't it and it's important to make sure you're kind of happy with it I think I think this is this should do shouldn't you shouldn't really say that this should do that sounds bad but it will do now it in a way you can actually get rid of triangles like this because I could sort of drag that up to the top because it's triangulated in the end anyway I should sort of cut down here instead now a triangle there it doesn't matter because we're not too worried and when you're thinking about that detail in your Polly's I don't think it's that important these days with processes even on mobile games and things of that it's surprising thank you very much yes sir for looking good as in is do you mean my model or me oh I didn't didn't realise you mean the model oh okay more rounded edges it's it's low-poly red elixir so we're trying to keep it tall very low and the because what's going to happen is in fact let's get to solid mode now it will go to this and then I paint the highlights in so that's why we're always using smooth shading which will come out in a bit later on would you take a look at my car model yep posted on the discord servers the best way just act grant and then I'll be able to take a look I'm happy to do that it's quite good fun really mark seems oh yes so what I'm doing here so there's an obvious scene between where the blade hits the hilt and here as well obviously where the handle hits it so mark seen there there's an obvious seam around here with a panel hits the that bit control e mark seems so that's what so its control is the edge menu mark seems it's just there in case you sort of following along a bit as some people do that afterwards actually after the fact they sort of follow along suddenly I'm a bit wide about that bit there actually how am I going to draw that in let's just have a bit more of a look I'm just gonna do a cut in here because I might have to I think now you're probably thinking what's that triangle doing there you might not have to be thinking that but it's okay it's just a little triangle it's not gonna hurt anybody okay that will just give it a bit more of a rounded nurse I think I might need that but I do need to sort of tidy this edge up here at the front a little bit let's grab these two grabs in this way and scale them in when it's just a touch and I think we're back to where we should be just looking right okay so we've unwrapped no I mean we've marked seams on those bits there's obviously going to be a big scene down the middle I mean I can mark it but it's naturally there anyway because there's Mira I think you very much Michael F that's for economy enjoy it all you do being a fan for a long while really great to see you host to making YouTube full time yes yeah it could easily be a full-time thing now excuse me because of the support of everybody people watching an advert and all those sort of things it's really amazing and I don't really have an excessive life stuff so I don't need too much to support me and haven't got any kids it's a big reason I'm able to do this and it could easily be full-time I'd obviously do the part-time stuff like I'm doing here freelance and part-time teaching because I do still like teaching and I still want to be in on the teaching it's quite yeah there's something about it it's you can have that face-to-face chat with students and which I'm kind of doing here which it may be this will take over eventually now but thank you very much Michael f very much appreciated okay so oh yeah so question unleash your 75 not going to apply the mirror or is this only going to be a one-sided model now there's no particular reason for me to apply the mirror in this case you would apply the mirror if you this was in-game because you want to export it as and and all that sort of stuff and your game engine might not support mirrors and things I don't think any do so you have to sort of apply it but I will apply the mirror just in case I want to do a highlight tool across the top and it's a it's bleeding over to the other side and I want to see it having said that I probably won't because it is just let's have a look again it is just a front side of logo so there's no need for me to do that so I'm just reading the chat hello Frank nice to see you there it's your message was held for review I'm not sure ah I thought it did it looked like something that it shouldn't be yeah that's why your message was held for review Frank you're in the gym Polly bloom what are you doing in the gym well in fact this know quite good for you get in the gym people get down the gym I think exercises tremendously important for artists because we spend a lot of time sitting down unless you're standing up and doing your artwork which is good oh it's a sword frame yes it is Oh anyway let's go to the unwrapped so let's go to the UV editing workspace just here and select all and press you to unwrap now I compress just unwrap like this there's other options in unwrap you can smart you project you can see what this mark UV project would do always have an island margin of about points zero six I always find and that cutted uploads so that what's what the Smart TV project would do I could easily do that it's not really problem but it's it's easier to work with bigger islands later on in the painting phase so if I go to unwrap again and unwrap we've got this here now let's just have a look at this and can we sort this that you can get plug-ins for this add-ons I should say not plugins oh I just want them there let's unwrap that again so I can get my my disclosure box there and let's put this up to point six point zero six I think I want there we go and it's you can get add-ons for this sorry eyes what I was saying and they will pack your Islands as best they can I think it's called island Packer in fact it's look but it's not calling oh you're a meanie Frankie Anya where are we so this bit is the hilt so I can let me think right let's let's move these off to the side and let's move this so we can get the most out of it so I'll just grab this banana here well hey and put this over here can I do better than blender for unwrapping yes I can so I'll just scaled one part of it up I managed to get some more out of it so let's scale this bit up see what we can do here and scale this a bit up and scale this a bit up so I've managed to pack in a bit more so you can go around edit them a bit and pack in a bit more space and therefore we can utilize our u-visa bit more okay so the next stage then I've done everything I feel like I'm rushing through this and forgetting to do something but I'm getting a bit more used to it but Frank's doing a pirate ship at the moment saying sir everything's gotta be pirate ships with rank hi everybody I'm just here to say mspaint this miles better than blender why it is it's the tool I should be using but it's just so complicated for me I can't really get to grips with it so I have to stick with blender which is much simpler okay let's where am i yeah a text painting so we've got our movies ready so we're ready to paint on it so we go to the texture painting tab here I want to save my work really haven't I save as it's on a different screen I'll bring it down we'll you might seem a files and then you'll find out the secret projects I'm working on which actually there are a few that I'm not allowed to disclose interestingly enough where is it Farmar files there you are oh man I always find blender when it goes to the file manager it's always a bit more tricky to find things why is that why am I so pathetic anyway blend files atlas Empire's I can break it down you can see what I'm doing then so this this is me organizing my stuff here's the icon page so I'm gonna go to icons and we've got a new icon for I feel like that's wrong actually let's disco put in two icons and then call this what it is in fact I don't even know icon this is for we call it dagger icon because if they did tell me it's for something in the game if you want to know more about the game it's not a lot on their website not a lot of information but you go to atlas Empire's comm and you can see what's going on a bit and what they're doing dagger like on one that's my complex naming system dagger icon one and then I put two three occasionally I'll put paint ready or something like that but this is pretty straightforward and simple you can see also I've got to do a bit of an outline to the oh it's got meat on my foot to my dagger as well so I'll probably do something in the background but I'll do that a later okay so it's turned purple huh what does that mean and don't be rude Frank it doesn't mean what you think it means Oh Frank's off with dinner anywhere that's around there so I'm just looking at the messages then so that means it's got no texture so you can see up on the side here this is in the texture texture painting workspace with textures painting on there we've got no textures so always get the same sort of questions coming up or why is it not working basically everybody wants to know why is it not working but you can see I'll try and go the reason through the reasons why it isn't so let's add a base color and then to double the resolution so 2048 by 2048 let's start where the mid gray color it sort of silver ish nothing and we don't need the Alpha on we can turn that off and I better call it something sensible like dagger color there we go and press okay well okay so you mmediately it turns grey that means it's got my texture I always like to pull down the texture tab and get the shader editor out just there and press n to get rid of that panel and there's my dagger color texture and it's hooked up I think one of these options oh it's not there anymore I think it through someone and someone's asking what does this mean because I think it added a texture and didn't hook it up to anything I was so title of the stream wrong is it oh yeah this has full character workflow oh no oh dear I appreciate that actually thanks for that okay first person to say anything see people are too nice to say I think in I came here for the character but I'll stick around for a moment dagger low poly dagger hand-painted and there we