Future Humans Sacrifice Themselves By Turning Into Energy To Prolong The Planet's Existence

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the story takes place in Moscow 2070 and the world has fallen to an apocalypse a narration explains how the human race was doomed with too many countries in conflicts it's unclear who struck first but the Earth was ignited in a nuclear fire the survivors took refuge in the few cities Still Standing the planet in response to Humanity's actions rebelled and caused unprecedented disasters leaving the survivors alone in a radioactive Wilderness they found themselves in the only city remaining surviving thanks to the sacred sacrifices made to the Earth every city is a complete bunker and the inhabitants are forced to breede with air filters the lucky ones are the governments that live in the upper bunker and each year they pick seven selected dancers to compete in the tournament of death in break dance the loser will have his hearle transferred to the Earth's core the scene then shifts to our protagonist a young man named Costa who was teaching self-defense to Children suddenly a group of thugs appeared is attacking and abducting Costa to a warehouse their leader Seth accuses Costa of failing to repay a debt and resorts to violence after a brutal beating Costa agrees to settle the debt within a week however as Seth prepares to shoot him a group of soldiers with a distinctive logo intervenes engaging in a firefight despite the solders intervention Seth escapes and Costa follows him through a secret exit the soldiers recognizing Costa give Chase around the ruin City but cost Maneuvers through tunnels and evades capture outsmarting the pursuing soldiers meanwhile a devastating Firestorm engulfs the town forcing people to flee for their lives those fortunate enough to find shelter survive While others caught in the open are reduced to ashes by the fiery storm in the following scene CA discovers his unconscious friend nerd in an abandoned bus concerned for his friend's well-being Costa revives him by placing a filter in his mask and after a few attempts nerd wakes up and Costa advises him to leave the area Costa discloses that he is being pursued by both the police and debt collectors while they Converse the police arrive at the bus prompting Costa to quickly guide ner through a secret door before opening it for the authorities once they enter costia raises his hands and willingly surrenders mentioning his Readiness to enter the arena Police use a taser gun on Costa and take him to their headquarters later Costa and other participants are brought to the HQ building where they are given bracelets and briefed on the rules in the background a television airs advertisements urging young people to sacrifice themselves in the arena to prevent disturbances in the city and save mankind the participants are informed that during battles in the arena they must dance or face death they must regularly check their meters and removing the bracelet also results in death after receiving their bracelets the group of participants is escorted to a separate room where they each have personal Chambers to rest until their scheduled battles they are explicitly told that killing anyone outside the arena is strictly forbidden with the penalty being death while choosing their Chambers tension Rises when one participant Mendel mocks costia nearly sparking a fight arom intervenes and diffuses the situation directing them to their respective Corners during this time Costa becomes intrigued by a beautiful girl named Ana artium discloses that like others forced into the arena Ana joined willingly for the cause and is out of his League later during a group dinner mle attempts to flirt with Ana she says she's not interested but mendal insists prompting costia to intervene this leads to a heated brawl between Coosa and mendal zebra the group Superior observes the commotion on a screen and swiftly arrives to address the situation instructing them to return to their Chambers meanwhile nerd facing breathing difficult ulties heads back to the abandoned bus in search of filters to his dismay he discovers Seth waiting with filters in hand wearing a Sinister smile back to costia he heads into Ana's chamber expecting some type of gratitude for defending her earlier Ana deliberately entices him for a kiss but then teaches him a lesson not to mess with her the next morning the participants are roused with an announcement signaling the start of the first battle for sacrifice they are instructed to prepare for the impending Showdown the participants are then presented in front of the city's residents where they are briefed by the authorizing officer raspor Adel and take a vow to sacrifice themselves for the Earth before the game surprisingly Costa and another player named Siri are chosen for the first dance battle the scene then shifts to the battle between ctia and Siri broadcasted live on screens throughout the village and City the entire Community eagerly anticipates the dance faceof believing it will appease the Earth and halt recent eruptions taking multiple lives the battle begins and both dancers experience unique surges of energy while their bracelet battery bars fluctuate with every powerful move Costa successfully dances Until the End emerging Victorious as Sir bracelet depletes causing him to vanish creating the illusion that the Earth has consumed him as a sacrifice the DJ then collects Ser bracelet and keeps it in a secret place following the fight Kosta returns to his chamber and and notices zebra entering one as well intrigued he follows her confessing his Crush however zebra rejects his advances advising him to step back if he wants to stay alive she recites what Ana said to him before letting him know she is spying on them unbeknownst to her costia is engaging her in the conversation so that he can steal her key after doing so he leaves the chamber locking her inside meanwhile rasor yadal summons his daughter Ana for a meeting he questions her decision to become a Challenger in the arena without his knowledge Ana explains that she is doing it in memory of her late best friend Lara who died in the arena du to Ras porad Tel's choice for revenge against Lara's father Ana reveals her determination to become the champion and uncover the truth about what's happening in the bunker despite raspor adel's warnings that she may get killed she remains Resolute and leaves the room meanwhile ctia and arom prepar to infiltrate the facility and Escape using zebra's badge costia opens the Escape door but before they can leave security arrives and arrests them they are then brought before the authorizing officer unexpectedly arom betrays Kosta accusing him of attempting to escape and taking him