He Woke Up In 2506 A.D. Humans Are Now Dumb Beings And He's The Smartest Man On Earth

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the movie starts by explaining how Evolution caused the more intelligent and capable humans to succeed in populating the earth using their skills but as humans made their lives easier that started to turn around smarter people like Trevor and Carol are not easily having kids while the less intelligent people like Trish and Cleon can't stop having kids even after 5 years Trevor and Carol are still not ready for a child people like cavon are having kids with multiple women even his son is getting in on the action having some babies of his own that's how it went the smarter people like Carol wouldn't have a child and the Dumber people just kept adding to the population it's now 2005 and somewhere in a military based Library Joe a soldier works undisturbed until his Superior comes in with a replacement because the people in command wanted Joe for a secret program Joe doesn't want to be involved but because of the orders he can't refuse so after a little arguing he eventually has to leave his desk and follow his Superior upstairs up where the authorities are meeting Joe has been selected for a human hibernation experiment Joe is selected because he is the most average person that the Army has and will be a great test subject for the military to experiment on keeping their best soldiers asleep until they need them for battle they also needed a female subject but they didn't have anyone to pick so they went with with Rita a prostitute who agreed to do this as long as her criminal charges were dropped the recruiter had a lot of fun hanging out with Rita's pimp and wanted to show everyone but that just made the presentation awkward to the others so he had to get back on the subject the experiment will begin tomorrow and they will be put into a dry free state the next day to be in it for one year Joe meets Rita and tries asking her questions about her occupation but doesn't realize she's trying to keep her work quiet Rita goes first but they are both put into a crazy looking device and Rita doesn't feel right about it and tries to get out she is not happy about this but Joe calms her down and tells her they will only drift off to sleep and wake up in a year with no problems it's time for the procedure to start and the doctors prepare everything and send Joe and Rita off to sleep for a year and lock them inside a top secret room but the man running the experiment got arrested for trying to be a pimp and soon after the base was demolished and the experiment was forgotten as the years went by humans became less and less intelligent genetic engineering was supposed to fix it but the smarter people were too busy doing pointless experiments for money hundreds of years went by and humans have now become too stupid to even figure out how to deal with the giant piles of trash that's been stacked for centuries and one of those garbage piles topples over causing a great Avalanche and one of those pods would end up in a man's living room while he was watching TV but he doesn't seem to care about it the Pod opens but he's still not paying attention Joe finally wakes up thinking it has only been a year and stumbles to his feet Joe tries to figure out where he is but the man is angry for being disturbed so he throws Joe out of the window after falling through the pile of trash Joe finally looks up and is shocked to see everything has changed dramatically he wandered this streets looking for help but he couldn't even communicate with them he finds a hospital but it looks very trashy and more like a casino he tries to tell the nurse about his issues but she just presses a button to send him to the diagnostic area he tries drinking water but some kind of energy drink comes out and a man makes fun of him for wanting regular water he gets in line for Diagnostics and gets some tubes attached to him but he decides to wait for a doctor when he picks up a magazine he sees the data is March 3rd 255 but thinks it's some kind of misprint the doctor shows up but he's acting very stupid and can't seem to be giving him any advice or treatment but when he sees the date on the receipt he recognizes that it's the same as the magazine he is supposed to have a tattoo of his bank information to pay but he just goes to check the outside and finally understands what happened and freaks out the doctor calls security for Joe being unscannable and he is scared of Joe so Joe runs outside Joe is walking around aimlessly again trying to make sense of what he has just realized about the date he even notices that things have gotten so bad that the top movie of the time is something dumb he goes back outside and sees a woman trying to get some food but when she got aggressive with the machine it sprayed her with something to calm her down he goes to the machine to try and get some food but some police show up and arrest him for being unscannable he tries to explain while in the car and even spots Rita pod but the cop just sprays him with something to shut him up he gets arrested and put on trial for not paying his hospital bill after the judge calms down the crowd he tells Joe that since he claims to have no money the court will appoint a lawyer for him when the lawyer comes out it turns out to be the same guy from the room Joe crashed into a man called Frito Joe tries to explain his situation and that he's not guilty but Fredo barely has any idea what's