go the painter painted say hopefully that's gonna update it's not updating up for me at the moment oh dear anyway thanks for pointing that out oh it is updated now it always takes like well I appreciate that Mimmi me Moo me yet if you've got questions then act grant abbott and then it'll come up and i'll see it so just got an extra pen 22r so that's the artist one the display tower that sounds really good that i haven't had a chance to play with that one maybe i need to contact XB pianist a semi one to test out and then i can sell it on afterwards another way i support the channel but it i do reviews and they're useful to people hopefully they're quite good though aren't they mark my cello is it mega laughs anyway yes doing a full character starting with their dagger it could have been I could have just gone with that said yeah that's all characters coming later but we're doing his dagger for the moment good point I do do some 2d work I'm not too amazing at it I not that I'm amazing at 3d really I suppose but I'd like to do it I need to I'd like to do lots of eclectic things so I'm sort of a jack of all trades master of none so end up doing lots of different things so yeah the 2d stuff I did a 2d livestream recently so you can see my simple simplistic 2d models so I'm just having a look if there's any other questions there anyway let's start painting them so the best way is to block out to start off with so let's just let's just see what's going on with the stream in the setup oh just minimizing these windows you don't really need to see this but you can see that if I bring my daggits color it's got the tagger texture in but that's behind me so it's not a big deal in this behind me I don't think that'd be a problem I could move me so I move me okay so I'm on to the Wacom tablet now I mean it it's this camera gonna the webcam gonna work this is up in the corner there and you can see me working but it has a real glare because I only realized my light was glaring loads so you can't really see much there can you that's not particularly helpful camera or no camera what do you think yeah I'll take this moment to answer a few questions so we're coming up to 8 o'clock so I probably won't get through the whole thing but we'll see how we get on thank you very much Andy Heather you're a wonderful teacher your students are lucky they are lucky they don't know how lucky they are my students are college I wonder if there's any of them among now that don't say if you are because I'm not allowed to communicate you with you outside of lessons over the Internet even though there's like 250 people watching so it's not like I can get up to anything is it don't say if you are anyway oh you like the camera so that's one vote for the camera I deserve my own channel on television don't I just Christo in 1989 the joy of 3d painting indeed yeah big hug from Brazil love it from Lucas I'm actually trying to set up my artist 12 for 3d and I'm struggling with being able to adjust the viewport well there's a middle click option to set for a key you should have your middle click on on this pen button here that's a definite yeah tablet cam can be distracting yeah I thought my camera biggest screen to see what yeah what I'm up to will I do a tutorial on shading what sort of shading deppoh poo hello from Greece hello bill bag it's funny taking people's names alone and no cameras better yep I'm 10 - I'm tend to agree with you I would tend to agree with you off with the camera I just like to be able to do that I go oh look I've got a cool little webcam there but I suppose it's handy if I point to the screen every now and again what videocard ways as someone transmit this that was a youtube not a youtuber but someone on YouTube saw me doing the there tutorial videos and stuff and he donated me a gtx 1070 so that was really cool anyway so really handy with painting you can press this button here and then you can just select certain faces but it's best to just go to edit mode first and press L for linked wait oh I mean I'm not in face mode Helfer linked there we go and it will select that area and do a great job just suddenly thinking I've got my mirror on that's fine I can keep the mirror on it's not gonna be a problem but what if I want to use this for something else I think you'll be fine they'll be fine we are supposed to be interesting to test out what it's like and the limitations of having a mirror on if you do the same do you know I haven't done a little knot in the blade that's what I need to do I'm gonna quickly do that now and then unwrap again because that just always looks cool doesn't it a little notch in the blade all these all the cool blades have a let's have a look so there's one there there's one there's one there so you've got to have it those are my rubbish reference images are not there they're rubbish but my rubbish amount is what I mean so let's go back into edit mode let's go to layout let's put in the best way into edit mode with tab on my keyboard and I think maybe not try at the end here the easy way for notch is the dip and then what is the easiest way yeah it's there's a couple of ways to say delete those faces select those faces and then we can just select one of these edges and press actually can we press f to fill no we can't because there's no substance to it I think hope you know what I mean well that so I'll have to extrude these in the x-axis inwards like this grab X inwards and then we can get these two here and fill okay so we have a bit on this one here as well that one there and fill it's looking a little bit weird there because it's not in lying can you see that let's go to the front view I mean side view sorry and yeah let's grab this GG for an edge like there GG there we go yeah we got a big notch I think we need though for this to come out a bit so G then said no that isn't it there so I heard and this way a little bit she asked a bit so it sort of notches in I'm not sure I'll explain myself there but I'll paint a sort of cut in there a bit and stuff as well is that enough of a notch or is that too big a notch it's a very big knot she would look it looks a bit like the blade ought to fall apart to touch I'm gonna bring these nope get to side view first and just bring them out of tiny bit there no nothing that's a bit better isn't so we've got a notch I feel like there needs to be one around here a smaller one so I'm going to do that again kaif and I've told cap cut cut some people are sort of fearful of the knife tool don't fear the knife the knife tool because it's really really useful for doing this sort of thing you just have to use it all the time right and now I've got a massive end gone it doesn't matter too much it'll be triangulated and it's on a reasonably reasonably flat surface when n-gons on a flat surface you can get away with it but it's not actually a flat surface so that's pretty bad so e to extrude in the ex pulled them together and then grab those two F to fill actually what am i doing I just suddenly thought after feel there and let's get this point GG edge slide it now because I've got Auto merge it will merge them together GG and we need to do the same with the other knotch GG e I think someone's had a better name for notches the other day but I call me what it is there we go just checking that's all alright yeah you see that we're starting to see that triangle it won't come out as soon as we start painting it won't come out and we should be right but if we're in doubt we can always get those two and J to join because there's a face they're already compressed F to fill you have to to join and you don't really notice it now although you do this side let's this is start to get a really thin triangle though isn't it okay is that Alright and into object mode or we can sort of see it in the light but again when we painted up to be fine and gone thank you very much and n gone so a multi-sided polygon n gone being n the number of edges so that was it was originally an N gone before I put this across there now it's a triangle and triangles are okayish n-gons are really that as bad as some people might make out but they are pretty bad ok so actually what I need to do here is back to you V editing we all see the screen alright you to unwrap once again I'm going to lose my editing so what I need to do it's only this sort of weird Bernard a bit here that I need to unwrap so I'll do I'll grab the end face there and I'll go ctrl + all the way down to the end there so I've selected all those and then just unwrap those tada right now when I select all and I come up - yeah Islands here select that island and I can rotate it and put it back into position somewhere around here so let's see what questions people have I use a work on mobile studio pro which you can see hold on a second tada the welcome home of studio pro I just looked at myself whilst I was doing that and should its my teeth they sort of shocked me every now and again not sure if it's okay to ask you but where can I find a teacher who will help me to finish my very own project and answer my questions for some monies per hour maybe you can I have thought about that and I have done in the past but I'm quite expensive to be honest because my time is it's reasonably expensive but trying to run a YouTube channel and all this other stuff I not sounding arrogant there but my time is relatively expensive for depends on your needs if you're really into sort of texture painting in blender then maybe I'm your man and I do offer that sort of thing but like I say it's fairly expensive and there's probably other people if you go into a blender forum and you look at someone's portfolio maybe and get to know them a bit then maybe ask around there might be a good idea any chance we can get a full series on UV unwrapping yes there is one already I have one on my channel it's got a fence post it's not a series of such but it's fantastic you wouldn't believe it it is amazing I need to organize my website a bit more I know the title the stream is still wrong is it well that's a shame because I have updated it but maybe it may be a sort of where refresh will do it but