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so here we go this video is not gonna be edited honestly I don't do YouTube anymore mainly because I just don't have time for YouTube and I don't miss all the crap that comes along with it to be honest you know I appreciate the people that used to watch my videos and say nice things and support me but it just it's just not something I miss but anyway I want to just give my input on this whole Gabi Hannah situation I was a small Viner okay I know that everybody thinks I was like this person on vine but I was a small diner I was I didn't have that many followers you know compared to people like Gabi Jessie Alex but I became friends with Jesse and Alex and for some reason Gabi you you just didn't like that and I'm not really sure what your problem was with me I remember that I used to watch Alex on you now and he would like to talk to me when he would see me in there and I remember one day you were in his you nail and you said something like it's that gym tent and I just remember the look on your face and I was like I don't even know who that is I mean I knew your name other than that I didn't know who you were shortly after that you would start showing up on my vines under a profile called what's eating Gabi grape I don't know if you remember that but you used to come on to my vines and just leave shitty comments calling me all sorts of you know you're you're a bully you're this that the other thing and I've been called a bully by a lot of people but the majority of those people are stupid including you have I taken my anger out on people in ways that I shouldn't have in the past yes have I been a [ __ ] in the past yes but that is something that I've ever really worked on and a lot of that came from my very very unhappy home life and things that were going on is that an excuse - no but I'm just saying that I witnessed I noticed that behavior in myself once I got a divorce and I was able to be alone learn about myself and figure things out I figured out hey I was taking my anger out on a lot of people and majority I won't really apologize the majority of the people that got the brunt of my anger were people that [ __ ] deserved it but I can say that I did things and said things I shouldn't have but for some reason you just like if you have millions of followers on vine why are you coming to my vine and telling me what a shitty [ __ ] person I am just like all the time it was like non-stop you'll never admit that you'll also never admit that you made tall accounts and came and said things to me during the time that Jessie and I were not speaking to each other but I'll get to that in a second I don't really want this to be too long we ended up speaking to each other and getting on what I thought was good terms and that was during the time that I was coming to LA because I was doing a documentary a documentary we were filming a documentary based on the vine stories books that me and Yolanda Baker had written and I asked you since I was coming to LA and I was going to be at Jessie's I asked you if you were interested in being interviewed for the documentary and you said yes we were on good terms you showed up to Jesse's apartment and this is the honest-to-god truth this is I have said this ever since that day and this was five years ago when you walked in that room I felt a dark presence and I'm not that type of person that's like old spooky you know but I felt like a dark presence entered that room before you got there like everybody was like talking laughing smiling doing thing you come in and it's just like it was I can't still tell you exactly what it was but I just felt something from you that was not good and then while I was doing my interview with you about vine and how vine had helped you in your life and what opportunities you had gotten from vine you took that as an opportunity while I was on camera to start telling what a shitty [ __ ] person I am you went on and on and Jesse and Alex and Trish and all these people are right when they say that you talk in circles you go round and round and round and that's why people are now addressing you on the Internet because I'm not going to give I'm not going to give you the opportunity to talk me around in circles alex is not going to give you that opportunity Jesse is not going to give you that opportunity you've had all those opportunities that you're gonna get your time of doing that is gone it's over you had your fun but you took that opportunity to belittle me and make me feel like [ __ ] to the point where I started crying and for someone to make me cry it's not very easy to do and it's usually because I'm [ __ ] pissed off and that's what was going on in that moment and I hate that about myself but I was so angry that you would take this opportunity when I was including you in a project that I was doing that I was very happy about that I was very proud about and you took that opportunity to talk down to me to tell me what a [ __ ] horrible person I am and then after that you went on about your business and went out at some party like you had just had the best time of your life so then you wondered why I said something on Facebook about Viners thinking they're gonna end up on Saturday Night Live because that's basically the [ __ ] you said to me and you're not the only one I interviewed but what's the difference between the other people are interviewed and you you take everything personally everything has to be about you everything