going on in this court the judge shuts him up and the prosecutor goes in making fun of Joe and even Fredo joins in the lawyer points out that Joe didn't pay the hospital and doesn't even have his tattoo so he should be sent to jail and the crowd cheers Fredo gets up to speak but he just piles on the charges on Joe instead of helping him the crowd is going wild and Joe tries to explain but they don't care and make fun of him and declare him guilty meanwhile Rita is trying to make a call to her pimp but then realizes that her job is much easier now since everyone is pretty stupid she takes a look at the bill and is shocked how much things have changed in just one year at the same time Joe is sent to the identity processing program to get a tattoo after putting his arm into the machine and when he is asked to say his name he stumbles with his words and the Machine names his name is not sure he tries to cancel it but it is too late and the Machine even takes his picture and gives him the tattoo he is then taken to get an IQ test and is confused by just how dumb the other prisoners are Joe is now on his way to jail he gets off the bus and gets in line to get into his cell and sees the way things are going down in the prison he quickly gets threatened by the prisoners from the outside and that scares him so much that he decides to escape he goes straight to the guard and tells him that he's supposed to be out of prison today and not in and the guards just let him walk out without asking any questions he even gets his cuffs removed but when he scans his tattoo the tells him he's not done yet so he just tricks him and runs out Joe has managed to escape and gets to the exact place of his pod and finds Fredo in his apartment and they get into an argument because Joe is upset with Fredo for letting him go to jail without any effort to defend him Joe is hoping that someone must have invented time travel by now since it's been 500 years since his time but Fredo doesn't even know what Joe is talking about Fredo then says there is a time machine but it is unstable and he will need a lot of money for it Joe makes a deal to open a savings account in Fredo's name when he gets back to the future and the savings will be huge and they agree on several $30 billion the time machine costs 20 billion but Fredo can't subtract 20 from 30 so Joe just tells him it will be 80 and he agrees then suddenly the police show up but Fredo tries distracting them to send them somewhere else while Joe changes his clothes they want to go inside so the two just leap out of the window and climb down the trash to go find Rita meanwhile Rita is still hustling for easy money when they find her and put her in the car they avoid the cops by driving into the dust Rita is very scared that her pimp will be mad since she's 500 years late with his money but she doesn't exactly need to be worried about that she's worried that he'll use the time machine to come to get his money as they are driving and arguing a scanner picks up Joe's tattoo and sends a message to the car to pull over and wait for the police the car automatically turns off so they have to go out and walk and see the police shoot the car to Oblivion as everyone cheers like idiots even Fredo after some time they're still walking through the desert and Rita finally realizes that Frito is an idiot but he's their only hope of getting out of here so they have to follow him they are headed for the giant Costco to get the machine they walk past the sketchy alley and finally make it inside where they're greeted by a worker the place is so big that they'll need to walk a long way to get to the machine but Fredo went to law school here so he knows it well they walk past some brands that have turned into script clubs but they will have to wait for the shuttle so Rita goes to use the bathroom as Fredo is explaining how he likes to do it the scrapers catch Joe and put his face everywhere so they must get on the shuttle without Rita to not get caught at the door they are trying to figure out how the time machine would work if he tries to save Rita but the door closes and the police catch Joe Rita sees him getting taken but does nothing and he gets sprayed again because they're taking him to the White House since his IQ test scored so high inside the ministers tell Joe that he is the smartest man in the world according to the test and now they want to give him a job they're the Secretary of Energy State Defense and the Attorney General Joe tries to tell them that he can't be the smartest person in the world but then president kamacho walks in who's also a five-time wrestling champion he checks Joe out and now is time for him to be sworn into office the spectacle is less like a government hearing and more like a concert kamacho settles down everyone and gives a speech about food running out but when he gets heckled he pulls out a gun and shoots in the air to calm them down the crops are not growing and the president plans to make Joe fix everything with his seemingly High intellect and the president promises that Joe will solve all the problems in just one week but if he doesn't he'll be sent back to jail on a parade the president tells Joe that he will let him go free if he solves these problems and proceeds to do a rude salute to the people while still on his bike later Joe is surrounded by the other officials who are fascinated by him and want him to do smart things after Frito is brought to him he takes him away to have a talk Frito