yes it is wrong sorry about that it is meant to be low poly dagger hand-painted have I ever seen substance painter yes I've done a video about substance painter compared to blender for painting and substance painter generally is better than blender at the moment still because it's specific tool let's go back to the texture painting tab now yeah well there's lots coming from you liner is it aligned haughty trying to go overboard with your post then I have a tutorial for exporting for blender into unity yes so just if you search unity in my channel it probably pop-up okay so where were we text amazing and oh yes that's right so if we go into edit mode I can then select a certain section such as this with L on my keyboard so L in fact desolate first nampara cell and that's link select so we'll select the things by their seam so you can see there's a seam there so I'll select this area here and then I can fill it in with some paint so let's get to texture painting and let's find a sort of I suppose already Brown is the classic isn't that the ready Brown ropey sort of thing yeah so somewhere really brown so the Browns are here and they're ready Browns off towards the Reds over here and this sort of color on came out with a nice sort of base color there and then I press this button here which what's that called it says paint mask skip so it's paint mask and then use the fill as XI I'm just gonna because I'm on the the draw brush at the moment it will the color with this bit so I'm gonna create a new palette and add that to my palette there and go to the fill brush can you see how it changed the color then I can pick that and fill it in oh and can you notice it looks horrendous go across through the look devmode and it will look a bit better and then put the roughness right up and we've got a better look now haven't we now there's one thing that I do like to do I sometimes like to control left click control shift left click and that puts it into this mode which is out of an emission so this is exactly what it will look like in in engine as it were so you've got that but this helps me to see the edges so you can see a few more edges with the principal shader so ctrl shift left click you must have the node regular for that to happen so edit preferences add-ons node Wrangler ticket and then you can control shift left click and it puts it into a viewer node but that's just in the mission one there we go okay so let's I think a gold handle and a gold hilt will look cool yeah Warren aged look for like the blade notches definitely definitely coming up Jason off the Great Awakening huh Blair no red Alex here a la liner is a bot so how can I get rid of the bots yeah I'm wondering yeah that's oh here we go where is this put user in timeout just just remove sorry align it if you're a real person yeah who's gonna be around for a while I'll make you an admin let me know oh they popped up again that's weird oh it's just removing our so hide you that user sorry hide user there we go now they won't pop up there we go okay so if if memories gonna be around and they want to be an admin moderator moderator person there we go they're hidden now show no mercy yep so if you're gonna be around for the whole stream and you want to be a moderator let me know and say I'm not a bot I'm not a bot this weird who would bother a bot the bot creators why are you doing that let's get it on spam good spam bot got daggered love it anyway so yep let me know if you want to help me out and be an admin then you can you have that you would have the power the moderator site and then you'd have the power to get rid of these nasty people can i be a mod they go Andrew but sim hold on yeah yeah you were first there but I can't get to you because the stream keeps going up I couldn't press your name add moderator now with great power comes great responsibility try and let everybody talk as much they want unless they were bot and general not worried about a bit of rudeness but just any any nastiness and we must be careful okay let's put it back to the editing and link select this one now watch out because I've linked select that one as well so you should alt a first and then link select often do that and then I fill in a column and it's filled in my lab it not here what a nightmare okay so let's go back to paint mode textmate mode with this button press remember now I can find a nice silvery color so he liked to go to slightly bluey and I'm looking at my reference images some of them are bluey some of the month so somewhere around there it's a very sort of dull gray at the moment but we can make it look better than that hmmm that metal stuff metal stuff so and sort of have a think about this should I go for the darks first probably mates there yeah and add that's my palette and fill it in so we got the blade and then we go to the other bits extreme mode not so edit mode alt pay link thanks for all the offers of people being mods I appreciate that yeah but I I've made Andrew mcsim a mod so he they got there first and he got there first I'm assuming with a name like Henry so back to textmate mode if you're going to leave us and you let us know and I'll create someone make someone else on mod back to x-play mode and we want the hill to be gold so we'll come across the gold over here now this looks very muddy gold at the moment but when we get a bit of gloss to it that should look a ride although is they do you want to go a bit more colorful hmm possibly I wanted me to look at some I think I've got some of my interest so it not Pinterest a pure F I should say so this is my pure F for at the same Pires and there's just loads and loads there we go there's some gold stuff up here there's a sort of gold texture there well I cannot but I updated pure f recently and now it's gone kaputsky I don't know what that means but it's gone and I can't click on stuff oh no it's all good there see that's really handy isn't it can you see that's so I'll just come back to that in a bit anyway I wanted to show you the the thing but it's it's just going wrong but anyway I know where that gold is now so I'll probably look at that every now and again when I'm painting the gold because that's really handy to have those sort of things in metals I still still struggle with them painted loads still struggling with them what software is this for your like mood board that is pure F it's called and they just updated it and it's being a really problematic but that's always the case when they update things and anybody struggling with blender 2.8 yet there's a few out there I've seen some already old a first all day then link on my channel saying oh I've downloaded then 2.8 and this has happened it's not surprising it's bound to and they can't test it on everybody's computer obviously so ah I thought there was something going on there champ you told you we're going to add the gem to the end of the handle reminder yeah I'm thinking oh I've already put one in the middle yeah you I put one in the middle a little cool winner I think yes I problem I'm still thinking let's have a quick look at will I need to change the topology at all maybe what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna go to layout mode quickly into edit mode . period key on my numpad I always say full stop I'm afraid and I'm gonna make that so the easiest way is to not that not yet wait for it these here I to insert it should if then the UV editing if I select all it should be ok with a bit of edit like that because that's an edge slide as such an insect so it should be alright with that sort of thing in fact do I need to do that really for my gem ice have a quick think because it I'd like to bring that in G oh if I could do that G to grab in the X and then maybe have it come out of it G then X did you get the idea yeah that's that's probably a bad idea actually I'm just gonna painted it because you shouldn't really be doing that after the fact when you've done all your blocking out but yeah thanks I'll put a gem in there and I'll be here we are wonderful Jam so anyway a little skull with a gem I that's Potemkin I've got to do a skull for another icon later so I might leave that try and keep it simple how we did for time so we got eight 15 I was gonna go till 8:30 but it looks like I'm going wrong that perhaps till 9 o'clock see how we get on ok so we've done the blocking out let's go back to texture paint mode and why is it changed to that mode there let's go across to look dev and out of the face mode now we can get in and start doing the nitty-gritty which is the fun stuff ok so let's also hang on oh I'm in UV editing mode that's why I went weird I didn't realize there yeah right cool okay so we can see a bit of shading discoloration around the place it just looks a little bit weird but that's because like I say we're in that lip devmode I'm gonna how I do that let's just say what textures in case I think stupid like that again oh there's my sizing Don when I save him a Texas I'm always putting it in the same folder as the blend file and dagger Tyler should be fine there's only gonna be one texture isn't there a crystal beetle can you not add the Jim Accenture has a new object I mean yeah I could do I could do that that's very true that's a possibility actually I might do that we'll see how we get on I'm a mobile studio 16 but never stream from it do you take fit out via a USB see to a second streaming pc I've at I've got a mobile studio pro oh I've got my webcam up here again I'm like so but this has plugged into my PC so it's just acting like a Cintiq at this moment I think streaming from it and doing blender at the same time if you've got anything slightly high poly or high texture I think it's struggle with that one did you tell me - sorry already Lexi I missed that one yeah keep reminding me save I better save the whole file I shouldn't I say Bears and then so when I save I usually just do the old plus one there and that's adds another one let's get rid of webcam now because he looks a bit silly right and I suppose let's try and create a bit more space across here we probably want to see a bit of this though okay let's think about