has to be about Gabby everything and so what did you do then you sent me that shitty [ __ ] text on Christmas Eve morning when mind you I got sick when I was in LA pretty sure I had pneumonia was never diagnosed with pneumonia but I did go to the doctor while I was there and I was very sick so Christmas Eve you send me a shitty [ __ ] text message telling me that I'm nobody I'm never gonna be anybody that I'm not on your level that I'll never be on your level that my life basically doesn't matter because I'm not famous that my dreams have dried up and all died and blah blah [ __ ] blah and I remember feeling so alone when you sent me that because you had Jesse snowed and you had Alex snowed when when I was getting ready to leave LA I told Jesse I said Gabby is not a good person she is not a good friend to you and she's using you and Jesse looked at me and said that's not true also on my way back home from the airport Alex just happened to call me and ask me a bunch of weird questions and I thought we were okay but then he didn't speak to me for about six months after that and I'm pretty sure you had something to do with that you also had Jesse not speaking to me for about six months why I don't know and why she fell for it I still don't know but I have forgiven her and she has forgiven me all that's all those texts you kept because you thought you were gonna show her that I said this and show me that she said that surprise [ __ ] we've already talked about all that [ __ ] a long [ __ ] time ago all that [ __ ] you were sending the fan in her DIMMs surprise [ __ ] I mean everyone is sick of your [ __ ] like do you not see that I tried with you you I've seen the fans names you were like oh well me and Jenna FaceTime lots of times no we didn't I think we facetimed maybe twice and the first one was because you figured out that me and Jesse hadn't been talking that much so you of course had to call me up under the guise that you gave a [ __ ] but honestly you were just trying to find out stuff about Jesse that's all it was and any other time you've reached out to me has always been about Jesse what is this what what's she talking about with that the last text I have from you is you texted me in the middle of the night I woke up and I'm like who is this texting me and it's you who was Judi so you keep up with her like it's your job why is that Jesse was good to you on January 16th 2014 it came out on TMZ that she was raped by Curtis Lepore and you tell everybody Oh I can look you'll go back and look search Gabi Hannah and Curtis Lepore you won't find anything you're right but surprise [ __ ] when you googled the gabbie show Curtis Lepore a whole lot of [ __ ] comes up so yeah you can erase your tweets but the responses are still there and the responses are very clear that you were calling her a liar that you were laughing at it [ __ ] that make it nasty ha ha ha oh wait where's my popcorn ha ha ha and the tweet that you put up stated girls in my town cry rape all the time something like that because Jesse saw it she didn't know who you were but she saw the tweet and it hurt her feelings time went by and then there was some vine meet up somewhere and I know you're gonna be like oh is the receipts what did he did I'm speaking just off the top of my head cuz I don't have time to edit this [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] I'm gonna put this up people can watch it don't watch it I don't give a [ __ ] but you did tweet that stuff and she did see it in January of 2014 and then there was a vine meetup and there was a hotel room and Jesse was in the hotel room with a bunch of other minors and you showed up and a lot of the people in the room were like we're not gonna let her in here because of what she said about you Jesse and Jesse said no let her in I really want to talk to her about this so you come in and you're acting like oh nothing's like you've never said anything you do like everybody in the room and Jesse pulls you aside and tells you that it did hurt her when you tweeted what you tweeted and then you apologize and then you were sorry and you're so sorry you hurt her and this and that and the other thing when we all know you're not sorry about anything you're just sorry that you're in the room with the girl that you tweeted this disgusting [ __ ] about and you're upset because you're like oh here's here's somebody I could have used for something that doesn't like me because I tweeted something really nasty but guess what she did she forgave you then she let you move into her place when Alex kicked you out when he kicked you out so you not a good person so boom here back he eventually kicks you out because he's just tired of your [ __ ] so where do you go live you gonna live it Jesse's because you didn't have a house you didn't have an apartment you didn't even have a bed so you went you lived it Jesse that's after you tweeted all that nasty [ __ ] about her and she forgave you and then there's the whole friendship and I say that loosely because I sat back and just watched and because Jesse wasn't talking to me cuz you had manipulated her into thinking that I was just this horrible person who didn't have her best interests at heart or whatever the [ __ ] that means when all I really wanted to do was just be her friend but you you destroyed that for a good amount of time and don't forget that she told me on FaceTime I would I did go out of my way to try to hurt you I really did go out of my way to try to hurt you