is excited to be in the White House but Joe is worried because he knows nothing about growing crops or saving the economy Fredo tells him how to get to the time machine but that's too much for Fredo who only tells him that it's around the museum they get back to the meeting and ask them to show him the crops around the museum area he gives them some instructions including finding Rita since she'll be an essential part of his team outside fto is flirting with a girl while Joe inspects the ground where the crops are supposed to grow the ground looks pretty bad almost like a desert and Fredo comes over and secretly gives Joe the map to the time machine they have found Rita because she never delivered her promise to the guy who was paying her he takes her down the field because he is trying to get to the time machine but the map is useless and they can't make a run for it since it's hard to find he tells her to stop worrying about her pimp so much but then the others show up to make sure they're doing their job so they get back to it as they were walking through the empty field they found a spray that dispenses Gatorade instead of water and immediately figured out that was the problem because the brown Dew drink had replaced water everywhere during an economic crisis the brown de company bought the FDA and FCC so they can now do whatever they want when it comes to food Joe decides to do something about this and tells the officials that the problem is with the brown dough and they need to put water in the soil they don't understand because to them Brown though is what the plants want since that's what they see in the advertisements he knows that plants need water when they couldn't understand he just told them he could talk to plants and they believed it he convinces the president that if they switch the water then the plants would grow and the soil would be fixed stopping the sandstorms as well so he agrees to switch everything to water one night Rita and Joe are talking about how the world ended up in this position Rita thanks him for getting her out of jail and invites him to sleep on the bed with her but he respectfully declines the next morning there are no crops and the people are upset because the brondo stocks have dropped to zero and people are out of jobs they are blaming Joe for all of this and everyone is freaking out on the news they are talking about Joe being responsible for all of this and is now in court again they were all angry at him and sent him to one night of Rehabilitation which is more scary than it sounds visits Joe in jail and he can't escape this time because they have chained him to a big rock he tells her to go back to their timeline and fix the world before it gets this bad it's now time for the rehabilitation and as the national anthem is being sung they kick the singer Down Rita and Frito are watching the show as she packs up and Joe is about to take the field he is up against two big trucks with massive weapons and all he gets is a small hatchback with The Rock still attack to him he drives out and the trucks are about to take him on but when Rita looks out the window she sees a flower meaning Joe's idea worked Rita and Fredo rush over to the rehabilitation to save Joe who's about to face the biggest and worst man on the planet with the biggest truck beef supreme but as he was trying to break through the door he crushed himself with the concrete meanwhile the crops are growing and the crowd is getting quiet so the president tells them to start the show the trucks are headed for Joe and he takes one shot and he's trying to survive Rita has now made it to the show and tells the president about the plants growing as he refuses to check Joe shows how manages to get the trucks to hit each other beef Supreme now managed to get himself out of the rubble with his flamethrower so Rita comes up with a plan to save Joe she sends Fredo to the fields with a cameraman and as Joe is trying to get away from beef Supreme he gets hold of the mic and tries apologizing to the people and the truth that he just wanted to help but they don't care and want to see him die he dangles by the mic cord and it's too high for the flame freedo somehow gets in a fight with the cameraman making the camera drop right next to a sprouting plant Rita changes the feed to the camera and Fredo shows everyone all the plants that have grown using water when the people see this they stop Joe from getting killed and cheer his name for saving them at the party Joe and Rita are glad that everything is over but Rita wants to stay here because she has got a job as CEO at Starbucks the president then appoints Joe as the vice president but he can't accept it since he has to get back home but when everyone tells him that they need him here Joe can't leave these people to fend for themselves and agrees to stay as the movie ends they learn that the time machine was just an amusement park ride which makes sense now that they think about it Joe was later elected as president and began to inspire and change the world slowly be
Channel: FilmCrop
Views: 16,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: filmcrop, recap, movie recap, recaps, mystrey recapped, king recaps, movie recapped, movie recaps, fox recaps, fast films, movie review, story recap, story recapped, film recap, film recaps, recapped, quick movie reviews, Luke Wilson
Id: EoZAb3-sFm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2024
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