this thing let's just start painting let's go for it so I'll turn this off now because I don't need to have any masking and I'm just gonna get in there and paint so first of all highlights and shadows that's the easiest way and the easiest way to do that to be fair is with the multiply brush for the dark bit so press F multiplied in the center there because the multiply can affect the colors and then just go around oh I'm on the fill brush singer what's going on panic with the normal brush changed that to multiply and in the middle because like I said the marks well I can affect your colors if you've colorized it hopefully that makes sense and then just a bit of shading so that light generally when you're doing hand-painted stuff comes from the top so you'll want some shading at all that's two strengths down on how they've got these weird new buttons so i zoom in there what's this one use unified strength this is two point eight two instead of per brush settings the strength is shared across brushes so when I change the brush it should keep a strength I suppose that's a worthwhile one ticking but it doesn't offer that much really they haven't really done a lot of updating to the texture paint since two point eight obviously they did a fair bit there and it was really useful and very helpful but yeah not much has happened since really and it'd be nice to see a bit more so I'm just going across the bottom here gently gently going across the bottom and you might want to control left click there to see what it's actually going to look like the problem is with the multiply brush is that it adds so can you see it sort of added a bit there does that make sense we add so if I press again and again again it gets darker and darker dark until it gets black okay I might bring the strength down you should have the power point too but I'm not sure why I decided to jump that up so much if you get any anomalies then smear brush generally can smear things out although it's struggling that's lagging loads maybe zoom in a little bit smear brush can help these harsh edges as well although it is not doing much at the moment it might be that it's quite high resolution let's turn the strength up a little bit okay so all the other way as well is if you come away from the smear brush and now we can start using the s key so sample that and then I can just use that color so take the multiply brush off and just sample colors and paint those colors in but obviously I can't do that on the gold area with the red brush so I sample this one over here paint that and that sort of smoothed it out that sort of like a photoshop's way of doing stuff basically and I've got the mirror it's mirrored so these are all on top of each other this is just one side of the texture so it's mirrored across the other side you do gets light anomalies down the middle with that and I forgot about that otherwise I would have turned the mirror off and done it just overlap the two and it's and you've got the option of symmetry here as well if you need to so I probably should have thought a bit about that don't need the red so example there get the red a bit around the blade there sample this one so you can see I'm not using the multiply brush oh alt middle-click as well and that will zoom in on an area so yeah not using multiply brush because I've got this sample brush now we'll call it but I can then just go a bit dark if I want a bit more around here let's say and already we have a beautiful dagger looking amazing okay so just thinking about the blade so we could have a bit of light maybe coming from the edge here and let's sample this color and have a little bit of that greener sort of coming down there and then affecting that's the trick with the play because the very eighth tip of the blade usually catches the light doesn't it so you might want to a highlight across the bottom there but it is at the bottom as well so it should be darker so we got that sort of issue to contend with him we I feel like I want to add another polygon there and there just to smooth it out just a touch which is bit naughty again you shouldn't be doing this after the fact and then I'll have to use the knife tool out here because it's on a it's on a watch cool it triangle take the loop the capital wouldn't work through a triangle so I'm just editing it really slightly can you see that really slightly cut here as well I know it's low poly and I normally I'd keep it low poly but it's used for an icon so just a little bit of and you shouldn't really do this after after doing your textures it's if I did this and grabbed this and moved it then it would walk my textures but if you just add a loop cut you you're pretty safe hopefully I'm making sense of people haven't looked at this the chat for a while so I'll come across that in a second but just a bit of a smoother curve I think it's a bit more helpful now this one here now this is a naughty I'm moving this one really slightly should I know I'm gonna move this lot down a bit more I'm holding shift as well that helps yeah there we go that's a bit just a little bit of smoothness there I think is gonna help so you can see this sort of shading going down here now let me think how I'm going to do this because I want the play to be a little bit shiny but it won't if it's if the lights come from the top so one of these rare case we're gonna have a light coming from here and here mmm how about that for a tiny bit of grade in the middle there because the tops gonna be highlighted a bit she asked the touch okay I'm gonna sample this kind of so still got the mix on and fairly low strength some around there should have been over but I'm sort of brushing very low so my pen has pen pressure sensitivity so it helps okay so what are people saying looks like a mirror problem yeah you get these sort of mirror glitches down the middle there occasionally we should be right with that though that's not a problem mixing the color into itself yes that's exactly it to make it darker so this red for example if I choose a dark down here the best s if you press s and click like this so I'm tapping my brush but left click will say that actually adds it to your pallet down here but if I just press s can you see my pallets changing on the side there so if I move around the shape so just s but s and click will add it to my pallet hopefully that makes sense and then I've got this dark brush now that I can we're the low strength issue low strength low ish strength I can then paint in areas and I can always just darken it as well if I want to actually get a bit more of that sort of ambient occlusion look in there which I do in some places probably turn the strength on a bit more than what I will need to do a bit of is a bit of smearing around here yeah so it sort of smears it into each other can you see that and it just gives it a little bit of a curve look I mean it doesn't hold up particularly well when you move around your objects at somewhere like there can you see it just looks a little bit odd but a bit of smearing can help and just sort of blend it in to the other object bit too much there though can you see that you have to be a bit careful with this now now my smear brush is going all over the place that's the problem with us mere brush you have to be careful of so I'm going back to my mix brush and then of sampling the color and painting so I did that all a bit quick this is muscle memory and stuff do you always paint grunge on manually or do you sometimes use tricks like baking ambient occlusion a general paint it on manually I like that sort of hand painted look but there's no reason why you can't bake in the ambient occlusion and that sort of thing and do it all procedurally if you're if you if you can sort of think I feel like it it's you can always tell it feels like if it's procedurally generated maybe that's just me because I'm sure that hey I will come out pretty soon on it and do it all for us and no doubt okay so so yep just getting that shading in a bit there now let's go to the screen brush so I start off with a screen brush and that would just give me that lighter color that I need they don't have to use a screen brush you can just choose so in fact I'll do it in the screen brush on the handle for to start off with so make brush fairly big pressure downloads to out point to and just give it a screen over the top as if the lights hitting it and certain areas so it's a bit sort of non pointy at the end I've just noticed why did I not fix that the ends broken off it's gonna have to work and it's the screening this and screening this so it's gonna be really highlighted here I suppose it in a way it could be handy to have webcam up to see the way I'm brush stroking across the screen so that might be helpful at this point so I am gonna just just have him up there for a little bit and move this across so I'm trying to move the mouse on my screen whilst working looking at my capture which is not helping silly me let's bring that across there how we doing we did your instructions are always incredibly helpful that's great will this stream be uploaded later so I can watch it whole yes indeed it will yep just having a look yep so they're all good no more questions that's lovely let's now with the highlight brush it's gonna be hid around the edge but it's difficult to see the edge so what I do undo that and that's when I control left click and actually be able to see my principal psdf so before that I had the viewer node and now I've got the principal psdf could you do a video on how to animate yep I've got a beginner series on that so take a look let me know what you think now that's interesting I'm getting some weird artifacts there what is that specular turn it'll weigh down there is the specular can you see that weird specular blow with the roughness all the way up should you get that sort of specular I don't know but the principle be a stiff is pretty awesome so I can't complain see it's still hard to actually hit it so what I'm going to do is quick just quickly go to layout and right click and shave flat back to texture paint and now I can actually see where these