and I told you on that FaceTime call well it worked and it did work so there's all this then Jesse finally figures out that you're just a literal piece of [ __ ] and so what do you do when Jesse stops talking to you you start talking to Curtis Lepore you spoke to him I think you went somewhere where he and his friends were there's a question of a snapchat picture that you asked him to delete or Instagram picture you asked him to delete there's there's threads on faiths on Twitter where you are where your tweets are deleted but there's tweets where it involves you Curtis Lepore and Claire Fisk which was Curtis his girlfriend during the time that he was going through the the plea deal but you're all your tweets are deleted but there's a picture of you that someone took okay so when Jesse said to you you know what even if we're not speaking to each other anymore it does hurt me that you that you're talking to Curtis or you're hanging around with Curtis that does hurt me and you said to her along with saying his friends didn't rape you I was hanging out with his friends they didn't rape you which is [ __ ] up you also said Jessie it's hard being your friend because I can't network with all the people that I would like to network with you say that I went on Twitter and told lies about you working with him or collabing with him that was so long ago that I don't really remember what I said but I think I said that you spoke to him or you hung out with him but it doesn't matter it doesn't matter if there's no collab it doesn't matter if you deleted all your tweets it doesn't matter none of this [ __ ] matters none of these receipts that are so important to you matter because those of you that those of us that you affected we remember all [ __ ] those of us that you treated like [ __ ] remember and for years now you have just floated around and just buzz around like a little [ __ ] neck around Jesse's every time you get a chance here you comes wasn't around you've been doing that [ __ ] for years do you understand how upset she gets when you even reach out to her the level of anxiety that she gets when you email her or you text her and the last time you talked to her was because she said in a video that people want her to address yours and her relationship and she said you know I just don't think it's a good idea because Gabby did so many things to me and honestly I did a lot of things to Gabby it wasn't a good situation we were both mean to each other so I'm just you know probably not gonna address it after she put that in her video you spent an whole evening texting her books and when people say that she texts books she does she she sits on her computer and she types instead of doing it on the phone so when you're trying to type one sentence to answer her she's typing a whole [ __ ] book so you kept trying to talk Jesse into taking that video off the internet and she was like I'm not gonna take it down and then you were like whoa edit that part out and put it back up and she's like and it makes her so anxious and so she finally had to block you and then you want to bring up the times that I've been kind to you and that Jesse's been nice to you and that alex has been nice to you yeah because we're somewhat decent human beings I know a lot of people find that hard to believe about me but I'm a decent human being and if someone's being nice to me then I try to be nice back to them and yeah we've texted back and forth especially when your first song came out I was really proud of you I thought it was great yeah we've texted back and forth you've texted me in the middle of the night when drama channels put out videos about you and you don't have the balls to watch them so you get me to watch them and tell you what they said so yeah we've been nice to each other but that doesn't discount everything else and when I saw Trish's video something just a little fire in me when she said that she feels so much anxiety when it comes to you and I thought to myself that's the same way Jessi feels that's the same way I feel that's the same way Alex feels so it's not just us and if you and if you ever told me that a Trisha Paytas video would trigger me so much that I would start this which is obviously what I did because I'm the one that posted the screenshots of what you said to me Jessi didn't do that but what did you do you jumped in the DMS of a fan and started talking [ __ ] about Jessi because I guess yet again I'm not relevant enough for you to speak on one but Jessi didn't do anything to you I'm the one who posted the screenshots I'm the one who started this whole [ __ ] show after the whole Trish thing but I'm irrelevant right I'm so irrelevant my dreams are dried up you know just a registered nurse who goes and visits patients and takes care of people but since I'm not on the internet creating my own music and shouting myself is the next [ __ ] mariah carey i guess i'm irrelevant you know what you did you know what you've done you know what you continue to do what we want you to do is stop go be famous don't do your music go do your thing like Alex said in his video nothing can stop you from doing that but what you will stop doing is [ __ ] walking all over my [ __ ] tribe that's all I have to say have a nice day
Channel: Jen Dent
Views: 461,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JenDent, JenDentFromVine, JentotheDent
Id: BU6fl3jiokk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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