along upon hearing this raspor detal instructs Costa to stay and lets arom go with one of his associates the gray it is revealed that the gray is against the authorizing officer and aims to eliminate him to take over his position he Praises arom for the information and assures him of assistance during the competition following the previous dance battle the DJ prepares for the next sacrifice with arom and a girl Challenger selected in the midst of this Ana discovers that costia had managed to open the exit door and seeks his help she tells him that she grew up at the bunker and saw everything except a prohibited area Costa taking advantage of the moment flirts with Ana stating he will assist her only if she kisses him to his surprise even after telling him to stop dreaming Ana agrees unbeknownst to them raspor yadal monitors their conversation they discuss the Arena's sacredness but Costa holds a contrary view meanwhile the gray meets with the anti- raspor detail Elite group planning to make Ana lose the battle he assures them that he will ensure she suffers discussing the strategy to accuse the authorizing officer and eliminate him from his position moving on to the battle between Ana and a male Challenger rlin The Spectators watch attentively before the battle commences the Great confronts raspor Adel accusing him of choosing a weak opponent for his daughter enraged raspor Adel responds but at that moment rousan stabs Ana with a pointed weapon she collapses on the floor and rousan consequently loses the battle and turns to ashes witnessing his daughter injured raspor yadal orders the soldiers to clear the arena and arrests zebra for not thoroughly searching rusland before the fight however he is well aware that it is the gray who manipulated to use the weapon and hurt Ana Costa carries the injured Ana to her chamber during this moment he admits to stealing the key from zebra to open the Escape door earlier despite Ana's initial anger she appreciates kosta's honesty and the two share a kiss later while Kosta contemplates how to help Ana raspor adal visits him and hands him a key advising Kosta to leave and take his daughter away from the facility unfortunately arom overhears this and promps L informs the gray in the next scene Costa is seen leaving the facility with Ana however the girl expresses a desire to explore a secret facility to uncover the truth behind the arena and the sacrifice ritual despite Costa's objections she enters a container and convinces him to tag along there they witness the maze ah preparing to absorb the powers collected in the bracelet when a challenger turns to ashes when the May is alone costy and Ana intervene confronting him and disturbing his power consuming process afraid the May discloses that the Earth no longer needs energy and that the eruption ceased 20 years ago he admits that they used the power of the bracelets to extend their own lives and for their personal benefits while the May is confessing everything about the arena the gray enters brandishing a gun and aiming it at CA and Ana realizing that the May has spilled the truth about the arena the gray abruptly shoots and kills him seizing the opportunity Co and Ana Escape breaking the Locking System to prevent Pursuits after a while Ana suggests that Costa should leave her behind to save himself initially hesitant Costa agrees when Ana assures him that her father will ensure her safety outside Costa observes eruptions occurring with people in a state of panic he heads straight to the abandoned bus to find his friend only to discover him lifeless in the chair heartbroken he returns to the arena meanwhile Ana confronts her father about the icit activities criticizing him for manipulating people's emotions raspor detail unable to conceal the truth any longer admits that the power collected after the Challenger sacrifice is utilized by the Champions and counselors to prolong their lives he confesses that the reported eruptions are fabricated by them Ana furious at her father condemns him for his actions raspor apologizes and Promises to save Ana from the final battle following these events the authorizing officer hastily approaches the committee urging them to disqualify the injured girl from the finals he contends that she cannot produce the necessary energy for the Earth advocating for her removal however the gray intervenes asserting that the authorizing officer should not be the one making such decisions he reveals raspor adel's assistance to Costa and Ana in escaping the facility and accuses him of the wise man's murder upon hearing this disclosure the committee members side with the gray allowing him to aim a gun at the authorizing officer and shoot him subsequently Ana is summoned for the final dance battle in the arena against arom the battle commences and Costa watching on a large screen decides to surrender by approaching the facility as the battle progresses Ana's battery drains rapidly indicating she may lose the finals later the gray arrives at the arena declaring that the battle is not yet over he introduces Costa to the audience and prompts Ana to confront him however when gray initiates the music both Costa and Ana refuse to dance causing the entire system to crash holding hands on the stage a mysterious power manifests shutting down the gray system and creating a mesmerizing pattern around them the arena ceases operation releasing a significant amount of power this unconventional conclusion breaks the tradition sparing both contestant from perishing in the film's closing moments Costa and Ana are apprehended and brought before gray the new authorizing officer as the gray is about to execute them two technicians enter requesting their bracelets for study due to the immense power collected in them unexpectedly at the same time an unusual flying Rover appears outside the window and soldiers burst in from the other side zebra arrives accusing the gray of treason and condemning him to death she also instructs the soldiers to inject something into Costa and Ana zebra reveals that they have awakened the old Force and says they will find the origins of Life encouraging them to try doing it again the film ends with Ana and Cosa opening their eyes in a distant location far from the facility they notice their bracelets are removed and see before them a completely new world
Channel: FilmCrop
Views: 29,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: filmcrop, recap, movie recap, recaps, mystrey recapped, king recaps, movie recapped, movie recaps, fox recaps, fast films, movie review, story recap, story recapped, film recap, film recaps, recapped, quick movie reviews
Id: raOQt1f-krE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2024
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