edges are you don't follow the edges precisely but they're really handy that's only where things are going so always oh dear that's not very good is it so pinpointing these highlights it's a bit wibbly-wobbly that isn't it I'm gonna get this rough outline and then I'll have to smarten up in a bit so hey all the way around because even the bottom with its shading will have sort of catch the light in places yes specular yeah it was the specular indeed now I've got the screen brush on so I shouldn't be doing extra strokes like this unless it's at the top sort of things that's okay can you see I've missed the edge there which is not good so I actually want to go here and it's looking a little bit weird now so let's get off screen mode mix and back to sample this color and then we can rub it out and that's like your rubber in a way it's that sample handy tips coming out here on there they're all coming out today the only problem is I need to resample across here to get that the right colors okay can you see that sort of shininess coming out there sort of very rough still and we're early days in fact we are really early days it's already half past but we can see what's going on hopefully so I'll go this time I'll use this sample this color and I'll use that as my highlight this time so I still got the flat shading on so I can see what's going on I'm gonna get a tiny bit brighter with that so this time I'm not using the screen and I'm just using a brighter brush it's easier to control but it just takes a bit you can't sort of brush over and over it again sort of thing now this one like a display tablet can you see what I'm doing I'm leaning across if you look at the web web-cam and I'm able to turn my arm you can't do that with a normal tablet because you your hand-eye coordination goes so you actually have to rotate the screen and it's really awkward oh yeah there's so grunt you should check out this video called a hundred blender tips you may or may not know I haven't seen it yet but I did see it with sort of came up on my feed so I'll take a look can you recommend it then can you I am lettuce cool name now can you see what's going on here it's quite hard to hit these edges because they are really fine and close together so that you do get that problem sometimes with really fine edges and the texture brush can't quite sort of see it in a weird way so generally with hand painting you don't make things metallic let's see what happens I mean actually it sort of looks okay ish but it just makes it darker in this case it could possibly work I mean I could take the mess up metallic off there and paint a metal map in it could possibly do that but generally speaking with pure hand painted if you can call it that you do it with the highlights the nice highlights grant very much right so just having a look about probably want to paint a bit of detail in in a second are we gonna have a gem at the back I think we are it's gonna happen right sample this a little bit darker and let's give side view here paint a sort of circular shape in here you can say no fairly rough because it's just the shading we're okay okay it's just my bad hand-eye coordination okay so there's my now I'm going to use the multiply brush and there's a reason because it's gonna multiply this but it's the stuff outside it as well and free that makes sense it looks sort of gives it some depth it will be easier when I what you call it go off the shading mode that I'm on hopefully that makes sense just using that multiply brush it's sort of building up slowly I'm making this bottom section a bit darker okay and that looks like it's got some sort of hole ready for the gem oh yes the gem is coming what color gem people what color gem now I'm thinking now with you think of red gem because of the red handle but maybe we want some sort of other color with this it probably depends on the background thinking about the outlet empar stuff here if you've got a direct influence in a game here guys because you're gonna suggest the color and I'm gonna go with this so they've gone for this green background in this I'm not going to do that I'm gonna go for a sort of metallic thing in the background there and it'll be some sort of shield II looking thing blue is someone saying purple purple purple or I'm thinking purple actually immediately that just jumped out at me because purple has that sort of regal mystical quality doesn't it so anybody else it will the purple go well the purple go blue might work I mean red is naturally going to work with this and I can use some sort of red highlights as if it's giving off a bit of a glow topaz or top adds or it depends how you pronounce it green green so we've got a teal yeah I love you so you're my teacher that's an interesting girl thank you Oh mango man emerald green of course a purplish color to have had a couple of purples we've had lots of greens oh okay go for the greens I'm surprised at that oh she so I'm just so looking this opal opal magenta it's good fun come on people your suggestions okay it looks like it's between green and purple at the moment so votes in please green and purple I mean this there's been some other suggestions but they've been the most common Jade purple yellow Oh yellow nope it could work I see a yellow could work my pleasure bit with the it might be difficult for me to highlight it away from the gold purple purple purple purple green purple looks like Purple's coming through it's nice to see suddenly lots of people coming out the woodwork yes sir because there are 250 people viewing at the moment do well 2014 iron I shouldn't exaggerate and so they're all coming out same things so it's looking very much a purple housing opal on a sword in a long time if you miss it mix all the colors will you get Diamond uncolored that's incredibly hard to paint I like where you're going with it but that's a tough one and it looks weird as soon as you turn the corner either refraction goes off and you can't paint it in so anything that c4 is a big no-no blood-red oh yes pink with a little unicorn inside that's my favorite so far it looks like purple I used to streaming this on Twitch also I don't know how to stream on Twitch actually can you do both YouTube and twitch at the same time I had no idea is that is that possible can my computer hack it I want to get a new computer actually but I'm I'm delaying because the r-tx 3000 series is coming out soon I feel like I ought to delay and wait for that to happen I suppose I could just get a a new computer and then update the graphics card later suppose but there's lots of lots happening with Rison isn't there and the thread Ripper and stuff AMD stuff alright so that sounded wrong when I said that something anyway so purple let's find a purple color so around here and from now let's just block it in I'm gonna have fun painting this thing let's put the strength of a little bit a very dark purple coming toward oh I'm thinking this is darker than I remember highlighting so let's mix that will make more sense all that is a it looks like this bad lipstick on there isn't it but I'm just I am gonna just paint it in as is for now and it's alright if it has a bit of a mixture of that gold because it's reflecting it so that's all right okay so let's go with the multiply brush because this it actually looks like it's got depth a little bit of that for the moment I'm just gonna go just quickly on rushing and thinking at the same time and trying to answer people yeah the new graphics can't go any better and cheaper you think to you I know the because it's it's kind of major with blender because they've got the RT X support so a new RT x card it is a big no-brainer for a blender really I would say can you see so I'm highlighting with the screen brush there so yes kind of waiting for those to come out of it so already it sort of looks gem ish but we can get a bit further with the multiply brush now and just multiply around here especially at the bottom at the base that looks a bit too strong actually and a bit more gonna make my brush small F is the shortcut key for that oh it's just fun isn't that love this sort of thing when it just slowly comes out anything more like which do you personally prefer most realistic shading toon shading or plastic shading not sure what plastic shading is I like the sort of hand painted shading is my favorite look personally but it depends what the object is sometimes as well doesn't it okay so we got a gem coming out there it's still not quite there yet because we haven't got the full highlight but I'll come back to that in fact I suppose I probably can get away with doing it fully here but just so you can see as soon as you go really sharp with a highlight somewhere as if there's light there then it suddenly pings out as it's something that's pings out do you know I hope you understand what I mean now we need a bit of reflection in there because at the moment it looks plasticky and we want it to look glossy and almost metallic II as it were just seeing what people are saying that we're all good so what to say oh yeah so to get the reflections you actually sort of paint reflectivity in in a weird way so I'm going to use the multiply and come across here and change the colour slightly so as if there's things being reflected so like that's a landscape in the background you get the idea and suddenly it looks a bit more metallic it's quite weird that it took me a while to figure that one out and maybe I'm still not you know people thinking I don't know anything good but it's sort of it's or curves in as well these reflections they sort of curve in like this and then we probably could go for a tiny bit more screen at the top but maybe put a bit of blue in it as if there's some clouds or maybe shiny bits over here and look it looks sort of glass and reflective makes make sense oh is that now that's interesting so though different monitors yeah calibrating monitors I'm using this work on mobile studio pro that's you think with Wacom it'd be awesome but I feel like the whites aren't true white on my work on in the default colors and I'm finding very difficult to adjust them so they are if that makes sense that's it's quite a frustration really I feel like there could be the need for no I think we're right I probably need to smarten the outside of that up as well but there's lots to do excuse me right yes so maybe in the blade area I need probably yeah I went a bit too far there too soon obviously and can you see how weird it looks from the side there but it will be seen from the Front's and that's all cool but yeah that's why you need to actually build the shape hopefully that makes sense right so where are we we're running out of time a little bit so let's get that multiply brush and just start highlighting a few edges coming in here a few edges in half and a few down here so it sort of separates the objects in a in a way that's always the trick is going across a mirror and that's why I shouldn't really mirror your objects especially if you want this to be sort of used in game as it were so you don't you don't mirror and you instead so you separate your mesh I mean I say that you don't mirror it but that's obviously a technique that used in the old days of mobile I say mobile but actually just games hand-painted games and you'd really ideally these days just paint with symmetry and then you can turn it off that's kind of key really I would say so there's the symmetry there but I'm not using it because I have actually mirrored just to save a bit of time because like I keep saying it is before I just am you look at this let's go back to flat shading them it is for an icon really not for so back to shade smooth texture paint the back is looking a little bit weird and it might be hard to polish up a little bit it's it's really chunky I think we're gonna be right but we have to do a bit of work on that anyway so yeah we if we got all our highlights drawn in I suppose at the back here is where we haven't got the highlight so let's go to the screen brush quickly and it's paint a highlight at the top coming around here the one on blue still so let's don't really need to be on blue up there it shouldn't really go white she look long yellow shouldn't I when I was at what was I thinking there should probably be a right there it's not oh still on screen brush careful that's too far because metals should be reflecting a certain amount of their own color and that's what makes the metallic apparently I think I'm getting that right anyway always wonder that when I'm actually painting them though whether that really holds true sometimes you sort of just I don't know talking to myself knowing you can procedurally generate a texture and paint over the top yep you bake that color in basically and then paint it at the top you see they've bled over here then it's so sample that and then paint that out you do have to watch out for that sort of thing that's sort of bleeding and though there's loads of it that's weird shouldn't usually do that when it's down the side there so I'm not sure why that happened but that could be something a bit different about 2.8 - I'm gonna go to the mm-hmm that's looking a bit unusual to my viewer node there and sort those out so the camera is probably whirling a bit there as I push a little bit harder on my Wacom tablet no real need to push hard by the way I had a student who really that that there they were working on one of the graphics tablets and after they'd used it it was battered to pieces at the wow that's that's over they were doing a bit but some people just have that sort of technique and I only I can't blame anybody for that that's just one of those things but I think it's better to develop a less aggressive pen push a because it's just it might like my nib I haven't changed it since I've got this that's because I brush lightly I think it's because I'm rational or am I just a lazy artist comment comment with your thoughts okay so how am I getting on we're getting there I'm going very slowly really online just footage chatting away if you want to play pixel art a similar sort of process do you ever use the Express keys on your webcam yes I do when I'm using it as a mobile studio mobile Mobile II when I got at mobile but otherwise no because I've got my keyboard just there can I point that down there you can't see that in webcam it's off that way if you're looking at webcam I know it's um actually no that's alright the webcam is a little bit tall though isn't it I'm pressing the wrong bit to move it though let's move it up there right now for these straps let's have a look at the straps and how they're gonna work I'm gonna be thick and chunky I reckon they are you so let's come in here it's just to a few lines to start with at the multiply brush all the way through and probably four but slightly wobbly I hope that makes sense I have set words that I always use and wobbly seems to be a popular one for me and maybe just one sort of coming across here like this and then one come across the top there like that so making sense it's looking a bit where'd they that's probably right it looks odd when it's mirrored but we won't see the other side so that's okay maybe because of that I'll make it nice and clean just in case we wanted to use this somewhere else not sure why they would atlas empires but they might say oh that daggers just so fantastic we need it for such-and-such at that point I could bake out these textures and then unsymmetric high it that's a word that definitely is any ideas of making one miniature to us that's weird I was just thinking today it'd be really handy to have some short tips in certain areas because people often ask me how do I do this and I think that's a quite quick one really but it's within this tutorial that I've done and I think it just needs to be a quick tip that and people will appreciate that I think nice to be able to find a quick tip sometimes isn't it okay so we've got this so I'm gonna f and ring in a really sort of fine line now so it's starting to get there I am taking a long time over there sorry it's taking so long that back end looks a little bit weird as well doesn't it not no I really didn't know what I was doing with that shape it's gonna it's gonna look great in the end I'm gonna sample that actually I feel like I want to do something with it just increase then whites Oh multiply none of that note we'll have mix will a big stereo we need to go sort of this angle oh that's the problem isn't it that does not look good I mean obviously it's not gonna be seen from this angle but I don't want it not working at all from that angle but I might have to because it's just such bad topology you see that's where the topology matters and I really should have had a better idea and it maybe if this is really bad then I may have to tidy up that topology and sort of Rihanna app and then you have to sort of bake the textures and it's the richest of big pain actually so don't do what I just did which was rush into the painting it's basically what happened okay are we getting away with it yeah we are from this sort of angle so I'm I'm gonna get away with it definitely but it was Porsche Porsche Graham right now I'm noticing it's not going it probably needs to go across the yellows a little bit more and a bit more on the highlight for this goal let's it let's see that that reference image again that was really great how you how you paint gold it's awesome only there for time Oh 10 minutes left yeah I should increase the poly count but I'm a bit late on the old poly count thing because I've already unwrapped it you can't increase it I could even subdivide it I want to kiss stick to the sort of polygon style though I feel like that's keeping with the whole feeling of it sort of an artistic thing telling what was there anyway okay so are we looking like gold yet not yet not really it's sort of getting there now we need for a few dappled colors as well as if there's some sort of it's got a bit of warped light going on words aren't coming out warped lights you do get wok light in Star Trek and I feel like it's I'm gonna go a bit more to oranjee around here so interesting colors coming out now if this would hit the light at the bottom here wouldn't it I feel making sense so the light comes down from here and it hits this section so really this ought to be a bit more dark so I'm going to alt and now so I'm s Oh Oh had a crash there same for texture save and I'll say the file again but I just press safe because I haven't really done anything extra special since a while so s there make this a bit darker at the top here and not got yeah there we go so because the lights coming here this bit will sit under the light and this bit will hit the light so let's sample this again for some reason to press alt s and that's the sort of scale option isn't it scale weather normals so I was thinking old he this alt to select color in Photoshop and handle sort of it's sort of working isn't it hopefully that sort of works and you can sort of see the gold color coming out hopefully I could probably go even more multiplyin as' in here if darker is worth making a silly word up for it and maybe even darker at the bottom walk that is look out strange it is but then you come around there and it's all right and that is one of difficulties of hand painting on really low poly objects and you have to try and get that right and that's that's bad topology from my point of view I'd really should have had it thought about what on earth am i doing with this end piece but we're gonna say from here so that's all good is so bad disgraceful don't tell anybody just thought I'd see how many people are online so all 280 lb don't tell anybody I'm very bad practice that was so now I'm just praying around me having a bit of fun with the gold looking and stuff here a bit this point with what I've done with the back there I must admit I'm frustrated myself my after that'll go back over that at some point and see what it you know we were how much time is it you get live going to last probably know the five minutes really I'll go out to 9 o'clock too much game really rate score yes yeah I'll clean up it up a bit after the stream probably but people really want to see the painting aspect I would have thought fellas I hope you don't mind that I mentioned you in my video's description no problem obviously send a link to the video let me see what you don't ok so where we sample this I'm still on multiply sock and I'm just sort of gently I have to be a bit gentle because it's been overlapping a bit hasn't it so gently filling in this sort of shading at the bottom here yeah you can see it's just sort of a bit of a weird anomaly there that's the one thing I feel like they really need to sort out in blender is the texture painting because I sort of added and they've sorted it out in the sculpting M&A that you've got the normal brush as it's called and sorry brushing through by normals I'm not am I making sense but basically you know exactly rushes but here I don't know which surface is on where is the scope mode it will sort of cling and change the angle of the brush which is pretty cool erase our you have to have an alpha Channel and you have to have a new layer so that's what the erase alphas for I think I've got a tutorial on that and I think you can easily get to it from my website through the painting section keep meaning to update my website and I'm not getting around to it's quite bad yes lots of painting tutorials on my site yep so for this blade we need to get a bit sorted so let's have a look look at my reference images yeah they do such a great job so in these artists brilliant should I use the screen now I'm gonna use the mix and go really bright so in fact let's sample this color first and see where we are and I want to get a nice and right compared to that and we want to sort of highlight this along here a bit of a smaller brush so this is the yeah that would be fine oh that was poor though well thank you very much max Rick it is that hey pronounce it bit late for the stream we're going to re-watch it tomorrow looking forward to learn from your errors again so I think you've mentioned that before haven't you yeah now I appreciate that the the sort of vote of confidence as well that people give me it's really nice saying oh no it's nice to see you errors and things of that because it can it's quite nerve-wracking doing a live stream because it's a performance I suppose isn't it in a way and I I do have a sort of performance anxiety I suppose everybody does don't they so you know appreciate your comments there max it's cool stuff and thank you very much for the donation of course that's really good of you I do love this okay so we're getting a bit of an outline of where that plates gonna go you know some sort of dabbing on pits as if they're catching the light a bit more than others I want a lot of light around here I'm gonna go down the edge as well get that edge so it's really cool that's a very thick edge this one but that should be fine I performed very well thanks very much I remember nice play the piano will still play the piano really but it just sort of comes out at Christmas you know and doing my grade 3 exam oh dear that was harsh and after that I thought never to exam again I was very young but I burst into tears in the middle of it can you imagine it was just so ah dinner why I got so nervous any other time I've been really nervous with sort of performance anxiety it's when I was taking my driving test actually I found that really nerve-wracking I think it's because it's so expensive I really don't have to do this again that is sticking out loads now isn't it I really feel like I'm gonna have to oh no I can't GG there I'm gonna have to just look just a touch you can do it you can do minor adjustments like that and you can probably get away with them but be careful and there's painting this edge of the blade oh yes very dangerous just a little bit more so it's coming across like that's the lights coming a bit from underneath there and obviously a bit from the top yeah I think I just mess it up yes I went it too far across there obviously it's gonna hit the top blade a little bit I brush it through yeah what's going on with my brush their brush is too big will you give the gemstones some edges well I know it's gonna be it's more sort of pearly sort of thing rather than the gemstone because that's easier doesn't quite look right when I'm looking at it it's behind me at the moment isn't it looks a bit weird by me but it's not quite looking right looking back on it and I'll certainly have to do that I'll have to come back to this and sort of reevaluate what I've done I have to do that with our models sort of take a break and see how you getting on stuff feel like we need some sort of elaborate thing happening on here dummy so that's the last thing I'll do today because it is 9 o'clock already so let's just show you how you can do that so probably yeah let's sample color here and just make it darker so some around there and let's get some sort of interesting is that making sense oh no I did that that's slightly wrong in my head let's think a bit more about this right I mean there is a seat I've just gonna do that and I'll show you one other tool which is really useful stroke and then down here you got stabilize stroke it can be a little bit over the top though so the default factor I think it's a factor rarely use this to be here I'm gonna undo that one as well and start from the very edge here whoa that's that lagged load so that input sample something you have to put up if it lags first try that again I think it's input samples isn't it oh it's just not gonna work I've probably because I'm streaming and stuff as well but that's I've never found that bad before anyway let's go to side view and just try it by I thinking what I want so probably something like this I don't spam that undo button and getting there so that's looking dreadful at me maybe if I have someone coming out here as well that might work sort of weird curvature lines like this is what I was thinking anyway thought it would work but maybe it'll bit of rust - yeah definitely Mike logo yeah that's it was exactly isn't it so sample this color to get rid of so I saw like a razor then isn't it okay it's sort of working right I probably should have gone a little bit sharper not sharp or what he call it stronger oh well got the wrong color though sample that mm maybe it needs to probably curl in a bit more look at my reference image now they've got a cool one on there I'm trying to not copy it over saying I want to do it exactly the same as theirs so basically what I will do with this now is starting yeah I'll probably work when I get get on with this write a sample that and put the strength up so we can rub this out a bit bigger it's my sort of rubber technique there you can see how are we doing there we go this is personal project this foot at the same power think I've got it yeah so if the ticker tape across the bottom there ticker tape call it it's not the right word for it explains a bit but outlet empires so they employ me a while ago to do a few things for well lots of things for them and they're just going back to me with a few things that will help them out icons and stuff what am i trying to do here I need to get the palette gang a bit more so let's actually sample that and get it on the palette come on yeah so let's put that up to full strength just fill this in where the colour that's a bit dark that's any problem oh yeah yeah that's the kettle on after a zoom in a bit on this so that is the only problem is that I've not got anything to sort of guide me so it's the more detail you add than what they're more tricky it is I don't think I made any sense there at all about but anyway fill it in like this that's what I'm trying to say just fill it in I can be a little bit rough at this point and overlap a tiny bit because I've got to do a highlight around here as well let's bring the brush down [Music] nickname would be stoked ticker is that what these things called the across the bottom there or is that something else entirely right and yeah and around here so you can sort of see it oh no it's right behind me you see this sort of snake thing behind me there but that's not very helpful I suppose I should have swapped these two around me don't really see this one much but it doesn't matter to see that thanks to all those people who've joined me today I hope you are enjoying my live streams as much as I am I can't help but love doing it it's a there's something about it that helped me to focus and get on with a certain project and not think about other things at the same time it's got so many projects on at the moment it's hard to decide which one to do and this one because that is empires been fantastic to me sort of supported me in my art in a sense really obviously doing stuff for them as well but but it gave me that opportunity I want to do my best for them and so they take a bit of priority in that sense and I know they're sort of hitting their crunch time in terms of the the game coming out or the second stage of the game or whatever it is and I've eaten whatever you call it is is coming out it's supposed to be this it was both been around now say the fact they're still asking me for work and I'm sort of two steps down the line I really say they probably need this pretty desperately so I thought right I'll just quickly do a live stream tonight see if anybody actually wants to watch this rubbish okay so I'm sort of highlighting it with this darker color so it's gonna be indented and I'm gonna miss the last but I'll do today that's not particularly good curve there is it just come up around here yeah that's okay and I'm just gonna sample this so we can get that curve bit smoother so it looks like I'm using a rubber in a sense isn't it but I'm just sampling the colour beneath it and it makes it sort of rub out in a sense okay so that looks a bit better that's alright from this sort of distance please say yes so let's sample that again just tidy up a tiny bit round here it's important that we get it all colored in before we do any sort of highlights how looking not sure why that was not allowed through just see what the questions are anyway to paint specular and normal Maps on blend and not particularly well you can paint bump maps in specular I don't know much about I would have thought you'd want to play roughness rod and specular because that's a more modern way of using physically based rendering you can put you can paint both of them you have to pay to bump non-normal out though let's see anything oh I just went weird there sorry about that so in here we've got to think once again the lights coming from the top here you can I'm pointing onto the tablet and that's not gonna make sense the top here like this you can probably see it my webcam I was just up there there we go as a mirror image there it fooled me anyway so lights gonna catch it here and dark darker under there to create that sense of depth so let's have a go at that let's do the darkness first right so make brush fairly small here and watch the strength maybe somewhere own there start with ooh and AH let me zoom in a bit I'm trying to keep it zoomed out because then you see the effect of it all at once but that's going to come around there like that and we're gonna get senses of it around here as well underneath there underneath here yeah thank you underneath it and then Ethier all that didn't go so well okay so can you see that already looks a little bit like it's got a bit of depth a little bit and in here just a bit under there and then under here so just that dark sense around here dark sense shadow that's what I'm trying to call it the dark sense I sent to darkness in this blade so what do you think who is this blade used by is it a pirate perhaps just having a look around where else might we see some shadows so there's most of the shadows because of lights coming down that way and then we're gonna see highlights as well aren't we I knew a guy who was fully Gray in there - in their 20s one hopefully people aren't commenting on my gray hair he's I haven't gotten it's the light honestly okay so highlights now let's go to the screen and bring it up a little bit a little bit is what I'm trying to say that my voice is starting to get a little bit strange just a few highlights every now and again belong here as if it's called the light but generally this side is where it's gonna catch the light the most so just there especially up here a little bit wibbly-wobbly and can you see it's got that bit of depth oh oh it's looking cool of course I'd say that and in here nice it's a nice nice good work round just having fun we aren't we aren't commenting on your hair it looks fabulous dear thanks very much red Alexia there yes I went grey failure how old am I it was I was 42 two days ago yeah 15th is my birthday so yeah gray hair is affecting me but I'm kind of happy that I have lots of hair but I do feel like it's thinning out just at the top there a little bit I just don't feel that thinness to it he's not quite thick hazy so I do slightly worried about that because at one point I did just shave my hair off because I didn't really care but I sort of like the way it looks I'm sort of happy with how it looks your birthday's on the sixth length manic millennial cool I found that the other day I was chatting to Curtis Curtis Holt if you haven't seen his channel check it out and his birthday is just a few days ago as well I didn't say exactly when it was but he was sort of in our blender nest group the podcast now it's going to occasionally grab a few highlights here and there but we can see a depth of that now and it looks kind of cool that yes I thought I was gonna look shocking when I first started that oh thank you I don't look 42 at all exactly that time time Cory s you're 45 not much great lucky you know that Gray's that bad it's a good thing you can see it's a good thing my old dear my beard looks like a ginger ish in this life definitely isn't ginger not that there's anything wrong with the ginger beer but it looked looks like yellowy and that's right you always enjoy things in life I will always be able to play piano and guitar that's the way isn't it Christine well so I'm the oldest here mill in Caracas how older people in your 57 youngest they're so far at 16 Thomas Agner I'm the same age as your parents I hate it when people say that gaming didn't just die it was murdered I have ginger beard syndrome it does look a little bit doesn't it that's funny age is this number here as old as you feel totally I do totally agree with that it's quite it's kind of a bit cheesy isn't it how would she feel but that's certainly true I really feel that so I thought I'd do that last bit because that was a bit of fun for me really to do a highlight you shouldn't really do your highlights that early on but well not that it's that bad but I'll do a few more of those down there in a moment anyway oh where are we ages so I think you're still ahead who was again who's losing track clothes Louie Guerra no I guess it was Milan Caracas wasn't it well I remember how old you said you were 57 that was it's like 57 I think is the winner 57 anymore at any advance I went into all ages great isn't it the old grandfather didn't have a single gray hair and 85 that's quite cool isn't it so you'll probably do well they won yet 57 oh they're drawing there's gonna be a fight in a minute between Jeff and Milan 21 or 58 next next month there we go you've won job you've won the race to be the oldest sixteenth is the youngest anyway I think for me that's gonna have to do I know we didn't get any way of finishing and there's a fair bit to go having fun doing the livestream so maybe I'll continue this tomorrow depending on timings and stuff it probably a lot earlier though if I do one tomorrow yes I mean that's a good place to to leave it we are all young minded hopefully not too young minded and got some maturity anything anyway so yep any questions then do leave them in the comments or I can I know it's a glitch there but yeah let me know what you think and any thoughts you have for the continuation of the dagger obviously it's gotta go on into a little background as you can see without a little icon there yeah but - yeah well we'll see how we get on so thank you very much for joining me any other questions at all before I go thanks very much Christine people still talking about gray hairs young minded but wise I think that's a good one three Threepio at one question when will your next livestream be yeah that's the problem I just don't know at the moment I'm kind of doing in them on an ad-hoc basis I'll definitely do them on Friday afternoon between 4:00 and 6:00 that's gonna be my regular slot but I might do a few here and there in between when I sort of find a moment so like like tonight was an example of that I just thought right I've got to get on with some work why not do a live stream as well it does slow me down a bit because I'm chatting away but it's nice as this sort of works not too bad because I tend to get in the flow whilst chatting other work where I've got to think like hard surface modeling or something we're really thinking mathematically and stuff as a bit harder but anyway yeah so possibly tomorrow a bit early on about four o'clock but I haven't really decided yet so but definitely on Friday afternoon probably continue the character modeling on Friday I will post up a picture on on the thumbnail probably about the dagger and the finish results so if you're seeing a different dagger on the front you get the idea that's the finish result would people like to see the rest there's a live stream or would you you happy for me to sort of finish this move on to something else get back to the character as the title alluded to today today let me let me know in the comments below if you don't get a chance now yeah Sevilla it was you read Alexia was it that we started the white-haired topics animals animating or rigging yeah well I might well move on to that at the moment if people are happy for me in my freelance work to show my work has a live stream then general I'm talking about that because I'm able to do both at the same time because I'm enjoying the freelance and enjoying the live stream so doing a bit of both is great thanks very much from Alan again for your donation and it was a chance McDonald as well really appreciated I think it was a another couple as well I sorry it doesn't keep them on here it should keep them at the top so I can keep saying these people but I really do appreciate that for all the support and anybody who watched an advert for me appreciate that as well had she tore an unclothed this is what I need to do isn't it yeah there's been a few updates to clothing in or the cloth simulator so I thought I'd look into that a bit first before doing a full tutorial on that with the character model I'll sell everything some sculpting of the clothing and things so yeah Thank You Ronald Torres I'm your idol anyway so I'm gonna leave it there um Oh something else for the next stream maybe freelance stuff would be cool yeah so if you've got any questions about freelance things I've still got we've got the competition deadline as well coming up next week so I'll do a competition stream so if you want to get involved with that then get across with the disk or server and you want to chat to me cuz it's called service is the easiest place for me okay yep thank you Louie really licks here oh is it for 2.83 is it the cloth thing I didn't realize that thanks red Alexia let me know anyway so thank you very much once again and I will see you all next time yeah happy blending tool
Channel: Grant Abbitt
Views: 38,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: understand, texture, paint, learn, blender, tutorials, 3d, graphics, game, material, guide, easy, painting, how to, low poly, blender 2.8, blender tutorial, blender 3d, 3d modeling, simple, create, model, beginner, starting out, grant abbitt, grant abbit, blender beginner, blender (software), blender low poly, subdivision surface modifier, sunsurf modifier, loop tools, bevel, modelling techniques, blender 2.8 modeling tutorial, blender 2.8 tutorial, blender 2.8 modeling, 2dart, characters
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 37sec (7777 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2020
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